- :"k"l r .THE " OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, . JULY. 23, 1911. ROOMING HOUSES FOB BALItf 5 . Hotels, Apartments And Rooming Houses.for Sale it booms, Iteoo. ' . Well located: rent only $70, with 8 "years lease. This Is a bargain andf won't last lone.: . ' 88-ROOM HOTEL. s Right . In the heart of the oity; 4 years' lease at ow rent- Hous V "XI, III Iir.-,1W IVIIUIUUII, BUUWIltlBU IX. clearing: $150 per month. $12.00 cash 13-ROOM APARTMENT. West Side location;, 5 years' lease $100 per month; new furniture. Prloe 1450. $800 cash. : , '.' ' .' " IB ROOMS. $1100. This house Is located close In on Morrison St., strictly modern. If you . are looking for something classy, ask . to see this. SB ROOMS. $1000 cash, balance trade. This Is an-exceptionally well furnished house and extra well located. Rent only $160 per month. Good lease. . 64-ROOM HOTEL, years' lease at $115. . House clear ing over $200 per month. This Is a first class "worklngman's" hotel. $$1500 cash required. WE) ARB HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS. APARTMENT HOUSES AND ROOMING HOUSES and only handle houses that are on PAYING BASIS. Associated Investment Co. 618 Yeon Bldg., 6th and Alder. , Phones: Main 481; A-7112. ST'S A A rooming house, 12 rooms (rooms all rented), good profits .each month, fine location, large yard, 1 blk. from two carllnes, very convenient to walk. Bath, phone, light? furniture In fine shape, rent reasonable, $400 cash will handle. Price $900. Buy from owner and save the commission. Communicate with T-777, Journal. K t,. v a tiof& -v. mi .hi. place up and double your money. The location Is A-l. 18 rooms for $500. only $30 rent and en West Side; or will trade for larger place. . 28 rooms, flral class location, cheap rent and goodlease. This place can be bought right and will make you some money. If you want a good, clean, well furnished place" we can show It to you In 20 rooms all on one floor. We try to sll you what you want and at the owner's price. 504 Lumbermen blilg. Main 5839. LITTLE BEAUTY 2 and 3-room apartment honee; newly Turnisnen. 10 years lease; JstiO rent, $1000 cash, halarce terms Phone B- 3O20; East 5024. MINnVG STOCKS S8 TALK WITH FLETCHER. All California Oil Stocks. 10 Alaska Coal OH .bid 83,095 Almeda Oon. trans bid 7,60 Almeda Con. trans 68- 1.000 Almeda Con. trans 70 400 Almeda Con. trans .60 6.000 Black Bear (So. Or.) snap 2,800 Blnck Eagle bt.l 200 Call Switch bid 1,000 Cascadia M. & D bargain 10 Coin Machine (Potter) . .special 6,000 Columbia Riv. Orchard bond .16 600 Cometock Golden date 12 6,000 Fidelity Copper s bid 50 Oerm.-Am. Coffee 11.00 600 Govt. Stand. Powder cheap 1,000 Hood River Orch Land bid 1,000 Meader-Cochrane Press. .. ;$1. 00 100 Nelson Fender bid 8,600 Oriole (So. Or.) cheap 100 Peck'Autfl Wheel bargain 100 Portland Concrete Pile, .special 60 Robacher Aut. Pump bid 60 SImonson Fix-It. market 6,000 Skamania O. St C. ...big bargain 200 Spring Tire bid 1,000 St. Helens Mln. & Tr 03 St Johns OH & O try some 4,000 Trevor Mines 02 , 62 U. S. Cashier bargain All other stocks and bonds; see me before buying; may be able to do bet ter. I WANT: Alaska .Exp Copper Robacher Au. pump H. T., P., Stk or bd Fidelity Copper Almeda Con. cheap SImonson Fix-It Metallne Con. Grey Eagle leasing Automatic Call Sterling Gold Qts. 225 Abington Bldg. HAVE discovered 800 acres of fine limestone; will sell same. For par ticulars address Ney Angwood, Rock- port, Wayh. GREY Kagle Mining Co.'s stock; We bought some last week and want more. Will pay you $21 a share for yours. H-771. Journal. MINING and industrial stocks; tele- fihone and other bonds bought and d. C 8. Fletcher. 125 Abington bldg. t)ON'T sell your Grey Eagle leasing stock too cheap; we are paying $22.00 a share for it. Address N-775, Journal. X000 SHARES or less, Automatic Call, (the new hotel system), 60c. L-774, Journal. BUSINESS CHAJfCES .SCO WANTED Party with $2000 to Join us In handling a' timber and cordwood proposition. We own timber and want money to put same on the market. This .! a gilt edged proposition; money se cured and oan be trebled In one year, Regan, 1026 Chamber of Commerce. SALOON SinaP. N My health la poor' and I will sell IVny saloon with Independent license. I I nave a long lease: my location Is the best In the city and am maKing Dig money. See my agent. J. E. Nichols Co., 618 Yeon bldg. ItESTAUKANT Good location, long lease, with cheap rent; good cigar stand In connection; business now net ting $250 per month; will give terms; no agents. 424 Yeon bldg. MOVING PICTURE theatre that is do ing good can be bought with few hundred down and pay balance out of business. 404 Rothchild bldg. I"OR RENT A vacant livery stable, a good chance for anyone who under stands the business. 221 S. Main at., Lents. : for" sale. Paying grocery store, sales $1000 per month, for $700. Address E-778, Jour nal. I CAN put you Itno a business that will make you $250 month for $600. It's worth $1600. Goddard, 606 Yeon bldg. .SMALL worklngman's restaurant for sale; also 63 room furnished lodging house to rent with the privilege of buy ing. Bee owner. 