The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 23, 1911, Page 53, Image 53

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How Our Familiar Farm
Animals Mav Be Re-
. j . -
as the Result
of the
Cf Oppose you were a
A Not a lean, lanky
.. !l-i . .Mt ' -J
fLV v.tM,"' 4(1.7
f i. w m w
' X It
if 't-1
(fee a man would take to catch a street car Wbua fraction ofit.W V.,v ' t -M 'iV Ail A l1 lAn" PwlwA
xf he had plenty of time. ; XSSmosciainUhatou were ) t'-XhhiV' ' ' ll - wWfc
j When -you .reached, your. .destination, exposed to tuberculosis! iYou'iooiddt il l'V; f IHb C : :i H J'UiJ ll
Mr. Pig, your temperature would have probabh &ct iL,just as'JO tda'per "J-- .'f'VU'V'''1 'Vst'i f
Wnfato theatre: That would be ent ofU li J t " Vf-'r' f-' '
OTfW generations oT selective oreeaxng, disturbed it robbed ycu of a great part of ;'it tetpenw of llr.otW their Mitbnee to' relation taicbrcodn
p i
I c -I l ' k , J0(,-1f'' - tS3 ytheyo superb specimena of humanity. ;
ji;i .kl , w 'rt ttf W1 Egyptian royal family re- ;,vi
1 1
1 -fer1 VI ki
tself as so greatly superior that
not marry outside of its own oir
ithout incurring what it deemed
' , '. contamination. Cleopatra was inbred for
17 t.H i VfA iV' EPneration3, and ner nrst husband wa
T f'iV'iM. iTer brother.
A tC"' 'J.J ii V t "''v'' "P6 io animals, it is being
AhmM n4ftar irf VT?1 every day that the reproduction of de-
;pigs;.,iifha- been fbund of laU '-Nw-'lW' inchW io 5 bolide, indeed, tkaCtKe ""l1 husbandry, undertook a eet (
miiBf'fatMviAMnilMvViriin WatiayTaa iraiO 'di' iin,n airiv ioitk.aa experiments. They promised well, an
industry and animal husbandry, has begun tions were nB98ari''TJXlvenilheir a)einfr deoi- humaa beings hive Men opnosed to it. E'When expanded until they began to exceed
let i' " i t .i.J k -I ii .i i!..:j..V.t.' - ?4. ,,-..... .i . -j .i . i i lur. ..i i nf tU DntU. .1.1
a series oj oreeamg experiments wmcn may
serve as a guide by which the future may
remedv the ermrx of th tiatt. Tint tin it
. V,,..;.- .A I I- 1 ' i , . ' r . aanger oi soeiug noiwy meir pronts dui
l ou were a aescenaant or ton z lines of seems reasonable tn suttose that an attmt,t postal m?;a .. k 0Vrn a;
muK-jLVVnr antes turs -pro ua povmes WtlO
'had been fashioned; through the selective
portion to your big, fat body, your tempera-
ture wouldn't rise so high on such slight
exertion. ' ,
Or, suppose again that yon were a cow.
and grew and
to exceed the capaci-
ftratns. for the rpas'nn that thp stock nrnn so 1100 where they will Drobablv 06' CSrritid,-Ott'vlhdall-.-i4'''-f:
0 restore the balance of nature without Kestore the balance of nature, says Doctor that the offspring would have been deficient even nitely , ; ',' : -'
losing ' the special characteristics which .Schroeder; and the resistance to disease will be if there had been no relationship." When the government experimc'aters are well XiiH
?n wen-umeni;icaiea uuik im iueir ib& it 19 vuo, tuat 19 prao . ,
sisters, who had been' ' ticaljy infinite,' and hardly capable of bxjing fln ilvv
innocently married. So , ished-r-they will probably have succeeded for'' -re
violatinir no eonvpn-. mulatinsr a reliable set of rules bv which anv on ;
are, among the hardest of animala to run down, tion, and their children were perfectly normal who desires to breed animals may be guided. ; '
. fl even with the swiftest of hounds. , -'If, was tragic when the truth , was , revealed, but "Tfot; Vhile sorhe individuals seent ''fairly IU0- v "
imJS , f , AndtOido all this, . says Doctor Schroeder, at least the offspring were not df'gciierates. . v cpssful ' in,, f bunding -special-types of fa.rm ani- i '
oe a clearing away 01 misapprenenv v 1 in ancient times, when ; different' , canons.? mala, the: science of breeding is yet In tU wad '
formulation of trustworthy breeding guided mankind, inbreeding wap attended by no ; Idling clothes.,, In fact, when its possibilities r ; '
1 me gQTwnmem now engagea in ' .evil resets that history, hns recorded. . 'Kathpr' considered, so little is really.known of it that it
i t v" ura wuwurv. n miuw umi uiu iiHYininu ruicra " cbq scurccLY even lie am 10 no in ho uukiict. m 1
TN THE opinion of Dr. E. O. Schroeder, head ; . ' ; ; : It is undeniable that alman profits not!
of the agricultural experiment station of from a flaw wtinut minttif ntinn in nuili'otus.x
Aff:u''BJ ind'i "V 'r consumption, andwho gets 'it and dies. Rather, Sons a
thesda, ild., it is high time breeders began ' she renresenta Iao. .n r,r.o.. . XiT7
to reduce their loaaea' from d;fiB W t:i ..W.:- Z:"T.T.r. , ,z"
:naturebalance to their farmtcatUe;;-- V know that thfe mptn.rlm0in mMW ! . .
. ; -f.' -'.'' r":i". f.-v ..'.-.i' ;''...!.".' : " -, . : . -v.-, " Mpcuurcuw, w"j cijy were moaeia ot tneir Kina, ana mat pnysicaiiy . ; ' . r (coistinxjed on usbwb rAws) , -