The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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A mericans A re Leaders
Cholera Teaches Lesson
Princess Victoria
But One Strike in Two Hun
dred Has Failed This Year,
While Much Has Been
Gairfed by Workingmen.
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Wins Confidence of Work
ing Men by His Fairness
and Sympathy.
Albanians Starve and Efforts
to Disarm Them Fail; Pow
ers May Not Be Able to Pre
vent War.
Historians Claim for Ireland
Priority for Parliamentary
Organizations, Dating Back'
to Time Before Christ.
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By Paul Lambeth.
(Publishers' Prs lotted Win.
London, Sept 2. "The little Welsh
attorney," David Lloyd-George, la to
day the strongest man In Great Britain.
That he will succeed Mr. Asqulth as
the titular leader of the Liberal party,
he already is In actual fact the head
of the party, seems to be as certain
as anything save death and taxes.
That it was due to the personality
of the chancellor of the exchequer, to
the confidence of the great mass of
workmen in his absolute fairness' and
honesty, that the great strike which
might have ended in actual civil war,
was averted there can be no doubt. The
labor leaders in fact made it plain that
they would enter into no parley unless
It was, under the direction of Lloyd
Qeorger .
Bemaxkable Character.
This,- man, who is regarded by many
as the greatest statesman of modern
times, is a curious admixture' of the
idealist and practical man of affairs
such as can be rarely found outside the
Celtic race. It is the rare combination
which can dream groat dreams and then
can go to work carefully and methodic
ally to make them come true.
Witness the famous budget which for
the first time In the history of a great
nation has begun to put Into practice
the theory of that other great dreamer,
the Welsh-American. Henry George, that
the "unearned increment" of land be
longs to the community which creates
it; the Insurance bill now before par
liament which will do much to lighten
the burdens of the very poor: the old
age pension bill, which has taken from
the poor much of the terror of non-productive
old age and similar measures.
A Devout Christian.
Lloyd-George Is an intense lover of
humanity and a devout Christian. He
can and does on occasion preach a pow
erful sermon.
His sympathies are all with that class
of the community with whom life is a
constant struggle for existence and nat
urally, for it is from that class that
he springs.
The future ruler of the British em
pire no ono doubts that he will be
prime minister if he lives owes his
success to his own tremendous ability.
Pull or influence has not help him a
particle. He has had neither. With !t
all he Is a modest, genial gentleman
with a personal charm which makes
friends with all with whom he comes in
contact. There Is no man in the cabi
net for whom King George has a higher
personal regard than this man who as a
boy assisted his shoemaker uncle and
who was as poor as poverty itself.
"Adustrisl peMsm&Ker."
Another man who has figured In the
settlement of the great strike is G. R
Asqulth, whose great services In the
settlement of labor disputes have earned
for him the name of the "industrial
peacemaker." Among the triumphs of
Mr. Asqutth's career as arbitrator, which
has covered nearly 100 disputes, must
be counted the settlement of the cotton
dispute In the autumn of last year, of
the strike in Belfast, when the troops
were compelled to fire on the crowds
and of the great dispute between the
railway companies and their employes
which nearly led to a general strike. A
particularly difficult task was the set
tlement of the music hall strike, and
when the bootmakers of the Rounds
made their historic march upon the war
office, it was Mr. Asqulth who was
selected by the army council to deal
with them. As a result of his decision
he was made permanent arbitrator of
the district boot trade.
tudjriaf loan Bui.
Home rule will monopolise public at
tention during the eight weeks of the
approaching parliamentary recess to the
exclusion of all other domestic ques
tions, save, possibly, the demands of
In view of the winter campaign on the
Irish issue, John Redmond and his lieu
tenants count heavily upon the Sep
tember visit to Ireland of the represen
tative party arranged for by the Eighty
club to study the problem on the spot.
After gaining first hand information
and opinions by a careful Investigation
of all sections of the Island, the Eighty
club will undertake a propaganda in
Great Britain. Three weeks at the
shortest will be devoted to the Inquiry,
which will be conducted without respect
to party, religion or social distinction.
In Congested Districts.
