" J V ' V ' ''.-. ' ' .'. THE ' OREGON r SUNDAY 4' JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1911.. AtJTOMOBILES-5fOTOBOirCLES U Oregon ' Auto Exchange' aiat and Washington Sts., Phones Main 8244; A-8381.' We have the' lartfesV number of lightly used automobiles of any firm on Paciflo Coast; good condition, every one a real bargain. Hera are a few we offer for your consideration: Pierce Arrow 4 cylinder, 40-60 h. p., seven passenger,' fully equipped; fine condition; Just the car for rent or stage line. Owner must have money this week. Make offer. Cadillao 80 h. p.; 1910 model; fine condition; fully equipped; only $1050. Chalmers i91; 80 h. p.. fully quipped: good condition. Will be sold this week for 1975. Thomas; 45-60 h. p.; B-passenger; fully equipped. Bargain, only 8826. Maxwell 1910; 80 h. p. 8 passenger; fully equipped and in best of condi tion. Only 8860. Studebaker; 7 passenger; 40 h. p., fully equipped; fine for rent service. $1100. -I Bulck; late model; t passenger; 8600. Bulck; 4 passenger; 8400. Franklin. 8 passenger, fully equipped. Make offer. Studebaker light delivery truck; 40 h. p. Your own price. ' Grabowsky truck; 1 tone; 15-40 hp. Brand new. Will accept aotomobile as part payment. Call and get demonstra tion. 1 Every car guaranteed as represented. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington Sts. USED CAR BARGAINS. STEVENS DURYEA "-cylinder tour ing car, top, ironi, aemouniaoie ' rims, Bosch Dual system. WHITE STEAMER 1910 model "OO" Top, windshield, guaranteed good as new. POPE HARTFORD 5-passcnger tour ing car, double Ignition, top, wind shield, Prest-O-Lite tank, shock absorbers, $850. BUICK Roadster Model guaranteed. 16, 40 h. p. BUICK Runabout 1911 model, top, windshield, speedometer, magneto, $500. TOURIST 2-rvltnder roadster with double bucket seat, condition guar anteed. CAMERON 5-passenger. tnurlnp car, 19J0 model, top, windshield, mag neto, $500. We guarantee everything we sejl. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLEAR ING HOUSE Arthur H. Hertz, Mgr. Sixth and Madison Sts., Portland. Or. SWELL 7-passenger, 60 horsepower Kissel Kar, fine for rent or stage use. Just like new; cost 33000, will sell at H price and will, give some terms to responsible party Reo, 6-pasBenger,"" in fine condition. Will sell at sacrifice. Terms if desired. Cadillac runabout, $150 cash. M. Maiden. 603 Swetland bldg. E-M-F "80." We have two 1910 E-M-F "SO" 5 ija.-sengt-r touring cars, with full equipment completely overhauled, repainted and varnished, new tires; these cars we guarantee for one year from date of sale; prices upon request The E-M-F Northwest company. Chap ma JMUidAMfr t. Main S969. EQUITY $1400 in a $3300 five room bungalow, corner lot 50x100, East 25th t., near Alberta. Small amount In cash and the rest in exehanee for auto. See owner. Welnsteln, 88 6th I room 401. CADILLAC I have a -passenger fnllv- J equipped Cadillac, in first class con- anion; win sen or txaae ior city prop erty. . CHA8. RINGLER A CO.. 211 Lewis Bldg. BUICK TRUCK 1500 lbs. capacity, over-' hauled In our own shon and readv to go out and do good work. We'd rather j nave tne room than the truck. Hare s a chance to get a good truck ereap. Neate & McCarthy. Inc., 694 Wash, st. iF you are locking for a snap In an electric, we have it. It's a Stude baker Victoria In good condition and a f reat big bargain at the price. $500 akes It, if you hurry. Neate & Mc- Carthy. Inc., 694 Wash, st. WANT 6 passenger auto, good condl tlon. In exchange for equity in 2 acres rear Metzger. Salem Electric; nothing to pay ror 2 years except Interest. Glen art Realty Co., 422 Chamber of Com merce. PACKARD THIRTY. Seven passenger Packard touring car as good as new for sale cheap, or In ex change for 6 passenger car of same make. Call Main 2479. MUST sell, $400 buys a 6-pass, 4 cylin der, 30 h. p. auto, in good running order. This car is worth twice the price I ask, but need the monev. Call 648 Pettygrove. Phone Marshall 1245. "GARAGE" live and dead storage, painting and repairing; autos bought and sold. WILLAMETTE MOTOR CAR CO. 815 Hawthorne Ave. East 682. pair go. Springs guaran teed. 32 N. 16th st AUTO wanted; 3 passenger runabout; must be cheap for cash. C. H. Edick 1506 Esther ave.. Vancouver, WaBh." Phone 60S L. LIGHT auto delivery truck, good con dition, $360. Electric runabout. $375. Will trade for lot or equity. 232 Wor ces'ter bldg. ELECTRIC runabout, in good condition, $350 If taken at once, owner needs rhoney. Call Monday, Main 9029, A- SWELL electric piano, Just like new, . COSt 8860. Will sacrifice for nn.li no , sell on easy payments, or trade for auto- moDiie. MoiDrooK. 60S Bwetland bid NO. 1 old auto tires, 7Uo per ponndTTrT ner tuDes zbc; solid tires 7c, J uo", jou v.uiiimijm hi., main dihh. Ti,A"TrTVf ...H''1.'J -. rr- x wi cyunner jnaian, in A-l con N evl dltlon. I17K. Call 173 B, Water st Phone K. 608.. WE HAVE for sale'and ttade a number or oars or various kinds. Central Garage. 213 Front st. 12300 6 Dassenaer last vmir'n a,,i,- inuoi iiyt, pun ensn, pan trade, j. J. Reld. 326 Stark. MOTORCYCLE, good condition, tires, extra seat and handle good bars. Price $126. Call Sunday. 