1 16 THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1911. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 ViiliTiCD YOtTNG L.APIB8 " rOR TE" Jl'PHONF OPKitAT NO. WITH OR WITHOUT EX PERIENCE. APPLY THB PA CIFIC TJ-LEPHONhl ft TKLR ORAPH COMPANY. TH AND I AST ANKENY ST8. WANTED Lad v pin no player and sine- j or. moving picture and vaudeville j hoiih-e, out of cltv: must bo able to play , manuscript music; ref erences. Address. I M-117, Journal. I V A. S'l'l'A - Women mid girls sofa pillow tops; o.id pay workers. 414 Stjajrl st to make for neat r- stats I. A I Y onko h-ik'T f (lollcrtter-seu, rs2. Journal wanes wanted. V.- II ELI WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 10,000 POSITIONS Fo. graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trade in 8 weeks; help 10 secure portions: graduates eflrrt $15 to 125 weeklv: expert instructor; tool I free- wrlt fW catalog. MoJer System : of Colleges. 36 N. 4iht. Portland. I WAXTni- Man unVf wife in a small . hotel; wife to work for husband's board. A-S0B9. I EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 55 C, R, HANSEN & CO, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office 26 N. 2d st Portland. Ladies' department. 7th and Wash. sta upstairs. Portland. 4.4 Front Ave.. Spokane. T-H9 4th St., San Francisco. Established 1876. Butts & Eldredge Emp, Co. 24 N. Second St. Main 8205. A-I291. Red Cross Employment $P N. 2d. cor Burnslde. M. 6296. A-5736. WANTED AGENTS Salesmen Ho! Salesmen wanted to sell the most complete line ot nursery stock In tht nortnwest. Cash weekly. CAPITAL CITY N (JKSERY CO.. Salem. Or. FBI JUBLE salesman ear! maae big money selling our well known line of hardy non-irrigated trees, shrubs, rosea, etc Outfit furnished; cash weekly. Ad dress. OREGON NHRSERY CO., Oreiico, Or. A SALESMAN wanted with security to represent me in Astoria during cen tennial: a local man preferred. Louis B. Marks, manufacturer and importer of jewelry, novelty souvenirs and deco rations, 472 Washington St., Pcrtland, Oregon. CASH every week for salesmen selling our clean, hardv, well-rooted nursery stock. Outfit free. Good territory. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. SALESMEN make money selling our home grown, guaranteed stock. Oood torrltory; money advanced weekly; posi tion permanent; complete line. Yakima Valley NurseryCo., Topnenlsh, Wash. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line ot Pacific coast grown nursery stock; cash pal, weekly. Pacific Nursery Co., 308 Corhett bldg. WANT four agents on 60 per cent com mission. 482 Vfe Washington st. SITUATIONSMALE 8 MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 270 MADISON, BET. 3d AND 4th. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYES Ol EMPLOYE. MAIN 3555; A-6634. THE BURNS. Special rates to permanent guests $4 per week and up, close in, new, nicely furnished, brick building, hot, and cold running water and free telephone In very room. 106V4 12th St., near Wash- lngton. Marshall 2790. MECHANIC A I, engineering dra ftsman wishes position; experienced detaller, some designing, in locomotive, heavy machinery and automobile lines; a technical university graduate. Address H. N. West. 163 V. E. 17th Bt. ACCOUNTANT. 25, 5 years' experience !n railroad office, rate ard claim clerk and cashier wants position. E. Thome, tieneral delivery BOY, 17, wishes work of some kind in town' Is handv around automohlles. Address A. V., 363 2d st. Phone Main 6158. FIRST CLASS all around carpenter wants work by day or contract. Phone A-4192. CARPENTER wants Job, repair or new work, by day or contract. Addresa S3 Shaver st. COMPETENT carpenter foreman wants position. D-765, Jon null. SITUATIONS I EM A LE WILL care for small rooming houaa for housekeeping rooms; experienced. W-776, Journal. YOUNG widow wishes situation fn home of widower. Call after 6 p. m. 719 Division st. CURTAINS wnnted, hand laundry, TSc and up. Woodlawn 2SS4. LADY -.wants work by day or hour. East 4260, room 1. GIRL WHiits day work. 'Idr per ' 406 Vancouver ave East 0030. hour; tflTUATIOXS U NTKI AND F KM ALE -MA LP! 23 MAN snd wife wishes Job on rnnen where everything is found; both will ing workers Write or eull 821 7th, rooms 2-5. Main 61 2. MAN and wife wishes Job as camp cooks. 35 men or Ipkh. Write or call 821 7th, rooms 2 5. Main 6128. DRESSMAKING 40 FIRST-CLASS sewing day, 82 Ms Grand ave. home :4S7. or by NURSES BO WHITE SHIELD HOMEConrinemsnt cases only. 237 Far,;.. Wdln 3249. WAXTliii Maternitv nursing by expe rience d woman. I'honx Main 4110. FURNISH EI ICOOMS WEST HIDE O NEWLY furninhe.1 tiont oorn, prlVHta, Ightr.r view. 3!0 I .n rrnl k;- With fine l.ntli. etc.; d. walking dlst.'inii 1 1 enp. nt., l, car WELL fuinlsl.e, looms, t; nnd up Also suites suiiat.io n ventent location t o pcopl, i'.,n Morrlson st , 1 ' CALL 83 N. 14th st. for newly ".' nlehed sleeping morn nnd housekeep ing ruumi. ii iiiKiiij; uiK'anc; . i.V u, S i, a., ,nm,,II " op-. i posit ' Hotel Portland, furnished ! . " n " up. transient. rriir t.i tt , .m.' . "." " , mo i.i--iii -iv.r,. xamnui; roonrj; I hot und cold npfttr, steam heal, pri- r ree jaiionr niinaui. Main 7764. AliIiONlmtel. Nl cely furnished rooms hot and cold water. $2.1.0 week snd tin K68 Thlrd. 1 TffE "rOTlMF.R Newly renoVHterl rooms. Rath nnd phone.-Walking din tnnce. 23 18th st. i no i-ie iuiiiinne'1 rrom rooms, ornj I'ingiv, r tgie. reasonable rent Call after 2 m. 264 12th. THE TEMPLE. 