Particular care will be taken to learn
the facts as to Connemara, Kerry and
other counties where congestion and
poverty are most troublesome. But Dub
lin, Cork, Belfast, Galway and Water
ford and Limerick will be "gone over
with a fine tooth comb."
Harold Spender, Hamar Greenwood,
Sir Godfrey Baring and other aggressive
Liberals of the club are behind the un
dertaking. Originally the delegation was
to be limited to 30, but so many appli
cations to go were filed that this num
ber has been doubled.
What the club wishes to ascertain
is the measure ,of truth In William
O'Brien's contention that Ireland Is like
ly to be plunged Into half a generation
of uncertainty and anxiety by such a
home rule measure as John Redmond is
"wringing from the necessities of the
English parties."
Also what foundation there is for Sir
Edward Carson'e prediction that "the
Unionists of Ireland are not going to
accept home rule from this parliament
and force will be resisted by force." j
(Publish' Press Lensed Wire.)
London, Sept. 2. In the (6th annual
report of the commissioners In lunacy,
recently issued, it is stated that there
are $1,688 males and 71,474 females In
sane under care In England and Wales,
or 2604 moe than on the corresponding
date last year.
Cases in the metropolitan district
- asylums exceed by 199 those of - last
year, but there are 27 fewer inmates
of licensed houses In the metropolitan
Pauper lunatics number ((,142 men
and 65,020 women. Criminal lunatloa
32 men and 2(1 women.
Of tha cases admitted to asylums
last yesr 14. 4 per cent were discharged
as cured. '
Aa regards the causes of lunacy,
there is a family history of Insanity
In it per' cent of males and 23 per
cent of fenu.Ua admitted vaarlv Alnn.
Dr. John Clifford, the celebrated Non
conformist preacher, who, having re
turned to London from nis visit in
this country, praises America and
Americans in elaborate terms, fepeak
ing to his own countrymen, he de
clares Americana are superior to
them fn practically everything, no
takes particular pains to compliment
Americans on the progress of the
peace movement In this country.
"The movement greatly Impressed
me," he said.
Dresden Will Have Model Col
iseum and Circus
By Herbert A. White.
(United Pre Lesstd Wire.)
Berlin Sept. 2. A wonderful theatre,
opera house and circus arena combined
Is springing Into existence In Dresden,
under the auspices of the 8nxon mlnls
Isters of education and finance. The
building with Its wonderful seating ac
commodation and its peculiar mechani
cal appurtenances may In a few hours
be turned from a concert hall or thea
tre into a circus arena or even an am
phitheatre Jn the center of which sports,
horse shows or other contests may be
carried on.
The architect responsible for all this
Is Hcrr Stosch Sorrasanl, a gentleman
Who has had VftBt experience In the
building of arenas and coliseums. For
the building, the Roman amphitheatre
also forms the ground scheme; but at
one side of the vast arena with its
tiers of seats, situated eccentrically like
a smaller circle within the circumfer
ence of a larger circle, an enormous
dome 36 yawls in diameter is being
built. Beneath this dome will be an
ordinary theatre stage with all the usual
equipment, while a hidden orchestra will
divide the front of the stage from the
arena floor.
Thus one day the open ring may be
occupied by the tumbling clowns and
performing elephants In the circus. The
next day, the arena floor may be sunk
a few Inches by hydraulic machinery,
the fantenils extended right across tha
orchestra and Wagner opera may be
played before 6000 people. As soon as
Lohengrin and his swan have disap
peared, the fautenlls can be cleared
away and the arena floor steps will
rise to the highest point bf the stage.
Here the singers and musicians of the
Ninth Symphony can be provided with
an ideal resting place or Mark An
tony from the steps of the capltol on
the stage itself, can look down over all
Rome to the outside limits of the arena
The magnificent possibilities of this
mountain-like show place have Induced
Herr Relnhardt, the famous organizer
of pageants, to Join forces with Herr
Stosch and Dresden, In the future, will
witness some of the moBt colossal of
spectacular productions. For instance,
the three storied "Faust Heaven. Earth
and Hell" will be produced here on a
scale which has hitherto been impossi
(Publishers' Press Lessed Wire.)