288 First street. bY EXPERIENCED landlady, furnished rooming house; will rent or take full charge for other parties, 8-775, Jour nal " SAWMILL complete for cash, time or trade, half price. Owner, 193 West Park. r 1 , ' ' i HAVE one of the best novelty ad ver tlsing buslnesaes in the land. Answer I J you mean business.' Q-776, Journal. I (a. GROCERY store located at 869 Wll V . Hams ave. by owner. Phone Woodlawn 118. C-2952. Open Sundays. INTENDING to retire from business I will sell my business at reasonable price. Albtna Dye Works. ESTABLISHED millinery business for . sale, fine location, good trade. F-772, Journal. ' . ' FOR KENT Store; central location; ( Very low rent. M. E. . Lee, $11 Cor- bett bldg. ': '-' GROCERY' business and aome cash to trade for email Improved farm. G-778, Journal. GROCERY and confectionery, 'good lo catlon, on newly paved street, reason able., Woodlawn 85. . DESK room for rant, 627 Chamber of )- Commerce. ': '"":;,;'" 6MALL, hardware and shop at a b"ar , gain. J7T, journal. , , , BUSINESS CHAKCES , SO GENERAL : MERCHANDISE , STORE , v.- , " FOR SALE.' - . ,- - ' One .of the best stocks of general merchandise In state, new, good stock, building on leased ground,- used as .de- got, express office and store, stock and ulldlng- invoice about $6500;,. ground rent nominal,! sales from $3000 to $5000 per month; "desire to retire from bust ness, splendid chance for experienced man with money. Apply at store or by letter to owner, Mrs. N. N. Fulton, Black Rock, Polk count Or., or Oscar Hayter.' Dallas. Polk county, Or.' rt;-MEB Located at Summit Benton county, Or,, on C. A E, R. R. Will Invoice be- iwwn tivvu suit ouvv, j.o cuts, mures of land adjoining store property. Come and see It ana judge for yourself. ivrmm li waniea. vooa reason iur sell ing. Address, H. L. Bush, . Summit. T- .... k Apartment Lease for Sale H Interest in first class apartment house for sale, finest location on the east side. You can have salary, living apartments and full control of manage ment; the house is full of good tenants and paying about $200 per month profit It requires $2600 cash. JOHNSTON, BOTHFUR & WESTON 908 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. A-1 Grocery Store I am going to California and will sell my grocery stock at invoice, and the fixtures every bit of. them goes wittf the place, wagon and harness Included. You don't have to put $1 into fixtures. Can you find another cne In this city to buy like thatT Not much. About $800. Call 310 Oak st. MR. CONTRACTOR, sit up and take notice, I have two unfinished 8-room houses, about, ready for plastering. Lumber all on ground. ' Will give one for the finishing of both or' will trade $1500 equity for automobile or grocery stock, or what have you? See my agent Mr Shoemaker, 526 Henry bldg. Main 440ft. TWENTY room country hotel, lncor porated coast town, doing good bus iness. 42 acre improved ranch, good 8-room house, nearly million feet tim ber, adjoining city limits. 72 acres un improved land cloae to. Feed barn. Un improved lots. Assessed valuation, $4500. Make me cash offer, particulars, Box 129. Newport, Or. Cigar, Confectionery and Pool ' Hail Located on beet transient street In the city, good lease, doing $30 dally; stock and fixtures will in voice $1 100. Price, if taken thin week, $600. Peters, 15 N. 6 1 h s l . Mr, Restaurant Man $500 buys a ilandy lunch enunter with tables, doing $30 a day business; owner Koini; away; will sell or trade. See my agent. imOADSTREETS EXCHANGE, 271 b Morrison street, room 62. For Man and Wife Or lady, one of the finest confectionery and Ice cream parlors In Portland's su burbs; fine school trade and baker's goods, doing a fine business. Am sick, must sell, a bargain at $1200. Call 310 Oak si. WANTED 10 men or women who are f-apable of earning from $100 to $200 per month and have from $250 to $500 tn Infest In a proposition that will irehle you money; we will pay you for your time Investigating if not found as represented. J. W. Harshman, 316 Mer chants Trust bldg. Country Grocery Store And crockery, glassware, etc.; located in a little town with the, best farming country surrounding in tho state, doing a fine business, nut I am going east to stay, and will sell my store at Invoice, about $3 500. Call 310 Oak t Portland. YAMHILL. COITKTY REALTY CO, 410 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washlnrton sts.. Portland. We have farms from 10 to 640 acres, .cp yards, orchards and orchard land: Hfnber, shingle in'Ms, hotels and city property. We locate timber claims ana ONE of the best money making stores in the city, confectionery, cigars, etc. Stock $600. fixtures and furnishings $1000; all for $600 6 year lease. Liv ing room. This Is the biggest snap ever offered In Portland. Owner, God dard, 605 Yeon bidg. $450 PAINT store, good lease. Rent $10 per month. Owner retiring from busi ness. Everything goes at invoice. See my agents at Vis Maaison. RESTAURANT WORTH $2000. , Price $750 Today A money maker. Call at 88 10th st. Ve'll explain why they are forced to almost give away." WANTED Working Interest in busi ness. Young man 35. from Chicago, expert, experience "In printing and book binding. Address D. G. Branckmann, Portland Hotel. FOR SALE Grocery, doing good busi ness; rent $25, lease 4 years; on car ltne. Will Invoice or exchange for farm or city property at $2000. Address P. box 7S7 Ht. Johns, or. ROCERY business doing $40,000 busi ness yearly, uood clean stock, long lease. This Is one of the best gro ceries In the city. Must be sold to set tle partnership. F-777. Journal. FOR SALE. A first class dry . goods, ladles' and gents' furnishings business, on a busy st., business Increasing; sickness cause or selling, f-7b, journal, jno agents. COUNTRY hotel to lease, furnished or will sell furniture; new modern place; clears $200 to $300 month. This is a fine opportunity. See owner or write H. E. James, lutn, near tsiarK MILLINERY btiHiness for sale. Splen dld chance for milliner wishing to start In business for herself. Full par ticulars upon application. L-777, Jour nal AX1 xvu , i n v u iuio uai w. yielding but 4--perhaps not that 1 can place same In short time loans; se curity satisfactory, payment guaranteed. 