The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1911, Page 21, Image 21

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'.'Mmmm iaja tAV!.uu y"; mq SBtl REAL ESTATE DIRECTOnY
UBEfl sewing machines' 'iB t life giiar $ Organised to loan .money '.to 8 tallty and itoM suffering with stubborn t?lfV?M,X& Sh,Slte.t Sfii ' ' nnSouSwfSn ' ; addres. ;y
aned discouraging and ailments to yyM f.loorJi?H th st , Main 6109 - DRY SHORT WOOD - n,ft M.. City. rm Itoperty.i... .,..... Cortjtt Bid. A 7t
rented eiSS?ln Ke? Homeeenotf I rata ' tonesC people can ftttord I m to ma and roosters a fro friendly WELLS & PROEBSTEL. assayers. ana- SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding ' ZT2Pn!?ltYrt' 8iH..,M.i. and A-im
w 'g& tu'b'br0 I w&i&Wi l&isetSS hM-t The Portland Slabwood Co.- 8S&n V::::::::::;:;::::;:::; Wv:;::::-::
- " ."''' - - ' ''' red 1 fj jjfi - ? E? ariiSim i IiHt v.TmnI? Sir! MONTANA assay of flee, laboratory ore ln I11B A 7001 ' One Co., B. 8. ..,608 Corbctt Blrte. ... ...... ,.M!t 863. A 3.M
WANTED lkrmHKIiTjliVKOTTS-K . ' X2'iTCa e r a"" I xrmfSSSLif .i J.i?iaiN ? T: testing. Marshall 2728. 186 Morrison. Maln, mB;., A 7001' . Knap ft Meeker .' , t Chamber ef tftmmeree...., eedA.S"!,.
WA"JIloVJMillWt'a O PORTLAND, LOAN CO.. i,, I Walker, expert specialist' 181 First st ,. . -11TTt,nri .-.. Oregon Keel Knute Co.. The .......Grd Aw. ,nd Multnoiusb.. vK.t T. o-U'l
,.r,','T'?''Tl"'T''r,"r',w'' I Kon l0-t Macleay ! y OUNO man. 28, In buaineaa, . woulol V;.,';.f AXVQMMXTB COI.M!OB ATO SCHOOLS ., shHde, J. H Si 0ili.K ......... ..v...M! Wio
WANTED Feppleof Portland to know Between 4th and 6th on Wanh- I like to. make acquaintance of a food, ZZZ?T'7ZZi TOZCZt Thompson, m. K. Co. Hnrr BH.. etb-0k.....,....M. aooi. Ai27
. KZ Vh8 M&t!x B pr,t? '2? I t I H HID t tHUHi aenelbhi lr? matrfmonlally Inrllnea. 20 8!. COOPER, Attorney at Law. Oen- OFfl?1!. JC9PJtbU 1 1 ' I 1 1 M
econd hand household rood a. ; N. M. 4 t t "t 1 t 4 j It t tiliiiii or to veare old' soma one who la not : eral practice ; abatraotfl examined. Re- '888i Bamuel.T. Richardson, dean. ! - ,
Beater. 148 RuaeelU Ra.f 1661- if DaMaii! AlliM ' Smld o 'wo?lf and will help to nko moved iUum'tni "fidJaata g!S2ton5a,im - SmStJ&Yi - .001ATKI0 yHTBICTAM - x .'jyS!.??,
.WE'BUX BBidOND HAND ; O'-. DQrrOW IVlOney - ahomeraendplotulnaneorlfpoa- I78:1.20T1, , . Pjnjr Oc t 1. a. ZT,vrK5Q ""n " ' iTT77Zrrrr KrEERLadW "en'iie?!
K calT Main 2080 290 Flrat v?ry?h,n! Co grt lOail Bank " Journal. , . "ar. J praetlo. 4H.4tT Yeon bldg. drs, all Inquirlea to M. Morehead,'l- Osteopath, ohronlo nerroua dlaeaa.a. fOWBX. pmlt
Zun t , J , 'a'Ji k. ' 'Jl - iaanrlU -''-S'- MFN CURED OUCKLY ' 19MB R .REEJ?i wyer removed to 1MB Commonwer,Uh ldg.. Portlarl. l4-6 Macleay bldK. Main 6172; A-4880. - - - - . ,. y0wglf v'nX t
Trlna?,.,d. -V EvManttaVK. nS.ltri!rMnt!Bi&. .. bld,.th floor, , , QOmiOTlOaiB ba tlKLiKffST LEAN , iow... dalnXbru.h.