Berlin, Sept. 2. The American army
offiCera sent to study the German army
maneuvers have been the recipients of
marked attention by the kaiser and the
best In Berlin society. Everything pos
slble has been done to make their stay
in Berlin pleasant They are Brigadier
General E. A. Garllngton, Inspector
general of the army; Brigadier General
W. W. Wetherspoon, president of the
Army War College, and Captain M. E.
Hanna of the Third cavalry. General
Garllngton said the other day, "The
German army is a splendid fighting
machine. The organization and disci
pline seems to be as nearly perfect as
Is humanly possible.
"Nothing could be added to the oour-
tesy, I may say cordiality, with which
we have been received in Germany.
The kaiser la a wonderful man. I think
he will go into history as one of Ger
many's greatest sovereigns."
Among the American visitors regis
tered at the Berlin hotels are Mrs. Cass,
Mrs. Mllla of Denver, Colo., Mr. and
Mrs. B. Damon of Pittsburg, Pa,. Otto
Brewer of St. Paul is also a visitor
Americans Abroad.
The 1 Hague, Sept. 2. Among the
American visitors registered at The
Hague hotels are: Mlsa Martha Haven,
of Oakland, Cel.; Dr. and Mrs. Hogdeo,
of St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. E. B. Lome
and family, of San Francisco, Cal.;
Miss Clara Britt, Miss A. B. Knicker
bocker and Miss Caroline D. Camp
Buckley, Of San Francisco, Cal..
hoi Is assigned as the. cause In the caso
of 22.1 per cent of males and S.7 of
There are 64 war vessels under con
struction In this country,, of which 11
are being built at Royal dockyards and
49 at private yards, for the British
nary, while five are being constructed
t private yards for foreign govern-
By Charles P. Stewart
London Correspondent ' of the, j United
Press. i
(United Press Leased Wire.)
. London, Kept. 2. Do strikes pay? "'In
England, yes," answered "Honest Jack
Jones," of the Dockers' unlorl, who
managed tho big strike of dockworkera
in London recently. v
"In America," he continued, "the the
ory and practices of unionism are . as
well, or perhaps better understood, by
the employers as by the employes.
There are federations of masters as
well as of men, and the opposing forces,
equally well organized and each fight
ing selfishly, equalize conditions In the
labor world.
"We have employers' federations In
England, too, which operate satisfac
torily enough In times of industrial
peace. But the English employer Is,
after all, old fashioned, and though he
Is quite as selfish as the American em
ployer, he does not take the American's
wide view of unionism. So, when his
brother employer's factory is tied up
by a strike, ho cannot resist the temp
tation to take advantage of the let
ter's misfortune. He cannot forget
that that brother employer Is his busi
ness rival. Consequently, he cuts in
and gets as much as possible of his
rival's business and as many as he can
of his best men. That Isn't good
unionism and it helps the employes to
win strikes."
Strikers Usually Win.
With 1911 only a little more than
half over, a review of the year thus
far, a record In the number of Its
Industrial strugglers, shows that the
strikers have won In almost every in
stance. In 1909 2,760,000 days were
lost in Great Britain through strikes
and lockouts. In 1910, 9,760,000 days
were lost, In the first six months of
1911 more than 10,000,000 days were
lost and the biggest strike of all is
In progress.
The number of strikers and of men
involved In them during this period
are shown In the following schedule:
January, disputes 36.. involving 13,631
workers; February, disputes 43, involv
ing 25,223 workers; March, disputes 41,
involving 22,316 workers; April., dis
putes 27, involving 10,027 workers;
May, disputes 51, Involving 14,623 work
ers; June, disputes 86, involving 96,
666 workers.
Big- Strikes Wot Included.
These figures do not Include the
dockers' strike In July and August In
which nearly 100,000 men were in
volved, the railroad strike or a num
ber of recent strikes in northern Eng
land. Of the 200 strikes which have oc
curred in Great Britain In seven
months only one has failed completely
a strike of 900 "pit boys," who
brought out S600 colliery workers in
sympathy with them in the North
Staffs mines, but who afterwards re
turned to work at the old scale of
The following list shows how some
of the more Important labor disputes
have been settled this year:
Improved conditions in night shifts
and better overtime pay allowed to
more than 1000 scalers and cementers
in the Liverpool shipyards.
