The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 13, 1911, Page 24, Image 24

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-Tr- west sihe
WKLL furnished houses, flats. rooms.
6 room cottage, $2i month; another
f 17 50; suites, two furnished housekeep
ing rooms $R. Jin and $12 month, i
$15. Applv S4 26th st. north, " cnr
from depot. 6th. west on Morrison to
26th block north.
Newly furnished housekeeping rooms
electric lights, gas range, hot nnrt com
water, free baths and phone. W and S
car. Cor. 27th nnd Thurman ata. jwai
Shall 691. A-4174
Hunt's Fxnress & Baeeage Co.
1 trunk 60c. Additional truhlta SBo
aeh. Grip with trunks free.
A-3415 Marshall $415.
Rose City Park Transfer
Trips to Rose City Park dally. Piano
and furniture moving. City work also,
101 4th. Main 8126. A-7287.
And 25o for each additional trunk;
moved promptly. Phone united El
press Co. e-farshall 2408. A-74t$.
ONE suite housekeeping rooms, verv
convenient; gas range, free bath and
telephone. $4 a week. 272 Montgomery
St.. corner 4th.
JUST what vou want, housekeeping
suites and sincl" rooms, furnished:
gas electricity, hath, phone free; rea
sons hjerent. 357 12th st
NEWLY furnished steam heated house
keeping room. g.'is used for cooking:
laundrv room free, at a very cheap
rate. Gem Hotel. tiH.iu, 1st. Main 93.1'..
THRER newlv furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas. bath, phone and laundry;
rent $17. 451 College st.. near 12th.
Phone A-5305. .
TIIREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, first floor, $15; walking dis
tance. Main 1 1 7J.
S PERFECT clean housekeeping rooms,
clean kalsomine, first floor, bath tubs
gas and electric light. 629 Thurman.
TWO housekeeping rooms and one fur
nished room for rent at 609 Johnson
S VERY nice modern housekeeping
rooms, suitable for 4 persons, cheap
ren 680 2d st.
ONE and two rooms furnished for
housekeeping; walking distance. 435
ONE or two light and airy furnished
housekeeping rooms, walkin distance.
403 2d, cor. Harrison St.
FOR rent, desirable front, unfurnished
housekeeping room, walking distance,
392 6th st.
CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished, uiT
furnished housekeeping rooms, 3d and
Morrison. Apply room 31.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping. 171 Green ave.. near 23d and
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite.
' $12; also pleasnnt and newly furnished
rooms. $2 to $3 per week. 806 Vnughn.
TWO modern housekeeping rooms, cozy
cottage; gas free; reasonable. 162 N.
16th st.
NICE rooms, close In, special rates to
permanents; transient trade solicited.
The Baker. 265 6th st.
HOUSEKEEPING, suite very desirable;
walking distance: suitable for 3 or
more persons. 475 Main.
THREE clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms, bath, free light, gas range,
walking distance. Peterson. 450 11th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, nice
yard, bath. Main 2266. 387 1st.
2 good housekeeping rooms, opposite
Falling school, $11 a month; 721 First,
REFINED lady with limited income can
have good home and unfurnished
room In strictly private modern home
(couple employed), in exchange for
care of house during day. Woodlawn
$6.50 VERY large, nice, clean half
basement room, lovely location, over
looking river; running water, walking
distance. Brooklyn car. 564 East 6th.
Phone Sellwood 1109.
THE ST. MARKS. 392 E. Burnslde St.,
houskeeplng rooms. $2.60 a week up
Also neatly furnished rooms, $2 a week
up. Free phone, light and linen.
BASEMENT housekeeping rooms for
men or working people: gas, electric
ity and phone: good location; price rea
sonable. 201 Union N.
THREE well furnished connecting
rooms, light, phone and bath free,
rent reasonable. Call 93 E. 8th north.
Phone East 1865.
$1.50 TO $2.50 week, clean furnished
housekeeping rooms, use of laundry,
bath, phone, yard, heat. gas. 400 Van
cotiver ave. and 203 Stanton. U. car.
LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping
rooms, $1.50 to $3.00 week; electric
lights, free bath; transients solicited.
The Lambert, 23 Union a v v
$2, $2.25 weekly, newly furnished house
keeping rooms; use of laundry, phone,
oath, yarn. gas. &t9 commercial St.,
near Graham ave., I" car.
THE GA.YOSA. modern apartments:
moderate prices. Grand ave. and East
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $7
to $10 per month. 541 Delay St., Al
rdna. THREE and two room suites for house
keeeplng, on ground floor. Phone E.
TWO suites completely furnished for
housekeeping; sink, gas, hath, porctg
692 E. Morrison. East 6901.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern In every respect; choice of
2 carl ines. 1 6 5 Monroe si.
ROOM furnished for light housekeep
ing, modern and reasonable rent.
Walking distance. Phone East 22N'.'.
PLKA8ANT sulteTTonTfortablynrurnlsfu
ed; bath. gas. phone, $14 month. 464
E. Burnslde, corner Mh.
suites $2.60 up.
corner Belmont
single nnd
Union ave..
8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 640
E. Stark. Phone East 353.'. Adults
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms.
first floor, private residence. 251
Union, cnr Mull n ' nali.
ONE room nnd alcove kitchen, hot and
cold wuter: suite of 2 front rooms.
475 E. Ruinsi'lo. eor tub. Phone B-IIK!'
6UITE of large beautiful furnished"
housekeeping rooms; new, modern
home. 554 E Madison.
THREE housekeeping looms. ground
floor, gas ruiige, yard, porch. 749 1
Mississippi HVI
TWO rooms. ground floor. ele
lights,, km-. f"i cooking, running
ter. use of plvuie. MIT M lssiH.i (.! ave
ceding or housekeeping
rooms for n nt.
Arleta. Or.
p. Uapt.lM church,
TWO or tjjji-e newly
furnisher! lootn.s
1'lr.-1 or Venn. I
V. ir- :u Alllil Ml .
llii ely fill llishcil
hoiisVkceping .
11 1-:. Mtli st
TWO bilge. lie'
housekeeping rooniF.
bath. 134 E 15th Ml
gas. eject i icity.
Tab.. i
PLEASANT home, f urnisiT. Vf i.VTiuV.'kecp
ing rooms. Sclhv I 1S53 or i:;:.
TWO light, airy !:oiiseletpin rooms,
$14 per month. Phone Tnhor 29f.T
ONE large sleeping room, $10 a month.
6 72 Belmont.