Levin Hardware co., 22 FronC MOTtV ;--v.:-.:$."-:'Lowea rates In tha eity. ; , of the proatate. nervous debility, rectal. . . ATTTO SUTniZS i "TT " " claltot on . nerves, acute and chronic Towel Supply Co., th and Couoa sia,
BH Ww J. 1 V ; I Ctao Co,n'tw Pn ; ehronlc" blood and akin diseases. W. JLtX-U. PROFESSIONAL credit bureau, phy- diseases. 217 Fenton bids. Main 8941. 11 per rnth. . Portland Laundry Wo
Ym e;-i?e.L!KJ---5?1-Jr!f .-SSS5 ' ' Oiaie oeCliriiy UOi . .. Howard, M.'D.. 04- Rotbohild bldf, F. R. KEENAN CO . 100 4th SL A.4I2B ' "'clans' and dontleta' accounts a ape- ' Phonee Main 410. A-4410. ,
fttt't oJ",ii,l57 MiVn6Vf44? y''J0 W"!?, 4th and WashlnVton! 'lTlMi. lSrAuto TlPope." clalty. 201 Medical bldgr. M. 4147 A-74 OPTICAL 8FBOIAI.IBTB TAXIPIBMI8T
WANiVirnliv. 1.,!,:, " I?nvll V,V1 'V:.Mrads!Vars,,iit'i nntrrloco Llaoltrifr eycle, Ato Bioycl and Motor SuppUes. ORKOON Collection Agency. Ham- SlOBEPWCaTObV ttiX
tA v1 A TiJ IIMMIUIIIIIHMII , ' t UrUgleSS Healing Vehicle-Rubber Tires. llton. Expert collecrors. Main 7T. 5t Eyes Examined fVw advloi R FIN LET, taxldermle and urrl
Donaldson Mi I B f let Mai n 60 Wfl I ftflfl MfineV ; Mrs. Corlnn Adams, new apartments. " , " , P6RTLAND Collection Agency. All debti , n at. Eye, examined. Free aOvioe. ye a4 Columbia. -
Ja LOW RaVesHuICtTlS? - NO nltlo nfetr MT AUaky HLgdjg tt AAKBii-A5-BTojii
"ffSSS dA;nf ,.-.Dn.Mary Kramer ' :WJiSr 22- aSSliSsrS'
before selling your furolture. Mar- clalty. Examination free. Phone Wood- ylT g Z..?, " ,; 4th,Bt- Main 6241. - Bpeclal rates md on goods to o
shall, 8223. 122 I7th. GRAY & CSNNINgSm ' lawn 1672. 861 Mlasrsslppl ave. , cyL "."rCnaldi CARPENT.ERnd contractor: lobbing c. L. BRINER Painting, tinting, pa- through cars to aU dom;;tlo and forelM
WE d6n'T ask what you want for your 20l-i KthchU Bldg.. 8TVi Waehlng- ANY person troubled with rheumatism Ma7n 7062 Ra,lr,n- " Bslda retnode ,llnr and specialty : s g work. paring, decorating. 414 tavls. M-8288. polnte. Main 896. -lt.
. furniture. We make cash offer. M-2844 . ton st.i between 4th and Bth st , try my steam tb baths, positive cure; O. P. Bliss.' 822 Stark. Main QI7. pAiNX1NO of a,i kino; work and ma- Orppnn Trflnffr P.rt
WANTED ikl band furiUtur.' Bast 81 2 4 I how Jikni' VniiR w-inancebV .,8 stomach 'troubles., Mrs. .8. C. Mor- BIOTOXB msVAXBXVO ' . 8, WINO, carpenter, all kinds Job work. terlal guar. 484 B. Burnslde. B-2862. ulc. V' I
84Hahorn.v.Wrt.r Martin! ' Loan'.m.d? Jn yoodurity; mwseuer. :re..,4TH Jefferson. h SfflnnaffiJlB0 FOR beat work.-,c.e r.ght. call P. A." TtMtXiWnVAlV 1
..t.V .a-'fT reasonable, courteous and confidential. A4V- W?I5?,,,r: 'u."11' irade5,C5r0,1rf-j;5" ,on"ntn , P"tlng. 6th. Main 7648. Done, in4 nnon Both phones. etoragi rre7trMkSar "
..f?: ; C, frank Nichols, ; ' , alicb a. ori - ' 7ZZ '-SSSt - akt attot. Biyjr ,tMt
" ' ' 1 r 1 - 1 ' ' ii ,i,t 1 . i t . . Washington St. -' . "-' DAVIh COMPANi, 108 Za St.. ., -, ,v.i- Pmf Wal torney-at-law. late of U. 8. patent of- ana isversti sis., jus openea. pivnu
WTJ8ICAL INSTRUMETITII 84 Will Loan YOU Money . B , - . t ImBponvl.dBLt.e.f lVdn.'?VeJeThe wlfSs" I ggoot yasgton sf flee; book free. ti Board ofBT?.de bid,. SUSff
On your furniture, piano or real estate. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly oures "P EwekiTeaf A-8188 1 Miin 188 Jyeen Park na 10" "ta- phona M- to- nl rlfn patents procured by handling of goods; lowest Ina5rafl?