Given Better Conditions.
Higher pay and better conditions
granted by a conciliation board to 900
miners at Pontypridd, Wales, following
a 91 days' strike, attended by much
Safer props put into the mines at
Burnley, following an 88 day strike by
4000 miners.
Higher wages granted 1000 riveters
in the Liverpool shipyards after one
day's demonstration of their lndlspen-
Shorter hours granted to 3000 Lon
don compositors.
Six fish porters at Hull who ' had
been discharged for refusing to per
form certain work reinstated by a con
ciliation board following a two days'
strike by 1984 of their fellow workers.
Increase granted In the starvation
wages formerly paid to the Cradley
Heath chalnmakers.
Spinners Hold Jobs.
Gradual reduction In the number of
Dundee Jute spinners stopped after 27
days- Btrlke by 4500 spinners.
rive per cent increase In wages
granted to 20,000 Bradford woolcornb
ers, spinners and cardrcjom hands, fol
lowing 18 days' strike, which, how
ever, failed to secure better working
Advance In piece work schedule,
granted to 3000 Kossendale slipper
makers, following 25 days' strike.
Dismissed coal miner at Durham re
instated after walkout of 2600 fellow
Dispute over a single South Shields
miners wages settled in his favor after
walkout by 1300 fellow workers.
NonunlonlstB compelled to Join Wal
sall miners' union after three dayV
strike of 1400 unionists.
Tailors Oat Shorter Hours.
Higher wages and shorter hours al
lowed to 1300 Leeds tailors.
Higher wages granted to Birkenhead
shipbuilders' helpers after six days'
strike by 732 shipbuilders.
Higher wages granted to 600 South
ampton shipwrights, following a four
days' strike.
Change In forewomen prevented at
Newcastle by strike of 361 furrier's.
Shorter hours ana higher pay allowed
to 170 shoddy and mungo workers at
(Piiblhbers Tri-M Leuert Wln-.i
Brussels, Sept. 2. An , amusing inci
dent is told concerning a newly elected
Belgian Socialist senator.
The senator, being somewhat of an
extremest, did not like the advanced
Ideas of wearing an official uniform as
one of the members of the upper house,
when entitled to any official function.
He claimed It did not coincide with
his democratic principles.
Being visited by King Albert at the
palace ha declared to the grand marshal
In a questioning tone that he would
either 'appear In evening dress or else
decline the Invitation.
The grand marshal laughingly as
sured the senator that the king's esteem
for his talents warranted him in ap
pearing In any smllable attire.
Journal Want Ads bring result.
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Professor Elie Mechnlkoff of the fa
mous Pasteur Institute, who declares
the present cholera scare in Paris Is
a good thing for France. "If we
actually have a few cases of cholera
in Paris," ho says, "I shall regard It
as public good. The French natton
needs some vivid nbleet lesson to
show It the value of taking a few
simple precautions against contagion.
Had people taken proper care of
themselves during the past few
weeks there would have been no
cholera or cholera scar. Ftnce 4
a backward nation as regards sani
tation, and being very conjervntlve Is
apt to lock the stable door after the
horse is stolen. What is needed Is a
good fright, after which matters will
Improve a little."
Americans Fall Victims to
Schemes to Fleece Wealthy
Travelers During Period of
Coronation Rush.
By Paul Villlers.
(Publishers' Press Leased Wire.)
Paris, Sept. 2. This has been a record-breaking
year, not only in Paris
but throughout Kurope, In the matter
of relieving rich American travelers of
their superfluous money by means not
recognised by law.
The way of the American in Europe
Is, sufficiently hard at the hands of
honest merchants and hotel men. He is
considered legitimate prey, and the
American price Is a very different fig
ure from the ordinary price wherever
one goes. All Americans to the mind
of the European of the shopkeeper class
re rich, and It is really a good deed
to relieve ,hem of some of their super
fluous wealth. This Is generally rec
ognized. Crooks Unusually Busy.