10 ROOMS, housi-keeping. rmt tVi; in"
conic $60; price $4,'.". 171 N. 17th st
hi, $10 pvr month
clung room.
East r,'.79.
TWO connecting rooms in private fum
ily. H-1977. 6H K ok
7 ROOM house for rent. 51! Mason si.,
)H 'per month. Apply 361 Sacramento
JL East 3219.
FOR RENT - A new 6 room house oii
East 21st b t r ert pt, nne Mai 1 1!7 9 2 .
ITtOOM 't-ottage. gas and hath, $12" per
month. Inquire 379 Chapman st.
FOUR room house for rent
q u 1 1 4J East Salmon.
room cottage.
24tfi and
Oregon. Rose City cht.
NEW modern S room house, inquire nt
47 We Idlr st., block from Broadway.
MSKN room hrtuse for rent, 330 19th
St.. tiwir Market st,
Flvi?foom ij fa Me red"
louse. ' 62il
and 4itb sr. Woodstock Unfe.
Greater Meier & Frank Store
Rental & Information Bureau
Home hunters vliitt our modern, com
pletely equipped Information , depart
ment, fourth floor, main building, and
note the vacant houses and flata on our
list. You'll save time in Retting properly
snrt comfortably located. We Keep in
i touch will all tho vacant flata ana
houses in all parts of the city. We have
the combined lists of all the real estate
.figents In the city. We also have a list
of all new buildings in course of con
struction. If You Want to Rent a House
See Us,
6 room modern bungalow, first class,
60 feet from cm; $17.50.
4 room house, $10.
7 room modern house with two lots,
gaiagc nnd chicken house, about 10
fruit trees, on Mallory avenue; $25.
Otto & Harkson Realty Co,
WHEN you move you'll neeo NEW
FURNITURE. Ruv It tudiclouslv (on
the East Side) and the savings will ex
ceed your moving expenses.
Our LOW PRICKS, which in 3 years
made us one of Portland's largest Fur
niture Houses, were made possible be
cause we built on the East Side, there
by saving $26,000 a year rent.
69-76 Orand Ave.. Cor. East Stark St.
WELL furnished houses, flats, rooms.
f room cottage. 12" month; another
ll'.iiO; suites, two furnished housekeep
ing rooms ?s. $10 nnd $12 month; 3
$15; fine chicken ranch in suburbs, good
lnrg buildings, lots fruit, $17.50 month.
Apply 314 2ilth St. N.. "W" car from
depot, 5th. west on Morrison to 26th,
block north.
$3000 MODERN residence $40; beauti
ful yard nnd flowers, east front, full
basement, trays, furnace, qulot location;
select residence section; close in; lease.
Neighbors own their homes; fine house
for nrofesslonal or business man. Part
or all furniture for sale. C-2SU1.
FINE chicken ranch with good large
buildings. In Monta-villa district, near
6c car line, for rent; lots fruit, fine gar
den soil, city water; room to raise feed;
on Base Line road, $17.50 month: lease
2 years; security required for rent. Ap
ply McCoy. 364N26th; W car to 26th.
' "" FOR RENT.
Houses and flats, furnished and un
furnished, east and west side. Offices
and stores for rent.
Merchants Savings & Trust Co
6th and Washington.
6 room corner house, modern plum
bing, full basement, on car line.
East 36th and Jllnton. Sellwood 768.
LARGE S room house, furnace, fire
place, gas and electricity, all modern
conveniences; large yard, fruit trees and
roses; one block from car. Phone East
Wis can furnish your nome at a great
saving. Bee us before purchasing
elsewhr-.?. m. Ostrow ft Co, 4- N.
id st Complete housefurnlsherf. R
sonable prices. Easy terms.
$30 1017 Tillamook St.. near 31st, new
7 room modern residence, furnace,
fireplace, cement bnseinent, etc.. a fine
place. Call Main 7625. Ward &
Younger, suite 626 Yeon bl d g.
7 ROOM house, East 8th and Failing
sts., $22.50; gas. bath, etc.; good car
service. Key at Imperial pharmaoy, 4S
N. 6th st
SIX room modern house and good barn
for 10 horses for lease on Main Bt.,
Mllwaukte, Or. Call on N. E. Moffitt,
Milwaukle, Or.
NINE joom house on St. Johns line,
ground 100x100, fine place for chick
ens, rent very low. 305 Ablngton. Main
FIVE room modern eottagt, Woodstock,
1 block from ear, $12 per month. F.
A. Beard & Co., 612 Gerllnger bldg., 2d
and Alder.
FOR RENT I room cottage, 1 acre
ground, chicken houses, south of
Wic hita school, $10. O. W. P. Land Co.,
1st and Alder.
Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny.
FOR RENT Good 4-room house, Mon
tavllla, $6 per month.. Apply 214
Swetland bldg., owner.
FOR RENT Modern 6 room house,
ner 2 carlines, R. S. & L., $20 month.
184 Mason st.
MODERN 7-room house, 396 57th and
East Lincoln. Hawthorne car. Main
226 .
7-KOO.M house with bathroom, base
merit and large vard. Rent $18. Apply
928 E. Morrison, noar 30th.
5 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, good loca
tion, rent it.
422 Chamber of Com-
FOR RENT 7 room house, 12 E. 22i1
St., $17.50 month. Inquire 41 E. 22tl
st., cor. Pine.
A 5 room house, furnished or unfur
nished, by first of September. Call
123 0 Minnesota ave., mornings.
FOR RENT Modern 8 room bungalow.
455 E. 11th st. N. Inquire 410 E. 10th
st. N.
FOR RENT 5 room cottage nicely fur
nished. 689 E. Ash st. Inquire next
FOR RENT -Modern 7 room house. $22
per month. Cor. of 31m and Ellsworth
St., apply 919 Ellsworth st
FOUR room house, some yard 480 E.
Grant, corner 9th, $10 month. Phone
NEW 7 room modern house, nice yardT
768 2d st. Apply next house, 229
Grover st.
FOR RENT Modern 6 room house with
large lot and chicken yard. 421 Sac-
ramento st. I'aU 421 Hamilton bldg.
FOR RENT Modern 7 room house,7fo
10. Taylor st. Inquire H. Sinsholmer,
71' 3d st
$12 I room cottage; take Montavllla
car, get off at Windmill station. 1384
E. Glisan.
SI-IE THIS new nnd modern 6 room bun
galow, one block from car, only $1).
II. K. Potter, Whitman station, Mount
Scott car.
