The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 23, 1911, Page 61, Image 61

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THB drowning (MMt U wttt us
again. Thin is dreadful thin
to call summer.'Twt the records
of our seaside and lakeside re
sorts show only too sadly how true tt la.
And yet nine-tenth of th person kilted
acuta have been saved If only propar
And peraeverlng treatment bad bean ad
ministered. The Brit tjhing to do when a drowning
loosen tho clothing; worn and to
Spectator stand baok ao as to viva tha
patient fresh air. Crowds kill mora
persona by suffocation than tha sea doa
Next, empty tho lungs of water by
laying tha person on her sto.maeh and
lifting her by tha middle, so that her
bead, hang down. Then, In thla posi
tion, jerk the body a few times. Pull
tha tongue forward ao that It doea not
cholt tha patient by clinging to th
throat, and. if necessary, tie It with a
fcandkerchlef and hold It '
Now imitate th motions of breathing
Ty alternately eomprasslng and expand
ing the lower ribs, doing thla about
twenty time minute (the normal res
toration la about alfhtee'n a minute).
Tha lungs may b etlmulated AlS by
alternately raising and lowering th
arms from th sides to above tha head.
Co thla without vlolenoe, but persist
ently, and apply warmth and friction to
th extremities. Two or threa persona
can work at anoa oa th batlent in thla
SUPPOSH that you hav bunga
low In the mountains or a cool
cottage bear tho lake or ocean
and you ate making It a summer
pleasure to share your home with your
friends. Let hie talk a little about your
Bummer guests.
If .you are Inviting a friend down for
f Wrt fta t h r A jlttVa mtaim th, ,v,it lnlh
pf Uaie for which you will arrango. Do
not give an inde&nlfrs Invitation, but
stat explioltly how Jons; you wish your
f uest to star, and If possible outline A
w of tho things that you will do. Thla
affects considerably th plans of your
guest Just how many dresses ah will
brlnr and th kinds. It can be don in
a natural, gracious way jn your in vita-
won, wnicn anoma do woraea so as to
maks a welooms felt and tha recipient
fully comfortable. It Is just ka emhar
rasalnsr to arrive at a nlaea with all out
ing clothe and no evening dresaea as it
Is to revers the order and have nothing
but fancy costumes when camping out la
ui oraer or the day.
It la always beat to arrans for your
guest to. bo met on arriving. X think
that It obviate Mi difficulties In reach
ing our house, anil seems to ettend tha
right hand of hospitality at th very be
ginning of the visit U tt la lmposslbl
Without Amis
DBA Mrs. Adams.
L What is the meaning of a sod
Aess seen la cloture without arm
and somstlmes without headf
t. What la your opinion about the fol
lowing: A girl has to wot for her living
Imop eoes nouaewora in oioar woras, sue
a servant. There Is a normal achooi
here ana. tne girl eiuaenis tnn
students think It m rile.
grace to be seen With a "servant," as they
tell hr, 8n Isup id style andTiae
good obaraoter. When she waa a stranger
Xbey seemed anatoa t meet her. .
i. i ne picture or ins ngurs without
Arma la one of tha statu of Venus, th
foddeas of love. From your description .
cannot onUghtan you about tha flgur
witnoui a nean. ....
A My opinion la that th girls ar
cutting off their own nose when they
allow a girl's resneatablo occupation to
stand between their frlendshlpa. -
Do Not Interfere
To C O. Av--If Vou ant not. ano-earaif
to tho younor man In question you ar
presuming when you forbid him to
travel whenever he wishes. You ar
also making a grave mistake to hint at
marriage. Possibly th man wishes to
be a good, friend only and ha no Idea
i "i AF
, i v
j " th jut
manner. But be) aur not to shut off
tha oonatant Wpply of all tha freab. air
Aa a last reaovrc you can dtrftefly In
flate the patient lunra from your owrw
Hold th tongua forward, aa beforaj
close th fcottrlla and preaa baok tha
Adam'a appi. ao a to laa tha n
trana to tho atomaob. Then take
deep breath and ttpir tt ftntbty lata
tha motttb ofitha patient and aompreea
her cheat to xpertha air. Repeat this
action until normal breathing at re ea
It U poaalbl to sare those tpparnUr
on Social Customs
for yon to moat your guest, a servan
or an Of the family should b sent
When your visitor arrives, after a
hearty greeting the ahould b shown to
bar room and made comfortabl. A
bunch of flowers, a dock, A well-equipped
sewing basket and oool comfort ar
things that should characterise th
guestroom. Hav a bunch f flower,
some light refreshment and glass and
pitcher of cool water for tha traveler.
