The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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a .-CU.SOH.... rablUhrt
fBbHhee"'iM-ry evcalng
inrrnHir momma
(rrt Bandar)
it Tha Journal Bnllrt
Prussia, the entire system of state; In England -now. A bill has just
railroads Is to be electrified, and ! passed the house or lords for remov-
$12,500,000 have been appropriated Ting the $500 limit on the Jurlsdlc-
to begin the work. France has a i tion of the. county- courts, and en-
number of short lines electrified. Injablingr the plaintiff In all matters,
'England the London Brighton and save Hbel cases and the like, to set
tnt. Vitb ad Kmhl stww. Portland, or. South Coast railroad expects to have, them for trial In the count court
i - Bntmd at the ptrnfotOem at Portland. Or.,
," for tranamlMloo through tee mall a aeeoad
la natter. . " ,
f fEI.EPHONES Mala TITS; Room, A-H1.
. All aepartaieBts reached br thene ombera
Tall the operator jrtat department you want.
' FOREIGN ADVEBTIStrtO representative.
fteajamla aV Keataor Oa., Brananirk Btilldlna,
,126 Fifth arenne. New lora; Ult Peopled
Cia Bulldin. Chicago.
Siibarrlprlon Terma br mail or to an addreaa
la Um United Statu ar Mexico.
One rear.. $5.00 I n month I JW
Cm rear ...12.50 I Ooe month I .
One rear.. 17.60 One month I .M
the entire road electrified by 1816
the mileage is about 160.
In the United States two or three
of the largest roads, Including the
Pennsylvania, are considering elec
trifying their trunk systems.
Oregon will not be behind the
times, with the Oregon Electric and
its extensions. The Southern Pacific
is also understood to be preparing
to electrify the Westslde line, and
the Mount Hood road must not be
Til five thrice so much land to
any well-deserving1 friend;
But in the way of bargain, mark
ye me,
I'll cavil en the ninth part of a
IHB RISE IN English wages
started la the 40'b of the last
century. The penury and dis
tress of the British nation, re
sulting largely from the Napoleonic
wars, was subsiding under the lnflu-
'-5S ence of the new Ideas of factory de-
THE WORLD IN PORTLAND velopment and mechanical inven
tion. A new demand tor labor
NE OP THE early incidents In sprung up rapidly and with that
the future history of the Port- wages rose.
tland public auditorium will be With slight fluctuations the pro
the housing of the World's cess lasted until about 1895. Trades
Christian Citizenship Conference to unions sprang Into existence, stimu
be held In the midsummer of 1913. hated by the growing fortunes of em
it Is undoubtedly to be a huge as- ployers and their unwillingness to
semblage. The eastern press pre accord to the workers a just share
regardless of amount sued for. The
defendant has limited eights of re
moval pf certain cases to the high
The concentrating of functions of
the probate Judge and of the Juven
ile court Judge Is, we believe, along
the lines now followed In the code
of Washington, and Is In successful
operation there. Methods of admin
istratlon and distribution of the es
tates of deceased persons are de
cidedly simpler and more expeditious
In our sister state.
When procedure In civil actions Is
In question It la hoped that the com
mission will have before them the
English common law procedure act
of 18?0, which removed masses of
technicalities, shortened and cheap
ened procedure, discarded legal ver
biage, and ruined that man of mys
tery, the special pleader.
was the right hand of the agent gen
eral. ; -i:.,;iyirru'X' ,
To Lord Cromer succeeded Sir
Eldon Gorst, who bat recently-died.
diets that It will number 20,000 del
egates from all parts of tho world.
The great problems of the age in
sofar as they are related to or af
fected by government will be dis
cussed by 100 or more f the ablest
in the profits to which they con
tributed. A general rise In prices of
all necessaries of life had, by this
time, begun to press on the poorer
classes of the nation.
The years 1895 to 1897 were
speakers the world affords. One marked In Industrial England by the
fourth of the speakers are expected aligning of capital and labor in op
to come from other countries than posing ranks. The unions of the
America. workmen were faced by employers'
Already the bishop of London, associations in most trades. In 1897
Lady Balfour and Doctor Clifford of battle was joined In the great strike
England; Doctor Paterson of Edln- of the Amalgamated Engineers. A
burgh, Scotland; Doctor LuzzI of long and bitter contest ended by the
Wales, and Charles D'Aublgne, son failure of the unions to carry their
of the historian, D'Aublgne of points, and the men returned to
France, have been engaged to speak work, sullen and discomfited, and!
at the conference. The president of the weakened unions set to the hard j
the National Reform association, the task of refilling their depleted treas-
Rev. Henry Collins Mlnton, D. D. uries.