WILL sell my 1280 piano w for 1100 Lowest rate of Interest. Bee ma first .diseases of men, blood and skin dls- "ew "uresa lear. a.siw. Main 76 O. O. MARTIN rata In northwest: free trackage, vans)'
cash. Phone Tabor 98., j C Nfhnlt Sl",6""-0 ITS!, ttLTfiW-1 i tf XVBX9TZ8S OABDB HEATH'S Dancing School. 109 2d at.. 408 Chamt-er of Commerce Building, for moving. Main or A-1820.
1 ' 1 ' . ;4 - 2filr - -i' Portland v P III First SU bet Washlngton and Stark Fancy R. C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat- MT! TABOR EXPRESS ft HTRGE CO.!
AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCIjES 44 61B Yeon Bldf. f ".ap ' t WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street stage and social danclnn taught daily; ante: Infringement caaest 604 Defcum. Xrlpa to ML Tabor daily. Also dt
. Don't Borrow Money - V)S&. BaeckBlid'gdewalk' nd crwlng" "J iTf1nBdaTRsn plo Tunica Sg" ,nd 'xvr "
- . V AUTOMOBILES " . 11&$E2J!. ' nt& qgAAloa. , jHJl FAnT7w pt.A DrSS.
1911 ' OAKLAND' ROADSTER " 1911 Clpt'' JUTTcrEfT CO 0LW' $TJ,t '-SlT' 4Sd ' . .-,1 !!, Itl" " ALVEOLAR teeThrTeol yaara experlenea 190 8d. Main 9481. M. 310. A-1804. Res. E. 888. BergstranS:
" ' 807 Rnaldln Bldr ' TL nLv Btn?i 0A1WT CXEAJflirO ImposBible; does away entirely with FIPB , TYPSWBITEBS ' -
Owner has authorised us to sell bis -vait 1!!PJ d.'- ei fj?2 vmP Book Stor ' r" Pltes. brldgework; we cure pyrrohea : ZZZSL-. , . i tZZZJZZZ ri
1911 Oakland Roadster at Wg sacrifice. MONEY. FOR SALABIRD PEOPLE 284 Oakit, H enry bldg. SSiSSsJS SiSMSS!i ,(.lo8e teet?) bs6lutsly. Terms to re- LRONipTldefi TYPEWRrTER&Suplie7c
It Is Just the car for doctor or sales- women keeplns; house and others fur- DR. A. A, AUSPLUND. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our liable peonle. Alveolar Dental Co., Ab- and iteam Ruoolie d r.n(e 1414 L Mar 411
man. 40' H. P., J passenger and nlshed without seourity. cheapest rates. Diseases of women and surgery. Ex- specialty. E. 440. B-1968. 204 E, lth N. ington bldtr., 106H 2d st. ana eteam a up pnes ia nana. p.
'onon8 " -JftT-' blff eVengrln Kt y.Jfig XBXBCTlV, AaB12 " Vg&S Kront st. ? cTft 1
c-SSSSS ilfirffl To,mant 81T ' SWEENEag AND STARK w5i55E3J555J5wx--w WFn EYnIsnI P andV. .Vtr.ndorM.r. xTrLnfoTr
equipped This car I. new and a , AtLOWeSt Rate AYgo0u0rPa1rdre.sSr JHWEST RUO WKTrTfn goxS ffl' FI-TJMBOrO AB1 HBATIBQ Taf a"' 4 4.' WAZ,
Money on furniture, pUnos, livestock hvatv ft lllc f ,oma "orklna old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. PRESS BOX Z-848 JOURNAL. TI.VKma AHp HEATIaQ ByT,- ''
E. M. F. 20 H. P., onl 2600. or any personal property. Contracts and Wil ihoni 82 ohlft matrimonv Vnlon ave., near E. Morrison. PACIFIC States Secret Eervije Agency. ;T-r:p " 8 B - o --u,
OREGON AHTO EXCHANGE, B V M Sealed bids will be received at the vT0?!rLPr'clB",tw :rn r"novdi "a, -o -z FBUTTOrO vTTTn.iati
218T AND WASHINGTON STS. nffi nfif tnfmartnr Tnt. of"ce ' F "8- Fields, county plerk, DR. IVEY cures bunions, corns all foot VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tal- - 3SSS?T?-i. -.