These little thlnga count so much In th
general' welcome.
It la always wall tft acquaint your
guest with the hours for meals, for
nothing Is mora embarrassing than to
And that one haa kept a family waiting:
through ignorance of timing tlm.
Tour maid. If you hav one, should b
Instructed to help In tha unpacking of
trunk and should offer her aervloes sit
dressing time.
Lastly, after your guest has been en
tertained and made happy In .every pos
sible considerate way, tha rules of hos
pitality demand that everything ba done
to make the parting pleasant. If you
wish that your visitor would stay
longer, don't wait until she la bidding
you goodby. To say ''I wish that wa
could perauad you to stay another
week" when th trunk la at th door
aounda a trifle insincere. It la a foolish
thing to do.
The baggage should b conveyed to
th station at th expense of tho host
ess, and. If possible, tha ttokets should
be bought by a servant, th gueat pay
ing, and all annoying details of the trip
A.nA that Is about alL t think.
X think. With
thla knowledge and a friendly feellns for
the Invited one, you Will find that sum
mer entertaining Is a Joy to your guests
and to you. . .
?f marrying you. If you aherlrfh his
riendshlp isdvla you not to mention
the subject of marriage to hUn again.
Wet&ing Queries
l Adanua
Dear Mrs. Adams
i. If tha brida a
tha bride at hdtel weddm wears
a suit and hat, doea ahe wear gloves t K SOL ,
suit and hat, doea ahe wear glov
when does she remove themf
I, It an Informal reoeptioit Immediately
follows the asremody, do th bride end
arrcm ranore inw awves)
thai clove ajid tha ft-trf
ber hat and eoatf ,
. after the eitloo a dinner Is
aerved and the bride still wean her hat,
does ah remove tt bet or entering the
ny sort of progrant or bihusemeht
kfter the dinner of the above de- .
wedding H the. bridal couple leave
ir trip directly from the hotel
4. Is any sort of
given .alter
eriDea w
for their
. . .i nm won vi m weaaing, When is th
bride's bouquet thrown at her gueat and
when are the adieus saldT ,7 4
f. Does th brlde'S nnthef or the gneeta
wear hatef A constant REACka
I. Tes, gloves Should bo worn. Th
left on may bo removed Just before
th-rinar la-allpped oft th finger, or the
third finger of tha glove may be ripped '.
beforehand. This save all confusion
. aund trouM. v... .
. . Tha groom .romoVee his right glova,
out th brid keeps bera on; also her
coat and hat unless it 1 unoOmfortablj)
TJETfr .x J.y- fX'f Sl
. , tt"'"111 ' .i a if vr i 4
dead fof hours by persereranoe and de
termination. Despair and weeping and.
wringing or hand WOHT bring back
your dear on; tmweetrled treatment anl
attention MIAT. .
Aa aobn aa breathing- begmat roatltba
patient to a warm bed and gire her
weuin drlnka of any aort or aloohollo
plrlta ta tea spoonful dosea. "All that
nature requires furthar la trash air and
Other auggeetlon are: In thw lint
tares of treatment lay th patient faoa
downward, either flat or with tha head
lower than tha feet this Is ao that tha
water may run out of tba air passages.
warm, when tli oot may be remove.
A 'No. She may remove thorn after
aha Is seated at tha table.