$-ii 6 room modern house easl side.
. C Johnson, 311 Porlutt bldg.
9 room modern house on Main st
K. Lee, ,111 Corbet t bldg.
ROOM house, modern. 295 Cook ave..
I near Williams. Call C-2232 or E. 2001.
t Tr-. O II I.' V'T
j louse and
burn, "l'.'l
area lot. fruit.
10. Salmon st.
NK'ELY furnished 10 room house; will
sell at sacrifice; good location; rent
Jin, terms. 147 Htli Alain 77H5
12 ROOM house for rent cheap, furniture
for .sale; bargain If taken at once. 21
N :ith M.
I -or RKNT 3 room apartment, fur
nished, for sale reasonable. Morton
A p.i i i inents. King and Washington.
1 T It.M'I I' or 5 rooms, complete,
$l2u for ((iiick sale; rent, $20; Sunny
side. 1106 Morrlson.Tabor 2802.
III! ITI " RE of 5 room coTtage, cheap.
2 blocks from school nnd 3 blocks
from Washington St.. 412 Couch St.
7 ROOMS, good furniture, close in, rea
sonable rent, 4 rooms rented. Phone
Main 6961.
GOOD furniture of five room cottage
for sale reasonable. House for rent.
Call evenincH 489 Alder.
I'l.NE Sterling range, two beds and
springs very cheap, 5 room flat $25
month I'M Half street.
I-OR SALE -Furniture for 10 rooms In
first class condition and house for
rjyi t 4JJ 4th street, corner Hall.
Vl 'RNI I T RE ( i T 8-room house for
sale. House for rent. $26 per month.
ocuiiie over n. can 4s Hawthorne av.
10 ROOMS. ' huuHekeeninsr. Rent tin
$500. Less for cash. 848 Clav st.
SIX Rooms, furniture for sale cheap.
h"tfsoff.i- rent, 413 Hall street
FoWsiilc. all or part furniture 9 room
flat, close bx flat for rent A-4709.
NEW furniture of 5 room cottage for
sale cheap. 410 . 23d at
SIX room attractive flat, strictly mod
ern In every particular, nothing to
equal It in city, furniture Is extra nice,
Including piano for sale, near carline,
easy walking to business .district, beau
tiful neighborhood and surroundings,
reasonable) for cash. H-814, Journal.
'OT'R room modeTrr flat; Dutch kitchen;
rent $22.50: completely furnished
dishes, silver, linen, ready to step in;
leaving city and will sell at a sacrifice;
furniture almost new. 23 E.
cor. Ash.
NICELY furnished modern upper 6
room flat, bargain. $300 if taken
before the 16th. Call between II and
2 or 6 and 7 p. m. 147 11th, between
Morrison and Alder.
FURNITURE of a -room house for
sale chean. rent $18. 425 Ellsworth
t. Key and Information at $68 E. Mor-
rlson. Phone East 102 2.
NICELY furnished 8 room flat Inchid
lng fine piano; price $300: flat rent
$16. Corner Russell and Rodney, above
FURNITURE of 6 room cottage, ev
erythlng complete, cheap rent; walk
ing distance. 516 E. Washington, cor
ner 11th. Phone E. 6062.
FURNITURE for sale, house for rent;
furniture of 4 room modern cottage.
$400; ir. minutes out, rent $17.60. T-
H2. Journa hj
FURNITURE of 9 rooms, cheap rent,
furnace heat rooms all occupied, will
sell nr tradu for delicatessen. B-3020.
Enst 6024.
LEAVING city, will sell furniture of 6
room modern flat for $100 cash, coat
ing $i00; rent $30: 5 minutes' walk to
.r',flc5,- Call 249 Clay jt.
FOR SALE Furniture of six-room
house, including pinno. Reasonable
rent. Elegant location. Snap. Inquire
200 14th st.
NEAT 6 room house ?or rent, f urnl
ture for sale; rent of 2 rooms pays
rent; close in on cast side. Ct-827,
LEAVING city; Monarch range, side
board and 'all household furniture for
Bale. Call S. E. corner 22d and Prescott.
SEVEN rooms, well furnished, clearing
$Jtl a month, VIII sell for $300 cash,
balance terms. U-3020. East 6024.
FIVE room cottage for rent; good fur
niture for sale, bargain. Inquire 595
East Couch, corner 15th st.
FURNISHED house in Holladay Park,
attractive location on E. 26th and
Clackamas, 6 rooms thoroughly modern,
nicely furnished, both gas and electric
lights and all conveniences; will rent
for year or longer. McCargar, Bates &
Lively, 3ul Yeon bldg.
Furnished Houses
7 room modern furnished house; $20.
133 1st st.
ELEGANTLY furnished 5 room house
and fine basement, all modern con
veniences; rent very reasonable if tak
en at once. 425 12th street. Phone Main
FIVE room bungalow, completely fur
nished, modern in every respect, gas
and electricity; piano; rent $25. 1505
Oneonta st, Woodlawn.
FOR RENT 5 room cottage, furnished,
114 E. 10th st. and Glisan. Applv i
at 82 E. 7th st. N. for key.
Woodlawn 1334 after fl p. m.
Phone ,
T-tl '
SIX room modern house, all furnished,
ut Peninsula station; no small child
ren; rent $25 per month. Hmlth-Wag-oner
Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldg.
FOR RENT 6 room furnished house,
with piano, newly painted; bath, elec
tric lights. 762 Cleveland ave. Price
$20. Woodlawn 3161.
TO lease one year, furnished, new
modern home, 8 rooms, den and sleep- I
lng porch. E. A. car. 928 E. Couch and ;
COMPLETELY furnished bungalow. 60
E. 30th. Call Sunday a. m. or phone
LARGE beautifully furnished house,
fine location, $30 month. 915 Wil
liams ave.
HOLLADAY addition, nicely furnished '
6 room modern home, responsible ten
ants, references, $40. C-3016.
FOR RENT Modern 8 room house,
nicely furnihed. 294 Eugene st. East
SIX room modern, piano and sewing ma
ehlnc. 854 Division st. Sellwood 1104.
u-iva room rurnisnea nousc, convenient
to car; $15. 203 Lumber Ex. bldg. .
Corner 22d and Washington, 712.
Nicely furnished apartments, walking
distance; moderate rates; best service.
Main 7130.
st., near Main. EMegant 3 room apart
ments with private balcony ; large rooms,
every modern convenience, and each ar
ranged with 2 sleeping apartments;
rents $35 to $37.50.
