The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 23, 1911, Page 24, Image 24

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    1 v (
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Jj' -
Qfiy; Now and Get the
; Crop
17a acres, 100 in cultivation. 25
of which 1" In hops, balance In
sat and vetch hay, one-third of
hay., and one-fourth of hops go
, to purchaser. If bought before
ame Is disposed of. Balance of
.' Jand la pasture and timber, ma-
' pie and ash. Two good hop
houses, small new house, barn
and other outbuildings, fenced
. and cross-fenced; sprint; and two
, rood wells, on fine county road,
miles of rood sited R. R- town,
which provides good market for
" all farm products, and less than
4 miles from small It. R. station.
All good bottom land, no white
land. No rocks or gravel, close to
Willamette river, but river does
aot touch land. Sometimes over
flows In winter, but never In sum
mer. Does not wash. Rental
' this year will pay over 15 per
cent on the price asked. Price
$100 per acre. No trade.
We have lots Just such places
as this to sell. Note the follow
ing; 196 acres, 160 in cultivation and
In crop, all bottom land, fine creek -forms
one boundry, another small
stream runs through the place,
from which owner now irrigates
about 40 acres and floods pasture.
Can irrigate practically all of
filow land with little work, and
ess expense from this stream,
the banks of which are in no In
stance over three feet deep. The
soli is a rich black loam, not a
foot of white land and never
overflows. The place will pro
- due close to 150 tons of hay this
year, and S00 to 400 bushels of
wheat and a good seed crop of
clover. It acres. All personal
property goes with the place, the
most Important of which follows:
18 good milch cows (17 milking),
1 fine heifers (fresh this fail).
4 good farm horses. 15 hogs apd
pigs, new surrey, nearly new bug
gy, spring wagon, 2 wagons, new
binder, new separator, in fact
everything one could expect to
find on a first class place of this
kind. Good large house, good
barn, large hay barn and cow
shed, . new Implement shed and
granary, nicely painted. Good
garden and family orchard, both
under the ditch. Owner gets
check every month of $100 or
more for milk. Took off $2500
last year, figures the per cent
on the valuation. Better than a
Portland business block. Price.
Including everything, $100 per
acre, $8500 down, balance long
We guarantee this place to be
as described or the, trip will not
cost you one cent, and we will pay
you $5 per day for your time.
Everett & Crew
616 Rothchild Bldg.
20 Acre Farm
Crop, Stock
and Implements
14 acres in cultivation and in
crop. 1 H acres in orchard with
variety of choice fruits. One
acre in garden. All rich loam
oil. Nice stream of running wat-.
er; Oood room house; hew ham,
plenty of outbiulding; 10 tons of
bay in barn. All the crop, stock
and implements go with the place.
1H miles to small 'town and Vl
mile to good school. Convenient
to railroad and boat landing. 27
tnlles from Portland.
This is a splendid proposi
tion and you can't afford to miss
It. Remember the price is only
12500. $1600 cash and balance
In four years at 6 per cent.
A. K. Hill
418 Henry bldg.
Notice to Farm Buyers
80 Acres
Of second growth fir, 15 acres
cleared, 2 acres in orchard (bear
ing). 6 room house, barn, other
outbuildings; also horse, farm
implements, etc. There are sev
eral acres of meadow In timothy
and clover, oats, potatoes carrots
and small garden truck, 'such as
strawberries, currants, raspber
ries, plenty of fine water piped
to the house; big barn, chicken
house, pig pen, tool hojse. in fact
an Ideal farm complete in every
detail, and if you are looking for
a great sacrifice for the next few
d??Jl you can Duv thl P'ac for
$3650, with good terms.
Inquire of 903 Yeon bldg.
-nSiacreBl,hl,Kh,7 developed. 35 cleared;
ail fine soil; 60 tons hay In barn; plenty
other crops; good buildings; water piped
to house and barn; 2 cows, 2 heifers,
fine Jersey red boar and sow $00
chickens; 2 incubators, mower, rake
Plow, harrow, cultivator, plenty smali
vvruis; .o oearjng assorted rrult trees.
100 young apple trees; R. f and tele-'
viii-iie, uiy yt miies rrom woodland and
roaas nearly level. This the rhpn..i
farm in the county and sickness is the
cause of sale. Price 16000 and some
. terms could be arranged. D W Whit
low, Woodland. Wash.
$75 Per Acre
60 acres 1U m I! on tmm cUm i.
trie line. 18 trains a day. 2 mllen to
!H?m il e R Ry', A" dep black
iDam, no rock or gravel. 12 acres beaver-
uin, running stream f n nri0. i
acres cleared and planted to potatoes
and corn. 20 acres slashed, balance tim
ber. Small house and barn. This is a
real bargain.
616 Spalding bldg.,
Corner 3d and Washington sts.
Portland. Oregon.
14 Miles From Portland
All in high state of cultivation; good i
.,vuo, ram nini umer nuiluings' on
iU"ty r0,!d: ,100- feet from Metric
i,reA?nd hlt. mlIe frorn Kod town- Price
3600, easy terms.
4 Chamber of Commerce. Main 606S.
Willamette River Frontage
im acres of fine lunn
river, beautiful view, ilea slightly roll
Jg. high and dry; ha.lf mile from good
town and electric line; 8 acres in culti
!?!&"'.. ba,a"ce fine timber. Price
$2400 for a short time only
614 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6068
.Sr" ln Hood Hive'- valley all
Planted to young orchard; fine place
for chicken ranch. Win trade my
qtfjtr for modern residence in Port
land. N-778, Journal.
FOR SALE First class farm; 40 acres"
close in, good buildings, orchard, wa
ter; near school, church, market-
nil United Railway, Rock Creek sla
Jlon: $280 per acr "m. B. Hoard, R 1
box $7. Hofhrook, Or. T '
0 acres, stock, crop and tools, on milk"
mail and phone route, 26 in crop, new
buildings, t cows, b horses. 2 wagons
. haul milk for $100 par month; $.600'
terms. This I river bottom iand IS
miles oat 328 AUsHybldg.
o' ACRES en MU Scott, 1 miles from
Lnts; 20 acres" In cultivation; 1700
eords wood. $250 per acre, half cash,
balann term. 1 per, cent. 1 Board
"f -Trade.
f"OK SAI.K or exchange by th owner,
- 00 acre of improved choice -wheat
land, yw town in Franklin county,
v A- Uoyle. Vancouver, Wash.
