THE OREGON i SUNDAY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND.- SUNDAY MORNING, ' SEPTEMBER 5, 1911. 5 Town Topics ".. j " ... ..' .. TONIGHT'S J AMUSEMENTS ORPHEUM Orpheum ' Circuit Vaude- . villa. ' - - - PANTArtTCB Vaudeville. ' - KMt-KEB8 Sullivan .Conaldlne, yau. OA K8 PARK .Baljogn ascensions, Pels Oaks Park band and Metropolitan opera quartet, afternoon ana evening. bTAK, ARCADK, OH JOY TIVOLI Plrat run plcturea. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. . Weather Conditions, A trough shaped low pressure area of no great energy extends rrom Britisn Columbia south tn Arlsona. It. how ever, wair ot sufficient strength to causa a light rain along, the" coast be tween Marshfield and Eureka and in the lower Willamette valley and west ern Washington, no ram waa reported at any of the weather bureau stations between the Rocky and Cascade raifges of -mountains. Thunder storma have occurred in portions of Montana, Vyo mln. Colorado and South Dakota and local rains have fallen along the gulf and south Atlantic coasts. They were specially heavy at Charleston; ' 8. C. where three Inches feH In the last 24 hours. It Is much cooler in the Interior of western Oregon and western Wash ington, and in the Pakotas, Nebraska and Minnesota. . The conditions are favorable for fair and warmer weather Sunday in west ern Oregon and western Washington and for showers and thunder storms with lower temperatures' in ' the eastern portion of these states and in Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and Viclnity-Sundajr fair and warmer; westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Sunday fair west, showers and thunder storms eaat portion; warmer interior west and cool er east portion; westerly Winds. Idaho Sunday showers and thunder storma; cooler. EDWARD A, BEALS. District Forecaster. Drug Clerks Organise The Oregon Drug Clerks' association was formed at the Y. M. C. A last evening. W. J. Staples waa chosen president and Ed ward Durst waa elected secretary-treasurer. It was through the efforts of C. C. Kelly, Edward Durst and ,W. 3. Sta ples that the organisation was brought about, and Its object la for the securing of an eight-hour day and social bene fits. The organisation will not be af filiated with any other union. A aecond meeting will be held at the T. M. C. A. September 13. i Change of Meeting Flaaa The regu lar Sunday evening meetings of branch 4 of the Socialist party will not be held Sunday, September J, at Ringler'e hall, but will be held the following Sunday evening. September 10, at Drew hall, southesst corner Second and Morrison streets. The speaker will be B. F. Ramp of Brooks, Or. Meetings will be held there regularly each Sunday even ing hereafter. VALIANT PATROLMAN. MEDAL-0F-H0N0R MAN f - $ r i - ) l ' - ' -s J Y ft 1,1 S-T Sergeant Edward E. Lyon, recently promoted, was decorated by gov ernment. , Clay streets, as shown by photographs taken at the scene, it has become nec essary for M. D. White : of 107 East Sixth street to call the ; attention of Captain Bailey to the fact that rough men congregate there and by their vile language and through leaving their wag ons and vehicles in the street, are a source of considerable - annoyance to residents of that neighborhood. An ef fort Is being made to determine who the patrolman is. mounted on a horse In the middle of the street, with wagons and, horses clustered around him so thick that ' It Is impossible for a wagon to ; drive through. 1 ROYAL ARCANUM TO y HOLD BIG MEETING Teacher Transferred. At a meeting of the school board Friday afternoon Miss Estelle Hell was reinstated on the school roster. Although the resi dents of Sellwood had petitioned the school board that, Miss Hell be given j her former position In the Sellwood; school, they heeded it not, but decided i to retain her by giving her a position! at the school at Creston. It is said that this transfer Is In the way of a reduction In the ranks of a teacher's vftratlon. The people of Sellwood are J very much perturbed over the action of j the school board. It is said. Mtss Hell; Is a taxpayer of Sellwood and has been j a teacher for some 18 years, and Is mereiure enuuea 10 some recognition by being retained at her , former pos ition, it is claimed. ' Alleged Burglar Arrested. Fred D. Chapman, wanted for several burglaries committed In the past