The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 02, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Program For Sunday-Sermons and Record of Week's Church Events I
Subject Revived as Result of
the Overtures of Episcopal
Church; Dr. Boyd Cham
pions Such Union.
Rev. John Boyd, pastor First Pres
byterian church.
"The question of the union of Protes
tant churches has assumed a new Im
portance lately because of the overtures
of the Episcopal church," said Dr. John
Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church of this city. Dr. Boyd has put
a great deal of thought Into this sub
Ject and especially the phase of It
which has to do with the Presbyterian
'The subject is not a new one, as
It has been discussed for more than
20 years," continued Dr. Boyd. "Dur
ing this time there have been several
Important unions, chief of which was
the joining of the Presbyterian and
Cumberland Presbyterian churches. Ne
gotiations are now pending for the
unity of the Presbyterian, Congrega
tional and Methodist churches of Canada
and at present the negotiations are in
a very hopeful state.
Movement Necessary.
"The necessity of the movement is so
imperative that, however much the
churches may be disquieted thereby, it
cannot be allayed or postponed. Inter
est in the subject of union is now in
duced by the growing consciousness
that denominational differences and
' those distinctions In thought, foriris of
spent forces.
"In the past the differences loomed
large. Now the correspondences are
co evident that there Is the freest move
ment of individuals and families from
churches of one denomination to thoSe
of another. Congregations have be
come a composite of people of every
denominational antecedency. This
makes a folly of ecclesiastical dlffer
i nr'vs
"Then, too, a careful study of the
conditions in cities and villages, espec
ially in the newer country of the west,
reveals a shocking overlapping of
churches, a waste of men and resources.
If the practical-minded men of the
churches could have revealed to them
in its fullness the absurdity In existing
conditions everywhere the movement
would be intensified.
Presbyterians Pioneers.
"I have often wondered if the Al
mighty might not take the soul of some
such man as J. Pierpont Morgan, some
great organizer, after his earthly career
had ended, and, straightening him up
a bit, substitute an ecclesiastical apti
tude for the financial and send him back
to earth, reincarnate, to lead In ec
clesiastical mergers.
"The first step in the unity movement
should be the getting together of the
different branches of the same denomin
ation of Protestantism. If this be im
possible, how could the larger union
be brought about?
"The Presbyterians have ever been
foremost in seeking union. We have
a commission for years which invited
conferences from any other churches
on this subject Wo have done more
coquetting with the Episcopal church
on this subject than any other church.
"No principle of our doctrine, no rite,
form or order of ministry prevent our
fellowshlpplng in the broadest manner
possible. We question no ritual or ordi
nation of any other church and there
fore are In a position to welcome and
strive for a united Christianity of the
most complete kind.
"Already there exists an encouraging
comity or . brotherly understanding
among the various denominations. Tt
Is rare to find a Congregational and
a Presbyterian church in the same
vlllsge or neighborhood and In some
places the Methodists cooperate with
the other denominations to prevent over
lapping of their work."
ThV reorganized Church of Jesus
Christ of I-atter Day Saints will hold
a meeting September 8 at 7:30 p. m.,
at J. C. Wlnfleld's, 93 Webster street,
near Denver avenue. Rider Goodwin
will be the speaker. All Interested In
the truthfulness of the gospel are cor
dially Invited. v 1
Ministers and Church Workers, Ulentloii
i i
, v
The Journal will print more church news henceforth. The department
In each Saturday's issue devoted to this purpose has been enlarged. In ad
dition to advance notices of Sunday services space la available for matters
of news Interest In the different churches.
The Interest and cooperation of all ministers and church worker Is In
vited. Any Item of news Interest In the parish as regards changes and ex
tensions of the work, building operations, activities of the different
church societies during the week, social events, picnics, vacation plans,
etc., will be welcomed. Discussion of texts and creeds are not desired, the aim
being to furnish Journal readers with more detailed news in regard to tha
churches and their work. ' " 1
AH such news. should be In the hands of tho city edltor'by Friday morn
ing of each week. ,
This page will afford ministers better opportunity of keeping their own
people acquainted with what each church is doing and should be tha me
dium of Interesting others. ' t . ; . -
Let The Journal Have Yo ur Coopera tio n
Church Notes
An Interesting visitor to . Portland
during the meeting of the Presbyterian
Synod, which will occ,ur October 13-15,
will bo ilev. Edward Marsden, a native
Alaskan. Mr. Marsden received his ed
ucation in one of the eastern colleges
and is a brilliant man. He was or
dained a minister by the Preshyterian
church and returned to Alaska to work
among his own people. On the Sunday
that he is in this city he will occupy the
pulpit in one of the Presbyterian
churches. ,
The General ministerial association
of Portlarid will hold its first session
since the summer vacation, next Mon
day, September 4, at 11 a. in., at Y. M.
C. A. auditorium. At this meeting the
officers for the ensuing year will be
Portland Graded Union of Sunday
'School Workers will meet Friday, Sep
tember 8, at 3 o'clock, at the First
Congregational church. Park and Madi
son streets. The annual election Will
be held and other important business
will be transacted.
Dr. J. H. Cudlipp and family have
returned from their month's vacation.
Dr. Cudlipp will conduct worship on
.Sunday both mofntn g and evening. la
tho morning ho will administer the holy
communion' with preaching at 7:30 p.
m. Special music has been provided
for both services.
Uev. S. Karl DuBols, and family have
returned from Gearhart. He will occupy
his pulpit at the Church of the Stranger
on next Sunday morning and evening.
