The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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Unattractive Appearing Struc
tures Give Way to Buildings
of Handsome Design, In
side and Out.
" Within the past year the character
tf apartment house going up In Port
land haa undergone a very remarkabje
change. The three and four story brick
building, rectangular In shape and more
; or lesa unattractive In outside appear
ance, haa given place to the six-stnry,
Clam A, quarter block structure, at
tractive to the eye and thoroughly met
ropolltan In exterior design and interior
mnmnt: The same thing may
truthfully be paid of the newer hotels,
family hotels and what are commonly
known as rooming house.
The metropolitan appearance of all
the late buildings of the classes enu
merated is the most notable advance
made during the year in the upbuilding
of Portland.
In fact, the development of the apart-
ment house and family hotel In Port
land Is a thing of never-ending Interest
' This city was the last of the large
" Pacific coast centers to take kindly to
the Invasion of the multi-family resi
dence. Some years before the begin
nine of the apartment house era In
Portland buildings of this class were
quite numerous In both Seattle and Los
Angeles, while San Francisco waa con
siderably f advance of either In adopt
ing that form of dwelling. The family
hotel In Portland antedates by several
years the apartment house, although
prior to four or five years ago there
were but two family hotels In this
city, while now there are no less than
a doien magnificent buildings of this
Two Man Xesponsible.
An Interesting feature of the apart
ment house development here is the
fact that two men are alone responsible
for the building of fully 90 per cent of
these structures, one of whom Is Phil
Gevurts, president of I. Gevurtx & Sons.
: Mr. Gevurts has been instrumental In
the building of not less than 65 family
hotels, apartment "houses and rooming
house, and it la probably no exaggera
tion to say that fully half of them
would never have been started but for
the fact that he affixed his signatures
to a contract of lease before the work
of construction was ever commenced.
Mr. Gevurtz's most notable success In
handling a large Portland building proj
ect was In connection with the organi
sation of a company to take over and
manage the "Multnomah," Portland's
largest and handsomest hostelry. The
new Carlton at Fourteenth and Wash
ington, the Seward at Tenth and Alder,
the Orlando at Twentieth and Washing
ton, and numerous other commercial and
family hotel were built only after Mr.
Gevurts had. agreed to lease and man
age them.
Promotes Apartment Building.
Mr. Gevurts's greatest activity, how
ever. In encouraging the building up of
- Portland haa been in the apartment
building and rooming house lines. The
ouiiaing or some of the finest ariart
ment houses in the city were due to
ms activity ana faith In Portland. Hlrh
land Court, Nob Hill, Irving, Meredith,
Hanover, Housman and a score or more
of others were leased and furnished by
ium. ai mis time tnere are six or
eigni apartment buildings nesting com
pletion in Portland which may be fairly
classed, except as to height, with the
mammoth structures that line the fash
ionable streets in upper New York and
which have come to be known as "New
Tork Family Apartments."
Substantial brick structure built by Ion and C. H. Lewis, on the former Rite of the Williams Avenue school
at Williams avenue and Russell street. Upper Albina.
The spacious and elegant - Portland
Heights home of Henry C. Prudhomme
located at . 648 Montgomery drive, was
purchased 'last week by MlsJ Catherine
H. Perclval, who recently came "from
Philadelphia to Portland and will here
after make her home here. The con
sideration Involved in the transaction
was $13,600.
The site of the Perclval home i
beautifully secluded spot on the west
slope of the hill and Is surrounded by
a grove oi wua cnerry, nemiock and
fir. The house contains 13 large rooms
and waa specially designed for enter
. . v
Mrs. Isaac Lawler has leased for' a
term of years the property at the south
east corner of Fifteenth and Couch
streets, known as the Club stables, "to
R. L. Evans and Dr. Haggard. This
property was built upon by the late
IsaaLawlcr in the early 80's, and oper
ated as a livery stable until his death,
a few years ago.
Handsome Residence to 0c
cupy Commanding Site on
Portland Heights. .
, The Multnomah Mill A Construction
Company and the Portland Sheet Metal
works have purchased sites In Meadow
brook, the new addition In the' Holgate
street district, with the view of locat
ing there at an early date.