143 it Yamhill .i P""H?. .Hotel l ortland. furnished f roKi:'HAiN Vku.a'n1 v t..ll-JX i iTiiiinn j ..Hi) fii witK mi. i rnniinnt ' ...... ..li V7. -n. VL . I L I . ii m mo i n iO will ! '',f0n$(iaUKfr wSwi. nice TeigliSor hood.' 0 Clay Bt, . JilCE ' large airy front room, suitable for two. Phone and bath, (10 4th S. !-'-iv;''''r::-:':'-c:-. . FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE tel mm YAMHILL AND 2D ST. We will be pleilsed to show you through our hotel nml ran assure you (hat i- .11. giving the pub lic the mpst modem service that cm obtained. Our rates are very rMsmmWi'. Let us try to make you comfortable. nrcKiNr.iiAM hoteT Hschclor apart meal s at the Bucklnjr hani lintel for you and your chum, $3 per week, with prlvat bsth $4 per week: hist location In Portland, acroBS the -fleet from Portland hotel. 330 Yamhill. iO.N'i'l Mfeplng porch, furnished new, inrjre enough for ". wulking distance. 2 nice clean new Hloeplng looms, walking I distance; furnished. Several housekeep ing rooms; walking distance. Phone 1977 Marshall. Flanders st. ALL outside rooms. Splendidly fur nished. Also two rooms with alcove nnd private balcony. Completely fur nished for housekeeping. Modern con veniences Prices reusonnble. 475 Clay. Main 6621. Empire Express-Baggage Co, Trunk, 50c; second trunk. 25c; case free. Prompt service all hours; get rate on piano and furniture moving.. A-1030, Main 1 860. 270 1 2th., cor. Jefferson. HOTEL RENWICK Corner Seventh an Taylor Opposite Hellig theatre, one block from Portland hotel: strictly modem; a nice home for business people. Main 916 COMMERCIAL hotel, linden new man agement, hot and cold running water, choice rooms at $2.60 up per week. 483 Washington st. United Trans,, Neer Closed One trunk, 50c; additional trunks. 6c. r7H Madison Marshall 2894. A-4 986. NEATLY furnished basement rooms, cool nnd dry, running water, $6 to 110 per month. Suitable for working people. f Couch. N. E. cor. IRth St. THE KINO, 39 Jefferson; nicely fur nished rooms. modern conveniences, central: rates including bath. $2.76 per week and up. THE COLONIAL Some rooms, suitable for three very fine people, with largo closets, at $4 and $4.60. Also $2. 5'i and $3.50 rooms. 165- 10th st. NICE furnished rooms $3 up; transient 50e up: also housekeeping rooms. 381 Yamhill. THE PALMER, 360 V- Alder, furnished rooms, $2.60 per week and up. FURNISHED K003IB KAST SIDE 53 THREE housekeeping rooms in private home, all new and light, private bath, walking distance. 166 E. 12th. Phone East 3332. FINELY furnished, new pleasnt rooms; board If desired. 840 Hassalo st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 3 room flat, $11; 2 rooms with water, $8; 192". Market st. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms cheap. 350 Chapman st. Inquire 7 to 9. p. m. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 JMMETT 76 W. Park St., rooms with hoard, $6. Table board $4.26. A-l. WANTED A few elderly ladies in pri vate homo; comforts, conveniences; 302 R. 60th; Hawthorne car. FURNISHED room with board, private fnTnllv sronil lnenttntl $5.60 per week. Phone E. 2S31 331 Broadway. BOARD and room in private family, good location, best car service, east side. CaH East 1977. THE MAGNOLIAS 617 Kearney: home cooking and modern conveniences; under new management. THE Whiiuhall Family Hotel, American plan; every modern convenience, 4 squares from P. O 253 6th. CAN board and room few young ladlea in modern home, very close In; laun dry privilege. 188 Lownsdale st. THE CASA ROSA- Large, airy, fur nished rooms, with board. Splendid locution. 300 Jefferson. WANTED Young room and hoard. man room mate; $5; 614 E. Ash at. WANTED ROOM AND HOARD 89 BOARD and room wanted by young couple In strictly private family walk In" distance; references given. W-779, Journal. housekeeping; rooms h west side THE SUTHERLAND. Newly furnished housekeeping rooms, electric lights, gas range, hot nnd cold water free baths and phone. W and S car. Cor. 27th and Thnrrnan sts. Main 2036, A-4174. Rose City Fark Transfer Trips to Rose City Park dally. Piano ana rurniturn moving City work also. 202 4th. ' Main 8125. A-7287. FURNISHED apartment; private en trance; cleanest and bet to he found. Also single housekeeping room; all mod ern conveniences. Price reasonable. 4u7 Columbia St. Hunt's Express & Baggage Co. 1 trunk. 60c Additional trunks 25o ach. Grip with trunks free. A-8415. Marshall 3,416. THE OLIVER First and ( lav sts.. tinder new man agement: centrally located; 2-room housekeeping suites completely fur nlshe.l Free bn tli and phones. 35cFjK ONE TRUNK And 25c for each sddltlonal trunk; moved , promptly. rhone United Ex press Co Marshall 2408 A-7432. 495 Clay St. -1 hulls nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range nice yard, private entrajice, modern, $16 per rrfcntl.. Main 8957. NICE cleanTiouBekeeplng rooms In 1 end a room suites, from $10 to $-16 monthly, close In. 308 13th st Phone Main 3fi28. HiM!TkEI'7PING NTc7T7 fiTrnlpheil large, room and kitchenette, porch and lawn, g;is, phone, bath and use of piano. 691 Lovcjoy. Main 5 167. TWO housekeeping rooms with alcove bedroom, Fink, water and gus range 1n rooms. 2!4 14th St. 1 1 o U S E K E E J ' 1 N F"ro 1 fn h , " 1 1 gl 1 1"," Bat hand phone, slnple or ensulte. 547 Morri son St. i 'LtiSE IN' connecting housekeeping rooms, delightful surroundings', pri vate eli tr.T nee. I'f, 1 11th Kt. l.AUUE housekeeping room with ruri nlnir water, large pantry and porch; fi'ii gas and phone. 194 N, 1Mh. j.AICGE and con vmi lenT rooms furnished complete for housekeeping. 