THfc OREGON?' SUNDAY, JOURAIy PORTLAND? SUNDAY : ' MORNING, ' SEPTEMBER 3,' - 191f. 10 HBJRY C. BEATTIE WILL BE PUT ON - STANDI MONDAY v., Jury Will Hear Story of Beard . ed Highwayman From Lips of Richmond Youth on Trial for Murder of His Wife. (Br tb International Npt- frrlca ) Chesterfield Courfhoiisc, Va.. Sept. 5. One way alone it became apparent today remains to eave young Henry Clny Bcattie Jr. from the electric chair. That is blfi own testimony. Perhaps (though it looks extremely doubtful) ho may convince at least one Juror that a bearded highwayman, as he has contendr-d nil along, killed his wire while ehooting at him when both were . in Ms automohlle. Then he may get disagreement of the Jury. This evening; after a lot of character witnesses had been summoned to tell how happily the rich young man .and Ms bride lived together and after other Witnesses had told how perhaps it was not JJeattie who waa observed near the scene of the crime, but another man, th difense, concluded its evidence ex v c: elf. " Stake All on One Theory. . '' Day after day it has been announced that next day he waa to take the stand and make a gamble for his Jlfe. Never has there been any certainty of this. Now HA absolutely assured that with 5 the beginning of Monday's session, al thouga it is a legal holiday, the boy ' ' really will stake everything on the final throw. ' " Today was devoted chiefly to "stall . Ing" by hia lawyers, delaying the case in every possible manner so that Henry mlsht get the advantage or a Sunday before the fipal ordeal. They won this .: . little point, but only at the cost of giv . Ing the state a full day in which to prepare cross examination of the de ; ' fendant Goes on Stand Monday. ' The young son of the rich department tore owner will go An the stand at 10 ' o'clock Monday. Hia direct examina tion will last about two hours. Then Ma cross examination will consume at least four hours and may go well Into the night for the court has decided to hold night sessions hereafter in order to wind up " the case. General opinion goes but two ways if Seattle can repeat his story about a ' ' bearded highwayman attacking him -and cling to It, ha may gain an acquittal at ' the hands of the Jury. If he cannot and . , makes the least little break under the , .cross fire of the state's attorney, Louis .' W. Edenberg, he will be sent swiftly to ' his death. There are no half way mea sures in this state. The best posted say a Jury disagreement Is extremely v Improbable. V Chum Zs Poor Witness. i ' The adherents of the defense were by ' no means encouraged by the day's pro ceedlngs. They were more or less ln v lerestlng. But the helpfulness of any thing that developed was small. Beat- tie's personal chum, Billy Sampson, was called to help wra our or nis atmcuity but succeeded only in putting him in ,. deeper. .... Charles Kastelburg. a wealthy resi ' denty of Richmond, was summoned, , mucU against his will, to show that he probably was the nan who was seen with a halted motor car and a female ... companion on the Midlothian turnpike on the night of the murder. But ' "neither witness seemed to sway the : ' jurors, very much one Way or another. . t TJor did a lot of testimony givers who appeared on the stand to say Beattie - and Lis wife lived happily together or ' . else that Paul Beattie the cousin who swore Henry .had confessed to him was a liar. Monday will be the big. day of the trial, undoubtedly, when the wealthy h boy tries to save himself. He will probably occupy the stand all day Mon- day and the state on Tuesday will pre sent the Binford girl in rebuttal, as its : last star witness. BEULAH BINFORD VERY ANXIOUS TO 60 ON, BUT LAWYERS ARE NOT U!nt.1 Preu Iasl Wlr. Chesterfield Courthouse, Va., Sept. 2. In the course of cne of the legal argu ments that embellished today's pro- WILL GO TO SENATE FROM MISSISSIPPI 4 W 5 ffV! Governor James K. Vardaman of Mis sissippi, who has been chosen United Kttttes senator In the election Just concluded, the Democratic pr.mary, in u Which h outdistanced the combined vote of bis two rivals at the polls. Vardaman Is noted far his pronounced views on the negro, question. " 4 & J. f J " ' II v--4( DAILY SCENE n w. ir , " , I Even the trees about the picturesque old building are used by the crowd Beattie murder trial. 