The. Presbytery of Oregon, United
Preshyterian church, will hold Its fall
meeting in the First United Presbyter
Ian church. Sixth and Montgomery,
Monday, at 1 p. m.
The Synod of the Columbia of the
United Presbyterian church, will meet
on Wednesday night at Nampa, Idaho.
Rev. S. Earl DuBols will preach the
opening sermon.
Rev. T. J. Bergun, D. D., of Dubuque,
Iowa, will preach at Westminster Pres
byterian church, Weldler and Tenth
streets, at 10:30 a. m.. and 7:46 p. m.,
tomorrow. '
Tnmnrrnn la "T.ahor" Sunday and at
many of the Portland churebes special
sermons concerning labor and of inter
est to laboring men, both union and non
union, will be given.
The first meeting of the General Min
isterial Association of Portland since
its adjournment in June will be held
at the Y. M. C. A: Monday morning
at 11 o'clock. Election of officers for
the new year will take place at this
meeting. Rev. W. F. Reagor, of the
First Christian church, Is the president
of the association, and Rev. E. H. Mow
re, of the First M. IE. church, South,
is secretary.
The Sabbath school of the South Mt.
Tabor United Brethren church, held
their annual picnic at the Piedmont
park on Friday, September 1.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
South Mount Tabor United Brethren
church accompanied by their pastor,
Rev. O. T. Blanchard, will go to Astoria
Monday, September -4, to attend tne
The Welcoming Hand class of the
First United Brethren church was very
pleasantly entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
F B. Tucker. In their home at Covell,
on the Oregon City line, Wednesday
evening, August 80.
Mrs. Mattie M. Sleeth. state W. C
T. 1'. organizer and evangelist, will ad
dress the meeting in Friends' church,
Main and F.ast Thirty-fifth street, Sun
day, September 3, at 7:45 p. m. Public
Dr. John Boyd, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, has returned from
his vacation and will occupy his pulpit
tomorrow. While gone he visited Cloud
Cap Inn at Mt. Hood, Washougal, and
made a walking trip from Seaside to
Forest Grave by way of Tillamook.
Rev. and Mrs. Patch of Orace Bap
tist church, Montavllla, returned on
Wednesday from a three weeks' outing
on Elk creek and Cannon Beach.
The Sunday school of Grace Baptist
church held their annual picnic at
Peninsula park on Friday, going In
chartered cars furnished by the street
ftir company.
Rev. Tracy B. Grlswold, for two years.
assistant pastor of the First Presby
terian church of this city, has resigned
and gone to central New York, where
he will make his home In one of the
small towns.
The First Preshyterian church has
called Rev. Levi P. Johnson, of Milton,
Oregon, to take charge of the Men's
Resort, maintained by tne church at
the corner of Fourth and Burnside. Mr.
Johnson will assume his new duties
at once. Before he entered the minis
try he was a Y. M. C. A. worker and
has had much practical experience
along the line of work covered by the
General Conference
Although nearly five years away Port
land Methodists are already looking
nhead with the Idea of securing the gen
eral conference of the Methodist Episcopal-church,
which will occur in 1916.
The location of the next meeting place
will be sclocted at the conference which
is to be held in Minneapolis in May.
Portland will have the new auditorium
long before then and oan cuislly take
care of the great crowds which attend
these conferences. The Methodists here
sx m& JlitMt ..Alrt!tr,
it' ri "
New Synagogue of Congregation Novah Zedeck Talmud Torah
The new synagogue of the Congrega
tion Novah Zedeck Talmud Torah. at
Six-th and Hall streets, is rapidly near
lng completion. The Congregation hopes
to be occupying it by the time of the
celebration of Rush Haehonoh, the Jewish
New Year, and Yom Klppur, thePay
of Atonement, which occur late this
month. The building should be finished
by the 17th. of this month.
The new edifice is to cost in the
feel that the Pacific northwest deserves
some recognition and great hopos are
entertained that the conference can be
brought to the Rose City.
The Oregon conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal church is allowed six
delegates, three niiniste'rial and three
lay. In the selection of thepe delegates
the greatest care will be taken to pick
out the strongest possible men. There
Is a great deal of excellent material In
the ministry and among the laymen
from which to make the selection.
Many prominent ministers and lay
men are already in the field for the
honor of representing the state confer
ence. The election will take place at
tho. annual state conference of the
church and meeting of the Laymen's
association in Salem, September 23.
Centenary Church Resumes
Rev. Delm'an H. Trimble, pastor of
Centenary church, with Mrs. Trimble,
has Just returned from a trip of n
month through the Alberta country in
Canada and will resume his pulpit to
morrow. The repairs on tho church
ar being-pushed su rapldLy-aa pojiKlUlw
and will be completed in the near, fut
ure. While tho repairs have been going
on the services were carried on as usual
without interruption.
The repairs and changes were neces
sitated by the rapid Increase in num
bers of the congregation. Over 3J.0
new members have been received In to
the church In the past 11 months. ThH
changes Include enlarging of the minor
rooms and ratlntlng and recarpeting the
main church. The repairs will cost in
the neighborhood of Ji!500. The church
Itself cost J75.000 and is entirely paid
for, leaving no debt.
The two deaconesses, Miss Susan Kut
er and Miss Sadie Smith, maintained by
the church have been doing excellent
work, and have been found invaluable in
aiding the pastor.
. . a
New Jewish Church
Harry Caplan.tJ. Goldstein, L. Seltzer.
