The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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EFFiciENcy my
Secretary Meyer Would Force
' Business End of War De
partment Into Hands of
Trained Engineers.
' ,'. CCntted Press Ln4 Wlre.l
. 'Washington, Sept. 2, Tbe United
. States navy will soon lead the nation
In the largest, moat complete, and most
. apectarular test of new "science of man
agement" If plana under contemplation
'' tov Secretary of the Navy Meyer are
i Dut Into effect. In fact, it might well
be said that they ar already under way,
aa Secretary Meyer is now In England
for the purpose ol studying the Lngllah
.system of navy administration.
' The secretary proposes to Introduce
1 Into American navy yards that new
creature of modern Industrialism the
"efficiency engineer." He views hl de-
- partment much an the manager of a
giant corporation looks upon his vast
plants as a problem In .business an'J
manufacture. Though the navy never
' pay dividends in dollars. Secretary
Meyer holds that Ha administration
should be' as business-like and as effi
cient as if he and the higher officials
assisting- him had to report each year
to f board of directors who were de-
; mandlng upon the part of the stock
holder that the navy be operated at a
' profit The navy has no Income from
aaloa of lta producta, as has an ordinary
business or manufacturing- firm, since
; Its revenues are in the form of appro-
.. prlations from congress, ao the secre
tary and (his aldea are concentrating
their attention upon watching the dol
lars aa they go out, with the aim of
. making each dollar expended produce
Us exact equivalent In work dona
Eight Vary Tarda.
There are now maintained by the
government eight great navy yards,
each so equipped that ita force can
' construct almost anything, from a bat
tleship to a cartridge. .Thousands of
men are employed, vast 'auma invested
In materiala and macnlriee. and there
In an annual output valued at millions.
- At least, it costs millions to produce
this output, and it la now proposed, ir
possible, to reduce thia cost or increaae
the output, or ooin, oy me iniroaucuon
Of scientific management.
In preparation for this step, which ia
expected to revolutionize navy yard
methods, Secretary Meyer has already
detailed several navy officer to study
principles of scientific management.
These officers have been engaged for
eome weeks in visiting industrial plants
which are either experimenting with, or
have adopted, the new scheme of opera
tion In manufacturing. Alao, he has
bad several men noted as exponents of
"aclentrfic shop management" spend
everal weeka with the fleet, watching
the operation of the battleships, which
re themselves huge problems in shop
management and atudylng the relation
of the battleship to the navy yard. By
thia study. Becretary Meyer believe
these experts will be better able to sug
gest Improvement In the navy yards.
having ascertained what the battleship
reoulrea .at .the.ya.rd. ...
Wary Self Sustaining.
' Once the system la installed, it will
have .to be operated almost entirely by
the navy officers, aa the navy is prac
tically self sustaining In every detail.
Therefore, a campaign of education and
courses of training among the officers
themselves are neceasary before the
rew system will be fully established in
the navy yards of the Atlantic and Pa
cific coasts.
The plan will eventually be extended
to the battleships themselves. In se
lecting the navy yards for the first ap
plication of the principles of scientific
management. Secretary Meyer reasons
Efficiency of the Pleet;
"The fleet is the thing. That is, ev
erything done for the navy ahould work
toward the greater efficiency of the
navy as a self sustaining, seagoing ag
gregation of ships, with the highest
possible potential fighting power. The
navy yards exist only for the purpose
ef building and maintaining battleships
and other naval vessels. -
"Of themselves, the yards have no
reason for existence, and, therefore,
, progress In the navy yards consists in
making them better able to care for the
fleet. As the battleships begin and
nd their existence In navy yards, and
Visit them frequently for repairs and
alterations, upon the navy yards rests
primarily the efficiency of the battle
ship. Therefore, to increase the effi
ciency of the fleet, the yards them
selves must first be Improved, to give
better and cheaper methods of con
struction and repair.
jicui-v, mo niuut-iiiiun oi me in i :i' i -
, . I
pies of scientific management to the
fnavy yards before extending it in all
' its detail to the battleships themselves.
Bnglnnsr la Charge.
According to the present plan, each
yard will have as its active head sn
Officer who will fill the rcqulrementn
jof an "efficiency engineer." There will
' still, be officers In charge of the dif
ferent details of the navy yard plants,
aa the power plant, the department of
. design, the purchasing department, the
shop department and the constructing
department, but It will he the task of
the efficiency engineer to coordinate
all these factors and many others for
the one great control purpose of ef
ficient and economical production.
