8" ir TRANSFER Altt STORAGE oTrir Trnifr a Btoraa-e Co. of' f! Icasfand commodious 4 story brica warehouse, with separate Iron rooms end Jiipcoof vault lor valuables. N. W. cor. 2"nd Ptns via Pianos and furn -ture moved, and packed for snipping. Special rate mad on (rood In out through car to ail domestic ana foreign eotnts. Wain 696. -ISM. Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agent Storage, free trackage. Office 10 Hoyt at, bet 5th and 6 th. Phones. Ms In 69. A-llsS. Sff. TABOR EXPRESS & SrK'OE CO. Trips to Mt. Tabor dally. Also city moving and express. 114 tt Grand. B. ' 42S8. FtJRN'ITURE moved, packed, shipped, stored, upholstering, repairing. Bur Vett ft Sheldon. 14th & Glisan. M. 8123. PORTLAND TRAN. & DEL CO.. 204 wash, storage pmno. iurn. iriuvin. If. Glo. A-l04. K e. K. RS8. BergstranJ a. VV D. PKRRY Express and baggage stand. 149 E. S4lh. Business phone Tabor 2100. Real enc B-2318. M KAY's express for prompt service. Call Main MRS: Stand fi3 3d st. N. TIP EW OTTERS REBUILT typewriters. all makea 120 to 160; fully guaranteed; sold on ap proval; terms; rent w per month: Pa- - ptatlonerv Pte 201 2nd st TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt d hand. 14? H a. Mar. 419. ALL niakes rented, repaired, sold Cua nlngham Co. 231 Stark. Main 1407. TOWEL BUTFIiT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel 8unnlv Co.. 9th and Couch sis. na jouca sib. Laundry Co. i per month, fortiana Phones Main 410. A-4410. UPHOaXTERKiU OLSON A KINO Mattresses made over, turn, uph. 447 Union N. E. 1124. C-1735 Furniture repaired, mattresses renovatsd made to order. 107 RusselL C-2626. VETETC1XARIAS MODERN veterinary hospital. 415 E. 7th, Dogs, cats treated and boarded. Dr. O. H. Huthman. B-1962. East 1847. WALL PAPER AND TINTING M'CLINTOCK A- GROOCOCK. Inc., Ill . 4th, Main 9183. Tlnttog, painting; wallpaper, paints, oils and varnishes. WELL U KILLING SUPPLY your home or ranch with pure , water from tubular wells drilled with modern machinery; prices reasonable. Phons Sellwood 284, or address Star Drilling Machine Co., Portland, Or, DKILLtNG wells a specialty; prices rea sonable. Call Main 141 or writs B. West. 281 Morrison st. SUPPLY your home with water. Green the well driller. 90 E. 8th. East 1390. WELLS AND CESS . IOOLS We dig wella, also cesspools; work i Smart & Swet. 88 10th. Mar. ;uar. 1298. WHOLESALE fOBBEKB EVERDING A FARRELU produce aad - eommlsslon merchants. 140 Frost su Portland. Q- Phons Main 171. M. A. GUNHT CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND, OR, WADH4MH CO. wholesale groosra, manufacturers and eof. tie roasters. 4ts and Oak sta MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. X la St. between Salmon and Main. ' ALLEN A LKWIR OROHKHIEI. WOOD FINISHING FOR first class work call Anderson, t e .wood finisher. 494 E. Burnslde. B-2862 WRECKING VE buy, sell and wreck old buildings. international Building ft Wrecking company. 807-11 4th st. Marshall 1814. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES tif title made by the mi tie Be Trust company, Lewis Bldg. iir, ana tax. Gw- rvers Abstract A Trust Co.. caoltal 1200.000. ttoarq or rraoe oiag. PACIFIC Title ft Trust Co., the leading aostractors. 7 jn. com., ground rioor CLASSUIEU AO KATEk IN Effect April IS. 1911. ALL PREVIOUS RATES " CANCELED. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Dally or Sunday. 1 time. So per line. I consecutive times, 7o per Una perUt' sertlon. I or more consecutive times, 6e per line per insertion, or 7 insertions zor pries w e. Ko ad counted for less than 2 lines. The above rates apply to "New To day" and ull other clarifications except ing the following: "Situations Wanted, -Jko K.ni na witntea to ent" sas. The rates In these classifications are: 6o per line per insertion. nree insertions for the price of two. even Insertion for the price of five. No ad taken, for less than Ifin. CHARGE AUVERTIttEMENTa i time So ner line. t consecutive times, So pr line per in sertion. 