The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 23, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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iregon -Development League
Will Hold One of Most im
portant j Sessions (n History
at Astoria.
Large delegation from the -various
cities represented. In the Oregon
Development lgue will attend
the annual convention scheduled
for the - tnree cays ' starting Aug
ust 14, at Astoria. The program is now
being- made up by Secretary C. C. Chap
man and it promises to outdo any for
mer gathering of the state organisation
la point of notable addresses and gen
eral Interest. ' -.--'vi'- r - r ' V r :
The morning .-of, the first day will be
taken up by a conrerence of commercial
club secretaries and delegates on prob
lems that constantly confront the Var
ious organisations.: Ideas will be ex
changed and mutual help given. This
will be one of the most helpful- sessions
in point of aiding the different clubs
to become more useful to their commun
ities. ' - '
. , . . xaay iroUble Visitors.
Organisation matters will probably
eccfupy most of the first day and league
officials will deliver addresses, as well
as i many notable visitors .from
outside. The second day will have on
the program a number of prominent
railroad men, and It has been designated
as Railroad Day. It Is expected that
James J. Hill. Judge Robert S. Lovett,
Un-r.rA irillntt and LouiB'W. Hill Will
I A'e among the. speakars. ' .
V Good roads will hold the center of
the stage on the third and last day
of the convention. Better methods of
accomplishing the desired results and
suitable .legislation will be the topics
engaging the attention of delegates.
A banquet and other features of en
tertainment for the visitors will be pro
vided by the people o? Astoria and the
Centennial celebration features will also
afford relaxation for delegates. Fol
lows the tentative program ao far ar
ranged by Secretary Chapman:
- Special Ae-'Jresaes.
Monday, August 14.' Organisation Day.
and Tuesday, August IS. Railroad Day.
Addresses Address of welcome by
president of Astoria Centennial.
President's addreas by Theodore B.
Wilcox, prealdent Oregon Development
league. '."
"Next Tear's Work,'' C. C, Chapman,
secretary Oregon Development ieague.
"What Better Organisation Can Ac
complish," William iianley. of Burns,
Or., vice-president Oregon Development
league and president of Central Oregon
Development league.
"Hens, Hogs snd Harmony," J. W.
Brewer, vlce-prerldent Central Oregon
Development league.
"Our Responsibilities to Newcomers;
How Commercial Cluhs Can. Serve
Them." 'William M. Colvlg,. president
Medford Commercial club, vice-president
Oregon Development league.
' "Exhibits as a Means of Education,"
Honorable James B. Brady, ex-governor
of Idaho, president Western Develop
ment association.
"The Oregon System," W. K. Pennell.
Helena, Mont., president Northwestern
Development league.
"New Awakening for New Duties,"
Tom Richardson, founder of Oregon De
velopment league.
"Exhibiting Our Products," John F.
Carroll, editor the Evening Telegram.
"Team Work Between
Organisations and the State." Honorable
Oswald West, governor of Oregon.
"Portland's Attitude Toward State
Building," Q. F. Johnson, chairman Pro
motion committee, Portland Commercial
"More People on Farms," J. H. Raley,
vice-president Oregon Development
Community Growth Results from
Community Activity." J. Robert Har
graves, Hood River.
Address by George Wingate, vice
president Oregon Development league,
subject to be announced.
Address by J, S. "Van "Winkle, vice
president Oregon Development league,
subject to be announced.
Talks on Ballroeds.
"Relation Panama-Paclflo to Oregon,"
president or director general Panama
Paclflo exposition.
"Settling Our Logged-over Lands," N.
B. Coffman, vlce-preaident Southwest'
Washington Development association, .
"Foreign Immigration,", A. F. Hofer,
secretary Salem Board of Trade, repre
sentative SUte Board of Immigration.
'"Business Men. Bankers and Hogs,"
rw t r T t.r.l vli.-nrsaMnt Portland
I X-' W. .ww -
TJnlon Stock Yards company.
Address by W. J. Kerr, president Ore
gon Agricultural college, subject to be
Address by L. R. Alderman, state
superintendent Public Instruction, Sa
lem, subject to be announced.
Address by P. B. Campbell, president
Oregon university, subject to be an
nounced. "Community Cooperation In Colonisa
tion Work, Louis W. Hill, president
Great Northern railway.
? "Oregon's Opportunity," representa-
Councilman Monks Says the
; Crematory Jufsance Must ;
Be Abated, at Once.'
Councilman Tom If. Monks, tf the
First ward, in -which , the old an the
new crematories are , situated said last
night that he will bring Injunction pro
ceedings against the 'City unless some
thing; is done at once to. mitigate the
nuisanoo caused by the' dumping1 of
garbage into the Gullds lake crematory
tract ' :-f.:rvi;'c':-' :.SV-.
