IV, .V h- 'aV. '"' v'' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1911. EDITED BY 3v Miss Mary Cronan, bride elect. ' Photo by Mi-Alpln t IT might not he nmis to nay thp fore part of the past week whs re markable for having nny nodal af fairs at all to ciironii le for the dwellers of Portland are not trained to tolerate the extremes of tempera ture; yet there were affairs, teas, par ties and picnics given. These were njoyed with utter indifference to the ravs of a- rather vicious sun. About Wednesday, however the good humor came to an end and society flocked to the cool seclusion of the seashore and mountains In pell mell hasie for a re freshing breath, If only for a few days. ' A group of -tennis enthuniasts. In cluding Mrs, Walter M. Cook. Miss Myrtle Sehaefer. Miss Irene Camp bell and Miss LcsHis Leadhetter. re planning to follow a series of tournaments at Everett. la coma and Seattle, each lasting one week, beginning at Everett July 31. The one following will be at Victoria and will not conflict with the dates of the Breakers tournament at North Beach tn August. Mrs- D P- Thompson. Miss Gene vieve Thompson and Miss Thompsons eousjn Miss Mary Mektrum or Oregon C tv left with a party or fix ur tnotor trip to Tillamook yesterday morn ing- They expect to return late Mon day evening. ' Mrs. "William MacMaster was hosless Thursday evening at a launching party which she. gave In honor of Miss Harriot Pomeroy of San Kranclseo. ' Mr. and Mrs. William MaoMasters. Hiss Kitty MacMasters, Miss Maisle MacMasters and Miss Allsa MacMas tors will leave next Thursday for Vic toria, B. C., to pass a month in British Columbia. The engagement of Miss Mary Cron an to Robert Francis Isoonan has been formally announced and the wedding St for the middle of October. 1 lie en gagement was made known to her Inti mate friends last spring. Miss. Cronan Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph B. Cronan and sister of Miss Jose phine Cronan. John E. Cronan, Iouls H. Cronan and Francis Cronan. She la an attractive girl of great personal charm and will be extensively entertained in the coming months. Mr. Koonan has been on the coast in Ban Francisco, Hpo Vane and Portland for the last fmi. years. His home was In Chicago. Ills father, .T." J. Noonan and brother T. J JJoonan. Jr., both of that city will conn West for the wedding In the fall. . In honor of the two summer visitors, Miss Ruth Clement, of New York, who IS visiting Mrs. Preston W. Smith, and Miss Alice Hlllr, who has Im'. ti with her cousin. Miss Isabella Oauld. Miss Cornelia and Miss Cully Cook gave a large tea Wednesday at their home on Vista avenue, Portland Heights. "Dor othy Perkins" roses wade an attractive decoration in pink in th drawing room nd the dining room was In yellow with handsome basket of coreopsis ar ranged on the table. Pouring tea and cutting the lees were Mrs David T. Honeyman, Mrs. Preston W. Smith, Mrs. A. A- McDonell and Miss Gladys Weid ler. They wer assisted bv Miss .Xngella KJ-J J !r . Li W. G, SMITH & CO. V t sir: V i. " ' ', anu 'VISITING CAKI Ern.VKRS MOMHihAM STATIC NKItS ThJrd Floor VshinioJ lldg. Bet. 8d and 4th on Washington St mKfn ,i i. v , ,a - . V'';:rV:-:V'ilV,:l.r. VI. A it: v Miss Miriam McDonnell, who Is Kinney. MUh Katlitrine Hart and Miss Margaret Hewett. Punch was served on the balcony by Miss Carolyn Wilson. Miss Clements was charmingly gowncl in white embroidered marquisette. Miss I fl Her wore blue lingerie elaborated with lare, Miss Cornelia Cook wore white lingerie with pink and Miss Cully Cook wore white mnrtiisrlte embroidered In vivid green with touches of Mack chif fon. Mrs. James F. Failing gave a luiul eon at her home yesterday for Miss Una Balls .Iimies, the new Kener:il sc retmy of the Y. W. C. A., w 10 In m r cent arrival here. The table was set for 10 with nn artistic decoration of water lilies. Miss Marguerite Hume was hostess 1 hiirsday at luncheon at