9 pr more consecutive times, 7o per line per Insertion. The above rats apply to "New Toa. day" and all other classifications exS cum ine following: (Situations wanted. To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads, The rate in these classifications Is 7o per line per insertion. No ad charged t or less than two lines. vr ADO. MEETING NOTICES 41 PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 42. B. A. Y., meets every Thursday evening in Kingier s nanclnu Academy, corner 2d and Morrison. Visitors wel come. YETTA HAINES. 609 E. Stark, Phone E-4923. ' Cot-respondent. 1VANHOE lodge, So. 1, Knights of Pythiaw, meets every Tues day night Castle hall, 11th and Alder ats. B. M. LANCE. K. R. 8. An BUT US circle No. 263, Women of v ooacrart, will give a whist and dancing party next Friday evening. In W. O. w. temple, July 28. Everybody forflially invited, Adinlsslqn 15c. K. L. of S. Hose City council 1811, will hold a whlfit and 500 party and dance Tuesday venjng, July 25. corner Wll llarna avenue and Skldmore. Admission I5C PROSPECT yamp. No. give their Zd arbual at Crystal. Lake park I 140. W. O. W., icnlc and dance iuntlajy. July 23. r.verypony weicom. R. N.i A,, Oregon Rose Camp, meets TUMdlv eveninH. Harlan hall art , era: jeiiPTSon M- W A., ROSE CITY CAMP Monday, .,f.f-U,!5:I:lrs''h blc,5 Washington near Phone Clerk Main 8294. A-4885 U. Portiana lodne No, 209, meets wed, nights. K. P. hall, llth and Alder Dunning & Mctntee 2? iverv d -46F. Jf Vi Pins Main 430. Lady assistant. J. P. Finley & Son . r Third and Madison. TMir attendant Msln 9 A-1B99. i, " ' - -1 i i uvi isotn fl:onn. twin. -iier-pyrnes Co, Larty attvsnilant LERCH Undertaker; ladv assistant th-Alder. ERICSON YrTrWlti Co., Mala Tjidv sss't. EAST tSiriE funeral directors, Sfif t F ft ,'iiinrilnff tnf R. 82. R-IRil EDWARlJ HOI. MANJ unriarlili.r 120 g.f at tdv aMntnnt., Main 607; 4.MSTX-K 167 E. 19th. Sellwood til - slsor9 Dawso,j, Wood lawn 1174. MARRIAGE LICENSES Edwin B. Duck, S85 North 22d street, SB, and Nellie Sullivan. 38. Lawrence Scott. 26H Madison street, 21, and Theresa Ross, 19. w. c. smith & co. Wedding and visiting card engravers aad monogram stationers. Washington bldg . Washington st.. bet 3rd and 4th. LKKSM suite lor rent, all sUes Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark St Unlaue CLIRivE BROS., florists, fine flowers at. J floral designs 8 89 Morr'wn st DEATHS AND FUNERAUB HOLLOWELL At his home, 87 E. 27th st. N., Llnneaus Hollowell, aged 60 years, beloved husband of Mrs. L. L. Hollowell. Funeral will take place from the above number today (Sunday). July J. i p. m. i riends respectfully invited. Interment, Rose City cemetery. MEM HERS of Orient lodge No. 17. I. O. O. F. are requested to meet at 57 E. !7th N.. Sunday. Julv 23 at 2 d. m. to attend the funeral of Brother 1 L. Hal- lowell. All members are requested to attend. By order of B. T. Hall. N. G. MAX M. SMITH, florm. 150 bth St. opp. Meier A Frank's. Main Till. IRAN8POKTAT10S COOS STEAMER BAY UI1NE BREAKWATER Sails from Alnsworth dock. Portland, 9 a. m.. June 10. 15. 20, 26. SO. July 6. 10, 16, 20, 2. 80, and every 6 days. Freight received at Alnsworth dock dally up to 6 p. m. Passenger fare first class, $10; second class, 17, Including meals and berth. Ticket office Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 268. Main 170. A-12I4. Ban Francisco Portland Steamship Oe. New service to Los Angeles via San Francisco every five days. From Alnsworth dock. Portland 9 a. m.: K. Olty July 83, Beaver 87, Bear Aug. 1. From San Francisco, northbound. 