Irrigated Alfalfa Land
$40 Per Acre
440 acres with exclusive water
right, 60 acres alfalfa, 150 acres
under plow, all level, first class
summer fallow; all level, first
cIhks soil. 16 horsepower pumping
plant with a capacity of 1800 gal
lons a minute, new. 3 miles to
good town; good buildings; locat
ed in Klamath county. Occasion
ally one runs across a snap In
form values this is one of the
real bargains. Come in; get par
ticulars, 100 acres 20 miles from Port
land; 1H miles from electric sta
tion: U mile from Willamette rlv-.
er; good house, barn and other
necessary buildings; horses, cat
tle, hogs farming implements, all
goes at $160 an acre. 'This is $20
per acre less than the actual val
ue, but it must be sold at once.
Come to US' and get particulars.
Will tHke some trade In Portland
Gowen-lde Trust Co,
Li:mhermens bldg.. 6th and Stark.
160 acres 3 miles from town, 14 In
old meadow. 2H In orchard; creek and
Bprings; A-l soil, 40 per acre; cash,
balance easy terms.
1 A nMV,,tt C nllA ........
In cultivation; price $1600.
luu alien, ty uiuro ii.kii ii.,vtj,. at 1:0
W. S. llAKVli;!!,
Washougal. Wash.
41 acres In Tualatin valley, 8tt miles
from courthouse; good house, barn and
26 acres under cultivation; good water,
some beaverdam land. Price $200 per
Main 8416. 917 Board of Trade.
DAIRY farm in Tillamook Co.. Oregon;
160 acres. 3 7 head stock, cheese fac
tory, full equipment farm tools, house
furniture: terms I .ooo casn. or z-a
down, time on balance. Address M. A.
Meador, Dolph, Or.
Columbia River View
9 acres, beautiful suburban home
site, 46 minutes from Portland by
mil; overlooking and a grand view
of Columbia river, and north part
of Portland. All In commercial
prune orchard 12 years old and in
A-l condition. We are offered
$1000 for this year's crop on the
tree. On account of a heavy loss
by fire, will sacrifice at $4000 for
Immediate pale.
91 6th St.
20 aeroR. all good orchard land: 10
cres cleared, part in young orchard; '
fine creek and spring on place; house ;
ind outbuildings; only 3 miles from ;
town; best bargain offered in Hood
River county. Price $5000: only $1000
cash required. G-773,
SWELL 10 acre fruit ranch, good house, I
Darn, etc. mis place is a Dargain; ; small ranch or city propertv.
reasonable terms. Marshall 660 or East 200 acre wheat ranch in Gtllliam coun
2953 evenings and Sunday. ty, for house and lot. Wolff Land Co.,
ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page ' Within 42 minutes' ride of Portland, on
book glvea amount of government land I west side, at station; 7 acres under cul
open to homestead, In each county In tlvatlon, on road and lays fine; to ex
the states of Oregon and Washington change for house and lot.
and description of same; gives home- A. W. SMITH A CO.,
stead, desert, timber, stone, coal and 436 Chamber of Commerce.
mineral laws; two maps of Oregon in Phone Main 5826.
colors, 21x28. showing railroads in ope-7ix aCRKK nii elear in croo new 5
Joad'anHle'o' lfneJ .JSPA'mf Zll' ' ' "oue'aU'rT 15
I ?,h nnnfiri nrHn,? 9ni h Z miles from Portland: J mile from car.
th?. rop Mn n vf .nfL Tn 'i' Prlre 2500- Trade for house about the
three 60c. Map of asnlngton In col-I value
ors. zixzb.-zuc. wimmo, Kuney at Co.,
Hamilton hldg.
Relinquishment, near R. R. Some tim
ber. Price $650. Inquire at 789ft Mis-
Bissippi ave.
80 ACRES in Washington county. Or.,
miies or k. . ana good town. lu '. iv-tu:rc uisixy ira
Locatlon fee $200 Walter Ronwurm, Pvfl tracts to trade for nice houses.
Forest Grove. Or i See Anderson at 810 Oak st
1 KNOW of frovernment land as home- ' EXCHANGE A modern 6-room cottage
steads 28 miles from Portland. For ; ln Montavllla to exchange for a
information inquire John Viercke, Lents, ; small home-of from 2 to 6 acres. Im
Or. ! prov.d. on Oregon electric or Oregon
f r 1
Zi i ' .K .
timber, level land, near R. R., some
prairie. Covev A Co prain 1 97 rioir
HOMESTRAI) 31 mil frnm p,i.' i
fine soli and living water; close to
sawmill and school. 270 E. 16th st.
" :
FOR RENT 6 acres, SO miles from
Portland. 1 mile from Woodburn; good
house, furnished or unfurnished; good
buildings; horse, cow. chickens and Im
plements go with lease; good opportu
nity. Call or address, James Casey,
Woodburn, Or.
12 acres and 3 room house, suitable for
dairy or chicken ranch; 4 acres in
crop, creek on place; on the O. W. P.,
iates crossing. Ask for Clark.
Tuner . i rrrr
"""" .iuubo, urn, r-i
sponsible tenant references.
M-118, j
FOR RENT To right party, 6 acres; I OWN and will trade, new, modern resl
hoU8A.barJ' orcharl. etc.; 6c fare. In- dence, west side, 6 bedreoms, 2 sleep
qulre 223 Chamber of Commerce. lng porches, 3 fireplaces; automatic hot
--. -.... - - ,.w. . .
WANTED From owners, partly 1m- ,
uroveq rarms or rrom as to (to acres, ,
price io do Dei ween iz&ou and $4500. .
nave many cans ior sucn larmB and ,
ine"V r price is ngnt. w rite ;
. " muuit, w
JU""'" Lc""-'
Small Farm
10 to 40 acres, improv.ed, close in.
waniea ior casn ouyer wrio la waiting,
ith Y y' C01umDla Trust Co., 84 1
- v.. .JV.
