V T5 OREGON; SUNDAY1 JOURNAL," PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1911. K Workingmen in France Organ ize' Campaign of Educa-.. ; , tion Against Killing. l ' ... ' if ii j" ' .'"liiin ''':' ' (By th International News Service.) - Paris, August B. ;That a mischievous spirit it abroad in tho French army, which might become a serious danger to the country ln case of a war, la dally becoming mora evident and la causing ; the government considerable anxiety especially at a time when the Morocco question has not been finally settled, While there la probably nd more pat riotic nation in the world than 4he Frenoh, compulsory military service in tlmea of peace Is anything butpopular, . and tha military labor unions, which ' time and again see their plana f rus . trated by the troops, are taking advgnt , age of this to further their own needs. Organise to Oppose War. A recent trial of three labor leaders brought out a number of startling facta about the anti-militarist propaganda which has caused a great feeling of '. alarm among patriotic citizens. The man were arrested in connection , with tha society that sends pocket money to soldiers who are trade union ists. Accompanying the money, la a . circular urging the soldiers to fire their rifles In tha air should they be called upon to take part in war. Questioned as to the working of the society Victor Viau, one of the men under arrest, declared that the society was affiliated with, the bricklayers' union, which had about 14,603 members. Every member paid a franc a month. A portion of this contribution went to . make up the postal orders of five and 10 francs sent to the soldiers. Asked who drew up the circulars Inciting the soldiers to disobedience Vlau confessed that he himself wrote the anti-militarist letter sent out in May. stUUnf Should Be Stopped. "We appeal to the conscience of men," . said Vlau, "for we cannot admit that a comrade should be ordered to fire on his brother." . In anawer to this circular many let ters were received at the headquarters of tha aoclety. One of these epistles ran: "I have advised my comrades not to march On any occasion, and to disobey the orders of their officers if they are asked to shoot." BETTER QUALITY FINDS PREMIUM AT NO. PORTLAND (Continued from preceding page.) Paet week's run of livestock compares with the same period In recent years as iomows: mors, cattle. Sheen. 1911 803 1912 9288 3220 4312 3105 2168 1683 2327 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 .1828 .1294 . 404 . 621 . 23 1831 1325 8S6 768 806 1906 182 497 A year aro todav there was firm tone In all lines of livestock with slight ly ueiier vajuaa lur nesi CBltie. Monday's Bales. SHEEP AND LAMBS. Av. lbs. Price. 671 lambs 2 ewes 120 ewes 73 I.V85 110 3.50 3.00 3.00 2.75 2.00 $8.75 8.65 6.00 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.40 4.35 4-25 4.00 4.00 3.75 3.75 3.65 3 50 13.00 3.00 17.00 6.50 6.50 6.00 93 86 149 wethers 151 sheen 85 425 sheep 81 STEERS. 1202 .1806 14 steers 4 steers 1 steer t steers . .1200 .. 830 ..1103 ..1020 .. 998 .. 91 ..1220 . . 1187 .. 966 .. 975 . .. 880 . . 760 .. 977 .. 763 ..1026 COWS. 7 cows 1 cow , 24 co wo 29 cows 1 cow 23 cows 28 cows 26 cows cows 13 cows 4 cows 16 cows 12 cows 12 cows 1 cow 1 bull 2 bulls .1005 .1060 .1300 .1665 BULLS. CALVES. 10 calve IRS 18 calves 234 IS calves 22 12 calves 278 Tuesday's Sales. STEERS. 27 extra fancy ..1220 25.80 6.50 5.26 5.25 6.00 4.60 4.26 4.10 4.00 8.50 $4.35 4.26 4.26 4.00 3.70 8.65 3.60 3.26 $7.00 . 5.2& 6.00 $5.00 3.60 3.50 3.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 $4.50 3.75 2.35 3.36 2.60 2.00 8.86 5.10 3.E0 2.50 2.00 76 steers 1170 1110 1105 , 1030 920 980 773 1215 36 steers 244 steers 3 steera 13 steers 2 steers 3 steers 2 steers 1 steer . 26 cows . 23 cows . 25 cows . 20 cows . 24 cows . 12 cows . 4 cows . 4 cows . 17 calves 3 calves 4 calves .1180 COWS. . 905 . 971 .1020 .1012" . 1)65 . 945 .1002 .1120 . 232 . 290 CALVES. 625 STAGS AND BULLS. 1 stag 1370 2 stags 1285 , 1 Stag 1010 1 bull 1470 4 bulls .1290 ' 3 mills 1443 1 bull 1240 12 bulls 1368 1 bull 1220 1 bull 1700 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 250 lambs 60 829 cull lambs 68 241 wethers 99 672 withers 100 9 ewes , 121 4 ewes 98 800 wethers 100 198 valley lambs 7o 168 cull lambs 66 10 ewes (...' 