But this year the crooks have been
Crown Princess
r - 1 II -
Fashionable London Is raving over the beauty and grace of Marie, the Crown
'..Princess of Roumania. The calm and dignified charm of this Balkan prln-r
. i, cess is In ivid contrast with the state of misery and tumult that pre
vails in her unhappy country, as a result of the atrocities perpetrated
" atralnaf her heltThborg, th.e Albanian- ' ' i ' , '
(Publishers' Press Lessed Wire.)
Vienna, Sept. 2. For the time being
at least the tension Is off so far as
the Balkan situation is concerned. That
Is the opinion of Austrian statesmen
who have that business In hand. How
long the present state of comparative
quiet may be maintained Is a question.
It will depend largely on the manner In
which Turkey attends to affairs in
The condition of the Albanians Is
desperate yet. Food Is scarce, and with
the approach of winter there Is grave
danger of widespread starvation.
Whether the steps being taken to meet
this condition will be sufficient to tide
the Albanians over the winter, replace
their destroyed honres and scattered
flocks Is a question. If the reforms
promised by the Turks are earned out
in good faith, there probably will be
no further disorders.
If not, then .there Is bound to be a
recurrence of the disorders of the past
few months on a more desperate and
widespread scale.
The attempt to disarm the Albanians
has been farclral. A few practically
absolcte rifles have been turned In, but
there is hardly a mountaineer who has
not a model rifle and a good stock of
ammunition laid by. They are Intensely
suspicious of the Turks and It would
take Jfery little to start the flames of
It Is understood that King Nicholas
of Montenegro has informed both Aus
tria and Russia that in case of a re
nowal of the troubles it will be abso
lutely Impossible to restrain the Mon
tenegrins. From Sofia comes the
same note of -yarning as to the Bul
garians. There are close observers here who
regard the situation in the Balkans as
full of danger to the peace of Europe
as it ever has been. They believe there
will be comparative peace until the
spring perhaps, but after that they look
for real warfare which it will be be
yond the power of tre powers to con
trol. t
paying especial attention to the Amer
icans. The polios have been busy look
ing after Jewel robberies, the victims
being Americans. It has been developed
that there la a regular organization for
the purpose of carrying out these rob
beries. It Includes clerks In Jewelry
stores and hotel employes. The method
Is for the clerk to tip off the hotel
servants when a particularly valuable
purchase has been mads. The servants
do the rest.
In the combination are also included
expert thieves, who are called In when
the hotel servants are unable to learn
the tricks. Pickpockets swarm In the
districts frequented by Americans and
the Apaches are beginning to pay atten
tlon to the "show slums" patronized by
Americans and frequent crimes of vio
lence are reported to the police.
Scouts for crooked gambling clubs
swarm the hotel lobbies on the lookout
for communications. When caught
they are steered against games at which
they haven't the slightest chance of
winning, and if in an excess of caution
thev get away with anv of their money
knockout drops or actual holdups sup
plement the games.
Chicago, New York, New Orleans or
San Francisco in their palmiest days of
wide, openness had nothing on Tarls as
it Is today.
Americans who have been traveling
over the continent tell me that It is
almost as bad In Italy, Germany and
Truly the American in Europe today
needs a padlock on his pocket, and then
It should bo still lined If he wishes to
retain his wealth.
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Her Royal Highness Princess Victoria,
who Is taking the cure at Harrogate.
Holy Father Cares Not to Pro
long His Life Under Strain
of Work.
By Clement J. Barrett.
(TublUhfrs- Trrra Leased Wire.)
Rome, Sept. 2. The improvement in
the condition of the Holy Father is most
gratifying, but there Is fear that It Is
only temporary. As a matter of fact
I am Informed that the most distress
ing feature of the pope's condition to
his physicians Is Shat he does not seem
to care greatly whether he lives or
not. Not that ho evinces any desire
to die but he Is simply Indifferent.
He follows the doctors' directions as
nearly as possible, but It Is only In a
perfunctory way. He has never been
happy In the confinement neceRsary to
the papacy, and when he is called away
he will obey the summons cheerfully.