WANTED Farms, acreage, Improved
P ce ?1UB' b,e reasonable; owners only;
3" McKay bldg. i, t,jyn? iw t wi littiiu, f
W Ais i Jiij About 40 acres, give four '
Ll VL'troJanJ,JlHX. or i
assume difference; 323 Allsky, 265 Mor
TIMBER mills, machinery bought, sold
or exchunged for other property, rise
Montgomery with M. E. Thompson, cor
ner 4th and Oak. Main 6084.
RANCH for sale or trade for some
- , - .
business; 23 acres 6 room house 2 1
barns, c hicken houses and yard, wood-
oneu, ttoua wen ana spring, ZOO fruit -
iic-H, on j-aciric nignway. Address, D.
'. Hreneman, La Center, Wash.
15-ACRE fine tract cultivated land
facing on Powell Valley road close to
city limits to exchange for city prop
orty. Call 418 Railway Exchange bldg.
FOR TRADI3 New seven mum ..iOJ
for sam value ln small furm, from j
owner; will pay no commission, taonn
R-773, Journal.
$6000 WILL trade for lots new strict-
ly modern 8 rooms and sleeping porch.
Peterson, owner, 1)21 Board of Trade.
S-ROOM modern house Including a lot
In Irvington for five-room bungalow.
Address irnmndjately, 1528 B. loth N.
$400 EQUITY ln Bay Ocean ioTtorade
for marine or stationary gas engine,
flumbing or lumber. Phone C-1860.
HAVK some good lots to trade for
motor boat. Ragen, 1026 Chamber
of Commerce.
ACREAGE Clarke county, Washington;
. material or suDurhan
lot. -774, Journal.
TO TRApE Los Angeles lots for" acre.
Journal ,mproved' ,n Oregon. V-748,
CHOICE Laurelhurst lot to trade for
sand Lake beach lots. 420 gwetland
HONNVglDE 4 room house, $266; tak
bMaLl or lAh.Je farms' 6 fhktM
l- y r?a)1p"''gs, 811 McKay bldg.
A N E LEO ANT Voii e to ' tradr7or
stock farm. K-770, Journal. - .
"i "'ir. laoor isua
206 Rothchild bldg.
2760 acre wheat ranch In eastern
Washington, all in cultivation; 1600
acres in summer fallow; good buildings
and well fenced. Make 80 bushels of
wheat this year. Price JS0 per acre.
Clear of incumbrances. Exchange for
income property.
640 acres of wheat land at $26 per
acre, to trade for houses and lots.
820 acre relinaulshrnent (desert or
homestead) in Walla Walla county.
Washington, V mile front on Snake
river; fine fruit or alfalfa land. Ex
ceptional pumping proposition; and
casn to exchange ror a modern real
dence up to $6000.
If you have anything to trade list it
with us.
206 Rothchild bldg.
160 Acres Unincumbered
For a Residence, $4000
5 Acres Improved $900
For a Bungalow
10 Acres, 450 Fruit Trees
For a Residence, $3000
7 Per Cent Land Contract
For a Residence, $3000
Fred F, Huntress
612 McKay bldg. Third and Btark.
4 good lots at Elk Creek (Can
non Beach), will exchange for
Portland lots, will assume or pay
Rand Read & Co,
316 Board of Trade.
Have equity of $300 in brand new
cottage, furnished with new furniture,
ready to move In. Price of all, $800.
Lot 60x100; plenty trees, balance due
on lot payable $8 month, no interest.
Take diamonds or personal property of
any kind for equity. Act quick. This is
a real sacrifice, owner on premises.
Rose City car to end. East to 76th,
south to Stanton. G. L. Clark.
Will You Speculate?
A-l mining stock that will rftand the
closest Investigation and will without a
doubt become very valuable for resi
dent or eoo roomlnir house. Here i A
chanco for von not onlv to eet rid of
vour stuff hut in time set 10 times
moro than vou can sell for. Call 310
Oak st.
aM.- u.rr - -a.. m - ' v. n
"""UIS T'.m"'"-
t X f w nt ti Si .,t, l"
ra'nWeaN. Yamhill: fine
buildings and orchard; to trade for
3Z2 Henry hldg.
15 Acres
We also have 1 acres adjoining this
In crop: no house, at a price of $1600;
terms to suit.
H. E JAM KB CO., 88 10th, near Stark.
4 Fine Rooming Houses
That are paying. Are finely furnished;
In the best west side location: to trade
'or food real estate: have lot to trade
nv line. value szouu. this aa. is
rom the owner of same. Save com
mission. E-774. Journal.
EXCHANGE my equity
of J900 in 6
acres of good garden land. 2 "4 miles
east of Gladstone station, Oregon City
line. All in cultivation; balance of $700
due ln 3 years at 7 per cent; will take
vacant lots or small house and lot, pay
some difference. C-767, Journal.
Leaving City
A swell new modern bungalow, large
lot, 1 block carltne. This must go; see
it, you win say us a Dig bargain.
H E. JAMES A CO.. 88 10th, near Stark
ARE you tired of the city and want to
get out ln the country with your
boys? Will trade 40 acres of well lm-
'"": "
unery gooas. Bee me at eott Grand
ave.. North,
city, room 10,1 or phone
i Kast 1944.
Water heater irarnirm' hpaiiHful ln.-.Hnn
on Heights: would consider first 6Y see-
ond mortgage, or well located lots or
acreage, j-777, Journal.
W K have houses, lots, farms, acreage.
roomtn houses, hotels, meat mar-
ket r- irar uti,r huriur ihnn, -.
horses, restaurants or anything else
ra nt in irane ror.
5, 10 or 20 Acres
To trade for an equity ln good house
and lot; no Inflated valuations con
sldired. Columbia Trust Co., 84 4th
WOULD trade equity in lot on Sandy
munlcate your offer to 310 Buchanar
road on noufle ana lot Tirnt
"'"g -
WANTED To exchange 14 acres of
cranberry land located on the count
ior gooa rooming or apartment house.
Address D-771, Journal.
10, 20 or 30 acres, bfst White Salmon
valley fruit land for modern Portland
bungalow, will pay difference. If any.