LL. D., sailed recently for a three Since then there has been no rap
months' tour of England and the Id rise In wages, though there has
continent to secure representative been a steady Increase, coincident
sneakers to attend and partlcloate In with the immense growth of the to-
the proceedings. tal wealth of the country. But the j "rcely make ends meet. The net
Another of the national officers whole scale of the cost of living in j earnings of the Southern Pacific for
of the association. J. A. Crosby, of all ranks of life, the general de- Ita fl8cal vear ending June 30, 1911,
Tarentum. Pennsylvania, has been mand for more comforts and luxur- WPre on,v $42,000,000 and of the
struggling railroads. President
Elliott mirrors to us In pa
thetic words the grievances
they have suffered from legislation,
The Harrlman lines are compelled to
abolish linen from train dressing
rooms because bankruptcy Is threat
ened by loss of towels. And to heap
the cup of sorrows to the brim, an un
named western railroad is so victim
ized through the use by others than
the original buyer, of unused por
tions of round-trip tickets, that it
may adopt the finger print system
of identification as a,,remedy.
President Elliott's idea is that the
framing of laws affecting business
should not be by average people, but
should bej done by those who know
most about business. Analogously,
it could be argued that all laws reg-.
ulatlng crime should be made only
by those who know most about
But the sad plight of the Harrl
man system with respect to the
towel loss really has no counterpart
In history. It. is atrocious that our
women should be so inconsiderate of
an infantile corporation, already so
pressed by necessity, that it can
smiths 25 to 60 cents, metal workers
25 to 60 cents, gardeners 20 to 25
cents, men factory workers in rice,
cotton or silk 20 to SB cents, women
in nis snort term the mutterlngs of (workers 10 to 17, cents. ; - , v
disturbance began. - , But wages are rising, by the last
The new cry of Egypt for the accounts. , There, as here, living ex
Egyptians was heard, and responded J penses and taxation are mounting
iu ujr oumigiuK acnoois, iostering ea- , mgner. j v
ucatlon. increasing the' number of ; What the government can do to
sjrpwuua m puouo ornce, limiting help the farmer is.belng done. Edu
the offices open to the Engllsh-and cation In agriculture Is being extend
meanwhile developing the great pub- ed for the traditional methods of
lie works on which tha future of the past centuries are very crude. A
country depends. J system of government agricultural
u TC,y eroup wmcn ODjects. to i oanKs is Being established to break
the usurer's chains.
But real relief Is found In the col-
Preparipg For; Portland
' Harriiburtf TVegraph .
suits the English people. He has the
gift of Imagination and- is one ' Of
the greatest dreamers but the cre
ations of his imagination ;;' become
realities by force of the hardest of
hard work..1' r'V;,
, . . . - . - From Harrlaburtf Tulerrann. t s
. i "j;,0" '' nv,n me Ha or The . institute' now in progress at In
his life, with, new : audience of 'dlaas'a I famous 4 Chautauqua ; resort,
eager listeners every "flay and . he Winona lake, is one of tho preliminaries
seems to be letting himself ; vn in 10 tn feat World's Christian Citlzeu---mJT-'I
-5i5?5?!5-, I conference,, which is to beheld in
'"u eiituyoco; wuuuerej wmcn Portland, Of., In the" summer of 1918-
nave as yet no snaps except in his I Fonnsylyanians are especially- Inter
fertile brain.' .-".. '
the continuance of English supervis
ion and control consists of Egypt
ians, grown to manhood under the jonlzing of Formosa, Korea and Man-
err iseiutt, wiiu wuuiu doi uavv
dared to open their mouths under
the old system of oppression,' and
would have had short shrift from the
pashas of the former time. .
Between them and the khedlve
there Is no Ipve lost, and no combi
nation of theee elements 1b probable.
So far England In Egypt has been
a benefactor, especially to the poor.
There were very few men capable
or the Hard task. The Liberal gov
ernment of England has chosen the
most capable and Instructed of them
all when Lord Kitchener was sent
back to, the land of his former suc
cesses, j
churia, where land Is cheap yet fer
tile, and the "shonoka" can extend
the acreage of their little farms.
IFTEEN YEARS ago this sum
mer Bishop Rowe left Portland
for Alaska, the youngest of
young bishops his athletic
bearing and active step as well befit
ting, the baseball diamond or foot
ball field as the cassock and lawn
sleeves, and the doctor's hood, of a
bishop In the Episcopal church.
It was a wild flock, and a strug
gling one to which he was sent to
minister. The Klondyke was a new
discovery, the passes y Skagway
and Dyea its chief approaches, while
steamers on the mighty Yukon, were
but few.
