2 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY .23, 1911. FOR BALE HOUSES t Isn't this better than paying rentT $25 Cash. New 6-roor.i modern bungalow, c.mient haaement, lot 50x120. only I block from carllne. Price $2000. Terms $25 csh. balance J 25 per ; month, $50 Cash New (-room modern bungalow, cement basement. lot 60x90. splendid view. 1 block from car line. Price $2300. Terms $50 cash, balance $20 per month. One-Fourth Acre of Ground New 7-rooin modern bungalow, full baaement. fine view. 1 block hlo:k from car. Price $2500. Terms $200 cash, balance $20 per month. $100 Cash 1V4 story 8 room house, splen did view, fine fruit trees, lot 66x120 on fine 80 foot street: 1 block from car. Price $1800. Terms $100 rash, balance $20 per month. Hunter Realty Company 22S-G Board of Trade. Marshall 1777. A-3807. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 6 Rooms 50x100 LOT FOR SALE HOUSES 1 $2400 And $25 Per Month Including Interest NEW 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. FULL CABINET KITCHEN. LARGE CLOSETS. FINE BATH AND TOILET. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. -i,.KTi"mS5ilm.ynJ n.h. .m cherry tree, roses, etc. Call or write slrable party, and as the main object w GRAY is to ret the rtrht person that can make a monthly payment equal to rent; a,,, l ...... V... ... ..,. K. 1 AA rl.k " J 3 w lia i c iivi gvi in. 9ivv iigiu i now call me up and make an appoint-1 THE ment, and if you arc all right I will PORTLAND rix you up. There Is a porch full width of the house with a gaole roof over ths en trance of the reception hall. i ne rront door in oax, neavy neveiea E625 37th Ave.. 8. E. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 PWIffi $9500 Irvington $9500 We have a beautiful house. Just completing, in best part of HOLLADAY - IRVINGTON dis trict; 10 rooms, including bil liard and maid rooms on third floor, living room 18x30 with fireplace, pillared vestibule, open stairway, bookcases, whole room finished in solid oak; dining room and den is selected fir with oak floors; Dutch kitchen, maple floor and woodwork 6 coat enamel,- 4 bedrooms on second floor, hardwood floors, woodwork in 6-coat ivory enamel, tinted door panels; two In front thrown to- S ether with handsome fireplace; at broom has TILED FLOOR and walls; cement basement with furnace and trays; solid cement porch. This house Is equipped with clothes and dust chutes, cooler, PHONE BOOTH, sleeping porch; detachable shelving in kitchen; first class fixtures, hardwood and material; street improvements all in and PAID a $9500; terms. Chas. Ringler & Co, 211 Lewis bldg. rlate glass, and opens Into a reception all which has a built-in seat; a col umned arch opens Into the living-room, while a door opens into the front bed room, which can be used for a den or library. The living-room Is 13x14. and has a fireplace, a large triple window opens on the front porch. There are built-in bookcases in the columned arch, which separates this room from the dining- , room. The dining-room Is also 12x14 and has a triple window opening on the side lawn; there ia a beam ceiling with stalactite plaster between, a pretty built-in buffet and paneled - walls: a door opens into the pass hall, another to the floor above and a door to the pass pantry. The kitchen is not large and arranged like a breakfast-room; in the pantry are shelves, cupboards, flour, sugar bins, pot, kettle closets. A door opens to the screened back porch, an other to the basement and another to tbe rear bed-room. There la a pass hall between the two bedrooms bath and toilet. The front bedroom has a large oloaet with a win dow and a built-in chest of drawers, a large window opens on the side lawn. HEIGHTS or THE EAST SIDE On the east slope of Mt. Tabor with a grand view of Mt. Hood ere three Anderson bungalows just completed and can be had on very easy payments. Take Mt. Tabor car to 69tb street, walk two blocks north and two blocks east to 71st and Stark sta. Street work Inoluded In price of bungalows. TONY O. ANDERSON Builder. 401 Lewis Bldg. Phone Marshall 1925 7 Rooms 50x103 Corner LL iXGNANG A FINE SUBURBAN HOME, J LARGE LOTS (126x120) 7 ROOMS, MODERN. Choice corner, fine location, 4 blocks from good car line. Plen ty of shade, shrubbery, eto. This Is an exceptionally good bargain. Price $2500. BUT NOW OF CHAPIN 6 HERLOW (D) 882-338 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTOri HOME $6600. 