231 Flledner Bldg. Main 5239. Restaurant 1 block from Portland hotel, rent $25, well worth $800, but for quick sale $175 will buy it. Peters. 15 N. 6th st WANTED Carpenter for light work; permanent puBiuun, uui oi cuy; wages $3 per day; man with $500 to Invest in comercial apple orchard preierreq. n-iiv. uournai. WIDE awake man with $600 can get into a business that will make him Independent for life; don't answer un less you are prepared to do business. W-692. Journal GENTLEMAN desires lady partner to take half Interest in small first class rooming and apartment house. Money maKer. AaoreeB journal: FOR SALE Splendid shoe business, InJ voice about $5000; corner stores-email rent, lease; worth looking at. Own wants to go to Europe. C-768, Journal. I Must Sell at Once; my cigar stand at 92 th at. Come and see tne owner, 500 Business Cards $1 Rose City Prlntery. 192H Sd. TWO years' lease on chop house for sale, between 1st and 2d on Alder at. Inquire g I. 4tn. SALOON and hotel for sale on account of husband's 'death. Apply Mrs. M. ' -Til U mm id W sw. t. , . -... CLEANING and pressing parlor, good location, doing good business; rent Suter, 622 savior St.. rortianq, very cnea-t?, bbp wwiirii m y-iicrmin FOR SALE Nice Ice cream store and poolroom, good location; - good busi ness, zoo .vereii. ftJCHTAURANT $1000. Right down town, good lease," cheap rent; pargain; terms. -im. journal. (2 room hotel, everything modern; loca ' tlon corner Front and Salmon: sd- ply Levin Hardware Co., 229 Front t PART of store for rent, also basement FOR BALE Shoe repairing store com plete, Goodyear outfit Apply 188 Id wmam BUSINESS CHASCES , LVLE As toon as the fall comes with Us splendid crops and prosperity a rush will take ?lace Into Lyle similar to he famous settling up of the large oltles of Okla-a horn a In the meantime, while there are still splen did opportunities for selec tion, It would be advisable to see Lyle and to decide at once on ' your investment .there.. The dispute over the tremendous water pow er at Kyle will soon be set tled. - No matter which side wins, Lyle will have the cheapest electric power of any city in the west, and with Its splendid rail and water transportation, its immense back country, and its other natural ad vantages, Lyle will soon make everyone sit up and take notice. Business lots on graded streets with ce ment sidewalks from $850 up, easy terms. Beautiful residence lots from $200 up, many of them with best city Improvements. Call at our office Monday and ar range to see Lyle with us. Special rates. KEASEY, HUMASON A iEFFERY, Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. Partner Wanted . , ., . - i i r,t aa fit-. l nave line i'mb m mnw.w trlet, cash value $2600. Want party to Join me with same amount to build four modern houses. Two houses already sold at good profit; the other two will luuns at 60 per cent of their value. Your , . . .,ni i,nn a ' in ner cent profit in four mcnths. If you haven t the $2600, loin me with half the amount and build two of the houses. A. IN. or.ni.ry. .... Take M-V car, get off E. 7th st. rnMM nn the corner. CONTRACTORS, attention: Wanted, to let contract Tor uuiiums mni tel In country town, near Portland, to : .... ...... ,1,1 tuliilA- tn tnkf de- party wn'J wijui . ------ slrable pioce of property as part pay- nient. excepuunai uiji Prgetle man in this community, as new town Just started and many other buildings. Including store, soon to be built. G-770. Journal. Snap Snap Cafeteria and Lunch Room Excellent location, good lease and fix tures, big money maker at great sacri fice; account of sickness. AMFRIOAN TRPST CO., 213 Chamber of Commerce. Meat Market Market complete in a good town Just outside of Portland; good fixtures and machinery; doing a business of $80 per day no other market in town. Here Is a good opening for a market man. Look this up; it s all right. Neal Brown. 709 Swetlana Qlflg. Confectionery and Rooms One of the very best locations, hand ling cigars, cheap rent, transfer point, taking in $25 to $48 a day " BROADSTREET 8 EXCHANGE, 271V4 Morrifton St., Room 62. Cigar and News Stand Clears $500 a month; four years' lease. Best west side location. Will nacrlflce; must sell before Wednesday. For address see AMERICAN TRl'ST CO., 213 Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN . I have a nool room and cigar stand that clears me $60 per week, rent $20, but am going away. I will sell this for part cash, balance monthly. Bee mv agent. J. E. Nichols Co.. 615 Yeon bldg. 6 room modern corner flat, $18. 6 room modern flat, $12. Small bouse on Union avenue. $10. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 133 First street. DELICATESSEN. This place is in a high class loca tion and is enjoying a fine business; good reason for selling. If you want something that will make a good profit, this Is A-l. Trial given to prove to you this is the best place on the market. J. E. Nichols Co., 615 Yeon bldg. DELICATESSEN for sale at a bargain. Doing fine business, clearing $250 per month; will bear the closest In vestigation, but must sell on account of 111 health. For particulars see J. M. Kerr & Co.. 311 Henry bldg. PARTNER WANTED. My partner had to go east. I bought his Interest In our tailoring business. I can do the work but need a good man to see after customers. See my agent. J. E. Nichols. 