In summer men sweated along
rough trails, while mosquitoes by
night and black flies by day robbed
life of any pleasure. In 'winter the
iron hand of Arctic frost gripped the
land, and men and dog teams strug
gled from road house to road house
so long as the glass held above 60
below zero then they "holed up"
P SCORES WHO have tried but
failed to perform the feat,
Miss Aykroyd, aged 17, re
cently swam the nine mile
course from Charleston bridge to
Boston light.
Even a more remarkable perform
ance is the fifteen mile swim last
Monday of Miss Elaine Golding from
the Battey, New York, to Coney Isl
and. Of fourteen members of, New
York life saving crews who attempt
ed the course with an hour's later
start, but one succeeded. To make
the case the more interesting. Miss
Lillian Howard, who started with
Miss Golding. was successful, reach
ing'Coney Island half an hour after
Miss Golding had finished. Mrs.
Bouton, the other of the three wo
men who started, retired before half
the distance had been comnlntort
Though the course covered by tSie
successful life saver was a mile
shorter, he was a longer time In fin
ishing than was Miss Golding. She
covered the fifteen miles in six
hours and one minute, while he was
six hours, two minutes and thirty
seconds In making fourteen miles.
During the swim, the water was very
rough, the white caps rising to a
height of three feet. Practically all
the time Miss Golding was In the wa
ter, the rain fell in torrents. So bad
were the conditions that launches
and rowboats met with much diffi
culty In covering the course. When
Letters From tne Peopl
(Communication aeot to The Journal tor ptib-
ested in tlia conference for the reason
that the National Reform association
na us headquarters in PhlladelDhia.
Harrtsburg has an additional interest
all its own because the man who Is
directing; the world-wide preparations
for. a convention which is to be "tha
It m tion la thla department abould not exceed most significant . gathering of men and
hthmt.lLl T'.Lb!-;S!2mp,ni"1 1 womn since the dawn of Christianity"
was a Marrisburor w
Um Tt-t r-tii '. . t-ongaon. -t
, m.r. w w.s uuitwr ui I aiao Mndlllt n Vi 1rln- l.u. I ...I
ine journal. Tne taxpayers or port- tu to, and In making out tha' programs
tauiu aro peina- Byaiemancaiiy roooea oy Rim nas neen to pave the way fer
the pivlna; companies, who have had a broad world topics which will coma
monopoly of street paving In Portland, y!? al tn conrenoe two years hence,
since the advent of Mr. filmrln ta tnmvnr when the religious and educational lead-
After taking office Mr Simon lmmed- S:.?.'" ;ath"
...... . . . . . , , , J - -. wm,. liUIIlBfl
-.jr iuniw m ;uuninwn wno race and tno improvement of living con
were apparently already prepared for ditlons throughout th rinh
the reoueet) to stop, by leHslatlon. the I To these who were close ennna-h en
building of any more roadways of gravel Jtch th 8P,rlt nd to fel the vital
or : macadam, and the council and the Z 1.," .i. V1 w"ia- christian
mayor resolved, that hard surface pave- 2 ",TC
ments must be put down In futura for grasp the Idea of potential universality
mi . auver- wunwiej wnn ine second conference,
using ror bias on hard surface pave-1 ' " nrst conference, with its 8000
menta and hnvtnar anilflflnni delegates, presided over hv tha aalnul
pared for the aama by the engineer of !' tj?'L Bc5viV ,ate PrM"ent
th city, they had apparently had this .PV: ',7 i """!.r
v vv,...,B wUV.n,iine umnina; or a glorious plan In eom-
wuw iu a.. yaiBiiieu lurmuia (wmcn i yariaon wun tne second, which is to
does not prevent others from ' laying be tne practical superstructure on a
hard surface pavements, as the patent Ilrm tounaation already laid and tested.
laws will not sustain as a patent any . penmeniauon is past. Th Nat-
street lmnrovemant or unv othnr Im. lonai jterorm association now itnnwai
provement which has been in use over wftat it has to do and ta proceeding to '
It wal W axa .
two years prior to the application for a u" n intelligence tnat la ad-
natantt ts AntA thtm fn.m..i. miraoie and with a unanlmltv nt rh.i..
and then had printed specifications ,llan "upport that is simply staggering
made by the elty engineer, which ravel'" "'"twiiaous power.
the patented rormula as a guide to in
tending bidders, and which was evident
ly made to prevent anyone else from
figuring on the streets. When this
paving company started business in the
city they put down a class of streets
superior in every way to the streets
News Forecast of the
Coming Week
Washington. D. C. BeDt. 2. President
ho .r. tn , Taft, in the Intervals between hta nm.