103 4 cull ewes ........... 97 Wednesday's Sales. STEERS. i. Av. Lbs. , 22 select steers 10K6 2 steers 90 . COWS. Price. $6.00 6.60 $160 $7i75 7-6(1 $3.25 2.6S S cows 980 HOGS. 24 light hogs . ... 236 26 hes Ill SHEEP AND LAMBS. 180 wethers .......... ,v 131 294 sheep ........ . .... , .85 Thursday's sales, f . ' STEERS. a . A v. lbs. r 4 steera ..............1016 1 27 steers ...1078 I 1 Steers ..... 950 ' . Price. $6.60 6.85 4.60 $4.50 4.60 . 4.00 2.60 . 2.00 $2.00 '$8.00 i 7.76 7.0 v 1.00 'if ' COWS. 2 cows .. 840 15 cows 970 s 2 eows ............... 980 , v . 4 cows ............. ,. lo7 'iy 1 COW- ................. P6Q :r '. v BULLS. ..- J tull . . . . i .1180 ' . HOa8, v; V v; ? , CO select 310 i. ?.. 27 light ....'.ju..i.' 183 ! 18 stock hogs ........... 72 v , 0 stock hoc .. 69 -v '5 .5 i' tin 22S :' '" .'.'!. 24 steers 24 steers 24 steers 24 steers Av. fbs. .1081 .1084 : Price. ; 15.60 6.80 i ...... 898 103 S , 24 steers .. ,1088 28 steers -.-.,,;., 1067 87 selected steers .'.,...1141. 62 selected steers 1133 6.90 6.90 row. 28 cows . . . 28 cows , . . .... , 24 oo ws ,, . , . . . . . . , ; 4 COWS , ... 8 cows ...I , SI heifers , . . , 19 cows" BULLS. fbull 1 bull ............... . 880 . 928 ; .1193 .1037 . 892 .247. ai08 .1070 .1680 14.88 4.66 4.60 4.00 8.75 6.00 4.76 r a, I 13.76 8.00 BIO, RI.jp IX HOGS South" Omaha, Neb., Aug. 6. Cattle- Nona -.. . . . I sales, 8.907.60. llngs, 30ft4.40; wethers, 83.168S.80; lambs, 8.26ig)8.83 ; ewes. 32.75 08.86. HARVEST RETURNS SHOW A PIG YIELD OF ALL CEREALS (Continued from preceding page.) and the wheat will weigh above . the required amount It is estimated that there are more than 12,000 -acres of this in the valley and the yield will be about tha same aa winter wheat C. D. Stout, of the Oregon Mill Grain company, estimates that the to tal yield this year will be 600,000 bushels and the quality will be of the best. He returned from a trip over the valley and declares that he never saw better looking fields of grain any where. There la no poor wheat in the valley, he declares, and Bome of the fields will run as high as 60 bushels per acre. Batley harvest has started and will yield from 60 to 76 bashels per acre thin vftar and will h nf flnA nilalltv The yield for the valley will be about ifuv.uuv Dusneis. uats Harvest win De about 20 days later and the yield will be about the same per acre in gross as the barley. The first 1911 Vheat to ba brought to Condon was delivered to the Interior Warehouse company, this week, by I. A. Mclntyre of Ferry Canyon. The wheat was forty-foid and tested 68. At Farmlngton, Wash., the harvest is well under way. Much of the winter wheat Is being cut with binders and fnllv nnft.thtrri ct It la artAAv In tha Khunlr Rlnriora ir. hatnir noil slmnil exclusively In the country tributary to Karmlngton. Much of the winter wheat SHEEP ANi LAMBS, 3(4 year wethers 87 5w!a.!:: 281 ewes ......... v, , . 96 Ptlday'a sales. i";""?-"1' .wn'c" .?? ea"y'..DUlinn w!f was severed today by his nynrias ana otner varieties. , At Winona the srraln yield will be unusually larra thla year, wheat, oats and barley showlnz fine stands At Elberton, Wash., the crain harvest is wall under way. Most of the fall grain Is cut and in the shock and the cutting of spring grain will begin this weeK. Fall wheat at Valley Ford, Wash., has all been cut and the farmers are rushing the stacking. Threshing started August 1. The grain Is unusually good and the growers are expecting a record yield. The first machine was started yester day afternoon and was run by Willard Ilea ton on the farm of William lieaton, at .Spangle, Wash. The yield was be tween 26 and $6 bushels to the acre, and the quality excellent. While harvesting in the Weston dis trict has barely begun, -enough reports have beam received from the fields to Indicate d yield at some places above the normal. From 70 aCres of wheat a mile north of town James J. Turner filled 1610 sacks fir about 62 bushels per acre. In the same locality two "settings" have Just been finished at A. J. Melntyre's place, and his crop so far is estimated at 60 bushels sn acre. The same fig ure it reported from the field of Joseph Hodgson, now being threshed, while members of the 3. N. York crew