631 Thur iniin t. Fl KN1SHED housekeeping and sleep- tng room, reasonable Flait.UTB. close In. 488 lti -- Nicely fdi nished housekeeping laundry. 176 rnonr ?ist nt bath, gnf, phone, laundry. near Washington. I FURNISHED hntiKokceping Bnd sleep i lng rooms, Jl to to $2 per week. De soto I louse, 291 2d st. I'Wo nice connecting housekeeping rooms, wood range, gas plate, nice kitchen. I'hono Main 3753. A-7042. SUITE oF furnished "housekeeping rooms. AdultN. $15 per month. S74 Second st. , Nl' 'ELY fumisBed housekeeping rooms nil conveniences, clean and cool. 47(5 Morrison st. 3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. lights. rrsonahl with sink In kitchen, gnw and electric 349 K'th St. N'.r,i?' f n.,!,,.,t',' .. h"osekf.ePln anl 1,11 H'H'B IVIINTN, HI! conveniences; 269 "th st. MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light, vf ? Jjndjfrsj e 7i Ji F I .', ndf"rs. A-4076. TWO large hmiHckeephTg' rooms, one $2 and one $2.60 per week, 310 Clay., HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WKST SIDE SELECT hottsftceepi: I NO ROOMS If you want aomHthlnor home Ilka, well furnished and very reasonable, either single or housekeeping: rooms, no to the Del Monte, 167 Stout street, V block from 20th and Washington. 2 or 8 well furnished h. k. rooms, very reasonable. The Idaho. 889 6th si HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS KAST SIDE 48 THE ST. MARKS Clean, two room housekeeping suites, $3.60 per week, $12 monthly; gas. froe phone; also one housekeeping room, $2.60 per week, 110 monthly. 3924 K. Burnslde. 108 V4 UNION AVE. The heart of the east side business district; 2 and 3 room housekeeping suites, completely furnished. Rents reasonable. I uHVNSTA IRB for rent, nicely fur nished, modern, for three months or longer. 795 K. Salmon. Phone East f3 6jS. . F U K nTSHED housekeeping rooms, pleasant outside roqm, 32 up. The Piedmont, 164 Union ave., corner Bel mont St. FOK RENT A fine large front room In private family, unfurnished. Also 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms; very reasonable. Inquire 635 East Main. L Kill T housekeeping rooms $2.25 to $3 per week; sleeping rooms $1.60 to $3; transient solicited; electric lights, free bath. The Lambert, 28V. Union ave. URQK, light, beautifully furnished housekeeplng rooms In new modern 664 K. Madl- home; every convenience. eon. 3 housekeeping rooms, ground floor, good neighborhood. yrd, gas range. 749 Mississippi ave. NEW and desirable front suite of 8 rooms, all conveniences. $26. Phone Enst 6014. 826 E. Stark, near 27th. 2 FURNIHHfcjD housekeeping rooms, home privileges. $14; gart, lights and water furnished. 166 E, 16th. Wl ' U WTI1PT hniiMlf,,ntnif rooms 110 per month. 641 Delay street. Lower Alblna. TWO housekeening rooms $12; 3 good sleeping rooms, each $5; use of bath ooms, eacn Belmont st room. 6 70 TWO and three housekeeping suites, $10 to (.ii; rree Dam anu pnone. id- Wil liams ave. THREE rooms. unfurnished 640 E. Stark st. sekeeplng HOTEL ACME, 131V. Union ave. House- keep 1 n s nioms!lnfl9a Menwu HOUSES FOR KENT Hi Greater Meier & Frank Store Rental & Information Bureau Home hunters visit our modern, com pletely equipped Information depart ment, fourth floor, main building, and note the vacant houses and flats on our list. You'll save time in getting properly and comfortably located. We keep In touch will all tho vacant flata and houses in all parts of the city. We have the combined lists of all the real estate r.gents In the city. We also have a list of all new buildings In course of con struction. If You Want to Rent a House See Us, $20 6 room corner house, modern plum bing, full basement, on car line. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.. East 35th and Clinton. Sollwood 768. WE can furnish your norr.e at a great saving. Bee us before purchasing elsewhere. M. Ostrow A Co., (4-6$ N. $d st Complete housefumlsherr. P. sonable prices. Easy terms. FOR RENT Two 6 room cottages E. 30th and Gladstone avV., In first class condition; $17.50 per month; no water rent. Keys at small store on same cor ner. WANT reliable party, rent 6 room mod ern furnished house, Irvlngton dis trict, till Sept. 16th. $36 for season. 422 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ROOM house, modern conveniences. 2 porches, closets, shade trees. Inquire of owner 1143 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 2277. ELEGANTLY furnished 7 room house, corner lot, basement, bath, gas, Wood and 4th. Sellwood 805. FIVE room modern bungalow, garage, $20. 7720 68th ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Woodmere, 2 hlkff, N Tabor 3061. HOUSE for rent, lease, furnished or unfurnished. Piedmont addition. 400 Cambridge. Woodlawn 84. $30 New modern 1 room house, on Hawthorne ave.. close In. Tabor 2270. FOK RENT Eight room modern house! 568 Gllsan st. 7 ROOMS, house fit for boardlnghouse, $18, close in. 603 Worcester bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 8 FOUR room house, east side, close In, all kinds fruit, garden, electric lights, gas. new furniture, for rent or sale cheap. Main 4097 A BARGAIN; new oak furniture of I room modern lower flat; rent reason able; clcso in. Phone B-2481. or call 92 E irlh. FLAT for rent, furniture for sala. 170V4 Tenth st., pnone Marshall 234. FU RN I T U H E for sale, house for rent 8 room flat. 167 N. 17th. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 EIGHT room house, completely fur nlshed, 15 minutes' from 1st and Alder stK, rent reasonable. Inquire of Beals - Robinson, I-., lltn ana Stephens sts. 1'honn Last liOliJ. SIX. room bungalow. ne.w furniture, $22.50. Tnke Hawthorne car. Cal! evenings. 