In Berrens addition, which adjoins
Meadowbrook on the south, sites have
been purchased by the Acme Mills and
the David M. Dunne Oil & Paint- works,
both of which plants will. It is under
stood, locate there. Negotlat Ions are
known to be under way by other small
factories for sites in the southeastern
section of town.
Since Holgate addition waa platted
and put on the market some weeks ago
the streets have been graded and the
? IT V1 Er l8,yln a lar "mount
It 2 1,! dewv,lk' A T Potion
Of this addition has already been sold.
in?o1f.,neW bVonet "'opted for German
Infantry carries a wire cutter near Its
base and another has saw teeth on the
back of the blade.
Dr. A. J. Glesy will soon begin the
erection of a very elegant private resl
rence on Portland Heights. The house
will occupy a commanding site In the
exclusive district near the Intersection
of Montgomery Drive and Jackson
street. It will eever a ground area of
about 50x70 feet and will cost between
IJS.OOO and $30,000. The design is the
work of Architects Jacobberger &
Smith and those who have seen the
complete plans declare that Dr. GJosy
is to have one of the hnndsomest and !
most attractive homes In Portland.
Brick Teneer Used.
The exterior of the first story is to
be a brick venoer, while the outside
walls of the second story and the ca
bles are to be done In rough cast stucco
on metal lath. The roof will be of slate.
Placed over the main entrance Is to
be a fan-shaped marquise of Dlate class
and Copper.
On the lower floor will be a BDaclous
living room, 30x18 feet, finished in ma
hogany with a large tile fireplace at
one end; reception halj, H by 20 feet,
finished In walnut; dining room, 22 by
in reei, neatnea and paneled, and fin
lshed in walnut; breakfast room, kitch
en and the usual pass Dantrlea. snd
china and linen closets. Leading from
the reception hall to the second floor
is a wide, winding, walnut stairway
wun eiegantiy carved balusters.
Owner's Baits Handsome.
The piece de resistance of the inte
rior arrangement of the second floor
is the owner's suite, consisting of
large chamber, two dressing rooms and
toilet, and a beamed and paneled li
brary and sitting room- with built-in
bookcases. The library is to be fin
ished in hardwood, while the remaining
rooms on tne second floor will be fin.
ished In white enamel.
There are also to be on the second
floor two guests' chambers, with th.
vate bath, and a large outside sleeping
nervants- quarters will h ln.t.
in the attic, which will be reached bv
a separate and Isolated stalrwav.
instruction win begin on the house
eariy in mis month and It Is Intended
to complete it ready for occunantw h
T . " r '
January i.
Crisp's Son for Conjmwg.
Charles It. Crisp of Oeorirla. whn m.r.
ceeded Asher Hinds of Maine as par
liamentarian of the national house, nf
representatives, hopos to emulate the ex-
umpie or Mr. Hinas in becom n a
ber of the house. Mr. 'Crisp, who In a
son of the late Speaker Charles P. Crisp
has announced himself a candidate for
congress from the new Twelfth district
of Georgia.
An Economical Lamp.
By repeatedly interrupting the cur
rent for infinitesimal fractions of sec
onds, thereby allowing the filament to
cool, but not interfering with the light
as perceived by the human eye. a French
electrician claims to have Invented a
lamp that can be operated at one two
hundredth the cost of those now In
general use.
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Store and apartment building ereced by Morgan, Fleidner and Boyce at East Sixth street and Hawthorne
niin niifii iiniflr
tfur uwn nuivit
Henry C; Prudhomme Property
" on Portland Heights Sells
for $13,500; Many Other
Large Deals Reported.
Trading In residence properties waa
the extent of the local realty market
during the week ending yesterday. How
ever, negotiatl6ns were begun for two
or three inside, parcels of considerable
magnitude, which wilt probably lead to
sales within the next few days.
One of the Important transactions of
erine H. Perclval of the Henry C. Prud
homme property located at 646 Mont
gomery street drive, on Portland
Heights, and embracing one of the fin-
eat homes on the heights. Miss Per
clval paid $18,800 for the property. She
will occupy it as a home.