12 m.: Beaver July ao. Bear 98, B. City 30. From San Pedro, northbound. 12 m.: Bear July 13, . City 88, Beaver Aug. a. K. A. Moshsr, O. T. A., 148 Third It. J. W. Bansom, Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Phones l Main 408. 88 A-140H- STEAMER ANVIL Sails from Albers dock No. 8 Wednes day, July 26, 7 p. m., for Tillamook, Bay City, Wewport, Florence, Bandon and Coqullls river points. Ticket office 128 Third st. Phones A-4696, Main 828. Dock phones. A-1902. Main 161. Frel ght and paswengers. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS .iNGELES AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT NOITK PACIFIC 8. S. CO. 8. U. BOAVOKB and 8. 8. ZLDEX 8ATX Every Wednesday, alternately, at 6 p. m Ticket office 132 Third, near Alder Phones Main 1314, A-1314. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. Pass. Agent. W. H. SLUSSER. Freight Agent Willamette River Route Btr. Oregon for Mission and way land ings, Mon.. Wed. and Frl., 6:45 a, m. 8tr. Pomona for Oregon City, dally, 8 a. m.. 3 p. m. ; Sundays, 9 a. m., 12 m., 8 p. m. Oregon City Trans. Co., Taylor 8t Dock. Phone Main 40. NEW TODAY Beaverton- Reedville Acreage Close in on west side and developing very rapidly. Two carhnes, only 40 minutes' ride. In valley just west of Council Crest. The very best of land, see the crops and satisfied buyers as to quality of soil. More than 50 buyers that have bought of us from two to four times each allow us to refer you to them for advice. An acre at $500 only requires a payment of $50 cash and $5 and in terest each month. Sold in any sized tract you want at $250 to $500 per acre and upon monthly payments. The Shaw-Fear Co. 102 FOURTH ST. Main 35. A-3500. Front St. and always will be one of our lead ing waterfront business streets. We can sell 4you 50 feet frontage in best location, covered with two story brick and basement, leased for 2'A years at $2220 per annum. Present tenants wish to renew lease for five years at large advance; price $25,000. This pays better than 7 NET now, and at an increased rental will pay nearly 10 NET. CHAS. K. HENRY CO. HENRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland, Or. Free Rent We will furnish a fine large tent- house free of cost to every lot buyer for the next 30 days. 10 PER CENT CASH , $10 PER . MONTH Call or Phone Gregory Investment Company 418 Corbett Bldg. Marshall 557 A-2644 10 Net We have for sale, for a short time, business block yielding the above returns on the investment. After April next will net 12. Price $19,500. We can recommend this as a good investment. HeCargar, Bates & Lively - 301 YttUN BLDQ, THE OREGON SUNDAY NEW TODAY JCL covirTjpr BOMB FOR SALE A FINE 20 acre place, all In cultivation. A new 6 room house with pantry. A good new barn and chicken house and other build Inga, 200 assorted fruit trees, 2 years old; 7 acres In oats and vetch, H acre in wheat 8 acres In garden land. Straw berries and other small . fruit. Good water. No . stumps. Best of soil; well fenced. Two horses and harness, one cow. and calf, one plow, one drag, one buggy and harness, one cultivator, forks, shovels, hoes and rakes. 15000. Will di vide the places N. tt. 12000; a V,. 13000; some cash, balance terms; mile to cars, 13 miles to Portland. W. W. ESPET, Room 812 Commercial Blk., 2d ana wasn. SUBURBAN HOMES On the Banks of the Willamette Why go to the seashore when you can get the choicest river front property In Its natural state, between here and Oregon City. In 30 minutes' ride of the city, from H cre to 10 acre tracts. The Lawrence Co. 348 Alder Street. PLACE YOUR Fire Insurance WITH Jno. P. Sharkey, Agt. 216-17 Railway Exchange Building ........ Agent for - AACHEN St MUNICH of Germany GLENS FALLS of New York PROTECTOR UNDERWRITERS of Hartford. Conn, Phone A-1550. Main 550 Finest Orchard Lands Tn the state of Oregon: 10 year old trees; a 30 acre tract, in amies and strawberries; shipped BOOO boxes of ap ples last season, principally Koan Sean ties. One-third Xmperlaies; one-eighth Oanos. The best kept orchard in Oregon- Within a mile and three-quarters of rood town. In the ST. S. part of the state. Berry crop will ran 5000 boxes. Tenoed In 10 sore tracts. Boat hare to Irrigate. This is the best bar- Rln in fruit lands that Is open today. n make terms, and the price is right. See us st onoe If yon want this bar- rain. B. A. CRANDELLE 701 TSOX BLSO. "CARY ACT " IRRIGATED PUBLIC LAND OPENING YOU ARE ENTITLED TO ll ON KJO ACRES Of I RR.HSATED LAND . APPLICATION CAN K MADE NOW .CDrmoittwfflSATioiica, 418 my XX. Bldg . y xx. land, Port! Or. REAL Must be sold at once. Four (4) blocks on waterfront. If you are looking for a money-maker, see us at onte. Reasonable terms. SEE IT. RE1LAN & PARKDILL 609 SPALDING BLDG. $5 Cash $1 Per Month Per Acre CKICnil rjtTJTT THOETABIiWi Finest soil, no rocks or brush, all ready to plant. On R. R. and river transportation, juesi poultry section tn F. V. and C. E. POWER sob spaining Bid. Mortgasr Loans On dty property at reasonable rates etAJue-coos: coktabt. - ssojud si grade uUdla , JOURNAL.' PORTLAND, asmBmrntmrnmammmaaaaeasmamga MEW TODAY It's the Man Who Wants to Make a HOME for Himself ThatWeWantat Acres When You See It You Will Realize Why IT IS THE RIGHT PLACE Spend 40 Minutes on an Electric Gar and visit SYCAMORE ACRES At Sycamore, on the Gresham Cazadero Electric line (O. W. P.) The new depot ii in the cen ter of the property. The elec tric line and Johnson Creek run through SYCAMORE ACRES which ia divided Into one and two acre tracts and the fa mous Foster road, a fine highway to the city, forms the south boundary. . The soil Is rich, deep and productive. . Take Car at First and Alder Here is a schedule that is easy to remember: Cars leave First and Alder at 45 minutes past the hour. Cars leave back from Sycamore at 9:50 a. m., 10:54 a. rru, 11:50 a. til, 12:54 p. 1:50 p. ol, 2:54 p. ro 3:50 5:50 P- m.. 4:54 p. m. m.. ?: p. m. When you see SYCA MORE ACRES, you will realize what an excep tional buy it isnear the city and in the best part of Multnomah County. These Prices Have Been Fixed as a Speciallnducement to Home Builders: $250 and upward; 15 cash; 15 every three months; 7 interest; 10 off for cash. You may buy acre tracts running from the electric line across Johnson Creek to Fos ter road, a combination that makes this land very desirable. All of SYCAMORE ACRES la $100 to $150 below the prices for ad jacent properties. For plates and all infor- mation, see W. H. Grindstaff 1125 Yeon Building Main 875 A-7342 Geo. De Schalk 228 Stark St Main 392 A-2392 See SYCAMORE ACRES For Yourself Sycamore SUNDAY MORNING, JULY' 23, l NEW TODAY Glisan Strc( ....... . , r .. ' ....i Half Acres JUST THINK , OF IT! , HALF ACRE BUILD ING LOTS for less, money than 50 foot lots. A half acre for $650. On easiest terms and most liberal contracts. Abstracts free. Distance and transpor tation Just outside city limits carline station within a few blocks. Money making features: Soil ideal, not one objec tion. Let us show you how you can make one of these tracts support you. Investigate. Hartman & Thompson REAL ESTATE DEPT., CHAMBER OF COM MERCE BLDG. Platting Propositions 19 ACRES, east of Vernon, inside city limits, $1300 per acre. 100 ACRES choice land near Tigard- ville, all platted and ready to- sell. Cheap at $i75 per acre. B0 ACRES near Butteville, fine land, at $225. per acre. 40 ACRES on the Oregon Electric; choice land and all platted, at $375 per