The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Girls' Baseball Team Will Try For Honors
' Against "Four-Foot Boys' Team From Brooklyn
i---WKt?, Ti in (v , N
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entirely of rVf? , , . . ? '
-T- ywavr-. r-.7. T rr
William Hanley and Thomas
Kearns Killed Ducks Out of
Season, Says Warden.
In h report made to Bute Game War
rton Flnley by Harry Telford, a deputy
warden with headquarter at Burna,
Or., William Hanley, ex-Senalor Thomae
Kearns of Salt LakaClty. Utah, and
It. F. Barber of Kenwood, Cal., , are
charged with violating the rame iaw
of Oregon by killing ducks out of sea
son, and are also charged with hunt
ing without a license and resisting an.
officer. '
Deputy Telford said he followed the
three men and Baw them shoot the
ducke, some 20 In number, and that half
of them could not fly. When he made
known that he was an officer and that
he was compelled to arrest them, Han
ley, reads the report, became very
heated and took the stand that hia
friends could not be arrested without a
warrant. Telford, who was not sure
on this point, let the men go with the
understanding that he would go to
Bum, wher he would secure warrants
When he wa gona the alleged guilty
parties mad their way out of the state
and tie was then not able to serve the
It Is said that Gam Warden Flnley
will take the matter-up with Governor
West and sea If there la not some way
that these naerf'may be made . to eome
back Into Oregon where they will have
to stand trial. ; v
In tle report, Telford also said that
the people in ithat section tf th etate,
meaning southern Oregon, were' under
the Impression that they could shoot
ducka any time they wished. He also
said , ha wlahed ' thereV.- waa sonle - way
that the people might ae notified of the
law, so they could not plead Ignorance
when they were found hunting .ducks
out of season.
: ,;t..,,'vt'
' Youthful Logic.
The teacher In elementary 'mathe
matics looked hopefully about the
room. "Now, children." she said, "I
wish you' to think very carefully be-
rore you answer my next question."
The snSall pupils sat eagerly await
ing it. wild-eyed, and In some instances
open mouthed.
"Which would you rather have three
bags with two apples In each bag, or
two bags with three apples In each
bag?" asked the teacher,
"Three bags with two apples tn each
bag." said a boy In one of the last
seats, while the clasa still 'debated as
to the -best answer. ' .
"Why, Paul?" aaked the .teacher.
"Because there'd be one more bag to
bust," announced the practical young
mathematician. ' ;. '
, bund salem organist
;has splendid memory
, ' T. 8. Roberts, v
1 (9klm Burntu of The Journal.)
Salem, Or., Sept. '2 The playing of
T. 8. Roberts, the blind organist of
the First Methodist church of Salem,
will be a feature of the annual Oregon
tata conference of th Metbodlst TsAm
copal church to i b JuM bare th teal
week In September. One ot th r
markable feature of Mr. Roberta play
lng' la that he memorises ail hla muaU
before the aery toea at which he , 1 tl
play by having It dictated to him M
hls;brothers or alaUr. He frequent!)
playa new hymna at church which h
had - had . hastily dicUted to him ' onlj
once before eervlcea. Mr. -Roberta 11
30 year old and has been blind alnei
he waa seven year old. At that tlm
a playmate hit him In the eye with
atone, causing him to leae hi alghl
entirely. , Welsh by birth, he readljj
took to music and after graduating
from i the ,; conservatory at Overbrook,
Philadelphia, he came to Salem, when
he la music Instructor at the Oregon
state aohobl for the blind.' He haa been
organist at the Salem Methodist church
alx yearn. ' He copies musto onto atlfi
paper by sticking prtis through the pa
per, thua raising the notea, bars, staff
and .other , symbols. ' His. memory hai
developed to a marvelous degree. -
Four More Days of Low Rates
September 7 la the last date of sale
for special' round trip excursion ticket!
to the east, "
The Canadian Pacific make th ratea
and gives the servloe. Try the real
scenic : highway across the- continent
Office 112 Third atreet
A fund of .125,000 haa been raised aa
a memorial to the American pioneer
woman astronomer, Maria Mitchell, th
Income from which will be used for
yearly . fellowships for astronomer ol
her ex. . .