Four lots in the White tract, facing;
Lake .street, near the city, crematory
near Guild's lake, have been sold to
Frank E. Allen by Jessie F. Eaton for
Block O. Tabor Heights, located at the
intersection of Royal avenue and East
Yamhill streets, was sold last week by
M. E. Fllcklnger to Eva R. Stevens for
A house and lot located on the west
side of Commercial street between
Beach and Failing in central Albina
has been purchased by F. N. Steele from
T. Roots for $6000.
Block 66, Fulton Park, and three lota
In block 61, was sold by R. R. Roland
to A. E. Midlam for $5000.
The south half of block two, Irving-
ton, bounded by East Twenty-third and
Kast Twenty-fourth and Klickitat
streets has been 'Sold by the Hughes
Investment company to Michael O'Brien
of Seattle for $20,000. The holdings
contain 10 60-foot lots, Including two
corners, which was sold for an average
price of $2000 each.
Two attractive new homes in Rose
City Park changed hands last week.
One is described as lot 6, block 88.
which was purchased by Daisy Gough
ler from David Cuttle for $4000, and the
other is lot 19, block 27, which was sold
by Mrs. C. H. Binfleld to Hannah Mc
Cullagh for $3200.
Florence T. Hockenberry has pur
chased from H.' P. Palmer of the Palmer-Jones
Realty Co., a modern two story
residence located on East Twenty-fourth
street between Knott and Stanton, The
consideration was $6500.
A. R. McWilliams has purchased from
H. Calef, lots 6 and 6, block 6, St. Johns.
The property Is Improved with resi
dences and was sold for $6600.
C. C. Coulter has purchased from
M. D. llawes a large modern residence
at northwest corner of East Eighth and
Hancock streets. The price was $13,600.
A. R. White has sold to Agnes M.
Geary, a house and lot located on Holly
street between Sixteenth and Poplar, In
Ladd's addition, for $6600.
Handsome Edifice to Be Built
- on Site at East Sixth and
In closing a deal last week for a quar
ter block at the northeast corner of East
Sixth and Multnomah streets, the Afri
can Methodist Episcopal sZion church
took the initial step in what will ulti
mately lead to the congregation's build
ing a handsome church edifice nnd an
institutional building in Holladay Park.
The . property was purchased bv the
paster. Rev. W. V. Mataews, through
Martina n & Thompson, Henry G. Tut-
tle being the seller.
Rev. Mr. Mathews said yesterdav that
his congregation plans to tiulld a $15,000
church and other improvements on tho
property, -which will swell the Invest
ment to over $20,000, not counting the
cob) of the site.
I his church owns a 50 by 75 foot
lot at tho northeast corner of Thir
teenth and Main streets, the site of its
church building, which It has decided
to sell. This property Is free from
debt, tho cancelled mortgage having
been burned with an elaborate cere
mony about one year ago. f
The site of the proposed new church
Is Improved with a large 10 room res
idence, which will probably be utilized
in connection with the Institutional
work of the congregation.
'In organizing an Institutional depart
ment In our church," said the Rev. Mr.
Mathews, "It Is our purpose to do all
we can to make useful citizens of tho
boys and girls in the church. We shall
organize Hewing and cooking classes
for the girls and nhall Introduce some
kind of manual training classes for the
Average Rentpayer in Ten
Years Pays Out Enough
Money to Purchase House;
Figures Submitted.
cswmwmmr v DESIGNS
Realty Men Use Mails for De- ( (
; frauding, Alleged. J I
.Jif onl7 f w7 to " real eitata dial. i.
1ST HUDM A,rn. or,., , . oasis IS
-swam ' . f - i
mwu bbo, roumnc ajtd oax, poktiws, os.
E. P. Hopson, who recently acquired
a very fine residence site in Mornlngside
audition, has commissioned Architect
Lewis I. Thompson to get the design
and working drawings for a residence
whlc he will build on the property. The
house Is to be of the New England coun
try Colonial type, and when completed
it will be the handsomest private resi
dence on Mount Tabor. The site em
braces four lots, and has a frontage on
both East Slxty-ninth street and Royal
avenue. The building Itself is to be a
two story frame, 44 by 39 feet In ground
dimensions, containing nine lurge rooms,
and will cost approximately $12,000.
