THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY, MORNING, JULY 23, 1911. 9 DR. WILSON SEES ' MANY STATES. BUT STILLLOVESHOME V. Portland Pastor, in Interest of Temperance Reform, Trav eled 14,000 Miles In, One ; Year 6 , Weekly Lectures. During a year' lecture tour In be ,half of temperanc reform, Dr. Clarence True Wilson has traveled 14,000 miles and visited 44 Methodist conferences. He has delivered an average of six lec tures or sermons a week. Dr. Wilson, who seven years ago came , to Portland from Newark N. J., and became pastor of Orace Methodist church, was made secretary of the new Methodist Temperance -society . a year ago. He came to Portland from Chi cago, concluding his tour last week.'. "The more I see. of other states, the more I love Oregon," said Dr. Wilson "There Is no climate like ours. We avoid the heat of an eastern summer; the cold of an eastern winter, the malaria of th 'south, the sudden changes of the north; the Illiteracy of one section and the sickening conservation of the other. Our people are Intelligent and progres sive; we are getting the pick of the other states. Then the more I see of the rotten politics of other states, th DUBS I UltJ 111 UlljT gUVCI . IUIU 11(13 ring rule In conventions, the more I be lieve in the common people s reign In Oregon through the Initiative, the refer endum and the recall, the direct nomi nation of the primary and the election or our senators through Statement No. 1. All Ars Interested. "Do you find the people of other states interested in Oregon experiments i'1 in self-government?" Dr, Wilson was ' asKed. "Everywhere I go, people are putting questions to me about our Oregon sys tsm. Preachers, lecturers and lawyers alike. Why, In lecturing to the Lincoln Chautauqua in Illinois, where I deliv ered 80 lectures Justbefore Hlarting for home, no matter wJrat my subject would be, the people would ask me to talto part of the time telling how Oregon elected her United States senators, how we mane our laws, what laws the peo pie have adopted, and how they have worked out In practice; no one subject stirred up the enthusiasm that our sya tern of government lias done every where. The Illinois Stat Bee associa tlon gave an entire afternoon to my art- dress on Oregon government, and to questions put to me. by the attorneys present, and whether they agreed or not It was eafy to see that every man was interested n the subject. Recent events In Illinois prove the need of direct pil mary nomination and direct election of senators and a hold on the representa lives through something like our State ment No. 1. But nothing has created the enthusiasm in my audiences that the description of two elections in. our legislature, when five years ago tin 21 Democrats stood up and voted for the two Republicans, who had been made the people's choice, and three years ago the ol Republicans who hud been elected on the pledge to support the peoples cnoice voted for the Dem ocrats because the people hml signified their choice. Work Progresses. "My work Is moving rapidly," said Dr. Wilson, telling of the effort he has been making to organize Methodists In hos tility against the liquor traffic. "We had to build our society from the ground up. It Is a discouraging process to get started. With a denomination that represents 3,000.nn members and as many Sunday school scholars, with a constituency of about 1 0,00,liio, e had to i-reate a new interest In temperance reform, and arous the pastors, the dny school officers and teachers. We have sent out frequent communications to the 3 papers of our denomination; we have visited and addressed the confer ences and league conventions; we have published and shipped out for distri bution nn immense amount of litera ture on all phases of the tcinpcr.