" o r-7r "frVTpStiFr! . oooJd diseases. 245H Morrison, m". 4644. and dressmaking taught. 883 WELCH PRINTING CO. MODERN -yst-rinarV hoipTtaU 411 St 71
AutO SUPP V CO. : ,v, ?Xr .0f COmmerC8- MulUanF. .0 CBTBEBB I POOTOBS bLcTBIO MOTORS ?"T 0f and O WhrBMS.?- E"l84T
Dealers in new an slightly used LOWEST RATES; loans on any oeour- of first and aecond growth to be named, ' : T 1 XI.ECTBIO MOTOBS ink on paper." 141 1st . O, " Huthman. B-198Z. East ,1847.
...IniiM h?Jm. Z 1.? .-imVt. ty, chattel or real estate. Union ana Drice for the delivery of wood at DR. Blng Choong. physician for men and TTT1Z 71 7. ZT,7 FOR' rent and" sale slens 10c at The WXU StrxUKS .
wrvtf ,r,n- -ar -H,, Tn.Ka wlnT1?ri n Any further information may be ob- KING WO Medicine Co.. Physician for PTJH.MTTTJBE BEPAXBZVO WALLACE PRINTING CO East side. ,?ab2 V3 M"It ltAf oe wrtM" li LOANS WANTED 30 talned at the office of the county clerk. men, women. 186 H Morrison. A-5409. . . w.rwfV y. fiViiS.'; West. ?82 Morrison st ,
ifidKeyr",.?J-i?0JR?PrW.rBLI ' No Proposals will be considered un- 22 BOWERS ft PARSONS, formerly with .tY prlce"- 8U Unlon ftve- N" la ' woos FraiSXlWo
sold by Saturday night, by private WANTED From private party, two less accompanied by a check payable to O2XXB0PBA0TXO rXTSIOXAW Tull Gibbs. furniture rep. reflnlsh- U -, -, n. n. . V?: f , n., -u
SJl". Ja cliSj S!,- Ksrage. i0,na of $1760; also two amounts of the order of the county court of Mult- 1 . edj packed, shipped; 100 H Front. M-410. BOOPIHO, FAINTIBO, BEPAIBIKa ratlaaa"kl"AnaeK 5 m
g".d 1 Hawi-h?r? v- .J . 11000 on first mortgage. Provident In- nomah county, certified by a respon- DR. J. E. MARSH, D. C The first chl- ! -J',,- F(0fir?,tn?.a1a. WI W Rnrnslde R-'ii4a
BTPASSEkOER 80 horse power touring vestment ft Trustee Co.. 201-2O2-20J slble bank, for any amount equal to 10 ropractor In the state of Oregon, has OABDEWIWO TIN roofing, repairing. paljKlng and Job. wooq finisher. 494 lu. Hornside. B-imi
car. A-l shape. Will exchange for B".rd of Trade bldg. por cent of the aggregate proposal, to removed to 417 Marquam bldg. SEE rrTTT TT7''ZZZZ1 bins. Losll ft Hslner. 21? Jeff. M. 1424. WKOZjEBAXB JOBSEBS
rlty lot. improved street preferred; will WANTED 83600 to build; good secur- be forfeited aa fixed and liquidated THE MAN WITH THE EXPERIENCE J".0 'A-nB?VX ikP btamps awn seiu
(pay some difference If lot suits. 204 ityV will pay 8 per cent interest for 8 damages In case the bidder neglects or DR. MAY, graduate chiropractor, acute "H Stanton. Wooulawn 1864. .. 5B?.5!LB3S-L.lE!f . EVERDINQ ft FARRELU Produce aaft
East 84th St.. near Taylor. years. Z-843. Journal. refuses to enter into contract and to ana chr0nlo dlseaaea successfully OASOI.XSE EiraZHES STENCILS and offtce stationery. Cun- BSn2mi""i?.n nStnM-.J Vta0"1 "W
WANTED -At once, the following 8S00 or more wanted on 8 years' time! ? """""l-f. 'rk' 1 the treated. 621-22 Marquam bldg. VlngVa Co f 881 StarV Main" 407. Portland. Oe. Vumm Main Ht,
slightly used articles: 1 speedometef. secured on 12000 farm mortgage. 602 ful performance of said work, in the Dr EVA MARSH chiropractor Dracti- STATIONARY and marine. electric ZZZZZ 1 T at. A. GUNUT ft CO.
