rv 1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; "PORTLAND, JUXT 23, I9ir. . . THE CHOCOLATE : DROPS!- Chocolate Eclair and Chocolate Sundae, Sweetybunch and Ctitey TKeir Adventures! ' . . Jff Jr--, - J ir-AJ ('I ' f Hall I - Or Mute JUfMi r . r-iv vvi x 'tw vrrv v-.. I "Heah' a chance for a nice little joy ride. Nobodf a-lookinj." -MGee, but dl it slow. Let's foller dat auto-mobubble." cewi I'T" '-'T. . .. - "rV- 4.::- pa 1. P LOBSTERS ; . SERvA HERB I 1 -"Now den, shake dat bicycle and we'll have a huah enough ride." ' . r".- "' ' ' ' -" i- -V,- '.5 '. i..T i ' "i ,V.-.'r . . n.v,:.', ..vi .i'Ty ..',niu; V '-.' f ' ' - ' - . . j . .w, --. v .,.1. ..,-. -v.4,a wii,.,' .''.'wi-'iV'f ''" - - V.-'-' v'IW't.- l-.jlW .--mi. .fc-i WSi.:) 's-.;--4t Look out, honey, whar you' trine." ' ' --; - ... . " LOBSTERS V jhpiJ '' 5 "Who -whodone gone gone off wif my cyar?" -- " - . .i i m 7 Honeybunch and Cutey taker a tumble -MDar dey is ahead. Peddle all you might, Cutey. 11 r f 1 8 While Chocolate Eclair nd. Chocolate. Sundae' see them jugged for stealing iho bicycle 1 W, 4 f 1 i'