He must supervise not only the di
rection of the sources of power In na-
. ture, but as working upon the machines
which turn out the guns or other pro
ducts used in battleship construction or
repair. More than that, however, he
must include under his direction the
human element, as represented by the
men operating the machines, now no
..Infinite in their variety and use as to
..perform almost every task which was
onoe done by hand. The industrial en
gineer, under scientific management,
must not ionly be a man of technical
ski., in directing a great manufacturing
. plant, but he mum also be able to
manage men and determine policies In
fields which the financial or commer
cial man has heretofore, considered ex-
clualvely his.
Must Study Economlo Bise.
The first task of the efficiency engi
neer, under scientific management, la
In mukji whnt ar, . ! 1 ,-1 n 1
guage of the new science "assays" That I
1a. he must analyre the bustnex. with
Which he is concerned. In the navv
yards, he Will be obliged to collect and
tabulate statistics about and determine
accurately the cost of every operation
from making a 14 inch gun to putting
rivets la a piece of armor plate,
, Theae oata as successively deter
mined with each Job, must be compared
Vim a standard, that he may determine
s whether they are normal, and, if not,
sea wherein they are at variance with
what they ebould ba. He must make
Inquiry into the means and methods
Ved for receiving, ; bundling and issu
ing materials, routing and transporting
George Waggoner, Good Roads Advocate, Telts Why Rex-Tigardville Road Should Be Improved; Highway Under Present Condition Colossal Disgrace, He -Says
Willamette Valley Largest Combined Area of Rich Land in the Worlds-Work on (Road, Already Commenced'-Magnificent Highway When Completed
Perspective map showing proposed
How the Improvement of the eight
mile atretch of road between Rex and
Tlgardville In Washington county will
establish Important trade and transpor
tation connection between Portland,
nearly all the Willamette valley and
much of the coast, Is vividly depleted in
the bjrdseye sketch of the Willamette
valley made by .Artist Routledge for
the Rex-Tigardville road improvement
committee, "What this road will mean
to tha 'Willamette valley and to Port
land! and hew Important the Investment
is related by George E. Waggoner, prea
tdent of the Yamhill Automobile and
Commercial club good roads association
tim materials from one process
another during manufacture, the general
arrangement of the plant, ana tne erreci
of tola arrangement upon economy of
Gathering Tacts in Mass.
A distinct feature of this "assay"
work, and. In fact, what is considered
its real object, la the reduction of data
thus gathered to graphic form. Ex
perts declare that it Is nothing less than
wonderful to eee the aaiount oi new
knowledge a majKifacturer-mayain
about a business with which he be
lieves himself thoroughly familiar by
the plotUnavOf various sorts oi data in
On these, for example, will be chart
ed, so as to visualise them, the move
ments of various materials from place
to place In a navy yard in connection
with installing the electrical system In
a 27,000 ton battleship. By this meth
od, it is claimed, wastes of time and
labor which might remain buried for
ever in a page of statistics, or a page
of reports, become Instantly revealed.
Once discovered, It Is claimed the prob
lem of rectifying these errors, or elim
inating waste. Is easy.
Seeking Vsw Methods.
The second phase of industrial en
gineering, sometimes cnlled the active
or creative branch, as 'distinguished
from the "assay," or passive side, Is
. . . . . , . i .... , ... ... v, ,.
mat niliun iiiiuiv.riiiriiio mien
,. hn ,,, h(,r ,hv ari,
needed; that devices new methods and
processes. Introduces economies, de
velops new ideas, finding new ways of
doing an old thing, or substituting a
new operation that is better than th?
Above all things, and at all times, It
will be the duty of the navy officers
placed in navy yards to act as Indus
trial engineers to study constantly the
queBtlon of the equivalency between
the dollars expended and the thing se
cured. Tha most difficult problem which
scientific management has undertaken
A Jfsw Horns Cur That Anyone Can
Ust Without Discomfort or
Xiosa of Time.
We have a New Method that cures
Asthma, and we want you to trv it at
our expense. Jv'o matter whether your
case is of long-standing or recent de
velopment, whether It in present as hay
fever or chronic Asthma, our method Im
an absolute cure. No matter in what
climate you live, no matter what your
age or occupation, our method will cer
tainly cure you right in your own home.
We especially want to send it to those
apparently hopeless cases, where all
forms of Inhalers, douches, opium prep
arations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc.,
have failed. We want to ahow every
one at our own expense that this new
ln' n wheesing, and all those terrible
Par.ox'Bm" Ht ?".ce and. fo"I 'Ime.
memod win enn all d rr cult breath
i nis rree offer Is too Imnnrtnnt t
neglect a single dav. Write now and
begin the cure at once. $end no money.