1 dosen auto lamps, 100 tires, all sixes. 8p,idimt bldg v2," th contract is awarded to him. tlOMr 228 Fleid'ner bl equipments: launches. accessories. SAVES DISTRIBUTORS OF FINK CIGARS
I will buy anything pertaining to auto- T,fe7hS. Wnt i?nn .t a r . J1 lifcht w rJect any 5nd aU bia" 6218 ieianer oiag. m. 4ii. a Q,. na reta tngiM repairng. ZT T". 7T 1 TT PORTLAND. OR.
mobiles. 238 Main st WA?T H.1?.-.0 .of VSlS V '-P.' hereby expressly reserved. ,,, - : Relerson Mechlnerv Co.. 184 Morrison. THE Mosler Bate Co, 106 2d st Safes AI)nVMfl A Co' wtieaa' aroc.ra.
B mm MT-mmm a T6y2rZ CLEETOC?unty Judga. F,3dJ- fflflS- ?"- 2 OE.J0BXBa ,p,ned'CV.CTdf-han.V' S"
"prince- cun ran teed 29 N. lBth st FINANCIAL ' 81 D V HART, - - blng: 226 Davie. Res, nhone. E-1479. - - s. between Salmon and Main.
AUTO wanted In exchange for one County Commissioner. MULT1GRAPHING. circular letter work OBAIWIWO AND MAKBLniG SCiSN?n?r 7iC ALLEN ft LEWIS OROCKRIKS. , 1
acre at Tigard Station and Colum" CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in any quantity. EvenlngaalnJ622. tZZJJ , "a0 SSmniete 'tllV JL-J
bla River Orchard Company's Invest- Or seller's equity in contract of sale In the ."litflct court of the United STENOGRAPHY, typewriting .circular j. H. MAKSHALL, gralner, 'old wood- mMtK.CAlnirJ. mimmbmho.
ment bonda. Holbrook, 603 Swetland on real estate In Washington or Oregon.. States, for the district jot Oregon.- In letter work. 16 Wash. bldg.Ttfaln 8733. work ana fioors made to look like ,nlon l?" mTg- TBAlTSPOBTATIOa' ,
P4f- H. E Noble. Lumbermeng Mdg. Loans, the matter of W. P. Llllis. bankrupt; new; samples " shown; estimates. 269 SHUrOlES nimfKivinos no.
ONE E. M. F. 6 passenger car to ex- CASH for seller-a equity In monthly pay- No. 1857 in bankruptcy. Notice Is here- OTOTHBB Market st. Main 6661. 77 "7, TTa TTId iaT OTD I Bl TCI I
change for lot on east side; must be ment contraots. Room 1 Railway Ex- by given that on the 30th day of Au- TTTrwpTnXTl TV- HAIB OOOSB BT.fc!n..S?rfIandi -.wi!!?' 1,1 'Tirisi STR. J. N. TEAL'
worth from $600 to $800. Inquire at change. Main 7267. or Marshall li99. gust. A. JD., 1911, W. P. Llllis of Port- ATE5,ifTh ZJfJtZ JU- Washington st B E. Ollbeit. , V" fi Freight irtved dalTy ,
204 E. 84th st. . . , s Tand. Or., the bankrupt above named. Pants, 21, suits, shoes cheap. 208 Main FEBVETaChTnebdT 8H0WCABEB ABD rZZTXIBES WX itOnk sock for The
F6ft SALE-Cheap. good 1910 Exceisle, JERSONAL 22 wm. .duly adjudicated bankrupt; ana WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothe. jj fcd ,oupee hT Riven
motorcycle. Call after 6:30 p. m. -i that the first meeting of his creditors and shoes. 272 Front Main 4802. rfneBt ,tock of human hair goods; balr- BHOWCA8KS aud store fixtures la " 'lsTsTs TTI'liltnT'slmnn Umatll.!
