The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 23, 1911, Page 23, Image 23

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    : J,
I ' ; !, f
, Buy now before the railroads reach
there and get In on the ground floor.
The beautiful seaport beach resort and
factory town; Large payroll, 8000 popu
lation. Lumber, ooal, fruit, dairying
and farming. More natural resource
back of Bandon than any other town
on the Pacific coast. You can't miss
it. Buy now before the boom. I can
sell you lots now close to the business
renter for $3 down and $3 per month,
10 cents a day invested now may mean
your fortune. Pictures In my office.
W, L, Green
Main 8787. 405 Lumbermen Bldg.
Lots $25
Right on the carline, few minutes
ride from business center of Portland
at Riverside Park addition; no better
summer home or outing place In Ore-
son; plenty, shade, trees, Doaung, iisn
nr Via thin and the best soil for ar-
den truck on earth; splendid place for
Chickens, ducks or geese;: uue guar
anteed; lots 40x100, price $25 each,
easy payments. National Realty A Trust
Co., room 723, Chamber of Commerce
bldg. .
FOR SALE by owner. I hare one lot
60x100 on 47th and Division. The
reason I want to sell is because I can't
afford to build a home because there
Is a $1600 building restriction, so I will
sell my lot for $760; the streets are all
improved, sidewalks laid, bonded for 10
vears. I have paid the first assessment.
Water pipes are laid. This is not all
cash, only pay me what I have paid on
my lot. which In about $425. My lot is
in block 2, lot 9, three blocks from Ml
Scott car. Olaf Hanson, 896 Tacoma av.
I have some desirable equi
ties for sale which are way
below the market. They are
better than snaps. P-772, Jour
Lot 75x106 on carline up to
grade, sewer, water and gas in
and paid for, In restricted dis
trict; $500 less titan market
price this week, inquire of Cha
pin & Herlow (HI 332 to 838 Cham
ber of Commerce.
$350 rash, balance monthly, will buy
76x100 foot coiner on East 66th St., 3
blocks from Gllsan st. car lines. A snap.
325 Lumber Exchange.
Lots for sale. $600 to $120, to close an
estate, 15 minutes from business center.
Surrounding district has stood homes.
' merchants
Savings & trust
A Lot of Your Own
Measuring 50x100, with city water, in a
high and well drained locHtlon, near
good carline, would be a fine thing to
have, wouldn't it? We have one for
you; give us $10 and $10 every month.
nd the lot Is yours: no dagoes in this
neighborhood. Seo Leonard, Columbia
Trust Co.. 84 4th st.
$3 Down, $3 a Month
Buys fine lots In Hazeldell. Inside city
limits, near M-V oar line and new Mt.
Hood electric now building right by this
property. Price $140 up. Open Sunday.
WEBB. 414 E. Stark, Cor. E. 6th.
$10 Down, $10 Per Month
Fine view lot, matured fruit trees:
restricted district, near car. cement
walks, Rull Run water fruit cared for
free of charge. 202 Board of Trade
bldg. Marshall 473. A-1022.
VERY choice ajie, close In, on the w.est
side; lueal Tor home or investment;
price only $1200, $100 cash and balance
to stilt you, 6 per cent Interest on de
ferred payments. M. E. Lee, 311 Cor
net t Mrtg.
Rose. City Park Bargain
Beautiful view, facing east, $650.
614 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6068.
LOVELY apartment site, corner 40th
and Hawtnorne ave.. lot 43x70. $2000.
Hawthorne assessments all paid. Best
buy on the avenue. Terms. G. A. R.
AlcGrew, corner 44th and Hawthorne.
Tabor 794. .
A Cheap Home
On easy terms; house, 2 lots, 100x100:
bearing fruit. 2 blocks from St. Johns
car, Portsmouth. Price $1300. Forced
Bale. Call John Pick. 626 Henry bldg.
LOTS 60x100. $75 to $ 60. Easy terms.
One to fouv blocks from electric car
station, mall route, telephone, etc.;
good suburban close-In property. J. W.
flefferlln Realty Co.. 203 Corbett Bldg.
Botn pnones
WO lots on . Kllllngsworth at a bar
gain If taken next week. me lots on
St. Johns carline. 6, 6 and 7 room new
modern houses within 1 block of Al
berta carline. Room 222, Labbe bldg.,
2d and Washington.
A CHOICE comer lot on Corbett street,
the best buy in Sou 'i Portland. If you
are looking for property In this dis
trict, this will appeal to you. M. E.
Lee. 311 Corbett bid '
University Park
100x100. 2 room house. Price $1150.
J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and East
100x100 lot Stanley addition, Monta
villa, reasonable terms, 6 per cent In
terest; 7 fruit trees on lot 5 years old.
Phone Marshall 660, or East 2963 even
I WILL sell my equity in Belle Crest
lot, bought over one year ago, for
less than cost. J. L. Woodson, 210
west Lane St., Rosehurg, Or.
Waverleigh Heights Lot $650
irs on TiDbetts, near S6th,, north
fnelnr. J-775. Journal.
' Owner Must Sell
Flno 50x100. 2 blocks of car on Mil
lard ave.; $475; terms. Tabor 422.
FINE Irvlngton Park lots. $10 down,
$10 month. Swell view, nice district.
ouv. omiin-wagoner tsa., aii-aii sw
' is bldg. 1
i WILL sell my equity in Elmhurai. lot,
ooufini over 2 years ago, lor less man
FOB 8 AXE lots
miioi urn
I cost
bu nmvvi i ire oox oort.
lot In Rose Cltv Park on 49th:
Hi blocks to dart Inn. tnO: U. cnh
i-m", journal
BUSINESS comw n South Portland.