A unique feature of the design Is the
finish of the basement, which, like the
chambers on the second floor, will be
finished In white enamel. It .will con
tain a large well ventilated room, which
will be used as a children's playroom,
sewing room, laundry and bath. The
living room will extend across one end
of the house, and will be 16 by 32 feet
A dining room, Dutch kitchen ajid li
brary will take up the remainder of the I
ground, floor. On the second story will
be four large chambers. All the floors
will be laid in hardwood.
Richard W. Alsberger is having plans
drawn for a $4500 residence, to be erect
ed by him at Fast Thirty-ninth snd
East Burnside streets in Laurelhurst.
The house will have ground dimensions
of 28 by 47 feet, and will contain 9
rooms. 1 i
If more people took the time to fig
ure out Just how much money they
lose every year In paying house rent,
the percentage of home owners would
bo very much larger than it is. In 10
years the average renter pays out
enough rent miney to pay for the house
he lives In, and at the end of the time
the landlord still owns the house and
the tenant is still paying rent.
Suppose you are living ,in a house
for which you pay $20 a month; at the
end of 10 years you will have paid
$2400, or enough to buy the house out
right. Now if you had bought the house
paying $400 ensh and $20 a month,
with six per cent Interest, at the end
o( eight years and four months you
would have paid for your home and
no longer be a slave working for the
Faying $30 Bent. -
The same thing Is true of the man
who pays $30 a month for the rent of
a residence. At the end of 10 years
be will have paid $3600 rent and still
be a renter, while if he had bought
the "house at the beginning for $3600
of which $600 was cash and $3000 pay
able 330 a month with 6 per cent in
terest, ho would have paid out in
eight and one-third years.
Of course tho cash payment is fre
quently a problem. The truth Is that
every head of a family should strain
every nerve to save enough money to
make the Initial payment in buying a
home. Close saving for one year will
enable the average, salaried man to lay
by enough to make this Initial payment.
Table Is Submitted-
There are hundreds of modest cot
tage homes in Portland that can be
purchased for a first payment of $100
to $2i'0. The classified columns of the
newspapers teem with such ads.
The 'following table should be Inter
esting reading to those renters who
contemplate buying a home. It shows
What the rent money will amount to
in 10 and 20 years compounded monthly
at 6 per cent.
Per mo. 10 years 20 years
$10 $1,581.68 $ 4,414.26
$16 2.530.69 7.062.94
$20 3,163.36 I 8,887.09
$25 3,954.20 11,035.66
The man who is paying $2B a month
on his own home Is $300 better off at
the end of the year than the man who
pays $25 a month rent for the house
that he lives in. The one has lost
$300 and the other has saved It. The
one Is regarded In the community as a
mere transient; the other Is a home
owner and therefore a more valuable
citizen to the state.
Only Chinese Merchants May
Belong; Home at Fourth
and Davis.
.Portland Is to have a second Com
mercial club, which, however, Is to be
radically different from the big or
ganlaztlon domiciled In the nine-story
building at Fifth and Oak streets.
The essential difference between the
proposed club and the one actually In
existence Is the fact that only Chinese
are eligible to membership in the new
The club is to be known as the Chi
nese Commercial club, the membershin
of which Is to be composed entirely
of local Chinese merchants. For a home
the club will occupy the three-storv
brick structure at the northwest corner
of Fourth and Davla streets. A 10-year
lease has been taken on the building
from Frank Bollam and associates, an.)
an architect employed to remodel the
structure, srjeh changes to be mad
will make It suitable for a club house.
J no ground floor will be used fnr
store purposes, and the second nnrf
third floors used exclusively bv th
club. These will contain a 1rr,
room, reading room, office, dl
kitchen and other necessary apartments!
See Lung, one of the best known Chi
nese in town, was largely instrumental
In organizing the club and In securing
the quarters. The object of the clnh
as stated by him Is "all same Commer
cial club."
Jack and Jill.