RE-l'KAN apartments. 624 Marshall St.,
under new management, elaborately
furnished, 3 rooms, private bath, phones,
elevator, balcony lawn, Nob Hill dis
trict, reasonable. Main 6032, A-3191.
Take W car.
2, 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished up to date, private baths, free
phone, moderate prices, new manage-
ment, best service. I
GRAND OAK API'S., Grand ave. and !
L. Oak st.. elegantly furnished 2 and
3 room apts., private bath nnd phone;
outside kitchen, all light apartments.
Price $25 to $35. Apply S. H. Morgan,
at the apartments.
GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup sts..
6 large rooms, oak floors, front ve
randa and n large sleeping porch; water.
heat, private phone; new and strictly
modern J'nke JHit'potand Moyrlson car,
Cor. 6th and Montgomery.
Cool, niry and comfortable. Modern
In every respect; 2 and 8 room suites;
$18 to $45. Marshall 1378.
CAHCTHERS apartments; for rent, 3
and 4 rooms, with the latest conven
iences; Just completed; inquire on prem-
ises, 1st and Cnruthers.
ATTRACTIVE 3 room suite, conven
iently arranged, excellently furnished, !
HinK, gas range, nice oath, phone. 700
Flanders, near 21st.
TWO room apartments. Just finished,
modern, 10 minutes' walk from P. O.;
see them. 89 E. 12th, or East 5273. $20
per month.
Park, Corner Madison.
Furnished apartments. Individual
phoney convenient, downtown district
nished and unfurnished npnrtments;
also single rooms; 3 minutes from P. O.
262 Rth. Main 6582.
EILEEN COI'RT. 16th and Morrison st.
Newly furnished housekeeping rooms
five minutes' walk from P. O. Modern.
Main 4U&1
BANNER Apartments, 489 Clay st; new WANTEDTO H1.NT t
management; 2 room furnished suites. . !. L KI-AJT 7
Phone and bath. First class service. 7TZ T'"." "'--"-
Rent from $20 to $25. Come and see us LA ROE room with kitchenette and
A LTAMONT PA RTM vkit .clot' ?r..tw0 housekeeping rooms:
BeauUful" furnlslfed J and "-room ft? de8orll,lon "nd ricB- 'our
W?cZuV s?"1 rgaB0bl' Mai" "M. EXPERIENCED carpenter will flnisn
MAHR apartments, elegantly furnished, sa-g, 0&J'k " 0t
comforts of home, private phones and Wiuviuue.i r
baths, elevator, private plaground for URMSHKD room In private family.
children. 228 N. 20th st. Marshall $0$8. A-817. Journal.
OA MAR APARTMENTS. Iimmi, u T'lciifr-t va JZ
704 Lovejoy. 3 room furnished apart- HORSES, EHICLES, ETC. 18
ment, also one basement. Marshall 2916. T ""' ",'m? '- " -
THE DAY' E NTWvTewTiy fiurnTHhen harnSw "heLW
2 and 3 room ap'ts. Modern, reason- inmette hJ Teh is PlflBe ivW.rS,.n
able. Main 3435: 505 Jefferson st lametto Heights, t IHfrAe Marshall 344.
ments. new concrote bldg.. 1162 Un- ' . "vt: .
ion ave. N. Woodlawn 2379. FOR 8ALE Horse, $35. wagon $16,
COMPLETELY furnished apartment; a..T'T " V' " N'
west side, best location, references fJfFP y Hood delivery horse.
Phone Main 2941, mornings. 1866 Hawthorne ave.
COMPLETELY furnished 6 room apart': FOR BALE Gentle riding pony. ETaTn
ment, Meeplng porch, walking dls- .5?2S.
tance. $55, 656 Flanders. Main 8261. FOR SALE Horse about 1200, reason"
VERANDA Apartments, 1, 2 or 3, large able, 098 East Yamhill.
beautifully furnished rooms, all con- WAGON wanted: S in, Uro; state price!
veniences. 654 E. Madlsyn. C-828, Journal
FURNISHED .apartment 61 i Jeffer" G-OOO team and wagon with work for
Moajx. uain 643$, team and man year round. Tabor 2766. 1
$17.60 TO $32.60 PER MONTH.
Newly furnished 2 and 3 room apart
ments, building Just completed, never
naa Been occupied, modern and up-io-
aate in every respect, take K. Ankenv,
Montavllla or Bandy road cars to 28th
st.. walk 2 blocks east to 836 E. Ankeny,
cor. uucmei ave. -
Those elegant 6 room unfurnished
apartment,--which are now completed
are situated In the heart of the city,
within 10 minutes walk of the business
Reservations may be made from own
er on premise or oy prions. Main f io,
NEW modern. 3 room flat, basement.
furnace, laundry, gas range, heater,
eiegant china closet and wardrobe,
French plate glass, easv walking dis
tance; 2 people only. Price $26. East
i i ii n riu mien. i eiepnone r.asi lain.
NEW 4 room flat, all modern conven
iences, tinted, very good light, lino
leum in kitchen, bath and hall: gas
stove, gas water heater, concrete base
ment, walking distance. 388 Ross street
near Broadway. L. car; rent moderate.
TO ADULTS 6 rooms, hot water, heat,
sleeping porch 13x20, east and north
view, not and cold water, gas stove,
linoleum, all screened. Call 626 Mont-
gomery. Phone A-4589.
MODERN 4 room upper flat, large al
cove and attic; private basement and
furnace, walls newly tinted, swell lo
oatlon. Inquire 440 12th st
8 ROOM flats, only $10 and $12; SO feet
from 28d st. oar. corner of 24th and
Vaughn sts. See them and phone Mar
shall 2822.
K'FAV modern 4 and 6 room flats, good
view. 3 blocks from, high school, cor
ner Alberta and Cleveland. U car.
4 ROOM flat, electric lights and gas,
$16. 162 E. 20th. Phone East 3502.
Call 703 Belmont.
NEW modern upper 6 room flat, walk
ing distance, good location. 650 East
Alder st. East 3245.
i ROOM upper, new, complete, most de
sirable location, new furniture and
rugs for sale If desired. Phone E. 11S7.
3 ROOM flat, close in. magnificent
view, rent $8 per month. Lubllntr,
4i;i Lewis bldg
MODERN 5 room, walking distance, $20
per month. 172 E. Zd st. north.
Phone Woodlawn S2.
NEWLY pupered 4 room flat; bath; A-l
condition; light and water free; $15.
Woodlawn 1092.