50 "BOOKIES" FLEE HAWTHORNE TRACK One Hundred and Thirty Depu ties Keep Big Course Clear of Gamblers. Hawthorne Race Track, 111., Sept. 2. County Sheriff Zlmmer, Chief Deputy Peters and 1J0 deputies came to the Hawthorne track this afternoon to watch for gamblers. Arrangements had been made for the speedy conveyance of prisoners to Oak Fark and hearing in the Justice courts of that place. Jus tices Kenndall and McKee had "consent ed to sit in the afternoon to hear such cases as might be taken .before them. Several automobiles were ordered to be waiting at the track for the con veyance of the prisoners to Oak Park. Sheriff Zimmer said that he was not going to allow any gambling at any of the three days' races if a large posse of deputies could prevent It. Fifty bP3kmakers with their clerks, who had made preparations to receive money from the race track patrons. folded their effects and disappeared when the deputies appeared. The carnival of racing, which, was bald under the auspices of the Chicago Business Agents' . association proved a very tame affair without the betting feature. ceedlngs of the Beattie trial, Harry M. Smith, chief counsel for Beattie, de manded of Special Prosecutor Wende burg: , ' "Why don't you call Beulah Binford? Tou have had her in Jail for a month: you have summoned her as a witness; why don't you pioduce her?" Do you want me to call her?" cajne back Wendenburg. I would like to have seen you call her In your direct case," returned Smith, evasively. It was quite evident that neither law yer was anxious to place the uncer tain. Irresponsible little girl-woman be fore the Jury, tmt in Henrico county Jail the girl herself longs to get to the courthouse where her lover is making his fight for life. Wants to Testify. Oh, they are afraid to call me." she declared tonight. "They know I would tell the truth. Maybe they think the truth would be too favorable to Henry na that is the reason they disappoint those crowds out at Chesterfield Court House who are waiting to see me on the stand. But I have told the truth from the beginning and 111 tell it to the end. I don t believe Henry Beattie Is guilty of murder; ho was too kind hearted and gentle. Why, he even used to scold me for whipping my little dog. Paul Beattie is lying, 1 know it, be cause he lied about the message Harry gave him for me. . He never told me that Henry would kill me if I did not keep my mouth shut." Given a Bad Ham. Evidently the Kill Is still staunrh In her belief in the man who lias been her protector for four years. But. over In Chesterfield Courthouse one of the two important witnesses railed by the do-f'-nse today devoted hours to an attempt to prove that. Beattie cared nothinir for lier. She was described as "a wnmnn n the town," and was even more coarsnlv characterUcd by "Billy" Sampson, chum of the accused man. who with Wenrv and Beulah and another girl named Hen rietta .Tinman, caroused In Norfolk when Henry renewed his relutlons with tlie girl after his marriage. un crohs examination. W. H. Thomn. son was badly muddled by Wendenburg HIh story left a bad taste In the mouth of the .entire courtroom. Earlier in the day the defense called Charles H. Kas- K-iuurg, a wealthy merchant of Rich mond. Kustelburcr admitted that n v, plain of the murder he had been Joy riding on the Midlothian Turnpike, where the crime was committed, with umaii ne naci "plcKed ud" In Rich mond and whom he had not seen since or before. He did not even know her name. Claim ZXade by Defense. The defense will undnuhteiliv tend that It was Kastelburgs car which whs Handing by the road and which was soon by tli boy witnesses for the prosecution. They almost Doaltlvolv Identified as Bcattio's car the machine Which Stood at the senna nf tha rrlm. but a few minutes before tho murder. un cross-examination, Kastelburg ad mitted that "he had several drinks" and was not nuke himself and that he had stopped his ear at a pump, which he was unable to locate nearer than a rallo to the scene of tlin