Jack and Jill went up the beach
To take a little swim:
Jill vvas certainly a peach,
But Jack was awful slim.
HJs Foxiness.
Bates "Do you always employ old
and homely typewriters?"
Gates "Oh, no; merely hire them for
the afternoon when I hear that my wife
Is g-olng to call at the office."
Willamette Heights Property
Sells for $11,000; C. R.
Gray Jr. to Occupy It.
C. R. Gray, president of the Hill
lines In Oregon, hss purchased a beau
tiful residence on Willamette Heights.
For the present &i R. ' Gray Jr.. will
occupy the house. The property was
purchased from Grace H. . Emery for
$11,000, Neilan & Parkhlll handling the
des,I. The new home of the Gray's Is
considered one of the finest residences
Jn the Willamette Heights country. It
is one or the five homes shown in Gill's
Progressive Portland."
Neilan & Parkhlll also report the
following new transactions In city an
Twenty-five acres located at Esta-
cada, from A. O. Anderson to Mrs. O.
F. Blair, daughter of Senator George
Chamberlain. The place overlooks tho
Clackamas river and affords a won
derful' opportunity for the future de
velopment for a "country home" which
the Blairs' have In mind for it. Con
sideration $2600.
Five, acre tract located at Tonauln on
the Salem electric, 17 miles from Port
land from W. J. Wilcox to Fred J. Tay
lor, for consideration of $1000.
a wen improved farm or 86 acres
near Estacada for $160 per acre from
S. E,. Wooster to B. F. Patterson. The
place Is about one-half set to young; or
chard and otherwise well improved. The
total consideration named Is $18,000-.
House and lot located in "Kenslng-
ton" addition from F. 8. Hallock to Mrs.
J. B. Neilan. Consideration $1500.
The Nestor of the Senate.
The death of Senator Frye of Maine,
has left Senator Cullom of Illinois, as
the ranking member of the upper house
in point of continuous service. Senator
Cullom was first elected to the senate
In 1883,, eight years before the election
of Senator GalMnger of New Hampshire,
who Is the second oldest member.
Call on Architect H. H. James
If you are thinking of building;
advice given free of charge. I
have had many years' experience
in designing buildings of every
description. My specialties are
Residences, Apartment Houses,
Garage, Hotel, Office, Hospital,
Church and Warehouse buildings,
8chooi Houses, Water Towers,
Theatres, high and low steel and
wood Rridge Truss designing. Call
or send 4 cents In stamp to cover
cost of mailing my book of House
Immediate Delivery
rortland, Or.
On the Spokane, Portland & Seattle, the Northern Pacific, and the
United Railways, 13 milet from Portland. Frequent and fast train
Ideal Surroundings for Workingmcn
Fine Drinking Water and Electric Lights
Germany imports lmmenA ruin ntUln.
of crushed oyster phelfty from England
every year for poultry feed.
Main 5076, A-3774 235 Stark Street, Portland, Or.
Electrical Workers to Meet.
The International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers will hold its annual
convention in Rochester, N. Y begin
ning with Monday, September 18, and
continuing two weeks. One hnnrtrprt on
fifty delegates from the United States
ana uanaaa are expected.
Will Contest Treble's Seat
Colonel Leonidas F. Livingston, who
represented the Fifth Georgia district
In congress for many years, until his
defeat in the last election. Is to become
a candidate for the seat of Representa
tive Trlbble of the Eighth district.
on Garibaldi
L L L iv l A ' Jf At 1C- " - X , V
I 'll .. y e xsk.
v ; v'
.iZzJJiii--T'i- ' .r.;v,i;.- i-y:y-r- f-'r--ii:iC y-z
This beautiful resort is located midway between Tillamoolt Bay and Nehalem Bay, and is a
natural park, being covered with mammoth spruce, hemlock and cedar trees. The Pacific
, Railway & Navigation Company is now running trains from Tillamook north through Twin
Rocks Park, and will shortly have the road completed to Portland, when prices e-f all lots will
be advanced. A small cash payment and easy monthly payments, without interest will
secure you a lot in this park. , . ,
VI 3 14 Selling Bldg.
.-V St.