-inc? reform, and as an organisation we nave cooperated with all existing temperance workers In various campaigns. We have given men now on their way to Maine, to assist without cost to the state In the battle royal ndw on there. I have sent out literature to all the states who have fights on with the gigantic trust in drug poison, especially with the liquor power. Likes Work. "We are Inaugurating a new pledge signing , total abstinence campaign through our Sunday schools and child ren. I have had 400 signers at a sin gle meeting. Besides shipping these pledge cards to thousands of pastors who are taking up the work of our White Shield league, I have published a - tract or leaflet written by the eloquent president of our society, Bishop Rob ert Mclntyre, called 'The Three B s , the Boy, the Booze and the Bishop.' It V is his own life work. Half a million of these havs been circulated In six weeks. We sell It at 26 cents per 100. We publish in tract form Emperor William's great speech against liquor drinking. We have it in German with his official sanction, and in an English translation as well. "Though it means many sacrifices, I like the work," assorted Dr. Wilson. "It furnishes a tremendous opportunity to do good. I have never been engaged , Jn any work I like so well, or see such possibilities In. I am glad to be at home for a little let-up, however. My " home and voting; place is Portland. I shall preach at Montavllla M. E. church Sunday morning and at other churches as I have opportunity to assist my brethren by supplying pulpits . and prayer meetings for them. You will hear from the Temperance Society of . the Methodist Episcopal church. It has a great mission in American life." SERIOUS LOSS IN CATTLE AND SHEEP '(Continued from preceding page.) the winter will be that much decreased. General North Portland market: Rest steers ....$ 5.80 Choice steers 6.35 (ff ' 6.7S Ordinary steers , . . 4.60 5.00 Common steers ............ 4. 004. 25 Fancy heifers B.tS Fancy cow B.00(ffl5.26 Ordinary cows 3.00ffi&25 Common cows J. 0008. 26 Fancy bulls 8.7644.00 Good ordinary bulla i.50a8.80 Common bulls .'.,......,,,, 2.0002.25 Fancy jlgbt calves .......... 7.00?.25 Ordinary calves 6.50 (1.00 Common calves . ... . ..... ... , , . 4,oo5.00 Womlna... Offering of Swine. While total arrivals of swine at North Portland during the nast week reached 1873, head, only 123 head arrived "avail able for the general trade. The re. malnder wer contract staff from the Missouri river " territory'. There Is a famine of hogs In the local market at thi time.- Local offerings are almost too limited to base a market and, therefor, it would he difficult to say what fair supplies- of .excellent qual ity would brlnr. , . . .-,- , .Whole swinsj values fluctuated consldf erably at eastern centers during th past week, the market at the doss of the six days' - trading was1 standing - at about the same - figures as last Saturday.. North Portland general range: Best light hogs ',;,, ?'''" i" Modiuro hogs .... v . ,,M . . ... Good and heavy hogs .,..,.. s.R0ffl.76 Rough and heavy hogs ..,.. 6.60.00 ' Sheep Values CMttlns; Bows. Sheep and lambs came forward to the North Portland yards so freely dur ing the past week that prices respond ed to the bearish condition. Receipts totaled 8198 head compared with 6371 last weak and 7808 a month ago. Prices showed a .further decline of about 40 cents during the past week with killers holdlnr aloft even at the lower figures. The cause of the bear ishness is the lack of sufficient feed room to take care of tin offerings. Heavy buying of sheen' and lambs by eastern Interests continues at interior Pacific northwest points and this is expected to be an Influence of con siderable importance w.lthin a few months; v Shfep and Iamb values: Select lambs J5.25CS6.35 Ordinary iambs 6.25 Best wethers. ....... 3.60 Common lambs 4.00 4.26 Ordinary wethers 3.00 Best ewes 8.00 Ordinary ewes. 2.602.75 Run of livestock at North Portland during the past week as compared with previous years for a like period: Hons Cattle Sheen 1911 1373 1910 ...2404 1909 .306 1908 ............ 261 1907 ...... ... . 130 190 1.... 27o 1906 291 2494 1364 1892 1415 1147 819; 84CS 4829 1945 1852 1124 2116 327 7155 A year aero for tnts same week there was general strength In the cattle and hog; situation, but sheep were rather weak. Monday's livestock Sales. . " STEERS. Average Lbs. 19 steers 1034 6 steers 1018 Price $6.15 6.00 6. 85 5.85 6.76 8.25 5.00 4.50 6.316 5.30 5.25 6.25 5.