time. These streets were put down in f olf ftnd other outdoor amusements
the beat residence part of town and " f ever'. l expected to put In more
$2.00 per surface yard was charged for r time blocking out his speeches
the same. " i" currency rerorm. recl-
The rock was of the best quality. ol"" on which he
-as thoroughly rolled and was three -tk a,,fln, comln" western trip.
vamipaus-n in vanaaa win
1 1- SI... . 1 . . I A 1 .
liiuiirn uuvh. Oliu:o mat vixno llie Iv l. , . . - .....
ing companies having a free hand and Srrifd"..T,Srou'ljr d"rn tn9
(rown bolder, evidently had tha sdccI l. . . " .".lr,n "er wm continue
ficntions changed from time to time " 'ffv i oi?f.HHP .kUPP f '?
until at the present time the speclfl- S Lntr.f,0'0 'th mt"" "
cations are o written that th W- Stratford, Budbury and other
Union Pacific only $54,000,000, or
a meagre $96,000,000 In all. In
view of these beggarly profits, the
theft by women of towelB from the
train toilets Is a fell blow to the corn-
tears. What, indeed, are the straits
6f & company that miist Install "a
prison system of Identification to
abroad for more than two months in les, has spread, following on the
the Interests o the conference. He heels of wider public education,
reports great Interest among the cit- The proceeds of ti e various rises
txens of the countries visited, and In wages from 1897 to the present
. predicts a large attendance from day have not been proportionately
abroad. divided among the workers. The j Par,y and a moBt unfeeling practice.
All the moral Interests of every distinction between skilled and un-j But It Is when the plundering pub
nation on the globe will be under skilled labor has become deeper, as j ,lc u.8eB a railroad ticket sold orig
conslderatlon by representatives of paydays come round. The skilled Inally to another that the suffering
, the church and of Christian civic or- workers drew more pay, the wages companies are literally moved to
.sanitations the world oyer, All ac- of the unskilled stood still or even
counts agree that the assemblage retrograded as their numbers in
wlll number among Its speakers and creased.
delegates the good and great of Each year made it plainer that In-1 save Itself from being preyed upon
Christendom, and that the gathering creased wages were absorbed by the by traveling Imps of perdition? If
will be one of the most notable since higher cost of living, so that an en- the plan be adopted, the purchaser
the dawn of Christian civilization. tire readjustment of the rights of of a round trip ticket will have to
' Its deliberations, carried on by capital and labor In the abundant ' smear his thumb and leave the im
eminent men and women of all coun-1 profits earned by their Joint exer- j print on an ink pad for future iden-
tries will be almost sublime In their else appealed to the sense of Justice tlfying purposes. On the train at
conception. They will embody influ- of the community. Intervals, a conductor will produce
' ences and forces that should send .Meanwhile men everywhere were j another ink pad and the passenger
radiating from Portland tidings of absorbing the doctrine of Increased ! again be required to leave his thumb
hope and comfort to the remotest power by organization. They were print. Remembering that the rail
corners of the earth, and focus the reasoning, as union men, cannot our roads only earned a measly $3,000,-
eyes of man on big ideas set In mo- separated and distinct unions gain 000,00.0 gross In 1910, what a sad
tion In this city for the amelioration force and momentum by association? I picture it is to see them driven to
and better living of the race. The answer to that question has .the finger print system as the only
iviuauu iu uc cuugraiuiaiea on weu bivcu m rjugiana Dy me suc
fts selection as the meeting place for cess of the railroad men's efforts,
such an assembly. It Is one of the and by the concessions following the
fruits of that public enterprise which successlon-of strikes in the transpor
ts to give us the new auditorium, tation trades.
The leavening Influence that the con- The comradeship of labor was best , ticket should not always bo good
xerence win leave nenind will be snown in the declaration of the Oor- for the ride it calls for. If the com
worth more to Portland than all the ton strike committee, that organized j pany has been paid for a ride, what
cost of the great edifice. the Manchester general strike, that ! right has it to say who shall or shall
incidentally, with what perfect tneir aim was to level up the wages ! not take that ride?
harmony will a great pipe organ be pf unskilled labor to $5 a week. Not'
attuned to the deliberations and pur- an extravagant ideal but it has
till they dared face travel once again
T it r "
.t wa ... u .uuea man a wnony and were compelled to ask assistance
from the motor boats. While those
rough people who welcomed the new
bishop, as with his dogs he mushed
along from gold field to gold field,
from one infant settlement to the
next. For the gold seekers were
gathered from all nations and lan
guages and every rank and class in
the social scale.