"I, was cui to the incinerator1 last
Thursday afternoon." said Counollman
Monks. '"and- the conditions I found
there wehe Indescribable. Many jons of
putrescent garbage have . Deen placed
on the dump, and the dumping" floor., of
the old v burner wash' piled ., high- with
odoriferous -matter,- conspicuous among
this being the bodies of dogs, cats and
other animals," . 'y-.h-:.- y-.-. j-y-,:
The people of my ward as far back' as
Willamette Heights are, complaining of
the unpleasant -smells.'. that arise from
the plant. The old burner is utterly
Inadequate; to, meet, the needs of Vthe
pity and I will take up the "matter; with
Mayor Rushlight ana the city health
board at its next meeting. I . want -the
board to taks quick action, either reject
ing or f accepting the new incinerator,
without further; quibbling over the con
tract If tne new plant should be reject
ed I think the city should make some aV
rangements. whereby It can be used to
burn refuse until such .time as . the
crematory question has been settled for
good." .'-'.-. --
'' ' "
(United Prew Leuid Wiro.)
San Francisco, July 22. After over
powering the bartender and locking him
In a rear room, masked robbers rifled
the safe in the saloon of Walter
Laasen here today and escaped with
$150. , s
Mourning Curtailed by Social Duties
V ,
Lhr- "
! 1 J I
Lady Decles (Vivien GJould) in her coronation rpbe. It will be noticed that Lady Decles Is holding her coro
' net In her hand and la wearing a diamond tiara In her hair.
By the International Vvwt Service.)
London, July 22. It is probable that
the mourning of Lady Decles will be
shortened owing to her duties In con
nection with her social position.
Lady Decles has won much sympathy
from the queen owing to her stormy
first season In London. The New York
bride sandwiched an appendicitis opera
tion between her presentation "at court
and the coronation. When physically
fit, Mrs. Klngdon, her grandmother,
died In Paris.
A royal command of Lady Decles
would terminate her mourning official
ly, and It is probable that before autumn
she will have taken her place among
the liveliest young hostesses.
tive of President Lovett of Harrlman
"Helpful. Suggestions," Howard Elliott,
president Northern Pacific railroad.
The Railroad Age in Oregon," E. B.
Piper, editor Oregon lan.
"Locating Communities," Gerritt Fort,
passenger traffic manager. Union Pa
cific railroad.
"AH Together for a Greater Oregon,"
Carl S. Gray, president Hill lines In
"Oregon's Future," James J. Hill, the
empire builder.
Wednesday, August 16, Good Roads
day. - 1
Reports from ccmmerclarclubs, vice
presidents of league presiding.
-Addresses on irocd roads by Louis W.
Hill, chairman board Of directors Na
tional ' Good Roads association, Sam
Hill. Judge W. 8. Worden of Klamath
Falls, speakers representing State
Grange;; C. S. Jackson, editor Oregon
Journal, on "Good Roads Legislation,"
and other,
Election of officers, unfinished bus
iness, adjournment
Brown's Park band will play an in
teresting program In City Park this aft
ernoon. The concert will begin at 2:30
o'clock. Following la the program In
full: .. . ". ,
March, "Staunch and True" Pelke
Waltz, "Blue Danube"....... .. Strauss
Fantasia, "Tone Pictures of the North
' and South" , . . . . Bendljc
( Entre Act "Mlgnon".,,. . .Thomas
(b) Serenade, '"Kspanola"..... . .Yrabier
Selection, J'Merry Widow".'... . . . .Lehar
Ballet and Soldiers' March from "Wil
liam Tell'. , , . . . . . .Roaalni
Excerpts from "Offenbaehlana" . Bottger
(a Intermesco, "Cavallerla Ruati
can a" , . ... . ... .......... . Mascagnl
b) "Love's Dream After the Ball"..
. Czllbulka
Scenes from "Beggar Student". . . ...
........,.......,,......, Mlllocker
"A Trombone Jag" Kllckraan
Charles L. Brown, Director.
The midweek concert next Wednesday
evening will be given at Chapman
square. Third and Madison streets,
.,. ! :" 1 i " ';t
v Devils Gone j Baby Is Dying."
(United Pren Leaaed Wire.) 4 V 7
; St Louts, July 23.Mrs. Farra Ade
kel' burned nine croaaea on "her baby's
flesh . ..4 a white hot nail; to drive
away evy eplrlta which she' thought
caused the child's Illness.' The baby
is dying. '
fh Pnrf lanil Vnnnar Mm'i PhHatlftn As
sociation, Is busy filling vacancies and
making additions to bis racuity prepara-
tnn r ti nnnnlno tot thm rMiilnr edu
cational work of the association early
jn HeptemDer. tne iacuiiy lor mo
summer school, now in progress, was
completed some time ago. but Mr.