48 Pi. S7th ' ONLY $80 Old model steam runabout! Inquire at Murphy Bros Store, Union vf. t&inj a iijttuiuuit Bl. MOTORCYCLE, s single cylinder. Call -.".Y1"-5f: 8.B 7nton ye- South. , RUNABOUT for sale cheap, Montavllfa garajte, gwa cast aiara. Tabor 662. FOUR acres, close In; wlll trade for good adtomohlle. 232 Worcester Bltg. VANT Chassis or motor of vauto for rebuilding. 233 Worcester bldg.' AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCIES 44 PEERLESS touring car, fully equipped. food condition, 31260. -9 Ford touring car, fully equipped, 8460. . ? Maxwell Jr.. like new, 8376. 110 Mitchell rOodster, 4 pass., fully equipped, oost 81600. Price 8875. Chalmers SO touring car, fully equipped, fine condition, the best buy in town, ' 875. 1910 Roo touring car, fully equipped, 4 cyl., 30 h. p., like new, coat 81600. Price 8876. , - 1909 Maxwell touring car, fully equip ped. 8668. . 1910 Brush light delivery car, like new, 8361). . , .. 1909 Brush runabout, 8460. Brush runabout, feign wheels, 8800. 1910 Qarford 7 pass., 81760. . Franklin touring car. 8300. ' , " 1809 Studebaker Garford, 4 cyl., 40 n. p., 7 pass., cost $4600. . Thts'car is worth 81600 but will be sold for. 8975 to satisfy creditors. . CUSTOM BOOTH AUTO CO., 831 Everett St ' MONEY TO IX) AST S7 VACATION LOANS $10, $20. $80, $50, 870. 8100. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH GIVB US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU OUR WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. It WILL PLEASE YOU BECAUSE OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. OUR SERVICE IS SUPERIOR. EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL,. STATE SECURITY CO, $08 FAILING BLDG. . We Loan Money tiOW RATES QUICK LOANS NO RED TAPE NO DEL AT. Any Amount From 310 Up On furniture, pianos, storage rer pts, livestock .amonrts and all othei Kinds of person -1 property; payments ar ranged weekly -or monthly to ult your convenience. Courteous treatment to all ; private offices and all business strictly confidential GRAY CUNNINGHAM. 301-$ Rothchild bldg.. 287 Washing ton St.. between 4th and 5th sts. SHORT TIME LOANS A SPECIALTY. Strictly confidential. Reasonable rates. No delays. C. Frank Nichols 503 Lumbermens bldg.. 6th and Stark. IT . TAKES money to make money. If the Security Is Good Come to me for the LOAN C. FRANK NICHOLS 603 Lumermens bldg.. Fifth and Stark. Don't Borrow Money UNTIL YOU SEE US. Loans on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc: lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 807 Spalding bldg MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others furnished without security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It. snd pay as you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tolman $y Lumber Exchange. Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate or interest. See me first. J. E. Nichols 16 Yeon Bldg. Quick loans on furniture and : pianos, storage receipts, life Insur ance policies, livestock, real estate, etc. U. 8. Real Estate & Brokerage : Co.. 81$ Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. Money to l oan On furniture, pianos and livestock; no delay. ADOLPHUS LANE, 414 Abington bldg. THREE small mortgages for sale. about $300 each: interest nets about 13 per cent Take one or all; princi pals only. Smith, ?221 Washington, room 1 8. LOWEST RATES; loan on any secur ity, chattel or real estate. Union Brokerage Co.. 618 Abington bldg.. 108 hi 3d st LOANS. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6V4 to 8 per cent. J. FRANK P.-ltTER, 904 ChamRer of Commerce. MONEY In amounts from $500 to $8000 to loan on Improved city real estate. We are responsible. Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. WE make building loans. Portland Home Building Co., 414 Stark. Phone A-5194. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 H Sd st. near Alder. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance McKensl a Co., Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. PRIVATE funds to loan, any amount; terms easy; mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire ln surance. W. Q. Beck, 812 Falling. LOWEST RATES Real estate loans from 3100 up. Union Brokerage Co., 513 Abington bldg. QUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. Ki T. 6 Washington bldg. Main 6100. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 ft 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 283 STARK ST. WILL purcluiBe your mortgage notes. J. Frank Porter, 904 Chamber of Com. MONEY tu loan, 6 to H per cent. Good nough ft Selta. 810 Spauldlng bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. CASH for a few short time mortgages. Phono A. R. White. Marshall 62. MONEY to loan on improved real estate. L L. Wfclte. 701 Selling bldg. SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL. F. A. Newton, 816 Henry Bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan uo., 414 ixkum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 313 Chamber of Com. 31000 to $06,000 to loan; no commission. Address particulate to A-771, Journal. 