R. Nudelnian, W. Bashan, I Kaufman
and V. Krieder, have filed articles of
Incorporation with County Clerk Fields,
for the Congregation Tcfereth Israel,
a new church being formed among thu
Jewish people living in the Alberta dis
trict of the city. Although there are
but 25 members of the congregation at
the present time, the present assets of
tho congregation amount to $S00. At
a meeting tomorrow, the members will
talk over the advisability of building
a synagogue. For they are fast out
growing their present quarters at 1067
Kast Eigthteenth street, north where
they have held their meetings sinco
last May. It is thought that a new
Jewish church on the East Side will
meet-with great favor by the peoplo In
that section of tho city, for hereto
fore they have been attending services
on the West Side or the crowded quar
ters on East Eighteenth street.
Grace Church Quartet
. Grace church quartet which begins
service Sunday, September 8, Is com
posed of Miss Ijiura Ferguson, so
prano; Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton Stow
ers, contralto; Mr. Joseph P. Mulder,
tenor, and Mr. W. A. Montgomery, bari
tone. The musical program will be as
Morning Anthem, "My Faith Looks
Up to Thee" (Schnecker). Offertory,
duet, "Love Plvine All Love Excelling"
(Stalner) Miss Ferguson nml Mr. Mul
der. Organ numbers, "Prayer" (Dev
red) and "Chorale" (Bnrtlctt).
Evening Anthem, "Savior Again to
Thy Pear Name" (Llewellyn). Offer
tory, "Lead Kindly Light" (Prothrne)
Mr. Mulder. Organ numbers, "In Sum
mer" (Ptebbtns), and "Grand Chorus"
(Lemalgre). Miss Leonora Fisher, or
ganist and choir director.
- a
Rally Social Planned
8 K
Many of the churches In Portland are
laying out plans of campaign for the
church year that commenced Septem
ber 1, which Involve great Increases In
activity and more result-getting efforts.
Among these, tho Highland Baptist
church, Rev. Charles B. Elliott, pastor,
has planned to commonco the year by
a rally social which will be held Friday
evening, September 15, and a rally Sun
dny, September 17, when the branches
of the church activity and Its program
for the year will be outlined and passed
upotv by the congregation.
"The time, come for real work In
this Portland field," said Rev. Mr.
Elliott, explaining his plan.; "In the
name of our master we are going after
results' and we will get them."
seating capacity to be
v.-w is;
neighborhood of $50,000 nnd is of stone,
it will have a siatlmr capacity of 650,
including a small gallery. The basement
of the building will be used as a Sab
bath and Sunday school room and dur
ing the week for a free Hebrew school.
This new school is an innovation but
great success is looked for in the work.
The Han street congregation, as it
is usually called, was organized about
1891. It consists at present of 131
members. M. Gale is its president. The
j To Give Auto Ride
B 55
The little Preshyterian mission at
Gregory Heights, which has been open
about three months, will give its Sun
day school pupils a treat In the shape
of an automobile rldo If kind hearted
auto owners will provide the few cars
necessary for the event. About eight
cars will be needed and several have al
ready been promised.
The idea came as a result of the suc
cess of a plan tried on Old People's day
several weeks ngo. An auto was pro
vided to bring several who were unable
to walk and they enjoyed the rldo so
much it will bo repeated occasionally.
Their enjoyment put the idea of an auto
ride instead of a picnic for the children
Into the mind of H. C. Marshall, the
pastor of the mission and he asked the
children which they would prefer. All
wanted the ride as many of them have
never been In an autonyihllo in their
lives. The rldo will begin at 2 p. in.
Friday, September 8.
The mission, while new, is doing ex
cellent work. Its membership already
numbers nearly 60 and the . Sundwy
school about 40. Mr. Marshall believes
In practical Christianity and is arrang
ing a fcrlrs of talks by prominent lay
men for Sunday evenings on practical
problems of religion and of secular
Third Baptist
The Third Baptist church, Vancou
ver avenue and Knott streets, will to
morrow morning hold its first services
since the closing for repairs some five
weeks ago. lie v. Webley J. HouK'en,
who recently returned from his vaca
tion, which was spent at Walla Walla
and Tacoma, will have charge of the
The church now presents an entirely
now appearance both on the outside and
Inside, where extensive alterations have
taken place. In place of tho small Sun
day school room which was formerly
used theiro is now a much larger one.
The lighting effect has been changed by
putting In new windows much more
artistic than tho old. Beyond the Sun
day school or assembly room thero
has been built a largo and spacious
kitchen, which is to he used when hold
ing social functions.
The size of the nialn auditorium has
also been changed, making a seating ca
pacity of 150 more thai it had pre
viously. The great Increase In tho mebershlp
of tho church made the alterations nec
essary, j
African M. E. Church
Thu Afrlcnn Mthn1!sit r..ll
Zion church In nln.nnln to hntl.1 a ,w,o?
home In the near future at the corner
of East Sixth and Multnomah streets
which thoy have just purchased. The
tto is a quarter block which was
purchased by the pastor. Uev. W. W.
Thompson from Henry a. .Tuttlo fur
The new church will cost la the neigh
borhood of $15,000 and with other im
provements, including an institutional
department will come to about $20,000.
The institutional department was or
ganized with the idea of malting use
ful cltisens of the boys and girls of tho
church by teaching them useful occupa
tions, b'ewlng, cooking and manual
training will bo taught.
Tho church Is in a very prosperous
condition, owning the property at Slx
tonth and Main wliero the church is
now located. This property Is f,o by
75 feet and tho mortgapo was paid off
and burned with elaborate ceremonies
about a year ago.