4 ROOM flat for rent. $11; free water;
a ilults. 475 E. 2 6 th st.
SIX room flat for rent, furniture for
sale. 305 14th st.
NEWLY furnished 6 room flat, com
pletely furnished ready for occupancy;
close in, walking distance; adults only
Kent reasonaole. (jail rrom 9 a. m. to
r. v. M qBClJ llnl .,n. ...
p. m. 285 Holladay ave.
FOR RENT Modern furnished flat of
4 rooms, furnace heat, phone, bath,
noa.tly furnished. West Side, walking
distance, fine location. Rent $30. Phone
A-2 4 96.
5 ROOM furnished modern flat, fire
place, close in, nice location; refer
ences. Phone East 4614, Address 842
Clackamas st.
FIVE room furnished flat in Upper
Albina to responsible party; modern
conveniences, easy walking distance. In-
j nuire 312 Eugene st.
NEW 3 room flat elegantly furnished,
clean, cozy, very cheap. 708 Vancou
ver ave. Inquire 706. Take U car to Ivy.
NEW modern 4-room flat, nicely fur
nished, adults preferred, rent $30; 7
minutes' car ride. 829 E. 12th.
THREE room flat for rent, furnished
917 Belmont st. Call Sellwood 1362.
$7.50 FLAT for rent; furniture of 6
rooms for sale. 264 1 4th st.
FURNISHED flat; owner will board
with parties If desired
147 N 21st
3 ROOM furnished flat.
27th. on Richmond car.
FURNISHED 4 room flat, homelike,
dope in. 273 7th st., cor. Jefferson.
HOTEL PORTLAND European plus
oiity; is. is cay.
BELVEDERE European. 4th and Alder.
WANT furnished tent or cottage at
neacn lor two weens. Phone Main
8199 or B-2032.
LARGX place, 60x175. on Front
between Main and Madison; Just
the place for machine, blacksmith,
boiler shop or ied store.
Retail Stores
Shops for light manufacturing; vacant
lot 80x125 with stldetrack. Lower docks.
All at east end Madison street bridge.
Apply 271 Hawthorne ave,
HALF of new tiirae story brick, 50x100,
piaie glass rrom. istn ana Marsnsit,
suitable for light lobbing, manufactur
ing or retail; divide cpac to suit ten
ant or tenants: long lease. A. O. Long.
244-250 Front at, long lease, near
juaaison st. bridge. J. Simon ft Bro.
STORK, kitchen and basement for gro
cery, confectionery, tailor shop; cheap
opt rent In Portland.
Call 745 North-
rup st.
DESIRARLE office rooms at moderate
rents, lanltor service, llnht and bear
Included. Madison bldg., N. E. corner
rffi and Mamson sts.
DESK room with desk, typewriter and
phone, $8.60 per month. 612 Buchanan
STORE 25x50 between inth and llth
on Alder. In fine condition. Apply
o:i Aloe, Bl.
FOR RENT New store, low rent, $18:
fine location. Cor. Russell and Kerby
FOR PALE Half Cash; by owner, good
paying hotel In heart of city, or trade
tor lot or nouse and lot, close In. 271
NATIONAL Cash Register for rent;
nearly new, big size. Amsdon- hotel,
268 Third street.
LARGE storeroom for rent, or 5-year
HAVING purchased the entire contents
of the New York club stables. 606 Al
der st.. I shall conduct It as a livery,
sales and boarding stable, keeping con
stantly on hand 40 heads of horses and
mares of all descriptions for sale at
prices to suit the times. Each and
every horse will be truthfully described
and faithfully represented and warrant
ed as they are. allowing a trial and if
not as represented money refunded.
Watch the ad column daily for some
of my many bargains, as below for my
opening week sales. Please call and
inspect; they will bear the closest in
spection and I defy any stable to dupli
cate for the prices.
Respectfully yours,
$300 Team and harness $300: 2700
lb. team, kind and, true, well mated
and true and reliable under any and all
circumstances; this team will ' do as
much work as a team that costs $600:
call and be oonvlnced; trial allowed. 606
Alder st.
$125 team, ages 7 and 8, true to work.
Thin team has been overworked and not
properly fed and are thin apd don't
look very good, but are worth $300 to
any one who has use for them and
wants to gel the benefit of the improv
ing them. 606 Alder st.
7 and 6 years old. both mares, sound
made chunks, fat and handsome, weight
2700 lbs., mated like two Deas rueired
and ready for service. f think you j
win say so when you see them; as nice
a pair as anyone has thev will work
anywhere you ask them; they are fast
walkers, kind and true; cost 6 months
ago $600; worth it today to work; only
reason for selUnar owner changed busi
ness; also heavy truck and harness;
owner can be referred to; don't forget
to call if you want a good pair of draft
horses. BOS Alder st.
$285 Complete ranch outfit $286.
Consisting Of tem tt maroa a caH K
and 6, blocky built and closely mated;
true to pull any place and extra free
walkers; also set of heavy breeching
iiHiiieuB m gooa condition and 3-inch
farm wagon as trood as new: wurruitml
and trial allowed. 605 Alder st.
$300 Team and harness $300; 2700
lb. team, kind and true, well mated and
true and reliable under any and all
circumstances; this team will do as
much work as a team that cost ftnn
Call and be convinced; trial allowed. 605
uuer st.
New York Club Stables.
$165 Team and harness.
Pair geldings, weiirh close to 2400 lbs..
sound and true pullers, sinele or dou-
uie. extra last walkers, heavv breedi
ng harness, collars, all eomnlete roll
New York club stables. 16th and Al
der sts., also flat truck, 2 ton, price
Dark, dappled bays. 6 and 6 vears.
marc and horse, full brother and sister:
perfect and chunkv: built with trnnA t' .1 n t
and legn. beautiful long tails and manes;
iius pair win suit any business, either for
tai-ms, express or general purposes; fast
walkers and good prompt drivers, trial
b- calling at 605 Alder st.
A rare opportunity for some person to
get the greatest lxirgain ever offered
n i-ortianu; inu will purchase niv en
Ire outfit consisting of mv fu in lit'
Have Alment Kinir ace a vaii-i- ui J
of Morgan stock. Is thoroughly broken,
single and double, rides nicely under the
saddle, Is absolutely safe for the most
timid or inexperienced porsron to drive or
to care for. Is nerfectlv feari pai or
cars and automobiles, night or day; will
roan naturally in miles per hour and
will pull a large load; also my fine cus
tom built harness and most elegant open
runabout of latest pattern. togetVier
with whirj and halter T will
at this low price to insure a rood home
and kind treatment for Alment refer
ence wUl be required of purchaser and
to same I will allow 2 weeks' trial to
test her good qualities. 505 Alder st
Ask for Mrs. Belmont's outfit
neaas to select from.