Bimply mall coupon belowDo It Today.
FltONTIEIt ASTHMA CO., room 273B
Niagara and Hudsoh 8ta., Buffalo,
Bend free trial of your method to:
Valley Is Able to
road improvement between Portland
in a statement made yesterday which
la as follows:
'The Willamette valley la the largest
combined area of rich land of the
"Surrounded by thousands of acres
of foothills, to supply the world for all
time to come with Oregon's famous
fruits, then back of this still, one of
the largest If not the largcRt standing
bodies of Umber of the entire conti
nent. "This valley now contains a popula
tion of about .180,000 people. It will
support an increase of 10 times Ita pres
ent population.
Give ua western Oregon alone. Cut
off the balance of the state, take away
to solve Is the labor problem. Though
the navy at sea Is manned and the bat
tleships sustained, by men enlisted, and
paid a stated sum monthly, instead of
wages for the work they do, in the navy
yards civilian employes are used al
most exclusively. The navy, therefore,
on shore, is up against the labor prob
lem as much aa anyone, and. In many
respects, the labor problem In the navy
la even more distressing than in pri
vate industrial plants.
As .the navy yards offer such a vast
field for a test of scientific manage
"The Bridge of the Gods"
Another Train Leaves Portland 9:20( A. M., Returning Leaves Astoria 7:05. P. M.
Regular trains leave Portland 8 A. M., 9:20 A, M., 6:30 P. M. daily, and an
additional train 2:30 JP. M. . Saturday.
September at Clatsop Beach
The best days of the season. Hotels at Gearhart and Seaside open all the year.
' v. ' :': ' . " x :" ; ; ',
. k- -. "J-1 v-:;v'' '.
Support QmMillti
' i , ... - j
and the Willamette valley. Black
Hex and Tlgardville in Washington
one-half of Washington (ita natural
territory) and that vast area drained
by the Columbia er.d its tributaries and
Portland could still know she would
some day have a million. -
It la nothing less than a coloaeal
disgrace that there, is not a passable
highway between Portland and this, the
most fertile and beautiful valley of the
world. Thia stretch of good road under
consideration nice through a mountain
ous and unimportant portion of Wash
ington county and will never be thor
oughly improved by that eounty exoept
through assistance and it is fair that
the Willamette valley and Portland
ahould join hands in the work. It la
ment, industrial operators sll over tbe
country are watching with much In
terest the aecretary's preparations, and
upon his success, it Is believed, will de
pend largely the rapidity of the spread
of the scientific management, schemes,
and the increase in the number of "in
dustrial engineers."
A Medicinal Dinner.
From Walnuta and Wins.
Bailie, a daryy cook down In Virginia,
haa been taught by her mlatreas to cook
chickens en casserole an accomplish
8.00 A. M., MONDAY,
ASTORIA 11:30 P. Wi
space shows where good roads advocates propose to Improve stretch,
the gateway for development of the
valley, the growth of Portland, the geta
way to hundreds of miles of good roads.
"Work has already commenced. It can
not be carried to completion unless the
fund la completed. Subscriptions may
be sent to The Journal or Commercial
club. It takea hard work to raise money
by subscriptions and any subscription
however small, will be greatly appre
ciated. The name and amount sub
scribed will be published in one list In
the papers. Tlio treasurer la ' under
bonda, there are no salaried officers. The
work is not being don by contract, but
by day labor under supervision of a f irat
class road builder and Governor West
will supply convict labor. The road will
ment in which she takea great pride. It
la alwaya done on occasions of state,
and Bailie hunts up company to ahow
her prowess. Sunday morning recently
she came in gleefully with the remark:
"Yonder come Mr. Clifford up de road
to see Miss Judith. Hadn't I better
cook the chickens castor oil?"
Small mirrors are mounted on each
side of a new shoe salesman's stool to
give a customer aide views of a shoe
he Is trying on and alao to afford m
degree of privacy.
be a magnificent highway when' com
pleted and a credit to the state. Every
one knowa the cauae is worthy and it
is hoped that thoo. who are able to send
In a subscription will, kindly do ao."
How Drink Put a
Crimp mSuccess
Neal Treatment
Puts an End to
Desirg for Drink
in Three Days.
