J ' ' ' T , -' section xvyo ED I T O R I A L reXl ESTATE 8 FACES i .PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 3, 1911. . When Rangers Do Battle Against Forest Fires An Intimate Review of the Dangers and Hardships Encountered by Men Who Serve the Government When the Forests Are Threatened The Story of Fire-Ftghting on the Upper Reaches of the McKenzie River Last Year Upper oval Work of the fir demon. Upper upright Forest ranger on his' lookout. Lower square Rangers starting on rounds of forests. Lover oval Building government trails? " By Franklin 8. Allen. Eugene,- Or., Sent. 1. Although Lane county, said to b tne most heavily tim bered rea In the world, suffered heavy fire lose last suirmer, she has experi enced no loss at all from fire this year. The credit must V Riven to the very ef ficient system of patrol employed by the government In the forest reserves, by the large lumber corporations and by the county itself. The government rangers have a very perfect system, and guards from lookout points during the summer dry months watch practic ally every acre of the forest. As soon as they get sight of a fire communica tion Is sent over the telephone, for in sulated wires, strung along the ground, connect every ranger's station and look out point with .'.he forest supervisor's office in Eugene, and a crew of men Is sent over trails, which are being con structed as a network through the for ests. It is possible te successfully fight the fire before it has gained much head way. The dangers and hardships of fighting forest fires are many. With the smoke hanging about the mountains as a blan ket, making it impossible for the ranger to see 200 feet sway, giving the .help less feeling of a man grouping about in the dark, and with tire apparently on all sides covering miles and miles, the help lessness of man la apparent. t The story told by John Morse, ranger In charge of the McKensle Bridge station of the dia- astrous Blue river fire last summer is thrilling. Patroliatf Large Areas. 'Tou can get sums Idea of the amount : of territory I alone had to patrol when I tell you that my district is as large as many eastern counties, over 15 miles i long by. 20 miles wide,, with almost three fifths of it Inaccessible." said Mr. Mors, "Consequently I was . not only handicapped by th lack of, guards, but in knowledge of the country as well. It was under such conditions that I went Into the Blue river fire. "Owing 'to the dense smoke; patrol from the lookout points was utterly im practical, I was helpless and could not even see the trees a few-hundred feet below me. , Some time, if you want, to knew how small ycu are, get on a look out point in a. dense smoke and strain your eyes for a sight of the opposite hill. Look over the cliff on which you - are standing and see no ground, nothing . but the dull, leaden' gray of the impen etrable smoke, and you will feel , the most peculiar,' helpless sensation Imag inable, especially if your business is to detect and suppress fires. ' ' V "August 17 the wind shifted -and 11ft- i,-vV. ed the smoke. I believed that I should start for the G000 foot lookout on Horse Pasture mountain, which overlooks my entire district. I stopped en route on Owl's lookout, a small promontory . that puts off from the main ridge. It was at this point that I first sighted the fire north of the Blue River mines. I was 30 miles from the fire that I could see was already becoming serious. I re traced my steps,' and traveled all that day as fast as possible, considering the heavy load of my pack horses, and reached the old Kellly sheep camp that night about 10 o'clock; having cov ered nearly 40 mllee. "At the sheep camp 1 employed Pat Charles and a miner who had prospected in the country where the fire was and who saved us .much time by his know ledge of the 'Indian trails. On the morning, of August 11, with two pack horses and a saddle horse we took the old Indian trail and practically fought our way within two miles of the fire with the horses. Here it was neces sary to leave the packer while Hawkin son, the miner, and I endeavored to learn the extent of the firs' and sought water as. well as a route over which we could bring In men and supplies. Doing this, I left for Blue river and the next morning returned to the fire with six men. ' Kakinr Trails. "Returning it waa necessary to cut logs from the old trail and construct fully a mile of new . trail' in order to get the pack train in. By night camp was located where we had found water the day before. It was three days after I first . sighted the fire