To each and all the Bishop car
ried the story of the cross. In 6imple
words. When he left, to take up his
Journev the bishop's benediction was
returned to -him A.n the hearty fare- t
wells .of his people for his. diocese
covered them all.
He was and is no weakling. What
other men of that vigorous crowd
could do he did, and more. If news
uuiLj m cuvrnng me course. wnen""ns are bo wniien inai me pav- Diace- Mr Roi., k. ..r.,r V V
rounding Norton's Point, the small 1 n'" can put In any Quality er, will carry his ' campafg into the
... ' anil ktp nf rnclr thsv nlAAft snH th 1 J. 11 mo
ooats were unable to make headway con8eauence , tha DCODle ,;e -,-T' V.rv. .. .
i no iii win see me rormal opening
"i u'K eiovernment day in the Ohio
ri jirinuscK. near i mi nmti ik.
larpeat movaDle wicket dam in the world
and the only one made entirely of con-
1 v. v-ll..,- y.a . -"i"ira "i me
. . nam marKS one of the most Important
forced a reduction in the price of pav- ep, , tn, pan to makel ".nVl?;
a..n " mv.tuwvs ij -a, t iiiR v I - ii n I O riVPP niV MhU tha vaae
panics are getting more money today The cities and towns of Ohio will hold
for the class of street the taxpayers their first primary elections next Tues-
are getting than they ever got before, day under the new Kimball corrupt
People, what a fraud and steal these practices act. The 1..
companies are perpetrating on you and the widest publicity In the matter of
some of your councilman are a party campalarn exDensea,.
to this steal
boats were being towed, Miss Gold
ing sped through the water and fin
ished fresh and strong.
Again there is reason to recall the
opinion of Dr. Sargent of Harvard,
He says womeflf are, and constitu
tionally ought to be, tougher than
men, i
way to avert bankruptcy through
damnable Iniquity of the man who
buys another's unexpired ticket
However, there be those who
wouM like to know why a railroad
poses of such a gathering.
been practically won.
roads is making great ad
vances. Tho grflat railroads of
the United States introduced it
l HE JUDICIARY commission now
at work has a hard task but a
clear course. No higher com-
for urban and sub-urban service, ot lawyers than to require them to
where the fuel burning steam loco- review the field of Judicature of the
rnotive was objected to maitHy for state, to determine the weak points
... iU0 nmi uusl. Cui of ,he existing system to solva tne
no great advantage was claimed for problems of remedy, to suggest rad-
the electric tractor on the score of lcal a8 we,i aB sectional Improve-
eCmy n w .v ments, and in all their work to study
h?!? ' kT' .e,n6W ,eC" the Publ,c benef,t. e Profes-
trlc motor is being adopted for long 8tonal mteresU shall suffer thereby
distance trains. Although Oregon Is so voun a
.J-.J ."?Iif.,ia government state her forty-two years of leglsla- trade,
v.K,,.,lf)D.UII ol 6t tion has resulted in many a tangle. I the overshadowing dread of the
tih. o i BU1Qy 01 So that in the maze of declaratory Mahdl and his successors, in the es-
HE STORY IN dispatches from
London that Lord Kitchener
had been appointed to the dif
ficult post of agent general In
Egypt, to the end that he might stir
up insurrection and then suppress it
with an iron hand, thereby giving
the opening to England to annex
that ancient country, should re
celve strong confirmation before it
Is believed.
Lord Kitchener Is said to be both
hated and feared. Is his intimate
knowledge of and Interest in the
country, the leading part he took in
the formation of the native Egyptian
army, in the suppression of the slave
In freeing the country from
mattej. So far three reports
nave been issued. The first deals
with the probable requirements of
the entire federal system of rail
roads, consisting of 1830 miles. The
second concerns the nature of the
traffic. The third deals with the
question, continuous current or al
ternating current. The decisive re
port about to be issued will advise
the adoption of electricity as the mo
tive power for the entire 1830 miles.
The system proposed is the single
phase alternating current, with pres
sure of 15,000 volts In overhead
wires. It was estimated that the
. use ot the third rail plan would in
volve extra cost of about eight per
' cent The total estimated cost of
conversion to the overhead plan for
the 1830 miles is given as'$n,i40,-
; 000. Tha futura running costs are
expected to show a saving of ten per
cent over tha present steam system.
Tha first expenses are Included , In
tha Swiss budget for 1911.