615 Yeon bldg. FOR RENT Commodious store rooms with shelving and counters, connect ing with large wnre room. Rest loca tion in town. Good opportunity for gen eral store, hardv.aro and furniture and butcher. C. E. Hedge, Beaverton. Or. MOVING PICTURE theatre, down town, will sell V4 Interest; I do my own operating and want partner to look af ter the lower floor; $1000 required; money fully secured. 404 Rothchild blrTp. WANTED State manager for large cor poration, first clnss man can make $3000 to $5000 per year. $500 cash re quired. Call at once. 613-15 Selling bldg , WILL trade good downtown restaurant with lease. What have you? C-771. Journal. HELP WANTED MALE 1 TILE SETTERS, nonunion, for out of town. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg. STRUCTURAL iron workers, out of town. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg WANTED Good, honest, sober, steady man for saloon, give particulars, good wages to rlgnt man. A-773. journal. POLISHER wanted with experience on stove work. Steady Job. Pacific Stove A Range Co., St. Johns. WANTED News agents for railroad train service. Barkalow Bros., 826 Johnson street. ERRAND BOY 14 or 15, $20 per month. Allen's Press Clipping Bureau, 246 Va Washington street. WANTED Apprentice for show card writing. Duties easily learned. Hi Firth street, WANTED 3 first-class stock salesmen, first class men can make big money. uau .13-15 eeiiing. WANTED Two solicitors, good money right now. uu Monday a. m., ous Lexington avenue, wenwooa car. WANTED Gno coat maker and one vest and pant maker. A. Kiljuner, Astoria, or. WANTED Experienced solicitor on wagon for cleaning house. . Woodlawn CARPENTER wanted. Phone Woodlawn 1193. J ; UNCALLED tor tallor-inaoe suits, $0 up. Taylor tne m.or, zo numsiae. WE sell uncalled for tailor made suits, 810 up. Harvsrd Tailors, 308 Burnslde. WEAF a Keniinaw $2 hat; all styles. 1 6 Fourth, 449 Washington. fWO carpentes Monday, only michao les needed; 405 Kerby st. LlNE'ME"N, nonunl on. Apply 22"J Com- merciai iiuo dior WANT grading, carpentering, painting; give dentistry. Call 207 Allsky bldg. WANTED Boys. Irwin Hodaon Co., 16th and Ullsan streets. GLAZIERS, nonunion, for out of towni Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg. . , MALE dishwasher wanted, elderly man preferred. 395 E. Yamhill, cor, wand. FIRST class boiler makers wota. Call - JZ8 Commercial clulr vS1- iLELP WAOTED-MALK HELP WAJiTED MALE ' C. R. HANSON CO., Largest and most fully equipped! em ployment agencies on the Pacific coast HELP SUPPLIED FREE TO EM PLOYERS. . EMPLOYMENT SECURED OR NO CHARGE. FREE -REGISTRATION. WANTED. SOUTH. , For the Utah Con. (Jo., free fare. Laborers, drillers, muckers, teamsters, 82 up. Klamath Falls, free fare. Dally shipments of general railroad construction men. 26 laborers to build fence for S. P. Co., Klamath Falls ft Natrori, 60 per month. This Is free fare and a long Job. SHIP EAST FOR TWOHY BROS., DOUBLE TRACKING THE O.-W R. & N. 60 laborers ship every morning, 1 a m. SO Greeks or Italians for Northern Pa cific extra gangs. Interpreter with crews of 40. 6 laborers for quarry work, $2.60 per day. 2 Up" holders, $2.60. 1 dump man. $2.60. 1 stlckerman, $3 60. 2 stationary firemen, $65. 10 mill men. $2.25. 60 laborers, city, $2.60. 10 dishwashers, $7 to $10 week. Camp cook, $75 month. Flunkey, $35. NEW ORDERS DAILY. FARM AND DAIRY HEADQUARTERS. SPECIAL HOTEL AND RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT. C. R. HANSEN ft CO., General Employment Agents, Established 1876. OFFICES AT 26 and 28 North Second st., Portland. Women's dept., 345h Washington st, Portland. 222 V Washington st. N., Spokane, Wash. 805 Howard St., ban Francisco. 186 South Lo An.eles St., Los An- B6le' HANSEN HIRES HELP. Open 6:30 s. m. to 8 p. m. TRY US. OUICK, RELIABLE. SATISFACTORY, FREE. COINCIDENCE A DAILY HAPPENING. Offlcei BENNETT'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Agency, 84 N. 2d. St., Portland, Or. Young man, stranger, out of work, $1.50 between him and starvation. If I pay you $1 for a Job what assurance have I got of getting work? BENNETT If you do not get your Job you will get your money back, also your expense and have the benefit of my 12 years' experience In the city of Portland in the labor business. What happened? The young man paid his fee. took the position and Is working there now. During the month of June we fur nished 2100 men with satisfactory em ployment. If any young man, willing to work, is broke, we furnish him em ployment free of charge. ,8 mill and yard men, 6o car fare, $2.00 day. 10 swampers, clear land, $2.00. 4 men to run draw saw, $2.28. 25 woodchopners, $1.25; 85c fare. 20 cottonwood. choppers. $1.40 cord, 8 So fare. 10 Greeks, clear land, $65 acre, free powder and tools. Teamsters, laborers, city, $2.26 to $2.60. i wiron teamsters. $2.26. city. 10 Italians, railroad work, $2 day. board self. 10 concrete men, city, $2.60 day 9 hrs. 10 men around new building, $2 50 day WF5 PAY A LICENSE TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND, and are also under 1500 bonds. ANYTHING PERTAINING TO LA BOR SBZE BENNETT. HE WILL SAVE YOU TIME, TROUBLE AND MONEY. OUR MOTTO: SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE. Marshall 364. Home Phone A-1931. SALESMEN WANTED. MEN OF HIGHEST ABILITY AND INTEGRITY TO SELL RECLAIMED BEAVERDAM LANDS NEAR PORTLAND In small or large tracts. Positively the greatest land proposi tion in Oregon today (barring U. 8. work) and live energetic men can be assured very remunerative and continu ous employment for several years to come. A proposition Involving 16,000 acres of the richest garden soil the sun ever Bhone upon. In every way superior to the dyked lands of Holland. Nothing to equal it on entire coast. Easy to sell. Placed on the market tomorrow at one-third Its real value. Call and In vestigate. 