before ' we could commence our attack, and by the time we began actual work the fire covered 600 or 600 acres and was traveling north west up a ridge through an old "burn." Directly above on the south side there was a large body of green timber which was threatened, consequently we began our fire line on the crest of the ridge a few hundred yards In advance of the fir and 'trenched down the north aide about 100 yards. As soon as we had made the , trench in front of th main fire- safe, we back-fired along the side slopes to within about 100 yards of the end , of the trench, then detailed four men to patrol the back fir while the rest of us made new trench. By pursu ing this plan the middle of the afternoon found us ' with over one-half mile of fire line completed, backfired and prop erly patrolled .by four men, and evi dently safe. ' J.',".''.,.;' ,,' ' j' ', " ; . . : ;: Making- VrofTess. ' ! ' i ' . "By. night time the main fire and out defensive back-fires had burned together on the crest of the ridge and had met! in little tongues on the Mpper 'part of the south slope. The next day condi tions remained about the same and by constructing more trench we lacked but half a mile of surrounding the fire, and thus under ordinary conditions there would have been nothing to do but pa trol the fire until the last snag had fallen and the fire had died out. Such was the condition on the evening of August 2S. when I climbed the cliff on the ridge near camp, where I sighted a flro on the south fork of the MrKen zle near Cougar creek. ' Studying the situation a few moments I determined to leave the Blue river fire In charge of the miner, and that night I started over the rough mountain trail, until I reached the Blue river road and made my way to the south fork of the Mo Kenzle. "As I rode that night I could feel the wind rising and knew that Haw klnson would have trouble In preventing the Blue river fire from breaking out again. On the morning of August 24, the east wind of the preceedlng night devrped Into a terrific gale. Mean time the crew under Hawklnson held the fire line all day by constant work, but late at night, with the men dead tired, the fire, the live coals and spark soon formed a second fire even more serious than the first, with all the trenches useless. At 2 o'clock In the morning of August 26 the men, beaten, weary and discouraged, were forced to abandon their camp, barely having time to bury their outflta. Fleeing- for Safety. 'f 6u know the average person In considering what he would do in case of a foreat fire figures from the stand point that he Is always fresh, unwear ied and clear handed, but It usually works 0ut Just the opposite, and in this case the - men were about exhausted when they were forced to flee for eafo- ty. Hawklnson realized the seriousness of the situation and saw that their Only chance lay up a steep ridge that apparently ran into the very head of the main fire. And It was only after threatening to leave them to their own resources that Hawklnson Induced them to follow him. "New fire was gaining strength on all sides except to the northwest, but In that direction they would be travel ing with the fire and It would only be a matter of time until they would be overtaken. Hence ha realised that they must out-travel the fire. In the gulch below and round Its head before the fire cut them- off. He told me afterward that he never before had known what real exhaustion meant. When he final ly rounded the fire It was not more than 200 feet below him. All the crew but one' had rounded the head before Hawk lnson. ' This nan la a naif erased eon. dltlon gave up the fight and was half dragged, half carried over logs and brush by Pat Charles, the packer,, to a point on the ridge half k mile abov camp. From the top of the ridge Hawk Inson's knowledge of trials and short cuts allowed them more speed, but It was not until 8 o'clock In the morning that they felt themselves safe and they did not reach Blue river until late In the afternoon. Hurrying Ken to fires. "I was on the South Fork of the McKensle, 25 miles distant, organising the work on Cougar creek when a mes senger came from Hawklnson, Imme diately I returned with the messenger to the road -and telephoned to the su pervisor in Eugene vfor 30 men. These were rushed immediately by automobiles to the town of Blue river, 20 miles from the fire, where they arrived on the eve ning of August 26. , "Hawklnson had succeeded in getting around the greater part of the fire the day before and reported It burning slowly In most places and having little If