Will exchange for gasoline launch.
M, B. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg.
I HAVE a 6, 10 and a 12H acre tract
for sale: 11 miles from Portland,
about a mils from .Tigard. Price rea-
sonariie, part terms. H-77D, journal.
FIFTY acre for the pries of one. -All
guuu Bwii. vicluii oi wjhooi anQ
town. Address D, B. Sheridan, Tlgard,
TEN acres close to city, under cultlva
r, tlori; buildings, stock, Implements,
nothing like it. $1,800, quick sale.
V-lfl, juunmi.
BARGAIN 2 acres, .modern horns;
owner, 411 Corbstt. Main 49$7. .
The finest soil, the most beauti
ful laying land, the best of roads,
water, schools, churches, stores,
mall and telephone service, two
car lines, every suburban- con
venlence and only 40 minutes
ride, In beautiful valley west of
Council Crest; will sell any sized
tract from one-half acre up at
$260 to $600 per acre and upon
monthly payments, let us tell you
about this. "V J
102 Fourth street,
Matin 86. . , A-8600.
Free to You
Every man or woman who Is looking
forward to being Independent should in
vestigate our 5 and 10 acre, walnut
tracts at New Bra, only 18 miles south
of Portland on the Willamette river.
Portland-Salem automobile road runs
paat our tracts. This is the best wal
nut, fruit or potato land in the Valley
and farmers in this neighborhood have
grown rich. This land will pay for It
self in seven years and you need not
even care for it under our co-operative
plan. Will pay you for your time in
vestigating if not found as represented.
Only 12 tracts left. Call at our office
and get literature and talk the matter
over, f
Room 415, 826 Washington street.
110) AGR
By Owner
8 miles from Portland, mile from
carline. 10c fare: S acres In cultivation,
Vi acre In raspberries, some strawber
ries 16 fruit trees bearing; small house;
good soil: price confidential; $1500 cash
handles it.
Lents Station, Mount Scott car.
At Gresham
12 miles east of court house, we have
70 acres, good bearing orchard, 6 room
house, 2 good barns, full of hay for
winter, other good outbuildings, operat
ed now as a dairy, with 9 milch cows (8
registered Jersey) 1 registered Jersey
bull, 3 one year old heifers, 6 calves, all
food stock and in fine conditon. 1 hog,
sow and 7 little pigs. 1 horse. 1
mare and colt, all necessary farm im
plements. Only $201) an acre. Some
city property or mortgages will be ac
cepted In trade. 40, 80 or 180 acres
near car line, $30 an acre. 1 to 10 acres
at points between Wichita and Cazade
ro. Terms.
O. W. P. LAND CO., 1st and Aldeer.
We offer ten acres of land 20
miles northeast of Portland near
electric car line. Price $3k per
acre; terms $2 per acre cash, $10
fier month. This land Is especial-
y adapted for poultry, fruit and
bees. Never again howl high
prices, but call and arrange to go
out In our machine for a personal
332-338 Chamber of Commerce.
Mt. Hood railway trains now running
to Bull Run. Sandalia.'Orchard and
Country Home tracts are near Bull Run
station. 26 miles from Portland, be
tween Sandy and Bull Run rivers. Best
volcanlo shot soil, numerous springs
of pure, cold water; beautiful scenic
surroundings, boating, fishing. Ideal lo
cation for permanent or summer home.
Will sell 5 and 10 acre tracts: also
one acre camping grounds. Henry C.
Prudhomme company, owner, 906 Spald
ing bldg.
82d and Section Line road, Just south
of Mt. Tabor. Look these up. Easy
Main 9543. T. J. LONG. Main 1254.
' Great Big Snap
20 acres, first class soil: 6 acres of
this Is beaverdam. only i mile from
it. It. station, and only 19 miles from
Portland. This property will double
In a short time. Price only $2200. $1500
handles this. Come out and lot us tell
you about It. Take Mt. Scott car to
Grays Crossing. Grays Crossing Land
t o. I el. lanoi )b'., open Sundays
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port-
land, walking distance to good town,
running water, best soil, free wood,
splendid fruit district, view of Colum
bia river and jmoWpeaks, 2 acres $26j;
6 acres $400; 10 acres $700; 10 per cent
cash, easy payments, other tracts near
railway station $25 to $40 per acre.
309 Yeon bldg.. Portland.
All cleared and in cultivation, 1
mile from R. R. station and close to
Portland. Best of fruit and garden
land. Surrounding land selling for $200
per acre. Must sell and will take $150
per acre. Easy terms. Address L-773,
Acre tracts on Ciackamas Highlands,
fine view of river and valley, 12 miles
from Portland, near carline; good road,
$160 to $200 per acre.
Several small fruit farms for sale
close in, nice homes cenp.
1003 Main St., Oregon City. Or.
H miles from Salem electric. Forqual
lty of soils, location, price and terms,
these are the best on market today. We
will be pleased to show them. If you
are looking for farms come in and see
us. We have some good bargains.
Wolff Land Co, 322 Henrv bldg.
WE HAVE one 5 acre tract-on the Barr
road, near Montavllla, at $500 an acre;
tracts mile and a half beyond selling
at $700 and $800 an acre. A. W. Lam
bert & Co., 404 East Alder st. Phones
East S40. D-1310.