269 OAK ST. WANTED Wor the United States army, able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36. cltiiens of United States of good c haracter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to recruiting officer. Worcester blag.. 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. YOUNG mnn of neat appearance to call on prospects furnislied by us. Splendid opportunity for energetic hus tlers.. No drones or easy work hunters need apply. The tight man will be well paid. Call before 10 a. m. Monday and ask for Mr. Rhodehamel, Columbia Trust Co., 84 4th St. SALEKMANAGER. Waited for our city listed property department. A man who knows the city and who works will be given every chance to make this a good thing for himself. See Mr. Ferris, Columbia TniHt Co., 84 4th st MAN to work in small country hotel; 'good proposition, but must have $100 cash and he ready to leave not later than Monday morning. Ask for Robin son. 269 Salmon st. THE MEIER ft FRANK store want ex perienced floorwalkers, delicatessen and toy , department salesmen. Apply to Superintendent 8 a. m. WANTED Two buglers for 1911 en campment at Astoria Centennial Fair. Apply Monday, July 24. 8 p. m. Co. II., 3rd Infantry, tho Armory, loth Slid Couch. PLUMBER wanted, to finish 12 room house. To trade his work for carpen ter work. We furnish material for plumbing' P-770, Journal. 50 LAHORERS FEW MILES FROM TOWX. CALL 2.00 P. M. SUNDAY AND MONDAY MORNING; 222 COM MERCIAL CLUB BLDG. WE can give four hustling salesmen a fine proposition on close in acreage. Good commission. Angelus Trust Co., R. 416. 326 Vi Washington st. 1 f ADR tr.ll (inn In flva vain nlth a - small mail order business; began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock, 6226 Lockport, N. Y. WANTED Four young men, neatly dressed, on salary. H. K. Paris, travel mgr., 453 E. Pine. Carl after 3 p. m. today. WANTED Five men of neat appear ance to take orders for Scrlbner's magazine and new premium. A snap. Apply to A. J. Martin, 423 Hamilton mug. WANTEED An amoitlous boy capable . of collecting for Scrlbner's magaslne, permanent position. Apply to A. J. Martin. 4.3 Mammon mag. WANTED At one. J mm to learr. tu drl-- and repair automobiles, can at Hawthorne Gnrege, 446 Hawthorne. CHE' headquarters nU helpers. Call ' fornla Wine Depot. 286 Yarahlll.i next to journal. WANTED At once, 11 men to learn to drive srd repair au omoDiies. aii at n-6j N. vth st. WANTED First class csblnet maker one used to store fixture work. S85 Braxeo street. 5LlCTRlCtAN. plumbers snd sheet metal workers, nonunion, out of town. Apply 222 Commercial Club bld. : ;. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED 60 men to enlist In Com pany H., Srd Infantry, O. N. G.; ap ply Monday, July 24. at H. Co. quarters, the Armory. 1811 Encampment at As toria Centennial Fair, August 7th to lth Inc, - HELP WANTED MISO. 63 WANTED A real salesman, a man who has ability, who will work for us as hard and conscientiously as he would for himself, to represent us exclusively in Oregon, for ..the balance of 1911 and 1912. Must be ready to commence work at once. We have a large, well known and in every way first class line of EXCLUSIVE calendars and advertising specialties. Our line Is so attractive and varied that each and every business In every town In the country, without regard to slie, oan be successfully so licited. Our goods are very attractive but no more so than our "reasonable prices, and we know from the experience of others who have been and are now In our employ, that any bright, hustling man who has ability and is willing to work, can make with us from $50 to $150 per week. Commissions liberal. Our company was organised In 1882. Capitalized $200,000. We are responsi ble and mean business. If you do, It will pay you to write Sales Manager, MERCHANTS PUBLISHING CO., KAL AMAZOO, MICHIGAN. Enclose this advertisement with your application. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO., Established 1888. 8 N. Second. Main 3074, A-8074.' Help secured for all purposes. Free to Employers. We want today: Flunkey. 35 raon.n, room and board. 10 men to cut maple wood, $1.25 cord. 10 men to cut fir wood, $1.25 cord. 12 men to clear land, $2 day. Mill men, $2 day. 1 all around man, woods, $3.00. 10 Italians, $2.26. 1 hooktender, $3.00. 1 hooktender, $8.60. 1 chasers $8. 2 barkers. $3.80. 1 wood buck, $2.60. 10 concrete men, $2.60 day. 9 hours. Wanted Stock Salesmen A number of first class salesmen with good record to sell preferred 7 per cent stock; has already paid two divi dends. One of the cleanest Investments on the market. Good pay for good men. G. ALVIN BP AIDE, Bachman & Co,, Bankers Engle Building. Main and Harvey Sts.. Gennantown. Pennsylvania Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Complete course. Including .thorough driving Instruction, technical acd prac tical work in all Its details. E. 23 D AND MORRISON. Take 8-fJ or Mt. Teor car; look us up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. MEN wanted, age 18-36, for firemen. $100 monthly, brakemen $80, on near by railroads, experience unnecessary, no strike, positions guaranteed com petent men, promotion. Railroad Em ploying Headquarters, 4866 men sent to positions In 1910: state age, send stamp. Railway Association, M-87, Jounral. CIVIL SERVICE examinations open the way to good government positions. I can coach -you by