26.ri E. 61st st ELEGANTLY furnished 7 room house. west sine, comer lot, basement, bath, gas. Wood and 4th. Sellwood 805. SMALL 3 room house, plainly furnished, Inquire 84 Olbbs St.. H. APARTMENTS 4a THE MEREDITH. Corner 22d and Washington, 71$ nicely furnished apartments, walking aisiance; mooerate rates; best service. M. 7130. RE- UK AN apartments, 624 Marshall si., under new management elabor ntely furnished, 3 rooms, private bath, phones, elevator, balcony lawn. Nob Hill district; reasonable. Main 6032, TnKB w car. SAN" MARCH APARTMENTS E. 8TH AND COUCH STS., NEW BRICK, all 3 room apirtments with private baths, gas ranges and phones, rents for sum mer months $23 to $27.50. Phona East 2751. THE M'KINLEY. 429 East Morrison, corner of 7th at, High grade lurnlsned 8, 2 ana 4 room apartments; private baths. Best service, moderate prices. ALTAMONT APARTMENTS. Beautifully furnished 8 and 4 room apartments; rent reasonable. Main 6080. 34 College Bt. ONE modern 5-room apartment. Tele phone, gas range and refrigerator. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. The Ormonde. Main 8251. MAI1R apartments, elegantly furnished. comforts of home, private Dhonea and oaths, elevator, private plaground for ehlldren. 228 N. 20th st. Marshall 3088. THE7 MADISON PARK A P A RTmT-NTST Park, Cor. Madison. Furnished apartments, individual phortes. convenient, downtown district VERANDA apartments, 2 or 3 argi, light, airy rooms in new corner build lng; avery convenience. 654 E. Madison, NORpICA apartments, cor, Belmont and Grand ave. 1 and 2 room furnished apt's.; free light, heat, bath, phone. AVALON apartment," furnished and un furnished apartments, sleeping porch- es. Ross and Clackamas sts. East 8173. ME1J1UM priced apartment, modern, 2 and i room furnished, unfurnished. 334 5th. . ' FIJRNLSHED apartments, 614 Jeffer son st Main 6413. , 48 THE DEZEND0RF JOS 16TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 6 room unfurnished apartments, which are now completed are situated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes walk of the business center. Reservations may be made from own er on premises or by phone. Main 4795, A-5648, THB LILLIAN APARTMENTS. Cor. 6th and Montgomery. Cool, airy and comfortable. Modern In every respect. 2 and 3 room suites. Try to duplicate our prices. Marshall 1878. FOB RENT FLATS IS NEW modern 8 room flat, basement, furnace, laundry, gas range, heater, elegant china closet and wardrobe, French plate glass, easy walking dis tance, 2 people only; price $26. E. 7th and Couch. Telephone East 1316. MODERN 4 room flat near 28d and M. Washington, reasonable. A-2676 STRICTLY modern 4 room upper flat; swell location; cool, large attlo; prl vate basement and furnace. 442 12tW. FIVE room modern flat and bath, $12 per month. 729 V. Williams ave. NEW. modern, 3 room flat, $17.60. Phone Tabor .766. FLRNI8IIED FLATS 50 FOUR room flat furnished with piano for the summer.- 802 V . Holladay are. 8 blocks from Steel bridge. FURNISHED flat; owner will take part ront in board. 147 N. 21st st HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND only; $8. $6 day. European pln BELVEDERE European, 4th and Alder. SUMMER RESORTS TENT COLONY. New tents, every conven ience, on the finest beach in the west; fishing, surf and fresh water bathing; splen did scenic surroundings. Convenient, reasonable. Where? AT SUNSET BEACH, Send for Beautiful Booklet KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERY, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. SEASIDE. "Irvlngton Cottage" for sale, all mod ern conveniences, including hot and cold water, electric light, fireplace, sleeping porch and open air dining room, com pletely furnished. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phone Main 8699. A-2653. SEASIDE 8 room furnished cottage for sale, big bargain for $2260. Inquire Gearln, 428 Mohawk bldg. COTTAGE on Boardwalk at Seaside. 775, Journal. Z- STORES AND OFFICES 11 LARGM place, 80x176. on Front between Main and Madison; Just the place for machine, blacksmith, boiler shop or .eed store. HALF of new three story brlok, 60x100, flate glass front 16th and Marshall, table for light jobbing, manufactur ing or retail: divide spac to suit ten ant or tenants; long lease. A. G. Long. FOR RENT. 144-260 Front nt, long lease, neai Madison st bridge. J. Blmon 4 Bro. NICELY furnished office or desk room. Telephone and service of office at tendant No other tenants. Rent reas onable. Room 614 Selling bldg. FOK RENT Large outside office, and reception room, completely furnished, with phone. 1020 Chamber of Com merce. DESIRABLE office rooms at moderate rents. Janitor service, light and heat Included. Madison bldg., N. E. corner 8d and Madison sts. New store, low rent, rood for work ing men's trade, cor. Russell A Kerby. SMALL store, 342 Front St., $16. Suit able for grocery. STORES for rent. choice location for any business. Sinnott, 812 Yeon bldg. WANTED TO RENT room irte WANTED To rent 10 or 12 house, walking distance, west must be modern. Will pay good rent for suitable house. G-774. Journal. SMALL modern house by responsible couple, no children, permanent; must be reasonable. State full particulars. Z-78;!. Journal. A couple desire an up-to-date furnished 6 to 7 room house, close in. Refer ence. Marshall 124S. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. IS Horses for Sale We have on hand one car load of as flna lot of mares and geldings as ever came to Portland, taken under mortgage from a bank in eastern Oregon; range in weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs.; age from 4 to 11 years; sound and good workers and will be sold under our guarantee. Prices from $250 to $475 per span. HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES. 420 Hawthorne ave. MICHIGAN BUGGIES. RUSH FORD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy either above, see our stock and get prl-es. We are located outside the high rent district and for that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a seoond hand vehicle when you can get a new one at about the same price? R. M. WADE & CO., -Z riawtnome ave. The Murphy Horse and Mule Co., and HAWTHORNE AVE STABLES. Sell on commission, horses and mules of all gradas, single nr carload lots. The only strictly commission dealers in the city. Regular auction sales every Tuesday. 420 Hawthorne ave., cor. E. 6th. rhone Enst 72. R-13 69. A NUMUEK of eastern Oregon horses and some good farm mares, all those horses are sound and well broken; every horse guaranteed as represented. Mad ison Sale Stables, 1 Kfi V Madison st, near Dri(igeon w-.'St sine 5 IIKAVY, fat draft, horses with two wagons and harness, all working now Will also rent or sell two story barn 84x46 feet, and lot 60x100; will give ruronaser mv wori. mono woodlawn 654, or write Z-772, Journal. LEAVING citv, must sell regardless of price good family or delivery horse and line buggy. 8lB 68th st. 8. E. End of Hawthorne ave. earllne then walk west one block and 2 blocks south. ONE fine team, mare and horse, ages 6 and 8, chunky built, weight 1200 each, well matched, true and sound; new 2 Mllburn wagon and good har ness. Tabor 2088. HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. East 72. FOR SALE 1 team of mares, 2600 lbs.. and one t'A Mitchell wagon. Must sell this week. . 613 24V4 st. North, J. Baker. WANTED Good one horse outfit. Must bo complete. Call at 168 Dakota st Fulton oar. RELIABLE men with heavy teams and wagons, rinu steady work at Edlef n Fuel Co., foot of Russell. TEAM and express wagon for sale. 695 2d sr. FOR SALE 8100 lb. team and wagon and harness; must sell. Sellwood 49 1 . CAMP wagon for sale. McDulin. Main - Z607. , To.' r-., APARTMENTS HORSES, VJ2SSICtE&, ETC. 16 PAIR, weight 2650 pounds, kind and . V I. !!' an . 1 . A IIUQ, .flu RlllglQ Ullf UUUWtU, BI1U guaranteed that way;i trial allowed price, with new act heavy harness, l7, 606 Alder St. Pair closely-mated dark chestnuts, 2750 lbs., both 8 yrs.; can pull 5 tons in any reasonable place; this la the greatest opportunity for . farmers or contractors to get horses right from hard work at about one-third their actual value. Ask for Mr. O. W. Boyer's horses; also trucks and harness, very cheap. 606 Aider st. $160 will purchase pair of good, sound. rree working geldings, suits any dusi ness, wt. 2250 lb.. trial allowed. 601 Alder st. $126 will purchase 'pair of young, kind mares, wight 2000 lbs.; kind and true, together with new set or heavy breecn lng harness; trial allowed: this team was taken for debt and must be sold. 605 Alder St. $45 will purchase good, honest working and driving horses, fully warranted and trial allowed. 606 Alder st. $160 will purchase closely-matched pair of cherry bays, 6 years old, sound mare and gelding, 7 years: wt 2300 lbs. and they can. Outpull any team that weighs oo lbs. more than they do; trial allowed, bob Aider st. Any of the above horsea will be Bold allowing trial and ff not as represented upon bill of sale, money refunded at 506 Alder st., also a full line of new buggies and harness, both single and double at prices- lower than the lowest. CANADA MARK. IN FOAL. $100. Handsome black, sound, 7-year-old mare, in roal, weight liou lbs.: heavy in foal to a Belgium stallion that weighs 2200 lbs.; can be seen and trial allowed at 605 Alder st. $300 cash will purchase handsome pair or Y-year-ota geldings that weigh Z700 lbs.; they work together like one horse and cannot be duplicated for less than $4 00; now the proof of the pudding Is in the eating; call and be convinced that I have what I advertise at 506 Alder Bt. Notice to Ranchers, Merchants and Contractors Will arrive on Saturday, July 29, with the best carload of eastern Oregon horses that have been here this year. They consist principally of mares, weighing from 1000 to 1400 lbs., and all broken single and double, and right out of the harvest field. Anyone want ing to buy a bargain, get around Sat urday, as I have these horses bought so that they can be sold. Kvery horse guaranteed exactly as represented or your money refunded. PHILIP SITTER. 294 Montgomery St., Cor. 6th. Phone Marshall 1412. TEAM, harness and wagon for sale cheap; bay horse, black mare; weight of horse 1450. mare 1500; Kenilworth Park. East 34th and llolgate sts. Dan Sears. GOOD family or ranch mare, fast trav eler, wnh buggy and harness cheap. Take Sellwood car to Insley ave., walk to railroad track to house, 781. LIVESTOCK ANT) POULTRY S3 $1.50 EACH. 12 Standard bred White Leghorn hens. I have 8 R. I. Red cocks left, better see them. R. Green, 8Rth Htid Clay. Tabor 805. rOK SALE An extra Missouri jersay cow, no place to keep her or $160 would not buy. Ask for Parcher, Mar shall 264. BUFF and White Orpington eggs almost given away. Get wise. Murphy, Sell- wood. 1230. FOR SALE Black Minorca laying hens, Leghorn rooster and young chickens. T80 Ivan st., near 23d. GOOD fresh cows at 709 Harold st, SeMwood ave. Phone Sellwood 1171. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 FIVE different full blood breeds of pup- ( ' ,vi iv, " " wiuia iviiiciib, fcvi- toiae shell ana maltescs, $5 each. Dr C. E. Brown, veterinary surgeon, 91 E, 12th st. Phone Main 4086 or East 6440 FINE Great Dane pups for sale at once 4 months' old, pedigree. Prize win ners. 4 28 12th st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IB NEW and second nana pool and billiard tables bought and sola on easy terms: fowling alleys, refrigerators for Imme diate delivery. Address tuo Brunswick p,ll;prnllender Co.. 46 6th St. FOR SALE A traction wood saw In first class condition. It has a horsepower engine. F'or terms see Nel son, 92 E. 72d st. N. Take M-V car. Call evenings. FOR SALE One Newcomb 4-harness loom, Barnes combined saw. set Arm : I strong pipe dies, good as new. Part or , i all cash. Phone W oodlawn 2542. 6AFKS New and 2d hand: low dHcm L ea!y terms; safes opened, repaired and I painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Port.and fare Co.. his fith st. Main S309. A-4118 USED sewing machines, $3 to $25. guar anteed Perfect stitchers, machines rented, repairing. New Heme agency. 3,-m, mormon, next 10 lull U1DDB. DRESSER. chiffonier, dining room ch would trade for typewriter, or Z-780, Journal. Main 8622, TYPEWRITERS Remington $30. R Premiers $27.60. L. C. Smiths, Under woods. Northwest Typewriter Co., 90 ttn ex. nv.ii.ijn, items a incn wheel, new tires, coaster brake, all In A-l condl tlon, cheap. 208 H 4th st. FOR SALE Drop head Davis sewing machine, in gooo condition, $15. Call i In KrooKlyn st. FOR SALE Office desk and furniture Must be sold by Friday, 215 Colum bia bldg. STICKER, shaper, handsaw, ripsaw, motor, shafting, etc. Oood as new; cheap; terms. W-770, Journal. I.-1 1 1 A I f I , , .,l ... t,i.,, .'I,. p,...r niA ii. gas oline engine with good woodsaw. 875 jH'i'liili nvc, rv'iiwiniu. FOR BALE One Dayton computing Bcitirn, incoii, nuiei ivoyai, 104 ci. 8d. jrtoom . FOR SALE New, second stoves, fur- mture. zoi rianaers. Mar. 1370. CONTRACTOR'S equipment, by United e;ng. tjonm. 10.. ill L,ewlS Clflg. SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fTttlnga, naw. 2d hanrt. 813 Everett M.. 7617. OLIVER typewriter, good as new, $35. E-770. Journal. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 FOR SALE At bargain, a cabin boat )1177, journal. ' 18-FT. sailboat, fine condition, $75. Ma son's boat house. B-1263. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS O WANTED People or Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second hand household goods. N. M Keater. 148 Russell East 1663. EAST SIDE auatlon jobbers wand 2d hand furniture, hlghast erica paid. 4 Grand ave. E. 1061. TOOLS Highest price paid for 2d hand farmers' mechanics', loggers' tools. Levin Hardware co., 329 Front. M.-9073. $600 worth 2d hand household goods In large vr small lots. Immediately. aey f urniture uo., jast l sou, BE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by selling It to Ford Auctk.. Co.. 211 1st. Main 8961. A-2 445. WANTED Good 22-ln. coaster . brake blcycje cheap. Phone Main 6327, aft- er 6 p. m. WANTED Goo green cord wood, low est cash price f. o. b. Portland. X 774, JournaL WE BUY CLOTHING, EVfcRYTliiNrG? Highest price paid for men's, ladl' castoff clothing, shoes, MV. 2080. 290 1st BARGER S AUCTION HOU6B, 370 E. Morrison, phone E. 1033, pays highest cash prloe for furniture. WANTED 2d hand furniture. East 8134 . 348 Hawthorne ave. Wiater Murtln. WE DON'T ask what you want for your furniture. We moke east- offer, M-1M4 WANTED Traveling bag! wllj pay cash. W-778. Journal. - ' WANTED Moving pic-tuia machine, gas outfit, folding ohausete, V-768. J)urnal V v MUSICATj INSTRUMENTS 84 AM honestly In need of money, am will ing to sacrifice my piano and 20 rare oil 'paintings $125. X-771, Journal, Please answer.- - LEAVING city and must sacrifice beau tlful $400 piano; used one year, for $160.' Terms . if desired. Call upper flat. 441 18th st. Cor. College. tlEA UTIFUL new $400 piano, leaving the city, and will take f 160: big snap. W-W car to Ivanhoe. 4611 89th ave., B.E. AUTOMOIJILES-MOTORCYCLES 14 Automobile BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY. I860: Maxwell 1910. model: I naaaen. ger; fully 'equipped. $775: Thomas: 6 passenger; fully equipped. 1876; Bulck; 4 passenger. $925; Chalmers 1010; fully equipped. $475 Bulck; t passenger: fully equipped. $876; Franklin; 6 paasenger; fully equipped. $800 Cadlllao; 4 passenger; fully equipped. $1025 Cadillac; 6 passenger; fully equipped. , $876; Studebaker; light delivery truck Also have a number of 7 naasens-er cars that we will accept smaller cars as part payment. We have the largest stock of sllarhtlv used cars on the coast. Come In and look them over. i OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington sts. FREE STORAGE FREE STORAGE. NOTICE AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. Wa Will Store voim ear frA A n A 11 It for you free of charge. If you want the cash quick, don't fall to see us. AUTpMOBILES BOUOHTVSOLD AND EXCHANGED. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington sts. AUTOMOBILE SACRIFICE. I need money and will sell dandy 6 passenger Reo in fine running order. uiiv eau Dried, oood tirew Tin In n dandy; If I can sell In a few days will take $350 cash. It Is worth twice what I ask. Phone Main 7776 or C-2598. PEFORE YOU BUY N AUTOMOBILE Call and look over our lartre stock of slightly used cars. We have them: all malces and every one a real bargain. UKKUON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington sts. Springs guaranteed 16th NO. 1 old auto tires, 7V4c per pound; In ner tubes 23c: solid tires .T Levi. 188 Columbia St.. Main 5198. NEW and second hand cars for sale. Hawthorne Auto Co.. 86th and Haw thorne ave. WE HAVE for sale and trade a number or cam or various kinds. Central Oarage. 