Switzerland anares with Oregon
tha advantage of innumerable water,
powers. Norway, Sweden and Italy
.liava made considerable progress. In
and reformatory acts the first duty, tabllshment of the Gordon college
ana orten not an easy one Is to de- for higher education of the Egypt
termlne what the present law Is. lans, in the freeing of the fellah
If this commission Is like all oth- I from the bondage of centuries are
ers two types of mind will be repre
sentee: at their council table. The
first stands on the ancient ways and
admires the wisdom of the men of
old. Such an one prefers to use the
knife and pruning hook and Is doubt
ful of the axe. He will amend rather
than cut out and rebuild from the
ground up. The other Is a reformer
born, and hesitates not to make a
clean sweep of the system that he
criticizes. .
It Beems probable that the sever
ing of the county Judge and the Ju
dicial side of the county court from
the administrative and executive
runctlons connected with roads and
bridges, taxation, and finance, will
be approved. If this be done and
the county Judge of the future be
come the legally trained Judge In
a lower court, opportunity may be
found to enlarge his Jurisdiction and
Increase the frequency of the set
tings ot his court. .
, A change ot thla kind Is pending
all these achievements to be forgot
Lord Cromer, the first of the
agents general, presided at the
birth of the new Egypt, and set it on
the-path of personal liberty and eco
nomic progress. He found a country
in the grasp of financial spoilers of
all the nations of Europe, where the
toilers were oppressed by merciless
taxation, where courts were corrupt
and Justice a by-word. . He found the
doors, of all public office closed
against the natives of tha land, who
could not call their souls their own.
He found a so-called native army,
which was nothing but a chopping
block for the merciless Arabs of the
Soudan. Until France resigned to
England the right of occupation,
Egypt went from bad to Worse.
Lord Cromer, at the cost of ' the best
years of his Hfek brought order out
of black chaos, and, gradually the
new Egypt took thape. 4 At the
crisis of this tasls Lord Kitchener
VERY ONE JOINS, says a lead
ing English weekly, In welcom
ing Mr. Edison on his holiday
visit to that country. There is
no living man whom It is easier for
all to admire without dlsoute. "A
came to tne roaanouse where he was i statesman is well known," they say,
lodged of travelers given out or lost "bu( about half the population would
or faltering on the trail, who was j be glad if he died. A sportsman, a
more leauy man me Disnop to turn i prize fighter or locker la battr
out into tne rierco, cold with the j known still. For the great inventor
niesaving teams to Dring the lost , there are no reservations. Whan a
consequence Is. the people are setting;
old rock from quarries and other
places that have been condemned pre
viously and at the same time 26 per
cent less material la being put in the
streets than was used formerlly. Mayor
ones in to warmth and safety?
Be sure that it was not by his
own Hps that these tales were told.
But the fame of Bishop Rowe ot
Alaska has spread far. As he was
seen in Trinity church, Portland, a
few months ago the etory of the
Alaskan years was written on his
face. The eyes were those of a
little instrument begins to talk like
your friend, or Blng like a prima
donna, no one questions the wonder
of It. There are no two opinions."
Mr. Edison, they assert. Is Just the
type of man whom the age delights
to honor, for he embodies the great
achievement of the age. For no cen
tury has been -so fertile In the diB-
sailor, surrounded by the wrinkled covery of appliances In the applica-
Beams mat toia oi meeting tne wna tion of the laws of force and num.
storms or tne Arctic. The face was ber to man's service.
tanned and weather burned, lined The personality of the man, too,
mm uaruencQ. urn tne race was
both strong and good, that of a man
to "tie to."
That the bishop stands for "Alas
ka for the Alaskans" Is a safe propo
sition, i
Grenfel.l of Labrador, Rowe of
Alaska, one of the eastern, the other
of the western side of this great con
tinent, are household words. Each
Several hundred years before the
Christian era the island of Phllae, in
the Nile, near Assouan, was inhabited
Jointly by Egyptians and Ethiopians and
hnre these people erected magnificent
Is a bearer rjf the ancient standard, temples, whose aplendid ruins stand to
party campaign expenses. The penalty for the
Violation of anv nf
Mr. Beldlng, who was always a forfeiture of offioe, in addition -to fine
staunch worker for the street paving or Imprisonment
and other companies, and. who thought The southern stale mmmtffilonfri of
he had a perpetual Job In the council agriculture and' representatives of the
.im an mv iiiimi ounina mm, .aimers" unions and the various corn
found when the voters of the Sixth merclal organizations have been called
waed got next to his duplicity that he to meet Tuesday in Montgomery to
was a martyr to the causeof the pat- consider the gradual marketing of the
t-uuipaiHioB, ana n is nign crop or cotton and to correot an
time some further removals ef coun- alleged erroneous impression as to the
Cllmen ware made. Thea man rn vnlitm n h- .. r
continually work against the Interests
of the people need a recall. With open
competition on hard surface and other
pavements, the streets of Portland
should not cost more than half what
the people have to pay at the present
time, and the contractors would then
be making a handsome profit. When
are speciflcatlorus to be made that will
not have a patented clause in them?