mall at small cost. Full particulars free to any American cltlsen of 18 or over. Write today for Booklet E-868, Earl Hopkins, Washing- ton. U. c. WANTED 10 men or women who are capable of earning from $100 to $200 per month and have from $260 to $500 to Invest In a proposition that will treble your money; we will pay you for your time Investigating If not found as represented. J. w. Harshman, 316 Mer chants Trust Ding TRAVELING salesmen making small towns are making from $6 to $10 per day carrying our pocket side line. For particulars address Manager, 616 518 N. I Salle st . Chicago. LOCAL representative wanted: no can vassing or soliciting required. Good Income assured. Address National Co operative Realty Co., V-909, Marden bldg., Washington. D. c WANTED MEN TO LEARN To operate moving pictures; operators earn lib to 40 weeKiy; special price on lessons today. N. Y. School of M. P. Operating. 526 j Washington, near 17th. MAN WANTED Good teamster, one acquainted In city and has handled wood preferred. Call 527 Market Sun day afternoon. $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distrib ute samples for big wholesale house. C. n. Emery, zaz is., cnicago. 16 PER. MONTH, telegraphy taught tn practical forms; day and evening ses sions. Address Myers. 569 Flanders St., Portland, Or. Main 8612. ' $10u MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big man ufacturer; steady work. S. Scheffer, treasurer, 282 M Chicago. International Correspondence schoola Local office. 233 Alder st M. 1026. HELP WANTED FEMALE a Hotel cook, beach, $45. Chambermaid, beach, $15. Becond cook, camp, $35. Chambermaid, $35, $30 and room. 2 waitresses,, (country) $25 and $30. Waitress, Hot Lake, fare paid, $30. Waitress, Medford, $35, fare paid. Child, nurse. $15. Family cook, $35. HouseKeeper. 4 men, $25. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 845i Wash.. St., R. 7. THE Meier A Frank restaurant wants experienced short hour waitress. Apply to superintendent between 8 and 9 a. m. WANTED Lady piano player and sing er, moving picture and vaudeville house, out of city; must be able to plav manuscript music; references. Address, M-117, Journal WE teach ladles millinery or dressmak lng In a few weeks at Boston school of millinery and dressmaking. 274 Wil liams ave. Phon.? East 345. WOMAN (living near Piedmont, pre ferred for half each day, general house work, no cooking, two in family. small wages, fnone woooiawn ? TWO waitresses, beach, $25; camp cooks $30, $35; helper, $25, 2d girl, $30; Howell's Ladles' Agency, 314, 8.26 vvasn. FAMILY cook. $40; waitress, chamber malds. housekeepers laundress. Bt. Louis Agency. 803H Wash. Main 2039, A-4775. VA NTED Stenographer. experienced, neat appearing. Phone number. Ad dress. J-772, Journal. WANTED Experienced dressmaker and tailoress for shop; state positions held. S-770. Journal. WANTED Housekeeper at once, not over middle age. 178 S. Liberty st, Maiem, kit. WANTED Italian girls only to work on willow plumes. Call during week. 8364 Main St., cor. Ttn GIRL for general housework. 160 Royal court, Laurelhurst. phone East 2440. Mrs. R. B. Kasteraay. FIRST class waitress wanted; short hours noon; 896 E, Yamhill, corner Grand. WANTED An experienced pressor and repair hand; ladies' and gent's clothes. Appiy m lamrtiu VVANTED a competent girl for general housework, small family, wages $26. Phone Tabor 2227. STENOGRAPHER Answer In own hand writing, stating age. experience ana salary expectea. a-774. journal. WANTED" Women and girls to mak.i sofa pillow tops; goOd pay for neat woraers. 414 ninrn sr GIRL for cooking and housework, small family. 747 E. Madison. Hawthorne or h. h. car, WANTED Girl to work in bakery; must hav experience. .Call 662 or 660 Aioena st. WANTED Girl for general housework. 726 Wasco at. . ; oTrR wanted for light housework; ; phone. Tabor 19J7. . ::. .;..?';.' HELP WAim&DFEMALB S r ANTED TOtTXO LADncs FOR TETiHPHONl OPEHAT mO: WITH OR WITHOUT EX PERIENCH. APPLY THE PA CIFfS TLEPHON ft TELE- I GRAPH COMPANY. ITH AND EAST ANKENT STS, COMPETENT gin general housework, small family, Irvlcgton, $35 monthly. Phone East 6031, or call 711 Broadway. References req tilled. WANTED Lady to do housework, one day each week, arrange day to suit employe. Call Sellwood 1784. 490 East 12th south. LADIEB make supporters, $12 per 100; no canvassing; material furnished. Stamped envelope for particulars. Wa bash Supply Co., Dept. J 248, Chicago. WANTED West side. Phone C-1023. Wet nurse. HELP WANTKTJ MALE AKD FEMALE 29 MOP picking will soon be here. My yard Is one of the finest in Oregon. The yield will be very heavy and pick ers can make considerable more per day than by picking in a light yard. Fine camp grounds, pure water and every thing that is needed by pickers right on the place. Communicate early so we can register you. Address 620 Worcester bldg., 2d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. Phones A-4336, Main 890B. 10,000 POSITIONS For graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trads In 8 weeks: help to secure positions; graduates earn $11 to $26 weekly; expert Instructor; tools Tree; write ror catalog;, moier Bysiern of Colleges. $5 N. 4th St., Portland. EMPLOYMENT AGE-CCTES 03 C, R. HANSEN & CO, GENERA L EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 2 N. 2d t, PorfUnd. Ladles' department, 7th and Wash, sta, upstairs, Portland. 4.4 Front Ave.. Spokane. 