212 Fron st. $u5 IF taken this steam runabout. Bros.' store. Union week. Pope Toledo" Inquire at Murphv ave., Tillamook st. FINANCIAL 01 6 PER CEHT MONEY. For building or house purchasing as sistance payable the same as rent. The Standard Real Estate Loan Co. (Inc.). no v numner nr iommrce nlo. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's eaultv In contract nt sal on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. Fl. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. LOANS WANTED SO $1500 wanted on planing mill, house and corner 100x100. I am willing to pay the costs of examination of abstract, bit no brokerage. X-776. Journal. WANTED $1800 at 8 per cent, on ex- I ceptionally fine bungalow; will pay attorney fees, but no interesL or brok erage. X-775, Journal. $1500 wanted on new bungalow. In Rose City Park. Phone Main 8622, or W-777 Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 11600 $1800 $2000 $2600 $200. To loan for 3 years at 7 per Wnt on Improved city property. Cash for the purchase of first and second mortgages and contracts. All of this money is now available. Apply todav. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Mortgage Loan Dept., Chamber of Commerce bldg. SHORT TIME LOANS. A SPECIALTY, confidential. Reasonable delays. Strictly rates. No C, Frank Nichols 603 Lumbermens Mdg,. 6th and Stark. Don't Borrow Money Loans on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc; lowest rates BUTTON CREDIT CO., avi npaiding mag. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLkl. Women keeping houe and others furnished without security, cheapest ratea, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It. and pay as you can Offices In all principal cltlae. D. H. Tolman. 317 Lumber Exchange. Will Loan You Monev On jrour furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate ot .Interest Sea ma first J. E. Nichols 615 Yeon Bldar. Quick Wns on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life Insur ance Policies, livestock, real estate. .Vi ft Batata ft Brokerage Co.. 313 Hamilton bldg. Main 3084. i Money to Loan On furniture pianos and livestock. ?lr,c!lv. nfl"nlaL Adolphus Lane. 414 Ahlngton bldg. MONEY in amounts from $500 to $6000 to loan on Improved cltv real B,e.r'p?l.!,,bl1:,Weatern Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. WE make building loans. Portland Home Building Co.. 414 fltai-k ihnn A-5194. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry" strictly confidential. 141U 'ii mil near Alder. $100,000 oil mnrfg ages, city or farm Dronerry. lira insurance. itTenai m ATI V.U.. . nrrniurr i-Hini. jq ana Aider. PRIVATE funds to loan, any amount'; terms easy; mortcaaen niii-nhari Henry C. Prudhomme Co., Spalding bldg! MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty! building loans; lowest rates; fire ln- turancn. nr. it. obc, au railing, uuii'K. loans on ait securities a n- K1 r. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6 1 oo! MQKTOAUK LOANS, 6 ft 7 PER CTONTT Louis Salomon! 233 stark ht ' WILL purchase your mortgage notes. J rran rortcr, u chamber of Com. MONEY to loan, to 8 par cent. Good- nougn Deux, iiv opauiaing blag. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estata.' rarrington, am -.ommeroisi tJIUO bldsT. MONEY to loan on improved real state. I. Tj Wklta. 701 Selling bldg. BALAKY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL; F. A. Newton, 616 Henry Bldg, LOAN for tha asklnc. salarv or ehtl tel. ' -ins Lioan jo., 414 uaKum bid. Money to loan on reaL fist AtBI , A. H. HARDING, 318 Chamber of Com, $1000 to $96,000 to loan; no commission. .Aanresa particulars to a-771, journal.- WANTED To loan $400 on city prop- erty, Improved. Z-770. ' Journal. I HAVE $6000 to iban on 'good security. Hedln, 430 Worcester bldg. HAV'E ilO.OOO to loan on good real as- lata securuy, jl-yvu, aoiirn-i. . LMM M SSI (Gi 22 N. 16th at ONEY TO LOAJt St Bas-sM-V -VACATION LOANS $10. $20, $30, $50, $70. $100. - WHEN YOU ARE II IEED OF - rfady cash GIVB US THE OPPORTUNITY Tqh SHOW YOU OUR WAY OF OOING BUSINESS IT WILL PLEASE YOU BECAUSE OUR RATES ARE THE 1WEBT. OUR SERVICE IS SUPERIOR EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE ( AND CONFIDENTIAL STATLSECURITY CO, 808 FAILING BLDO- We Loan Money LOW RATES QUICK -LOANS NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. Any Amount From $10 Up On furniture, pianos, storage rer ' pta, livestock. arnonds and all othei ..lnds of porson.-.l property: payments ar ranged weekly or monthly to r lt your convenience. Courteous treatment to all; prlvste offices and all business strictly confidential. CRAY CUNNINGHAM. aoi-8 Rothchlld bldg.. 287 V4 Washing- ton st., between 4th and 5th sts. LOWEST RATES; loan on any secur ity, chattel or real estate. Union Brokerage Co.. 613 Ablngton bldg,, 108 V 8d st. LOANfi. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 to ?. per cent. J. FRANK P UTER. 904 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICES 2- REDEMPTION OF BONDS OF THB RAIL WAV EXCHANGE BUILD ING COMPANY. Portland, Or., dated August 1, 1910. Bonds number one (1) to number ten flu,), both numbers Inclusive, of the above issue. In conformity with! article 3 of the deed of trust executed to tha undersigned, dated August 1 1910. se curing said bonds, will be paid by the Security Savings & Trust company, Portland, Or., on surrender of said bonus August 1. 