- 'A
First White Temple. Rev. Walter
Bonwell Hinson. H. Y. P V., 11 a. m.;
preaching, 6:16 p. m. Sermons by Rev.
Donald P.. McLaurln. Topics, "The
Ideal Audience," "Portland Under Mayor
Arleta Rev. Duncan M. McPball.
Sundav school, 10; B. Y. P. V.. 6:45.
Services. 11 and 8. Topics. "Tho Liv
ing Christ to tho Pend Church," "Shin
gles From An Old Roof."
East Side Rev. Albert Ehrgott. Ser
vices 11 and 7:45. Sunday school, 10;
6:45 p. m., ourdoor song service, 7:45.
Topics, ''Remember Jesus Christ," "In
the Sweat of the Hrow."
HighlandRev. C B. Elliott. B. Y. P.
U., 7; Sunday school, 9:46. Services at
11 and 8. Topics. "The Unpardonable
Sin," 'Explaining the Bad Man's Buo
ces." Sellwood Rov. V. W. Havos. 11 and
7:30; S. 8., 10; Y. P. U., 6:30.
Calvary -rev. J. N. Monroe, 11 and
7:80; 8. 6.. 10; ,B. T. P. U.t 6:30.
. Immanual Rev. IL S. Black. Preach?
completed this month
and K.ibl)i H. N. Heller.
present rnbhl, Pr. H. N. Heller, has been
with the congregation five years. He
came to Portland In the interests of
a synagogue- of Oakland, which was
compelled to move after the earthquake
on account of the locating of Chinatown
In that particular place. When his
work for Oakland was completed he
took charge here.
lr. Heller has been in America 11
years, coming to the United States
from Germany.
lng at 11 and 7:80; S. 9.. 10; Finding
tint club, 6:l."i.
Grace Monta ilia. Rev. Albert B.
Patch. 11 and S: S. 8.. 9:48; Young peo
ple, 7; prayer meeting, Thursday even
ing. Topics, "Building the Building,"
"A Look In the Looking Glass."
University Park Rev. E. A. Leonard
will preach both services, 11 and 7:30;
S. S., 10; B. Y. P. U 7.
Sunnysldo German 8. 8., 9:45. Con
rad Wvss. superintendent.
St. Johns (German) Rev. Karl Feld
meth; S. B.. 9:45; 11 and 7:30; Y. P.
M.. 7.
St. Johns Rev. Robert Gray, acting
pastor. 11:30 and 7:30; S. 8., 10; B. Y.
P. K. 6:30.
Chinese Mission 353 Burnside street..
S. S.. 7; J. -(J. Malone, superintendent.
First German Rev. J. Kratt. 11 and
7:30; S. S., 9:46.
Second German Morris and Rodney.
Rev. Frederick Buerrman. 11 and 7:30;
S. S 9:15: Y. P. U.. 6:46.
East Forty-fifth Street Corner East
Main. Kcv. A. B. Waltz. 11 and 7:45.
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson; 8. SJ., 10; 11
and 7:30; B. Y. P. U.. 6:30.
Mount Olivet Rev. R. H. Thomas.
11 end 7:30.
Tabernacle Rev. Robert Gray, pastor.
S. 8., 9:45. Sermons, 11 and 7:45. Topics,
'Tho Commonplace Life Glorified," "Jo
nah." Third Rev. W. J. Renven. 11 and
7:45; S. S. 10; n Y, P. U.. 6:15. Topics.
"The Covenant of Communion," "World
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth. Rev.
Frederick Linden. 10:45 and 7:46. S. 8.,
12: If. Y. V. V., 6:30.
Taylor Strce Kcv. Benjamin Young,
D. 1)., 10-:.'iO, 3. S., 12:15; E. L.,6:45.
Morning class, 9:30. Topics. "Minister
ing Angels," "A Message for Labor
Trinity Rev. W. E. Ingalls, 11 and
7:30; K. L. 6:30; S. S., 10; class meet
ing. 12:15.
Grace Dr. H. Cudlipp, 10:30 and 7:45;
S. ri., 1:15; Ep worth League. Special
music. Holy communion in the morn
ing. Evening, "Little Thin"'"
First Norwegian-Danish Rev. John
Clansun, 11 and 8; S. S.. 10; Y. P. M.. 7.
Sunnj-Hlde Rev. William H. Fry I.
P.; 11 and 7:30; E. L., 6:15. No eve
ning k rvlce. Morning topic, "The So
cial ami Moral -Conscience."
S(. Johns Rav. F. N. Sandefur: 11
and S, i;. L.. 7; S. S., 10.
Epworth--Rev. Charles T. McPherson
11 and S, S. s.. 9:45; E. L.. 7. Topics
"A King Eating Grass," "The Heart"
I'hinese Mission Chan Sine Kal ii
and 7.30.
Laurel wood Rev. Asa Sleeth, assisted
by Kvangellst George L. t'arr. S S
J:4.r.. Fp worth League, 6:30.
t'entrul Kcv. c. L. Hamilton, 11 and
7:30; S. S.. J:4f.; K. L.. 6:30.
Norwegian Danish Rov. C. J. Laf-?en
Rev. Jnseoh Olstn will spoak at 1 1 a!
m: s s., 'j;i-r a. m.
Japanese l isslon Rev. Ellsen Rl
bara. L'::in and .V.'IO; S. S., 3:30.
Sweilish Knrthwlck and Reach
.L N. Ilurdell, pastor, 11 and 8; S. S., 10;
r.. i .. , i . t
First German G. A. Waasa. 11 and
Serond German Rev. E. E. Hertzler I
11 and S: S. S., 3:45; E. L., 7:30.