Pemember I have th hnrana m
prices are lower than the lowest My
motto is fair dealing and quick sa"les
and small profits with satisfaction . to
uuiu uuyer ann seller.
. 606 Alder st.
Before you buy either above, see our
stock and get pr:6es. We are located
outside the high rent district and for
that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy
a second hand vehicle when you can get
a new one at about the same price?
R. M WADE & CO.,
822 Hawthorne ave.
WANTED To trade 2 shares of pre
ferred and 2 shares of common stock
In Dan Patch Electric, worth $125 share,
for span of mares, harness and wagon'
D-S95. Journal. K
ONE standard bred mare. 7 years old,
one spring wagon, one surrey, one
rubber tired top buggy, one car, all in
first class condition; 6th and Center
sts.. Lents, Or.
V ANTED To buy some chaap ranch
mares; must be cheap; will also buy
geldings. Don't mind them being sore In
feet. Horse dealers need not answer V
818. Journal.
2800 LB. TEAM $226 buys good mare
and horse. 6 and 8 years old, with
farm wagon and harness. Take Sell
wood car to Insley ave.. walk to railroad
track; house .81. I
8EVERAL heavy draught horses and I
Ight delivery horses; two mountain
spring wagons; also light nri I
neavy narness. Travis Bros.' Wood
Yard, cor. 8th and Hawthorne ave.
MUST sell at once andI will "sol fUny
horse, buggy and harness for $125.
2815 68th st. 8. E., one block west and
two south from the end of Hawthorne
ave. car.
J&'OR SALE Barn In Sunnyslde; wTH
noia six norses; eenea, studded, rus
tic, painted, shingled, fine condition for
moving, $75. Call at 1149 Stevens or
Phone Tabor 2819.
8100 LB. team, horses 8 yearn old,
blocky built, double set harness, all
for $400. 1648 E. Taylor st. Phone
Tabor 1884.
2 teams for sale, one large and one
small. Stables. E. llth and E. Yamhill.
BARGAIN Family horse, fearless of
anything; weight 1000 lbs., buggy
and harness. Phone Tabor 1927 Mon
day. 8000 LB. fine team, 8 and 9 years old,
fuaranteed every way; will sell cheap
h harness and wagon. 12th and Jef
ferson. FOR SALE 2 small teams, harness and
wagons, cheap or will trade for 2400
lb. team. 283 Taylor. A-3415. Marshall
HORSES and buggies for rent by day,"
week and month: special rates to
business houses. 6th and Hawthorne.
tast a.
2800 LB. team, 6 and 6 years, guaran
teed sound and true In everv wnv
will take livestock in exchange. Horses
m i in alio r. mauison. ,
A FINE young team, weight about 1800
ins.; no netter utile delivery tean In
town; might take r larger horse in ex
change. 484 East Stark st.
$76 THREE year old sorrel colt, city
broke, will drive single or double.
Weight about ,1000. A. G. Wilson, 2002
m. oiisan si. l aoor 37 n
WILL pasture and feed horse for prlvl
lege of occasional use. Kind treat
Will nay small comnensaf ton.
"WILL exchange one or two nice dla-
raond rings lor horse or driving rig.
R09 East 28th st.
VVANT B00-pound horso not over. 12
years old, also light second-mud
double harness. K-826, Journal.
FOR SALE One team 3300 lb. weight
Price $875. East 37th and Slsklvon
Tommy Mike, Phone Tabor 8092.
TEAM wanted, weight about 1200; must
stand veterinary examination. Ph,,,,,,
East 6378.
FOR SALE Team of well matched bay
ponies, young and sound. $76. V. E.
Coldwell. Ellsworth. Wash.
WANTED second hand 3 inch wagon,
also second hand busgv. Must i
good new. Phone East 6378.
FOR sale, team of ponies with harness
1600 lbs., $100. Inquire 509 Glisan st'
between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. .
ATT-TftlAR oldTefiFlbrTTorse to tradii
for a good rubber tlril buggy and
cash difference, floo E. 28th.
WXNTEi--Pnny horse, must be cheap
for cash. , 606 Milwaukla. PhoVi. Rn.
Wood . .:
Auction Sale of Horses
At Portland Horse Exchange, 294 Mont
gomery street, corner . Fifth. On Mon
day, August 14th at our regular, auc
tion sale we will sell 50 horses, a num
NESS to the highest bidder. Every
thing sold here Is positively guaranteed
as represented or your money will be re
funded. .Twenty-four hours' trial given
all horses purchased at our 'sales. Any
one1 having anything in the line of
dispose of will get the top cash price
for them at our auction sales, and our
charges are reasonable.
We call special attention to a pair
of draft horses, weighing 3100 pounds,
a good wagon and harness, property of
w. it uunert
Five delivery wagons that have been
used by, the East Portland Dye A Clean
ing Co., In good shape and must be sold
for the high dollar.
One pony outfit consisting of Shet
land pony, cart, and harness, broken
for the smallest children to ride or
A fast trotting horse, Harry, one of
the best road horses In the state; can
road 12 miles an 'hour and can trot a
mile In 2:80 without any training. Here
Is one of the best prospects In, the
country for sale.
Don't forget our regular auction sales
every Monday. Next sale Monday, Aug.
14th. Portland Horse Exchange, 294
Montgomery street, corner 6th. Phone
Marshall 1412. Sale starts at 2 p. m.
Auction Sale
Horses, Mules and Wagons
On Tuesday, Aug. 16, 1911. at 2 p. m.,
we hold our regular weekly auction.
There will be all classes of horses
from ponies to the big draft horses and
all be sold under our guarantee If you
do not like they way they try out do
not take them.
We also solicit any one having horses,
harness and wagons for sale to have
them at this auction by l:30 p. m.
Hawthorne Stables
Phone E. 72, B-13 69. 420 Hawthorne ave.
Horses, Harness and Wagons
for Sale
We have on hand 10 mares ranging
In weight from 1150 to 1600 lbs., age
from 3 to 9. These mares are No. 1
mares and will be sold cheap. We also
have several geldings for delivery waTg
ons and draught horses. Also $ spans
of mules. These will all be sold under
our guarantee. Remember, our auction
every Tuesday, at 2 p. m.