80 ACRES, 25 milos from Portland; fine
soil, running- water, house and barn,
also frurt trees. Price $2500; cash,
bslance easy terms. A, W. Lambert &
Co., 404 East Al'der st. Phones: East
640, B-1910. .
Perfectly level, lots of, fruit and ber
ries; close to car; $1500, terms; JOc fare.
Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. M, or
FIVE acres, all cleared with fruit and
berries; also fair buildings; 5 miles
from city and only $2760. A. W. Lambert
& Co., 404 E. Alder st. Phones: East 640,
1 2. 3, 6 and 10 acre tracts, close in,
good electric car service, $100 to $260
the acre; big values, easy terms. Call,
phone or write us NOW. J. W. Heffer
lln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg.
9 ACRES. 1 mile from city limits on
electric line, running water. Price
16000, Vt cash. This is a good location
for green house sits or model poultry
farm A. W. Lambert & Co., 404 East
Alder st Phones: East 40, B-1910.
I HAVE 160 acres of unimproved land,
near neighbors, schools and good
roads, not over .60 miles from Portland,
I will sell for $1600 cash. J-774, Jour
12 ACRES of rich soil on electric line,
10 miles from Portland; fruit and ber
rios, running water and fair buildings.
Price $6000. A. W. Lambert & Co., 404
East Aiaer si. pnones; ciasi; u, h-isio
10 acre tract. Clackamas county, 1 mile
from station; can ds Dougnt cheap and
on easy terms. Marshall 860 or 1-2963
evenings ana punoay,
-1(1 9A mtA 1A . IVmbM
Oregon electric. 3. J. 'Ry. Butteville!
F1VK acres , at Rockwood on Mt. Hood
Itn Tn,l . i .
, iv, , .... , .,
FINEST offer in Mt Hood acreage that
ever saw this Caper. I12B nsr acrs
to I860. 430 Worcester Bldg.
Farms and Acreage
87 acres of rlclv productive
land 8 miles from Oregon City.
Land lays fine and Is about in
crop, A bargain is offered on this
farm at $85 per acre on very lib
eral terms.
20 acres of the rich Molalla
Bottom laud, K mile from, Canby.
Oregon. Land uncleared but all
slashed and very Inexpensive to
clear. Price $90 per aore. Terms.
Land adjoining cropped 600 sacks
of potatoes last season.
40 acres level land all under
high state of cultivation, well im-
S roved, about 1 mile from Can
y, Oregon, on main county road
and mile to Willamette river.
$176 per acre on terms. Excep
tional value In this piece.
400 acres of richest Oregon
land at Canby, Oregon, with one
and one-half miles of water front
on Willamette river. This Is a
magnificent tract for subdivi
sion and cheap at $150 per acre.
There are two sets of old build
ings and about 80 acres cleared on
the tract. Come and see it.
One acre In orchard, high and
sightly, close to Oregon Electrio
line at Barstow station. A bar
gain at $800 on very easy terms.
One acre cleared on Main street
Lents, for sale cheap and on easy
70 4th street.
Main 1008 A-1008
Milwaukie Acreage
Eight acres of the best land,
located at Milwaukie, surrounded
by beautiful homes and desirable
in every respect, short distance
from station. Will make beautiful
country home. Running creek and
springs on the property. Land
adjoining and close to held at
$1600 and $1800 an acre. Own
er is leaving for the east short
ly and Instructs me to sell It. and
in order to do so quickly offers
to take $1000 an acre. If inter
ested in this kind of a proposi
tion, let me show you this one.
267H Oak St.
Phone Main 1743 and A-1748.
2 1-2 Acres at Beaverton
2 acres, mile from electric
line, all in cultivation, all fenced,
all level and the very best of soil,
on good road, hi mile from school
and In a thickly settled locality;
adjoining land you cannot buy for
twice the money; small 8 room
house, well; price $1000, terms.
Oround Floor Lewis Bldg.,
2674 Oak St.. cor. 4th.
Farm Department.
Acreage for Sale By Owner
1 own and offer for Bale for a
short time, six acres of land,
level and well situated, only a
short to Mount Scott
carline, and between' the Oregon
City and Klndorf roads. Lands
close to this have sold at 1850 to
$800 per half acre, but to effect
a quick Bale I will offer this at
$860 per acre.
I believe this Is the cheapest
acreage on the market. Call me
Sunday at Tabor 1410 or Mon
day Ht Main 1743. Please ask for
2 Acres, $500
2 acres In 10 year old trees, in
first class shape, on a good mac
adamized road and In a very
thickly settled locality; R. F. D.,
telephone, one mile from boat
landing and R. R. station and
stores. This is Just 12 miles
from Second and Stark streets,
Portland, and one of the prettiest
little tracts that you ever saw;
$200 cash balance good terms.
Ground floor Lewis Bldg.. 287
Oak street, corner 4th.
"Farm Depts."
4 acres, near station, all in
fruit, good 6-room house, barn,
storehouse, outbuildings, plenty
of water. You can double your
Bioney on this In ti months. Can
give good terms.
Rand Read & Co.
316 Board of Trade.
$1 down and $1 a week, 8 per
cent Interest, for one acre of
rich black garden soil, no rocks,
tiled and under cultlvatlbn, 40
minutes out from city limits on
Salem electric cars. Joining car
line, near two stations. Inquire of
owner, 211-12 The Falling Bldg.,
3rd and Washington, city.
Bargain in Acreage
Dark, rich soil, all under cultivation,
well fenced and drained; near good
town. 20 miles from Portland: electric
and steam line; good terms; will take
Portland property as part payment. In
qulro Kenny, Main 7491 303 Corbett
bldg., after 9 o'clock Monday.