There is n bii iivhi in more tor
the public In general Monday afternoon.
Labor dav, when the Peninsula Park
baseball team, composed
girls, will play the Brooklyn Mldgeta.
a team composed of boys under 4 fpot 8
Inches in height, for the Portland Play
grounds championship cup. The game
will be played at the Peninsula Park
playgrounds. In this same the boya
will give the girls a handicap of 15 runs
and will then endeavor to beat them.
These baseball teams, which each
park has, were organized July 1. and
on the Fourth of July the first names
were played. Phenomenal success has
followed the Peninsula team of girls,
as well as the Brooklyn Midgets, nei
ther having loft a game nd both having
finished the season with a percentage
of 1.000. The average agr of. both the
boys and girls Is 12 years.
At the finish of the game Acting
Mayor George L. Baker will present the
winning team with a silver cup. .
Besides the ball game in the afternoons-there
are to be numerous other
porta, for September 4 Is the second
annual play festival day. This day is
to be observed by all the children who
frequent, the playgrounds.
Professor A. M. Grilley, of the local
Y. M. C. A., who has supervision of the
playgrounds, urges all that can possibly
come to be present at the big doings
of the children.
Each playground Is represented by a
team of boys and a team of girls, who
have now reached a stage of efficiency
In the art of playing ball. Following is
the averages of the games played by
the girls' teams:
Played. Won. Lost. P. C.
Peninsula Park .. 6 6 1.000
North Park 6 4 2 .684
Brooklyn Park .. B 1 4 .200
Columbia Park ... 6 1 5 .166
s x 1 i fin
i .i.JkJt.x-.. iKwx fa.Mfeii tost iSMt&kM Jmn' ' 1 J
In Honor ot the American Laboring Man, This Store Will
Remain Closed the Entire Day Tomorrow, Labor Day
Top picture Girls' team of champion baseball swatters of PenlnBula
Park; has 1.000 per cent record. Lower picture Brooklyn Midgets,
same record. Members of this team each under five feet in height.
George L. Baker, as Mayor Day, Learns
That People Generally Are Selfish
- 1
For a day and a half George L. Baker,
president of the city council, has been
acting mayor of Portland. .While oc
cupying the chair of the c,hlef execu
tive oMhe cKy1 he'has observed a KUSH
ber of things about human nature that
'never impressed him before. He haa
found that people are more selfish
than he thought them to be, an4 that
men who are called "big jnen" do not
hesitate to ask for favor from the
city that they would not think of grant
ing In their own business.
"The short time I have been at the
head of the city has revealed to me the
selfish side of human nature aa I had
not observed it before," he said yester
terday. "People flock here to ask for
favors which will benefit no one but
themselves. They seem to thlnlt that
any concession they can get from the
city they are entitled to. Men who are
termed "big" come to thfe mayor's of
fice and ask for favors which they
would not think of granting If the
same conditions applied to their own
"Aa I understand It It is the mayor'a
duty , to protect . the weak from, the
strong. He most be watchful of every;
effort made to g-et aomethlng from the f
city. When complaints come to this of-
flee It la his duty to tone his Influence 1
to settle them Justly and fairly, and j
alwaya be on the lookout to protect
the weaker ones. The stronger ones, J
the men with means, are more able to j
take care of themselves.
"I . think It would prove to be a se-I
vere nervous strain to attend to the du- 1
ties of the mayor's office for any 1
length of time. There is such a varie- j
ty of complaints and questlona being-!
presented to him every hour In the '
day. -
"I have enjoyed the privilege and ap- ,
predated the honor of being at the I
head of the city government of Port- 1
land, even for a day." j
Attorney A. E. Clark.