420 Hawthorne Ave. East 72. B-1869.
RECEIVED 22 head of work horses,
ranging in weight from 1000 to 1600
lbs. each; will be sold at public auction
to the highest bidder. A number of all
kinds of buggies, wagons and harness.
The sale will take place on Wednesday,
2 p. in. sharp, at 101 llth Bt. N., corner
of Flanders. All above stock men
tioned will be sold without reserve and
with a guarantee, as the auctioneer will
state, and If not found so money Is re
funded. M. J. Walker, auctioneer.
Phone B-1807.
Matched race. Sunday. August 1J, at
2:30 p. m. sharp, between Dan 8.,
record 2:11, owned by Geo. McCrum.
and Tom Marshall, record 2:11, owned
by T. W. Murphy. Admission 26 cents
to grand stand.
WE have on hand 10 head of nice young
mares just off the farm from eastern
Oregon, ranging In weight from 1200 to
1600 lbs.; also some good work horses,
everything sold with a guarantee as rep
resented. V. 8. Stables, 248 Front St.
FOR SALE CHEAP Chicks. 4 to 8
weeks old; Barred Rocks and others;
also ducks, 6 weeks old. E. Luther,
60th ave., S. E., between 60th and 61st
sts. W.-W. cnr.
THREE R. I. RED cocks, $2.50, $3.50
and $6; 3 hens and cock; Partridge
Wyandottes, $16: other breeds. R.
Green, 85th and Clay, Montavllla. Tabor
FOR SALE Thoroughbred white leg
horn and black Minorca cockerels, $1
each; also fancy white fantail pigeons,
the famous Gilbert strain. 43 E. 80th
N.. Montavllla.
FOR SALE-Jersey Holsteln and heifer
calf m mull, nM- , lor, n,,,v,o.v, ......
calf 10 weeks old: also Durham cow
Phone Sellwood 1778 or 6807 63d ave.
S. Bl. WW car.
FOR SALE 50 thoroughbred Whlto
Leghorn and Buff Plymouth Rock
pullets, 76o each. Address L. L. Wood
rome, Lents. Or.
R. I. REDS, thoroughbreds, all ages;
must sell this week; moving. 4219
2d Rve-- B- W.-W. car to Ivanhoe
station. block east.
6 ACRE poultry farm for rent; chick-
ens, incunator and garden truck for
sale. Call Tabor 300S.
I WANT dozen or two young Barred
Rock hens. Fair stock, but no fancy
prices. Woodlawn 2348.
THIRTY laying hens, 40 chicks; bunch
cheap for cash. 82nd street, first house
south of Division. J. McGregor.
COME and pick your fryers out; sold
by the pound. Hawthorne car. Raines.
1845 Division St. Tabor 8047.
WANTED 25 good dairy cows. W. 8.
Johnson, Portland, Route No. 1., Box
985. Phone Woodlawn 2772.
FOR SALE Indian Runner ducklings,
6 Weeks old. A. Bradwlck, 1700 Scott
ave. Tabor Heights.
BUFF ORPINGTON eggs and yearling
hen cheap to make room. Murphy,
Sellwood 1230.
14 HEAD fresh dairy cows, all tested.
Bruce Commission company. Union
stock yards. Phone Woodlawn 2400.
FINE pen Buff Orpingtons for sale reas
onable. Woodlawn 301. 4 43 Farra
g"t BELGIAN hares pay better than poul
try ; fine stock. 4 43 Farragut. Wood
lawn 301.
DOZEN Buff Orpington thickens, cheap,
must sell, have no piiice to keep.
440 3d. Main 3753, A-7042.
WANTED 25 g-orl dairy cows. W. 8.
Johnson, Portland. Route 1., Box 986.
Phone Woodlawn 2772.
chicks, half grown, fo sale Phone
Tabor 2151.
FOR SALE-Young fresh cow, $45.
1383 E. Irving and 49th. Montavllla
FOR SALE Fresh cow, Madrona and
Slough road. Wulf.
FOR SALE Fine Holsteln bull, 3 years
Sure breeder 1010 E. I7th St. 8.
THOROUGHBRED barred rock eggs for
late hatching cheap. Sellwod 1836.
EfJISON phonograph to exchange for
cow or nogs. J-820, Journal.
POINTER and bull
Angora kittens.
pup for sale, - also
Dr. C. E. Brown.
voterlnary surgeon, 91 E. 12th,
East 5440.
FOR SALE 4 French poodle pups, i
weeks old; price reasonable. 461 Col
lege; Phone A-6306.
FOR SALE 7 months' old Bt, Bernard
pups, cheap. 2518 61st, near Division:
Mt. Scott car.
FOR SALE Cheap, f
brown- cocker-
FRENCH poodle, mife white, well
trained, very Intelligent.
pnone a-
tzii nerore x.
FOR SALE Female bull terrier cheap,
for good home. 350 Clay st. A-38H4.
FULL bred fox terrlor pupa nicely
nmrwen; very cneap. ins MOQKfr,
BEAUTIFUL Alaskan Spits pupplfii, $5
and $10. Phone Main 3816.
FOR SALE Cocker spaniel pupa.. SS9
E, Yamhill. , -
nnna ivn rrnThSTTiirnT.n PKTS 4(1
rxrog, xi-i.i-l.ix -Lrxn -t.i- -i, - f- '- i .
Great Danes for Sale Cheap
Th best watchdogs on earth. Don't
waste your time in a scrub. Don, t own
a dog you are ashamed of. People stop
on the street to admire a Dane. A great
dog for children. Fine 6 monthsT old
puppies for tale. If you want to know
more, address B-S13, Journal.
ROOM 7, 250 THIRD ST.,
FOR SALE Three dynamos and switch
board, 2 engines complete with fit
tings from old building of Olds, Wort
man A King, in first class condition;
also one No. 2 Root's Blower, 1 10 H. P.
gasoline engine. H. B. Davis. Phone
Main 2421. '
LOT ot household goods, Iron beds.
springs, mattresses, gas ranges, steel
range, extension table, chairs, treasure,
office table, sewing machine, bath tub,
tent, small cook stove for laundry, 8
arm chairs, electric fan, toilet, store
truck. 112 TJnion ave.
There Like a Duck
On the water, 18 ft. pleasure launch,
4 horsepower, need money; no reason
able offer refused. Call 248 Madison
I Want a Typewriter r
Will give 1 or 2 clear lots In ft new
town of Oregon for a first-class usable
typewriter. Will give a good trade.