32000 TO'310,000 to loan on citv prop erty. Phone evenings,' East 2053. WILL loan $1000 for 1 year at 8 per cent. Address F-775, Journal. HAVE 37000 to loan on city or farm property. K-771L Journal. HAVE 36000 to loan on real estate, or farm. K-772. Journal. city FINANCIAL at HAVING disposed of my Interest In business and financial, east. In a largo printing and . publishing plant, with both bindery and blank books con nected, I am doslrous to connect mysolf with some establishment of same nature in Oregon. Being a practical person, I figure on all classes of work and assume in management. Would be val uable to some establishment that needs a head and financial aid. O-770, Journal. 6 PER CK1TT MONEY For building or house purchasing as sistance, payable the 'same as rent. The Standard Real Estate Loan Co. (Inc.). CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity in contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon, H. E.' Noble, Lumbermens bldg. MORTGAGES and contracts bought and sold, F. A. Beard & Co., 612 Gerllnger bid.. 2d and Alder. LOANS WANTED 80 WANTED $1600 at 8 per cent for 3 years, on 8 room bungalow, willing to pay costs,1 but"b brokerages Ixjan wanted from private party. B-765, Jour nal. $1000 FROM private party, 3 years, building purposes; op lot worth $2500. Address ' L-779, Jonrnal. ,. WILL pay 10 per cent for $850 on 120 , acres wheat land In eastern Oregon. Land value, 84000. K-778, Journal vv ajn i HiL iu uorrow iau; no 00111 ' mission.- Address 133 R, 47th st . . ' ...... 1 1 aild 8 per cent Paid on flmt--lu oiuity. I'etaraon. 921 Board ot Trade, SO WANTED-WVlthout paying commission iibou a s per cent tor years, on bungalow with full cement basement. hardwood floors, furnace,, etc, fully modern; will pay reasonable attorney's reea. jj-id f , journal. WANTED $6000 at 7 Der ceni for 8 years to build $9000 building on $3000 lot, city property; no commission. J- 779, Journal. . LOST AND FOUND LOST or stolen. Black and tan male dog. white spot on breast, new bite on lert thigh, also on necx; answers to name of Tiny or Nigger Boy; reward. Keturn to 80S Fine st, ANYONE finding a bunch of keys In the vicinity of 19th and Thurman, please return to Cary Cream Co., 691 xnurman ana receive rewara, STRAYED or stolen Bulldog, white and tan; white mark on head. Parties having same call Main S498 jand save LOST Bay horse from barn, Front and Hail. Mas noie in neca. Keturn to 546 Front. Reward. LOST Monogram watch fob. Initials "J. 8. K": gift. Please return to J. 6. Knight, 1010 Bpard of Trade; reward. LOST Lady's gold watch (small size, open face), with chatelaine pin. Re- ward. L. J., 308 Park at. LOST or strayed about . April 1. one Spits dog; answers name Carlo; 11 cenee No. 1618; reward. 877 B. Burnslde OLIVER typewriter, good as new, 33$. E-770, Journal. PERSONAL 22 y correspond with sober and industrious gentleman with some means, between 45 and 60; give full particulars in first letter; trlflers need not apply. Object matrimony. T-778, Journal. AMERICAN bachelor, mechanic, stran ger, good character and respectable, wishes to meet quiet companionable, unencumbered lady 30 to 40, matrimon ially inclined; Interested, in making a home. V-773, Journal. YOUNG bachelor, good trade and some property, would like to correspond with lady between 25 and 85: no objec tions to 1 or 2 children: object matrl money. Address P. R., P. O. Box 481, city. CALIFORNIA wall bed, can be used in either completed or unfinished apart ments or houses. Display room 33, Sellings-Hirsch bldg., 3 to 5 p. m., Mar Khali 1675. GENTLEMAN of 84 of good habits would like to correspond with a lady between 20 and 30. who Would like a good home, no objections to a widow with one child. No gsneral delivery -r trlflerw need applv. C-774, Journal. Dr, Mary Kramer Specialists for women; herbs, medi cine, confinement cases, examination free, home for patients. 861 Missis sippi ave. Woodlawn 1873. GENTLEMAN of means, would like to eorreepond with a respectable lady under 34, with means, to take In terest in rooming house. Matrimony if congenial. R-731, Journal. PREPOSSESSING. educated little widow, 45, highest references, de sires earlv marriage with refined, pros perous man: full particulars. "Little widow." M-20, journal. DR." vATKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men. blood and sxin ais eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 First St. Portland. X YOUNG man of good standing would like to correspond with a young lady of same standing; no trlflers apply; object matrimony. P. O. box 2116, Portland. WE do everything Jn ladles' tailoring. Suits to your measure from 836 up. T. M. Ehrlich Co. Phoenix bldg.. 6th snd Oak. LADIES, why worry when A. A. A. sup positorles, $1, easily regulate female troubles. For sale only Ausplund Drug Co., 110 N. th. MARRY Many wealthy members, both sexes, will marry: all ages and nat ionalities; descriptions free. E. Box 26, Oakland. Cal. MEN that ale weak, nervoua and run down, write for Vlto-Vigor. Inform ation free. Results guaranteed. Vito Vlgor Co., 224 H Wash. st.. Portland. Or. WIDOW, lonely and alone, some means. wishes to correspond with nonest and sincere gentleman; object, matrimony if suited. Address L-776. journal. OCCULT, new theugnt, scientific, and ' school books bought and sold. Send for free catalogue. Jonea Book store. 