crime." With these, two exceptions, the day's testimony was largely repetition. Per sons who had seen "dark bearded men," such as Beattie declared had killed his r Hf. nar,acter "'Besses and witnesses it p., ,act..mnor Prt" r the story tL -i.J Ba.tUo' 0l'c"Ple the re of of5.Xh,P VI? "tlme-consumer" hicnt ?nTn, ,uai18 Wat"0n . i. t2ir-'4?KVn court l"n''it with -""o uii open. He deolnrerl Lh"t..Ct!.Uri.W0Ul,1 .'u" even ad a httT hours uay next Wrfc tiwii u. was concluded. I VMV IN FRONT OF.THE CHESTERFIELD COURTHOUSE wot or v Ski All-Day .Outing to Be Enjoyed at Council Crest Tomorrow. Instead of the usual Labor Day pa rade of uniformed members of the va rious union labor organizations, union labor in Portland will spend tomorrow at Council Crest in an all day picnic and outing. . Long before noon the Crest will be alive with union men and their families. The exercises will commence at noon with a midday band concert by a picked band of union musicians. Following the concert the vast crowd will be served with old fashioned bar becued beef and a variety of other edibles which will be prepared on the ground Tinder the supervision of a committee. The committee of arrangements has prepared a program of races and other athletic contests, some of which will be Intensely funny, which will take up practically the entire afternoon. In the evening there will be dancing. It is expected that the Council Crest barbecue and program" of exercises will bring together the largest crowd of union men ever assembled in Portland. E TO BUILD GREAT CITY Practical benefits from the develop ment of a city plan were related by Delbert J. Haff. president of the Kau eas City, Mo., park board, before leaving yesterday for his home after a two days' visit In Portland the guest of Dr. J. R. Wetherbee, ex-chairman of the Portland park commission. "These are the words of our latest report," said Mr. ' Haff. "I think it may serve as an object lesson to Port land, for while we have been syste matically building our city 20 years and have no longer any argument as to the value thereof, you In Portland are Just beginning. Tou have as great a natural opportunity for building; a city practically beautiful and big enough for all comers, as I know of." WATER TURNED INTO BULL RUN 'CONDUIT NO. 2 JUST FINISHED Chief Engineer Clarke of the water department, reported last evening that at o'clock yester day afternoon the water turned In the new Bull Run pipe line No. 2 had filled the pipe for a distance of four miles from theN hiadgttte and that no mishap of any nature line" occurred. The water la being turned In very slowly. It la expected to have the line filled and Cleaned out so the water n.ay be turned into the Mount Tabor reservoir by next Tuesday. LABOR UNIONS TO HOLD BIG PICK PORTLAND HAS CHANC Ml GO PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, SORES, ULCERS AND ALL BLOOD DISORDERS Pimples, eruptions, blotches, scales, ulcers, sores,' eczema and chronic swell ings are caused by bad blood, but don't become discouraged no jother trouble is so(eaaJly overcome. Cascarets are wonder-workers in the cure of any dis ease caused by bad or Impure blood. They eliminate all poisons, build upland enrich the blood, enabling it to make neW, healthy tissue. , Pure blood means perfect healthf and If you will use Cascarets they will give you good health nnd a pure, clean skin, free from pimples and blotches. To try Cascarets Is to like them, for never before has there beeir produced as perfect and as harmless a blood purifier, liver and stomach regulator as Cascarets VIM RE6UUTE STDHACH,UVU fi-EVOS TASTtCCCD-KETEIl lOo seres vT-' " ll AIoi6ess4 !;uYii;ii!a . eve swujs t . if. ;4! anxious to get a glimpse at the " WATER USERS GET A YEAR OF GRACE Government Has to Concede Birch and McKay Creeks Measuring Time. (Special to The Journal.) Pendleton, Oh, Sept. 2. A big victory was won by the wateA users on Birch and McKay creeks and the lower Uma tilla river, when Water Commissioner George T. Coohran allowed the motion for continuing the 300 or more cases which the government had'' instituted against them and named the second Monday in May as the date for the set ting pf the trials. Consideration of the motion took nearly the entire day, Attorney Oliver P. Morton for the government contest ing the move bitterly. Colonel J. H. Raley introduced the motion and made the opening argument and was followed by Attorneys Fee, Lowell and Drowley for the water users. 