646 E. 26th. Phone Sell. 208. YOUNG man of business. 29 years of will be held at the orfices of .the un- .,. dressing, manicuring, face aid scalp stock, made to ordev; lowest prices. 1 . la. Ken ne wick. Pasco,;
NO' l old auto tires. To per pound; In- age. would like to meet a ladv of derslgned. Rooms 401-2-3, Fenton build- C0AArM?wo?n , , , . treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M-64I J. Linden. 422 Hawthorns. Eat 8117. RljhUkd, Hanford. Whits
tXTJ X matrimony. C42. W SEGHERS Co. It, and Gllsa. MBABCB VTSS' S&' '
flVE passenger auto. $16 per hour. BObK" of JJature. Fanny Hill. Mabel hm,er aa,,dmcr t VrtSftJS&ll slat "wogasd: In stove' lethT?o?5 McCARGAResnyriM The Lutke Mfr. Co. TXMMT CXAS9 ABBEWOTO SBBTICB
Main 4896. A-827,7. 860 Alder. Cray, Fatal Passion, Decameron, Be- th bankrupt and transact such other wood all kinds and dry block wood. bid. Every form Insurance, bonds. THE JAMES i. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. f7 A D P tZ f ITC '
' t rcT avn TOT'X-n 01 RchmBc5,k Co 'wrist Bta,0fre' business as may properly come before Phonea: Main 6369. 8851. A-2415. JAM. Mcll WOOD ft CO., all kinds of wf f!dte,112wcas',J2' i 7oV AIE DU . J
LOST AM FOUND 21 gchmale Book Co.. 229 1st st, 1 : 8a,d meeung. Claims must be pre- THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. has reduced Insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. end office fixtures. 28 Couch. M-2702, -OOD lIVTjm wkits BAX.1COXL '
- SANDERSON CO., -Savin and Cotton sented In. form required by the bank- the price on high grade Wyoming and R. H. BIRDSELL. HAMILTON BLDG, xw rttnA.t.Te.I. 9AumvM
LOST Chamois pocket knife cover bag Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed ruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule Waahlngton coal for July and August KODA DBTELOrao Show cases In stock. Promot delivery. H-,m.- Portiinrt Bun Tiiml.
containing one solitaire diamond ring, periods: $2 box, or $ boxes for $3. by filed discloses doubtful assets. delivery. 346 East Ankeny. Phone E. TT'Tnrrrrr Sale s-e' M Wlrter T..imher Co. Thurs. T ' a. m r Returnlna leaves Ths
one diamond ring, 29 diamonds: one mall. T. J. Pierce, 246H Morrison. CHESTER G. MURPHY. 214 and B-2343. FF.EE DEVELOPING Velox prints 8c Mlw Moa W4 Ftl T a n trrlv n!
An SEXOID-Marvelous cure for- weakness , A We 1 Bankruptcy. PHOENIX FUEL CO. chanieTrust""'16 5lMe ??2Z2JZ1Z , M i' iml daVw!
platinum ring Reward. F. A. Sennet ln by mal! $i per box; money re- JPated Aug. 91, 1911. Cord, slab and wreckage wood. Spe- v7rorg L . , , STOVE DOCTOR. S. Buchanan. Bupti W. B. Bmallwood,
142 4th st. 8d floor. - turned If It fails. Dr. Pierce Remedy SEALED bids will be received at tha of- ctal on slab for short time; must move NfUE worki xPrf work at reason- Jf tove doe,n t haks tner ta Qenn. Mgr. Phones Main 9960. A-3697.
LOST Fox terrier bltrh In vicinity of Co.. 246 H Morrison. ; flee of R. H. Thomas, school clerk, 402 them. 821 Savier st Marshall 2117. f b' pt",cef d'elop'n; .,1 ?f eomeOilng wrong. I cen fix It 868 E. r , ' " ' "
Molalla corners on Wednesday. Aug. LApigswhen delayed use Lorenx Com- Tilford building. Portland. Or. until 6 East , u CCQCM ClC nf cT- gjrox L a ? ? , Morrison' Phene East 1022. THE BIG 3 '
13; -notify owner and receive reward. RPTCt Tablets' alwavs dnend. P. m.. September 14. xjII, for the eon- f0. tULtlotn lUtL UU. ioa BRING you kodak work, enlarging, re- -s -
Fargo Mfreantlle Co., Fargo Or. lm$!&;&US& fth,S't raStt'.R! Choice coun slab block and c"rd to Rose City studio. 6? Bth J!!.l "reItAM
HhJt "9 Morrlan beeelvhedgsePara wood. Branch office. Meier ft Frank Co SADIES' TAH.OBIJIO C. LEE treat, rheumatlam. stomach c XPREfS STEAM h,HS FOR
fiMsHS ou,d ,ik.AfoTH. th. case of "b5"S I 1 COAL Mt? BLOCK BiDnat iTrr1- 998 R San Francisco i aig I Los Angeles