Beautiful Country Home
acre all In fine garden, fruit andj
I i . . i , n . . ,, . i. i. , i 1
uei iit-B, line i luuui iiuuae; o uiucna
from carline. 8 cent fare. Price $2600;
easy terms.
514 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6068.
For Farms and Acreage
floe my list before you buy. I have
farms of all sizes Rnd all prices and In
parts of the valley. Como In and get
prices. I have some good bargains in
acreage and small homes. Neal Brown,
709 Swetland bldg.
Easy Terms.
One acre cleared, partly In berries;
rich Boll, no gravel. Arleta Realty Co.,
6Sd st. and Foster road, Laurelwood
sta., Mt Scott car. Tabor 159. Call
FOR. SALE 16 acres this side of Tl
gard, close to electric line, all culti
vated, buildings, orchard, on main road,
fine land. Will take part trade In resi
dence property, D. L. brace Co., 808
Board or xraie ping
6 ACRES, improved, 8 acres in orchard,
2 In potatoes; house, barn and fine
well water. 10 min. walk from Sher
wood elation; beautiful location. Price
$3500. $1000 cash, balance easy terms.
Owners oniy. m-iih -journal.
7 Acres for $1200
3 room house, fine orchard, good Uv-
mig spring, level, on good road, not far
but, terms;, M commercial diock.
$40 PER ACRE buys 20 acres of good
land about halt in timber, over an
acre cleared and planted to potatoes
'and garden truck, near Astoria. P. O.
Box u. Hi. jonns, ur.
ONE, ACRE home. $1250, terms; at Or
chards, Wash.; 200 ft. to station:
every lnch In crops; complete set new
buildings. C, L. Bamberger Marshall
712, room I, Lumbermen oldf.
$12 McKay bldg., 8d and Stark. '
10 Acres $500
$100 Cash, $10 Per Month
An hour's ride from Portland.
On a good country road.
Deep, rich, dark soil.
Level land In a level country,
9 trains each day into Portland,
And steamboat transportation,
Dally mail, telephone, neighbors,
Schools and churches,
4 1-4 Acres $1600
$300 Cash, $20 Per Month
With bungalow, chicken coops, barn;
All complete; can move right In.
Adjoining on One Side
5 Acres $750
$150 Cash, $15 Per Month
On the Other Side
6 Acres $900
$180 Cash, $15 Per Month
40 Minutes From Portland
One Mile From the Depot
On the main county road;
All the land lays well.
And is genuine red shot soil:
ffchool of 10 grades.-churrhes.
812 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark.
10 acres. 7 in cultivation, 3 In
heavy fir. 6 room house, large
barn and other outhouses, good
well and running stream, good
soil has 300 14-year-old fruit
trees, mostly Spltzenberg apples,
all in good condition. 3 miles from
electric line, on county road tele
phone and R. F. D. Price $6000;
H cash, or will trade for Im
proved place with no fruit.
6 acres, all In cultivation, on
Oregon City carline. 30 minutes'
ride; very best soil; $700 per acre.
7 aeres 15 miles from city,
on county road, mile from
electric line: all in cultivation,
good house, barn. 2 (-own, 2 pigs,
40 chickens has good well and
running stream; a fine location
for country store or blacksmith
Khop. Price $3600; $2000 cash,
balance 6 per cent.
Three 10 acre tracts at Dundee,
best orchard lands In the state.
Price $100 to $150 per acre. Can
give good terms on this.
The Lawrence Co,
248 Alder st.
Extra Good Buy
20 acres, 17 acres under 'high
state of cultivation, and all in
crop. There will be about 1000
bushels of oats or 60 tons of hay,
8 to 10 tons of vetch and clover
hay, some potatoes and all kinds
of garden for family use; fair
house and barn, good well. 1
team that will sell today for $300,
6 hogs, 6 stands of bees, 6 dozen
chickens, 1 seed drill, potato
planter and digger, heavy wagon,
light wagon, harness, plows, har
row, cultivator, all small tools.
This la the very best of soil, no
rock or gravel, on good road, 25
miles from Portland. 4 miles
from good live country town,
railroad station and boat landing,
50c fare from here by boat. 80c by
rail; fc mile to church and
school; y, mile to church and
school, R. F. D., and telephone,
and in a thickly settled locality;
price $3000, $2000 cash.
Ground Floor Lewis Bldg.,
267 H Oak St., cor. 4th.
Farm Department.
Owner Is old and must sell at once:
S20 acres, all fine loam land, 250 acres
fine plow land, balance fine pasture: 30
acres cleared, great deal more easily
cleared; plenty of wood, fine 7 room
house, cost $1500, 2 barns, fine spring
piped to buildings, located only 18 miles
rrom Vancouver. 24 miles rrom country
town and stone's throw from good
school. This Is exceptionally cheap and
must be seen to be appreciated. Land
adjoining selling from $40 to $50 per
acre, t-rice li soia at once 4UU, 420u
cash, balance on or before 10 years at
6 per cent.
Steward & Thompson
40!Va Main St.,
Vancouver, Wash.
$10 down, $5 per month, 6 per
cent; land lies level, plenty of
good sprlnr water, 26 miles from
Portlands 1 ',4 miles from R. R.
This Is the verv best of garden
or fruit land. See this at once.