'They declared their clients did not believe two and one half acre feet to the acre sufficient for ' Irrigation purposes as maintained bv the government, but would be un able to . pr'Qve their claim, at .. early trial because they have not been given sufficient time to measure water they nave been accustomed to use. T (Special to Tbe Journal.) Hlllsboro, Or., Sept '2. With honors even, both parties to the Tualatin fence war are resting and the whole matter is in the circuit court. Following the peppering with bird shot of workmen removing from the road the fence In front of the Galbreath property, Sam uel Galbreath was arrested and brought to HUlsbord, where he was placed un der fiuuu oonas to Keep me peace, uur. Ing his absence and before papers in an Injunction suit commenced by Mrs. Galbreath could be served, the work' mew employed by the county removed the fence, but it was rebuilt Thursday night and will remain until the lnjunc tlon is dissolved. Mrs. Galbralth was arrested Friday in Portland by Sheriff Hancock on complaint charging assault with a dangerous weapon. She waived a Clear ing and was released on bonds of 42500, signed by C. B. Buchanan of Cornelius. Notwithstanding the road has been used as a highway for more thai) 40 years papers in the injunction suit state that the county Is unlawfully using It and that it has never been dedicated. An unexpected phase of the situation developed this week when a petition was presented asking that the new bridge be built adjacent to that of. the Oregon Electric, a mile'' away, and that the road be moved. . As the old bridge adjoining the Galbreath place Is1 to be torn down, the Galbreaths might gain ownership to the land, but be left in a pocket, -1 Tantalum dental instruments, made in Germany, are t aid to be harder than steel and to withstand acids and high temperatures better. FIGHTING GALBREATHS BOTH PU UNDER BONDS uanay cathartic: ue su re to take Cascarets and you will surely have good, pure, healthy blood, and no more eruptions or disfigurements. A 10 cent box of Cascarets will truly amaze you. V CKiPE OR SICKEN. Orai stars SEATTLE SMILES AND HOPES. MAYBE 'u i v ,t. ' v,-'- .V. Threatened , Trouble' Between Grainmen :and Longshore men at Portland Pleases. Seattle, Wash.. Sept,. 3.The threat ened strike at Portland between grain exporters and longshoremen .is being wBicnea wim, intense .interest- by ship pers on puget sound, some selfishly in dined,' will" not ' "rert ft if - tiA trouble on the Columbia ;rivek as they anticipate that Jt wllju drive a largo amount of grain tonnage to Seattle. Tacoma and possibly Everett. The Great Northern has, extensive grain docks at Everett anil, although bat one cargo' Of wneat has been shipped from that port, the Hill road is Dre oared, should thera ds trouble on the Columbia, in shipping ' circles ., here there la strong expiation ' that the coming grain season wiu be one Of the best in recent years and with the orosnects of irouoie at rortiana indications are that many ships will come here.. All grain charters contain Fuget sound-Portland options, so that exporters are not tied up with trouble at either port. While longshoremen claim to have or ganized strongly at Tacoma, efforts to do so In Seattle will ,meet strong oppo sition, since cne summer of 1907. when stevedores' participated in a lonar and bitter strike here, the Seattle union haa oeen practically disrupted. . While the men still maintain an organisation, it haa remained quiet and shippers and stevedores will not treat with it. hiring an men through an organisation of the employers. An open shop will be mala tamed here, if employerds can hold talned hero, if .employers can hold organised and with a large floating; pop ulation, it's not likely the men will seek trouble uere. y m E (Special to The Journal.) Ellensburg, Wash., Sept 2.