acre. Ghas. Ringler & Co. 211 LEWIS BLDQ. Westover Terrace a residence district convenient to the business center, splendid view from every lot, uniform improvements of the highest character. Take W car to Forestry building and walk three blocks south, Our -representative on the ground. Clark Cook Co. Room 6, Board of Trade Bldg. Down the river on the west side. In line of industrial development. The opportunity of a lifetime here. Only satisfy your mind that Portland will grow, then buy this at $200 per acre and double your money. Good terms may be had. Must sell. The Shaw-Fear Co. 102 FOURTH ST. Main 35. A-3500, DIED To close a Chlcasro aetata . nut anil 8 full size lots on Slsklvou st.. ad. joining Irvington. They are worth $900 each and as they must be sold imme diately to close the estate I will sell them singly or In a bunch, at $6t)0 each; corner lots ro at same price. This is the blasest tarsal n in lata offered In the city. J. F. Diefenbach, 2 i eon oiag. Go t or 6 miles on crowded street ears when you can buy a beautiful home, 20 minutes to business centerT 0-77. Journal. , BUYS ATTRACTIVE Business Corner The owner must raise monev The owner must raise money and Is making a big saortflce. This fa eaoririce. This Is one of one of the best business locations on the East Hide, zou cant rind a better Invest menu All cash required. A. K. MILL, 41S KEITXT BUCK - YOU CAN'T LOSE 16 room double dwelling and full lot, paying nearly 10 per cent pn investment. E. a3d, near Yamhill st. AH Improve ments. Will sacrifice for value of lot, $4000. Let us show this to you. A. W. JJLUMVMT ss OOMTAirr, X bones Sst C40, S-1910. 404 B. Aide . 1911. T"" NEW TODAY . T Where: . Good "Land Is V. ' .- v:.' " - Cheapest In that new virile, virgin, fertile logged ott district, comprising our BEAVER HOMES orchard and gar den tracts, the best land in the north west and the lowest prices are com bined in the most unusual land offer now before the public. Hour's run down the Columbia from Portland. Perfect is the ex pert's verdict pn our fruit and garden tracts.! Plenty of fine water, rich soil, perfect drainage on Orchard tracts, protected' slopes. Handy to school, churches, stores, net work of good roads, superb scenery. CHARPITTING. the new cheap land clearing process, has reduced the clearing cost of our BEAVER HOMES tracts to a fraction of the old time cost by ordinary clearing methods. You get the benefit of this. We are moving off the first 1000 selected acres at $25, $30, $37.50 and up to $60 per acre, we will give the man a chance who has only $75 or $100 saved and can spare but $8 or $12 a month if he is in earnest about wai ing to develop a producing farm. We want live producers in this district. You had better arran.ee at once to see this land. It is the greatest land chance you will ever have to own a producing a. iv. 13. m or 4U acre tr" SEE US TOMORROW F.B.HolbrookCo. 214 Lumber Exchange. H ALF Acre Tracts AT THE PRICE OF LOTS IN Des Moines Addition STREETS are INCLUDED PRICE ONLY 3500 $25 CASH $10 PER MONTH 6 PER CENT INTEREST Scott carline, 1-3 mile from Bell sta tion, north on Gresham and TCatnxaria carline. Lies beautiful and level. Verv cheap property for a little home wltfi a garden. Bee J. W. OOILBEE 145 M First St.. Room 11. Portland, Or. JUST OUT IRRIGATION PAMPHLET Exceedingly interestincrt You can't afford to remain ignorant 6V1 so important a subject. Call for a copy at Hartman & Thompson Cor. 4th and Stark. (Ask for Mr. Camp or Mr. Bishop.) MtW WOXTX TOTB ATTXKTIOJr. '2d St. Larse lot and hr hnn... in. come $47 per month: can raise rent to ?w,"r wl orlflce for, only $8000; $8000 cash, balance easy terms. Phone us. A. W. T.IW1!BT OOWABTT, FhOBSs Sas 640. B-1910. 