the Golf club. complimenting Miss Jeanett Klauder of New York, who Ik visiting t tho post with Miss Elizabeth Sears. Mi."S Hiimc'u guests were Miss Klauder, Miss Pears, M Iks Genevieve Thompson. Miss Ma Ida Hart, Miss Kuth Clements, of New York Mrs. Preston W. Smith and Mrs. Wilson Chirk. Mrs. Thomas' Scott Brooke Rave an Informal luncheon Tuesday at the Golf club for her sister, Mias Pomorov. w Miss Elizabeth Stewart and Miss Joan Brown He were hostesses at ten i uesaay afternoon in compliment to Miss Stewart s ghests, the Miss-m Eliz abeth handcr and Carolyn GlUespy. Yellow, was the predominating color l:i the decoration of the roomr . A hand some basket of the gallnrdla was most effective on the dining table. Tea was poured by Miss Lisa Wood and Miss Leslie Smith. . The girls who assisted them were, Miss Dorothy Newhall.. Miss Frances Fuller, Miss Kemna Kloste man, Miss Mary Brownlle and Mlaa Lama Cum mine, ,., ...... v . . j r, Mr,. 'E." W. 'Crlchton:and Miss Ruhv Crichton received about" 100 friends yes t 1 . is 4 3 ,tX II', 4 :) "S; . 1 nil MMJ&W LOBDELL i :v- z$z '4-, passing the summer at Scaview. Photo by McAlpine terday who called for tea between 3 and 8 o'clock, to greet the Misses Ruth and Sam Montgomery, and Mrs. Lester G. i Patee (Miss Nora Stewart l. Little Miss Elizabeth Boschk held the card tray. Assisting in receiving were Miss Ada Burke, Miss Kva Long and Miss Mar garet Boschke, Quantities of huge Shasta daisies, and the Iiorothy Per kins roses made charming and effec tive decorations of pink and white. On the dining table a large basket of pink ramblers was most effective. Here Mrs. James A. Ellis and Mrs. Norman Peas cut Ices anl Miss Linley Morton and MIsm Marjorle Noble poured tea. They were assisted by Miss Mayme limiii, Miss Krltui Mlnslnger, Miss Hazel Tlchner nnd Miss Jean llrownlle. Mff. Hhnnna Cummlng-Jones, the eminent church and oratorio singer, who hr.s been visiting with her father and her brother at the home of the latter, Dr. W. A. Cumin Ing, at Kiverdale for the past two weeks, left yesterday the past two weeks, will leave tomorrow for her summer home in New York. 'Mondav night Dr. Cumin Ing had a few musical Trionds to tea in her honor. Mrs. A E. Hockey and Mrs.tGeorge W. Brown and Mrs. Warren E. Thomas served, assisted by Miss Cu mining and Miss Laura. Thursday evening Mrs. Warren E. Thomas had an informal musical evening for her. Impromptu musical' selections) were en.loyed. Those who assisted 'were the Harmony quar tet, the personnel of which Is Mrs. May Dearborn-Sctiwab, Mrs. Lulu Dahl Mil ler. J. Ross Fargo and John Clair Mon telth; Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Jones sang a few numbers, to the delight of all present. Mrs. Arthur C. Emmons and son Harold, who stopped In Chicago for a few days on their tour of the world, were extensively entertained thera by Mr.' and Mr. Ottakar Clark Mottl. - Lsst Friday. afternoon Mrs. R. R. Glit ter gava a luncheon for the Chi Otncga i sorority at her homo on Chapman street, asking 24 guests, Miss Frances Warren was hostess Wednesday, at bridge In honor of the Misses Kocsls, of Mexico City, who are the guests of Mrs. A. H. McDonald There were three tables at cards and the prlies were won by Mrs. Charles L. Hoss and Miss Kocsis. Three prominent Astoria matrons gave an unique entertainment to their friends Thursday, when they tobk them by special train to Gebhart hotel "By- the Sea," where luncheon was served on the veranda, and the afternoon passed ;at cards, after which they returned to Astoria.