- William Thomas, the negro station porter, who shot his wife at the corner of Pacific and Pine streets, Spokane, last evening, was arresiea nere tnis arternoon by the city police and fined 125 for car rying concealed weapons. A revolver, loaded, waa found on him and a de scription wired the Spokane chief of police, who gave orders .to hold him. This evening Thomas confessed the shooting to the sheriff. He said that he quarreled with his wife three weeks ago and struck her when she cursed him. She left him and went to the Burgess place, where Burgess and his wife denied Thomas permission to see her. Yesterday Thomas saw the woman and begged her to return with him. She refused and he drew his revolver. "There were two loads in the gun." said Thomas tonight, "and when she refused to come home 1 . snapped the empty" Chambers at " her. She Was frightened and prpmlsed to return with me and Burgess came out to the porch with a gun in his hand. He told me to drop my gun and my wife started to run. When she was about 20 feet away i rirea twice, Dut she did not fall and I did not believe1" that I hit her. I walked away. As) I crossed the tracks a train was leaving, so I got out of town." TAKES TERRIBLE TOLL (By tb International News Service.) ' Pittsburg, Sept 2. At Sharon, Pa., last night George Rolfe, a young busi ness man of the town. went, home nnd found William Serf, a neighbor and chum, in company with his wife. Pick ing up a chair, Rolfe knocked Serf un conscious and then Inflicted terrible in juries, emulating the methods of "Jack" Cudahy, the Kansas city man, In wreaking revenge en bis wife's alleged enticer. ' . Both men have been close friends for a number of years. Both are married and have families. N Cort Opens Bay City Playhouse. (Unites Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Sept 2. John Cort. the New YOrk theatrical magnate. opened his new playhouse here' tonight wun an eiaDorate production . of "Baby Mine." The structure Is the ninety- seventh theatre operated by Cort and represents an Investment of $1,000,000. It has a seating capacity of 2000. ; it has wort NEGRO WIF MURDERER CAUGHT AT ELLENSBURG FROM DECEIVING CHUM I UPJmk i !,r" Li, the delicious Uble beverage brewed by the Mt. Hood ' V l I VVVWs'. " . Brewinc comDanv. -Thouch on the market but a short time.' .n II , M yyff careful study by our -master, brewer. , - ' , ITS PURITY due to the excellence of. the water from our own mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. v hsSBWMKBWSBaVSMs1Ki v.- These distinctive points account for ' its ': recognized excellence '.. IF YOUR GROWER CAN'T SUPPLY YOU PHONE MT. HQdD .BREWING'GO. EAST 139. NEW HEAD' OF GRAND . ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC asJsfJr- Judge Harvey M. Trimble of Illinois, who is the new head of tho Grand Army of the Republic. Judge Har vey was unanimously elected Com-mander-tn-c7net at , the national en campment Just ended at Rochester, N. T. : - it T;6 (Special to Tbe Journal.) Seattle, Wash., Sept 2. Upon a wire less' message received this afternoon, the cruising launch Tazlina, owned by Littleton & MoCully of Seattle, was apprehended and taken Into custody here by the sheriff of Jefferson count v. and Its occupants, six young men from the university of Washington, held on a harge of stealing a rowboat from the summer home of Robert Mo rail at New Hall, Orcas island. Having no dingy abeardrrwlshing te get ashore and see ing one of Mo ran's boats anchored In slough, upon a dare one of the party swam to It and brought it out to the launch. Upon leaving the Island, they either forgot to return the boat or thought It would noC be missed. Mr. Moralt Is a millionaire and form erly, was president of the Moran com pany, shipbuilders. iDaelJ -1. .wsf'''.v(.y.:MK'.ll. j1 V f id ii '. - r 1 3 - - UK, f v 4 ii.:: i OLLEGE BOYS oiifinr oinirt ARE ARRESTED Do yoa know that millions of people never suffer from corns ? . Jnat as soon as they feel one they attach a little Blue-jay plaster. There's no pain after that, no inconvenience. One simply forgets the corn. In that plaster lies a bit of soft wax, the wonderful B&B wax. That gently loosens the corn, snd in two days it comes V Why pare a corn at nurse and protect it r Millions of people remove them at once. They never suffer at all. Why do you ? i A In the picture Ii the soft BAB was. It loosens the corn. B protects the corn, stopping the pain at once. C wraps around the toe. It is narrowed to be comfortable. D is rubber adhesive to fatten the plaster on. Blue-jay Corn X9h Alas Blaa-lay Bsaloa riaatan. - All AUa Blue-lay Baaioa Flatten. - AllDrauistshnaaaCaaraaUa Tluaa. '.,"?