" nteiiary Rev. Delmer T. Trimble,
1 1. I '.. uaslor speaks at 11 a. m.: S S
Sir, a. til. Topics. "Christ's Solution
i.f thu .Social Problem," "Christ and the
Common People."
Woodlawti William J. Douglass: 11
ami 7:30; S. S.. 10; IS. L., :S0.
Montavllla Rev. Harold Oberg; 11
nn.l S; 8. E., 10; class moeting, 12; E. L.
Sellwood R-v. Lester C. Poor. 11 and
7:r.n; J. K. r,., 2 30; E. L., 6:30.
Tho Clinton Kelly Memorial Rev W
II. Hampton. S. 8., 9:45; 11 and 7:30;
E. L., 6:30.
University Park Rev. W. R. Jeffry. J.
11 nnd 7:30.
African Zlon Rov. W. Matthews: 11
and X; S. 8.. 1; C. E., 7: Missionary rally
at 11; Educational rally at 8.
Mount "'slior Rev. C. C. Rarlck
Morning sermon nt 1 1 : E. L., 6:30; s S
9:4.". Topics, "The Highest Tvno of
Christian Experience," "The ReliRlon of
a Mechanic."
Patton I). A. Watters; 11 and 8' S
S., 10; E. I... 7.
Lents Rev. W. Boyd Moore; 11 and
8; S. S., 10; E. L., 7.
Woodstock J. I). Voce; 11 and 7:30;
S. H., 10; Iv K, 6:30.
Oak Grove"-Rev. James T. Moore, 31
and 8; S. 8.. 10. '
Wcsleynn - Rev. G. C. Wicker, 11 ami
8; H. S., 10; Y. P. M., 7.
Patton Rev. R. S. Mevers. 11 and
7:30; S. S., 10; E. L., 6:30.
Christian. -
Central 11 and 8; Bible school rally,
9:45; special song service Dr. J K.
Ohormley. Topics, "Tho Carpenter of
Nazareth,? "The Attitude of the Church
to tho Labor Problem."
Rodnoy Avenue Bernard W. Bass,
pastor. 9:45 a m. Sunday school, 11
a.- in.; 7 p. m., Y. P. S. C. E., 8 p. ni.
Topics, "Alipgled. In Growth." ''Redemp
tion." First 11 and 7:45. S. 8.. 10: C. E..
6:45. Topics, ''For Their Bakes,1' "For
giveness of Sins."
Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wright. 11
and 7:30; S. S.. 10; C. E 6:30
Gladstone Rov. A. If. Mulkey. Ser
vices.. 11 and 7:30. Bible school, 10.
St. Johns J. R. Johnson, pastor; 8. S..
10; preaching at 11 and 7:30; C. E., 6:30.
Montavllla I. O. O. F. 8. S., 10.
Preaching, 1 land 8. Rev. G. K.. Berry.
Sollwood H. Jones, B. S. and church
service. 10:30 to 12; J. O. E., O; S. C.
., 6:30; evening service. 7:30. .
First Presbyterian church Rov. John
Bovd. minister. Mornlnc worship. 10:30:
Blbla, school. 1I;10; Christian Endeavor;
4 tl'i J ii
Mr V J 9
ssisBSBBBssssaasBSHMasHr' is;
meeting, 6:30; evening worship, 7:30.
Gospel praise service, 7:45. Topics "The
Law of the Positive,1' "Tha Art of
pitching- Tents."
Calvary Rev. Thomas Holmes Walk
er, 10:30 and 7:45; Bible school, noon.
Mlzpah Rev. Harry Leeds. 11 and
8,' 8. S., 10.
Fourth Rev. Donald Mackenzie,
10:30 and 7:30; S 8., 12; C. E.; 6:30.
Marshall Street Rev. C W. Hays, 11
and 7:30.
' Forbes Rev. Henry II. Pratt; 11 and
7:30; S. 8, 10; C. E., 6:30.
Hawthorne Park Rev. 1'.. Nelson Al
len at 10:30. No evening service.
Piedmont Rev J. E. Snyder, 10:30 nnd
7:30; C. S.. 12; C. E., :45. Morning ad
dress by Rev. W. S. Holt No evening
Third Rev. William ParRons. 10:30"
and 6:45. S. S.. 12. Tuples, "God's Sug
gestions for Building I'p a Church,"
"Present Duty."
Westminster Rev. Henry Mareotte.
10:30 and 7 : 4 ; S. S., 12; Y. P. S. C. E..
Mount Tabor Rev. Edward M. Sharp,
11 and 8: S. 8.. 10.
Spokane Avcnm Rev. I). A. Thomp
son. 11 and 7:30: S. S.. 10; C. Iv. 6:30.
Hope, Montavllla Rev. Henry L.
Nave, S S.. 10; 11 and 7:30.
Kcnllworlh Rev. M. C. Martin, pas
tor. Morning. 10 30; S. S., 11:45.
Milliard Avenue Rev. Charles T.
Boos a. Servlci s. 7: If.; s, S, 10; "Whole
hearted Christians." Illustrated lecture
on 'Japan.
Analiel Robert N. McLean. Ser
vices 11 and 7:45; 8. K., 9:45; C. E.,
at 7. Special eve.ning serviee.
Vernon Rev. Gem ge W. Arms, Jr.,
10:30 and 8; S S.. 1 -'; C. E , 7.
Rose City Park Services 11 snd 7:46;
Rev. Boudl'not Seely.
Gregory Heights H ('. Marshall, pas
tor; S. S., 10 a. m.: sermon 11 a. m.