284 Oak St. Henry Mm. LADY 65 years of age wishes to meet a gentleman with a home; no trlflers need apply. Mrs. Anna Rosa, 8t. Johns. Oregon. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Ex amination free. 802 Merchant Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. Main 4047, MATRIMONIAL paper, descriptions re fined marriageable people with means Paper sealed, 10 cts. Mrs. Bell, 1815 Magnolia ave., Los Angeles. Calif. HELEN 8UKK8 and J. K. Perry, mag netic healers, treat ail chronic dis eases. 267 H Russell st., Portland, Or. Phone C-Z1Z(; hours 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. AN ELDERLY gentleman with small income wishes to correspond with an elderly lady of small means. Object matrimony. K-77I, Journal, RELIABLE spiritual adviser, answers all questions successruiiy ; cards and palmistry taught. Room 2, Sli Mor rison st. BOOK of Nature. Fanny Hill. Maol Gray, Fatal Passion, Decameron. Be hind Footlights. COc each. Catalogue free. Schmale Book Co.. 22 1st MARRIAGE paper; highest character Incorporated; l&in year; 6000 mem bers; paper sealed; send 10c. L. Love, Bo 1600, Denver, Colo SANDER!. ON CO.. Savin and Cotton Root Pl:ls. sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 box or 3 boxes for $5, by mall. T. J. Pierce. 245 Morrison. LADIES: When delayed or Irregular use Triumph Pills; always dep. Tillable. "Relief" free. Write National Med. In stitution, Milwaukee, Wis. REFINED and cultured gentleman de sires to meet middle aged lady of culture with means; object, matrimony If both parties suited. K-778, Journal. YOUNG man. aged 26. good habits, fair means, would like to bear from somo lady, aged 18-26; object, matrimony. G 775. Journal. MRS. STEVCNS. 16 years Portland s leading palinlRt and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 843fr Yamhill at., cor. 7th GENTLEMAN of 32, stranger In city would like to meet ludy under 30; no objection to widow; object, matrimony if suited. G-777. Journal. YOUR shoe soles will outlast four up pers. Formula 10c, coin or stamps. Phone Main 6927. NEAT sincere, unincumbered widow, 48 would meet refined business man; ob ject, matrimony. J-771. Journal. MIS8 K. DAVIS, vibratory face and Room 4, 341 Mor- scalp treatment, rlson. C. HOLMSTROM; Swedish masseur, nerve and chronio disorders. 302-3 QregoniantudK: DR. nie K ETC HUM Diseases peculiar to en. Washington building, 4th and Washington streets. Main 8474. LOR EN Z. Nerv Tonlo Tablets restore lost vitality 26c box, 8 box li.lt, Btlpe-Tsylar Drug Co.. $8 Morrison. , WOMEN Use femoids when others fall; sold and guaranteed by the Aus plund Drug Co.. IIP N. 6th ft. Main ilOU. LADIES' Lorenz Antiseptic Cones are soothing, safe and sure. $1 per box. Stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison at 6EXOID Marvelous cure for weakness in men, money returned If it falla; Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. ?45y Morrison. FACE massage, shampooing, seal treatments, .manicurlnir. Room 1 SllH Morrison. WANTED Like to correspond with lady, 45 to 60; object maUrinomy. V-770. Journal, MRS. K W. SACRY, chiropody and pedN curing. 82H Williams. O-8081. E.-2832 1&ALf offlgs, re'rnedy for diseases, of a-omen. 38 Davis st Main 9116. YoTJll ghoa soles 'will outwear the up , Per Formula 10a ilaia 6327, LOANS WANTED S3 WANTED Men wno are despondent. have lost ambition, are easily tired, sleep poorly, back aches, feel that they have lost their former strength and vi tality and those suffering with stubborn discouraging diseases and ailments to come to me and receive a free friendly talk and examination as to their condi tion. If you desire treatment terms can be arranged to suit your means. Dr. Walker expert specialist 181 First st DR. ALICE A. liRlTJ". Diseases of women and children ex clusively. Women are often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting ma Nervous " diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements oared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones, Main 8828. A-6u7. Offices, rooms to 10. 818 Washing ton st. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITEDt Matrimonial naner with hundreds of new advertisements marriageable people from all sections, rich, poor, young, old, Protestants, Catholics,., mailed sealed free. Through correspondence you klADl1ni. ..A,,.. i.1.ia n 1 , .. Mali. n 1 11 , U viunuuji ; uvu ion o vi 11,0. - - ani acquaintances wnicn oiien enas in n Toledo, Ohio. ADVERTISER desires to meet lady who is matrimonially inclined. His de scription, fairly tall, dark, well read, traveled considerably. broadrnlnded, somewhat erratic; lady must no bru nette, sympathetic and congenial. Her age should be from 28 to 86. Answer frankly and fully, it will De respecteo. E-775, Journal. ENTLEMAN. 