If you have not the time, let us
select a tract for you. Call 540
Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main
2 Beautiful 5 Acre Tracts
Only 10 miles from heart of
Portland; one lies right on the
carline. the other lies 90 rods from
carline, with a dandy orchard of
assorted fruit and small fruit of
every description. If you are
looking for a location that will
make a beautiful home, you
should investigate these places;
price $2500 each, with good terms.
4 th and Oak ats.. Portland.
See Farm Department.
5 Acres Improved for $1850
5 acres, all excellent soil, all In cul
tivation; 60 assorted bearing fruit trees,
6000 berry bushes. 4 room house, barn,
well, chicken house, etc; 25 chickens, 1
cow, all small tools and implements;
only 41 miles from Vancouver, on flno
road, mile from eleotrlo line; right
at school. Price $1850. Terms.
.Steward & Thompson
40!) Main St., Vancou ver, Wash.
FOR SALE by owner.-the most beaut!
ful 5 acres for a home; near car serv
ice; 4 1-3 acres In choice trees put out
last spring; space left for faintly gar
house; 1600 strawberry plants out In
good shape; space left for family gar
den; all neatly, fenced. You have to see
this to appreciate it. Nothing better on
the market. Call on Ell Vaughan, New
oranq central noiei, rortiarm.
$5 ACRES' joining Oswego. 8 miles from
center or r ortinna, Vt miie rrom new
electrio line station, all fenced, all in
cultivation, lays fine. Price $500 per
acre; very easy terms. Sc me at once.
T. C. staiey, 526 Henry niqg.
10 ACRES, Ideal for country home,.ver
close in, city water, on excellent auto
mob Lie road. Price only $10,000, one
third cash, long time on balance. M. E,
Lee, til Corbett bldg. .
ti acres, all excellent soil, 22 acres
In high state of cultivation, balance
easily cleared; plenty of wood; 9 acres
In bearing orchard, 4 acres in apples, 5
acres in prunes, 2 acres oats, 6 acres
wheat, 4 acres potatoes, 4 acres In
vetch: good six room plastered house,
cost $1000; barn 60x80, wood shed,
chicken house, and all outbuildings;
good creek and well; one fine team
horses, worth $600; 1 hack, 1 new wag
on, 1 new harrow, 1 old harrow, 1 plow,
spray pumps, 2 cultivators, cream sep
arator, 1 hog, 200 fine chickens, 2 cowa,
all furniture and tools. The crop on
this place Is worth over $2000; owner
win give purchaser $1200 for crop and
take it off. Located nine miles from
Vancouver on fine road right at school
and near R. R. Cream route, R. K. I),
by place and telephone in house. This
is one of the finest places and the best
equipped In the country.
Price $7000, including all personal
property and crop. Man can pay for
this place in 3 years in crops. $3760.
cash, balance on or before 6 years.
Steward & Thompson
409 M. Main st.
Vancouver, Wash.
All the very best of soil, all In high
state of cultivation, all in crop: good
6 room plastered house, barn, well, and
all outbuildings, 2 fine cows, fine horse,
buggy, wagons, harness, all tools and
implements. 8 tons, hay, spuds, oats,
corn, etc, all household furniture; 3Va
miles from Vancouver, near car line
and school; R. F. I), and telephone.
This Is an exceptional bargain. ,$200
cash will handle this.
Steward & Thompson
409H Mainst.,
Vancouver, Wash.
On Oregon City line, 8c fare. This is
an Ideal home and the Mt. Hood Una
will come throuitn one corner. I want
to sell and go In business. My price
Is right. If you don't want but 6 acres
will give you a choice of the one with
improvements on or the unimproved. I
have the best of soil. (15) J. E. Nich
ols Co., 615 Yeon bldg.
FOR SALE 10 Hi reH, 9 miles from the
court house, southwest; 7 cultivated,
3 In large trees; ti-room house, large
barn, chicken house and grain- house,
orchard, large number of chickens,
machinery, tools, crop, and all for the
low price of ,$3600. $1000 cash, balance
on time. D. L. Bace Co., 808 Board of
Trade bldg.
Thla la irioul at'il laVH wall and R 1 1
stumped off. rlgh' on electric line, 20
miles from city. I will sell or ex-
rliitii7ik thin for nnvlhlne of value in
close where I ean see after same. J. E.
Nichols Co. . 61jl Yeon I Idg.
40 Acre Snap '
3 miles from North Plains; all
fenced, 12 acres in crop; good barn; 31
goats; mare and colt. Price $2250. Easy
terms. 270 E. J6 1 hs t.
WILL SELL 4 or M acre of rich gar
den land for $50 down and $10 per
month. On car line, 20 minutes' ride.
Water piped to place. Will advance
money to build. If desired. 0-775, Jour
nal. WE have several 10-acre tracts near
Dallas, railroad station on the place.
all In cultivation, soil excellent, lays
gently sloping, going cheap to settle up
affairs; easy terms Shoemaker Inv.
Co., 626 Henry bldg.
6 ACRES river frontage, less than 20
miles from Portland, $60 down, $10
per month. Richest soil. Will make
dandy little farm or country home. O-
774. journal.
10 ACRES on the Willamette river,
would make a grand country home,
handy to Portland, excellent transpor
tation facilities. Price $2500. M. E.
Lea, 311 Corbett bldg.
2, 4 or 6 ACRES finest peach land
In state. Cleared and partly planted.
Peaches can be In Portland market 2
hours after picking. River frontage.
0-773, Journal.
FOR SALE One acre at $800 with one
dozen bearing fruit trees. $400 cash,
balance at your own tprms at 6 per
cent Interest. Inquire of Mrs. Mouler.