Chinese 145 U First, 7:43; S. S.. 6:46.
Pf. Mary's Pm-Oathedral-Moat Rev.
A-CH-turrte.PT TT Low' mass, fl, 8 and
High mass and sermon, 11. Vespers.
Instruction and benediction. 7:45.
St. Joseph's (German)- Rt. Rev.
James Rauw, V. O. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10:30
Vepers. bene-
diction, 3:30.
St. Francis Rev. J. H. Rlack. Low
masB, 6, 8:30 and 9:30. High mass and
sermon, 10:30. Vespers, instruction and
benediction, 7:30.
St Lawrence's Rev. J. C. Hughes.
Low mass, 6. 7 and 8:30. High mass
and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and bene
diction. 7:30.
St. Michael's (Italian) Jesuit Fa
thers. Low mass. 8. High mass and
sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction,
Immaculate Hear of Man' Rev. W.
A. Daly. Low mass. 6. 8 and 9. High
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
benediction. 7:30.
Ascension, Montavllla Rev. J. P.
Fitzpatrlck. Mass at 8. High mass
with sermon, 10:30. Sunday school at
9. Benediction at 3:30.
St. Patrick's Rev. E. P. Murphy.
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon,
10:30. Vespers arid benediction, 3:30.
St. Stephen's Rev. W. A. Waltt. Low
mass, 8:30. High mass and sermon,
Holy Rosary Very Rev. A. S. Law-
!r Low mass. 6, 7 and 8:30. High
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
benediction, 7:30.
Sacred Heart, Milwaukle Rev. Gre
gory Roble. O. S. B. Low mass, 8. Hish
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
benediction. 7:30.
Holv Cross, University Park Rev. J.
P. Thillman, C. S. C. Low mase, 8:30.
High mass and sermon. 10:30. Vespers
and benediction. 4.
Holy Redeemer Rev. Ed. K. Oant
well. C. SS. R. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon. 10:30. Benediction. 4.
St. Andrew's Rev. Thomas Klnrnan.
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon,
10. Vespers, instruction and benedic
tion, 7:30.
St. 'Ignatius Rev. F. Dillon, 8. J.
Low mass. 8 and 9:30. Mass, sermon
and benediction, 10:30.
St. Stanislaus ( Polish) Rev. Charles
Seiroski. Low mass. 8; high mass and
sermon, 10.
Trinity Church Rev. A. A Morrlon,
rector. Services at 8 and 11 a. m., and
St.ldatthews Rev. Wm. A. M. Greek.
S. S.. 10. Service, 11 a. m.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the
Martyr Rov. H. M. Ramsay. Holy
communion, 7:30. Praver and sermon,
11 and 7:30. Sunday school, 10.
Church of Our Savior Woodstock
Vespers, 4. Holy communion and ser
mon on the fourth Sunday of each
month at 11 a. m.
St. David's Rev. Henry Russell Tal
bott. 7:30, celebration of the Holv Eu
charist; 11, morning Holy Eucharist ser
mon. No evening service until Sep
tember. St. Andrews. Portsmouth ' Holy
eucharlst and sermon, 1 1 ; prayer and
sermon 7:30; S. S., 10 a. m.
All Saints'-Rev. Roy Edgar Reming
ton. Holy communion, 8 a. ni. 9:45,
S. S. 11 morning service; evening ser
vice!, 8.
St. Mark's Rev J. E. II. Simpson.
Holy eucharlst. 7:30. S. S., 9:45; holy
eucharlst and sermon, 11. Evensong
and sermon, 7:30.
St. .John's Church Rev. T. F. Bowen.
S. S.. 2. Evening prayer and sermon, 3.
Good Shepherd Rev. John Dawson.
11 and 7:30. H. S., 9:45.
Ascension Chapel Portland Heights.
S. S.. 9:30.
Grace Memorial Rev. George B. Van
Waters and Kcv. Oswald W. Taylor, rec
tor. Prayer and sermon, 11 and 8. Holy
communion at 8. S. S.. 10.
St Paul's, Woodtnere Rev. Oswald
W. Taylor. S. 8 , 3. Services. 4.
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel.
Good Samaritan Hospital Kev. William
R. Powell, chaplain.-.. Holy communion.
7 am. Ward services, 3. Prayer and
sormon, 7:15.
St. John's. Milwaukle Rev. T. F.
Bowen. 8. S.. 2. Evening prayer and
sermon. 3.
St. Michael and All Ansrls" Rev.
Gerald C. Potts, curato. 7:30 and 11.
Holy communion.
First Rev. Luther R. Pyott, D. D..
11 and 7:45. Tonics. "Loves Triumph,"
"Tho Glory of Individuality."
St. Johns Rev. G. W. Nelson; 11 and
8; 8. 8., 10.
Laurelwood - Rev. William H. Meyer,
S. S.. 10 and 8; C. E-. 7:15.
Sunnyside Rev. J. J. Stnub; 11 and
7:45; S. S.. 10; ". E (1:45: topics, "An
Indispensable Equipment," "The-Unmls"
takeable Family trait"
Hassalo Street- J. M. Lowden; ser
vices 11 a. m.; Bible school, 10 a. m.
Highland Kcv. K. S. Holllngur. W.
H. Barber, supt.. 11 snd 7:45. worship; Y.
P. 8. C. E., 6:45. Topics, "The La rams
of Christ." "Bread and Sweat"
First German Rev. John H. Hopp;
10:30 and 7:30: S. S.. 9:15; ('. E., 6:30.
University Park- Rvv. W. C. Kantner.