The administration has promised that
open competition, free frdm these for
mulas would give all an opportunity
to bid on street work. When are these
specifications to be made? There are
none at present except those made for
the Warren' Construction company and
others. Is the paving oomnanv to keen
on running the city so far as streets
are concerned, and are the taxDavera
still willing to submit to this aystem-
tio ropDery7 GEO. W. GORDON.
In hoc slgno vinces," In this
blem thou shalt conquer.
ALF THE WORLD knows not
how tho other half lives. Can
we imagine a race of land
owners on the smallest scale,
who toll early and late, first, to
wring a living from the patch of
ground which has come down to
them through many generations,
next to pay interest to usurers on
mortgage loans, and, lastly, to pay
taxes of all kinds, direct, by way of
government monopolies, and through
the indirect agency of rising tariffs?
With courage, and contentment the
Japanese farmer lives on, with many
this day as monuments of Egyptian
grandeur in tho past. Egyptologists
find it the most Interesting to study of
the many places In that picturesque
country. It is so full of these marvel
ous exhibitions of ancient workmanship
that the natives style it Jeslret-el-Blrbel,
or 'Temple Island," and the ancient
Egyptians regarded It as the birthplace
of Ists and Osiris, the deities whom they
Phllae is a granite rock about 1200
feet In length and 480 feet In breadth,
fringed with rich verdure. The tem
ples mentioned above 'are In the main
of the Greco-Roman period. The
great temple of IsIs was built by
Ptolemy Eplphanoa and his succasora,,
though the oldest part (the great phopy
laeum Or gateway) bears the name of
Nectanebes II, about B. C. 860. To the
east of the inland Is a roofless house,
popularly called Pharaoh's bed, 63 feet
In length and 48 in breadth. It ha,s 14
columns with diversified capitals.
Mor Interest in focussed about the
privations and rare amusements.
, , . , . . - I v ' nuclei IK, luugBBQU nuuUL Lilt,
These shonoka," the , small farm- ' butlful Temple of Isle at Phllae than
ers of Japan, do not earn more than is shown in any of the many- ruined
ten sen, that Is five cents, a dav.
Early and late they labor to make
twenty -dollars a year. To buy
a steel plow would cost the Japanese
farmer a year s Income.
Yet they form the bone and sinew
of the nation. They filled the regi
ments that won the Russian war.
The need of borrowing has driven
them Into the net of the village
usurer. Tha aggregate of their
mortgage loans ' today is stated at
$350,000,000.; When, unable to
scrape together the interest the loan
is foreclosed and the heritage of his
fathers sold, then the countryman
gravitates, with his family, to the cit
ies of Japan and. adds yet another
unit to the workers at trades or In.
factories of those teeming towns.'
Their labor is there paid for on
higher scales. Japanese carpenters
get from 35 to SO cents a day, black-
temples scattered through Egypt. The
ideal way to reach these ruins is not by
the swift flying train which passes
through the sandy desert, but by te
silent highway of the Nile.
These Egyptian temples were not in
tended for the worship ot the people,
but for priestly processions and tn con"
sequence, their chief characteristics are
aisles and portal. The fine ruins of
Phllae, noble as they are, appear com
paratively young beside many of the
monuments ln.thl hoary land. They do
not, it Is said, gar as far back as too B.
C. Pharaoh's bed was really built In
Roman times, though presumably by the
native architects.
When tha English engineers of the
Khedlval service undertook the great
feat of building the Assouan dam they
selected a point not far from the island
of Phllae. . There nature has been lavish
In 'providing hills of solid rook on each
side of the river that will stand the rav
ages of the elements as long as the
world lasts, when. In order to carry
out their project. It was announced that
the treasured ruins of FhUae would be
submerged for mcntha at a tima meet
ings were held by learned societies
everywhere to protest against any dese
cration of this historic spot. . '
The late 81r Frederick Lelghton, pres
ident of England's Royal Academy, did
not hesitate to say that "any tampering
wun rnnae would be a lasting blot on
tne uritisn occupation of Egypt."