404 2. Alder st. . AUCTIONS Auction Sale With a New Dinner Set free New buildings groin a- up all around u for the time partly blocks our entrance. o we take this means to attract attention to our AUCTION SALE t your MON- DAY ( TOMORROW at J P. M at si i FIRST ST. Mr. Naturen's goods will be sold first, whloh Include fine Daven port, Malleable range, refrigerator, fine oak dressers. Iron beds, with -good springs and hair mattressis, oak exten sion tables and chairs, oak chiffonier, combination bookcase, steel couch, some 9x12 rugs, gas range, drophead sewing; machine, English breakfast table, fold ing bed. etc. - Several other smaller consignments st EXQUISITE FURNITURE will be add ed to this sale. ALL GOODS POSI TIVELY MUST BE SOLD. - You see. we mean what we say when we are willing to pay you for coming by riving awayy FREE, a NEW CHINA DINNER SET. Sale sharp at 1 p. m. Best goods sold first. FORD AUCTION CO. wm AUCTIONS , WW O Alsa,MV Oil Tuesday Next rl 111. UUI UUIUI IIIIIII.-I. lab! UlilhJt ' We will sell the fine furniture ofI Peck's warehouse for convenience of sale, comprising Genuine Mahogany Bookcase, Inlaid Table, Parlor Rockers, Mirror jfl8x40), Morris Chair, real leather Cushions, Turkish Chair, hand carved, Inlaid with pearl; Lady's Desk. Bookcase, Axmlnster and Brusells Ru(?, Extension Dining- and Library Tables, leather and cane seat Dining- Chairs, Folding Bed. Massive China Closet, sev eral Dressers (swell fronts), Princess Dresser, Golden Oak. Bird s Eye Maale Dresser, several Massive Iron Beds, with brass fillers; also plain Iron Beds, best springs; White Cotton, Silk Floss and Hair Mattresses, Feather Pillows. 3 Piece Set of Malibar Fibre Porch Fur niture, Sanitary Couch, Jewel Gas Range, Alr-Tlght Heater. Delmenhorster Imported linoleum. Utensils, and many other lots. ALL ON VIEW TOMOR ROW.. Bale on Tuesday af 10 o'clock. On Thursday Next For thM sale we will have a larsrs consignment of furniture and showcases shipped here from Bkamokawa, Wash. Bale at 10 o'clock, 152 Park Street. W. C. BAKER and C. A. CROWELL. Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. Auction Sales AT Wilson's Auction House Corner Second and Yamhill. Regular Sales days Monday, Wednesday and Friday. EACH DAT AT 10 A. M. for all kinds I Of FURNITURE, CARPETS: RUGS, 1 8TEEI. RANCSFH rtAS RiNnra nv. raiUERATORS, etc. Also ROLL ANDI FLAT TOP OKFICB DESKS. OFFICS! M CHAIRS. TYPEWRITER STANDS. FIRK-PROOF 8AFE8. etc., etc. GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE AT ALL TIMES at our store. 171 SECOND STREET. (Adjoining Auction Room.) WE SELL LADIKS' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS, SHOES. STATION ERY, GROCERIES, SlioV CSES. COUNTERS AND FIXTURES at WHOLESALE COST. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Cash raid for Furniture, Stocks of Merchandise, etc. Call Main 126, A 4243. Building Permits Mrs. C. J. Adams, erect one and one half Btory frame dwelling. East Sixty second street, between Thlrty-elgrhth and Thirty-ninth avenues; builder, same; $1900. Alice Ppwell. erect one story frame dwelling Fifty-seventh avenue, between East Sixty-first and Sixty-second streets: -buHder, same; $1000. Henry Wept, erect one story frame dwelling. East Seventy-fourth street, between Fortieth and Forty-fifth av enues; butlde- same; $180. M. F. EiiRton, erect ono story framo chicken coop, East Twenty-seventh street, between Dekum avenue and Sar atoga; builder, same; $150. O. W. Paulson, erect one and one half story frame dwelling, East Eighth street, between Skldmore and Prescott; bulMer, Mr. Moore; $2600. Otto Anshulu. repair one story frame store and rooms, corner Shaver and Michigan avenue; builder. E. P. Fren trexs; $100. . Frank Lane, erect one story frame garage, 1029 Eust Fifteenth street, be tween Alberta and Wygant; builder, same; $150. Edward Dungey, repair one story frame dwelling. East Seventieth street, between East Stark and Morrison; builder, same; $900. J. O. Hall, repair two story frame dwelling. 