The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 23, 1911, Page 39, Image 39

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Terr Pcemter Cars, Driven by
Their Amateur. Owners and
Carrying Families, in Across
Continent Pays. , , . -
The 'unprecedented , and 4 marvelous
ocean-to-ocean tour of ten Premier au
tomobiles, driven by their amateur1 own
ei-f -and carrying families and .friends;,
! ; engrossing . the entire ..automobile
world; No wonder thousanaw of auto
enthusiasts, including- the, drivers who
ore Inclined to attempt stunts '-oiH' of
the - ordinary in the. touring line, are
taking notice. There Is nothing1 small
abduf ; the. Premier transcontinental
dash. . In fact Jjt will mark a, brand new
epoch tn automobiling. When this tour
haa, tJeen" completed autolsts will know
H for the first time Just what a machine
is capable of doing when the amateur
owner if at the steering wheel.
There have been Innumerable tour
ing contests and .lasts of endurance in
which professional drovers have com
peted, hut until the . present instance
there has been nothing to determine
the- capabilities of amateurs. As the
bulk of the drivers throughout the coun
try are amateurs, the great Interest that
is being shown in the Premier trans
continental caravan Is easily explained.
Will Camp Oat,
On June 28 the owners of the ten-
ricuuvr buluiiiuuiiub, wiiii lamuies miu
friends, left Atlantic City, after dip
ping the rear wheels of their cars in
the- Atlantic's waes, and headed for
' San JFrancisco and' other , California
DOints. with the exDressed mimosa of
wetting their front wheels in the waves
of the Pacific, thereby literally com
pleting an ocean to ocean tour. To ap
preciate the daring of these autolsts it
is only necessary to state that 4500
miles lay before them and to cover this
distance they set aside 4 A days. Six
teen days were subtracted for entertain
ment, along' the way, making the actual
traveling time 30 days. During 15 days
of this journey hotels will not be seen.
The tourists will camp out between
Omaha and Ban Francisco -and the
greater portion of this time ' will be
spent in the Great American desert.
There have been a few transcontinen
tal tours before, but not by more than
one car and not with amateur owner
drivers. .When the outcome of the
Premier run is known then also will be
known what the amateur owner can ex
pect his car to do for him in the way
of long distance touring. How to
spend a vacation in your automobile is
one of the lessons that will be learned
from this tour.
Ttre Question Important.
The real value of the tour to the
automobile industry Is to be had from
the experiences of those who make the
trip. ' The fact that the event will give
the tire man an idea of just what to
expect In the way of equipment on"fu
ture trips across the continent will help
long distance touring. The tire question
iff one- of the imoortant features for
thought when, making:-it long'. distance-
tourv The oil, gasoline,' - route, -.-equipment
and other incldenfals necessary
to make the; tour, will be worked out
by occurrences on this one.
These transcontinental tourists are
everything being received in a manner
fitting their station In life. They are
' all wealthy easterners, who are paying
their own expenses and traveling for
pleasure. In every city they have been
elaborately entertained at the best clubs
and social organizations and they have
been personally recognized by President
Taft and the governors and mayors of
the various states and clttea through
which they have passed. The ocean-to-ocean
tourists met of their own accord
and formed their own organisation. The
Premier company Is participating only
to the extent of sending Its well known
scout, Ray F. McNamara ahead In the
capacity of pathfinder and to bring up
the rear with the first automobile
prairie schooner ever built. This is
known as the baggage and commissary
car. It carries the oooklng and camp
ing outfit, including a complete kitchen
and 16 tents, S5 sanitary cots, two
four-burner gasoline stoves and four
tends Letter.
Altogether the present great tour will
furnish various kinds of information
that will be Invaluable for future ref
erence when mammoth touring projects
are contemplated. The following letters
from the respective mayors of Phila
delphia and Atlantic City, togetherwtth
'other documents and a monster 'flag,
With handle appropriately engraved,
presented by President Taft, are evi
dences which in themselves Indicate the
high class of cltizenshlD reDresented in
this tour:
10 tne Mayors or me cities visueo.
by the Premier Coast-to-Coast Tourists:
The bearers of this letter are trav
eling from coast to coast on a trip for
pleasure and enjoyment.