N.; reward. YOUNG man 28 years old would like plans and specifications of Architect Tho Miiltn'nrrmh FliohPA U8ATBCEB AHO IIIDW88 nANN SIGN CO.! oualltv and service 8"mSS T ofc? I4a -Third tC'
uactv T rf to meet honest woVklng girl of same Ellis F. Lawrencw. copies Of-fcrhlch may I ne MUlinOman .rUei U0.. rp-; TrrX7T T 888 E Alder st. Fast B8l "'rT,oa tListo 4M tL A.lSi
-MONEY TO LO.-JSI 27 ag.e object matrimony, If suited; no be obtained at hlu office, 1023 Chamber Main 6640. Foot of Market st A-ilH CHA": L. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front , f ' c, . Phones Mam 4oa and A-noa. n
..m-.- trlflers. H-844. Journal. - of Commerce building. Certified check Good service as well as good wood. Leather of every description; tap W. P. UH.KGt.K ft 8pn---Signs and Show t A V I IINII
MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. HOLMSTROM Swedish masseur" tor 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. Ffm niTK Prr ' oak rflm-W f.r ' ' """ueetursrs. findings. ... Cards. 284 Yamhill st. Main 9391. WwW3 X lBllaW
building loans: lowest rates; ftrs ln M5K? chronic JiordersT 808-i payable to R. H Thomas, school clerk, X ioti II ? o b 8 P T Portr MACKiwxwr -SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' Portland CTCAMFB RRFAafWATTR
suranee. W. Q. Beck. 312 Falling. OregonVn bldg oraTm- 0- t accompany each proposal. En- lndad Limited Quantity Phone Main . - MACH?I!B5 - -- -- - Sign Co.. 287 Btatk. Main 189B. D 1 LAMLK OKLAPvW A J LK
MONEY to loan in amounts of. from vvv ltaT' d g.ntiem.n s0ng to Or. v,elopee must be marked "Bid on Gymna- 6705; A.ss39. , a TRENKMAN ac CC Hvdraullo and OREGON Sign Co. A. Lichtaarn. man- . Sails from Alnsworth doclc. Portland,
ifVA Swfid. Smlth-WaPer C- fytfWttf'te p&$'fftfrZ& t-OR COAL AND ALL ST JS'ttdSVM , sger. 271 3d st. Phone Main 1899. J Aug 4. 9 H. , lt .
Vi A .L ' ,;-0,- - vantage to- address R-841, Journal. reserves tha right .to reject anv and all OOD PHONEJ HOLGATE FUEL machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 w. 4th. tia AH SH0W 0ABSS received at Alnsworth dock dally up to
11 00,000 ion ", r2 SOUTHERN Pacific ticket. Portland to bids. R. H. THOMAS, CO. SELLWOOD 48V MTLTIOBAPBHTG " " "JZ"." : r"- B p. m. Passenger fare first class; $10:
Property fire Insurance. McKenils 41 Kansas City, for sale cheap; no School Clerk. Voman anA Pnol Prt " FOSTER ft 7JLEISER Signs: ths larg- second class, $f, Including meals ami
Co.. Gerllnger Mdg.. 2d and Alder. ; deBcripti6n. Y-840, Journal. Dated August 31. 1911. T 8013X0 W00a SiUO 1031 UOi MTTLTTGRA PHTNG. shorthand, type- est sign makers lu the northwest B. berth. Ticket office Alnsworth dock.
PLENTY 'money to, loan on city or farm WOMEN-Use femolds when others fall. OFFICE Quartermaster. Fort Stevens. EAST 618. B-1867. writing, M 786. 414 Buchanan blag. Uh iirtE fJJJ" ,- Phone Ea" Phones Main 268. Main 170. A-1831.
nPlVLZ T ll nnlrA f Tradhl'd Sold and guaranteed by the Ausnlund Or.. August 30, 1911 Sealed propo- pof-Tre,IFirst-class fir wood. $6.2S ZrrA MT7BX0 TBACHSB8 - SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELKS
Hfckson, 617 Board of Trade bldg. Drug Co., 110 N. Bth si Main $106. sals. In triplicate, will be received at LenUaJcord; also sawed to order lam ZUtZZZZZ . STEBOGBPB38, COTJBT BEPOBTEXS 2n bj w nivnn ninvr
-FOR SALE Good first-mortgage note LADIES If In need of confldontlal ad- this office until 3 o'clock p. m. Septem- 249 2d st. Main 1606; Home A-1108 MRS E M Smvthe (London Parlsl - AID BAN DIKt UIIIKUP
n ?J,,1Ta.?;nd.r 18 mmth per cent' Hteoonsolt DrPiercTno ncn.rgei M. 1911 and then publicly opened. MMMfl DELIVERED WimU P'ano? ehUdfen5? Frsnffc . 3m C IBB OREGON Law Reportlns A.s'n. 40-408 BOB.TH PACIPIO 83. St OO.
