I.- ' J ' : THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1911. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY pkr. ..' it., city, rtm property. ......... Sronf-ntteia company ........................ rubaker Benedlet...,. Cbapln Her low , Ortimn Real KlUtt Co,.Tn.. ;. eniaiaa, j, h ............................. THompson. if . E. Co........ ; . BUSINESS CARDS W ARB'S N CONSTRUCTION CO. -Street paving, sidewalk and cross ing. 317 Bok bldg. !the barber abphaLt favinoco. Portland office. BOS ElfftrlC bldg. -TTcT Vfvf wo6D & CO., aH Wndi of JA-..,y.n ViJrity bond.. McKay bldg. - BLANK BOOK MAKERS - ' J - - m,, -I,, m - ii-iai-lin. n. -i ruin 1i- i - - CARPET CLEANING jnrCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Work. Ciet. cleaned and laid, refitting our Pcfclty, E. 440. B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. HILL Bros., Auto Vacuum carpet clee-i-"ln. 8 80 it Grand. Bast 8S. B-2277. inn. 7 T : ' Ins. 560 Jefferson. M. 214. A-4416. lONE Steam Cleaning. carpeU. feather renovated: guaranteed. K. 260. B-3SI CARPET WEAVTNO NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rug from "eld cet. rag rugs, rp.t cfanln HI Union ave.. near M. Morrison. 'FLUFF ruga from old carpet, cleaning. Fluff RuV Co.. 790 Wash. Phone M. 8063. A-Ma tool. ' HA carpet and ruga. 1518 Patton ave. fnone- vycwinw" '" CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN DR. J. E. MARSH. D. C The first chiropractor In the state of Oregon ha removed to 417 Marquam bide. SEE THE MAN WITH THE EXPERIENCE. f)R. ' MAY, graduate chiropractor, acute and chronic disease successfully treated. 621-22 Marquam bldg. DR." EVA MARSH, chiropractor Pctl tloner. 223 Fleldner bldg. M. 4891, A- HI. CR ' F. J. RIESL.AND, Chiropractor, 152 E. 82d t.; take S3 car. CHIROPODISTS DR. MARTIN BRAUN, surgeon chlrops di.t from the Imperial University hos. pltal, Vienna, Austria. 208 Rothchlld bldg. Mam oooi. uate chiropodist, tormerly 6th and Washington: now located 614-15 Dekum blag., q ana hwiilukwii. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Harriet E. Bt John. 429 Flledner bldg. M. 6754. fcR HOpGKS. 26-87 B-Uing-Hlr-ca. JTQOl (J rC I HI mi. V 1 HO iv... -. DR. J. LJNl'SEY. 175 Madlflon. Special ist on corns miniona. tto )R IVEY cures bunions, corns, all fooj diseases. 245' Morrison. M. 4644. CHINESE DOCTORS DR. Blng Choon physician for men , and women. Ouaranlxd cur. 25H Alder. Er."L T. YEE SON 142V4 1st St. Main 8464; A-8- CIVIL ENGINEERS ORRIN E. STANLEY Railroad, muM lt!al engineer. f008 C. of C. Mar. 15B4. CLOTHES GUARANTEE Tailor Co.. coat 81. nuntn II. suns, nnuro .mnu. io . WE pay highest price for id hand clothes ana snoes. n num. CIRCULAR LETTERS MULTIQRAPHINO, circular letter work In any quantity. Evenlnas. Main 7622. BTKNOQRAPHY, typewriting, circular letter vorx. is wawn. oiag. main COAL AND WOOD 8EC1HER9 Wood Co., th and Ollsan, 18th and Vaughn. Fine dry country Slab wood sawed In stove lengths, cord wood all kinds and dry block wood. rriOn main ,aon, n.pt . -. . . THE ECONOMY FUEL C has reduced tle price on high grade Wyoming and Washington coal for July and August delivery. 346 East Ankeny. Phone E. -. . i r a j a Phones Main 635. ssoi a-zib it anil o-4coo. BEST 87.50 coal in the city. Summer prices on all grades. UNITED COAL COMPANY. 804 Ankeny st. Marshall 2408. A-7432. PflAI Alblna Fuel Oo., BLOCK 4 7 Alblna ave. wood wn::Eain8i wood BURNSIDE FUEL CO, 121 E. 7th; wholesale, retail wood: also sawed to order. B-724. JB-M7T. EDLeFSEN'S FUEL CO. sells the best slabwood. blockwood, cordwood and oal. Branch coal office, Meier & FranK store. South Portland slabwood co. Main 216; A-S842. Dry Inside wood, srreen ilafcwood. clean sawdust for bed- ling. Mliea, pgr iuaq. 4 foot dry wood. Nat Fuel Co., 887 Water et Marshall su. Standard Wood co., box planer and cordwood. 