- ' ';v' Sample Mailed Tkee. Bauer tie Black, Chicago' ano! New York, Soakers of Surgical Dreaainga, ate THE BEER DELICIOUS - It's interesting''' to mote, trie i growing ! popularity of t New. Life, the delicious table beverage brewed by Brewing company, 1 hough on the market but favor in many Portland homes. . ITS RICH, DELICIOUS FLAVORthe result " of skillfully 'blefid ng .-specially selected Bohemian hops, Canadian barley and pure. water. ' ' . ' H ' ! ITS CAREFUL BREWthe result 'of successful experiments and' SELLWOOD 904' ONLY 5 ROSTMS NOW SCRIBBLING Author of ; "Chantecler,"( His v iinvi.vv ii uiuu q auu an t Uncle All : Bursting Forth In Prlnt This Fall.; 'V ' ' (By the International HiIm T i-( a,.( iml. . . ' A - - "1"- . -x no imuiianeous out- ut me nosianas is the literary, phe nomenon 6t the week and nothing else is " umiea aoout among men of letters. The author of '"Chantecler. his wife. Roaa. mond. his son Maurice, his father. Eu- genie, and, his Uncle. Alexis Rostand, are all involved in this burst of literary y genius. . , ' To feegin with, Edtnond Rostand is at his country place near the Pyrennes, recovering from his motor accident and putting the finishing touches on a new play.; Then there la the unique speo tacla of mother and son collaborating; k for lime, Rostand and her son Maurice have just completed! a , three-act play which will be produced this, season at the : Gymnaae. Mmav . Rostand has a special interest for America for she was v originally a Gerard and Is of the same " family as the well known Pennsylvania ' Gerards and or the picturesque General ' Gerard who led a .solitary life on Lair Frontenao m Minnesota, Maurice Rostand, that extreme ax. qulslte, is of great help to his mother, who idolises him and all that he does. v It was this precocious youth who an gered the great actor Guitry during the v rehearsals of Chantecler by sending X gifts td the letter's light of love, whioh ror a time looked as if It might prevent production pf Rostand's play. This new piece by Rostand's wife and son is sug gested by. a new novel from the pen of the Countess de Sefur. The play is called "The Good Little - Devil." In which a miserly old maid figures with fairies to create an atmosphere of mys tery. s- Eugene Rostand, an officer ef the Legion of Honor and father of the playwright academician, is about to publish a work on political economy. In his youth Rostand pere published In French the poetry of Catullus and there are also several works on sociology and economy to his credit Finally Alexis Rostand, an uncle of the great Rostand. Is publishing a work teaching of music. So husband, wife, son, father and uncle have become sim ultaneously a real Constellation Rostand In the literary sky. 100 Mile Trip After Indian. ' (Rneelal to The Journal.) White Salmon, Wash.. Sept t.V. W. Bunnell, of 'Goldendale passed through town today headed for the Indian race track, 65 miles northwest in search for Jim Pave, who Is wanted as a witness In condemnation proceedings brought by the Northwestern Hi ec trio company against the Emma Dave land at Lyle for a right-of-way to enable the com pany to carry material and supplies for, its dam site above the land. By court decisions the Northwestern has been shut off from crossing the land aav over a strip for Its pipeline, which is not feasible for a freighting- road. If Bun nell finds the Indian at the track and takes him back to Goldendale he will have graveled about 190 miles. Journal Want Ads bring results. BOa&a mm the risk of blood poisoning t Why Plasters Draitt Sn aa CaarasUa l - -v 15eand2S per package the Mt. Hood a short time, v;,. x B 1319 A ,h j j . j ; .71: