- ll.. JOURNAL. WANT ADS rent rentable .property quickly and - - , '-U makes all good " property . rentable. .. -. .''.And they cob but little., y-.'-- ,v Coast temperatures RA M. Today. , Boise .............. .'. . 84 Seattle BO " SpoSane . ..B8 Marshfield . . , 4 . San FranciiOO . ,. J 4 . Portland . . , .'V, . .". , , . ; 01 v Roseburg . , 54 The weather Probably fair to v night and Sunday; westerly winds.. ! Vol: x3 no; 154. PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER -TWO SECTIONS, 20 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS ' P" AIH AM KIWI 1911.- BRIGGS INDICTED SECRE F;1 TIE DILLS FOUND Grand Jury Makes No Refer erence to Graft Investiga tion, but. Recommends A. Vaughn fake Briggs' Job. two frenchmen may. Have been indicted Fifty New Policemen Recom- mended Bad Food at City Jail Deplored. . Among seven secret Indictments -'. re turned by the grand jury this afternoon It- la believed one is against A. S. Briggs, former superintendent of the Llnnton rockpile. Rumors are current that one or more indictments have been entered against Frenchmen involved in the Jackpot charges in the north end but it was Impossible to confirm these reports. Bench warrants were ordered Issued by Judge Gatens upon the secret indictments. In its final report the grand jury made no reference to the graft investigation but recommended that Andy Vaughn, who is temporarily filling the place of Briggs. be made permanent superintend- ent of the Llnnton rock pile. Fifty new policemen sre recommended and the city officials are unsparingly condemned for conditions at the city Jail, where it is said the food furnished the prisoners is not fit to eat. Grand Just's Beport. In this regard the report says: 'We visited the city jail, found con ditlons there simply horrible, ventlla tion very cad. food not fit to eat. 28 In mates cuddled together like rats In low er part of said city jail; a large supply of the meat served out to the prison ers on the 26th of August last was taken to the board of health by two of the grand jurors and left there for their inspection, and we hope that said board of health will act on this matter. "A city - administration that will al low such conditions or things to go Herd of Revolution .. 11;- f : -J -' V ft 't 6 - f i i i 1 'ik' ? (Continued on Page Six.) THREE OFFICIALS OF CITY CITED TO E TO COURT Rushlight, Slover and Barbur Must Show Cause Why They Are Not in Contempt; Injunction Violated, Alleged. Mayor Rushlight, City Auditor Barbur and Chief of Police Slover must come Into the circuit court and show cause why they should not be arrested and punished for contempt of court because they have persisted in trying to enforce the latest vehicle tax ordinance. Such was the order signed by Presid ing Judge Gatens this morning upon the application of W. B. Shlveiy and Seltz ft Belts, attorneys for the Edwards com pany, whloh has been threatened with arrest for failure to pay vehicle tax. The mayor and others named as de fendants are cited to appear next Thurs day morning to tell why they should not ba arrested. It is contended by Mr. Shlveiy that the city officials are violating an In junction Issued" by Judge Gatens on June 20, when ordinance 22,986 was .de clared Invalid. Judge Gatens restrained the enforcement of any provisions of the ordinances Since that time the city has 'passed a new ordinance, attempt ing to amend the ordinance overturned by Judge Gatens. It Is contended tha city has no power to amend an invalid ordinance. The latest ordinance was recently made tha subject of ' attack in another suit. An injunction against its enforce ment was sought before Judge McGinn, but the court demurred to the complaint of Us own motion and sent the case along to the supreme court. The proceedings started today will bring up interesting questions of law as to the power of the city to enact amending ordinances, which have been In fashion since the courts began to swat the vehicle tax laws. One time after another the courts have, held tho ordinances invalid, nna in eacn case, exqfpt one, the city has chosen to pass an "amendment Instead of prosecuting an appeal to the supreme court. fori WuJ rr: : - ft HOPE REFUSAL OF KRUTTSCHNin IS NOT LAST WORD Shop Employes lon Harriman System Will Not Strike at Once; Possibility of Another Conference With Manager. COMMITTEE CALLED TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY Secret Message Sent to Pres ident Kline Is Basis of Much Speculation. The statue of Baron von Steuben, German hero ot the American revolution, which was unveiled in Berlin today as a present of this government to Germany. STEUBEN STATUE FORMALLY GIVEN (tfnttpd Press Leased Wire.) Ban Francisco, Gept 2. A call to all committeemen of the federated shop employes on the Harriman system to meet here next Tuesday was wired to day by President J. W. Kline of the Blacksmiths' International union, acting as chalrmwi of the conference of gen eral offieers who were denied recognN tlon as a federation by Vice President and General Manager Julius Krutt schnitt. The result of the conference will likely determine whether or not steps will be taken to call a strike, and also deal with the possibility of another meeting with Kruttschnitt. That there is still some negotiation pending be tween the railroad chief and the union leader is believed through the trans mission of a secret message at midnight from Kruttschnitt to Kline. Ho Hasty Action. Kline stated today that any action on the part of the federation resulting from the refusal of Kruttschnitt to recognize the federation could be taken only after a thorough discussion on the part of all the men chosen to represent the crafts involved. This means that 31 additional delegates will come to San Francisco from as distant points as New Orleans, Omaha, Denver, Portland, Pocatello and Sa:. Diego to meet with the general officers and advisory board. .- cS ... J&& EXPRESS CAR FROM ' mfmjm: OREGON ROBBED BY Sffmi OF FIVE IN' I - -- - ... 'J To market, to market. With the bumper crop; (Continued on Page Three.) OREGON C GERMANY BY (I ;S. Kaiser and Missouri Congress man Principal Figures at Presentation of Representa tion of Famous General. BEL II I PREPARING El UROPEAN WAR "J (Halted Prtm faaaed Wlra.) .. . Brussels, Sept 3. Believing that 'there Is grave danger of war between ' Germany, England and France over tha Moroccan situation, the Belgian fcovarn ' meat today is increasing its war prep ' arations to prevent encroachment on its . soil In tha event of hostilities. Leaves of absence from tha army , were- cancelled today, . field - maneuvers wars abandoned and fortress maneu vers substituted. ). ' Tha artillery regiment are being rap idly brought up to their full strength. ' The government maKoa no effort to conceal the belief i that relations be tween France and Germany are severely strained, (United Print. Leaned Wire.) Potsdam, Sept. 2. Emperor William and Congressman Bartholdt of Mis souri, were the principal figures today at the presentation to the people of Germany by the people of the United States of a replica of the von Steuben statue in Washington. Bartholdt made the presentation speech in giving the $6000 status which was voted by con gress, and the kaiser responded ,gra-clouBly. Besides the kaiser there were present the German crown prince. Premier Von Bethmann-Hollweg. Foreign Minister Von-Klderlln-Waochter and a brilliant array of generals and public notables. Congressman Makes Address. Congressman Bartholdt said:v "Your Majesty: By direction of the president of the United States we have come across the ocean i to fulfill the purport of a resolution unanimously adopted By the American congress pro viding for the presentation to his majes ty, tha German emperor, and the Ger man people of a statue of General von Steuben, a great German and erstwhile citizen and hero of two continents, as a gift from the American people. If in the performance of this hon orable mission I may be permitted to interpret the sentiments of the people of the United States, I would say, on behalf of the' president's special em bassy that the proffered donation is to be a pledge of peace and amity , and a guarantee of the sincerity of the earnest hope, cherished by all . Americana, that the effect of this ceremony may be to draw more and more closely tha bonds of 'traditional friendship and good will which, strengthened as they are by the ties of 'blood, have always so hap pily united ' the great German empire with the great republic of the west, the United States of America. tenben Is Eulog-lsed. , "From the material to the political and Ideal significance of today's act1 is but a step. The peace president e tends to the peace kaiser under whose reign the phrase, "The empire is the peace," has been verified, the hand of friendship, for hearty cooperation In the peaceful solution of great problems of civilization.- And there are two other nations which, resting . upon . tha tra dition of undisturbed friendship . and looking forward to a future of still closer political relations, could more justly f eel called upon to make com mon cause . in tne great humanising tasks of our time, In promotion of art and science and In all tendencies; look ing to the Increased welfare of the peo ple? We live tn a time of International conciliation and have come to realise that peaceful development Is of more transcendent Importance than all that is now - dividing tf)'. .nations, and Ger many's 40 years of peace f an ample guarantee to America that it requires but an Incentive in order to, erystallae mutual sympathy into a political fact. May this beautiful . ceremony, hasten such a nappy consummation,". ' ' DELAYS BUILDING ALBANY BRANCH '' " ' 4J i I, ' ! ; . J3-m Back again, bark again. Chug, chugady-chug, popt. BODY OF MAGNESS Right of Way Suits That Are Pending Retard Company; May Build in Spring, Says President Gray. "While we have decided to build the Albany extension of the Oregon Elec tric, work may be delayej until next spring unless the nutter of right-ofr way can be settled promptly and out of court." said President C. R. Gray of the Hill lines in Oregon this morning upon his return from Salem where he spent most of yesterday in company with President Howard Elliott, of the North ern Pacific; who is on a tour of in spection of his system's lines and In terests. "We have been unablt to come to an understanding with noroo property owners In the vicinity of Salem and while condemnation prooerd'jigs are nov before the court it will be impossible to secure decisions in these rases for another month which will mean the beginning of the rainy season and neces sarily delay until next spring. "If this matter of right of way could be settled out of court and at once," Mr. Gray continued, "we could begin construction work Immediately and have the Una completed this fall, or at any rate have most of the work done before the wet season." This morning President Gray and As sistant General Passenger Agent A. D. Charlton of the Northern Pacific ac companied President Elliott to the North Bank depot where he embarked for Yacolt, in Clarke county, Wash., over the branch of the Northern Pacific for the purpose, of inspecting the line and also to note what development has taken place in that section of the oountry. "I am very much Impressed with the progress made in all sections of Ore gon," said President Elliott, "and our interests will certainly do all that can be dona to encourage further develop ment in the entire Paclflo northwest. We are eager to have another experi ment station in connection with the Pullman college established to demon strate what pan be accomplished with logged over lands and we are also eager to have experiment stations lo cated in central Oregon to demonstrate dry farming methods. "I look for a very , good colonist movement into Oregon this fall as in terest In Oregon in the middle states appeara to be Intense." In speaking of the recent Interstate Commerce commission decision in the Spokane and Reno cases. President Elli ott said that ' the railroads ' are busy arranging to try to carry out the 'In structions of the order, ' He did not care to give any expression as to what the possible effect will be. After inspecting the Yacolt- branch, President Elliott will proceed to Puget sound to inspect,, the lines in that district.- FOUND; FOUL PLAY ISNOI SUSPECTED Theory of Examining Physi cian Is That Man May Have Become Dizzy, Fallen From Boat; Found by H. Richey. The mystery surrounding the disap pearance of J. Lloyd Magness, cashier of the baggage room of the Union depot, was partially cleared up this morning when his body was discovered by Harry Richey, manager of the Portland office of the Columbia Life & Trust company, floating In front of his houseboat, which Is moored just north of tlie Yacht club and the Oaks. No marks were found on the body, showing that the theory of foul play had no foundation and Mag ness' pockot book, containinir $8.75. his gold watch and keys were found in his pockets. When Richey, who ocauples houseboat No. 17, went'to the door about 6 "o'clock this morning he saw a face staring at him in- the water. He knew Magness personally and recognized him. at once. Tho coroner' was notified and word was Bent to the family. Men from the coroner's office were at once sent to the scene and the body was removed to Dunning & McEntee's parlors. Kay Save Become Dlssy. The only possible solution to the drowning Is that ho became dizzy as a result of the severe headache whloh was troubling lilm and lowing his balance fell Into the river. The Idea that he committed sulolde Is refuted by the fact that there can be found no .rea son for such an act, unless he had some trouble which he kept entirely to him self. The fixamlnatlon of the body wai ALASKA 'TRUS r IS SQUEEZING OUT ITS COMMUTERS WIN; Negro With Bandits Who Board S. P. Train in North-, em California and Blow Open Safes With Dynamite. MEMBERS OF CREW SAY ROBBERS TOOK $7000 Coolly Throwing Loot Into Sacks, Desperadoes Make Escape in Automobile. LONE COMPETITOR Unless Relief Is Given, Steam er Humboldt Will Not Long Be Able to Keep Up Fight for Business. (Continued on Page Threo.l Mona Lisa Thief Wants Reward. - (United Preta Leaned WIr.v Paris, Sept. ' J. Reports here today stats that the 'government has, received a communication from the man who stole Mona Lisa, from the Louvre', of fering to return' the famous painting on payment , of 130,000 'and a guaran tee o immunity. t LAUNCH RUN DOWN; 1 ANGLERS DRjfN Only One Member of Toledo Fishing Party Escapes Alive. (Unltfd Prow Leased Wlra.) Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 2. Seven out of eight members of a fishing party met death today in Maumee Bay when the launch in which they were riding was run dowivby the freighter Philip Mlnch. The dead: James Wlslor, superintendent of the city waterworks; Harry Batch, labor leader and councilman-at-large; Fred Shnne. . civil service director Cowell's secretary; William B. Latt, William Car roll, Rudolph Tunker, Thomas Furcell, all employes -of the waterworks. The only member of the party saved was Michael Mayer, He was rescued by the crew of. the freighter. The men did not see the vessel until it was -upon them. ' :-'.,. -. Captain Cummlngs Of the Philip Mlnch said that the launch' attempted to eross the freighter's bow and that it was 1m. possible to avert the crash. The. bodies have not been recovered. By John E. Lathrop. Written for The Journal and the New ark (N. J.) News. Copyright. Juneau, Alaska, Aug. 24. The steamer Humboldt, the only independent ship that makes Alaskan southern ports. oalled at this town today, en route to bkagway, wheru she will discharge freight destined for lower Yukon river points. If the Humboldt Steamship com pany, her owner, remain independent. and If the Interstate commerce commis sion fall to order the White Pass & Yukon railway to make with this com pany an even division of freight money on goods, Interior bound, and If the steamers controlled by the Alaska syn dicate seek at any time to bankrupt its solo competitor, It may do so by carry ing freight for Skagway at $4 a ton, and the Humboldt would be plaoed in tho position , of having either to carry freight for nothing or getting absolutely no biyUness. The rate on through freight, Seattle to Dawson, Is $60 a ton on class A, gen eral merchandise. The railway allows tho Humboldt only $7 of this, nnd. In addition, charges the Humboldt $2 wharfage a ton. Tho steamers of the allied syndicate Interests are allowed by the railway $9 a ton out of the C0 through rate, with no wharfage charges. Fats Seems Clear. It requires no expert in transporta tion to figure out tho fate of Inde pendent lines if these conditions be permitted to remain. Of courso, agents of the syndicate get hold of newcomers in Seattle, and Impress upon them tho grave assertion thnt their boats meet heavy competi tion. One of them, Kenneth Kerr, indus trial agent of the Copper Klver & North western (the syndicate) railway, deserv edly reputed to be one of the most delightful men, personally, one would find In many a day's travel, dwelt upon the enormous competition eleven boats not owned by them, and forcing them to hustle for business. However, is one goes through ATaska, he finds that all sailings of the boats of these other alleged competing lines, but really non-competitive, are arranged so as to fit tho one to the othen, nnd so that never shall thore be conflict. Off every hand ono sees. the unmistak able evidences of complete understand ing between all other steamer linos, and the Humboldt, with one boat of slightly over 1000 gross tonnage, and about 680 net, Is all the competition the syndicate ships meet. Bontn and Worth Divided. It is true that there is less connection, perhaps none, between the ship lines that ply between Seattle and the south coast, and those that ply from San Francisco to the mouth of the Yukon river' and Up that river,- than between the lines that run to the south coast. But 'the Yukon river is closed eight months of the year; the ports of the south coast are accessible the entire year. .-, -v. " . Furthermore the great mineral pro positions of Alaska are within easier reach of the south coast, regardless 5 CENT FARE AND Tl IANSFERSGVEN Judge Hanford Dissolves His Injunction and 7-Year Fight Culminating Practically in Rioting Is Over. .(Continued oa rags Three. (Special to Tha Journal.) Seattle. Wash., Sept. I. The people of the.'Ralnler valley, a big suburban district, won today a seven year fight for a single five cent fare with trans fers to the city car lines. Federal Judge C. II. Hanford has dissolved the temporary Injunction granted a fort night ago, restraining the people from demanding transfers or opposing the Ihterurban railway company's demand for a double fare, and today tho line yielded the victory to the passengers and began collecting a single fare and giving transfers. The stato supreme court decided that the compnny must give transfers and charge only a five cent fare. The com pany appealed to the United Stntes su preme court and then the people of the valley started a broad movement that aroused the entire northwest. Passen gers boarded the cars and offered a five cent faro demanding transfers'. Scores of them wero thrown off the cars by company bouncers. Finally a "truce" was asked for bv W. R. Crawford, president of tho line. He said he wanted to confer with his bondholders. Crawford ruthlessly vio lated tho truce agreed to and secured an Injunction from Federal Judge Hanford; an Injunction against the people forbid ding them even to ask for transfers. Thousands of people Ignored the In junction and the compnny tied up tha line. Mayor iJUllng ordered tho arrest of 20 carmen for blockading the streets, nlthougli the Injunction . whs aimed against the city as well as the people of tho valley. A great mass meeting was held In the city two weeks ago. Resolutions de manding tha Impeachment of Judge Hanford were adopted and an effigy of Hnnford was hung from a telegraph pole opposite the hall where the mass meet ing was In progress. The next day the I'nited States district attorney caused the arrest of seven men who spoke at the meeting and two editors of the Se attlo Star and the Star's attorney were also arrested. They are charged with conspiracy to obstruct Justice. They probably will be Indicted by the federal grand Jury at Tacoma this month. "We are issuing transfers on a five cent basis from Taylor's Mtll into tha city," said Superintendent George W. Hurtling, of the Seattle, Ronton and Southern railway this morning.' "We i 1 continue to issue these transfers until the court, makes different rulings. Wc are charging no extra fare boyond Kenyon street." (United Press Leaaed Wire.) , Redding, Cal., Sept. 2. With a sit hour handicap tho five men who robbed the Southern Pacific express train No. 15, 43 miles north of here, ,are far ' in the lead of the officers today whrt 1 are searching the wild country which ; has been the scene of three daring rob. berles this summer. That the bandits v carry a big sack of coin is admitted by the Wells FargO Express company, but the exact amount Is withheld. It is believed here today that the man who escaped In an automobile are the same robbers who successfully evaded the officers after other robberies. A ne gro, who was the only one to wear a mask, was the only new member of the. -v Shoot at Trainmen. While the train was on a siding at Gibson, four miles above - Lamoine, three of the bandits climbed in through the open door of the express car, cov ering Messenger Meyers and his helper-.. with guns. Two men remained outslds to keep the coast clear until the train " started southward. Engineer Coleman, and Conductor Dickey stuck their heads " out and were fired at, the shots missing their mark. As the train traveled at a good speed v the men blew open the two express -safes with dynamite, which they han died with- accuracy. The explosion, hurled wreckage to all parts of the car; but nobody was hurt. The big sack, of . coin was the only loot taken. Escape to Woods. Meyers was made to pull the signal , cord, Btopplng the train and letting the . robbers take to the timber. They were later reported to be seen in an automo bile. - V-' Pulling into Lamolne ths, trainmen notified the superintendent's .office at Dunsmuir and before midnight .special trains with armed posses from north and south were in pursuit. v Trainmen are positive that the negro was genuine and not a white man with ," burnt cork on his face, . ROBBERS' HAUL $7000; . BOOTY PUT INTO SACKS -AND THROWN INTO AUTO fTnttl PTeM Leon) Wlm. San Francisco, Sept. 2. The Portland express arrived here today and reported a loss of $7000 at the hands of train robbers north of Redding. The train crew reported that the men loaded their booty into sacks and took to their auto- , mobile, which they believe the;thugi' must desert on the Dunsmulr-Kennett : road to escape into the hills. This would (Continued on Page Three.) 2 ARMY AVIATORS 1:1 BURNED TO DEATH N M A Crowds at French Aviation Meet See One Airman Take Fatar Plunge and Another Cremated in Skies. INCA PRINCESS SUES B.L00D-LETTING DENTIST (United Preaa Leaaad Wire.) St. Louis. Mo., Sept. 2. Plaintiff to day In a suit against a dental company for $600 damages. Princess Sleta, su preme ruler of a Peruvian Indian trjbe and said to be a direct descendant of Athanlltpa, last of ths Incas, alleges the dentist who attended her pulled a sound tooth instead of an affected-molar and severed an artery from wWhlch ;, ' five quarts of blood escaped. The princess Is the wife of an American cowboy, -.. (L'nlfed Tresa Leased Wlr.) N'sngis, France, Bept. 2. Two deaths today cast gloom ovtfr the aviation meet hero. While the crowds were strain-' Ing their eyes in watching Captain De' Camlne of the French army circle up ward In an attempt to break the record for height, the machine was seen to turn completely over and come hurtling to the ground from a great altitude. The aviator was instantly killed, his machine being smashed into fragments.' Almost Immediately after the flying had been resumed, following , De . Ca mlne's tragic death. Army Lieutenant Oe Qrallley'a aerortane took fire,- the driver being burned to death as his . flaming machine plunged to earth. , s: Roth machines were monoplanes, ; The Sunday Journal The Popular Oregon Paper The News of the Northweat, , ot Oregon, Washington, Califor nia r.nd Idaho,' dished urj-rfully" for buHy people who, want all that's news and that quickly. Tho News of ho World, from all , the,. great news centers gath ered by the beat organized forces of wlters. Foreign newt cot? erlng all the principal events. Features, ' the bent picture, the most Interesting and Instructive . articles. Sports,' markets, ma rine, women's. 4 . k' The Sunday Journal s