It is this indifference to death which
makes it improbable that even the best
of care can prolong his life for many
Cardinal Rampolla recently celebrated
his Sth birth anniversary. He is hale
and hearty and looks good for many
years. The pope is convinced that Car
dinal Rampolla will succeed him In the
papacy and consults with him apparent
ly with that idea in mind.
Cardinal Rampollo In common with
the other members of the Curia is suf
ferlng from overwork, due to the re
msrkably small number In the sacred
college. As a result the responsible
heads of departments are tremendously
overburdened. Secretary of State Merry
del Val has not had a holiday for eight
years. Cardinal De Lai. secretary of
the Consistorial congregation, when he
goes for a few weeks into the country,
takes with him a formidable pile of
documents requiring attention. Cardinal
Martlnelll Is overwhelmed with work.
The Impression now Is that some, at
least, of the vacancies will be filled in
the International N.w. swtf. t
London, Sept. 2. The naval airship at
Barrow Is about to make its second ap
pearance, this time to undergo trim
ming tests preparatory to short aerial
trips. Work on the airship was com
menced two years ago; its launching
was officially expected In June, 1910;
the vcssscl was actually launched last
May: It was then found seriously at
fault, and has since, and for the third
time, been considerably altered.
The Barrow airship Is of the tight
type, established by Zeppelin, but It
embodies a number of improvements.
The failure to succceed In the first
launching apparently was due to blun
ders In general design; Indeed, the bal
ance of the atrship has proved to he in
correct over and over aaln, find the
distribution of cars and fuselage has
had to bo entirely changed. Also, It has
been demonstrated by hard experience
that the weight of cars, engines and
fuselage was excessive, and during tho
past few weeks the gangway between
the cars has been removed, and the cars
have been brought closer together.
Ever since the airship took shape in
Its shed, the question of balancing it
has been a difficulty. Two accidents,
causing serious delays, were due to
Initial miscalculations, but it is be
lieved that the trouble has been over
There has been no undue haste In the
preparations for the trials now to be
made. The vessef was brought out of
its shee" last May. and was moored In,
me nocK, so successfully Uiat It with
stood a breexe stronger than anything
that the Zeppelins have weathered, yet
not as strong as reported. At any rate,
it was satisfactory so far as it went.
The airship holds 706,330 cubic feet
of hydrogen, and the cost of inflation
Is about 11500. Japan Is getting ready
a huge atrship of a flmllar type, but
90 feet larger than the British vessel.
Wild statements, have been published
concerning this Japanese experiment,
which is certainly going to give Its
builders a lot of trouble. The engine
power of the "Yamada Isaburo" dirigi
ble Is said to be 720 horsepower, out of
which a speed of 70 miles per hour Is
anticipated. '' It Is, however, quite Im
possible . to drive an airship of any
known method -of construction at sue"
a velocity through the air, "The weight
must be strictly limited, and the giMv
eat problem of construction la to givs
sufficient strength to withstand air
pressure at a moderate wind of SO miles
per hour, "i . -
By Thomas Emmett.
( Publishers' Press Lt' Wire.)
Dublin, Sept. 2. It is interesting In
view of the near approach of the re
establlshment of an Irish parliament at
Dublin to know that the first parlia
mentary body In the history of the world '
was Irish.
This fact, known perhaps to Irish
historians, but not to the public at
large, was "brought out aTThe Olreach3
tas, the great annual literary, Asocial
and . industrial festival of the Gaello)
league, at the Art and Industries Exhi
bition In the Rotunda rink, Rotunda
Gardens. The ceremonies closed with
a pageant representing the ancient Fel
at Tara. Tradition fixes the establish
ment of Fels at Tara In the reign of
Olav Fola, about 7 B. C, and though
It may not be easy to prove that OlaT
Fola was a real historical character,
and that he founded a parliamentary
institution, thtre Is no lack of evidence
In support of the existence of the Felsj
of Tara In the early centuries of our
era. It existed down to the seventh
century of tho Christian era, and was,,
to some extent, t least, a deliberative
assembly, at which laws were made or
revised, as laws are made or revised
in the parliamentary institutions of
modern times. Ttjere are many who
accept the tradition of the establish-'
ment of the Fels of Tara by Olav Fola.