Moderate drinkers always hand them
selves the wo rut A young man,
bright as a newly minted dollar, went
Into business for himself in the out
skirts of the city about a year ago. He
did well at the start. Then things be
gan to go badly. He couldn't discover
any reason for the sudden change, but
he suddenly stood and saw himself In
the light of truth. He was a drinker,
in "moderation," as he put it.
"I never iret drunk in my life," he
said. "I never reached the point where
liquor affected me, but lately I am be
ginning; to wonder if drink ia not get
ting the best of me."
It was a blue and discouraged inquir
er who came to The Neal Institute and
told his story. Whan business was
moving slowly he would go out for a
drink. He never counted upon staying
away from the store more than five or
of course you are saving Journal
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Ton may bring tha photograph which you wish to featra enlarged to Tha
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WOTB Subscribers having . subscription reoelpta covering tht cur
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Auto Association to Take Up
Question of- Revising
' ; Designs.
It seems probable that the automobile
associations will, soon be obliged to
take tip the problem of devising a form
ula that will give a fair approximation
or tha horse-power developed by auto
mobiles. Aa is well known, the old A.
U " A. M.' formula has become grossly
Inaccurate for many cars through their
advanced motor construction and ad
vanced engine design. Yet there is at
present nothing to take lta place.
Tha A. L. A. M. formula la baaed on a
maximum of 1000 feet of piston apeed
per minute and Is accurate for the cheap
er cars that develop that rate of platon
peed. But few of the moderate or high
priced cars of today develop aa little
as 1000 feet. Some cars, tor instance,
develop 1900 feet of piston apeed, nearly
double the A, L. A. M. maximum,, and
has been shown by actual block test
to '.develop regularly nearly' 10 horse
power more than la given by tha A. L.
A. M. formula. t r ; y,
The olff formula, moreover, takes no
account of . the general design of the
car, although thia design largely de
termines the actual horse-power de-
llvered to the driving wheels. In an
automobile the horse-power developed
by the motor has It do i great deal of
work in turning the cam ahaft, driving
the magneto, forcing the water to and
from the radiator, pumping the oil, and
in some machines also In driving tha
fan. pumping the gasoline, and ao on.
All this work consumes horse-power; In
some cars it consumes a great deal of
horae-power, perhaps even half of all
that la developed.. Of course tha more
consumed In this w.ay the less remains
to drive the car. A good automobile
design economises horse-power and s
poor design Wastes It
In early days, whea all automobile de
signs were about equally wasteful, tha
A. L. A. M. formula, served very well
a basia for comparing tha different
makes. Of late, however, the difference
in horse-power economy' has become
very marked, and the A. U A. M. form
ula, even if it gave the motor power
correctly, would nlnng-er -Indicate even
relatively the power, delivered to the
driving wheels.
Will Be No Strike.
The Western Federation of Miners
has" defeated a proposition recently
made to call a general strike on the
day set for the opening of the trial
of the McNamara brothers. The vote
was 172 against to 114 in favor of the
general strike.
A Chicago hotel steward has Invented
a machine which can wash and dry'
more than 18,000 dishes an hour when
operated by two men.
ten minutes, but in the saloon he would
meet friends and minutes grew to half
hoursr, often hours. Meanwhile custom
ers 'Coming to his store found his wife
In charge. It was hard for her to clinch
a sale, and many a time the absence
of tha husband at the salmon cost a
sale. When the man-did return, it was
with the odor of liquor on his breath. '
something which repelled good trade.
Many a woman customer catching a
whiff of the alcohol as she enteredthe
store would go right on o,ut.
Thia is no fanciful picture. It is a
clear recital of a suburban business
that was all but wrecked by modern t
drink. The owner real lied In time that
he did need The Neal Treatment.
Th Neal Treatment, there adminis
tered by regular physicians, Is -purely a
vegetable remedy, taken internally and
with no hypodermic Injections. What
the world calls desire for liquor is
simply the natural result of alcoholla
poison which Is found in the system of
alT drinkers. The Neal Treatment neu
tralizes and eliminates all the poison
and all desire for drink goes with the
Gueats at The Nenl Institute' enjoy
all the privacy nnd comforts of home,
hotel or club. There Is no publicity. If
you have a friend who needs the Neal
Treatment, It would be a splendid thing
to put him In the way of getting rid of
a habit that sooner or later will lead
to the curtailment of his Income or
something worse.
A week-end vacation at The Neal In
stitute will add to the happiness and
earning power of any drinking man
For further information and booklet,
address The Neal Institute, 354 Hall
street, Portland, Or. Phone Marshall
arrangunisnts with Its advertisers
portrait a merchandise order good