say that he has threshed some wheat which averaged above 66 bushels. More than 100,000 tons of hay will be haled for shipment from the Kittitas valley within the next 75 dayH, according to estimates made by large growers. Already more than a dozen baling out fits, steam, gasoline or horsepower, are operating in the valley and from 26 to 30 will be needed to, complete the big Job. Each outfit requires the services nf a lnrirA number if men and teams. I more If the huv Is baled from the shock, jlcss If It Is taken from the stack. One ranch, that or Tom Wilson, nas now seven balers compressing the Immense crop, which is' being stored' in the largest burns In the valley. There Is a good crop of hay around Farmington. Wash. Timothy, alfalfa and clover have done well, and wheat and oat hay Is of excelelnt quality. The price Is much lower than last year, when a hay famine was feared and early S rices were higher than at any time urlng the year. Cfain hay is Selling for about $10 a, ion this yearas against $16 a year ago. Ten carloads of fruit a day are now leaving Wenatohee. Wash., for points east and west, and the number will soon be raised to 50 carloads, due to the ripening of the peach crop, which will soon he ready for shipment. So far the estimates of the fruit growers as to the crop of apricots and other sum mer frH : have been exceeded and the price reWlved highly satisfactory. The fruit prospects of the Underwood and Hood ' sections of Skamania county are excellent. Qrchardists are expecting a good return from this year's crOD. The peach crop has madea n excellent showing this season. The early varie ties have mostly all been marketed and the later peaches will be ready for pick ing within three weeks. The product finds a ready market in Portland and the growers are receiving satisfactory prices. The Apple Growers' union at Hood Klver mado Its first shipment of this year's apple crop Tuesday. The con signment was made up of Red Astra chans. The fruit was well shaped, smooth skinned and without blemishes and brought its growers a fair return. All of last year's apple crop was sold on July 1 and the business of last sea son is now cleaned up and the union Is ready for tha CrCjp that will be har vested this fall. The apple business dons by the organization last year amounted to annroxlmately $600,000. Many new fruit districts In north central Washington are making their first showing this season, and already this season the fruit lands on the east side of the Columbia river, known ts East Wenafchee, have produced 10 car loads of apricots and it is estimated that there will be at least five carloads of peaches. The estimate of the crop from Brewster to Oroville, in the Okanogan country, will be 60 carloads, 30 being of apples, five of pears, five of peaches and four of prunes. This crop is from a small percentage of the acreage in that section now planted to fruit trees there being at the present time 71,700 acres of irri gutea land in the Okanogan valley set out to trees during the last four or five years. The demand for fruit land near Gar field Is Increasing and a number of sales have been made' recently. George F. Stivers, one of the pioneers In fruit culture here, has sold $23,000 worth of fruit lands adjoining town within tha last 60 days. These tracts vary from three to '12 acres , In extent and have been ' planted withlrt the last year to standard varieties of winter apples. The prices paid foe tha land run from $300 an acre up. . , D. M. Clark is running his packing shed at Union with a full crew at pres ent, parking from 400 to 600 crates of Blng cherries per ' day which win ba shipped to 8 1. Paul. The cherries are very good this year, as a great many were Injured by tha lata frost Tha huckleberry crop in the mountain regions along tho,Colvllle valley Is said to be one worth-harvesting this year, Many petfple going on camping excur sions take to the huckleberry fields. Figures complied Indicate that up to data about 61 carloads of onlcns bay .'been harvested and shipped from -Walla WM this season. Onions are one of i th" ch,e' crops with tha Chines and Italian gardenere. and the product is sent to many parts of the United States, It lln, mrf of It f olnr to Montana points.