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 5.00 4.26 7.00 7.50 7.50 7.60 6.75 6.75 5.75 6.75 5.75 4.25 4.00 3.25 3.25 2.60 23 steers 1148 24 steers 28 steers 2 steers 4 steers 2 steers 29 cows 7 cows 1 cow . 1 5 cows 5 cows 60 cows .1080 .102B . 966 . 956 .llM) .1065 .1018 .1013 . 940 COWS. .1130 .).) .1040 .1100 6 eows 4 cows BtTLLS AND STAGS. 2 stags 1315 3 bulls 1440 CALVES. 67 calves 211 HOGS. 36 hogs v 130 62 hogs t 184 21 hogs 145 2 hogs 315 SHEEP AND LAIvfBS, 35 lambs 90 160 lambs 65 200 lambs 6 4 304 lambs "TT? 40 lambs fii 28 cull lambs 65 T2 sheep 123 1 sheep 720 5 sheep 90 Tuesday's Livestock Bales. STEERS. Av. Lbs. 1 9 steers 1117 26 steers 1181 11 steers ..lift 4" 45 steers 1044 3 steers 14 60 COWS. 1 cow 970 16 cows 1100 4 cows 972 7 cows 940 Wednesday's Livestock Bales, STEERS. Price. $6.25 6.00 6.00 5.75 5.75 $5.50 5.25 4.85 Av. I.hs. 5 steers . 1231 25 steers , ... j I 64 26 steers 1331 26 steers 1270 12 steers 1197 COWS AND HEIFKR8. 29 heifers 979 9 cows 1111 8 cows 1071 . 13 cows 1017 10 cows 1066 9 cows 923 BULLS. 1 bull 1620 1 bull 1520 CALVES. 7 calves 152 4 calves 140 6 calves 260 7 calves 230 2 calves , . . . . 235 2 calves 2 75 1 calf 330 SHEEP AND LAMBS. Price. $6.25 6.15 6.15 6.10 6.10 $5.60 5.25 5.25 4.85 $4.50 3.75 $7.35 7.35 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 3.00 551 Mt. Adams lambs ... 81 $5. 710 wethers 104 3.75 3.25 39 ewes 123 Thursday's Livestock Bales. STEERS. Av. Lbs. Price. 1 IU0 $5.50 123 steers 1 144 6.75 16 steers 1S00 6.90 9 steers 1055 6.90 1 steer 990 5.25 COWS. 9 1015 $5.00 17- 1067 8.00 26 1087 4.90 2 1130 .4.75 28 1026 4.65 2 9T.0 3.50 8 912 6.00 8 1"07 5.00 12 9110 5.00 9 1014 5.00 26 1087 , 4.90 28 1026 4.65 2 1130 4.75 17 1058 6.00 CALVES. 64 225 $7.25 61 209 7.25 DR.KEEFE CURES MEN The doctor who ADVERTISES WHAT HE CAN DO AND DOES WHAT HE ADVERTISES Is the one worthy of the confidence of the sick and afflicted and his CURES CRE ATE CONFIDENCE with the many affected with varicose veins. HYDROCELE, BLOOD POISON, NERVOUS DEBILITY and ASSO CIATE DISEASES WITH REFLEX COMPLICATIONS. If so affected you certainly cannot afford to al ways remain so. You have only one life to live. Why not live it in the full enjoyment of abundant vitality T To gain a cure is more important than all other earthly considerations, it means freedom from anxiety and suffering. It means happy content ment for you and those dependent limn you. It mesns the acaulrement of new vitality and restoration of perfect neaitn. it means a stronger hold uDon life: a broader field of opportunity and a feeling of mas tery over even me most adverse cir cumstances. FECIAL HOTIOB TO TXB A. JTLIOTBD BBBIIHt HOUR TBBATXSBT. Dr Keefe is duly and learallv onal- Ifled to practice In the states of Oregon, Washington, California and Nevada, ur. K.eer practices his pro- publishes his "picture or likeness In all his advertisements. Ma nni operates and controls his own office and has no branohes, and Dr. Keefe may be consulted dally at his office, a to B t to 8 Dally Bandar, 10 to la Boomi 309-10-11 . ..".; aCXBOKAHTB TBTST TJILDIJTO . corner on ana wssaington nts. - . Portland, 4rgon .12 . ... 808 . " 1 $38 , ... " B.25 1 4 ..-... 886 -" 6.00 4 886 ' 6.0 2 .. .476!". 8.60 BULLS. . . .- : -' ' 1 bull ...... 1340 $3.60 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 154 wethers ..'.. ,'v 100 ' 13.25 60 wethers 101 8.26 164 wetheA ,.. 100 , , 3.2S 800 wethers 100 , 3.26 Friday's Livestock Balsa. ,' STEERS. . . Av. lbs. Price. 29 steers ..............1136' $6.00 2 steers ..............1110 6.75 20 steers ..1127 6.75 14 steers .......1185 6.76 24 steers 930 6.25 10 steers 1005 , 5.25 steers .1008 6.00 36 steers 800 4.65 COWS AND HEIFERS. 7 heifers , 727 $6.25 1 cow 1220 6.28 28 cow 937 4.90 29 cows 994 . 4.86 4 cows 1112 4.66 1 cows 816 4.50 2 cows ..1005 4.00 1 cow .11S0 8.00 BULLS. 1 bull .' 1080 $3.25 1 bull 1063 3.00 HOGS. 34 hogs 195 $7.60 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 3 lambs 88 $5.00 111. Iambs 69 4.70 200 stock wethers 97 8.00 95 stock wethers 96 3.00 357 stock wethers 110 2.75 49 ewes 11 2 76 CALVES. " 6 calves 250 $7.00 1 calf 200 7.00 2 calves 880 4.50 Saturday's Livestock Bales. . STEERS. Av. Lbs. Price. 