D. D., pastor; preaching, 11 a. m. and
S p. m.; S. S.. lu a. m.
Atkinson Memorial Rev. Herbert O.
Crocker; S. S., 10; worship. 11; no eve
nluc service.
Wavcrlv Heights--!,. S. Wlney, pas
tor; worsiilp. 11 and 7:30; S. S.. in.
Pilgrim Preaching at 11 and 8; P. S..
9:45; C. E.. 7.
I Seventh Day AAventist.
Central Church G. W. Pettlt, pastor.
Services: Sabbath School, 10 a. in.;
preaching. 11 a. m.; Sunday night
preaching, 8 p. m subject, "The Mil
lenium;'" Wednesday night prayer ser
viee 7:30; voting people's meeting, Fi'l
(hiv 'night, 7:30.
Montavllla Church A. M. Partr pas
tor. Services: Sabbath school. 10 a.
m.: preaching 11 a. m.: prayer meeting,
Wednesday night. 7:50.
Mount Tabor Church Chapel Port
hind Hanltarium. A. M. Dart, pastor.
Services: Sabbath school, 3 p. m.;
preaching. 4 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wed
nesday night, 7:30.
Alblna Church H. Haefft, ' pastor.
Services: Sabbath school, 11 a. m.;
preaching. 12 a. m. ; prayer meetings
Wednesday night, 7:30.
Scandinavian, Church. Arleta Adolph
Johnson; residence, Arleta. Sabbath
school, 11 a. m.; preaching, 12 a. m.;,
pravor meeting, Wednesday night, '7:80.
Lents Church C. V. Folkenberg, pas
tor, Milwaukle, Or. Services: Sabbath
school. It a. . m.j preaching, ll.s, m.;
praver meeting, Wednesday night, 7:30.
Seventh Day Adventlst Church East
Eleventh and Everett streets. Song sor
vice, 7:46 p. m.i preaching. 8 p. m.
Waited Brethren in Christ
Radical Rev. Oscar A. Martin, 11 and
7:30: S. BU10; C E., :S0. - .
' Flrt Riisaall S. Showrav pallor.
Ut" Jl .!? T.'P.' B.C R. T.
lonica. Tm Workman and hi
Friends." "The Iron Made to 8wlm."
Alberta Rev, John W. Sprchr, It
and 7:i0- a-S., 10; C, E 1:90: sermon
LymV' T' prech?p
Tr-'mont Rev. Morris' Goodrich. 11
and 7:30; S. 8., 10. ToploB, Th Bap
tism, of the Holy Bpirit." rTha Ort
South Mt.' Tabor Rev: C F. BlMieh-
ard. 11. and 8; 8. H., 10; Y. P. B. O. H..
7 p. m. Topics, "The Laborer," "Cour
age. . , . ,
Guy Woodworth Memorial Rev. R.
G. Summcrlln. Services, 11 and Ij a B.
10; Y. P. S. C, E., 7.
St. James' English P. Allan Lean,
pastor; morning services at 11 a. m.; no
evening service- S. 8. at 10 a. m. Topics),
"A Man's Job," "Five Great Thing'
Hetania Danish Rov. J. Scott. 11 and ;
8; S. S.. 10.
Swedish Immanuel Rev. J. Richard
Olson. 11 and 8; S. 8., 9:45. V"
I'nlted Norwegian Detmar Larteni?
11 and 7:30; S. S., 9:45: 9:30.
Our .Saviour's (Norwegian Svnod)--'
Rev R. o. Thorpe; services, ll"; g. Bki
12; 7:30. No evening service. v
Ion's German H. H. Koppelmann. '
10:15; 7:45; S. S.. 9:15.
St Paul's German Sunday school at
9:30 a. m.; morning service at 10:30 a.'
in., eveniti.r service at 8 p. m.; Rev
Bueriilcr will deliver the morning and I
oveninif si vtiionu.
Trinity German (Missouri Svnod)-
Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmhactl.
9:15;r5. S.. 10; 7:30.
SwedlKh Auiriistana Rev. H. E. Sand
st.dt, 1 1): 15 and 7 :45; -8, S., 9:80. i
Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Thoren: :
11 and 8: S. S.. 0: y. p.. a -so.
Klim Chapel Rov. B. J. Thorsen, 111
S. S.. 10.
Immantifl Germnn (Sellwood) H. Cf. ,
u. acting, i::iu: 8.
Grace English (Missouri Synod V
Kerby and Fargo. Rev. Carl Hassold
10:3(1 and 7:30: 8. 8., 9:30.
Scott carllne K. G. Heess, pastor; serf
lor: s. s., 9:30; public worship. 10:45.
Lutheran Free church Rev. B. A.;
Berrevik; services at 11, 2:30 and 7;30.
Evangelical Synod, German, Mount
Scott carllne E. G. Heesse, pastor; ser
vice at 11; S. S.. 10.
First Church of the Nazarene Rev.
C. H. Davis. S. 8.. 9:46; Children's day
exercises. 11 a. m. ; Y. P. H. L 6:S0;
evening service, 8 p. m.; prayer meet-'
lng. Wednesday, 7:30; street meeting,
Union avenue and Burnside street, 8
p. m.
Sellwood Church of the Nazareno
Rev. Fillmore Tainer. S. S., 10; preach
ing services, 11 and S; prayer meeting,.,
Tuesday, Friday. 8. 1
Brentwood Church of the Nazarene
A. Wells. S. S.. 10; preaching services,
11 and 7:30; prayer meeting Wednesday,
Scandinavian Church Rev. C. "Erlck
sen. Preaching 11 and 7:30; prayer
meeting, Thursday, 7:30.