E. Cm. Nelson, 819 Yeon bldg.
WANTED, lots or acreage, will . ex-
change fine electric piano for same.
Bee Newman, 6264 Washington? near
1 I HI HI.
320 acres land near Silver Lake. Or., to
"cnange ror ousiness or some kind,
or,hou"e and lot ln c,ty- D-772, Jour-
DO YOU want a good home cheap?
win take lot as first payment on 7
room house; bath, lot 100x100, near
car; terms. N-775. Journal.
160 ACRES of land to. trade for auto
or house and lot. Room 222, Labbe
$550 EQUITY in Hcreage near Orchards,
Wash., for suburban 'lot or am mn.
ment on house and lot. J-778. Jonrnnl
EXCHANGE Income property, west
side, for Willamette valley improved
acreage. Lock box 286, Portland.
IF you want to sell, our or trade, see
Shoemaker, 626 and 627 Henry bids.
Main 4465. A-7434. "
SOME fine lots to trade for Columbia
River Orchard bonds. M. Maiden. 603
B wet land bldg.
WANTED To trade mv equity in mod
ern 6 room bungalow for acreage
Bee owner, 88 10th st. .(near Btark).
$276 EQUITY, fine lot Rose Clt ilneT
as part payment on small house or
rooming house. Main 8353.
EXCHANGE city prorty ior Los An
geien. out rwmeiawn ave.
WILL trade gasoline launch for good
rnnl estate. Call tUI HtarU .t
roai filiate. v,hii zst marg at.
4 1Lt bayU?Zll,OT$W, thing.
H. F. Lee. 1011 Hoard of Trad bldg.
aiTb"m LL-t' iJ"-""i"''i' 1 '"-j
SEE us for reil estate trades anywhsra
808 Board of Trade bldg. 1
$0 ACRES timber to trade for auto.
Harshman. v Phone Marshall son
ONE cabin boat exoiiansra for real
tat. ii-7i, jov
"llp "SislSHsOjSSStsSSSSWSSOjgl
lire PRorcmnr
Might matcfi' up with some of these
and get you Just what you want.
13 acres of the very best of soil,
highly improved, within 4 miles of the
city llmjts, good buildings and other im
provements, fine trout stream through
place, all kinds fruits and berries, will
take a house and lot up to $3000 as first
pavmont on place and easy terms on
balance. '
40 acres of fine land, near Dallas all
In cultivation, $4000; will take a Port
land house ana lot,
85 acres? highly Improved, near Wash-
ougai, wasn., zu acres in crop, line sex
buildings; will take house and lot as a
part pay, balance easy terms.
170 acre stock and dairy ranch. Forest
Grovo section; take Portland property
for part, some cash and terms on the
Daw nee.
10 acres. 6 acres bearing orchard. 4
20 miles from' Portland, tools and stowk
and crops go with place. Take 2' or 3
.iois ana nouse tor same.
200 acres, 80 under cultivation, fam
ily orchard, good soil, near Cottage
urove. wen waterea I room nouse.
lnree barn. V4 of croo goes with place.
Will take house and lot In Portland or
small piece of acreage near, balance
part cash and part terms.
25 acre place, near Oregon City, good
roads, fine soli, 15 acres cultivated. 6
room house and barn, stock, tools, Vi
of crops go with place; take lot to
$600 or $800. $1500 casn and terms on
40 acres. 2 miles from electric. 15
miles from Portland, all under cultiva
tion but 4 acres, land lies nearly level,
all best of soil, fine 8 room house and
barn, team, 2 cows, chickens, all tools
and crops with place. Will take a small
place of about 10 acres as part pay and
time on the balance. See this at once.
as It won't last.
We have all kinds of acreage for Port
land property. Call and see u.
Chittenden & Neill,
310 Oak street.
For Sale or Trade
General merchandise store, feed.
grain and shipping business, ln Wil-
amette valleyl elevator storage ror
rain, feedmill. larae warehouse ana
liophouse, docks, barn and fine cherry
orchard; cottage, with all advantages
of the rlty; daily boats and good auto
road; all tools and implements, team,
driving horses, buggy, wagon, etc.; will
take residence in Portland up to $3000
and satisfactory terms on balance; bus
iness may be easily extended beyond
the present Income of $J0,0Oo per year;
good Income from storage of hops, hay,'
grain, etc.
217 ACRES.
200 acres now in crop, 17 acres ln
good pasture land, a large 10 room plas
tered house fine laree barn and out
buildings, painted; good branch through
tract; good well, a house and barn,
family orchard: on good county road,
near a good shipping point on Willam
ette river; new electric survey from
Albany to Eugene passes ln front with
station privileges. Will trade this for
Income property.
Joseph Buchtel & Co.
115 Grand ave.
I HAVE a client who wants a 6 room
modern house vp to $4000; will take
It as part pay on a 26 acre fruit farm
near Hoseburg, and will give a good bar
gain. He also has a note for $8000 well
secured by real estate mortgage; would
take home' to $4000 and balance cash.
The farm is good value, and the note is
as good as the gold. Neal Brown, 709
rwetianr tuagr - - y-
LYI.F.. Wash., fruit ranch of 90 acres,
6 miles from town; excellent improve
ments, 'well fenced; good house, barn,
well, etc.; 10 acres cleared; 6 acres, 8-year-old
Newtown and Spltzenburg trees
In A-l condition. Price $8000; small
cash payment or will trade for Portrand
property. C. T. Frail. Board of Trade
bldg. G-771, Journal.
Will trade splendid livery barn and
stock, all new and in fine shape, doing
good business; also an auto and 40
acres of splendid land all In croo. near
Albany, Or., $11,600. This Includes
buggies, carriages, auto and horses.
win go as high as J20.000 for ranch.
J. M. Cameron. 219 Lumbermens bldg.
FOR SALE or trade, on eafsy terras, 320
acres splendid land ln Lake Co. This
land was bought years ago and the own
er lives ln the city. Wheat farms all
around it, close to lake. Come in and
I will show you where it Is. The price
Is only $14.75 per acre. J. M. Cameron,
219 Lumbermens bldg.
We have desirable property, improved
and unimproved,- to exchange; city
property for farms and farms for city
property. If you want to exchange on a
cash basis, see us.