A great many of them are citizens of
the City of Philadelphia, and I request
the courtesies of your municipalities
for them.
A tourist party of this character Is,
I believe, the first of Its kind, and
through Its members Philadelphia sends
her greetings to her Bister municipali
ties of the United States who are now
linked to hor by automobile, which has
. demonstrated that the magnificent dis
tances of our great country are anni
hilated, and .that all our cities and
States have been brought closer to
gether in a common bond of friendship,
unity and mutual Interest.
i In witness whereof, T have hereunto
set my hand and afflxated the corporate
seal of the city of Philadelphia, this
'22d day of June, A. D. 1911.
JNO. E. KEY8URNB. Mayor.
The Honorable Mayor of San Fran
.... -Cisco, Cel.; Dear Sir The citizens of
Atlantic City extend their greetings to
the citizens of San Francisco, and I take
' -the opportunity of ' the ncean-to-ocean
, tour of the Premier tourists to convey
-our good wishes to our friends on the
'Pacific coast, '
The tourists start with their rear
'wheels In the Atlantic ocean, and I know
mat you ana your peopi win join with
. ui In hoping that their trip will ho
,an enjoyable one, and that they wilt
.successfully terminate it by dipping
their front wheels In the great Pacific.
I can assure you personally of 'the
high standing of the participants In
this tour, and I beseech fop- them -any
courtesies that can consistently be
extended. Respectfully, 1
, Mayor. Atlantic ,ity.
j (, .,. . .. .!. ., ' . ' i.i
1 To MeaaurA Feet fop Shoes,
- To. measure feet for oustom msde
hoes - a Massachusetts man has in
Vented a machine of sole and , heel
.plates, attached to tapes, with -which all
'same time and in . proper relation to
each other. ...s . 1 ;k ' ' - . ' j
This ' monogram, on tha
radiator stands jbrall
vu am ask in a mater car
Chalmers Thirty-six" $1800
Long stroke motor 4(x &
Chalmert elf-itarter
Four-speed transmission
Demountable rims
36-inch i by 4-inch tires
Bosch dual ignition
Ventilated fore-doors
Solar gas larnps, oQ lamps
Prest-O Lite tank
Lamps black enameled
Halmers Motor Cars for 11
"80" Touring Car, 5-patsenger, 11800 Regular equfpment: Magneto; gaa and oil
lampi; Prcst-O-Lite tank; top; windshield; ventilated fore doors; horn; tools.
"30" Torpedo, 4-passenger, S10OO Regular equipment: Same as "80" Touring Car.
MS0" Torpedo Runabout, S-passenger, S1500 Regular equipment: Mtgneto; gas and
oil lamps; Prest-O-Lite tank; top; windshield; tire irons; tools, etc
"Thirty-six" Touring Car, S-paasenger, 11800 Regular equipment: Chalmers self
' starter; Continental demountable rims; Bosch dual ignition system: black
enameled Solar gas lamps and oil lamps; Prest-O-Lite. tank; 36x4 tires:
four forward speed transmission; long stroke motor 4x54; ventilated
fore-doors; tire irons; horn, tools, etc. Top and glass front, $100.
Thirty-aix" Torpedo, 4-passenger, $1800 Equipment: Same as Touring Car.
"Thirry-Bix' Berlin Limousin, $8M0 Including full equipment.
Thirty-six' Cab Side Limousine, $3000 Including Equipment
"Forty" Touring Car, 7-paasenger, $$750 Regular equipment: Bosch dual ignition;
black enameled Solar gas and oil lamps; Prest-O-Lite tank; Chalmers Mo
hair top; auxiliary seats; ventilated fore-doors; windshield; 88x4 tires; tire
irons; horn, tools.
"Forty" Torpedo, a-passenger, $3780 Regular equipment: Same as Touring Car.