Honoring Olav Tola,
How far the tradition has found ac.
ceptance may be gathered from the fact :
that Olav Fola Is given a place beside'
the great lawgivers of the world In the
decorations of the four courts. A me-
dalllon of the head of Olav Fola Is
worked In the dome of the hall of the
Four courts between medallions repre
senting the heads of Moses and Alfred.
The pageant represented the Fels la
historical times. Hundreds of perform
ers will take part In It. It will show
the Ard Rl, or high king, presiding over
an assembly of kings, princes, judges,
bards. Druids, soldiers, musicians, etc.,
dressed in costumes Intended to typify
the dress of the period.
The conference on costumes at the
Olreachtas showed that no woman,
whether she wants to be fine or merely
to be dressed, need spend one cent out
side of the country. There was the
dernier crl of elegance and the most
practical models for the humblest
needs. The conference has resulted in
the formation of a standing committee
to carry this truth home to all the peo
ple of Ireland that can be persuaded to
take the little personal trouble by whTbh,
Immense sums now heedlessly going out
of the country may be paid as wagee
to Irish worker.s, not merely, of course,
to manufacturers, traders and "hands"
In the workshops, but to the countless
other employes that live Indirectly by
the existence of great Industries.
Ziarge Bams for Charity,
Lord Iveagh, who on the occasion of
King George's visit to Dublin placed the
sum of $250,000 at his majesty's dis
posal for the hospitals of that city, Is
not only one of the richest of the king's
subjects, but also one of the most , gen
erous. The principal partner in the fa
mous brewery of Guinness, Lord Iveagh,
has given away in charitable purposes
nearly 10,000,000. The ancient title Of
Iveagh, which was borne by the Ulster
clan of McGulnness in the seventeenth
century, was revived by him on being;
made a peer some years after his elder
brother, Lord Ardlalaun, was ennobled."
Farmlelgh, near the Phoenix Park,
Lord and Lady Iveagh's Irish residence,
was purchased by its present owner.
and practically rebuilt at an enormous
cost, and Is now one of the handsomest '
homes in Ireland. It la Lord Iveagh's
hobby to live amid ancient surround- '.
tngs, and the house Is furnished with -genuine
antique furniture, some of It
having been In a dilapidated condition
when picked up by him, and skilfully
estorea oy an expert in Dublin. Despite
the comparative newness of the house,
the architect who designed it catered so
cleverly to suit Lord Iveagh's tsste
that strangers invariably imagine they
are In a very old mansion. The tapest-
try hangings on the ground staircase
represent at least $100,000 and the old
china and pictures delight connoisseurs.
Fleets of France, Germany and 1
Austria Ready for Ma
neuvers. ' '
By George Dufresne.
(By the Ititornatlensl News Service.)
Paris, Sept. 2. The opening week of
September will be a notable one, at
least from the spectacular point of
view. On Monday the Dreslde.nt of tha ;
French republic will review the fleet
which Vice Admiral .Tauregulberry is to
exercise In the tactical maneuvers for
the following fortnight, and on Tuesday
at Kiel, the German emperor, with Ad-
miral Montecuccoll. commander-in-chief
of the Austrian navy, as his guest, will
review the active and reserve squadrons '
or the High Sea fleet. . .
In both cases the force assembled will
be the most powerful ever collected wil
der their respective flags, and although
the Gorman fleet will be In every way
the more noteworthy of the two It will
contain at least seven dreadiiaughts
there Is good reason for regarding the
French assembly as the more important
gathering politically.
August 1 the French fleet was noajf
Inally redistributed. so r.s to concentrate
the whole of the active forces in th
Mediterranean, bu( the new system wilt
not come Into actual operation until af
ter the maneuvers. The Trench fl".t'
will then be in a position of superiority .
to a combination of Italy end Austria,
but the supremacy, will not be a very
lasting one, unless France greatly rt
larges her present naval proem rn, for,
as It is. Italy alone bids fair to out
build France as a dreadnought power.
Journal '"nt Ads brine result.
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