411 E. Mill st.
65 acres, 1 y, miles from Woodland;
all fine bottom land; V, cleared; faces
on river; 14 cows, 3 heifers. 1 bull, 2
horses: 2 wagons, harness, mower, rake
cultivator, harrow and plenty of small
tools; good house and barn; good crops;
hay nearly all In burn, about 40 tons.
This is the only cheap dairy farm to be
naa in tne ceieoraiea iwu rivrr val
ley dairying section and Is certainly "a
snap for $7000; terms. $3000 cash or
more if desired; balance has 2 years
to run at 6 per cent. This is one of
the best dairying sections In the state
and this place Is the only cheap place
In the valley. Milk brings in about $7
or day at tne present lime. u. w.
hltlow. Woodland, Wash.
Eighty acres; all level; 10 acres in
cultivation. Crops all In; best of soli;
one acre of assorted fruit: close to good
town with stores, high school, etc. Close
to R. R. and boat landing. This place
Is on a lake where there is a great sum
mer resort. An electric line Is being
built within 40 rods of the place. Three
rowbents, a new launch, chickens, tools,
etc., go with the place. This Is a snap.
Price $4000, $2600 down, balance on
time. Will trade. Call Sundays or after
6 o'clock week days at 1136 East Mor
rison st.
Stock or Fruit Pro
moo acres in Linn county. 3 miles
from R. R. station; good country road
and school, Vi mile from ranch: part of
land is hill land but not rough, part bot
tom land, as ranch is divided between
valley and hills; all good soil fine, nev
er falling creek and several springs;
place well fenced. 200 acres now in crop,
and 100 more can be cropped with very
little expense; fair 6 room house and
largo barn; some orchard; this place can
bo bought on good terms at $35 per
acre. Why pay $100 per acre for fruit
land no better? If in the market for
fruit platting proposition be sure and
see this or write for particulars. Neal
Brown. 709 Swetland bldg., Cth and
Washington sta.
12 acres close to Barton on Estacada
electric line. 1 acres cleared, planted
to garden and fruit; 3 room he ise and
outnuildings; good soli, land ta level.
Price $1100.
J, M, Kerr & Co.
Suite 3 II Henry bl d g;
JUST OUT Snap of a place", 160 acres,
$6000 Improvements, 2,000,000 feet
fine timber on 20 acres, 20 acres cleared.
Cherries and apples, standing wheat
that will go 60 bushels per acre, grav
ity water works, with heavy pressure;
railway by place; located on O. W. P.
Ry. Co. Address or phone Gresham.
Oregon snd California Timber Co.
Fine 61 acres, 10 acres In cultivation
6 acres slashed, enough good cordwood
on balance to pay for place.
New 8 room house, barn and other
bldgs. Nice springs, can irrigate, or
chard, 6 miles out, well lncated; $3000
cash, balance of $2000 4 years' time.
REAL LAND CO.. Canby. Or.
20 acres, only 14 miles out on Oregon
Electric. Finest kind of Boll; nice creek
close to Willamette river. Price only
$2000. Will tako good unincumbered lot
and some cash or arrange easy terms.
M. Maiden, i03 swetland bldg.
$2000 WILL handle the .best 76 acres
In Willamette valley; all In cultiva
tion: 1 mile rom station. $3000 will
handle fine Improved 42 acres, 28 miles
Portland, on bank Willamette river. $500
will handle good 80 acres, partly cleared,
running water, mile station. S. M.
Venard. 01 McKay bldg.
FOR SALE by owner at a bargain, 60
- - 1 A AM II... W-1. t
Wash.; 5 room house, 2 barns, chicken
am b ,..... If t,m. m na,uil Kl-
snce 'good timber; good spring ' near
house. Price $3600, Wm. Sargent, box
. m a-" , . l s- 1 . . V. 1 ICO
ob wuhu'i ur, ruvnm sviuiulfi in.
n mm
ft)lt BALE FAAMS 17
70 H acre farm, short way from Van
couver, Wash., 16 acres in first class
timber. Will sell with timber at $145
per acre or without timber at $156 per
The balance Is in the best possible
state of cultivation, embodying as it
does family orchard In good bearing.
Six-room hous" with every possible
modern convenience, such, as hot and
cold running water In house, etc.
The outbulldirrgs are of ample size
and number, in line condition.
The farm Is Ideally situated, ver
close to beat of transportation facil
ities, best of water supply?
Other acres improved as that selling
for $200 or more.
This is a case of must and I have
set the price so low that It has to go.
Necessity forces me to resort to this
$6000 i-aah. balance time.
Write S-774, Journal, for further par
ticulars. Q
Be Convinced
Let us prove to you with your own
eyes that on our project at West Stay
ton, near Salem, you ean be absolutely
independent on 10 acres of Irrigated
land If you- are willing to do a reason
able amount of work, where with a
farm any size, without irrigation, you
are sure of nothing except hard work.
Just stop and think! Rich black land
under cultivation, for only $250 an
acre, as a starter, with a perpetual wa
ter right. When your crops are suffer
ing, go out in the cool of the morning
with your hoe and turn on a small
stream of water. It not only pays, but
Is a fascinating pleasure. You can look
over the fence and sympathize with
your neighbor without water; while you
can cut three crops of clover or alfalfa
and have green pasture the whole year
around, while your neighbor has no
green feed during July, August and Sep
tember. Now, really, Isn't this worth
your while to consider? Information
and Illustrated free booklets at our
Farm Department. (Ask for Mr. Camp.)
Cor. 4th and Stark.