"Forty" Detachable Pony Tonneau, 4-passenger, $8780 Regular equipment: Same as
"Forty" Touring Car. ,'.
HERE are the motor car pace
maker? for 1912 the Chal
mers "30," $1500 the
Chalmers "Thirty-six," $1800.
These cars win their way to your
approval by sheer merit. . They
jset new standards of motor' car
When the Chalmers "30" was
first announced four years ago,
the words "astounding value"
were used to describe it. It set
a new standard.
Each season since, by better factory
methods, by improvements and refine
ments, we have greatly increased the
value of the car without increasing the
price. Each year the verdict on Chal
mers cars' has been "best value at the
Our Astounding Values
And now for 1912 we say to you,
the metor buying public, with perfect
assurance, that this year more than
ever before we offer you "astounding
The "30" remains the leader among
$1500 cars. The new "Thirty-six" at
$1800 represents a further development
along the lines of greater sue and in
creased power. The reliable, standard
ized, beautiful, "Forty" is continued for
those requiring a car of unusual power
and 7-passenger capacity.
"30" Fully Equipped $1500
We ask you to remember these facts :
The Chalmers "30" was the first gen-
nine automobile to sell at a, medium
price. Np car of equal value ever has
sold for the same price or for less.
Remember that this U the car which was
driven 208 miles a day for one hundred days
In succession; that made the trip from Denver
. to Mcxico .City; that for two years won more
contests la proportion to the number entered
than any other car; that haa never been de
feated by a car of ha price and power; that
holds the world's light car speed record; that
won the hardest Qlldden Tour ever held.
Please remember further that mis la the
ear with the most advanced design; the car that
haa been more widely copied than any other.
Buy a Beautiful Car
Remember this car haa a grace of line and
beauty of finish which the costliest cars do not
excel; that it has given satisfactory service to
15,000 owners; that it la backed by the Chal
mers guarantee.
Last year this oar sold for $1750, equipped
with magneto, gas lampa, top and windshield.
Think of it this year re fined and improved
in every possible way, with thoroughly venti
lated fore-door bodies, inside control, magne
to, gaa lamps, Prest-O-Lka tank, and Includ
ing also Chalmers mohair top and automatic
windshield for $15901..
We think you will agree that "clakna" are
unnecessary in view of such value at such a
price. The facts are eloquent ami convincing.
New Model "Thirty-six" $1800
When we considered bringing out a
new model, the Chalmers "Thirty-six,"
we instructed our engineers to build a
four cylinder, five-passenger car that
would leave absolutely nothing to be
We said we would fix the price when
the car was ready. We think that in
the Chalmers "Thirty-six we are
offering a car that leaves nothing to be
What more could you ask In a car
than you are able to get in this one?
Afore power, porhapa ? You really could
not use more than the splendid long stroke
motor will develop. With large cylinders and
long stroke fkMr x $M") the new motor is
a great puller at high speed; a wonderful hill
climber; and will give you all the speed you
want. ' Though called a 36 it actually develops
40 h. p.
Four-Speed Transmission
Greater flexibility The four forward
speed transmission feature until now found
only on the highest priced makes gives a
flexibility' of control hitherto unknown on med
ium priced cars.
Direct drive is on the fourth speed. A
third speed is provided which will carry you
over the hardest grades without loss of time.
If - a very ateep hill is encountered, you can
still drop back t second, which is powerful
enough for the steepest grade and yet much
faster than first speed of an ordinary car.
Do you aaJc mere room in the body) This
body is aa roomy as any five - passenger car
built. It is a big body. If it were any bigger,
it would become awkward and leas comfortable.
Mora oomfort We honestly believe that
tt is not possible to buy a more comfortable
car at any price. The big wheels and tires
38 z 4 the ample wheel base, sturdy frame,
elliptic rear springs, tilted, luxuriously up
holstered seats, afford the passengers the acme
of riding comfort.
Chalmers Self-starter
Greater oonrsiVanoe ? The new Chal
mers compressed air self-starter does away
with the last of the original inconveniences of
This starting devioa ia built in the Chalmers
factory. It is not an accessory added to the
car, but an essential feature. With it there is
no need of cranking. Any woman can now
drive a Chalmers car. The compressed air of
the self-starter can be used for inflating tires.