421-422 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
40 Acres Good Land
To exchange for auto, 6 passenger;
must be In good repair. Will do bus
iness quick if your car is right. No
Junk goes. See my agent at 311 Henry
WILL sell or trade 320 to 64() aero
wheat ranch in eastern Oregon, good
buildings, plenty of water; will consider
trade on stock of general merchandise,
Portland or suburban residence prop
erty or good rooming house. N. B.
Clarke Co.. 207 Rothchild bldg.
All Kinds of Exchanges
If you want to trade city property for
rarms or acreage, see me. I can give
you trade either way. Neal Brown, 709
Swetland bldg.
10 ACRES near depot and business sec
tion Woodburn; all level, fine soil
and ln cultivation; new Woodburn col
lege right across the street Price
$4000. Will trade up to $2400, balance
easy. T. C. Btaley, 626 Henry bldg.
Wanted, Auto.
Have high grade Hood River apple
land will trade for auto. 444 Sherlock
The onlv $2.00 ner dav hotel In Wooit.
burn, Or. Now doing a good business.
J. L. DeLong, owner, Woodburn, Or.
WILL trade $750. equity in $3000 cot
tage, streets improved sldewalka In.
lawn, roses, ln Sunnyside district, forj
vacant property. uwner. Tabor 454.
I HAVE fKOOO in 7 per cos contracts
mat win reeommena themselves to
any man.- I will exchange them for a
residence tree rrom any mortgage. J-774,
Journal. . -
EIGHT acres plowed land, perpetual
water right. In early fruit helt nt
Richland, Wash., equity $1000. Sell
cheap or exchange for what have you?
n-in, journal.
ROOM modern bungalow, completely
xurnisnea. to excnanne ror acreage
Give price, location and particulars.
owners oniy. jh-m. journal.
$600 COLUMBIA River Orchard com
pany' (Irrigation) 7 ner cent suaran.
teed coupon bonds for $300 cash. C. H.
Kiggott. ntvi za st. Boom z.
60 ACRES In th Rogue river country
nln.A tA Station rtartlv imnrntrnA
want Portland property. 808 Board or1
Trade bldg.
xlOO on St. Johns carllne. vain a
$1000: will trade for mortgage or ri
estate contract. F. A. Beard A Co.. 12
Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder.
EXCHANGE My equity In a . 7-room
hmtwalAMi rw (rnA1 Irti rxe j
UUi8;ntv tv va q wv s v7 vii call VaUt)
not over $2000, from owner. Price $4200.
- I , ,, u v. ' in.
IVE beautiful lots at Ocean Park.
Coat ma $1000 cash. Will aacrifiAo
for cash or exchange f of what you have.
H-774. Journal.
WILL exchange one lot Ferndale add.
to Astoria for two cond hand Ford
tires, rront ana dsck. h-778. Journal, f
120 ACRES wheat land- ln eastern Or.
. egon for equity in house and lot in
Portland. K-776, Journal.
& ACRE . In Lents district, choice lr-
bjcatlon: wUl trad. 0i Board of Trad j
The following properties at
cash figures are by our clients
through us to exchange for oth
er properties of equal value.
10 acres, near Portland
($6000), highly Improved. Elec
tric line, running water, for
Portland property or income se
corltles. (26.)
40 acres, $6000, near McMinn
ville, fine condition, for unin
cumbered property. (22.)
160 acres in Washington,
$6500, on proposed electric line,
for clear Portland properly.
70 acres, $10,600, under Tleton
irrigation ditch, for Portland
property, or stock of goods.
Will assums. (30.),
600 acres near Lyle, Wash.,
$30,000; now operated as a gen
eral farm, although good for
fruit, for Portland property.
70 acres near Woodburn (55
acres in fruit), crop between
young trees, 12 acres pasture.
Fully equipped with farming
implements, team, cow, etc, for
Portland property and assume,
Bungalow (6 rooms), modern,
$3900, Sunnyslde. for acreage
and assume. (16.)
2 flat bulldin (4 rooms each),
$5700, and rents $45 per month,
for 6 or 7 room residence. (14.)
Irvington residence, $11,000
(9 rooms), for farm on auto
road, near Portland. (8.)
Business lot (60x100), Seat
tle, for acreage near Portland.
Will assume. (29.)
Portland Heights residence,
$8000 (60x160 lot for small
farm near Portland or clear raw
land. (1168.)
Hartman & Thompson
Chamber of Commerce.
Fop Exchange
160 acres alfalfa land; $U
miles from Twin Falls. Idaho; all
level and tillable; one Inch of
water to the acre; fenced, some
buildings; railway runs through
the tract; $100 an acre.
40 acres sagebrush land ad
joining townsite of Holllster,
Idaho, with water right. Trade
for automobile or Portland prop
erty. One of the best selections
?nd one of the best pieces of land
n this country.
'i Interest ln fine paying busi
ness property ln Welser. Idaho;
monthly rental of $270. Will
trade for Portland residence.
80 acres, one mile from town,
all level Irrigated land. Good
buildings,, all fenced, good small
orchard, rented and good Income
proposition. Price $100 an acre.
Will trade for Portland property.
40 acres in Yamhill county;
good 8 room house, fair barn,
spring water piped to house and
barn; 7 acres bearing orchard;
several acres young orchard; 20
acres under cultivation; 4Vfc miles
, from McMlnnvllle; to trade for,
"Portland residence or lots. Im-'
mediate possession.
Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark.
Realty Exchanges
Exchange What You
Have for What You
Place a reasonable cash price
on your property and we will ex
change it for you. We do not
list over valued property. We re
fer you to our advertisement that
appears today under the heading
TO EXCHANGE. Owners and
brokers are invited to do business
with us. Perchance there is
something you want that does not
appear ln our ad. Come in and
look at our books, open to every
. Realty Exchange Dept.,
WE HAVE a number of farm
to exchange for Portland proper
ties. .
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
8 ROOM cottage, acre of land, city
water, electric lights, assorted or
chard, berries, shrubbery and barn, hen
house, yards, 8 blocks of business part
of town, 1 block of school and college.