347 E. Stark. East 2816; B-169R. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 818. B-1887. IrOR COAL AND ALL KINDS or WOOD. PHONE HOLOATE FUEL CO. BKW'WUOUISl. rirtr.roFlrst class fir wood, 16. 25--J LCllllalcord: also sawed to order. I alu 849 2d St. Main 1696; Home A-1106 DRLIVERBr PROMPTLY Msin S76 f. 3. EVERTP. Ft. Curry st. CITY MARKET - Wood Yard. CookX Son. 3d and Clay. Main 8243. A-4322. OREGON Woou Vsrd Coal and wood.' A-6446. ' Malu 8C44. 324 3d. cor. Clay. The Defeat of teVT Ccwahiuc-but- )CTRf. 67 Gle ft, ctcT ssfl os UNrn. woWj rilUtwavs PrtS-iCP ..Ifg fvetX& U fD ''.;;. i ii i"m . ' - ii 1 1 i i i ii i i 1 1 ii i ii i i i i'h .1 i ii niL 1 i i -i ' in i i i ii i iim j "ill .i -mm l.1... I...1. . ' . ... J ji. . ., -4- '! ,JL,'.J... '. .' 1 . '. ' ' 11 ' - M:Pp?P'PP'.'i '"'v,-:.- r-HP' J"' P:.rP:::,'"'-y-r--: . - - 3; TBLtPHGNK 08 Cortxtt Bldg ., A-4493, Mala 101 roond floor LwU bldf..,V..lU and A-lf COS McKay Bldg . .. Mala 64 882 Chamber of Ooinmre. ... Mala ldnt BOA Corbett Bid Main BS3. A-S9J8 T Chamber of Oomraeroa.......Mln and A-8010 ; grand Aw. and Multoomh....Et. 6T. C-1708 fOB Qerltnear BM........i..,......Mla84M5 lUnrr Bid.. 4fh-Oa. ........ .M. . S064. AJttf T COAL AND WOOD NOTICE ppceIaon SLABWOOD s; GREEN 6HORT WOOD. , ' GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. , , INSIDE GREEN SHORT.;'. T)RY SHORT WOOD. " SA.WDUST.for fuel and beddln. The Portland Slabwood Ca Main 8118. A-7001. n ; 1000 Loads Or dry wood from wrecked building, cut to stove lengths, delivered for $3.50 per load. - International Bulldlnp & Wrecking CoH 807-311 th st. South. Msrshall 1884. Drv Block Wnod Mied with small wood, 14.66 per load, delivered anywhere In city. Port. 15"? Yj'S.f.P0- J05-10T N, 11th. st SPECIAL Block w ood rrom country miu, s.76 per Joad. Cut to blocks, 85.00 per load. 1 For Immediate delivery. Segher Wood Co., Main 6859, A-2418. 18th and Vaughn. The' Multnomah Fuel Co., Main 6640, foot of Market at A-211. uooo service-a well a good wood. Special Price A-1 Cordwood UNION FUEL CO.. "BOTH PHONES. COLLECTIONS OREGON Collection Agency, 427 Bam llton. Expert collector. Main 4778. COLLECTIONS everywhere Colton AU nil wuington Piqg. wain S410 TLAND Collection Asencv. All dobta collected. 817 Al'sky. A-7317. M. 4223. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and builder, jobbing and contracting 04 in main esii A. C. FURLONG, building contractor! money loaned for building. 683 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 2061. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing remodeling and specialty: sign work. v. f. tinas. szi-ft piartc. Main 8017. S. WING, carpenter, all kinds Job work. luinuuiB rnpuireu. upnoiaierea, Kal sorn 1 nlng. painting. 236 6th. Main 76 4 8. J. BURTON. 186 1st architect-builder! aniinniM lurni.ingq. a. 1S11. A-1S17 ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general con. tractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. M. 688. DANCING WALTZ, "two step," "throe step" and stage dancing. 26c lessen, every morning, afternoon snd evening. Prof. Wal Wlllson's School, 386 H Washlng ton between W. Park and 10th. - DElXXiSlS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work 1 Impossible; does away entirely with plate, brldgewoik; we cure pyrrohea (loos teeth) absolutely, term to re liable people. Alveolar Dental Co. Ab ington blag.. Ira m. DR. H. B. GARRISON, graduate Phil adelphla Dental college, 1898. 