Convenience has been considered in little
things, too. The control levers on both the
fore-door and torpedo bodies arc located inside
the body.
A dash adjustment enables the driver to
adjust the carburetor without leaving his seat.
Consider These Details
j4s to dotaJIa of flniah, we ask you to
compare the "Thirty -six" with any car selling
up to $4000.
Body fittings are of the luxurious type
found on high priced cars. Black enamel finish
Instead of brass is used on metal parte, such
aa door handles, coat rail, hinges, lamps, etc.
An option of nickel plating, at an extra cost
of $50, is offered.
The ventilated dash is covered on, the in
side with leather. The tonneau floor is cov
ered with cocoa mat. The front foot board
and the running boards are covered with dark
gray linoleum.
Other details of construction which show
the care expended on little things are: The
beautiful doors, two handles on each door,
permitting opening from the inside; scuff plate
on the fender where it joins the running board;
large, completely equipped tool box on the
running board; smooth finish of bonnet and
fenders, , all rivet heads being entirely con
cealed; improved Mercedes type honeycomb
radiator such as you find on the high priced
cars. Many other exclusive features you will
note when you examine the car.
" Thirty-six " Already Proved
JDo vow aak greater reliability in a motor
oar ? Probably no new model has ever re
ceived more thorough testing before being
offered to the public
Months ago in November, 1910 we com
pleted the first three cars of the "Thirty-six"
One of these was sent to Uniontown,, Pa.;
where for four months we kept it going day
in and day out, up and down the celebrated -Uniontown
H1U and other Pennsylvania hills.
Motorists know there is no severer hill-climbing
The second of these cars was sent to Florida;
where, for weeks, it was driven through heavy
sand in the hottest weather.
The' third car, driven through the Middle
West, averaged 200 miles a day for 8000 miles.
The motors for the new models were tested
on the block, running 1500 revolutions per
minute, 24 hours a day for weeks at a time.
It seems almost incredible, but it is the
absolute truth, when we tell you that in all
of our testing of tHis car and its motors we
have never broken down a single motor, trans
mission, or other vital part.
We have tested not only one car but a
number of them; we have tested not only
one motor, but many; we have not driven a
few hundred miles, but tens of thousand of
And we have done all this so that we might
be able to stand behind an absolute guarantee
of all of the parts of this car for one year and
a further guarantee of Chalmers service.
Our Cars Fully Guaranteed
We guarantee Chalmers cars to be
free from defects in material and parts.
For one year from date of delivery we
will replace free any defective part, if
returned to our factory for inspection.
The parts of Chalmers cars are made from
the best materials obtainable, and they are
built, for the moat part, in our own factory.
Hence we are perfectly safe to guarantee them.
. We really believe, whether you buy a Chal
mers or not, it is worth your while to see the
new cars.
We invite you to come in and see the new
models. Early deliveries are assured.
"30" Touring Car, 5-passenger, $1500
Including magneto, Preit-O-Lilt tank, gat lamps, til
lamps, Chalmers mahatr top, automatic windshield,
ventilated fart-doors, horn and tools.
All -Prices F. O. B. Factory
"Thirty alx" Torpedo,' 4-paBsenger, $1800
Including Chalmers self-starter; Conl'menlml demount
able rims; Botch dual ignition system; olmch enameled
Solar gas lambs and ail hmps; Pratt-O-Lito tank; 36x4
tires; four forward speed transmission; long stroha
mtor4)(aS; ventilated fore-doors; tiro iroma;
horn, mat, etc. Tt and glass front, tlOO.
"Forty' Touring Car, 7-passenger, $2750
Including Bosch dual Ignition system, Hack enameled.
Solar gas lamps and oil lamps, Prest-O-Lite tank,
Chalmers mohair top, auxiliary seats, ventilated fore
doors, windshield, 34x4 tires, tire irons, hern, tools.
All Prices F O. B. Factory
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