Will take land, good notes or will sell
on easy terms. Walter Roswurm. For
est Grove, Or.
SEVERAL 10 acre fruit tracts at Rose
burg In the famous JJmpqua valley.
This is the finest fruit land In Oregon,
bar none, and there Is but a limited
amount of it. I will trade some of
this forPortland equities In Improved
property. See me at once. T. C, Staley,
D2Q nenry nmg.
WILL TAKE lot, seller's contract mort
gage, desirable acreage or securities
as first payment, up to $1200, on mod
ern 6 room house, nicely furnished; will
rent for $25. Balance of $1600 paid ln
monthly payments. Smith-Wagoner Co.
311-312 Lewis bldg.
Fine 20 Acre Farm
All in cultivation, fine buildings and
water; lots of I fruit; close to electric
line, to trade for Portland property.
614 Chamber of Commerce. Math 6068.
BEAUTIFUL new 8 -room bungalow,
stone porch, fireplace, living room
15x24, dining room 15x17, Dutch kitch
en, cement basement, fine inside fin
ish. Shouldn't trade it but will take
part trade. $5000. Owner, 430 Wor
cester bldg. Main 1940.
6 ROOM bungalow that you don't see
every day, beautiful stone front, cab
inet finish throughout cement base
ment and walks, full lot; best buy on
east side. $4260. Will take part trade.
130 Worcester bldg. Main 1940.
WILL trade my fine strictly modern
home on large lot for lots or smaller
residence up to $3000 er will take close
in central East Side property up to
$7000. My property Is $6000. See my
agen.t, 418 Railway Exchange bldg.
My $1760 equity ln modern cottage
fine lawn and yard near Union avenue
and some cash in exchange for con
fectionery or grocery. Phone C-2418.
P-773, Journal.
i BLOCK business section In Vancou
ver, right whjer there will be some
thing doing soon. $2500; trade for land
ln Oregon. T. C. Staley. 628 Hanry
10 ACRES 14 miles from Portland, 1
iiiiiv n.. n. aiaiiuii, radically an in
cultivation, no rock "or gravel; price
$2600; will take- house of same value.
422 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
$776 EQUITY in 6 acres of good fruit
land; trad for runabout O-770, Jour
STORE that will invoice $1600 to trade
-for rooming- houae.
Goddard. $05
neon Ding.
L$500 FIRST mortgage and some coast
lots to trade for small rooming houae.
BQ5 Yeon phis.
WILL trade my automobile far aome-
thlna- -. I ' want - mora.
Goddard. 605
yeon ping.
8UNNYSIDE, 0 roo'm, h'ous $32i!0: tak
, automobllo la trade. Tabor
Tn l Pi r-r ..-....
I riAIJr,
I have 160 acre wheat farm close
uregory mignis, irvington rara, sea
side: also acreage near Portland and I
houses and lots in Portland to trade
for some kind of business. Come
ana looic my list over, we can matcn
you ud: will nut in half cash with any
trade, if suited.. y Traders' Agency, 15
N 6th st. or phone Main 6877 or A-7720.
WB HAVE 40 acre of fine oil, IS
acres in cultivation and crop. alanc
or iana na enougn wooa to pay ior it;
200 ft. from Willamette river and land-
4a. on .nrtii.. -.. -eM..i.4. .o.
pany will buy all the wood. Prioo $4500;
win traae tor nouse ana lot. i;oopera-
uve tteaity to.. bi-bzu-bzi Kaiiwav lax
40 ACRES first class land to exchange
ror city property. 270 K. ntn et.
wrj mavh kw BAiiH u , Titauni
.nouses, ioih ana larms.
Electric Dlano very cheap.
t pianos cheapest in Portland-
w o wani a rauining nous ior casn.
we want more farm.
Traders' Exchange & Novelty Co.,
i i i. nam per or t-ommerce,
Vvt in th ab t-rm nnnnaK irhnAl
Everything new. Doing good buslnase!
tl-ll aU 1...l. Alt f .M.k.M.. T1 J
t ivv.
nu uu.iin, M' uuiiiuoiuraiM diiij,
Oood town near Portland. 4 teams..
rigs, good business; barn and all $2500.
Hall & (Justin. 611 Lumbermen Bldg.
FIRST CLASS cement block outfit and
mixer: original cost $325. to trade for
horse or team; will pay or take differ-
ence. F. L Newell. 6 E. 76th st
SAFE-Large used' ahort tlmN
trade for smaller safe, your own
trade for smaller safe, your
terms. H-785. Journal.
WILL exchange .fine talking machine
outfit for good piano. Portland Pho-
nograph Agency, 350 Alder st
WILL exchange first class talking ma
chine ror gooa Dicycie, Portland
Phono. Agency. 350 Alder St.
EXCHANGE Reverse gear, good condi
tion, for 114 inch carbureter. A-l IV,
WILL exchange dental work for ladles'
tailoring. N-776 Journal.
CANARY singer, $2, or trade for chick-
ens 60$ Roselawn ave.
tailoring r?-T76. Journal.
TO TRADE New Victor phonograph
ror ewmg machine, u-776. Journal.
TO TRADE for home ln Portland, 40
acres fruit land: 4 mile rrom u. a.
station, 3$ miles from Portland, on good
road, ln excellent district: 20 acres tlm-
ha. halnnn In itl l v. tlnn nrolr nn
1 .. . . .. n ma K. 1 1 1 I ni,
jiii. c , 111.L10 wonto ianu. iiw uuuuiiia,
i'rice $4000. carries $7UD mortgage aue
tiz. u-i is, journal.
F(RCFI1 RAI.F. Mint have tlfiOO rash
at once: am foroed to sell my modern
seven room house ln the Nob Hill dls-
rlct on Twentv-fourth street Total
price is only $7000; balance above
looo on exceptionally easy terms, n-
Ti, journal.
WANTED To sell two acre fine
rich soil, all cleared and fenced.
close in, on canine, 20 minutes to post-
,''-., ,.1 , Ull kBI ,.11, , tt V 1,11 I, U LV, V J IVDi-
office, 7 He carfare: bargain If taken
this month. $1800, half cash. Call on
owner, 1661 East lsth st. flellwood.