60 acres all fine level land, and
finest kind of drainage. 25 acres
In high state of cultivation and
In crop. Only 11 miles by fine
wagon road to the court house at
Portland; H4 miles to Orenco, on
the Oregon Electric. Within 12
months electric cars will be run
ning past the land: 2 acres timber,'
balance seeded and In pasture.
YEAR AROUND. New 6 room
house and outbuildings :2 horses, 6
head cattle. 10 pigs, 3 doxen chick
ens, all farming Implements and
crop Included. Very best soli In
Tualatin valley. Absolutely the
best bargain offered. YOU MUST
$130 per acre.
A, E. Vaughan
Marshall 2436. 904 Yeon bldg.
Notice to Farm Buyers
665 Acres
In Yamhill county, near Me
Mlnnvllle, Or., all but 160 acres
in high state of cultivation to
hay and grain; good house and
three good barns. This place Joins
a Jarge tract of fruit land which
recently sold for $400 per acre;
will cut nicely In small acreage,
being on the main county road;
Is 1V4 miles from Whltson sta
tion, Southern Pacific R. R. The
owner has Just finished fencing
the entire place at a cost of $1275.
And can be bought for $66 per
acre, with good terms. CAN YOU
TEAT IT? Inquire of
Sheffield & Riely,
90$ Yeon bldg.
If you are looking ror a suitaDie place
) to locate, you will show great judg
ment oy coming iu urayB naruur, wucif?
land can be bought within a radius of
8 to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Ho-
?uiam, two of the most progressive and
as growing cities In the northwest.
Prices $15 to $25 per acre, on easy
terms. The soil is rich and especially
adapted for raising vegetables, fruits,
etc., with two small rivers, and numer
ous streams of water which never over
flow. The demand .for farm products Is
unlimited. Thirty satisfied families are
I living on the land now. scnooi ana
I store conveniently located; good roads,
i Still 3000 acres to select from. Docs
I our proposition look good to you? A
word to the wise is sufficient. For fur
ther Information write at once to
26 acres, 6 miles from Oregon City,
on good county road, 15 acres in culti
vation and in crop, half of crop goes
with place, balance pasture, with tim
ber for farm use on it; nice creek
through pasture; good 6 room house,
barn and other outbuildings. 1 horse,
2 fine cows, bunch of chickens, wagon,
harness and all farm tools afid fine gar
den, all for $2750. and $1500 cash will
handle. Owner cannot live In this sec
tion so compelled to sacrifice.
Chittenden & Neill,
310 Oak street.
40 acres land near Castle Rock, Wash.
Alder brush land, best of soil, no gravel,
best of water; 15 acres slashed, 3 acres
cleared and in potatoes and berries;
good four room frame homse, wood
house, root house, smnll barn, cow shed;
mile grade school employing two
teachers; R. F. ! route. For sale by
owner: part cash. See G. W. Ford,
1068 Water street. Take N. & 6. car.
get off at Hamilton ave. go H block
THE Coffey farm to be sold (original
Jesse Applegate donation claim),
near Yoncalla, I'mpqua valley, consist
ing of 600 acres, with running water
piped to residence and all outbuildings,
with 2f acres in frviit, 300 acres cleared
with the Southern Pacific running
through the place with a private spur,
bus been r'need on the market at a
price of $37,500, half cash, balance 3
or 5 years at 6 per cent; best bargain
in Oregon. Address 927 Corbett build
ing. Portland, or S. 0. Swagerty, Yon
calla. Or.
20 acres fine deep loam soil; 10 acres
In cultivation and in crop which speaks
for Itself; good house and barn, chicken
houses and parks; 10 acres good timber:'
place all nicely fenced; on main county
road 15 miles from Portland, 1 mil.)
from R. R. Btatlon and town; ?4 mile
to good schools and churches, fine open
country; price $2750. Can make good
519-20-21 Railway Exchange.
Must sell my five acre place, Just
east of city limits, on two finest roads.
Choice location, nice and level, good soil
with four room house, good barn, sev
eral outhouses, , fine water, all fenced.
Cheap at $5600. You ean have It for
$3460. I am going away. - See owner.
i f I i nirn si
4 00" ACRES on" the WllUmett.'for sale
at $100 an acre. , Acreage on the WIN
lamette is scarce and la less than' a
year this will be worth double. Call
Main -$27. ; ,-, ,,.:?-.--...-.'-.
Garden Tracts ; 1
Beautiful, rich, level, cleared MMI
and 20 acre tracts, close to good count rr
town, 3 miles from electric car line, and
10 miles from city In thlokly settled
locality at $150 per acre, i cash and
balance on easy terms. Special Induce
ments In regard to first payment 9
parties building. See owner, Thompson
and Swan.
1 9 Acres
All level, cleared land with good
room house, large barn, granary- and
outbuildings, fine orchard of assorted
fruits in full bearing, place fenced and
cross fenced, convenient to school and
ehiirch, telephone In house, R. f. D,
mall and milk route at door, on fine
road, 2H miles from electric line and S
miles from city; price only $5260, only
$750 cash and balance on 15 years time,
If desired. This place can bo paid for
in crops in a short time and at the same
time having a fine home in which t
live. Will sell to first party who sees
160 Acres
80 acres fine bottom land, 35 acres
in cultivation, 7 room house, barn 48xfl.
and outbuildings, good family orchard,"
fenced and eross fenced, fine spring
pipes to house, nice trout stream, i
milea from school church, 3 mile
from small town. Tersonal property In
cluded: 7 cows. 1 heifer. Durham "hull,
good team, wagon, harness, buggy, wag
on, hack, rake, plows, harrow, steam
engine, feed grinder, boiler and attach
ments 4 hogs, 3 dozen chickens, cream
separator, hay fork, all email tools, etc.,
price only $!500, $3600 cash.