1911, at five hundred and two and 60-100 dollars ($502.50) and ac crued Interest. Interest on said bonds will cease to accrue on and after that date. SECURITY SAVINGS & TRUST CO.. Trustee. By R. O. JUBITZ. Seo'y. PORT OF PORTLAND. Oregon. July 24. 1911. 'Notice is hereby given that the name of the screw steamer "Pearl," of ficial number 160,762, is changed to "LydJa-Anne." P 8. MALCOLM. . Collector of Customs. LOST AND FOtTND 31 SILVER coin purse. Initials J, C. 8., be tween Canton bazaar and Coffman's, Washington street store; liberal reward if returned to Mrs. F. A. Stuart, Alexan dra Court. LOST Gold open face watch, sun dial, with K. n. T. M. fob, between E. 1st and Burnslde Bt. Reward. Phone Wood lawn 2960. LOST Brownie No. 2, A-l camera, on Vancouver car, Sunday: party finding same return to 160 Grand ave. N., or phone East 1 922; reward. STRAYED or stolen, brown Jersey cow with red halter with rope attached; strayed from Stone lumber ramp, Rldge fleld. Wash. Return for reward. LOST Lady's diamond sunburst brooch. Liberal reward. Phone E. 1872. PERSONAL WANTED Men wno are despondent, have ott ambition, nre eaa'ly tired, sleep poorly, back aches, feel that they have lost their former strength and vi tality and those suffering with stubborn discouraging diseases and ailments to come to me and receive a free friendly talk and examination as to their condi tion. If you desire treatment terms can, I be arranged to suit your means. Dr. Walker, exper specialist 181 First st Drugless Healing Mrs. Corlnne Adams, new apartments, 91 V4 6th st., near Stark.- Psychlo mag netic healing, electric blanket sweats, medicated baths, newest and best equip ment In city. MEN CURED QUICKLY Modern electric treatment for dis eases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases. W. I. Howard. M. D.. 304-6 Rothchild bldg . . 4th and Washington. YOUNG bachelor, good trade end some property, would like to correspond with lady between 25 and 35; no objec- ij Hons to 1 or 2 children; object rnatri- f.i money. Address P. R., P. 0. Box 481, ff "L U DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis- eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid- ney, bladder and piles. 181 First st, if Portland. 4 Dr, Alice A, Griff Diseases of women and children, have removed to LaFayette bldg., 313 V Washington st. ' Dr, Mary Kramer Specialist for women and children, examination free. 861 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 1 673. WANTED Lady with some means to go Into legitimate money making busi ness, object matrimony. Please write and learn particulars, or call 294 Jef- ferson st., Portland. Harry Colson. WE do everything In ladles' tailoring. Suits to your measure from $36 up. T. M. Ehrllch Co.. Phoenix bldg.. 6th ana uag. LADIES, why worry when A. A. A. sup posltories. $1. easily regulate female troubles. For sale only Ausplund Drug MEN that are weak, nervous and run down, write for Vito-Vigor. Inform ation free. Results guaranteed. Vlto Vlgor Co., 224 H Wash, st.. Portland Or. OCCULT, new thougnt. scientific and school books bought and -old. Sendfl for free catalogue. Jonea Book atora ' II z .,bk st. j-ienry ning. DR A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of, women and surgery. Ex amination free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. Main 4047. HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, mag- netio healers, treat all chronic dis eases. 267V4 Russell st, Portland, Or. Phone C-2127; hours 7 a. tn. to 6 p. m. ANY one knowing fVie place or residence of J. N. Penerf please communicate with the Balkan Trading Co., Ill N. 6th st., Portland, Or. RELIABLE- spiritual adviser, answers ail questions successfully; cards and palmistry taught. Room 2, 848 Vi Mor rison st. BOOK ot Nature. Fam.v HM, Mabel Gray, Fatal Passion. Decameron. Be hind Footlights. 60c each Catalogue free. Schmale Book Co,. 229 1st. SANDERl.ON CO., Sevin and Cotton Root PI'.ls. sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 box or 3 boxes for $5 by mail. T. J. Pierce, 245 H Morrison. YOUR shoe soles will outlast fo'ur un- pers. Formula 10c, coin or stamps !. Main 0')7 I IVJUO HIBIII ...--I, MISS. E. DAVIS, vibratory fae and scalp treatment. Room 4341V Mor rison. s C. HOLMSTR6M, Swedish masseur! nerve and chronlo disorders. 302-3 Oregonian bldg. J DR. KETCHUM Diseases peculiar to- men. Washington building, 4th and Washington streets. Main 8474 LORENZ Nerve Tonic TahlAta. . ""'" -u- uu. a noxes 11.26. Btlpe-Tsylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison. WOMEN Use remolds when others A fail; sold and guaranteed by tho Aus- " BEAUTY FAKLJJR Facial masBage! scalp treatment, mnnlcurin fiuita 21. 422H Washington st. ' U PARTY going to St. Louis or vlclnltv will find It to their interest to S Tnunlcate with Z-773, Journal. LADIES' Lorena Antlseptio Conea ara'' oothlng, safe and sure. $i p. box Btlpa Taylor Drug Co 289 ulirR-V., .A-iu Marvelous cure for weakness in men, money returned if it fails: ' Dr. Pierce Homedy Co.. 24B.' MnrrffoS' mib WHAKR, manlourlngforTadles and gentlemen. oom is, 341 Vi Mor- rison. t&&i' chody and pedl-."r1"-- Williams., 6-3081, E.-3383 ma ' fS'rf6";3- t0T fllMSSa Of ) omen. 132 Davis st. Main 21i, i A I l -1 - is- ;;'t,:;l,:.V.;KUa,i::'i,w-.u'.;,: j,'. 'lS9rl'i'.-"--""