Anderson, 310 Oak st. ,
TWENTY sewing machines, all makes,
guaranteed, complete attachments,
must be sold this week. Hurry. They
are dandles. $5 to $20 each. Whlta
Sewing Machine Co., corner llth and
Washington sts.
Books Books
6c sad 10c. 10.000 Dost cards, sta
tionery, etc., are soiling for low cost,
68 N. 3d st.
NEW and second nana pool kiid billiard
tables bous-ht and sold on easv terms:
bowling alleys, refrigerators for Imme
diate delivery. Address tno Brunswick.
Pa11;e-Collender Co.. 46 6th St
FOR SALE Gas water heater, mantel
folding bed. gas range. A fine i
lnchx60 inch Quartered oak double de
and 3 chairs. 610 Williams ave. Eas
DON'T forget and come and see for
yourself the biggest public auction
sale ever held In Portland, at 101 llth
st. N. M. J. Walker, auctioneer.
SAFES New and Zd hand: low prices;
easy terms; safes opened, repaired and
painted. Purceil Safe Co. and Portland
Bafe Co., 86 6th st. Main 30. A-4118.
FOR SALE Office furniture. Leaving
the city I offer my office furniture for j
sale cheap. Call 617 Worcester bldg.,
or pnone Marshall l47.
USED sewing machines, $3 to $25. guar
anteed Perfect stitchers, machines
rented, repairing. New Home agency,
350 Morlson, next toTull ftGlbbs.
TYPEWRITERS Remington $80, 8.
premiers $27.60. L. c smiths, under-!
li A m Vnrlliiraflt TvtiawHlap Cn (1 IS
6th St.
FOR SALE Special drop-head Singers,
Whites, Standards, New Homes, Com
plete. $22.50. 383 East Morrison, near
Grand ave.
BATH TUB. good condition. $5: 30 feet
iron fence. $7.60: 80 yards inlaid lin
oleum, slightly used, al! 65 cents cut at
76 cents per yard. Call Tabor 2076.
SWELL parlor and dining room furni
ture for sale cheap. 689 Linn ave. Sell
wood. FOR SALE, cheap, lady's ticket from
Portland to Vancouver, B. C. H-824,
M OUNTAIN honey, strictly pure, from
Fones, the Honey Man. Phone Wood
lawn 2006.
USED -Mason Jar, quarts and half gal
lons, tops and new rubbers. 40c per
doz. delivered. Phone Marshall 1231.
glne, 16 h. p. Oregon City Machine
works, Oregon City.
FOR SALE 3 h. p. steam wood saw,!
cheap. 2518 61st. near Division. MM
Scott car. .
PIANO certificate for $102; liberal dls-
count If taken at once. C-813, Jour-jJ
FOR SALE A $40 wood and coal range
with coil: used a ehort time, $22.50.
388 E. 9th N.
SAFE Large Hall sare, good as new.
desk end chairs; your own terms. H-
735. Journal.
FOR SALE Underwood typewriter,
I ,,52,,?? W"V 6acrlflc- Cal1 206
iHothchlld hldg.
i COUNTERS, shelving, showcases and
i scales for sale choap. 12 Swetland
SET of new furniture for 4 room bun
galow for sale, $170. 709 Amherst
st.. University Park station.
CARPENTER'S tools, shovels, wheel
barrow, furniture. Call evenings.!
1890 E. Madison, near 73d.
TWO tent houses, 12x12 and 12x14, Bf
ft. area way between, large shedi
room. K-S24, Journal.
RANGE, lawn mower, bookcase, china;.
cabinet parlor, bedroom and hall fur-
i nlture. 556 Frederick St., cor. K. 13th
FOR SALE Bicycle, first class con
dition; new tires. 306 6th St.. bet.
Columbia and Clay, Call Sundav.
ANYONE going to Ogden. Utah, will
find It to their advantage to call o
G-821. Journal. 11
TWO ranges, 1 cook stove for sal
Park st.
GAS STOVE for sale. Latest ltnprove-
ments. pnone Marshall 1214 Monday.
$108 PIANO check for $3.00. Addressl
H-K28. Journal.
ANY lady, size 44, looking for a bargain
in a uresn. c an laoor irss.
1' class gasoline wood saw for sale
ip. W-R10, Journal. f.
PIANO check.
$108; sell $10 cash. A-i
816. Journal
$103. So PIANO check for sale, highest!!
hid accepted. 1235 E. Yamhill. fi
PAIR hunter's long ton snasr r.roof rnhJ
her hoots. $3. Call 1457 Rodney avejf
ROLL TOP desk and chair, good as new,
for sale cheap, 612 Swetland Bldg, Li
FOR SALE New and
2d 'hand stoves,
267 Flanders. Mar. 1X70
LADIES' wheel In best of condition,'
tz.ou. H-ZOlrt.
S ROOMS furniture for sale at your
own price. aiu Morrison.
CONTRACTORS, equipment, by United!
Eng. const. CO., 909 Lewis bldg.
SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fittings.
new, za nine, mz p.veretl. M. 7617.
FOR SALE Good furniture cheap." 6291
uantennein st.
FOR SALE Two trunks and baby car-
riage; gooa conomon. izi 4tn st.
FOUR loads cow manure. Box 115.
LAUNCH for sale. Length of hnnT" t
feet, beam 6 feet, double cylinder!
4 cycle engine, 9 horsepower; in first!
ciass cunuiuun. i-rice lauo or will tradi
for houueboai. Apply R. Butler, Too
r.iKian Bireci. Vancouver, wash.
FOR SALE 19 ft launch. Wliulir,
model. 8 h. p. Palmer engine in n
running order, $176. A. t, Whitman
foot of 17th St. Phone Main afifii " ?
FOR SALE Lllunch. Sllllnhln fnr "nloaa-I.
ure or work purposes; a god, strong! ,
boat; will Bell cheap. Phono Tabor 28911
WANTED Small motor boat o launchli
also boat house. Phone Matn 78JrI!
nierj p. m.
FOR SALE- 25 foot Jaunoh.' boathousJ
niiu row mmi ana run equipment. 930(1
cash. Phone East Sana n ,
"HUNCH for sale cheap If token al
once. Phone B-2BTB0.
IFOR SALE heap, ama f'fL" laUncn"
running order. Phono 11,111 ao
Blrt.l?aralnJn luneh and house. Malt
""x izn, unnton, Or.
WANTEDSecond hand stump ; pul ler,
"'(p, . siHuutw, xrouioaie, ur.