351 East Irving street, be tween Second and Third; builder, M. Fuju'nma; $200. J. J. Jonason, reoair one and one half story frame dwelling. 718 East Couch street, between Twentieth and Twenty-second; builder, J. A. Cum mings; $500. M. E. Teal, repair two story frame store and rooms, 280 Yamhill street, between Fou:th and Fifth; builder, same; $50. Portland Home Building Co., erect one story frame dwelling, 617 East Twenty-third street, between Tlbbetts and Powell valley road; builder, same; $1800. . R. W. Anderson, erect one story frame dwelling. East Sherman street, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first; builder. C. W. Clark1. $1500. F. Muralt. erect one story frame smokehouse. Mississippi avenue, be tween Falling and Shaver; builder. R. W. Lamoreaux; $100. Walter Lafferty. erect two story frame dwelling, East Eighteenth street, between K-napp and Rex; builder, N. J. Nelson; $5500. Dr. Holt Wilson, repair three story fireproof reinforced concrete bakery, and restaurant, 295 Burnslde street be tween Fourth and Fifth; builder, Wm. Watts; $200. Mrs. . Mary Peterson, erect on and one-half story frame dwelling. Fifty- M second avenue, between Eaat Vrrtv.' Fortv- fourth and Forty-fifth streets; same: $1800. bullder. John Wood, erect two story frame machine shop. 455 East Alder street, between Eighth and Ninth; builder L. 8. Dane; $5600. William Horton. repair one story frame dwelling. East Sixty-eighth street, between Flanders and Olisan: builder. F. S. Hallock: $850. . cr- pJond'r,reEft.,r ttwo tory frame dwelling, Eaet Eightieth street, between . Glisan and Flanders; builder, F. S. Hal- iocs;; sou. H. W. Lemcke, erect one and one-half story frame dwelling, Royal Court, be tween TSast Glisan and Everett streets, builder, same, $5000. Cramer & Fries, erect five story flre- firoof concrete stores" and hotel, Wash ngton street, northeast corner Twelftn, builder, same. $110,000. J. A. Sundberg. erect two story frame dwelling, East Fifty-eighth street be tween Hancock and Broadway, builder, same, $1600. J. H. Sullivan, repair one and one-half story frame dwelling. East Forty-second street, between Clay and Mill, builder. C. W. Shoemaker, $1000. Charles W. Erts, erect two and one- half story frame dwelling, 1680 . East Morrison street, between Terrace ave nuo and East Sixty-fifth, builder same. $3000. A. A. Arend, repair two story frame dwelling, 781 Multnomah street, between East Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth, builder same. $275. ' ' ' H. Nlendorf, erect one story frame dwelling, 890 East Eighty-second street, between Hawthorne and' Clav. buiirfAr.i ;.WlUiam Percy, $600. -t. Kicnarason, repair one story rrame dwelling, 584tf Fortieth avenue, between East Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth streets, builder same. $300. . A. Grace Ross, repair three story brick stores and rooms, northwest cor-' ner First and Salmon streets, builder, 1. A. Melton, $2400. . Carl Bchlewe. renal r two storv fnmi ' dwelling, 802 Michigan avenue, between Failing and Fremont, builder.. Schlews . A Myers, $240. , -v ....... .-. m. vonada. erect one storv friTim dwelling, Atlantlo street, between Buf falo and Lombard, builder, J. A, Vona- , da, $100. r' . .." - . . .... M. Fsram. erect one starv frama hn house. East Seventy-sixth street, be. tween Klickitat . and Siskiyou ; builder. same: $169. - . . -,, -. , StfnFarland A NtithrlnA ) tmin story frame dwelling. East Thirty-sixth " street. ' between Hawthorne and Harri son; builder, same; f 4000. ' . . ; -.Si :