4. Not necessarily.
I. The bouquet may be thrown Just as
ths bride and bridegroom ar speeding
away In their carriage. It la not nec
essary for th newly married couple to
bid each guest goodby. (The bridal
party and the parents of th bride and
bridegroom are ths only persona to re
ceive an individual adieu, x
A Tea.
Her Maiden Name
Deer Itrs. AMuns.
Will yoa klnlr tolt toe what Martha
'traahlgfon's maiden nam w7 Bhe waa
twice married, and bar name was Mrs.
Cuatls wbea she marries the father four
oountry. SUBSCRIBER.
Her maiden name waa Ball.
Bendinr the Comers
Dear Mrs, Aden
Will you kindly ten one of roar
the alrnlfloanoe of bending the left er
the richt-aaa eerasr et vUIUnt carte
This custom does not prevail any
longer. In days gone by the ends of
the cards Were folded when tha person
called upon waa not found at home.
The left side of tha card was folded to
Indicate that every one In ths family
waa included In the call, and the right
side was bent to assure the. household
that the oard waa not left by a mes
senger, but was presented by the caller
In person. This treatment of the card
gave It a very mangled and untidy ap
pearance, and this fact soon led to in
abandonment of th custom.
An Obligatory Colt
bear Mrs. Adams.
II one accepts or soe oi aeeeet aa in-
yltatlon to an
aiiemoon reeepuoi
or a
luncheon. IS one
niiectM tty call
the hostess Terr soon afteft aad What is
h limit of the time, that would be
considered aood form
m? AN2UOU.
In either case a call ehoWd b mad
within th two week after th date as
ths antartalnmsnt
A Theater Part j
Dear Mr Adaua
I am going to give a theater party soon.
would i ee expeotea to lurnien i
to eat during the performance f
any aady
, Should w rldeT I live about four square
from the theater. If so, should X rurnlsa
the earfaret H.
. No; H Is not oonaldorod propr to t
In tb theaiter.
It Is not naoeasary bo ride such a short
Order of, Party
Dear Mr. Adams.
In whal
order should the bridal party
march to
to at
and from tha eJtnr where
la but one bridesmaid and on best
I one nest mlnr
Ths usher should lead the way to
tha altar; th bridesmaid follows. Be
hind ber walks th bride, alone or lean
ing on ths arm of her father. Ths groom
and beat man stand with tha minister at
tho, chancel steps, and as tho brid
draws near, ths groom steps forward
and lead her before th minister,
whan th ceremony l over, tho brid
I laces her left hand . on ths groom's
rm and they lead the march out of
th churoh. followed by th.
By Mrs. Hlnry.'S yjvies
In only ellgbtly retarded breathing turn
th patient on her aid and apply am
monia r smelling salts to tha nostrils.
Then rub tha oheat and face until they
are warm and dash hot and cold water
alternately upon them. Often, how
ever, these things are not available at
the moment and mora atrenuoua meana
must bo reaortad to. S
Keep tha patient warm, above an
things; and remember always that nor
mal respiration cannot bo re-established
if there be no air to breathe.
In other words, keep before yoa two
great mottoes: Keep off tha crowd, and
dont give up I
bridesmaid, leaning an tha arm of the
best man. The usher are tb last In
the procession.
'Attentive to Another
Dear Mra. Adams.
1. i nave been coinr with a young man
for a
qoapit oc years ana save been led te
was his only love.
Recently, how-
young Jan?
ha snowed her marked attention. After hme
departure he returned to me. Waa it proper
for me to forgive him?
t. Is It proper for me to go with a base
ball player T Are they considered sporty T
t. I expect to go to a distant city very
son. I have bean Corresponding with a
young man there and If appearances ar
not deceiving, be haa been very true t me, .
If, however, I should And that he ha aa
other girl, what shall I doT
4. I have been going with a young man
- since I was 11 and I am now nearly 10. He
la a model young man, but very bashful.
Would it be proper for me to propose to htm
next year-leap year? CHUMS.