28, would like to meet Catholic girl between 22 and 26; dark complexion preferred; matrimony If suited. I am 8 feet tall, blue eyes, brown hair, quiet and steady with $20 per week. Use Gen. Del. if you like. L-772. Journal. Drugless Healing. Mrs. Corinne Adams, new apartments, 91 6th st, near Stark. Psychic mag netic healing, electric blanket sweats, medicated baths, newest and best equip ment In city. - MEN CURED QUICKLY. Modern elpctric treatment for dis eases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases. W. I. Howard. M. D.. 804-6 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washington. NOTICES 0 SEALED bids will be reoeived at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tilfoid bldg., until 6 p. m., August 3, 1911, for painting of: Ainsworth school, Buckman school, Chapman school, Ockley Green school. Stephens school. Sunnyside school. Bids to be on each school separately. All to be in accordance with the plans and specifications of Architect T. J. Jones, copies of which may be obtained at his office, 400 Tilford bldg. Certified check for 10 per cent of thu amount of bid, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated Portland, Or., July ZO. ltfll PEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 402 Tilford Villi. ,,T,H1 K n wn Alltrnat 3 1911 for an addition on the Glencoe school build ing. Bids will be received separately on: j. 1'iumDing unu unuu)i, 2. Glass and glazing. 3. General contract. All to be In accordanoe with plans and specifications of Architect T. J. Tnn.i i-nnipa of which may be obtained at his office, 400 Tilford bldg. A cer tified check ror iu per cent or me amount bid payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. K. 11. IHUMAS, acnooi i.ifr, Dated Portland. Or.. July 20 1911. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS F. A. SWINGLE & CO., architects and superintendents, structural engineera, 808 McKay bldgr Marshall 895 GEIJSBEEK EN3. CO.. 604 Blake-Mo-Fall. Main 2372. Plans, specifica tions, draftlne and designing in all lines. D. B. FLECKINGER, architect, design er of Ideal homes. 326 Mohawk bldg. 8d and Morrison. Phone Main 1684. ASSAYERS KNOW exactly what METALS are in any ORE by testing with Way's Process. Results obtained In a few minutes at a cost of a few cents. c. .ia thr.a.fnnrthf Vfttir nsanv at. . ii i . i i - - ...... j . . - ........ pense. Outfits for field, office and laboratory use from $3.60 to $25. Write for Illustrated pamphlet. Way's Pocket Smelter Co., Box 714, South Pasadena, Cal. F. A. SENNET, gold, silver snd platin um refiner, assayer and chemist. Gold buyer. 3d floor 142H 4th st. Main 6109 WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana. lytlcal chemists. 204 H Wash. M. f 608 MONTANA assay office, laboratory and" ore testing work. 188 Morrison. ATTORNEYS A E. COOPER, attorney at law. Oenaral practice; abstracts examined. Re moved to 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 878. A-2071. CHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg. AUTO SUPPLIES F. R. KEENAN CO.. 140 4th it. A-4131. M-3982, Empire Auto Tires, Pope Bi cycles, Auto, Bicycle and Motor sup pll as. VehlcU Rubber T Ires. AUTO LIVERY TWIN Pope Auto Livery, Morehouse Bros., night and day service, 4 door 7 passenger Pope-Hartfords, country and mountain trips a specialty. Stand 105 4th. Marshall 907. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES Wagner motorcycles; bicycle, motorcy cle, elect, rep. 22 N. 12th. Mar. 1610. YALE and Detroit motorcycles. BP cycles. Repairing. 133 10th. M. 7058. UUSIXESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- Ings, 817 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland office. 606 Electric bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of Insurance surety bonds. McKay bldg. BUSINESS COLLEGES, PRIVATE shorthand lessons. Gregg and Pitman syBtems, day and nlslit rt-PHiuriB, Bpt-'uim speeu ciassog nna p-t anions ror stenogrnpners. Main 7822. Modern Business College, 6th and Wash ington. BATHS IMPROVED Turkish for lBdles; Swedish ! ittendant. fine rub. 287 Balmon, M-7927. BLANK HOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d st Blank book m'f'g; agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; tee the new Kureaa lear. A-818.1. Main 18S. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-1968. 204 E. 19th N. HILL Bros., Auto Vacuum carpet clewn. Ing. 280H Grand. East 86i, B-2277. Steam' carpet, mattress, feather clean- lng. 650 Jefferson. M. 214, A-4416. 10 NE Steam Cleanlpg, carpets, faathers renovBteq; guaranteea. k. sbo, h-i:.ib. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rugs from 01a carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 168 Union ave.. near E. Morrison. FLUFF rugs from old carpets, cleaning. Portland Fluff Rug Co., 790 Wash. 8062. A-6488 HAG caipet and rugs. J618 Patton ava. mat .Woouiawn J636. PERSONAL CHIROPRACTIC PHY6ICIAN DR. J. E. MARSH, D; C The first chiropractor in the state of Oregon has removed to 417 Marquam bldg. SEE THE MAN WITH THE EXPERIENCE. DRT MAY, graduate chiropractor, acute and chronic diseases successfully treated. zi-z2 Marquam oiag. DR. EVA MARSH, chiropractor practl tioner, 223 Fleldner bldg. M. 4391, A 6218. DR. DOUGLAS, CHIROPRACTOR. 