Nice Little Ranch Home
10 acres, all rich, level land, all un
der cultivation and in crop, place
fenced and cross fenced, good room
plastered house, good barn, chicken and
out houses, good well and spring water,
situated Vi mile from graded school and
3H milea from Vancouver, R, F. D.,
and telephone service. 2 fine . Jersey
milch cows, good 7 year old mare, good
buggy and light w"in with harness,
6 tons of hay in barn. - acres of pota
toes, oats. corn. etc.. sewing machine,
2 stoves, chairs. In fact, all furniture,
excegt bedding and keepsakes, all for
only $3700 $2000 cash, balance at ( per
cent Interest.
Thompson & Swan
6th and Main streets.
Vancouver, Wash.
rnffiATTE TH
40 acres, 4 mlleg from Gaston. 1V4
miles from railroad station. 25 acres or
place lies level. 15 acres some rolling,
8 acres In cultivation. 20 acres in pas
ture, balance timber with about 600
cords of old growth fir, family orchard
in bearing, about 60 trees all kinds
of small fruit snd berries, lies on main
county road with R. T. D. and phone,
convenient to fine school, twe nice
i springs pna a good well on place, two
I story 6-room house in fine condltton.
good large barn, two chlckenhouses,
woodshed, buggy shed, tool shed, etc,
one horse. 5 good milch cows, 2 heifers,
brood sow. 40 chickens, all crops. 2
plows, 1 cultivator, harrow, 2 wagons,
i buggies, single harness, double harness,
about 10 tons hay, and- all the small
tools and implements included. Price
$4000. Will take a nice, well located
cottage of about 5 rooms in the city as
part pay; some cash and terms on the
balance. This place is all fine. deep,
red shot loam soil, well adapted for
fruits or for general farming. See it
at once.
Chittenden & Neill,
810 Oak st, Portland. Or.
Have You Longed-for a
Farm and Could Not
Find What You Want?
Here Is 87 seres, 16 In cul
tlvatlon. Fine crop, first cutting
ef hay in barn. The beet wheat
you have ever seen. Good gar
den, fine young orchard, straw
berries, raspberries, etc.; 7-roona
house, large barn, hog house,
chicken house, silo, all buildings
new. water pumped from spring
by gasoline engine. Good farming
tools, 4 fine Jersey cows that
make money, a good team, har
ness, new wagon, buggy, brood
sow with 10 fine shoats. lot of
white leghorn chickens; tele-
?hone in house; best of soli and
miles from railroad, in Wash
ington county. Now If you mean
business $4500 with terms takes '
this this week. See us Monday.
Jo lh.0
210-212 Abington bldg.
Of excellent soil, no rock" or graval,
on good county road, 2 1 miles from
railroad In Washington county, about
7 miles r.orth of Banks; 5 acres cleared
and under cultivation, and more easily
cleared, as land has been burnt over and
has Just enough wood for domestic use.
Good spring water and nice stream
through the place; box house 16x36,
with telephone, barn 32x24. and other
butbulldlngs; Vt mile to school. Prlcw
$2500: $1000 cash, balance time at I
per cent.
In about same location, with 20 acres
cleared and under cultivation; a good
box house. 24x30, with telephone; barn
32x48, and other outbuildings; good
spring water, small orchard and berries.
We can sell for $3500; half cash. Both
places are bargains at the prices asked.
226 Lumber Exchange.
i mt
12 acres at station on Forest
Grove electric. 10 miles from
city, all in cultivation, crops go
with price; house, good barn,
chicken house. 100 chickens, 12
hogs. 3 heifers, horse and colt, hay
in bam -to. last 1 year; all farm
ing tools, .harness, buggy, furniture;-
everything to make a
home your own. Price $400 per
acre; best of terms. We can sell
you one or two acres.
Rand Read & Co,
316 Board of Trade.
K acres fine saiidv loam soil, lies
nice and level, right on Lewis rlver,i28
miles from Portland; 4a acres In extr
high state of cultivation and In crop; ,
balance light timber, plenty pasture to
be gotten Joining the property. Good
new house and barn, stream right by ,
barn; soil cannot be equaled anywhere;
we cannot say enough about this plao 1
oecause it in ,.iimj. h,,,
route, tlephone. R. F. 1., and main
county road; crops on place will show
you what It is: t mile to school and
church; must be sold, on account of
sickness; price $4600, Can make good
619-20-21 Railway Exchange,
13 1-2 Acres' .Close, In
acres In crop, small houss and barn,
a acres black bottom -land, onl $5sj
Ser acre, $1600 down, balance to suit!
acres 3V4 miles from Canby good
room house, good barn, $18oi $760 cash
will hanole this. ,
Peper & Baker . .
444 aherlork bldg
id. 53 , Acre Farm"
" 48 acres in cultivation, balance fine -timber
1 miles from good snd
eloctrioillne; half mile from Wlllnmetts
river. $2000 'down and the balance lit
ft or years at per -t int-re-t,
$14' Chamber of Commerce. Mniri sQ6
NEAR Portland, 40 acres.J "ml'l- f.-.I
Station,; $3500. -Owner, Fdn Ij ! 1'Hi-a,
Sherwood, Or. Route i, no
' 1' ''' .v"