By Alfred K. Clark.' chairman people's
charter revision committee.
Portland, the potential metropolis of
. the Pacific coast, deserves and de
mand the best form of municipal gov
ernment yet tried by American cities;
that ia, government by a commission
directly responsible to the people'. Our
City Is a big business Institution. It
ahould be run on business principles.
Econoorfy, efficiency and responi?e to
public requirement should be its most
Important features. The present form
of government is essentially lacking in
all these, as has' been demonstrated
by actual experience. Under the pres
ent system a good man Is so fettered
and handicapped that he can accom
plish little, while a bad man evades
direct responsibility and In the obscur
ity and confusion of numerous boards,
committees, bodies, etc., is usually able
to hide from the public the evidence of
his misconduct.
. The commission form of government
aims to concentrate responsibility, se
cure better men and pay them for their
services. Corporations, public or pri
vate, usually get the services Ihi v pay
lor, no more arm no less. The theory
la to place the responsibility of the
conduct of the city's affairs upon, five
men, Dfvy them Well, require them to
irlve all their time to the publl. , pro
hibit them from having or entering Into
any ousiness relations whatsoever with
any person or corporation doing biisl
nea with the city, hold them rigidly
responsible for the honest and efficient
conduct of their office and discharge
them when they cease to properly per
form their duties. This la .he form of
irovernment Portland needs and the
form of government she deserves to
"Rome" Is to Be "Burned" Each Night President Taft Expected to
Go Vp Mount RainieV Railroad Work Forecasted.
Out of rocket.
Me wa rather overdressed youth
and attracted much attention when hn
entered the car. He occupied the only
Vacant seat beside a rather elderly
' foUeman. When the conductor came
format fare, he fumbled for his money
and then suddenly became very pale
Jl"Oh; I've been robbed," he gasped.
There is nothing but a bit of an old
cigar in my pocket"
"My boy." said the deep base voice of
the man by hla side, "would you mind
taklnar bnd out of my Docket f
(Special to Tbe Journal.)
Tacoma. Sept. 2. Tacoma Is ready
for Its big spectacle "The Burning of
Rome," which will be shown to thou
sands at the Stadium bcglnaing Mon
day night and to continue through the
week. "The Burning of home" celebra
tion Is the result of the successful Car
nival of Nations which the city pro
moted early in July. Rome as It stood
centuries ago has been reproduced in
the Stadium and 1000 performers have
been rehearsing Ihelr pans for several
weeks. Two teams of flrehorses have
gone around the track at the Stadium
ttme after time and no circus horses
can outdo them In speed and daring in
swinging tbe light chariots around the
horse shoe. A score of excursions will
be run from Seattle, Kverett. Olympia,
Shelton and other Sound points.
Preparing to Greet Taft.
The political leaders and thone in of
ficial life in Tacoma are now in the
midst of strenuous preparation for the
visit of the president, scheduled for
Saturday and Sunday, October 14. and
15. President Taft haa announced that
he will go up Mount Rainier and every
body Is getting ready to show him the
time of his life on the second highest
mountain in the United States. Taco
mans are hoping hia visit to the mount
will result in more work being done In
the line of marking and cutting trails
up the slope and that the government
appropriations will be increased to
more adequate size. Tacomans will
probably hear the president speak in
the Stadium on the afternoon of his
Railroad Assam Greater Activity
A general resumption of work by
both tho Northern Pacific and Milwau
kee ' railroads is forecasted by the ac
tlvltics of these 'companies tn the vicin
ity of Tacoma. The Milwaukee has
long delayed the hullci'ng of its station
at this place and it is now rumored
In railroad circle that that company
will build many blocks nearer the ccn
ter of the City than Its temporary, sta
tion Is now located. The Milwaukee
has bought considerable of the holdings
or the Oregon-Washington railroad be
tween Twenty-fifth and Seventeenth
streets In the city and It Is believed
will use tills as a station site.