9 steers 1061 $6.80 10 steers 1112 . 6.75 18 steers 994 5.65 4 steers 966 6.00 COWS. 17 cows 915 $4.85 18 cows 892 4.80 24 cows 978 4.00 40 cows 983 4.60 1 cow 1020 4.60 1 cow 1180 4.25 1 cow 1180 3.00 HEIFERS. 6 heifers 912 $4.75 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 125 lambs 68 $5.85 41 lambs 64 4.00 163 lambs 61 3.75 165 year wethers 92 3.60 Praises Kittitaa Grain. Ellonshurg, WaA July 22. A. F. Hltt, traveling crop inspector for the United States department of agricul ture, was a visitor today. He said crops in the three northwest states were the best in the United States, and that the crop of this section was par ticularly good. Hay in other sections of the country has fallen off 20 per cent. To Succeed Senator Gamble. Among politicians In South Dakota It is rumored that Congressman Charles H. Burke may decide to enter the race for the United States senate to succeed Senator Gamble, whose term will expire March 4, 1913. Cured in i A. O. Smith, IC. 9. I am the only specialist in Port land who doei not advertise a fic titious ntmi or nhotosranh I publish my true photograph. I correct name, personally conduct my office. I nm the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press' records prtive. I make this statement so that you will know you consult s true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess sklU and experlenan, acquired in suoh a way that no other can share, and should not be classed with medloal companies. It Is impossible for m medical company to attsnd. col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine Oregon or any other state. Meui Ical companies asuslly are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist ef the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examlnaton and treatment. A thorough Investigation should be made by very ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and these who depend upon you demand tk beat medical attention! J have ths abil ity and 1 can glv you this service. I have always charged a vary rea sonable fee, so that my servlons may be obtained by any man whe sincerely desires to be oured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I deslrs to be particularly Inde pendent, and I would like to have you for a satUnt. If you will, come to mo cn a strictly profes sional basis, and the tnducsineots that I off or. which ars mv ability and twenty years' successful expe rience, time-saving treatment and guarantee of cure of certain ail ments. NO MONET REQUIRED TO COMMENCE TREATMENT. Many fatlents have no confidence In heir doctor because he demand pay before a cure has bean effect ed, and there are many who have been misinformed about their con dition, or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and think there is no cure for them. I want an opportunity to treat such cases. It makes no dif ference about the financial part, as I accept pay for my services as benefits are derived, when I am satisfied the patient Is reliable Health Is capital at intorast. I will prove my ability to cure you before asking pay for my profes sional services. v -Sg? full-in irr i ViAJV ' WBXTTSir aUAKAITTBB Dr. (Smith's writtan guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to euro osrtaln ailments or refund every dollar you have paid mo for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I curs your Varicose Veins, Hernia, Piles, Fistula, Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to euro. My terms nrs reasonable and no mora than you ars able and willing to pay for benefits, Office hour St m. to I p. tn. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. j DOCTOR A. G. SMITH BKTKsAWCB 83414 KOBJUSOK yr;:'; Political Ijpwspapers .Charge United States With Trouble Making in Manchuria. (By tb In tern's Uonal News ' Berries.) Berlin, July 22. A number of Rus sia's most Influential political newspa pers headed by tha "Novoje Vremja," ars working up a strong anti-American feeling in Russia stating that tha United States Is trying to stir up trouble in Manchuria. In a recent article the "Novoje Vremja" accuses the United States of an attempt to cohvlnce tho Chinese government that Russia is plan ning to make up for her territorial $3.50 Recipe Free, For Weak Men. Send Name and Address To dayYou Can-Have It Free and Be strong and Vigorous. I have In my possession a prescription for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weak ened manhood, falling memory and lama back, brought on by excesses, unnatural drains, or the follies of youth, that has cured so many worn and nervous men right in their own homes without any additional help' or medicine that I think every man Who wishes to regain his manly power and virility, quickly and quietly, should have a copy. So I have determined to send a copy of tha prescription free of charge, in a plain, ordinary sealed envelope, to any man who will write me for it This prescription comes from a physi cian who has made a special study of men and I am convinced It Is the surest sctlng combination for the cure of de ficient manhood and vigor failure ever put together. I think I owe It to my fellow men to send them a copy In confidence so that any man anywhere who la weak and dis couraged with repeated failures may stop drugging himself with harmful pat ent medicines, secure what I believe is the quickest-acting restorative, upbuild ing. SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever de vised and so cure himself at home quiet ly and quickly. Just drop me a lins 'Iks this: Dr. A. E Robinson. 3S8B Luck Building, Detroit. Mien., ana t will send you a copy of this splendid recipe In u plain ordinary envelope free of charge. A great many doctors would charge 13 to $5 for merely wrltfng out a prescrlp. tioa Ilk this but I send It entlrsly fr . Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood Poison Wo Detention Trom Occupation, Family or lomt, NO SEVER E, OPERATIONS, MANY CASES PERMANENTLY O TT R E D IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIMF-8 A V1NQ, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE 1500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT iTVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. I Invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debllltv. Blood Poison, Plls. Fistula, B I a d e r. Kidney, prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical and chemical .analysis of secretions, to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op- fortunlty to learn their true conrfl lon. A permanent cure Is what you want. VARTOOM TZH3TB. Impair vitality. I daily demon strate .that varicose, veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pain c e a s e s. swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established, instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. jcrauriA. (Binrrcru). Disregard cf existing hernia has cast many lives. The smallest hernias are the most dangeroUs to life, because of the Increased liability to strangulation. I euro rupture In selected cases with per fect safety and entail no suffer ing, and & not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay oursd in one treatment The sea u wine of these affllotlons are diartrssBUtg, nervous reflexes snd parnfNil oobdttlons. My treat ment and success are the rssult of years of experience. I ovrn you with out pain or detat4on from -occu- fstion. I give a written guaran M to euro ptl and fistula. XXDHBT AMD BZlDSSS AXb- With thsso allmanta you may have more complications than are presented by any other ailing or gans. By mr searching Illumina tion of the bladder I determine ac curately tho aliment, and by mloroscnplcal examination ana urinalysis I maks doubly sure tha condition of the kidneys, thus lay ing foundations for sclent) f to treat ment, i-y ' snmvous sexxxjtt Cerebro. whore the mental forces are impaired. Spinal, where tho plnal centers sre Involved. Vital, whore the sympathetic nervous system snd forces that govern the organs are deranged by reflex ef fects of ailments. I treat these conditions and all Weakness Itv duood by nervous complications and excesses and put you on the right track to health, restoring tho conditions essential to your future life and happiness. HFBOXPTC