two days, as ar rested last evening at Third and Burn side by Detectives Snow, Ackerman and Coleman. After being brought to po lice headquartqrs and faced with the evidence that had been secured against the man. he confessed. Among- the stolen property found on him waa a quantity of silverware, engraved with the initial "H," whloh he says he stole yestertlay morning. The house he en tered is believed to be In Laurelhurat Sergeant Edward E. Lyonene of. the "shakeup," has the distinction of being but" ,n,0t.kn0w.n J,U8t Ther6 " U Th th. i. mtiit.n, nt hnni, miPrty auffering the losa has not yet re in a western nolle denartm.nt. TjVoti ' Prted the burglary. Chapman claims was a member of the Second Oregon regiment that left Portland IS years ago for the Philippines. He attracted the attention of General Law ton, who picked him as one of the famous scouts who afterward rendered such splendid service to the government. Most of Lyon's comrades were killed while lead ing the Oregon regiment, but the pres ent police hero escaped with his life and waa decorated by the government for valor' on the field. He received the coveted distinguished service medal and waa thanked by congress for his splendid bravery. Lyon is one of the most modest men on the force, and until his present promotion came many of hla friends in the department did not know that he was a medal man. to be but 19 years old. The arrest of Chapman Is the first that Ackerman has made as a detective. Fulls Queue of Celestial John Blue, a dock hand, waa arrested yesterday af ternoon for a brutal assault on Ah Lee, an Inoffensive Chinaman, at Third and Davis streets While walking along the street. Blue encountered the celestial and proceeded to yank his vjueue, and when the yellow man protested. Blue knocked him down. The arrest was made by Officers Hensen and Bewley Saces All This Week at Portland track, commencing Labor day. The greatest meeting In the west. Admission SO cents; grandstand 10 cents; bleachers free. Post off ioe Open Ti30 to IS Tomorrow The general delivery, registry and stamp windows will be open at the Port land postofflce tomorrow (Labor day) from 7:80 a. m. to 10:30 a, m. The money order department, the cashiers' windows and the executive division will be closed all day. There will be two carrier deliveries in the business sec tlon of the city and one In the rest dence districts. Team Work Wanted. We have about about $1200 worth of drainage work to do right away on farm property within 20 miles of Portland. Will pay half cash; balance to apply on purchase of part of this improved property, offered at very low figure. Apply C. W. Davis, 606 Commercial block. We sell hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices for 10 pound beds from 67.60 and Up. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Port land Curled Hair Faotory, H. Mettger, proprietor. 226-221 Front street. Main 4T4, A-1174. Tor Kent or Bale, easy terms, well known Riverside house, 660-662 Macad am -street, October 1, 60 rooms, fur nlahed. F. Dayton, owner, 14 First street. tlx xaces Are on the Card for Mon day's program at Portland track. Take Rose City car, Fifth and Washington streets. tabor Say Excursion Monday, on Steamer Bailey natzert. to The Dalles; leaves at 7 a. m., returns 10 s). m., $1 round trip; from Alder street dock Phones M. 914; A-6112. Have Tour Name oa Tour Seek Neat bevelM glass desk signs, $1. Ideal Of flee Sign company. Phone A-4069. 432 Mohawk building. Hop Pickers' ITotloev Str. Oregona leaves Taylor Street dock 6:46 a. m., dally, for Bt. Paul, Champoeg, Butt vllle, and way landings, commencing Monday, Sept. 6th. The $5000 Stake for 2:08 pacers will be raced Wednesday, September 6, at the Country Club track. - Hear Judge B. K. Benson, 40 years fawyer, eight years a judge, at the Temple of Truth, Maegly .Tlchner build ing, Sunday, 8 p. m., on ''What Shall We Do With Jesus?" Woman's Press Olab The Stste Wo man's Press club of Oregon will hold the Initial meeting of the year next Wednesday evening, September 8. at 8 o'clock In the committee room on the Diamonds Pay Good Dividends By increasing in value constant ly. Do you know any other safe investment that does as well? You know where your diamonds are you take the best care of them enjoy wear ing them all the time they are not depreciating, but increasing in value