609-11 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Wash ington. Main 6484. CHICAGO Painless frntists. established It yar 823 H Washington, oor. 6th. DOti AND HORHif HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. 8, of 284VtlSt St It. 4066. Hoap. SI B 18th. H 144s. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS DR. R. M. BAIRD. D. M, T., grad. A. C. M. T. Chicago. Rheumatism, stomach trouble, chronic diseases. 38 Wash. bid. ELECTRIC MOTORS BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117. Walker M'kentne EI. Wks.. 108 Union. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency. 421-423 Board of Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 872. FOOT SPECIALIST DR. C. W. HEVLAND, 313V4 Washing ton St., room 86; grad. chiropodist. Bring this ad. and receive one treatment frea. FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy, sail, szchange and pay beat price for second hand furniture, stove, range, etc Hartzell Furn. Ca. 383 S. 1st Phone Marshall 2676. . GARDENING Lot mowod, lawn taken care of. O'Brian 203 t Stanton. Woodlawn 1864. 4 ABOLISH. K.MjIMtt STATIONARY and marine, electric , equipment; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; 'engine repairing. Kelerson Machinery Co.. 1 88 ,Morrlon, INSURANCE McCARGAR. Bate & Lively. 818 Fall Ing bldg. Every form Insurance, bond GRAINING AND MARBLING J. H. MARSHALL & CO.. English grain er of wood and marbles. Samples shown, estimates. 208 Alder, room S. St., room 3. , iii; ouodj FEB VET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th. near Mor. M-646, ADDRESS the Racing Bill Certainly Gave Mutt a Grouch HAT FACTORY MEN'S nat cleaned and blocked at the ' Eastern Hat fiactory; largest bat ren ovators In the city , 64-66 8a st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from tn factory at half price. - K6l AK DEVELOPING FRE DEVELOPING Vel ox prints 8c up; mall order solicited. 214 Mer chants Trust. BRING you kodak work, enlarging, re toucning, to Kose city tuoio. e ein LADIES' TAJLOIUNG THE NEAL dressmaking parlors; ladies' suits-and evening gowns a specialty, lao west far. : Marsnau lit. THE Model Dressmaking Parlor. Suits and gowns to order. 644 Hamilton bide; Main 9212. LAUNDRY. SEE Le. Chinese. 200 Milt Washing and Ironing carefully done. A-46H. LEATHER AHD FINDINGS CHA1. L. MASTICK COM 74 Front Leather of every description: tap manufacturers.- finding. - , MACHINERY B. TRENKMAix at CO. Hydraulic and - special pipes, screen, nagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th. M kjlTIUKAPHIXU MULTIGRAPHING. shorthand, typs wrltlng. M. 766. 414 Buchanan bldg. MUSICAL DEALER' SEIBERLING-LUCA8 MUSIC CO, 184 Id; complete Una musical mdae. FT catalogue Buescher band instruments. MITS1C TKACHKRS E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Bevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar.l28 PROF. T. E. LAWSON. 186 14th St Phone Main 6197. Piano lesson 60e. NATUROPATH PHVSICIAM DR. E. F. WINKLER, Specialist, dls- diseases ireaieo; no uruga, no mnio. iv M ... vi i , .an ii wr I!pling-riiracn biuh.. jboh wwn. DR. S. F. OROVER. Naturopath, Chlro. practlc Specialist, paralysis, ttpinai, Nervous diseases 702 Oregonlan bldg. . OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO., 83 Washing ton St. Eves samlnrt. Free advice. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. W. W. Christie Osteopath, chronic nervou disease. 314-6 Macleay bldg. Ms'n 6172, A-4830. rn t TT.T.R'RFI.LR PATTERSON, ape clallst cn nerves, acute and chronic dlsenae. 