1. Unless you wr engaged to th
Soung man, ho has committed no offense
1st needs pardoning.
A Tou should cortelder th young
man'a character first of all. That Is
really the important thing. If he bears
a good reputation, and you find that he
live up to it, do not hesitate to asso
ciate with him.
1 There Is no need for any uneasiness
In your mind, for tb young man will
no doubt aav you from any cmbar
rassmenu Tho only thing for you to
do Is to let him make the advances.
A If you had any respect for yourself
you would not ask this question. Give
this matter serious thought Would you
like to be conscious of the fact that you
sought, rather than allowed yourself to
ba sought after T
Anxious to Know
bear Mrs. Adams.
I am a girl IS years eld. ht love with a
young man one year my eenlor. This young
man la always Very attentive to me at par
ties, and He always takes me home but he
never calls or aski me to go out with him.
Do you think he love met Would tt be
very Immodest for me to aalrhlm now be
feels toward me? BEWILDERED.
My dear child, you are entirely too
young to b bothering yourself with
such questions. Boy and girl of 1 and
IT year should be nothing more than tho
best of friend. Be a sensible girl and
do not put such an Improper question .
befor the boy.
trhe'Am Question
Dear Mm. Adams.
Will you pleasa advise me a to whether
a man ahould take a girl's arm while walk
ing, or vice versa f My opinion la that th
girl should tak the man's arm; am I cor
" ractT W. W.
Tour Opinion la right It la not consid
ered good form, however, tor a girl t
do a unles It la absolutely necessary.
Dress and Duties !
Dear Mrs. Adams. "
Will you kindly name the duties end ares '
Of the beat man at a quiet informal wed
ding to ee neia in ine rectory ei a cnurcnT
U X. T.
t am sorry you did not tell ma what
' tlm of day the wedding is to be held.
The proper dreea for a wedding cele
brated In th morning or afternoon con
's elstg of a black or dark blue f rook coat
- high white double-breasted vest, or ona
that matches tha coat in texture, gray
trousers, whit linen, gray suede gloves,
. patent leather shoes and a top bat. .
t : For a night wedding complete evening '
. dress) is customary, namely, evening
' dreea coat black trousere, low-cut whit
vest white lawn tie around a standing
collar, whit gloves, patent leather ehoe
evnd A top bat -
iaj8 arms akov tU kwd.
, TOv"
V If.
,1aiik-1ai-itrfiTlfi WMiii-iiA,-Mf ti'. vnn J'hiiiiii'iiiieiri
XPIJES to letters aent t tha
writer of this department will
-a-V ba printed in rerular Order, but
no replies in print may be expected In
less than thro or four weSka
Correspondents desiring Immediate
replies to queries may get them by
Inclosing a stamped self-addressed
envelope. Personal Inquiries will re
ceive prompt attention If accompanied
by a stamped and addressed envelope.
Blackheads, Obesity, Etc.
Dear Mrs. Byrne.
Will you kindly mcreat a good treatment
for blackheade?
Also tell me what to do for open pores.
Every one aaya that walking a great deal
will reduce the weight. I walk a mile to
and from school twice a day, and It does
not reduce my weight.
Do chocolates and confections make a
person atout if they are eaten after dinner
every day?
What can I aa ror my nairr it is very
this, and lately
I nave had dandruff.
A Ai&rW KhiADBTrl.
Here Is a recipe
blackhead euros
for a splendid
Green Soap Treatment for
Slnoture of green aoap 1 ounces
IsUlled witch hasel I ounces
Let thla mixture atay on only a few mo
ments; then waah ott with hot water.
If th green soap Irritates the skin, as It
sometimes will, use it every other day.
Apply a cold cream.