every day. Seasoned judgment and long experience enables us to select the very finest diamonds. We make all our own mountings, and you get the best at a very close figure. GJEITKBIPERCO. YEON BLDG, FIFTH ST. second floor of the city hall. Fifth street entrance. The program for the year Is an unusually comprehensive one, embracing many lines Ot literary work. Wednesday evening Mrs. C. D. Joslyn will talk an "Women Wrltera Who Have Influenced American History." Other speakers will be Mies Frances Gotshall and Miss Helen Sayr Gray. Among those of the club who report recogni tion of their work with eastern pub lishers is Miss Mary Davies. Miss Da vles Is probably the youngeat member of the club. undap and Labor Say. River ex cursions to Oregon City leave Taylor street dock 9 a. m., 12 m.t t p. m., last trip from Oregon City 6 p. m. Round trip 46c. Pre Lecture Dr. Davidson Buchan an will deliver a free lecture on Aus tralia Monday, September 4, at 663 Fourth street, corner Lincoln, at 8 p. m. v ' ;" N i AM ) .taken In. The date set for thla is No vember 20, 1911. The purpose of Mr. Becker la also to Organise a grand coun cil Orejron, so that the local order will have direct representation In the 'unrema eaunnlL. whlnk k.,.tnfn...i, not had. . Unions Working In Harmony. . For the first time In nearlv two vara J tha printing trade unions of San Fran. oieco are working together in perfect i harmony under the rulea bf an Allied Printing Trades Council that id recog nised by the International .Allied Print ing Trades association. - - -- Monday the Portfan I Races Commence I Monaay, September 4. the Portland i race meeting opens. This is tha fail j event of the year In western tracks, and the program for 1911 is the strong, test ever presented west of the Grand iClrcult ; Ddelfsen's coals are best CT2S08. QUALITY AND PRICE ', Phone Us' Teat ' Orders, y 5y '4 - Regular 12 California wines Includ ing Port Sherry, Tokay and Angelica, 81 par gallon. Table Claret, regular 81, special 600 per gallon. Columbia, Gambrinus. Hop Gold heers, 11.85 per dosen quarts, 76o dozen pint Celebrat ed Kaiser Blume, 11.60 dosen quarts. Bass ft Co. Pale Ala, 82.26 per dos.; Gulnness's extra . stout, 83.21 per dos. Whiskies bottled In bond. Rys or Bourbon, warranted 8 years old, 11. 80 per bottle. Blue Spring, 81.25 per bot tie;' genuine Moonshine, 31 bottle; Rye or Bourbon whiskey, regular 33.80 and 34 goods, 32.60 and 38.00. Ring us up. B-1694, East 418. D. Kellaher A Co., Grand ave. and East Morrison. '. " . ) , ,. ' Where to Dine. Turkey and chicken dinner at leas Cafeteria, 104 Flth street Peer- Bohool Books Bought, sold and ex 'changed at 188 Fifth street, opposite ' poatoffice, and 211 Second, near Sal mon. 910,000 for S:ia Trotters, the biggest race In the west, will be the feature of Thursday, September 7, at Portland track. Toaag aTuaband Kissing Mrs. A F. Lamb, of 71 Kaat Seventh street re ported to the police yesterday after noon that her husband, aged 22 years had left his home early Friday morn ing and had failed to return to his home. As the man Is one of no bad habits, according to his wife, and aa he has always been very regular in his habits of coming home, she is consid erably alarmed at the failure of her spouse to return Friday night. The po lice were furnished with a -minute de scription of the missing husband and i have been Instructed by the chief to make a careful search for him. Picnic Modem Woodmen annual log rolling, on Labor day. Crystal Lake park, Milwaukle. Sporta, drills and dancing afternoon and evening. ' Sunday Bxeurslon. Cascade Locks, 31 round trip. Steamer Bailey Qatzert leaves Alder street dock at 9 a. m. fhdne Main 914, A-B112. " Sops gummon Polios. Two small boys, armed with air rifles, attempted to prevent Thomas Murphy, a laborer from invading their home at 141 Union avenue North, yesterday afternoon, but their efforts were unavailing. Finding that the man paid no attention to their threats to shoot him. they telephoned to police headquarters and Motorcvcla patrolman eirna was sent to Investigate, When he arrived, he found Murphy, luwy ciaa, anoea ana nat Included asleep on a bed. The patrolman arrested Murpny. rne motner and a daughter won during me aay and were not noma Hotel for West Stayton The Wii lamette Valley Irrigated Land company naa commissioned a local architect to get up the