CLIENT has $6500 spot cash to put
Into a dairy ranch. Won't go farther
than $0 miles from Portland: must be a
bargain; full description in first letter.
W. E. Thresher, 437 Chamber of .Com-
mere Ding,
WE have about $100,000 to invest In
good Income bearing properties. We
wish apartments, flats or business in
come -properties. What have -you?
Must deal exclusively with owners. C.
K. Henry Co., Henry bldg.
WANTED Corner lot 60x100, unre-
Binciea uisiria, near oi. junns cur-
llnft tint farther nut than Pnrtlinil
boulevard: must ha. reaormhlv W I1
Harding Land Co., cor. 4th and Oak,
toarq or Tade mag. M. 6466, A-3229.
t tirkT' c . v, L,
I can buy direct from the owner for
insn ah h.i.... ...
menta. Give details or no attention
paio. m-777. journal.
WANTED To buy modern unencum- rent IJOOmonth : 3 year lease; many prl
bered residence In Portland, not to vat? iSL ele8ntI5r Suml.8hl "
cost ove $3000, from party who will
accept oeveiooea & acre orchard as
part payment N-778. Journal.
WANTED To buy building site on
west aldo, suitable for apartment
m rr
nouse location, rrom party who will
accept commercial young orchard as
part payment, n-779, j ournal
WE HAVE clients for ' 6, 6 or 7 room
bungalows in good locations: must be
gooo values, wnat nave you 7
206 Rothchild Bldg.
WANTED As Investment farm or Im-
proved Portland property worth $3000;
will now flKnn n mU !.... 1-
' ' wmiBiivii m .cam
at 6 per cent; must be gilt edge. G-772,
WANTED Lot not to exceed $400. will
exchange motor boat a part payment;
ive description or lot ln flrt letter,
1-779, Jorunal.
WANTED for cash, not over $2000, 6
or 7 room house and lot with base
ment i1nn In atrnnt 1 m mnvAvt In
and paid. K-778, Journal.
.... .... .wuv ' , v.wv- ....... , .1
WANT some cheap unimproved lan
within 40 miles of Portland.- niv
oescription and price ln first letter. J.
W. Harshman. Oen. Del.. Portland Or
WANTED From owner, one acre with
amall house near Salem Eiectrio line,
not over 7c fare. Can pay $100 and $16
i" n ner montn. a-iio, journal.
TO BUY, sell or exchange property, any
aina, anywner. Address Northwest.
ern Business Asencv. Mlnn,nnit
Minn. '
WANTED Home In Portland niv
160 acres good timber; cruise over
b.uuu.uuu rest sis Allsky bldg.. 265
WANTED I strictly" modern 6-room
house, to cost about $4000. Address
Q-771, Journal.
WILL pay cash for an absolute bar
gain in vacant lot. K-777, Journal.
18 ROOMS 18
1 block off Wash Ins: ton at rh.nn
rent all on one floor; cleaving $175
monthly. This la the best huv in ih,v
city. Price $860; one half cash will
handle. See Peters, 15 N. 6th st.
Best location In the city; rent $25;
swell furniture; place where rooms are
always rented. Price $460; terms.
Peters, 16 N. Bth st.
30 ROOMS-30
Good furniture and lease; a place
where rooms are always rented; clear
ing big money. Price $900; terms. Pe
ters, 15 N. Bth st
7 R00MS-7 -
In A-l location, good furniture, clears
$40 monthly. Price $150. Peters. 15
N. Bth st
HOUSEKEEPING and single"- rooms
well furnished, steam heated, can
clear $400 per month. Will sell for
cash and real estate. Phon B-3020.
East 6024. '
II room rooming house, fin loca
tion, to sea is to buy, no agent. 415
Mill street, corner 11th street. Phon
Marshall 2572.
13 ROOMS 13
New Oregon hotel; rooms are all rent
ed and at prevent $95 monthly.
IOAA Vtrill T.. m -a '
t "",., Beqlll-wvPr p f otn at.
13 Room Rooming House
Cheap, or will trad for a lot! call
today at 721 First st
L 'n hotel. 6 yenr lease, particulars.
810 Henry Bldg. - , .
klQHTEKN room house, rent $50, in-
come $145. must sell, $1100. Hat-
iieiq, lBOVfr 4tn st.
KlNE room fl at with lea se, good fur
- niture, rent $36;pny $36 over rent
$500 for quick sal. 870 Bth st. A-S020.
1 . r ti nnnnimm rf
'I . .A. J riAinrt fm imj TW At Tin
House, Cheapest
I. 102 rooms'. 2 anartments strictly:
ln I modern brick building, bath and phones
in every apartment, eiectrio eievaior, r,
1 long. lease. If you ' ive $3000 cash and
1 look over this house you will buy It at
Can YOU Match Th S I f
I ,j " - . . .: .r" ..-j
..l4 rooms, new and elegantly furnished
I line wpi h an loraiinn: rum. tm',
ef,rl J2"8!' ?wnr s uquity L8 , A1 10",'
i ' r-'! ' v Witt " ' ' "
- I uiw,,
Rarrrain Hoiicp Hnntprs
See This at Once
22 rooms, completely furnished, rent
801 $100 month, 24 year lease, clears $100
m mm nnra z I 'mi nn unintr . 11
csn upon lease, terms $760 cash; thli
i is one oi tnose snaps every one Is look.
I A -r - - irnm
I t nOOmSi JboOU
West side location: rent ISO 3 vear
lease, clear $60 a month: terms S300
11 Rooms, Very Fine Pfece
.uuaiea near izin ana Morrison sts..
t6?1 of furniture, rooms always full.
I Prlpfl onlv i ft fin ia oh
i . . a x.v.u 1 1.
I came here 8 month ago; rent was
9 I hiah. I boucht mm- hn hmA a
1 room for myself, th other 8 room
I have paid all exoennea and ift monv
beside. Now I am ready to go baofc
pom and wlU sacrifice this to you. I
I .nav9 W lease on house and rent
Part cash will handle this. Bee
SL8nt- J' K- NlohoU 815 n
q' .