French has already selected several new
men for the winter work. Among the
new teachers Is sRayburn L. Edwards.
who will teach commercial bookkeep
ing and other commercial subjects. Mr.
Edwards comes to Portland from Omaha,
Neb where he taught In the Omaha
business college. He is a business col
lege graduate as well as an alumnus
of the University of Nebraska, and Is
regarded as a strong man for the posi
tion. ,
Women in Industries.
To every 100 workmen In Austria 43
women are employed In the Industries,
in France 14, In Italy 32, In Germany
SO, In Switzerland 29, in England 24 and
in Sweden IL - ' 1
IffeTE carry complete line of parts la stock and maintain '
II) a Service Department, with all facilities for the over- -
haul and repair of Packard cars end tracks. Every
Packard owner commands, free of charge, the services of
a factory trained expert In bupectlnf his car and making, -minor
adjustments. The backbone of Packard service is
the principle of keeping Packard carl ninning on the road
and running to the entire satisfaction of their owners.
. We co-operate with Packard dealers' In over eighty
cities In extending the same service to Packard tourists. A
Packard owner receives the same consideration from any
Packard dealer that he receives where he purchased bis car.
The Packard! shops at Detroit Include a distinct and
complete factory for the manufacture of extra psrU. We can
furnish any part for any Packard cat that was ever sold.
For the hundreds of Packard owners who tour abroad
'every season, there is a complete service depot and inform
mation bureau at 177 Boulevard Perelre.
- Ask the man who owns one.
' r. . ; , ' Packard Service Building. '
; rnRNRT.T. PfiAn
' ' Twenty-third and Washington Streets. , j
Royal Bakery Co. Leases Half
of Ground Floor of Tull
' & Gibbs . Location.
One of the finest cafes In the city
is to be opened in, the Hear future 4n
the building at tne corner of Seventh
and Morrison" streets, owned by Robert
Smith, 8. 8. Stanley, and Whitney L.
Boise and recently vacated by the Tull
c Glbbe company. 'A 35 year lease has
just been negotiated by the Royal Bak
ery ft 1 confectionery oompany for tne
west half of the ground floor of the
building." The lease also Includes the
messallne floor and -a portion of the
annex. The company takes possession
August 1. - ' --' ''
- The Royal Bakery " Confectionery
company; of which . 3. : A. Heusner is
president and A,, R Helssler Is treas
urer, already ha 1 three establishments
in the city, one being a large whole
aale bakery and confectionery, and the
others two stores with cafes In con
nection. : ' l-.--:-';-;.
' It Is Intended that the new cafe will
far surpass either of the others owned
by the company In capacity and ap
pointments. . ' ,; ;
Before the routs of ths capital high
way is definitely determined upon, ths
committee appointed by Governor West
will probably Inspect all possible rosds
between Portland and Salem. Commun
ities On both the eaat and west sides
of the Willamette river are bidding for
the road that will be built, by convlota,
aided by" the counties throught whloti
It will pass. Two routes are compara
tively direct one leading from Fort
land to Oregon City, there crossing the
river and continuing through Clackamaa
and Marlon, counties ' to- Balem; the
other, leading out of Portland through
Washington county, ever the Re-Tlgard.
villt stretch, Newberg and Dayton to
Salem, this route being entirely .on the
west aids..', w- -vuvv r- s
Members of the capital highway com,
mlttee are C T. Prall, of Portland; Es
Judge Grant , Plmmtck, of Clackamas
county, and George F. Rodgers, ex
mayor of Balsm. ,.4, ' 1
"The Mlnlmmn Wage.
For the first time in the history ef
the American labor movement, a serious
effort Is under way ; to establish . ths
minimum wage by - law. ; A .. vigorous
campaign will bs conducted by the .
unions throughout the country.
Visit our store be
fore your vacation;
you will not regret it
Our magnificent stock
at these reductions:
$35 Suits go at 24;85
$30 Suits go at
$25 Suits go at 175
$20 Suits go at li5
$15 Suits go at Hii5
Blues, Serges and Blacks go at
.iiirnmiiin'nairiia ,
A WdaHe
There are names which are literally plowed into the world. Roth
schild's name circulates wherever currency is known. Krupp is an
other word for cannon. Pullman signifies sleeping cars.
"...' & '
Is a world-wide synonym for
pianos. The Steinway is the
only make of piano known in
every city, town and hamlet of
the globe. . : .
ThU International Renown of the STEINWAY Could Only
Have Been Achieved by Its Vast Superiority Over All Others
The largest ;
Talking Machine
Dealers in '
the World. .
fWrh - elusive ra-
.U Ob cific Coast represent-
Morruon Street at Sixth . '
Portland, Oregon
atives of Steinway,
A. B. Chase and oth
i er renowned pianos.