design of a three story frame hotel to be erected at West Stay ton. The house is to be 60x56 feet and will contain 35 rooms, a number of which will be equipped with private bath. The company was .forced to build the hotel on account of the large Influx of people oomlng from all parts of the country to look over the Irrigated lands In that seotlon. Thunder Storm Seard. Although tnere was no record made at the weath er bureau, Portland, especially the higher parts of the city, were visited by quite a severe thunderstorm with several flashes of vivid lightning about 3:30 o'clock yesterday morning. A. Du champ, lessee of Council Crest Park, said the lightning as seen from the heights was unusually clear and severe. In Piedmont and some of the higher suburba the residents were awakened by the heavy thunder reported.' eek Soappoose Bunawar Lase Eveart of Scappoose has asked the Port land police department to assist him in his search for his 15-year-old son Clif ford. The boy left home Thursday and has not been heard from since, al though It Is believed he came to Port land with a friend. The police have a photograph and description of the miss ing lad. Bock Hand Xnattred. Jerry Hurley. employed as a dock hand at Irving dock, while assisting liflloadlng saoked wheat last night sustained a fractured leg laattftvenlng when a sack of whent fell from the upper to the lower dock and struck him. The man was removed to St. Vincent's hospital.. His home is at Twelfth and Northrup streets. The Sessions of tha Law Department of the Univeralty of Oregon will now be held In new and commodious Quar ters oq tha second floor of the Central building at Tenth and Alder streets. The fall term opens September 18, 1911. For catalogue giving full information address Walter Glllard, secretary, H Corbett building, Portland, Or. Improvement Club to Mast The Wav erly-Richmond Improvement club will hold a regular meeting Tuesday evening, September 5, at Waverly hall. East Twenty-sixth and Clinton streets. Many things of Interest will be taken up. X,abor Bay Plonlo and Banos at Rohse's Park afternoon, and ' evening, given by Sphwaben Verein. Admission 25 cents. Take Fulton cars. Refresh menta served. ays Men Are "Bough," In spite of the fact that a mounted patrolman has been In attendance at a horse Sale that Is held every Tuesday afternoon on East Sixth street between Market and The Pall Baces come only once a year. Thla Is Portland's fall festival. A big crowd Is wanted. Portland track. Races called 3 p. m. sharp. teai ttv Jesse Karxms fr camss. Washougal and way landings, dally ex eept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 21 p. m. BlnglarB Dancing Class open Septem ber 6. All ages. Catalog ready. Mar shall SIS. e Ifrs. Alice Brown Marshall has . re- moved her piano studio to Columbia building. Saturdays, Mondaya and Wed Take Itoae Olty Oar, Fifth and Wash ington, for the big Portland race meet ing. Best car service ever Is prom ised. Edward Becker, to whom banquet will be tendered by lodge mem bers. The Royal Arcanum, which has a membership of 700 In the state of Ore gon and which is comprised of three councils, will hold a monster meeting In the Auditorium hall. Third and Tay lor streets, next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. This meeting, which is to be the largest that has ever been held in Oregon, la for the turpose of tender ing a reception to Edward Becker, who is the past grand master of the order in the state of New York, where there are 821 councils, which have a member ship of SS.otfo, representing one-quarter of the entire order. The meeting Is to be presided over by C.VV. Howard, who la regent of Ore gon cduncll No. 1682. He will be as sisted by Edward It. Reed, regent of Multnomah council No. 1481. Will C. Davis, regent of Willamette council No. 1983, will act as toastmaster. Frank Whllmot president of the Past Grand Regents' Association of Portlandt will be present aa will E. It Ingersoll of Seattle, who is the supreme representa tive of the order In the state of Washington. Mr. Becker expects to remain In Port, land as the representative of the su preme council for several months, to arrange for a big initiation, when not i less than 300 new members are to be f Smartness"1 " - IN JEWELRY Is Pleasingly Exemplified in Our Newest BRACELETS Of Interest to Women Norman A Laaman's announcement on the aoolety page today. Diamond White and Orange Bhellao, 31.76 per gallon; Murphy varnish. 