BfcOCB yoiso. I use a famous new German spe cific for Blood Poison which cures completely in ONB TREATMENT. This wonderful remedy Is fsr ahead of old style mineral treatments. Call and let mo explain it to you. STBsKBT, rOBTXtAKS, OB. losses in tho Japanese war by annex Jng Manchuria. The United States 'min ister at Peking, cooperating with Fred Douglas Fisher, United States consul at Mukden, tho paper -says, has' mapped out a plan which is to render the cul tural mission of Russia and Japan in Manchuria exceedingly difficult arid which may lead to war. The plan consists of a proposal that a number of land lots In Manchuria of from five to fifty thousand acres should bs set. apart by the Chinese government for cultivation according to the very lat est American system. Tho result or, rather, one of the many beneficial re sults, of this innovation will be to trans form Manchuria into a center of civili sation and material prosperity and there by to make it outgrow the cultural boons which Russia and Japan have to offer it. Another effect win be to make it clear to all whom it , may concern that Manchuria is in fact as well as In name a provlncs of China and must be treated accordingly. Of -course, at the same time. It will give Americans quite as firm a footing In Manchuria as Ja pan and Russia now possess. In return Young, Middle-Aged A 1 I AM FOR MEN chemist for convenience and protection of YOU ONLY PAY FOR CURES Don't Hetitate Don't Delay Examination and Advice Free Nervous, Blood and Skin Disease, Varicose Veins, Kid ney, Bladder, Chronic Diseases, and All Dis eases Peculiar to Men Cured or No Pay. DATXT KOTOS . A. M. TO . .8 P. M. TODAYS 9 to ia. $s.oo My Fee in Many Cases A VISIT WILL TELL Z invito la particular all moa wbo havs become dissatisfied with treatment elsewhere. I have oared ovsr 13,000 cases la whioh other physlolans had failed. I oaa onre you Ss.fsly, Quickly and for life when others fall. trial will prov it. No guesswork. Kt new System of Blsotro-Msdloal Treatment Voror rails to Onro Vorvo-Yltal Debility, Varicose Valns, Spsoifio Blood Poison, Trsthral Obstruction and All Complications, Assoolats Slssassa and Weaknesses of Ken. MY FEES FOR SERVICES FOR A FEW DAYS MORE : Obstructions from $5 to SIS Varicose Veins from S to flB I Blood Poison from 5 to 93 S Hydrocele from 8 to fflO I railing BCair from S3 to S XanrMf nahllltv from ... SH to BIS I VcMma. from SS to BIS Wasting from 93 to i S Discharges from $3 to $10 I Kidney Ailments from ....SB to SIS TJlcors from S3 to S10 I Prostate Allmants from ..So to $15 Don't Let Money Matters Keep You Away 1 have arranged a system of payment that will allow every man to take ad vantage of my services. If you sre skeptical you are the very man I want to see, for I cart show you absolute proofs of what I can do. so you will know I can do all I claim. I do not accept Incurable cases; my prices are reasonable, my results sre speedy and lasting. No other specialist offers you what I do, for I have the beat cure known, together with one of the finest, most com plete and expensively equipped medical Institutions In the West. Medicines prepared In Private Laboratory under supervision of my Expert Chemist, for the convenience and protection of my patients. Consultation, Examination Free and Invited Whether You Take Treatment or Not Call If vou can. Write today for self-examination blank if you cannot call. Medicines from $1.60 to it.SO a ooursa from my own laboratory. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. 230'2 Yamhill St., Cor. 2d St., Portland, Or. MEN S to SIS By DR. LINDSAY, Ibe Eminent, Long-Established Specallsl WHY PAY IVIORE For inferior treatment when you can get H tho very best medical attention Of from QMS FOURTH to (INK HALF that charged by other specialists with my repu tation? Remember that you are not asked to pay for any experiments or any failures. If your case will not yield to my treatment I can ascertain that at the first examina tion, and will frankly tell you so, snd give you advice how to take care of yourself. MY SPECIALTIES ABE Nervous debility, Blood Disorders, Files, Varicose "-'sins. Hydro cele, Ruptures, Kidney, Bladder and all dis eases peculiar to men. COME AND CONSULT US FREB OP ALL, CHARGE DR. LIIMOISA.Y THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 128ft Second street, Portland. Or. Office hours 9 a. m. to ( p. m. Sundays 10 a m. to 1 p. m. Specialists BLOOD roiBOK cured by the new ally administered bv us. Accurate blood tests made. General Debility, Weak irsrves, insomnia Results of overwork and other violations of Nature's laws. Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Varicose Veins, quickly and perma nently eured at small expense, . '.' ''"' .:': ' BFEOIAIi AXL MX JTTS Newly contracted and chronio cases cured. ' .All burning, itching and inflammation stopped in ti hours. . Cures effected in 7 dsys. Examination free. If .tinablo a. call, wrlto for list of. question Office hours-9 o. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. only, Pacific Coast Medical Company 89414 WASHTlfGTOW STREET. COB. TIltgT. BOBTLAWP. PrOgon, for this all that China is now asked to do Is to supply tho necessary workmen and to protect the colonisers by main taining aufflclent military forces in the province That sounds like "check and mate,' uttered by tha United States government to Russia and Japan. Karvaitar Trust Attaoksd. Tho "Novoje Vremja" remarks rather bitterly tha.t the American Harvester company, which will supply the agri cultural implements for tha enterprise, has as its president tho American min ister to Peking. This article In Russia's most Influen tial paper Is especially noteworthy be cause it shows that Russia and Japan consider that they have paid and paid heavily, for Manchuria, and they are de termined to make a stand for it. That either state has the intention of hand ing over its railroads there to China when the time limit expires would be hard to imagine. They regard Manchur ia as theirs politically and every scheme devised by outsiders, even though it be purely commercial or agricultural, which may render this their final aim, and Old MEN Not Sick, Yet Hardly Able to Work Every Day Thi b the Way You Feel Tour back pains and aches. There is a tendency to ro easily and every exer tion of tho body or mind Increaees tho ex haustion. Sleep does- not rest you; you gat up in the morning feeling tired. The di gestion becomes Impaired, tho temper Irri table, spirits dspressed, you feel gloomy snd discouraged, ending with complete lack of confidence and a general feeling of dis gust st your own debility. You, can be cured. Come to me. SURE CURE A SMALL FEE -The great volume of my practlcojkllows me to make uniformly low fees, so wiat no man need be without proper treatment. I absolutely have the bs equipped medical offices for the treatment of men's diseases. Best and freshest medicine prepared In prl vt lahnratorr under supervision of expert DATXT HOTTXS I. A M. TO F. M. IVTSATI t to ia. MB yon are sura of OK I! ST SBAXXsTOS. KII.I.rTli; VOCXBTVZ TBBATKBMT, and your health and vigor will be re stored for llfo. Why will von ooa tlnne to suffer? Ton oaa no mads BO XT ITS and well. Oa.ll today. Bvorrthlag oonfidsatlal. I Bladder Ailments from ...S3 to $10 ' at a fee European injection method, scientific for Men Only moro difficult of attainment, ia tha work Of a disguised enemy and ia, of court. political. t?;'-Xi ''iiJii.!''1'--'y-'. V i What may b termed, a brilliant gam of political chess, Is being - playedj by Russia and Japan' against Chtna and, tha United States.-, in whioh the- latter scoring heavily.' so long ma th partita keep to th chessboard all will b :WH. But there Is . danger that an attempt may be made to decide tha issue on the battlefield that China may b involved tn a campaign against Japan and Russia. '" 1 . 