any direction. I divided Uie men into three crews, with each crew divided into shifts; the . night , shift to patrol the fire line built by the day shift. For the next week trials were systematically built and rebuilt by crews equally dis tributed about the three or four prin cipal fires. The wind for the greater part of the time was favorable and the men accomplished irrtich. "For the nextA three days it was doubtful whether we would be able to hold the fire within the lines. However, conditions were favorable for fighting the fire, and the men seemed fo have developed a spirit of battle, and fought with an energy that indicated a per sonal Interest In the conflict. To' short en the story, the trenches held and September 11 rains fell and the foreat fire season was over.". Cider Vinegar Must Go. From Leslie's. The astonishing revelation is made that pure-rood legislation has produced a monopoly In an Inferior product. ' The agricultural law of New York prohibits the sale of vinegar which has not an acldlty'equivalent to the presence of at least 4H per cent, by weight, of abso lute acetic acid. Since acidity is most desirable In Vinegar, this seems to be a proper requirement; but pure apple cider, vinegar. It is said, will not de velop this, amount of acetic acid.- In any . event. It la without question that all pure apple cider will not do so, for there are la the. cellars of farmers all over the state thousands of barrels of such -vinegar which cannot be but on the market because of this peculiar kink in ma agricultural law. Sec Tomorrow's Papers Read . Our Ad Tomorrow; 1 a . " t 1 i ' . ' ' W t l it 'iii i w 1WV n f ri - ' a-s j - jyf Xl i - VV llsi M,' K -v " ' 4 1 III " r- i,y' f;iJII- III -) : 'V '7 i)'tJ ' Y:-t J II Store Closed Tomoirro w Sec Tomorrow's Papers for Next Week's Program at tlie Big Store Ttie news will be of vllal Interest to all who study True Economy Get tne Paper, Early-Read Every Word The Demand lor IVfledallion Portraits Is Increasing Daily Exquisite Miniatures, the latest achievement in portrait art with porcelain ef fect, in beautiful natural colors, are being given away free to customers whose purchases amount to $10.00. Perfect reproductions in miniature of your own photograph. Six different styles to choose from. Specimens of the w6rk may be seen in, the store, where a more elaborate display than ever has been made, and all information needed, not set forth here, will be cheerfully given. Free to Our Customers t These Medallions are perfect reproductions of your.. own photograph-pr the photograph, of your family or your "friends a permanent keepsake. - A gift from a standpoint of artistic merit, worthy for us to give, worthy for you to accept. Unlike a photograph, they will never fade and are made on non-corrosive metal with a, porcelain finish burnt on metal and faced with celluloid. The finish has a softness a beauty a per-.' iiianviivx, iikj nuivgiaii wait cL I tctiil. Something new entirely different equal in appearance to hand-painted ivory or oorce-. J lain Medallions that have a cost of $10 to $100. They have a beauty and a softness impossible even in modern photography. These Medallions are superior to the hand-painted style, retaining the same ' ' soft finish and artistic excellence at the same time assuring a faithful re semblance to the original. ? We guarantee the likeness to be an absolute facsimile of the photograph fur-V nished. Dainty and refined an ornament to the home the result sure to be satis-' factory. Can be washed when soiled, without harm preserving forever the features ' of those you love. ' . Ask for Medallion Coupon to keep track of your purchases. llILb ILML1 When they amount to $10 you can have a portrait absolutely if frff iTiIrs , I ' "'" t"" "' " " '" ' ik sssaa U 1 a The Piano Question???! Solve it by buying of the manufactur er direct. Save the middleman's and dealer's profit. Bush & Lane Piano Co. Kiffh Chads Pianos and Pluyer-Flaaos are the only manu facturers dealing direct with you in ( this city. You pay i only one profit. Yon positively buy as a dealer buys at wholesale. Do not take our word for it compare. You be the judge. Terms to suit your convenience. Foster & Klleser High Gade Commercial and Klrctrt SIGNS. Bast TU snd Sasi Bvsrst ta, Vkooss Ssst 111 1 1 B-aaa STR. M0NARGI Astoria and Return. Daily DURING ASTORIA CENTENNIAL and REGATTA Leaves Jutland 7 a. m. Arrives Astoria 1 p. m. Leaves Astoria '4 p. m. Arrives Portland 11 p.m. FARE, $1.00, EACH WAY WASHINGTON ST. DOCK MARSHALL 1979 f Steady Situations Secured by a Journal Went Ac 1