The Northern Pacific raMway olflc
lals. President KUIott and several of
his division chiefs Included, have been
looking over the various works Of that
company in the vicinity of this city and
tho Point Defiance cutoff 'will undoubt
edly be started In tho near future. The
right of way agents for this line have
been active for some time. and are now
clearing up the loose, ends. The super
tor court this week saw three condem
nation proceedings instituted and when
these are overcome everything will be
in shape "for the road builders. The
Northern Pacific haa only recently let
contract for shops, round houses, spur
and other buildinars at Auburn and also
contracta for new depots at Hoqulam,
Aberdeen and Centralla.
The Oregon-Washington will soon bc5
gin construction of a bridge across the !
city waterway Just south of the pres- I
ent bridge of the Northern Pacific, j
The route has been laid out and all the
right of way has been acquired. This
will give the Oregon-Washington its ,
own entrance Into Tacoma and will per- '
mlt Of a further disposal of Its freight
and terminal yards.
Dahlia Grower to Hold Show.
Around September 25 the dahlia
growers In the city will hold a big
public show in the New York block and
the housewives who prize their garden !
flowers are beginning to save them up
for that event which Is expected to 1
I rival the rose show in Its appealing ;
mie uitimas will ne me
principal xhlblts, asters and sweet peas
will be called upon to lend some variety
and to act as trimmings. The dahlia '
has been well thought of this year In
Tacoma anj there are few lawns that
do not have a bed of the blooms. The ?
plant grow especially well In the Ta- ;
coma climate and a permanent organisa
tion has been effected by those promot
ing this year's show with the Idea of
continuing the event each year
A large Increase wa noted
number of delegates present
"""" anniversary or the convention of
the Oregon State Snlrltunllst.1
tlon, which began Its sessions yester- '
m. neaaquaners, 601 Yamhill
street. Delegates were present from
Rose City society and the Mediums and
Ministers association of this city. The
convention was called to omr in
o'clock by President Sophia B. Selp.
uuiwri en-cieo ror the ensuin
vmr are! SnnMo n qi .. . i
Til., i it ii, president;
Rev. J. H. Lucas, vice president; Rev.
St. Martlne, secretary; I. Taylor treas
urer; directors, Mr. St. Mar.
and Mrs. Staley, Mrs. N. Taylor kioh'
Mr. Cornell; Rev. and Mrs. at a.,'
tine were appointed mHnn.H..' ...
The all-day meeting for the i I
public , will take place todav m.!
Auditorium," Third, near Salmon ii !
An Interesting program has been pre- '
kuh-u. cAmimro DC lipid at 11 a '
m., 2 and 7:30 p. m. All nhs HPS nt th. I
pniiosopny or spiritualism will fair
place at e evening service. ' ,
Edelfsen deliver A.-H cordwood.' JEt QI.
The Meier'- Frail Store's
Over 1000 Most Famous Manufacturers
Uiini&-t$SKh. Us In This GigaiMlc Event!
PLANNED on even a more gigantic scale than our first great effort of last year, the Second Golden Harvest
and Manufacturers' Sale begins at Meier & Frank's Tuesday morning!
Over .1000 of the most famous American and European manufacturers, for which we are the sole or prin
cipal "Portland agents, have cooperated with us. In addition to the colossal regular stocks of new Fall and
Winter merchandise, these makers have sent us their samples, surpluses and special lots of dependable goods
which we can sell away under price.
fl Partial List of the Manufacturers Represented
Ostermoor Mattresses.
Gustave Stickley's Original Craftsman
Lifetime Mission Furniture.
Rogers' 1847 Silverware.
Clark's Cut Glass.
Emmerich's Pillows.
No-Sag Hand Bags.
R. & H. Shell Novelties.
Taylor & Knowles Crockery.
Haviland & Co. French China.
Angle Lamps.
Royal Steel Enamelware.
Fuller's Paints and Varnishes.
Acorn Stoves and Ranges.