83. Portland Sash ft Door Co., 230 Front Mount Xood dally auto stages. Leave 446 Hawthorne avenue at 8 a m. Phone East 162. 33.60 each way. Mount Sood dally auto stages. Leave 446 Hawthorne avenue at 8 a. m. Phone East 162. 33-60 each way. Steamer Beona for McMlnnville and way landings, freight ana passengers. Washington street dock. Store for rent in heart of city, 26 by 100, with full basement. S-850, Journal. W. A. dentists. Wise and associates, painless Third and Washington. ' Tom DC Word Baal Estate Co.. moved to 706 Teon bldg. has 80 Toot Launch, all equipped. West side Sellwood ferry. 375. Spanish tought building. 309 Commonwealth Invention for Swimming. To prevent a person sinking, even If he should wlah to do so, while learning to swim an Alabama man has invented a frameworK, supported . ny rioats, to which he may be harnessed by half a dosen elastic bands. , Tfce Samuel Rosenblatt & Co. store. corner Third and Morrison, will remain closed all dsy tomorrow. First Presbyterian Church Cor. Alder and 12th Sts. REV. JOHN H. BOYD, D, D, , PASTOR The pastor has returned and will occupy the pulpit on Sun day morning:. Subject, 10:30 o'clock, THE LAW OF THE POSITIVE" 7:30 P. M., service of praise, with sermon on , THE ART OP PITCHING TENTS" .This church welcomes all to its . service and fellowship. Scientist Declares Music Plays Important Part In Character Building "If I had my life to live over again," said Darwin, the famous scl; j entlst, I would make it a rule to listen to some music at least once a week. For the loss of this taste Is a loss ot happiness, and may possi bly - be injurious to the' intellect, and more probably to the moral character, by lnfeebling the moral i part ot our nature." Happily, this privilege which the great philosopher craved in vain, is easily at the command of every man, woman and child today, no matter i what their musical attainments or. station In life may be. The Invention of the Piano Player has opened up a new world the en- j chanting world of music to thei thousands of persons who have not had time or the talent to master this ' great art. Through the introduction j of the Player, many a man has be come an accomplished musician in ; the interpretation of the most dlffi- j cult and beautiful compositions of j the masters who of himself could I hardly pick out a simple mel-; ody. with one finger, but who j with true musical instinct, longed i for years to hear the bestj music. The Player Piano thug be-1 comes the home educator as well as a constant source of entertainment and delight. Even leading perform-j ers are more and more appreciating : the great value of these instruments. ! They are no more mechanical than ! the pipe organ, and with proper i practice there can be an almost per-. feet reproduction of human touch' and expression. I Among the very best Player I Pianos now on the market is the fa mous A. B. Chase Artlsano, and the CuIthdiv PnHllan and Cnh o Inner players. They are carried in stock' by the well-known firm of Sherman, I Clay & Co., and may, be purchased from this house at very reasonable i termB. A postal card addressed to ! this company at Sixth and Morrison streets, Portland, will bring you any Information you may wish to obtain j about these instruments. BASEBALL mzcxBAnoir paxk Oor. Vaughn and Tweaty-fourth Sts. PORTLAND vs. TACOMA Aug. S, 90, SI I Sept. 1, fl, S, 4. Games begin week days 3:00 p. m. Bus days 3:30 p. m. XVaJBXSB' BAT PJttDAT Boys under 12 free to bleachers ' Wedneadav. PACIFIC HOSPITAL A General Hospital. 80 Tenth St. Psoas Xarsfcau $QU Woven wire Platinum and Gold Bracelets plain, yet tlie acme of richness. Old Gold Braided Wire, with three small but perfect diamonds. Link Bracelets, in old gold finish, set with three glitter ing diamonds. T-Bangle Bracelets, with dia mond sets or belt effect with buckles. ' CORAL Jaeger Bros., Is the newest and daintiest Jewelry fad. We are showing- very pretty cam eos, lavaieiers, etc., just from Iew York. "TXB TAXOH XBWaXOtT TOXB" B 66 MOKBIBOsT ST. Between 3d and 4th JEWELERS OPTI CIANS DIAMOND MERCHANTS FIFTIETH ANNUAL Oregon! State. SALEM, OREGON, September II to 16 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HOMECOMING FOR THE WEEK THE FEATURES Live Stock, Poultry Agricultural Exhibits Harness and Running Races WILLSON'S FIREWORKS SPECTACLE Ferullo's Greatest Band Reduced Rates on All Railroads , Full Information Given by ! FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY, SALEM, OREGON THE PRESTIGE O'J Kilham Quality is known in every office in the state where good print ing is appreciated and used. It yields a profit to the user! '' ' 1V'' KILHAM STATIOJTBBT AJTD rSZaTTZaTd CO. Commercial Stationers, Of floe Outfitters. Printers, Enarravera, ' Booklet Makers and Bookbinders, i naoqvaSTsM TOM Architects' and Engineers' Instruments, and Supplies. FIFTH and OAK STS. SCHOOLS SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Y.M.C.A. Nuht $500,000 Building 63 Courses v , 45 Teachers Day schools open September B, 1111. Night schools open September 25. 1111. CLASS. TERM FEE. Advertising 118.00 Algebra 1.00 Assaying 1S.O0 Apple Culture No fee Architect. Drawing .... " T.60 Arithmetic t: J.00 Automobile 60.00 Bible Study ; 1.00 I Bookkeeping1 4 6.00 - Boys' School 4.00 I Building Caretaklng 6.00 I Bricklaying 16.00 1 Business Eng. and Cor 2.00 I Business Law 1. 00 , Camentrv and Woodturnlna 10.00 Chemistry 10.00 Cornet 10.0H Electricity & Elec. Mach 18.00 English for Foreign Men 8.00 fngllsh Grammar and Reading... t.00 ngllsh Grammar and Rhetoric... t.00 flngllsh Literature t.00 Freehand Drawing 7.60 French 6.00 Forestry and Lumbering 10.00 I Geometry uerman History I Latin : Mechanical Drawing Penmanship Pharmacy Physical and Com. Geography.. I Physics ; Plana ; ; ; .-. ; : . ;: Plan Reading and Estimating. , Plumbing, Shop Practice ' Poultry Raising I Ptiblle Speaking , Relnf. Concrete Construction.... Rhetoric Salesmanship and Adr Spanish Sheet Metal Drafting; I Shorthand Surveying and Mapping Show cara writing Telegraphy and Dispatching Trigonometry Typewriting vionn Vocal Musto 6.09 6.00 e 6.0ft T.80 1.00 16.00 ', "iM -10 00- , s.oo , 16.00 No fee . 6.00 16.00 t.Oi 16.00 6.00 7.60 6. AO 10.00 11.00 11.00 6.00 .0D 10.00 6.00 cau. ob warm rox rmn xuc6- TBATBS OATAXOOtni Portland, Ore., Y.M.C. A. SIMILAR SCHOOLS SEATTLB. TA COMA, SPOKANE. North Pacific College SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY AND PHARMACY ' PORTLAND, OR. Splendid New Fireproof Build ing. Unsurpassed in Equip ment and Advantages. The Regular Session Begins October 1 of Each Year. :v. For Information and Catalogue Address DR. HERBERT C. MILLER East Sixth and Oregon Streets Portland, Or. Defective Speech Correclel t.t HaiBnra TitroHT OJr BBAJaul w. Mental training and physical culture for backward children. Result assured. Ten years' experience In specialised work' kiss XATXAmrsns xnro ' ' Apt 60 Chetopa Annex. 18th and ... . Flandera. r y'::-i---' Tea are interested In dsntal werk, let me tnsll yon a list of my patients. Verkapa you will there find the name of some friend r aeqaatatanee. Th el recommenda tion la sufficient. Sr. Blof T. Xedlnnd, Bf. W. oorner of eth and Oak, ad floor. Take eleratov. "If X oan't ruaraate It, t don't do it, aad If I ever did it, Iff fManteed.M. "I wish to state Most to you that w.. a Fulton County durabl thought enough of the Bitulithic pave ment to purchase a , complete plant from the Warren Brother! Company, and it is now in use. We have laid this pavement, and we are rery. much pleased with it From' many years experience ..i in road building I am satisfied that Bitulithic . is the mo.t satisfactory : . and durable pavement now known." Clifford Li Anderson, Chair. , man 'y Public . -Workl Committee, Board of County Commissioners of Fulton County, At : lanta, Ga. . ,v:;.'--:''i..' '. SCHOOL OF THE PORT LAND ART ASSOCIATION Third year begins October 1. 'ltll. Drawing, painting, portrait, Ufa. sketch. Illustration, design and , children S classes. For circular applr to MUSEUM OF ART rifth attd Taylor Sts Portland, Or. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY roBTZULirs, obzoost. Bend for Illustrated Catalog1. ' The School That Gets Results THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and eetief Bltam. Inoue Pavements. 606-S06 EJeetrte Bdr. Portland, Or. Oskar tJabea , ,. Manaseav 1 Portland Marble Vcrb . i, astsb!:;4 leas. ' : We carry best stock the larirt nd oa tlie Cnt. Ca.i and fret our prices before purchasing elw l. re. t6e ana 809 Toartit t rt Oj'podtte City i::i. rhoDs zsaU 6i, a-i:: J 5'