- Hostesses were Mrs. George Wright Warren, Mrs. Charles Vaughn Brown and Mrs. Augustus Marshall Kinney. Among those present were: Mrs. A. V. Allen, Mrs, A. -V. Allen, Jr.; Mrs. Carlton B. Allen, Mrs. J. T.Allen, Mrs. M. J. Badollette, Mrs. Paul, Mrs W. o. IJarnes, Mrs. V. I,. Ball, Mrs J. R. A. Bennett, Mrs. V. L. Bishop, Mrs, h. Bracks, Mrs. Charles Calendar, Mrs, J. T. N. Calloway, Mrs. R. E. Carruth- ers. Mrs. Robert Carrut,hers, Mrs. R. R, Carruthers, Mrs. C. M. Cellar. Mrs..B. M. Cherry, Mrs. H. W. Chrlstensen. Mrs. George L. Colwell, Mrs. T. S. Cornelius, Mrs. C. T. frosby, Mrs. T. R. Davleg, Mrs. A. J. Dayton, Mrs. William Elg ner, Mrs. 8. Klmore, Miss ElHle Elmore, Mrs. Fritz Harrodon, Mrs. O. B. Estes, Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, Mrs. A. A. Finch, Mrs. F. A. Fisher, Mrs. E. A. Fisher, Mrs. George C. Flavel, Miss Nellie Fla- vel, Mrs. Harry Flavel, Mrs. George Flavel, Mrs. F. J. Frederick, Mrs. Hans Ft ederlckson, Mrs, Theo. Frederickson, Mrs. F. U Fry, Mrs. J. A. Fulton, Mrs. G. C. Fulton, Mrs. A. D. Garner, Mrs. John Garner, Mrs. C. A. Gearhart, Mrs. G. H. George, Mrs. George, Mrs. W. 8. Gilbert, Mrt. W. F. Gratke, Mrs. John Gratke, Mrs. J. N. Griffin. Miss Birdie GunderBon, Miss Nean West, Mrs. C. W. Halrierman, Miss Reba Hobson, Mrs. ('. R. HiffKlns, Mrs. Kate Hobson, Mrs. J. E. Higglns, Mrs. Walter Stokes, Mrs. H. R. Hoefler, Mrs. E. C. Holden, Mrs. C. W. Holmes, Mrs. J. M. Holt, Miss M. Kossitt, Mrs. C. L. Houston, Mrs. Charles Humphrey, Mrs. T. M. Jeffers, Mis Will Young, Mrs. C. M. Johns. Mrs. E. C. .ludd. Miss Gertrude Kearney, Mrs. Albert W. Kinney, Mrs. Tyra Kohland- er, Mrs. H. B. Lienweber, Mrs. Ed Lowe, Mrs. W. C. Logan. Mrs. O. W. Louns- beiry, Mrs. Lowe, Sr.. Mrs. L. Manstir, I Mr? M. E. Masterson. Mrs. W. F. Mc j Greer. Mrs Archie McClean. Mrs. R. W. MeClean, Mrs. Howard L. Knight, Mrs. G. a. McLeod, Mrs. Megler, Mrs. A. W. O'Brien, Mrs. K. Oeborn, Mrs. Austin Osborn, Mrs. Frank Pat ton, Mrs. George jOhkr. Mrs. R, J. Pilklngton, Mrs. H. ! I'. I'rael. Mrs. F. E. Prael. Mrs. G. Reed, i Miss Hess Reed, Miss Pearl Cole, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Richards. Mrs. F. H. San born. Mrs. G. W. Sanborn, Mrs. W. E. Sehlmpff, Mrs. Chris. Schmidt, Mrs. W. A. Sherman. Mrs. A. M. Smith, Mrs. J. H. Smith, Miss Sadie Crang, Mrs. Mary Snith, Mrs. Frank Spittle, Mrs. Wil liam Kinney, Mrs. P. A. Stokes, Mrs. B. F. Stone. Mrs. E. H. Struewever, Mrs. E. W. Tallent, Miss Tallent. Mrs. I W. K. Tslleiit. MrF A. J. Taylor, Mrs. 0. B. Woolsey, Mrs. C. J. Trenchard, Mrs. Nelson Trover. Mrs. Triad Trul Hnger. Mrs. J. Tuttle. Mrs. .1. B. Ktl more. Mrs. B. Van Dusen, Miss Winnie Van Dusen. Mrs. F. Vaughn, Mrs. B. L. Ward, Miss E. C. Warren, Mrs. Will Warren, Mrs. F. I... Warren, Mrs. D. K. Warren. Mrs. J. W. Welch, Mrs. Wray, Mrs. H. J. Whcrlty. Mrs. O. Wlngate. Mrs. r. S. Wright. Mrs. Charles Zieg ler, Miss Huntington, Miss Helen Dick inson, Miss Dora Badollett. Mrs. Up shur. P. C, Miss Ifpshur. Mtss Kltza Boeiling. Miss Sophie Boelling, Mrs. Al bert Dunbar. Mrs. F. I. Dunbar, Miss Olga Heilborn, Mrs. Frank Meresse, Mrs. George G. Paterson Mrs. M. E. Hyland. Mrs. H. W. Garlick, Mrs. D. TXB ESTATE OT H. W. COBBBTT Corbstt Building POBTIJLHS, OBEOON Portland, Or., July 13, 1911. Messrs. Atiyeh Brothers, Tenth and Washington Sts., City. Dear Sirs: Confirming our conversation of this date, I beg to advise you that the store in the new building at the corner of Tenth and Alder streets, which you have leased from me, will be ready for occupancy on or before August 1, 1911, at which time your lease will become effective. Yours very truly, v V- Now the Removal Sale For, startling as the bargains have been before, still greater price concessions must be made now. We're tremendously overloaded with large-size Rugs. They must be sold at any price to make room for the huge shipments on their way across the seas. Details follow. KERMANSHAHS, size 14x10.9; QrO Kerman Shah Rugs 13x8 $400 Value Sale Price $210 regular $585 value, sale price only MUMTAZ, size 13.8x11.4, regular price $330, Removal Sale price KERMANSHAH, of exceptional beauty and cleverness of design, ex quisitely rich in texture, size 13.6x 9.6, and regularly worth $780: For the Removal Sale price rf 4 a a will be 34UU KHIVAS, size larly at $420, SERAPIS, size 15.5x10.4, sell rcgu larly at $550, Removal Sale, price We're Going to Move ' .' ' ''v' "' ; 'yv '". i - t AL Stuart, Mn. N. T. Tallent,, Mrs. A. C. Swift, Mrs. H. Mlckell, Mrs. Walter Mlckell, Mrs. James Turney, Miss Alice Wood, Mrs. G. W. Wood. Mrs. Horace Thing, Mrs. John McGowan, Mrs, Cham bers, Miss Mary Roentgen, Mrs. Oswald West, Mrs. Harry Wheatley, Mrs. R. Bonham, Mrs. E. Z. Ferguson, Mrs. Hut ton, Miss Mutton, Mrs. R. W. -Jones, Miss Dr. Hicks, Mrs. Dr. Henderson, Mrs. V. R. Finch. Howard Hollond was host at a. stag dinner of 15 covers Saturday evening at the Bowers -in honor of K. D. da Schwelnlts, the fiance of MIbs Gladys Weldler, who Is to be married July 26. Those present were: Drake O, O'Reilly, W. A. Avery, R. J. A. O'Reilly, Lynn H. Briggs, E. B. Miller, George K. Went worth, Loyd C. Went worth, Guy Boschke, M. M. Burpee, George M. Trowbridge. William Morris, Allen; Peel and Arnold S. Rothwcll. Miss Ceclle Wiley expects to leave this evening: for the east where she will pass the remainder of the summer with Miss Nancy Stack at her home In Es- canaba, Mich. Miss Stack visited here a few years ago when she was brides maid at the wedding of Miss Marguerite Wiley (Mrs. John" Daly). At Multnomah field this week socie ty la reveling in tennis and more ten nis. The different hostesses at the re freshment table have had a bevy of girls assisting them each day. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Walter Holt presided at the refreshment table with Mrs. Russell E. Bewail, Mrs. Clara E. Koehler, Miss Ada Burke and Miss Helen Harmon. Miss Christine Tate and Miss Edith Evans, Miss Lillian O'Brien's guests, were entertained at a number of af fairs this week. Tuesday Miss O'Brien had a very Informal at home In their honor and Saturday Miss Mildred Grindstaff gave a theatre party in their honor at the Hellig with tea followl y at the Bowers. Additional guests we. o Miss Marguerite Hume and Miss Ada Burke. Miss Helen Wortman was a dinner hostess last Friday with a river trip on their motor boat "S Otter" fol lowing. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wortman. chaperoned the party. Those present were: Miss Allsa Mac- Master, Miss Louise taswell. Miss Rhoda Rummelln. Miss Edwyna Wil liams, Willis Ashley, Rpseoe Ashley, Archie Kingslcy, Coymer Noble and Everett Wortman. ' w Mrs. W. 8. FUKer of 33 1 Fargo street entertained on Wednesday In honor of her daughter L'ola Mae, whose wed- j ding to Claud E. Rose was an event of the week. Games and music were features of the evening and dainty re freshments were served by Miss Mary Raker, after which the young ladles presented Miss, Leota with a handsome piece of cut glass. Those partaking of Mrs. Baker's hospitality were: Misses Olive Agnew, Frances Agnew, Mattle Clark, Mamie Dunn, Marguerite Lorlng, Lola Owen. Hawl Owen, Beth Stennett. Laura Weaver, Alma Walker and Grace Walker. Mrs. Herbert Reed was hostess t uneheon Friday at the Commercial club n honor of Dr. Mary L. Evans who Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Sarah A. Evans. Miss Cornelia Barker and Ernest K. Carse were married by Rev. Benjamin Young at Taylor Street church, Tuesday, In presence of the members of their re spective families. Frank Harvey pre sided at the organ and artistically rend ered the wedding march and Elsa's Dream from "Lohengrin. After the cer emony the. bridal party proceeded to the Hotel Portland for the wedding break- Royal Meshed Rugs 16.1x13.1 $840 Value Sale Price $565 13.8x11.4, sell regu-'dJOPA Removal Sale price o fast In the evening a reception to the relatives was held . at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and ' Mrs. Carse left for eastern Oregon on Wed- nesday and will return from their hon. eymoon trip In August. . ;;, Prominent people who were registered at the Rhododendron Tavern for the week end last SundayV are:,- ,Dr. and Mrs. William Jones, the Missesa Fran ces and Helen Jones, Mr, and Mrs. Brandt Wlckersham, Mr, , and Mrs, K, C, Mears, s Dr. and Mr. Charles T. Prehn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fecheimer. Mr. and Mrs. O, "R. Menefee, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chapin, Muion Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Everdtng, Martin Winch, Mr. and, Mrs. J. . B. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mack and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Me Cracken. , Mrs. Eddy Spauldlng gave a card party Jast Friday afternoon for Mrs. Lea G. Pa tee (Miss Nora Stewart) of Pasadena. Bridge was played. The highest scores were won by Mrs." Irv ing R. Stearns and Mrs, Edward An thony, ' . For Mrs. H. B. Rogers and Miss Caro lyn Rogers. Mrs. W. C. McBride gave a luncheon Tuesday asking Mrs. Leon H. Peters, Mrs. Benjamin F. Weaver, Mrs. Charles Boss, Mrs. Henry M. Haller, Mrs. George ' Stapleton, Mrs. and Miss Margaret Rogers. Monday, Mrs. Leon Peters gave a bridge party complimenting the five summer visitors, Mrs. Anita B. ' Hill, Mrs. Edmund H. Lake, Miss Lucia B. Kenlston, Mrs. H. B. Rogers and Miss Carolyn Roger. There were seven tables at cards.. 1 Colonel and Mrs. David M. Dunne held an Informal reception and dinner at their summer cottage at Seaside Wednesday celebrating their thirty fifth wedding anniversary. Miss Lucille Dunne assisted In receiving. Mr. and Mrs. Dunne were married in San Fran cisco. Mrs. Dunne was Miss Margaret Frawlcy. They resided in that cltv for five years then came to Portland to make their home. They purchased their summer cottage at Seaside shortly after, so number among the pioneers of the summer visitors of the beachi Miss Flora Jessop left the last of the week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mis, W. O. Eddy, who have been guests at the home of her mother Mrs. William Jessop for the past two months, for British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Eddy will go on to their home In Winnipeg. A number of affairs havo been given for Mrs. Eddy during her visit here. Ijist Friday Mrs. Brandt Wlckersham gave a 50J party of four tables In her honor. Miss Flora Jessop won the prize at cards. Mrs. Julia Freeman was hoFtess last Thursday at five tables at 509. Mrs. Dunlap of Vale, Or., won the first prize and Mrs. George Nolan the second prize. The house was attractively decorated with pink rambler roses. The guests Included; Mrs: P. Devers, Mrs. Mat thew Daly, Mrs. Dunlap. Mrs. Thomas Patterson, Mrs. Edward Morris, Mrs. Ingraham, Mrs. Hoyt, Mrs. Daniel J. Maher, Mrs. John W. Sweeney, Mrs. Carle Llebe, Mrs. James H. Avery, Mrs. William Jessop, Mrs. W.O.Eddy, Mrs. C. C. Shay Miss Laura Shay, Mrs. Ed ward A. McGrath, Mrs. Edwin Bell. Mrs. Charles Freeman and Mrs. Brandt Wlck ersham. Miss Hilda Hegele who has been vis iting In the east for the past two months will return home the last of July. She has spent part of her visit with her aunt and cousin, Mrs. W. Gar ret and Miss Elsie Garret, both of whom are former PortUnders, in Burlington, This Letter Explains Our Plight Our new store at Tenth and Alder streets will be ready over a month sooner than we had expected. And in the same mail as this letter came one from the Orient, advising us of the largest shipment of Oriental Rugs that was ever billed to any firm west of Chicago. All remembrance of cost must now be cast to the winds and we'll mark the rugs at prices which will mean quick sales. Look through your home plau well on the needs of that new home of yours buy rugs now, even if you can't use them for months; such savings will perhaps never be had again on ORIMTALRUG KERMANSHAH, size 14x10.8, regular price $585, sale price only MOHAL, a beautiful rug, size 12.2 (PI Hf by 10.8, regular $215 value, price V-l- " MUMTAZ RUG, an extra large size a wondrously beautiful example of -the handiwork of the eastern weavers, oizt I7.dxiz.z, regular (700 value. Removal Sale price . IRAfJSHAH, most popular beauty, too; 12.1x8.10; $380 value SARUK, very, popular; size, 11. S b; 8.4, a regular $485 value, sale' price You're Going Tenth and Washington Sts lrgestlOriental Rug Merchants on the Pacific Coast Vt, In South Coventry. Conn., with Mrs. F. Zechiat and with Mrs. F. Huncke in Next week ,th Wf ldler-de Schweinlta wedding . on Wednesday will cast a shadow over the lesser social, events of the week. Miss Gladys Weldler is the daughter of Mrs. George Weldler and the late George VV. Weldler; Site Is a girl whose extreme prettiness arid gracious manner will alwoyB gain for, her hosts of admiring friends. Mr.-1 gohwelnlts Is a prominent business man or the clt He has lived in the wes for the past four years. His forme' home was in Philadelphia. His father, Bernard de fk-hwelhits, and brother, Dr. George de Schwelnitz. will be in th city, for the wedding. Miss Clara Weldler, sister of the hrlde, will lie maid of honor, and Howard' Hoi land will be best man. . The wedding is to be solemnized at the residence of the bride's mother at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. Remington, of the All Saints Episcopal church, will officiate. Only relatives. and intimate friends of the bride and groom will attend the ceremony and large reception will follow. ' . Mrs. H. M. Covey took a party of six Friday In her machine to Rhododendron tavern. The party left in the early morning and arrived at the tavern for dinner. They came back to Welch's .camp for supper and n-iotored home In the evening. Mrs. tCovey s. guests were Mrs. Walter' W. Helmbach, Mrs. A. C, Bolliger, Mrs. Clarence A. Milliman, Mire Eleanor Lane, of Philadelphia, and Miss May Trimble. - Mrs. George M. Welster was lnstru-, mental In getting up A picnic party of 20 from her psychology club, that passed Thursday at Multnomah Falls on the Columbia. The trip was arranged fos Mrt Emma Fox of Detroit, who has been a much feted visitor this week. Mrs. Fox was enraptured with the beauty of the country and declared he would straight way write an article for an eastern magazine with illustrations to tell of the beauty of our country. Miss Champion, from South Africa, whs also a distinguished guest. Bide trips were taken to Oneonta Gorge and Horss Tall Falls. The party left on the early morning train and returned on the last train in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Usy Lombard returnellf last week from their Interesting trlpp across the continent. They have been two months visiting In tire eastern cities with friends. Their our was shipped to them in Chicago from where they toured the eastern cities. They chartered yaclH in New London, from where they made a delightful cruise to a number of the Atlantic summer resorts. Mrs. Lonibp.nl returned by train and Mr. Lombard drove the car part way across the continent. w The Portland Woman's club compli mented Mrs. Emma Fox, a clubwoman of national prominence, who is a Port land visitor, wltn a luncheon at the Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Fox Is the par liamentarian for tho General Federation of Woman's Hubs and her book on par liamentary law is the text book for the federation, also Iihs been adopted oy manv other organizations. The lunch eon table was daintily arranced with pink and white sweet peas. Place cards tn hand painted water colors were also of pink sweet pea studies. Mrs. Willis Ptraugn was hostess at a beautifully appointed luncheon yes- terrtHV. with brlihre following tn the afternoon. The chanticleer scheme or decoration was carried out In every de tail. The table was laden with smilax and red sweet peas, Circling round the table from a long basket In the center. which was filled with water lilies and (Continued on Following Page.) Takes On An Added Interest $365 Royal Serapi Rugs 17x11.6 $600 Value Sale Price $385 $428 size, a 1"J fjf to Save V A 1 - ' i