- At Albion, Wash.. E. O.. Markham, a rardener. while w or kin a In his pota- 'in : toes, found some old-fashioned eastern S .:'tAtn hi.im Th.I. ... tha tTm -that 6 6ol"vo been discovered In this part of the lu country. ( . . , messra. jtianaon inn j r niua, vers. Wash., rancherit, made the first con signment of cucumbers to the pickle faotory at Vera last weak. .They have about 30 acres planted to, this crop. That 80 cents a pound Is too low an estimate for tha price of hops this fall la the belief of Richard Strobach, who has grown hopB in tha Yakima valley for mora than 25 years. StrobacTt says that in case dry .weather should pre vail in Oregon, or tha Engllah cros should fall. 60 to 80 cents a pound would not be too high a figure to ex- feet for the crop from the Yakima die riot. . Saoramento, CaL Hop prices are al ready aoarlng, and growera declare they expect to see hops reach the 85 cent mark this season. The highest offer last year was 25 cents, v while the average was only 17 cents. This year some of the growers have already refuaed of fers of 25 cents. According to Harry Frazler, who ia an expert on hopa, the California crop will not equal that of last year, while the foreign demand will be greater. There are very raw old hops In storage, and the market will be filled with nothing but new hops this year. In the hops fields near Wheat land, Tehama and Nord growers are al ready preparing for the harvest, and camps are being prepared for the pick cm Vermin appeared to some extent In most of the hop yards around Dallas two weeks ago, but through spraying, aided by recent hot spell, appears to have practically cleared the vlnea of the pest, with- no appreciable damage done to the crop to date. The indications now are that the quality average Of the 1911 crop in thla atate will -be above that of last year. Beyond spraying there Is little or nothing being done In tha val ley yards at this time. The prospects for a good corn crop In the Palouse have lnoreased in tha last week as a result of, the fine weather. At present, however, there is danger of having it burned up and rain is need ed. The corn, which will be made Into silage ana ueea Dy me amn. tan u cut before ripening. Of this there are I over 1000 acres In this vicinity. SUGHTS EX-WIFE fRr tht International Kl BWTlce.) Paris. Au. 6. The laat link binding prince Albert of Monaco to his Amerl wife was lonment of the famous yacht "The Princess Alice- and the christening of his new one, the "Hlrondelle." Thla ro mantic man of the sea named his first scientific yacht after Alice Heln. daugh- Cured in A. O. Knits, X. s. I am the only specialist in Port land who does not advertise a fle titious nkme or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my offloe. I am tha most success ful and reliable, a medical cre dential and press reoords prove. I make thla statement s that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I posseaa skill snd experience, acquired In such a way that no other can share, and should not ba classed with medical companies. It Is impossible for a medical compauy to attend col lege. 'Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine Jn Oregon or any other state. Meui lcal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and Identity are in definite, Is selected and published a the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, exmmtnaton and treatment. A thorough investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the speclaJlat he consults. Duty and deftlny. to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the abil ity and I can give you this service. I have alwaya charged a very rea sonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who slnoerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or .unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to fre particularly inde pendent, and I would like- to have you for a patient If yott will oome to me on a strictly profes sional basis, and the Inducement that j oner, wiuob are my aauity and twenty years' successful expe rience, tlme-cavlng treatment and guarantee ef cure of certain , ail ments. NO MONET REQUIRED TO COMMENCE TREATMENT, Many patient have no confidence in their doctor because he demand pay before a cure has been effeat ed, and there are many who hav