11 Rooms 11 Rooms 11
JllJtfc Hnnrlv lln-h sIm. nsv.4.
rOOTYia. flimflii naar 11 ii.44..M
i BOOd 'oomer paying from $4
i?r.,K week; good reason for selling.
Will trade. Sea my agent at
. morrioon St., room Pa.
63 Rooming House 63
From 8 room tn Til paam a a vi.
no fabla W can trade. You tell
h.,"?"" man wlt ypu have and
wtoi V-H? om the rest
. """-.""I hvum.?':
1 9 ROOMS 1 9
19 rooms within fir block of the
Post Office. Choice location, always
full, rent only $80, Income $300 per
uiuijiu. ran uasn, oaiance terms.
-uo rtotncnuq mag.
Rooming House Owners
1 T hflVA at liflfr Rn trail., nnl4n f
! rwnrn.w , . ! , I N
, inuyci ,jr i.xua 1UI DUUIO Kinu OL
Dtisiness, rooming bouse preferred. I
win nut in nair casn witn any trade,
Jv,a,n ' I or A-J7Z0.
1 O DnfiMO 4 n
Part housekeeping, on Washlnrtnn t
rent $75, two years lease; rooms are
aiways rentea clears iiao mnnthiv
frice $1000; easy terms. Peters, 15
1 Ptn st.
Hotels, Rooming and Apartment House.
rnone main Nho. A-a7f,
I2S-24. Falling Blda, 3d and Wash. SU.
Portland Leading -otel Broker.
27 ROOMS 27
Near Portland hotel, 2 years lease
11 oak furniture and a blir monev
maker. Price $1200. See this an.l vnii
will buy it Peters. IS N. 6th st.
.,T w j V . . . , iiiwnio III L
$100 per month; rent $76. I will take
a nice smsll huslnesa as first payment
or a srood vacant lot This is good
gee my agent. J. E. Nichols Co.. 615
v l , .
I eon QlOg.
I 8 room notei, newly furnished, new
"re nrooT Dunning, modern throughout
I bar In connection, independent licnnaa
JS1' S'Jl trAi .'or n5fr and ,r
I city property. Owner. R-778 Journal
60 ROOMS, steam heat, new brick, hot
ana coid water ln all rooms; apt..
ofTJ700o Yoi,r l. i600; Jlt
ov ui ivvu. x uuib iur f Douu, no,
sh. Jhon B. Qoddard, 60S Tfton bid
Before Aug. 1st, Must Sell
i -" l- uvuu.i u, .jd i. uiag.
$0 rooms, furnished swell, aood 1mm.
$135 above expense monthly; 6 min
utes from postoffice; terms If desired.
C. J. Howland for particulars, IB N. Bth.
Wanted, Rooming House
Of about 18 to $0 rooms, housekeeping,
on west side. I can trs a well secured
mortgage of 81600 and soma cash for.
Phone Marshall 8088.
The quickest way to sell your room
ing house Is to list It with John B.
Goddard 605 Yeon bldg. Seven sales
this weelc.
$250 Down, Bal, Easy Terms
9 rooms, all rented, good furniture,
rent bnly $35; close to P. O. Call Mon-
day, 213 Chamber of Commerce,
A Fine Rooming House
I will sell my elegant rooming house .
at a bargain; oet weat aio looatlon;
Investigate. 810 Oak at
44 ROOMS, modern, running water In
all rooms, fin furniture, oentrally
located, 4 year lease, rent $175, clears
$300 per month. $6000, $3000 each, $10
Henry Bldg.
S2 ROOMS, modern, center city, running
water in all room, clear $200 per
month. $1500 will handle, $10 Hnry
411 Hanry bldg. Marshall 884. i
Hotel, apartment rouses, rooming
niium.. oougnt. woiq ana exenangeq.
FOR SALE $4000 buy lea and fur
niture of rooming house. $8 rooms
clears $160 per month. Liv town. See
i-iuntmgton a Lysons, Kelso, Wash.
HOTEL for rent 2 vear lease. 36 rooms
furnished, doing sood business tlifv
per montn. covey A uo room 21, 267
32 rooms, corner, on Wash, st, close In
guaranteed to clear $260 month, long
o.. v ive uirvui xruin owner IZSUO,
terms. 122 12th st. A-8174.
FOR SALE Lease and fumltnm n
hotel. 75 rooms dotnsr s-nod himln.,.
in live town. inquire Huntlnston A
ijynunn, i.eino, vvasn.
FORTy-FlVE rooms on comer, hot and
coia water in ail rooms, ijini if.o
Clearing $250. Come in and lot u
I ' .Hi ...
A SNAP 15 rooms, nicely furnished
housekeeping gas stoves, eiectrio
lights; lease: $800. terms, cheaner for
cash. 656 6th st Main 6802. Owner
16 ROOMS, very fairly furnished: rent
tu. tours ror Jftixi: rasv trm.
Clears $70 monthi Full when oth..r
are vnrani, ionoarn, r,or Yeon bldg.
46 ROOMS, corner brick, new furniture,
rent $150. elenm l'Kll tv,n mn-.u i
years lease 14600, $2000 cash. $10 Henry
1 ROdMS, close in, god lease, clears
$100 per month. $1600. $500 required.
11 ROOMS clearing $50 month; rent
; rent
i-d. Bite
$30. Prloa $400: term. Onddai-
reon niog.
5R0 TinVVM nrliw jAA. l,.n i I . I.
rent $30; close ln. Goddard, 60S Veoit
bldg. .
$200 cash, balance monthly. Best pay
Ing 7 room house in Portland; rent
$36; Income, $64. Owner, 432 Burnalde.
RDOMItCa hf.uu To vt i
st. Good terms; A-2398,, Main 646
10 ROOMS on 10th street sweii loca"' od turnlture; rent $30. , $700;
$250 cash. 810 Henry bldg. " "
FOR SALK 9 room house , with' base
mcnt room; housekeeping! full; . fino
paying house; owner. 3763. A-704. ""
11 ROOMS, rent $30, close in, clear $50
month above all expenses. Pric $400.
i'"i an turn- near HiarKi
58 ROOMS, good furnltur. modern, 8
.7,r,r'r".. ''". filear $200 per month.
$26oo, $1600 cash.: S10 Henry bldg.
i '