11 i ' ' ''.,, The number of orsanlo ehaminal earn. puunus aenniieiy snown to SCieno 10 about 150,000, and chemists are Increas ing this figure, by from $000 to 1000 year. ". TKB 1 DR. GREEN SYSTEM Or MAN BUILDING THE SPECIALIST WBO CTTBXS It matters not what your allmsnt Is nor who has treated it. if it is curable we will give youv immediate benefit and a quick ana lasting cur. CLEAN METHODS Our Dractica is larare because our business and professional methods are clean. We have no schemes for Influencing; you to our office; no irnpoasiotiittos to prom ise you. Our education, our x nerience. our conscience condemn all snch quackery. We want to deal with you upon an honest, fair and square. nasis, witn mutual confidence and resDect btween physician and patient. Our offer PAY WHEN SATISFIED is your absolute protection. Con sultation, examination and diag nosis free. VARICOSE VEINS Wak, Swollen, Bagging, "Knotted, Wormy-Ilk Veins, Clotted, Stagnant Pools of Impure Blood, WSak. Karr. ons, Low Vitality, Mental Depres sion. We datlv demonstrate that VARI COSE VEfN8 and HYDROCELE can be cured without severe surgical op eration. Beneficial effects are Im mediate. Pain quickly ceases, en larged veins rapidly -reduce, healthy circulation speedily returns and strength. soundness and robust health sre soon restored. BLADDER AND KIDNEY Enlarged Prostate Gland, Inflam mation of Bladder and Kidneys, r ra ti u ant Desire. palntnL smarting. Burning Sensation, Cloudy, Highly Colored, Brick Dust Sediment, Wsak, Aching Back. Dry, Pl. Waxy Skin. These symptoms or kkubtatiu. BLAIjdek and KiL'iNKX trouDiea wi raoldlv overcome. Ther is no guess work about It. We remove every ob struction, stop every waste, allsy all Irritation and Inflammation, revital ize the weakened organs and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and permanent cure. GERMAN BLOOD CURE Bash, Coppor-eolorsd Spots, Xrnp tlons, ITloers, 8or Month or Throat, Bffuooua Patches, S wo 1 1 a Q lands. Falling Hair. The Infallible WASSEKMAN BLOOD TEST will determine whether or not you have the ailment. Then if your ease requires it, we give the wonderful NEW OERMAN BLOOD REMEDY, which works like marie. Our treatment leaves no injurious after effect. It does not "lock In" the poison, but drives it out of the system, so there can be no comehacK. Being a Blood Purifying, Blood Making;. Blood Cell Remedy, It gives the patient a pure, fresh Blood Stream and restores him to normal health. NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY Th oanse of Harvo-Vital Debility, as wu as its vu eneot npoa tne Rhyslcal, mental and othr powers, i familiar to all afflicted man. Th symptoms need not be numerated. We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treat ment is the ideal remedy for NERVO VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stim ulate temporarily, but restores per manently. All disagreeable symp toms soon disappear, nerve energy is regained, self-respect, self-confidence and self-control return and tho pa tient Is prepared for a new period of life. PILES AND RECTAL Piles, blind, bleeding, itching of pre tending; ristnla. Ulcers, eto. Our proven methods make ' hos pital operations unnecessary. In most cases no pain or detention from business, we guarantee quick relief and positive, permanent our. AFFLICTED MEN If ailing, ' yon certainly do not Intend to always remain so. Ton surely aspect to be restored aom tlm. Why not now Why delay and grow worss? What you want la a cur. Com to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realls how simple a thing it is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures ad J not only years to lire, nut Uf , to rears. Office hours, daily to S. Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. sea Washington St.. Portlaaa, Or. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. tJanUerson's compound Savin and Cotton Root Pllla The bee; and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PERI ODS. Cure th moat obstinate cases -in a to 1 dava Price 11 Ser box, or three boxes $6.00. Bold by rugglsts everywhere. Address T. J. PIERCE, Room I, 148K Morrison si, Portland Or. ... .vu.v-,,. ; ESTERmiS 4!aal Aak year Vmltin k-k-a-Mr'a ltluam4Bran4 rill la JK aaa ! auwiUc , tmtti Ma Blu Kibaaa. Ki Atkion iii iil .Tra,ar lAlSONB aUN rilXa, far t. aakaawaatBMSkiat,AlMvtBiuia) PALE 4io. attar mmab?hmti m4 ilious r.rv.XTr.un;; ; PEOPLE WMlHIfM tlH KM k 9 w tMrtf " vHa '' laraot L: . Yea Uok baaar 4 l kaun A.f i. - ,. fill fo a doa. 90 k krtff ti . ttf ft i t amplaa mim It. oAJUJ to., rtii. ;;Y,