Unitad Prssbytsrlaa.
Third Rev. J. L. Aahtson, 11; 8. 8.;'
First Rev. S. Earl Du Bo1s 1:S0;
8. 8.. 12- C. E.. 6:45; 7:46; topics' Th
Now and the Hereafter of the Chris
tian." "The Jeweled Life."
The Church of the Strangers
Rev. 8. Earl DuBols; services for tha
deaf; S. S., 10; C. E.. 7; Christian En
deavor, 6:30. Services at 10:30 and 7:30. '
Kenton S. 8., 10:30.
Evangelical Associations.
First English F. B. Culver, 11 and S
p. m.; S. S., 10; Y. P. A., 7; sermons by
Rev. S. N. Entorl of Belgrada, Montana,
followed by communion:
Memorial Morris Heverllng, 11 and 8;
S. S.. 10. Children's day program -s
North Portland, (Gorman) L Stoclc
er; S. S., at 10; sermon at 11 and 3; Y.
P. M.. 7:15.
First German H. Schuknechtj 10:46
and 7:30; S. S., 9:30.
United EvangeUoaL
First Rev. S. S. Mumey; 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.; S. S.. 10; Keystone League,
Christian Endeavor, 6:30.
Ockley Green Rev. J. Bowersox. II
and 8; 9 8., 10; C, E.. 7; K. L C
P m. cvcnipg aaaress Dy rtev. j. N.
Entorl. .. , . :
St. Johns Ivanhoe and John. Rev. C.
P. Y'ates; S. S., 10. ;
Advent Chester F. L. Smith; preach
ing, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 13: .
P. S. L.. 6:30. Topics, "Tha Way to
Greater Power and Usefulness," "The
Great Words of Scripture,". "Adoption."
Church of Our Fafher Rev. W. O.
Eliot, Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot. D. D., min
ister meritus; no services. "Self Re
spect Versus Atheism."
Free Methodist.
First church Rev. W. J. Johnson,
pastor; evangelistic preaching at 11
and 7:30; street meeting, 7; S. S 10:
Y. P. M., 6:30.
Second Church Rev. Wilbur N. Cof
fee; 11 and 7:30; S. S., 10;, mass meet- :
lng, 6:30.
St. Johns 11 and 7:30.
Central church Rev. W. H. Boddy;
S. S lo; services. 11 and 7:30: revival ;
services this week at 7:45. ,
First Gcrmon O. Hafner, pastor; ser
vices 10:45 a. m.; 8. 8., 9:80 a, m.
Friends' Charon.
Sunnyside Llndley A. Wells, 11 and
7:30; Bible school. 10; C. E., 6:30.
Lents Center street, Myra B. Smith;
11 and 7:30; Bible school, 10. ,j
M. E. Church South.
Rev. E. H. Mowre. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8..
9:45: evening topic, sermon by Dr. M.
E. Vaughan, editor of the Pacific
Northwest Advocate. Evening address
by Rev. E. B. Jones, presiding elder.
Evangelical Synod.
St. Johannes. German, Hamilton H41L'
near Gray's Crossing Rev. E. G. Heess;
service at 11; S. S., 10.
Services for tha Deaf.
United Presbyterian Rev. S. Earl
DuBols, 10:30 and 8; C. E.. 7.
Christian Sclenca.
First Church of Christ 11, g; subject
of leeson sermon, "Man."
Second, Woodmen's Hall. Sunday
service., 11 a. m. ; subject of lesson,
Church of tho Good Tidings Rev. J.
P. Corby, 10:45: R S.. 13; Y. P. 8. C E.
Topics, "Does Your Job Pay?" A I-,'
bor Pay Message.
Y. W. C. A. Rev. William Parsons
will speak at 3 o'clock.
Church of the Brethren (Dunkards)-
Rev. George C. Curl. 11 and 7:30; 8, S.,
10; C. W.. 6:30.
Swedish Corps Salvation Army 430
INu-nslde. 11, 4:30 and 8.
Volunteers of America 286 Burnside
street. 3:30 and 8:30.
New Church Society fSwedenborgtan)
Eleventh and Alder, Knights of PythJ
las' hall Lny service and Bermon, 11,
lv Rev. M. T. Woodward, of San JDiego,
Cat. . .
Tho Church of God. 361 Falling street
Rev. J. T. Neal, pastor. Sunday scr-.'
vices at 10 (uormani, i:au. t:4d; 8. H ,
1:30; testimony and praise meeting at 1.
Yf M. C. A. Sixth and Taylor streets
R. K. Perkins, religious director. Meet
ing for men at 3. addressed by'Pr, It.
A. Hume, of India, ,
Lents Church Center street . Myra
R. Smith. Preaching; 11' and 7:5; 8, :
8., 10; C. E., 6:45. -
Plagan Mission Full gospel Sunday I.
At Vewport, Sunday, gept n. '
. Tha annual clambake this ysar at ;
Newport, Yaqulna . Bay, will bo , h-M
Sunday. September. 3. , For ' thosa de
siring to ojtend and enjoy an outing at
this popular seaside resort, the goutr- '
ern Paciiln -will sell ticket at 13,50
good going Saturday, Scptnibert I, and
for return Monday, Bupteniber 4. Thu
citizens of Newport have unltftd to tnki
this clambaka a grand su.sec and a
fine timv la assured. Call at City
Ticket Office, Id and Washington sts.
. ', -'.' ; ".'"' '
journal Want Ada bring rerjlia.