To silence their critics, if nosalhlA.
the engineers proposed many makeshift
plans, some of which displayed surprls
ing ingenuity. Sir Benjamin Baker of
Manchester canal fame, favored the raletl
tnr of the Island as a whole some 12
feet, and offered to do it for a million
dollars, guaranteeing Its safe accom
plishment. Another gravely proposed
that the Temple of IsIs be moved to a
neighboring md higher island, and re
erected and submitted a proposal for
tne contract, still another recommended
building a caisson of masonry around
the island that would protect it from
flood, but make it necessary to descend
a night or stairs te view the buildings,
themselves so art'stlo that people travel
great distances io admire them. The
proposal to remove Phllae stone by
stone was wo ranlaatlo even for tha pen
oi a juien verne.
The island of Phllae Is only one
quarter of a mile longand is crowned
with a long line of majestio temples and
coionaaes. xne Temple of Isls Is mod
em compared, with tha Egyptian style of
architecture. It ts very irregular in ,n
ground plan, following the shape of
the Island. There is a double corridor
supported by 86 pillars, many of which
were never finished. The corridor la
succeeded by two Immense pyramidal
towers, gateways, staircase and. cham
bers In a fine state of preservation.
In one of the rooms of the temple
may be seen, on a small scale, a repre
sentation of. the death of Osiris; also his
embalmment, burial, resurrection and
enthronement aa judge of the dead. To
the east of the great temple is a square
open building the four sides of which
are composed of pillars supporting an
architrave. This Is the most perfect
building on the Island. The edifice is
evidently unfinished, much of the sculp,
turtng having been just commenoed. it
was here that the Romans signed, tn
451 A. D., those artloles of peace with
the Ethiopian Bedouins, who were the
last worshippers of Isls on the island.
TomorrowThe Acropolis at Athena.
volume of the croo.
The New York legislature win re
convene Wednesday to take up the mat
ter of the proposed new charter for the
city of New York.
Thursday J the day set for the Demo
cratic primaries in Virginia; the result
of which Is expected to determine the
two United States senatorshlps. Sena
tors Martin and Swanson are candi
dates for reelection and are opposed by
"r. ,rrniiiiivM uiass and Jones.
Governor Harmon is to be the speaker
et a romrrratlc barbecue to be held
In Boston Enturdnv. The event will be
of Interest to political circles as the
peech will be the first that the Ohio
governor has delivered In the oast since
his name became prominently mentioned
in connection with the presidential
The important gatherings of the week
will include the conventions of the Nat
w T1 un,on Pawnee, Okla .
the United Typothetae of America at
Denver; the National Association of
Letter Carriers, at Rochester: the Nat
ional Association of Postofflee Clerks
at Jacksonville. Fla.; the Interns tlonai
Photo-Engraverr union, at Detroit; the
Ohio River Improvement association at
Cincinnati; the American Institute of
a.1 f'-Jf :t,ch""w. and the Inter- J
national Tax Conference, at Rirhm. X
ya ' "im, m
By Milee
When first I-saw a circus tent. I turned
and ran, on hiding bent.
Because I thought the animals would
eat me for their lunch.
And when at length I ventured back,
and saw the gentle, listless pack,
t got a taste of common sense and
also quite a hunch.
une day I saw a
rroun nt man rt. n
Clltled 'round a na rpnm
i Duited in and said, aald I: "What Is
it in yon stall?"
Tney 5,,d: l!Qa in 80(5 old top"
They threw me in with much ker
flop. The doctor pulled the splinters; 'twas
a. porcupine that's all.
When first I saw a suffragette, she tried
to keep mi for a pet;
Bhe crooned Ground me lovingly until
I hollered: "Beat!"
For soon I found a small false note
A8.hT0n,y wSrke1 mB for "V vote!
ABJi!2i !.ur-Sd nrtufl'd when I had
learned where she was at.
The angels linger 'round a lot ere en,.n. where hope In not. '
wnne roots rush n, Investigate anA
Oftent mna ro.. ""i'ie, and
So here's a line of moral ...
better far In fn... .
ine nme nas come:
,m.Vactlon stops.
'TIs time to get
To olckln' hops.
i i
Vhen We Remt
ahwha?.V., Pi mleh-hveW
is what is -felt and hear v
The wind is grieved that gaily Mew
The bird Is dim th.i JK.tT
The grasses are no longer green
With eyes that ache w, strive to glean
An ancient slorv from h- ZtJ. l'n
Of sunsets that bereave the view '
When we regret.
The nights are passive that were keen.
The days are drear that downward lean
t jv iHue wnere me nowers are few.
And all 1 Old that onnn . ......
No thoughts to gladden intervene '""'
When we rearat. .
Alanson-Tucker Bchumann in Boston
B'wom AiauiaurijH. ...