87-89 4th st., San Francisco. Kstannsnea ii. Butts & Eldredge Emp. Co. 24 H N. Second St. Man 8206. A-1291. Red Cross Employment 10 N. 2d. cor. Burnslde. M. 6296. A-578B. WANTED AGENTS CAN YOU beat ItH Cavender, new man, first report 310 sales six days, first order SO dozen ma chines, profit $630. Send quick for details, sworn statements, facts con cerning wonderful automatic razor sharpener; marvelous accuracy amazes everybody; only tuccessful invention of its kind In existence; sells itself.. Local agents, general managers wanted every where, all or spare time work, $60 up weekly. Write today this minute. The Never Fall company, 1103 Colton bldg., Toledo Ohio. Salesmen Hoi Salesmen wanted to sell the tnoet complete line of nursery stock In the northwest Cash weekly. CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO.. Balem. Or. RELIABLE salesmsvb can max big money selling our well known line of hardy non-Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc. Outfit furnished; cash weekly. Ad dress. OREGON NURSERY CO- Oreuco. Or. AGENTS on salary or commission. The greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys it on sight; 200 to 600 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 In 6 days; another $32 in 2 hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X.. 244, La Crosse. Wis. A SALESMAN wanted with security to represent me tn Astoria during cen tennial; a local man preferred. Louis B. Marks, manufacturer and importer of Jewelry, novelty souvenirs snd deco rstlons, 472 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. CURRENT Literature Publishing Co." wants two snappy, aggressive sales men to handle new book and magaslne combination, 19 volumes and year's subscription, for $18; best proposition on tne coast. 403 Marqtiam Dldg. SALESMAN Experienced In any line to sell general trade In Pacific coast: unexcelled specialty proposition with brand new feature, commission, with $35 weekly for expenses. The Conti nental Jewelry Co , Cleveland, Ohio. CASH every week for salesmen selling our clean, hardy, well-rooted nursery stock. Outfit free. Good territory. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlah, Wash. I WILL start you earning $4 dally at home In spare time silvering mirrors; no capital, free instructive booklet giv ing plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 261. Boston, Mass. SALESMEN make money selling our home grown, guaranteed stock. Good territory; money advanced weekly; posi tion permanent; complete line. Yakima yaney wursery uo Topnetisn. wash. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line; high commissions, $100 monthly advance and permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pacific coast grown nursery stock; cash pal weekly. Pacific Nursery Co., 308 Corbett bldg. 1 MADE $50,000 in five years with a small mail order business; began with $5.- Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock, 6078 Lockport. N. Y. $8 per hundred paid for collecting names and addresses. Steady work, stamp for particulars. Calvert Sales Co, 217 .219 St. Paul St., Baltimore. Md. SITUATIONS MALE 8 MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 270 MADISON, BET. 3d AND 4th. MALE AND 1-EMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR kMPLOYE MAIN 355R: A-6614. YOUNG man, aged 25, desires to locate permanently in the northwest. Has had eight years business training In banking and Insurance lines, and as a salesman. Best references. B-779, Journal. A YOUNG man, student of the high school, wants a place In a Christian family where he could earn his board. Phone A-7052. O. Hafner. 403H 12th st. MARRIED MAN wants position as a night watchman or janitor, can give good references. Address, V-748, Jour nal. YOUNG man desires position in or near Portland, experienced salesman and office man. Best references. L-778, Journal CHAUFFEUR wants position, under stamls rare and handling of ccr. L-771. Journal. WANTED PalnHnr or carpenter work, day or Job. Cull or write 814 Grand ave. N. CEMENT finisher or foreman or both. sidewalK, wants wont. iwt, jour nal. FURNITURE and general packing, good work and best of references. H-770, Journal. MAN with hotel and clerical experience desire situation: will consider reason able offer. A-763, Journal. PHOTOGRAPHER, with 6x7 camera. one who is an expenenceo operator. Salary. Address, V- 749, Journal. MWi'T" CTTT'rWm Vnnni mm 9 vura1 experience, wants position. Retail traao preTerren. t-ii, journal. GENERAL all around 1 foreman wants position, inquire v-r a, journal. LICENSED chauffeur wants position. Address 0-772, Journal. -8rrPATION SFEaiAB , 'i HAVB taken 4 years' course in stenog rachv. bookkaanlnar ... and Balance Of. -commerce: would like position. 8-773, journal. , - SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 REFINED young widow with boy eight years desires housekeeping or would take charge of rooming house Best of "Jounce given. No trlflers. Call 208 N. Union ave. . . A CAABEe young woman wishes pot sition as companion or housekeeper to elderly lady or Invalid, city or euun- ry. n-lio, journal. wainikjd ueneral housework in . a German family by a middle aged Ger man woman; does not speak English; no children. Address 827 Garfield av. L U " 1 l 8COTCH widow with small children wisnes position as housekeeper. Town or city. Good references. Apply lit Upshur st. - REFINED middle-aged lady wants home like place in small family, reasonable, light housework, compensation. Call Kiminey, i. 4. wjumw. . -s a . - NTED position In Drlvate exchange by experienced operator. Address 778 Minnesota ave. n MAN wants window washing and house cleaning. AU kind of fobs. Main 4862. v LADY would like one or more children to care for at her home. Mt. Tabor : car to 44tn st. 1276 Belmont st. YOUR laundry called for and delivered; first class work for men or women. Phone Main 7998. EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires work. $2.60 per day and car fare. Call Sell. 403. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position, real estate preferred. Refer- ences. h-none woodlawn 94. WOMAN wants work a few hours dally phone Sellwood 1079. CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry, J5"o ana up. woodlawn 2984. LACE curtains hand laundered. Phone Main I486. POSITION wanted as cashier or any light work. Address D-774, Journal. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking by day or at home. 934 Grand ave. B-2487. SITUATIONS WANTED MALP ANT) FEMALE 23 A-l STENOGRAPHERS are what every employer wants. The place to get good stenogranhers is at the Remington Typewriter Employment Department. No fees for the service. Just call up Main 3. or A-3113. 245 Stark st. DRESSMAKING 40 LADIES' tailor-made suits $16; altera tlons and remodeling, moderate prices. Rose City Tailoring. 488 Burnslde, nenr 14th at WE will take orders at The Model Dressmaking Parlors, at special prices this week. 644 Hamilton block. Main 9212. DRESSMAKING, $2.00 by the day Main 4052, room 4. NURSES 0 WHITE SHIELD HOME Confinement eases only. 237 Fara".. Wdln 1249. WANTED Maternity nursing by exper ienced woman. Phone Main 4110. FURNISHED ROOiMS WEST SIDE ONE sleeping porch, furnished new, large enough for 2, walking distance. 2 nice clean new sleeping rooms, walking distance; furnished. Several housekeep-: ing rooms; walking distance,. Phone--197 Marshall. 628H Flanders St. ALL outside rooms. Splendidly fur nlshed. Also two rooms with alcove and private balcony. Completely fur nished for housekeeping. Modern con veniences. Prices reasonable. 475 Clay. Main 6621. HOTEL REN WICK Corner Seventh Taylor. " Opposite Helllg theatre one block from Portland hotel: strictly modem: a nice home for business people. Main 91 Empire Express-Baggage Co. Trunk, SOc; second trunk. 2oc; esse free. Prompt service all hours: get rate on piano and furniture moving.. A-1030. ' Main I860. 270 12th.. cor. Jefferson. A NICE room in private home, with all conveniences; suitable for one or two gentlemen. Price very reasonable. 634 Flanders. Phone Marshall 1320. COMMERCIAL hOtei, under new man- agement. hot and cold running water, choice rooms at $2.50 up per week. 43 Washington st. United Trans,, Neer Closed One trunk, 60c; additional trunks. 25c ?7fr Madison. Marshall 2894. A-4956. LARGE nicely furnished cool rooms for 3 gentlemen, bath, phone, $4.60 week. Pleasant front room for two, $3.60. 201 13th st. , 2 NICELY furnished front rooms; lights, bath and phone, bay windows; rates reasonable. 86 N. 14th st Walk- ing distance. ' ' - - : HAVE furnished and housekeeping rooms, reasonable, good location near center of town. 488 Flanders St., near 14th. LARGE front room, suitable for two or more; large bay window, modern con veniences. 415 Mill st, corner 11th. Phone Marshall 2672. THE COLONIAL Some very fine rooms, suitable for three people, with large closets, at $4 and $4.60. Also $2.50 and $3.50 rooms. 165 10th st I NICELY furnished, also unfurnished I rooms, single and en suite; quiet and verv suitable for single gentlemen. Reasonable. Kamm bldg.. 1st and Pine. ; A NICE front room for rent; suitable for two gentlemen, In a private fam lly; all home comforts. 647 1st St. FURNISHED room suitable for two entlemen. with board. 195 16th St. References. - ' . Vy' y CALL 83 W. 14th st. for newly fur nlshed sleeping rooms and housekeep ing rooms. waiKing aisiance. NEATLY furnliihed sleeping room" phone, gas and bath, $7.00 a month. 48 IN. Z1BI. near wasningmn. SLEEPING room in modern private Hat, some use oi Kiicncii, m wurmus. girl. Walking distance. 95 N. 17th st. NEWLY furnished modern rooms, $3.50 nd up per week. One housekeeping suite. 410 I'arK st. THE TEMPLE, 3434 Yamhill St., op posite Hotel Portland. furnished rooms $2.59 a wek up. Transient" " ; NICELY furnished light rooms, free bath and phone, $1. 2d per week up. 189 West Park. ' -v THE ELM PLACE, 14 Yamhill; roonra; hot and cold water, steam neat, pri vate baths and suites. - y HOTEL BflAS088StT -Rpfci rooms week. Free phone ana uam. nun i(oi. NEWLY furnished room's. 363 fsth it,'; cool and desirable, at reasonable rates, $12 for couples. PRIVATE family, good neighborhood . bath, 2 windows, $10 month. 751 Kearney. HOTEL MIDLAND, 6th and Stark; mod ern rooms. $3 per week up, ; Transient, eoc up. AMSDON hotel. Nicely furnished rooms hot and cold water, $2.50 week and up. 268 Third. THE DORMER Newly renovated rooms. Bath and phone. Walking dis tance. 283 Ith st. EILEEN COURT, 16th and Morrison sts.' . Newly, furnished rooms., 6 minutes' walk from f. u. nioaern, -.vy up. 8 SUITES of nicely furnished rooms; also one basement room and transient rooms. 628 Morrison si. ROOMS with running, water and porch. 194 N. 15th. tWO nicely furnished rooms in private family; 561 warnet si. NICE furnished rooms: free phone and bath. $2.60 and up. 580 4th, South. -THE PALM ERTTSO hi A rurTuriifsUeil rooroH, $3.60 per wee ana up. FURNISHED room for 4 worklnrav '' -14 Stark st. '-'","'""'' I;'-''.'"""- "' fiOTEL SAVOY Elegantly furnished. rooms': moderate rates.1 z8y.j.th ..st. 1- and tin. 171 13th st. Main S1. - wrmv." .I .J - ai.J.. .y..Ti.j " - nAVJw you ee .nuna ui !,-., at 262 12th st, : phonBndini, FOR . RENT Nicely"' funijMhe'i' "p'i,," easy walking distance, -i; 4 '!y s. CLEAN! well f in tilHhi.C':' r' .,', largs attic room il.Z'-t.- 4sl l-' u . y:-