217 Fentow nigg. jwsm mi DK SMI TH. graduate Klrkvllle Mo lavs: post grauuaia ivi. J Ine bldg DRH. L. B. AND K. H. SMI TH, general practitioner. 40?1 oegonlsn bldg. OSTRICH PLUMTS8 TAKE ELEVATOR AND SAVE MONEY California ostrich, finest sample plumes In the world: old plumes cleaned, curled, dyed. Golden State Ostrich Feather Co., 214 Swetland bldg., corner 6th and Washington sts. PAINTING AND PAPEKINO C L. BRINER Painting, tinting, pa ' perlng.decoratlng. 414 Davis. M.-8383. PAINIINO of all kinds; work and ma terlal guar. 449 E. Burnglde. B-2862. FOR best work, prices right, call P. A poane. 104 Union. Both phones. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F. E." BEACH CO.. Pioneer Paint Ca 186 First st. Main 1334. A-7043. RASMTJSSW CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. 2d & Taylor. M.. A-1771. PATENT ATTOliXEYS PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock, at-torney-at-law, late of U. S. patent of fice; book freo. 719 Board of Trade bldg. U. U. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN 409 Chamber of Commerce Building R. C. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat ent: Infrlna-emert cases. 604 Dekum. PIANO TUN1NC FRED JACOBSON. piano tuning. 32: 18 years experience. iu si. main aui. PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Ca Factorv and office. 24th end fork. Main 3468. PLUMBING AND HEATING PORTLAND Pipe Shop sell new and second nana pipes, an sizes, vs- men up. vve carry a great quantity or Don er pipe for irrigation, new thread and couplings., ready for use. 269 Front at Alain bsl'o. M FRIEDMAN, 362 1st. plumbing, gas fitting and gen. Jobbery neatly dona PLUM ill NO. heating, etc. Robert Oll lun. 166 10lh Roth phone. PRINTINO WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of clever things with ty"pe and ink on papery 14IH ist- SPECIAL prices on business stationery. Acorn press 612 Buchanan bid. M-6664. jTTC"ilAllILT6r; printer. 202 Com monwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny st. ROOKING. PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repnlriog. painting and Job. bin Lofll Hilser. 212 Jeff. M. 1424. KLiiltKK -STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun nlnstiim Co.. ;3l Stark. Main 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 10o 2d eL Safe at factory prices; repairs; lockout pened: bargain In second hand safe. SCREEN MANUFACTURING SCREENS - SCREENS SCREENS. Built to order, any sis or style; painted and hung complete. Main. 968, union screen CO., l union ave, RUST proof screen mad to order. trice rignt tiast v SH1NGLKS BK3T In Portland. So them, 801 Washington st S. B. Gilbert. STATIONERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITER paper. T6o ream. ' M. 766. Pioneer Stationery Co.. Buchanan bldg. SHOWCASES AXD FIXTURES SHOWCASES and stor future tn stock, if .ad to order; lowest price. I. iinaen. 42a Mswtnorna k;si tin SHOWCASES of ev.-.ry description; bank. - bar and stor nxture mao 10 rr. The Lutke Mfg. Co, ' THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, ' new and old showcase, cabinets, stor and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M-2703. R. H. UinD8ELL. HAMTLTON BLDG. Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery, ffolea ne-en' M Winter Lumber Co. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLE1SER Sign; th larg est sign makers In the northwest EL 7th and E. Everett ta Phone East 1111. Home B-Z2Z4. ADVERTISING signs, metal, cloth, par - affined, etc., real estate signs, etc. Kelley. Ablngton bldg. Main 1418. RANN SIGN CO., quality and servloa. 