Willamette Sewing Machines.
Butterick Patterns and Publications.
Victor Talking Machines.
Columbia Phonographs.
Wm. Read's Dress Goods.
R. & S. Silk Poplins.
J. & T. Cousins Shoes.
J. E. French Men's Shoes.
Stonefield-Evans Men's Shoes.
Irving Drew Women's Shoes.
Kayser Silk Gloves, Hosiery and Under
wear. Perrin's French Kid Gloves.
La Trefousse Gloves.
Lord & Taylor's Onyx Hosiery.
Lord &. Taylor's Harvard Mills Under
wear. Munsing Underwear for Men, Women
and Children.
Max M. Schwartz Women's Apparel.
A. Beller & Co. Women's Garments.
Rubel & Co. Women's Garments.
Matzen Mfg. Co. Women's Garments.
Edward L. Mayer, Women's Costumes.
Highland Bloomer Dresses for Children.
S. H. & M. Guaranteed Petticoats.
Eppo Silk Petticoats.
Freedman Bros. Women's Garments.
Zimmerman's Knit Goods.
Victor Guaranteed Hose for Women and
Ajax Guaranteed Sox for Men.
C. Stern & Mayer, Men's Cravats.
Boston Velvet Grip Garters.
Velvet Grip Supporters.
Plexo Suspenders.
Pennsylvania Knit Goods.
Titus, Blatter & Co., Imported Lace Cur
tains, Handkerchiefs, etc.
Standish Mills Draperies.".,
Hodges Fibre Rugs and Carpets.
Potter's Linoleums.
Adler-Rochester Clothes for Men.
Washington Company's Clothes for Men.
Nufangl Trousers, Present & Co.
Sampeck Clothes for Boys and Children.
Schwartz & Jaffee, makers of our famous
$5.00 Suits for Boys.
Hyland Trimmed Hats.
Ostrich Plumes and Feathers, W. C.
Ayer & Co.
Regina Trimmed Hats, Frankel-Frank &
Elyria-American Val. Laces.
Women's No. 900 Silk Hose, O'Calla-
.ghan & Fadden.
Kleinart's Dress Shields.
Omo Dress Shields.
Naiad Dress Shields.
Charter Oak Thread.
Carlson-Currier's Spool and Embroidery
Stronghair Veils and Veilings.
Hydegrade Linings.
Gilberta Flounces.
Warner Bros. Corsets.
Redfern Corsets.
Nemo Corsets.
Madame Irene Corsets.
La Grecque Corsets.
De Bevoise Brassieres.
American Undermuslins.
; Arnold's Knit Goods.
L. H. Best Infants' Wear.
Junoform Corset Accessories.
Drucker's Guaranteed Trunks.
Fibre Specialty Co.'s Trunks and Suit
Burok, Madeira and Spanish Embroid
ered LinensW. Ollendorf.
John S. Brown's Linens.
Tokalon Toilet and Drug Specialties.
Kiser's Hand-Colored Views of the North
west. Monopole Canned and Glass Goods
Wadhams & Kerr Bros.
Victor Flour Portland Flouring Mills.
Morns & Co. Hams, Bacon, Lard, etc.
Amateur Photographic Contest Opens
TomorrowThe Final Entries Extended
In 'the lobby of our Tea Room Beautiful. 7th floor.
the first Great Amateur Photo Contest, open, to the
Northwest, begins Tuesday morning. Hundreds of
entries probably the finest collection of- Amateur
Photographic work ever
assembled in the West
are being arranged for
convenient viewing.
Because of the inclement
weather many were unable
to come in last week so we
have decided to extend the
prize, $75 tor
or over. ; Second
I J ' I .
final date of entry to. 5 o'clock . Tuesday.
ciucuiuct, m pnzes are ottered first
collection' of 6 pictures
$40 cash for best single
picture, .inird prize; $25
cash for second best
single picture. And 14
class prizes,. $10 each in
i photo goods. BRING EN