Green soap may be purchased at any drug
store. It la not a regular "cake aoap," but
la of about th conalatency of ousiard-
Opan each aeed axne with the point of a
fine cambric needle. Th hardened mase
must be preaeed or picked out. The empty
aao of the gland should then be bathed wU
a little toilet vinegar and water, or with a
very weak solution of earbolle acid and
water.,, Sterilise the needle before uaing It
by dipping into belling water, aa the use
of any Inalrument unleaa the skin aa wall
as the needle is thoroughly cleansed, la
always dangerous.
First of all, It Is important that the
akin ba thoroughly rinsed with cold
water after the pores have been
cleansed with hot water and soap.
To redoes th porea to their natural
aiie, bathe ths skin In water to which
a UU1 alcohol has been added.
Walking will not reduce tha weight
unless quick stsps ar taken. If pos
sible, walk five miles a day, and it will
hasten reaulta It you will run part of
tha way.
Tes: such sweet things should be
avoided If you wish to get rid of
superfluous flesh.
Apply castor oil to tho scalp two or
three times a week. Th scalp should
be massaged ones a day for ten min
utes. Pretty Eyes
Deaf Mra gjrmea.
What makes my eye lock ao dull and
' aleepy all th timer I am a great ad.
, mlrar of area and feel Jealous that mine
ar not pretty. JUUA.
Th condition of both tb body and
th mind 1 shown very quickly fa the
eye. -It Is important, than, that you
car well for your general health.
An excellent treatment for beauti
fying the eyes 1 eight or nine hours'
sleep every night In a well-ventilated,
darkened room.
- eaaeaaaaaaaaa'
- Cause and Cure
Dear Mra tymea.
I have bad plmplee, but after they dis
appeared they left brown spots. I should
like to know what eauee th pimples and
also hew to remove them. W. K. T.
Impure blood ana th Improper Cf
I - ! j - 1 M l ' r 1 ! I
"N H VSs, 'tA'Wii V
!. ' 1 ' i.i . .
. ,1:1'
-w' f
x yr i G
' 71 'J?'-
. - x $rr
-i niirti--f Vhr frn-niii i mT
Queries Answered
of the skin will produce pimples. On
should have a doctor prescribe a flrst
claaa fonio for th blood, and cleanse tho
skin thoroughly every day with good
soap, warm water and a complexion
brush. For local treatment I advis
you to bathe the pimples In water a
hot a you can bear it Dry the skin
and then apply the cream for which, I
am arivlng the recipe:
Foaatti Cream for Pimple
rrtract of violet 10 drops
sweet almond oil 1S4 drama
Sulphur Dreclpltate 7B grains
Lianoun if grain
Oxide of sine.
Hands Look Shriveled
Dear Mra gym.
1 do all my own henaework and after my
bands have been in water for any length of
time the skin looks ah rivaled. Whal can I
do ta Improve their appearance?
K. K. K.
As soon as you tak yeur hands out of
water and they ar dried, rub vinegar
Into them. Everye night apply, eold
Recipe for a Cream
Dear Mra. Bymaa . . 1
Can you give me a recipe for making an
inexpensive face ore an containing almonds T
W. 8. T.
Her la the reolp you desire:
Witch Hazel Cold Cream
White wax..... 1 ounce
Spermaceti 1 ounce
Oil of almonda H pint
Melt; pour Into a mortar which haa been
heated by being Immerses some time in
boiling water. Very gradually add three
ounces of rosewater and one ounce of
witch hatel and aaalduoualy stir tha mix
ture until an emulsion la formed, and
afterward until the mixture Is nearly cold.
This cream la particularly useful to
heal sore er stretched skin.
Desires to Turn It Gray
Dear Mrs. Byrnes.
Will you kindly tell ma how to turn an
auburn awltch gray? My hair is nearly all
gray, and I should like tha falae hair to
match. K. I W.
I do not know of anything that will
turn your switch to ths color you desire.
A Face Cream
Dear Mra. Byrnes,
1 wish yeu would pnbllab a reolp far a
face cream. I hav used auch a formula
with good reaulta, but have lost It. Will'
you kindly publish It again? It Is flavored
with roeas. MARQABBT g.