889 E. Alder st. Esst 6368. . W. P. BERGEK Son 6Igns and Show card. 284 TamhIIl st. Main 111. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT"' Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Main 1696. SIGNS of all kinds, attractive, quality, service. Murrato & Potter. 214 Mill. OREGON Sign Co. A. LIcHtgarn, man ager. 271 8d st. Phori Main 1899. STOVE REPAIRING STOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake there Is something wrong. I can fix .It 868 E. Morrison. Phone East 1022. IF you want er need anything for your stove call us. E.-4305. 610 Williams. EAST Side Stove Repair Co., gas stoves a specialty. 828 Williams. E-959 HTKNOGRAPHKRS, X)tiRT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n. 40-4O3 Ablngton. M. 6037. A-B386-. Depositions SWEDISH MASSAGE C. LEE treats rheumatism, stomach troubles, paralysis of the bones. 998 E. 19th N. C-2486. TAILORING SCHOOL KISSTER'S Ladles' Tailoring college, learn dreawnn.tlng. tailoring. 141 H 11th TA ORIrtO ALFRED OGILBEE, 810 Labbe bldg, 3d OUb IbKawUIST. tailor and draper; ex clusive patterns. 246t Washington st NORTHWEST TAILORS. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 2 N. 6TH ST. TAXIDERMIST F. B. FINLEY. taxidermist and furrier; glas eye. 249 Columbia. TRANSFER AND STORAGE C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co. of fice and commodious 4 story brlcK warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault fqr valuable, N. W. cor. 3d and Pin eta. Piano and furn. tur moved and packed for shipping. Special rates mad on goods in our through earn to all domestlo and f Orel fa polntB. Main 696. A-1998. . Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents, Storage, free trackage. Office 210 Hoyt st. bet 6th and 6th. Phones. Main 69. A-1169. PORTLAND Van Storage Co., cor. 13th and Everett sts., Just opened, newest moat modern Ltoreage -warehouse In city; every convenience for safe and propar handling of goods; lowest Insuranc rate in northwest; freo trackage, van for moving Mam or A-ioze MT. TABOR EXPRESS & BT'R'QE CO. Trip to Mt. Tabor dally. Also city moving and express. 114 Grand. E. 4238. FURNITURE moved, packed, shipped, stored, upholstering, repairing. Bur kett & Sheldon, 14th & GlUan. M. 3123. PORTLAND TRAN. & DEL CO., 206 .Wash. Storsce piano, furn. movln.- U. Ili. A-1604. Res. E. S38. Bergstrani. W. D. PERRY Express and baKgage stand, 149 E. 84 th. Business phone Tabor 2100. Rejt:lence B-2318. M'KAY's express for prompt service. 1 an main imss. Hiana bi an st. n. TELEGRAPH SCHOOLS LEARN wireless or railroad telegraphy, great demand for operators, positions guar. Write for circulars. Nat'l. Tel. Inst.. Commonwealth bldg., Portland. TOWEL SUrPLY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply C., 9th and Couch aia. 31 per month. Portland Laundry Ca Phones Main 410. A-4410. TYPEW RTTEKS REBUILT typewriters, all makes 320 to 360; fully guaranteed; sold on ap pro va : terms; rent 33 por month; Pari"- Btationerv ptr Co.. 201 2nd St. TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt. 2d hand. 142H 2d. Mar. 419. ALL makes rented, repaired, h.-ld Cun ningham Co. Ml Stark. Main 1407. UP.HOjj-TEREaS OLSON KING Mattresses mad over. rurn. npn. 447 union n. UZ4. c-)7 Furniture repaired, mattresses renovated made to order. 30 7 Russell. C-2623. VK1 KI'.TA ";iiA. MODERN veterinary hospital. 