388 union ave. n. rcast bzi. DR. F. J. RIEBLAND. Chiropractor, 162 K. 38d St.; take S3 car. CHIROPODISTS DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, grad ' uate chiropodist, formerly 6tn and Washington; now located 614-15 IJekurn bldg., 3d and Wa shlngton. BR. MARTIN DRAUN, surgeon chiropo- distfrom the Imperial University hos- ltal, Vienna, Austria. 208 Rothchild klg. Main 5861. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Harriet E. . i. tuiiin, . a St. John. 429 Flledncr bldg. M. 0754. ( ,K HODGES 26-27 Seiling-Hlrach. Foot specialist Corns removed 25c. DR. J. MNDSEY. 175 Madlon. Special ist on corns bunions, foot diseases. DR. IVKY cures bunions, corns, all foot diseases. 2454 Morrison. M. 464 CHINESE DOCTORS DR. Blng Choona. physician for men and women. Guaranteed cure. tlSj Alder. DR. L. T. YEE A SONS. 142 1st st Main 8464 A-38SS. CTVTL ENGINEERS ORRIN E. STANLEY Railroad, munlc Ipal engineer. 1005 Q. of O. Mar. 1664. CLOTHES GUARANTEE! Tailor Co., pants $1, suits, shoes cht-ap. coats $1. 208 Main. WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes and shoes. 27$ Front. Main 4802. CIRCULAR LETTERS MUHTIGRAPHING, circular letter work . In any quantity. Evenings. Main 7623. STENOGRAPHY, typewriting, circular letter worK, is Wash. bldg. Mam 8713. WRITERPRKS8E1), let process, bt ter results, quick service. Main 1077. COAL AND WOOD Prompt Delivery IV iMfflWll Any Length Green and Dry Slabs Short or 4 Foot AUINA RflEL GO. Phones: E. 182, C-1117 NOTICE PfEsAoN SLAB WOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. INSIDE GRKEN SHORT. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 8119. A-700L 1000 Loads Of dry wood from wrecked buildings, cut to stove lengths, delivered for 33.50 per loan. WH BEAT ALL PRICES. International Buildinr & Wrecking Co., A. F. ELERATH, Mgr. 807-811 4th st South. Marshall 1884. Dry Block Wood Mixed with small wood, $4.50 per joaa, oeuverea anywnere in city. Port land Wrecking Co.. 106-107 N. 11th st Main 87, A-8786. FOR SALE. About 850 cords good dry cordwood within tVt miles of Vancouver. Wash., and about mile from electric trolley line; a bargain for cash. Address lock box 108. Vancouver. Wash. FLETCHER WOOD CO. 277 Haw thorne ave. Phones East 819. B-S089. All kinds of first class wood and coal delivered to any part of the city. We handle nothing but the best. C. Fletch , I Ij?JFL SPECIAL Block wood from country mill, $3.75 per load. Cut to blocks, $5.00 per load. For immediate delivery. Seghers Wood CO., Main 6359, A-Z415. 18th and Vaugrhn. SEGHERS Wood Co.. Sth and Gllsan, 18th and Vaughn. Fine dry country alab wood sawed In stove lengths, cord wood all kinds and dry block wood. Phones Main 6S59. 8851 A-2415. THE ECONOMY FUEL CO has reduced the price on high grade Wyoming and Washington coal for July and August delivery. 84 East Ankeny. Phone E. 214 and B-2S43. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 81S. B-1867. SOUTH PORTLAND iSLAHWOOO CO. Main 216C A-8842. Dry Inside wood, green -latwood. clean sawdust for bed ding; Mixed, $2 per load. REST $7.50 coul In the city. Summer prices on all grades. UNITED COAL COMPANY, 304 Ankeny at. Marshall 2403, A-7432. COAL IUiav.00- BLOCK WOOD Wn.rl?:iVid7VV00D FBI Els BURNS IDE FUEL CO., 126 7th: wholesale, retail w nort ec sawed to order. E-724 B-2777. FOR COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. PHONE HOLGATE FUEL CO. RKLLWOOD 486. Ponrcil Fighting the Tr LCl I U ul 4-f t. wood sawed to rust J to order I dlU 249 2d Bt. Main 1616; Home A-1106 Main K767 J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry SL nn.TinffllrTl 4 foot dry wood. W All U U Nat. Fuef Co.. 887 Water st. Marshall 960. The Multnomah Fuel Co,, Main 6540. foot of Market st. A-2118 Good service as well as good wood. Special Price A-1 Cordwood UNION FUEL CO.. BOTH PHONES. STANDARD WOOD CO., box planerand cordwood. 347 E. Stark. East 2315' B-1fi5 j OREGON VVooa i ra Coal and wood." A-6446. M all. K04. 32 4 3d. cor. Clay. DRY wood, 2 to $3.50 per loud, deiiv"- ored anywhercL Call phone Tabur 2339. CITY MARKET Wood Yard. Cook"" Son. 3d and Clay. Main 3243. A-4322. EDLEK8EN Kl"'EL CO. first class cordwood. pays cash for EDLESEN FUEL CO. pays cash A-l cordwood, car or barge. for COLLECTIONS OREGON Collection Agency. 427 Ham ilton. Expert collectors. Main 4778. COLLECTION'S everywhere Colton Adj. Co., 410 Abington bldg. Main 8410. PC HTLAND collection Agency. All debts collected 817 Al'sky A-7317 M 43?. CONTRACTORS AND RL1LDER8 WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter end - builder, Jobbing and contracting. -0 4th Main 8241. A. C. F'OrESNG, buildi ng contractor, money loaned for building. CJ3 Cham- ner or commerce. Mam 2051. UlKi-KfllEK ana contractor; joiining remodeling; and specialty; slim work. O. P. Bliss, 8 22 H Stark. Main 9017. . S. WING, carpenter, all kinds Job work, furniture repaired, upholsteri-d, kal- sominlng. painting. 236 6th. Main 7648. lhltu J. BURTON, 188 1st erchltect-oullder. Kaflmates furnished. M. 1R17. A-l 81 T. JERT WAKKFIKLU general eon. raotor. 