been misinformed about their con dition, or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and think . there la bo car for thera. I want an opportunity ta treat auch eases. It makes no dif ference about the financial part, as I accept pay for my service a benefits are derived, when I am satisfied the patient Is reliable. Health Is , capital at Interest. I will prove my ability to cure yon before asking pay for my prof ee lonal services. PRINCE OF MONACO ins I t( U - WaUTTJUl cWJUsVAWnn-HDr. ftmitV wrtttea ruarastee meana care or no pay for services. I guarantee to aura aertaJn ailments or retted every dollar you hav paid me for my serrtoeev My sat ilea seat rev " nothing unices I cure your Varicose Valna, Hernia, Plies, Vista). Blood. " Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to ears. ; My terms are reasoassrte ' od no more than you are aWe and wllllnT t ay far beoeflta. Offloe hours a, m. to p. 'mL." Sundays, It a. m. te 1 p. m. I POCTdR A. G. SMITH tV i of a New Orleans banker and later Duchess of Rlohelieu. "The Princess Alloa" had tha reputation of being .tha beat fitted" yacht In the world for deep sea studies. So devoted did tha prlnco become to tha yacht In which ba studied oceanography and to the sea itaelf that It Is said he neglected Princess Alice Hein herself. Now while the princess Is living the solitary life of. a divorcee, in the Cha teau de, Richelieu, tha prince has cut off the last and most forcible reminder of her by dropping the yacht that bears her nam."" v ' The romance of the yacht seems to have Carded him back to his first love, Mary. Duchess of Hamilton, for the stately daughter of the house of Hamil ton was known as tha "English Swal low." - Tha painter Blnavre and the curator of the oceanography museum at Monaco will acoompany Prince Albert on his lat est trip to make the sea surrender its secrets. The prince ts 68 and ambitious to lec ture on oceanography before tha great universities of America. This he hopes to do when his present deepest explora tions are completed. $3.50 Recipe Free, For .Weak Men. Send Name and Address To day You. Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous. T have in my possession a prescrip tion for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened manhood, falling memory and lame back, brought on by excesses, unnatural drains, or the follies of youth, that has cured so many worn and nervous men right In their own homeswithout any additional help or medicine that I think every man who wishes to regain bia manly power and virility, quickly and quietly, should have a copy. So I have determined to send a copy of tha prescription free of charge. In a plain, ordinary sealed en velope to any man who will write me for it. This prescription comes from a phy sician who has made a special study of men and I am convinced It is the surest aoting combination for the cure of de ficient manhood and vigor failure ever put together. I think I owe It to my fellow man to aend them a copy In confidence so that any man anywhere who Is weak and discouraged with repeated failures may stop drugging himself with harm ful patent medicines, secure what I be lieve It la the quickest-acting restora tive, upbuilding, SPOT-TOUCHING rem edy ever devised, snd so cure himself at home quietly and quickly. Just drop me a line like thist .Dr. A. E. Robinson. 3885 Luck Building, Detroit Mich., and I will send you a copy of this splendid recipe In a plain ordinary envelope free of charge. O great many doctor would charge $3.00 to $6.00 for merely writing out a prescription like this but I send it entirely free. Five Days Varicose Veins,. Hernia, Blood Poison are Detention Trout Oocmpolon, sreuoUly cat Some. NC IBTZni!, OPERATIONS, MANY CAIKI taCRMANBNTLl1 CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIMtf-AVWQ, MOST NAT URAL, MOST 8ASTC. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURB. J GIVE MY WORD AND WILL ClTft YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS 18 A FACT. I AM CBRTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KET8TONES TO SUC CESS, i HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL ofVE $500 ?0 ANY CHARITY AS QUA RAN EE THAT VE3T STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT 18 TRUE. I Invite you to come te my of fice. I will explain te you "my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles, fistula, B I a d e r, Kidney, Prostatic and all Men' Ailments, and give you FltEB) a phyaloal examination: tf necessary a microscopical and o h e m i e a 1 analysis or secretions, to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of thla op- f ortunlty to learn their true oondl lon. A permanent our ia what yeu want TAJUOOtrfl TBm. Impair vitality, I dally demon strate that varlooae veins can be cured In nearly all cases by en treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pain o eases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly ra established, instead ta or tne depress e reu a lng conditions. I guarantee yeu a our to stay eared i or refand the money. smurxA (Bu'vw una). Disregard of ex la ting hernia, has ooet m a n y lives. The smallest hernias . are the meet dangerous to life, beeause of the laoreaaed liability to stranf alation. I our rupture In selected oases with per fect safety and entail no suffer ing, and ao net detain yen from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cared to stay cured in ene treatment. The sequahia of these efniotlona are aietreawms, nerreve rectexe i ana painful condition. M treat ment and eveces are the remit of years ef expetisaea. J eure you with out pais or detention from ocou- patton. . I give a written guaran tee to dure piles and fistula. KXSaTBT AMTVTgMWM AO- With tbewe ailments you may nave mere complications inan are presented by any other ailing or gans. By aa searohiBg Illumina tion of the Madder I determine ac curately the ailment, and by t mloreaocptci ai examination TO urinalysis I make doubly gar eoncmoa ez ine xienera, mas lay ing foundations for McntlfM tveaV Cerebro. where the mental forces are Impaired, spinal, where the spinal Centers are involved. Vital, where the sympathetic nervous system and forces that govern the organs are deranged e oeraoaea or miax ex- feats of ailments,. 1 treat tbse zeots oi ailments, conditions and al londitions and an weaknesa m ducad ay nervous and asroeaeaa and r. complications pat you on the th, restoring- the right track to health. conditions essential te yeur futare life and aap-ptneca. use a ramous new ucrmaa atfla for Blood Poison which on completely in onjb th This wenderfal remedy 1 EATkS remedy is far ah eel of old - style mineral treatments. Cavil and let m explain tt to yon. V Woman's Sex-ret Revealed. : u From the Washington Post. No one ever heard of a woman sleep ing during a sermon. She is as bright and as - alert at the conclusion of the sermon aa she was when the text was read. But man, he, like the sluggard, slumbers and sleeps. His record is bad from the beginning. Acts XX contains the Inexorable record of the first of fenderof one Eutychus, who, while Paul preached, sank Into aleep and fell from the third window. Let a word be said in defense of the Yonng, Iddle-AgedandOld MEN me mai abaolately effleea far I AM FOR MEN 5r-,aiiu. -. YOU ONLY PAY FOR CURES Don't HeiHat- Don't Delay-Examination and Advice Free Nervous, Blood and Skin Diteastst, Vaifcot Veint,. Kid ney, Bladder, Chronic Diststuei, and All Dis eases Peculiar to Men Cured or No Pay. SAXX.T xovms . A. M. V4 .. r. m. ranATS I t u. o$S.OO My Fee in Many Cases A VISIT WILL TELL I invito lm arttealar all who have become dissatisfied witk treatment elsewhere. I have eared over 19,000 cases lawaioa other physicians had failed. X eaa core yea geiely. Quickly and for life wlien ethers fail. A trial will prove it, Xo guesswork. hfy new gyrtem of leetre-aCedloal Treatment at ever vails to Ouse Verra-Tttal Debility, Tarieose Telaa, peoif le Blood Veisea. VreMutal Obstmotloa aad All Oomplioations, Asscolato Diseases aad Weakness ef Mem. MY FEES FOR SERVICES FOR A FEW DAYS MORE: Obstructions from f to f 15 Tarleeae Tains from 8 to flB I Bleed Poison from Hydrocele from is to MO I Tailing Xelr faoat Xervena Debility from . ...8 te fig I Xosema from Wasting from is to a I Bladder Ailments from . Discharges from 93 to 910 I Kidney Ailmeata from . Ulcers from 99 to 910 I Prostate Ailments from Don't Let Money Matters Keep You Away I have arranged a system of payment that will allow every man to take ad vantage of ray services. Jf