418 E. 7th. Dogs, cats treated and boarded. Dr. 0. H. Huthman, B-1962. East 1847. ... mm Oaprrltk, M4V WaMeaal Mew AAttorn. i t . ' ... '' ' j "' ' T t " II I IWAJlTriLt.TAtC6 A V SOUO AMliUOM " QOSH! BUT I - 1 A ( fts ) JoFTiwr 01 - fTs Hot e : - oT OLDPOC m ...mmmammmmmmmmmmmmr WALL PAPER AND TINTING M'CLINTOCK A GROOCOCK. Ina, 183 4th. Main 9183. Tinting, painting, wallpaper, paints, oils and varnlshea WELL DRILUXG SUPPLY your home or ranch with pure water from tubular wells drilled with modern machinery; prices reasonable. Phone Sell wood 286. or address Star Drilling Machine Co.. Portland, ur, DHILL.no wells a specialty; prices rea sonable Call Main 1246 r writ & West '82 Morrison at SUPPLY your home with water. Gren thewell driller. 90 E. 8th. East 1390. WELLS AND CESS .'OOLS We dig wells also cesspools; work guar. Smart aV Sweet. 88 10th. Mar. 1298, WHOLESALE JOnP.EKB EVERDING ft FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front V. Portland, 0 Phone Main lit. 1. A. UUNHT & CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. WADHAM3 & CO., wLpleaal grocer manufacturer and coffee roaster. 4tli nd Oak t. MOKtfAN WALL PAPBIl CO.. '.. 94 St.. between Mnlmnn ani? Main. A1.IN l.K WIS Dl- h'ckiKM. WOOD FINISHING FOR first class work call Anderson. : s wood finisher. 434 E. Burnside. B-2862 WRECKING WE buy, sell and wreck old bulidlngs. International Hutldlng Wrecking company, 807-11 4th st. Marshall 1834. annd Qooinriis, TRANSPORTATION BAYOCEAN Snort Ooean Tonrlst Trip. From Portland to Bayocean. Oregon's 3fw Buuui maaort. Ten Hour Trip on River and Ocean. leT Portland Tuesdays at t m. nu Saturdays at 7 a. m. Elegant and faat going ocean boat MUin T3U 110. Keels a Is Carte- Berths 91 and 11.50, Boat leaves Supple's Dock. T. . rOtTES KXAIiTY OOMTAJTY 730 Oorbett Building. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELE& AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT SOBTB PACiriC I. S. CO. S. 8. BOAWOKB and S. 8. EI.SXB SAXX Every Wednesday, alternately, at 6 p. m Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder Phonea Main 1314. A-1314. MARTIN J. H1GLEY. Pa. Agent. W. H. 8LU6SER. Freight Agent S. S. GOLDEN GATE Sails from Washington St. Dock Mon., July 31st, 6 p. in., for Tillamook, Bay Citv, Garibaldi and Hobsnnvllle. Freight anri Passengers. Phones M. 8619, A-24C6. Wlllamett Biver Bout Str. Oregon for Mlpsion and way landings, Mon., Wed. & Fri.. :45 a. m. Str. Pomona for Oregon City, dully 8 a. m. 2 p. m.; Sun days 9 a. m . 12 m , 3 p. m. Oregon City Trans. Co.. Tavlor St. dock. Phone M. 40. By TRANSPORTATION OrSM BITBB. TBAJmOaTATZOB 00. STR. J. N. TEAL Freight received dally at Oak st dock for Tht Dalles. Hood River, Whit Salmon. TJmatll. . . . la. Ken ne wick. Pasco, Richland, Hacf or. Whit Bluff and all intermediate point. TCBST CXASS SAISBHOSm SSmTZOS FARE 50 CTS TO HOOD BXTEB, WHITB SAXKOB, TKB S1LUS. Steamer leave Portland 8unn Toaa, Thurs., 7 a. m. Returning leaves Th Dalle Mon., Wed., Frl., 7 a. m.. arriving at Portland about 5 p. m. same day. w, S. Buchanan, Bapti W. 8. Bmallwood, OenT. Mgr. Phone Main 3960. A-3127. Ban Tranelsoo a Portland Btaamship Co. New service to Los Angeles via Ban Francisco every five day. From Alnsworth dock, Portland 9 a. n4 Bear Aug. 1; Bos City Ang. ) Bearer II From San Francisco, northbound, 12 m.r Boa Olty July 30; Beaver Aug. 4; Bears. From San. Pedro, northbound, 12 m.i Bos City July 28; Beaver Aug. 9;Bar7, K. A. aloahar. O. T. A.. 143 Fhlva it j. w. Jnanaom, Agent, Alnaworth Book. Phone i Main 403, 386; A-1408. COOS BAY UIINE STEAMER BREAKWATER Sail from Ainaworth dock. Portland, 9 a. m.. June 10. 16, 20. 26, 80. July 6. 10, 15, 20. 26. 80, and every 6 day. Freight received at Alnsworth dock daily up to 5 p. m. Passenger fare first class, 10: second class, 37, Including meal and berth. Ticket office Alnsworth dock. Phone Main 268. Main 170. A-1224. "Bud" Fisher