Possibly this Is th recipe to which you
Boa Cream
rure wax...........................
1 eune
Spermaceti ............. ....,.
I ounce
Atrnvna ou
4 put
Melt together by gentle Beat then add:
Glycerin , I eunoe
Attar of roses 11 drop
Foun Queries
Dear Mrs. Byrne.
1. Pleas tell me how I can reduce my
t. My. hair Is very nn. How eaa 1 make
It thickt " . ,
I. I un easily, I should Ilk to know
how to prevent this or how to make my ,
face, heck and arm Whit after X have been
tanned, - .
4. what will make my Up a beautiful '
healthy red? . :
SETTS'. , .
L Rapid walking or running will re- .
due the leg. If you do not wish to v
accumulate superfluous weight, keep on
the move all the tlm, Be. very careful
that you o not overeat
A Massage thl acaU dally and. two r
-Z1 ' i.T
a :-'.;; :;.,
.tl(lt V (tilSH
' 1
thraa times a week rub In tt a geod half j
tonic. Vaseline or castor oil Is ajtceV
lent for thla purpose. ir
A Th only way to prevent your akin)
from tanning is to protect it from th
un and wind. Bathing th,
buttermilk will whiten it - v,
A First of all, you must be in grrod,
health. Next live in th pn a muck)
as possible. "Wholesome food and sufil--clent
sleep and exercise ar also bactaa.
'.. 's'et-
Hair on the Face
Dear Mr. Byrne.
I have quite a few hair on my face, aA
would ilk to have you ten re
thing I can us to take them an.
Th elecbio needle 1 tb only thlnaf .
that will remove the hairs permanent
ly. If you cannot afford this treatment
you can make tb hairs less netloeebl)
by applying peroxide of hydrogen ta S
tbem occasionally. . -, I
Hair Was Bleache'd
Dear Mrs. Srnne. , . . . 4
Some time ago any hair was bleached bf J
ei hairdresser. It waa a mistake, aad
th tlm I thought it would soon eoraev
back to its natural color. . It has been
about two month now, and It 1 atlll much I
llghtr than it should be. Tae natural color J ;
of It IS a chestnut brow .Can you ad-
viae me in any way? DISOOURAOED. !
The beat thing is to let It alone. TbaP,
effect of th bleach will gradually weaA,
Dear Mr. Symes.
Will you pleaae tall ca eoaatthing that
will remove aoaraf H. fL C.
Some scars are Impossible to get rid;
of. I do not know th nature of the
car to which you refer, but It will dd,
no harm to try to remove it by apply;
Ing an ointment made of 41 grains ol
borio sold and 1 ounce of lanolin.
The Teeth
ClaEAXIAKBSS la one of th surest
means for overcoming the causeA
which lead to th destruction of.,
the teeth. They should be carefully .
brushed night And morning. It is a good!
practice to rinse the mouth after each,
meal. If possible. Th particle of food
which lodge between the teeth deaom- ,
pose and cause, loontr or later, th
abominable tartar which la so fatal t, '
teeth. ,
Teeth ahould Hot be brushed too long
at time. Doing this injures the gums, '
and it ia In thla way that tha teeth ar
looeenedi, The upper teeth ahould be
brushed from above downward (from
the gums toward the edges),' the lowen
teeth from below upward., The inalde-'
of the teeth should bo ag caraf ulij .'
brushed aa the outside. '
Character in the Eye
BJJWAR.B of th man Who does nof
look you clearly In th eyA lie,
C has ptasibliltlea ; of evfl In fcl
ntture. i There jre eyes which are ,
luminous, others which seem h to M
veiled behind a curtain. '
Men and women of Uhe world are
accustomed to Judge human nature t r
' the expression of the eye Many peor e
... read character by the eyes, end ti
' thus dlatlngulJih th falte from tli Inyl '
ths frank from the uritftil, th haul
from the tet.dert the energetic from te
Indolent, the sympsOitlio from tli 1
different, . .;.
? ' ! i