you are akeptloal you are the very man I want to see, for I can ahow you absolute proofs of what I can do, so yon will know I can do all I claim. I do not acoept Inourable caaes; my prices are reasonable, my result are speedy and lasting. No other specialist offers yeu What I de, for I have th best oure known, together with one of th finest, moat com plete and expensively equipped medical institutions in the West. Medicines prepared in Private Laboratory under supervision of my Expert Chemist, for th convenience and protection of my patients. Consultation, Examination Free and Invited Whether You Take Treatment or Not Call If you can. Write today call. Jdedlolnea from $1.60 te $4.60 ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. 230 Yamhill St, Cor. 2d St, Portland, Or. The Skilled Nature's Men, Wake Up! Throw Off the Weight! I Treat Men Only, and Treat Only Those Dis eases Which Constitute My Specialty 30 YEARS A SPECIALIST SAFE, SURE AND DEPENDABLE TREATMENT My office houts are 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DailySundays 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Consultation ii Absolutely Free. MEN, YOU CAN BE CURED Why suffer from a single ailment in the list of men's dis eases? Why be less than a strong and healthy man? Why walk the streets an old young man? .1 want all ailing men to feel that they can oome to my office freely for examination and explanation of ' their condition. There Is abso lutely no inconvenience of time, hardship or uncertainty, while result, are direct, speedy and permanent. I want to talk to every man who suffers from afflictions, due to any cauaa whatever. I want to ex plain MY methods of treating ailments and all ailments of the kidneys. My office is thoroughly equipped for the treatment of CHRONIC AIL MENTS. . By the latest methods known to medical science I treat and cure Piles, Nervous Ailments, Skin Ailments, Kidney, Blad der, Lung and Blood Ailments, Rheumatism, Liver Ailments and Chronic Ailments of Men. X see my patient ta persom and X administer my own tnataaeat. Every person calling at my office will see and eoaeult P, Lindsay ia ttsrson. my nrsi inougni Is to ascertain mwnnA ' tlmuaVht Is to .acarta.in If Is to produce a speedy and lasting result; my next thought Is the quickest method by which this can he dona, and then figure th lowest prloe for the treatment of your case. I WANT EVERY MAN IN THE COUNTRY who Is sZck and afflicted to call at my office for examination and advice. Examination and advice always free. Write-to me if you cannot call, and I will advise you regarding your condition. Corner AJder and Second streets. Entrance 11! H Second street, Port land, Or-i Office hours A M. to P. M. Sundays 10 A, M. to 1 P. M. Order of Eutychua. And In thae com ing to their support there Is no 'wish to oast reflection upon the wide 'awake and breesy sermonixer. To becrtn wttfc man Is Inferior to his mate in the' high est sensibilities of the soul. Calloused in his nature, .the assembled array et dresses and bonnets is wholly without appeal to his sordid instincts. What doea ha know about the out tolas or the latest affect in ruchtngs? Or whether the Jones girls have turned tha black bombasine they hav worn tor two seasons already? Or how wvb Not Sick, Yet Hardly Able to Work Every Day ThU U the Wt You Feel Tear hack pama and ache. Thera la a tendency te re easily and every ejoer lien ef the hedy or mind Increases the ex hangtioa. Meep doear not reat yeu; ywa get up In the merning f eating tired. The. 41 gesticn becomes impaired, the tenpen Irrt tabla. spirits depreesed. you feel gdoemy and dikoouraad. ending with eempleia lack of eoafidenee and a general feellag ef dis gust at yon? own debility. Yea eaa be oared. Come to ma. ASURECURErSMALLFEE he great velusae ef nvy pracoea allesn U make umreraary lew fees, se that aa a Bead, be without vreser treatment. I nave tne nest eemineed mecieal iffiees far the treatment ef men's dlaeaees. Best and freshest medicine prepared In pri vate laboratory ander suservisien ef esraert Axur oxxmm xo A, J to IS. yen are nn ef gonif PlaXIIM gXTL youx health and vigor will to stared for Ufa. Why will yon tlnne to gaff erf Yea eaa se aaade OVsTD and well. Call today. Bverythlng eemfldeatlal. M to tat a to) i I IB to I 1 i S te i 1 1 19 to I lis to $18 for self-examination blank If yog a course from my own laboratory. taaot Physician Is Helper Come Now and Be Cured 1 have the Largest Practice Because I Invariably Fulfill My Promises the real'eauae of your ailment; my a Cure ia Dbsslble: mv third thousrht deacon tmt Into ths eonti-rh.it in.. tu None of these Inspirations cornea to hi relief.