Z-842, Journal. cm orfc wrtt 246 Morrison st. for the construction of extension of prd- (BMtilb(WlL "PROMPTLY WlUiPiJI Lownsdale. . Ablngton. M 6037. A-B336. Depoaltlons B. 8t BOABOZB and S. B. EX.9EB BAZA !
" Niw'tonuXnSi'1 LADIES' Loren. Antl.eptle ConM are ?.Tbo'se?n,sPe?lflcat Maln F' J' Ft. Curry st E. THIEjLHORN, vloIn teacher; pupil BTATTOWEBY, OTFICX OPFZ.ZES 't'yi
: A" Nwton- B1B Henry soothing, safe and sure 1 per box. full InforntloVfurn Qrtorial PrlD A 1 PnrHvArtrtrl Sevolk. 900 Marquam. A-41BP. Mar. 1629 1 J . mhnSktS'?"'1c?1i,aA j ,
LCAtt jp.r b JSn..'Rryw SUo Tavior Drug Co.. 29' Morrison st ffi 'j V"jyttes OpeCiai rTICe A"l t-OraWOOO PROF. T E LAiVSON 136 14th st TYPEWRITER paperTBc ream. M. 766. PhRTm 1 "win for Ph aL
tel He Loan Co., 414 DeVum bldg. LoREN2i N.rve Tonic tablet, restore rVjact any oi ?all blff, or Sy pert tner? UNION FUEL CO.. BOTH PHONB3. Phone Main jit j L Piano lessons. BOa Pioneer Btatjonefy Co.. Buchanan bid,. wMRJLUSMp" FreFghV Agent A"
Qg. 4,aagh".nonrdrg" lga:l, BhouldEbrarkcdCpno Water st WATtf KOPATbT PBTBICIAB TAttOBIKO g QOLDEN OATE
HIPIS FOaroadrVorUand tftf-. oo. ,17 E. Star, L,t,31B; ,,.343- 3 SgjVjllgf
nnno 21600 32000, $3600 or $5000 or to San Antonio, Texas; no desorip- hereny given mat i, s. s. CITY MARKET Wood Yard. Cook A dr h b ohovkr Nutiirnneth OMro ' rrn Z "-
' anv part of this $13.000. Main 2018. tion. H-84.S, Joufnal. - cKAnny:.-wlll bJiablr-Bon. 8d and Clay. Main 8243. A-4322. Dpractlo" Specialist. ' ftralvss telnnL -?3Si!L5S5225!L WiUm:?tr 1U',, -5Jr' Orwn
MONEY t loan. 6 o f per csnt ; W BALM of Figs, emed v for disease, of gnis Moloney? no7wll7l nay any bill. SSf .LT? 4Vd 'r Nervous disease, 70JOIeonladg LEARN wireless or railroad telegraphy, WeS" ft Fri? 6:46"! m Str" Pom on a for
nough ft Beits. 810 Spauldlng bldg. women. 683 Davis st Main 216. or indebtedness , contracted by her. in A-BI4B. Main 3044. 334 3d. cor. Clay. DR8. ROSA HOWARD ft N. JOHNSoTJ; great demand for operators, positions Oregon City, daily 8 a. m.. I p. m.; Sun-
VlLL loan $20,000 or less real estate. MRS. E. W, SACRY, chiropody and pedl- her own or my' name. DRY CEDAR $2.60, grain cedar $2, 30 electrio treatments. 66 Selling-Hirsch guar. Write for clrculara. Nat'l TeL days 9 a. m., 13 m., 8 p. m. Oregon City
Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. curing. 821 Williams.' C-8081. E. 2382. E. 8. M'KINNEY. days only. Phones A-3824. Main 2163. bldg. Main 6728. Inst, Commonwealth bldg., Portland. Trans. Co., Taylor St. dock. Phona M. 40,
" 1 11 ' " ' ' " I I N ' II .1 , , I Ml I ' , , , 'I , , , . ,
It Looked Very Promising' for Dickie, but It Didn't Pan Out . .-. . By H. B. Martin
&fer-H To TAKE. jL ST lOVg I HAVE j T . US OUT 0" ! lT AR M,lrt HiSStrwo J P sroPiJ 1 LtF Torod.
" '"
, " : .V.-