41V ,Was-Farga bid M.iM REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAM APDRKSS . Baiter. D. If., City, rrm Property 808 Corbett Blfttf Bronr-Bteele CoDipsny .....Oranod floor Lewis bldg. BTUDlKer m Rnrilnt Chapln ft Berlow .333 Chamber of Oommeree ....Mnln 1M , Cook ft Co., B. R 008 Corhett Bldr Mnln 95. a-ftoa . Kimnp ft Marke T Chamber of Commerce ..Mala anl A ilrt Oreton Real Eltlte Co., Tb .....flrand A. anil Mnltnoinan. .. .Kaat ST C 170 SJhlelda. J. n 108 Oerllnsw BUUr . . .Main MM Thompson. If. B. Co Hetirr Bld.. 4h-Oaa M. BOS4. A-S43 " - DANCING WAUTZ, "two step," "three step" and ntasro dancing, 25c lepson, every mornlnfc, afternoon and evenlne;. Prof. Wal Wlllson's School, 8S6V4 Washing ton between W. Park and 10th. DKTiSI9 ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work U Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldBewoik: we cure pyrrobea (looee teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Alveolar Dental Co. A6 Inrton bide., lfld 8rd St. DR. H. B. GARRISON, graduate Phil adelphia Denial college, '1898. R09-11 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Wash ington. Mnln R4S4. CHICAGO Painless lentlsts. established 15 years 323 M. Washington, cor. "- DETECTIVBl AGENCY PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency, 421-423 Board of Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 872. DOG AND HORSK HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. B.. of 184 H 1st at. If. 4083. Hosp. f B. 13th. K 844ft. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS DR. R M. BAIRD. D. M. T grad. A C M. T. Chicago. Rheumatism, stomach trouble chronic diseases. 38 Wash, bid. ELECTRIC MOTORS BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117, Walker Wkenrie El. Wks.. 108 Union. FOOT SPECIALIST DR. C. W. HEVD.AND, 813 H Washing ton St., room 85; grad. chiropodist Bring this ad. and receive one treatment free. FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy, sell, exchange and nay beat prices for second nand furniture, stoves, ranges, etc Hartiell Furn. Cxx, 838 S. 1st. Phone Marshall 2876. FURNITURE PACKING Furniture packing; neatly done; work guaranteed. Phone East 1662 or call 1B9 Page street for particulars. GARDENING Lots mowed, lawns taken care of. O'Brien 203 H Stanton. Woodlawn 1854, GRASS and weeds mowed. P. C. Lennon, Phone Woodlawn 1854. flABUUNB ENGINE STATIONARY and marine, electric eauinments: launches. accessories. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co, l Morrison. INSURANCE McCAROAR. Bate A Lively. 118 Fall ing bldg. Every form insurance, bonda GRAINING AND MARBLING J. H. MARSHALL & CO., English graln er of wood and marbles. Samples shown, estimates. 208 Alder, room 3. St., room 3. . HAIR UOOD3 FEBVET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human Hair goods; hair dressing manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M-64. HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern liac ejiciorv; largest nai ren ovators In the city, 64-86 8a at. ground floor Worcester bldg. Hata direct from the factory at half prlca KODAK DEVELOPING FREE DEVELOPING Velox prints So up; mail orders solicited. 214 Mer chants Trust rri MO von kodak work, enlarging. re- touching, to Rose City studio, 66 6th LADD3S TAILORING J. HARRIS, the well known ladles' tai lor lormeriy oin anu Aiuer, nas re moved to Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash ington. Prices reduced on suits for the summer. THE NEAL dressmaking parlors; ladles ults and evening gowns a specialty. 100 West Park, fclarshall Ulfc LAUNDRY SEE Lea Chinese. 200 MI1L and Ironing carefully done. Washing A-40g LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHA-J. L. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings. MACHINERY B. TRENKMAW at CO. Hydraullo and sneclal dIdbs. screens, baaarlng. mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th. MIRRORS W. S. CLARK, mirrors and beveled plates to order; eld mirrors resilvered. 68 1st st. Tabor 245. U LiLTIGUAPHETU MULTK3RAPHING. shorthand, type 414 Buchanan bids writing. M. 756. MLHICAL DEALERS SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 134 2d: comrjlet line musical mass. FTM catalogue Bueocher band Instruments. UUblU TKACHERS PIANO lessons 35c. by experienced teacher. ivelnncrs preferred. (all afternoons anil evenings. 169 E. Sth. E. TH1KLHOKN. violin teacher; pupil Bevlk. 900 Marquam. A-41HO. Mr.lo29 PROF. T. E. LAWSON. 186 14th st Phone Main 6197. Piano lessons 60o. NATUROPATH PHYSICIAN DR. I WINKLER. Specialist dls the stomach, liver, bowels; all dlpeaxt'tt I rented; no drugs, no knife. 70 Sclllng-nirsrh nidg., anti Wash, DR. S. F. OBOVKH, practic Specialist. Naturopath. Chlro- Parabsls. SulnaL Nervous disenses 703 Oregonlan bldg. OITICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO.. 826V Washlns ton st. Eves examined. Free advice. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. V, W. Christie Osteopsth. chronic nervous diseases, 814-6 Macleay bldg. Main 8172. A-4880. DR MLLKBKLLK PATTERSON. sp clallst en nerves, acute and chronic iMr. 117 Fentnn hldg Main 811 UK SMITH, rfrafluatt Klrkvllls. Mo. 1898: post graduate 1907. 1133 Cell ing bldg. ' ... DJKo. I.. H. AND K. H. alMl i'H. aensral practitioners. 