- -. '.. ; , He awairss . ..... ... . , . . 9m ani inee to iTtoolate? dUl3r ,mPfw1. hf Mississippi river annually" car ries to the sea l,400.0oo ton of dis solved matter iiitr.w -".- .iuiwuvvv ions or uspended matter. , hs r, Orssn Offer MEN Moderate charge, fair dealing, skillful servtee, aad speedy cures r .reaponslbl for ear Immense practice. ConstiltaUOfV Examination and Diagnosis free. WHERE MEN GET CURED Our well-known and reliable curative Institution, the DR. GREEN office, is a permanent fixture of Portland. It has become a Mecca ef hope for afflicted men throughout the Northwest. Its financial re sponsibility is as solid as gold. Its business and professional methods ar clean. The strictly modern treatment It administer, a scores of its cured patients know, I skill ful, scientific and successful, AYirxxOTSB IfX, before treattng elsewhere, honestly lnvatrtlgmte ear proved methods. Ton will the mad stand how easily aad galckly we cure alliwable ease of VA&XOO WS. raoxrxo bivoos poisoxr, srxutvo? J"IfJ?IIJTT mTXiU OS TBPOTIOHg. roOSTATICk BIuLSDHA and XXDHBT tromales, COVTBAOSSI alluant, rXLXa aa an BIOTA all aaeats. What yon want is' a our Came to us and get it Once under our treatment, you will quickly realise how simple a thing It is to get well In the hand of a speetaliet who knows his business. Our eurce add not only year to Ufa. hut life to years. Office hours, dally te 6; evening, 7 to S. Sundaya, it to 1. DR. GREEN CO. MS Waahlngtoa St, Portland, Or. X,'. i J.J.Keefe,Ph.G.M.D. Men's Specialist I am the only specialist In Port land that publishes his own photo graph, personally conducts and man ages his own office, and consults with and treats. all hi own patients. I have more qualifications and experi ence than 'any othar specialist ad vertising in this city. Every man calling at my office la assured of my personal and lndivida al treatment until a oure is effected. My fees are one-fourth that exacted by the various "medical companies, " "Institutes" and "museum." B sure to consult me before treating elsewhere. Why treat with irresponsible when you can secure the expert serv ices of responsible specialist See me if you have any of th fol lowing disorders: Varicose Tela, Xyaroewle, Obwtractkms, XarvW, Bleed and ! Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Peisoas, Xhrapsioas, Wlosre, Weakness, Prostata!, PUe os Pistole, g t t to S Bail) aaday, 10 Sa ls Xixajnlnation-dvlco Tree. Boom 309-1O-11 lOTaCXCABTS TBVS BVX3UBXSn Corner Mb .aad Wasaing-toa St Portland, Oregon. I Cure Men $i o IS MY FEE Pay Whea Oared. Oeaeral Bebit tty, Wak Sresvss, tmimisli i rinKlt. of exposure, overwork and ether vio lations of Patare's laws, Diseases ef Bladder aad Kidney, Varleeee Veiaa, saiokiy aad pemaaeatly cured at small expense. PBCXAXi AXZOfSBTBNewly con tracted and chronic cases eureil Alt burning. Itching and inflamma tion stopped In 14 hour. Cures ef. feeted in seven days. Consultation free. If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours A. If. to $ P. M. Sundaya. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PAcrrio coast xbbxoax oo ta4V Washington t., cor. Plrat, Pcrtlana, Or gen ui siijrMinU Vki-St.m' laaml hr C1U. la SU4 ut .ih. raf4. AitMi'i "i.ifVIZVrawl aaAH riLLa. sal ymn am M Bait, Sat.Alwmy. alialie " sen iy csjGGisn i;i2r.':,rjx FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. SaaOersons Cempeuad SsvlB. and Cotton Root Pllia. The . beat and only rHli rmdy for DELATED Vk.aU ODS. Our the most obstinate eeaS la I to 1 Cra fries II Der box. or thro boa it.oo. - acm ti drusglst everywasra Address x. PIEHCiC. Room 1 441)4 Jarrioa Portland Os. ' Bfl ff VtHMiat- ka4.- bilious Err,::.; v ', t: tlZTUL v:n:r 'f r MMnf fmttt " - til ax a a, t a - . Htl VIM I. . i . , A 11 .t Til astsaVMa?iyasV T.tlf WVII flflslM 1 - v '", v '-i ' 'i X - H H , , , ' ' i i i V i " ? ' it ' i -Y ' " - Ml