4QB Orearnnlwri bldg. OSTRICH , PLUMES TAKE ELEVATOR AND SAVE MONEY California ostrich. - finest sample plumes In the world; old plume cleaned, curled, dyed. Golden State Ostrich Feather Co., 214 Swetlnnd Wdg.J corner 6th and ,Vasulngtoi, sU, , , TKUcrnorr ' ..A44IU. Hh T4BV " ...Vila sad A-1T41 HOT U.k a, HM . PAINTING AND PAPEItlXO ' C L. BRINER Palntlns. tin tin. LJEIfs-lSPoratlng. 414 Davis; m;-8383 PATMTTiun 1,t ,.r. ;. - terlal guar. 449 a Burnslde. FOR best work, prices right. caTTT Doane. 104 Union. Both phones! FOR satisfactory nalntlnr. nun.rUn.. ing. etc.. phone Kst 1364. " tv" owesi pricew on pa nting. signs . etc.. yec Crane. Woodlawn 2741 PAINT. OIL AND GLAUS 188 FrjstMaln 1334, A-704S Palnt. ne. cor. 2d & Taylor. M.. A-l 771. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock at ior5ey;aVIaw- lat0 U. S. patent of flee; book free. 719 Board of T??rtl wSI U. a and foreign patents procured by an n. v 9s MARTIN ' 40P Chamber of Commerce Building "JSl-y,110.11'1'' U 8- n1 'orelgn pat ents; Infringement cases. 804 Dekurn. PATTERNMAKER Bid. Pattern Works, removed Main 74?f CMtln" of "crlptlone. PIANO TUNLVO FRED JACOBSON, piano tuning, $1: 1J years experience. 190 3d. Main 9481. PD?B PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 4th and fork. Main USi. PLUMBING AND HEATING PORTLAND Pipe Shop sells new and second hand pipes, all sizes, H Inch up. We carry a great quantity of boil er pipe for irrigation, new thread and couplings, ready for usa 269 Front st Main 6325. M. FRIEDMAN. 362 1st. plumbing, gaa uiunii ana aen. joooery neatly dona PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Oll M lan. 188 10th Both phonea. PRINTING WELCH PRINTING CO. '"Doers of clever things with type and i n on paper. m ist. SPECIAL prices on business stationery. awiii riraa Piy gucnimg Dig. M-0B94. J. R. HAMILTON, printe. 202 Com monwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny sts. RHEUMATISM POSITIVE cure for rheumatiam. Sanitarium. 695 Front st Hill's ROOFING, PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting and job. blng. Losll ft HMser. 212 Jeff. M. 1424. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun nlngMm Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407. BAFEB THE Mosler Safe Co 108 Sd t Safe at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened: bargains In second hand safes. SCREEN MANUFACTURING SCREENS SCREENS SCREENS'. Built to order, any slxa or style: pawned and hung complete. Main 963. Union Screen Co.. 109 Union ave. RUST proof screens made to ordar. Prices right. East 1888. SHINGLES BH3T In Portland. gee them, 103 Washington st 8. E. Gilbert STATIONERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITER paper 76c ream. M. Wt, Pioneer Stationery Co., Buchanan bldg. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES and store fixtures la stock, made to order; lowest prices. J. Linden. 428 Hawthorne. East 3117. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, stor . and office fixtures. 289 Couch.. M-3703. R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDO.J Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Sales arent M Winter Lumber Co. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER Signs; the larg est sign makers iu the northwest B. 7th arid E. Everett sta Phones East 1111. Home B-3334. SIGNS, metal, cloth, weatherproof; ta.i,. Anl . , i , i. . ( ir i. Q B ii.i n V 1 V U 1 veikaw Dl H 1 1 ll, 0 V. V. 11 . tft F. L Kelley. Ablngion bldg. Main 1418 RANN SIGN CO, quality and sarvloe, 889 E. Alder St. East 6801. W. P. BERGER & Son Signs and Show Cards. 284 Yamhill st. Main 9891. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Main 1698. SIGNS of all kinds, attractive, quality, service. Murrato A Potter. 314 Mill. OREGON Sign Co. A. Llchtaarn, man. ager. Z7i sd st. Phone Main I89. STOVE REPAIRING 8TOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake there Is something wrong. I can fix It 868 E. Morrison. Phone East 1022. IF you want or need anything for vour . stove can us. K.-43(if. bio Williams. EAST Side Stove Repair Co., gas stoves a specialty. 828 Williams. E-969 STKA'OGHAPHKltS, COURT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n. 484-408 Abington. M. S037. A-5338. Depositions SWEDISH MASSAGE C. LEE treats rheumatism, stomach troubles, paralysis of the bones, 998 E. 19th N. C-24S6. TAILORING SCHOOL KIBSTER'S Ladles' Tailoring college, learn dressmaking, tailoring. 1 48 1 1 th TA'ORINO ALFRED OOILBEE, 810 Labbe bldg, 34 and Washington Suits to order. QVti BKAUiUIST.-tallor and drupar; ex. clnslva patterns. 246H Washington st NOR THWEST TAltORS7TOREA"5ffc;a JD GENTLEMEN. 1 N. 6TH ST. AND TAXiDEiDiirr: F. a FINLEY. taxidermist and furrU glass eyes. 849 Columbia , 1 1 - 'i" .-.!,. trmatuia.itBBi ' TELEGRAPH SCHOOLS LEARN wireless or railroad talegraphy, great demand tor operators, positions E ar,. write ror circular, , nai 1 m ui. st, Commonwealth bldg., Portland. TRANSFER AND NTORAGR PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. eor. 1 'and Everett sts., Jnst tprd. re-.-most modern LtornSgi r-ii"""i In -every convenience for safo I r handling of goods; l'wt ..-if . rate In nortliwe; trm i'fii.. ' tot tuuvtng. MaUl or A-lt J. 4 "M-