8 rooms, new, modern, hardwood floors downstairs, finished floors upstairs. The bath and toilet are separate and of beam ceilings, Dutch kitchen, sleeping tne Dest plumbing fixtures, tne rear porcn, nanasome wooaworx, run ce bedroom is quite large and has two 1 ment basement, furnace, 2 fireplaces, windows opening on the lawn; there Is large attic, shades and lighting fixtures a large closet. j complete, faces east, on carllne, lot 60x Upstairs is a large attic and plastered 100 feet, all strtet improvements In; room, with the windows. There are du- I price $6600, term $3000 cash, balance plex window shades at the windows on mortgage. This price Is $600 under and all floors are stained for rugs, I tne value ana is tor quicn saie. FOR BALE HOUSES 61 $960 ONE GOOD BUT $960. -A good four room plastered-cottage on a macadamised street, large corner lot, 3 blocks from splendid school In splendid neigh borhood, close to church, and 6 blocks from a good car line. It's the cheapest and best buy in that locality. Price $960. Only $260 down and $10 per month at 6 per cent. BUT NOW OF ' CHAPIN & HERLOW (R) 883-838 Chamber of Commerce. $5000 $1000 Cash Attractive 8-room house, solid oak floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, large sleeping porch, ' cement sidewalks; one of the prettiest built-in buffets In the city, large porch, fine plumbing and all through Is an Ideal home. One block from car and a good dis trict. Hunter Realty Company 223-6 Board of Trade. -Marshall 1777, A-3307. laundry trays and woodltft;. garden in the rear, roses and a fine lawn. Remember. I will make terms to suit any responsible person. Phone Main 6338 or address T-776, Journal. Take Rase City Park Car TO 44TH STREET. - First house south facing east; just built; hardwood floors, fireplace, furn ace, full basement, etc.; first floor has living room, dining room, Dutoh kit chen and guest chamber, with clothes closet, private toilet and' lavatory; on second floor are 2 fine bed rooms and the bath room; in the yard are 2 large, beautiful walnut trees; lot Is 60x100: Improvements are in and paid; will sell In next few days for $3950; terms. Will ne si place an day Sunday. FROM OWNER. A Rare Bargain Fashionable Sunnyside' District H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8699. A-2663. A NICE HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE 6 rooms, reception ball and bath, full basement, street graded and cement walk In. front porch 8x284 ft., fire place, chrna closet, 2 bookcases, Dutch Kitchen, closet for each bedroom, linen cioset in nail and cloak closet in recep tion hall, gaa for cooking, electric lights, posts between hall and living room and between living room and dining room, high and sightly, just finished, double construction throughout. - Was built by first class labor and all joints fit per fectly. Located on E 47th near the Alameda. In Rose City Park. See own. er on premises week days, or call 616 terms if desired. EAST TERMS. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. I am Instructed to sell a beautiful home In Rose City Park for $3600, $600 cash. The cheapest house there. Has fur nace and fireplace; Is tinted, etc. Address P-771, Journal. $200 Down, $10 a Month modern in every respect; fireplace. Buys 5-room. planstered and tinted; bookcases, china closet. French plate ; bath, toilet, sink, hot and cold water, mirrors, handsome lighting fixtures; concrete foundation and 1 choice lot. In rooms all tinted, bedrooms In white ood loc-ation. Only 8 blocks to car. enamel: full cement basement, full attic, I Price $1300. Don't fail to see this Sun Dutch kitchen; just a step to Sunny- ! day- side and Mount Tabor cars; all Improve-I FAlvn KPn tv Po ments in and naid. r wi l sen ! r.i LVeiyll nedUy OUi sponsible party; $160 cash, balance ' Take Mt. Scott car, get off at Gray' small monthlv nvmuit Own or y East Taylor st., cor. 31st Phone B 2023. evenings. Only $300 New (-room house, double con structed throughout, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, best of plumbing, modern in every way. On good paved . street, 1 block from car. Price $3100; terms $300 cash, balance like rent. Hunter Realty Company 228-5 Board of Trade. Marshall 1777. A-3307. $7000 SPECIAL BARGAIN $7000. Strictly modern (-room dwelling, sun parlor, sleeping perch, inclosed in glass; selected woodwork, lot 60x100 on Broad way, Irvlngton's choicest location. Broadway car passes door. Terms. M cash, balance 7 per cent. McCARGAR, BATES & LIVELT. 301 Veon Bldg. 5 Room Modern Bungalow Corner lot 100x100, in Woodlawn. $3200. 7 room modern house, corner lot 100x100, well Improved, close in, $4500. 8 room modern house, lot 100x125, close in, $6000. We have all kinds of houses and lots at all prices. PEPER & BAKER 444 Sherlock bldg. $1300 OWNER MUST SELL $1300. ' 6 room modern cottage In good condition, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, basement, wired for electric lights, on good graded street In a splendid neighborhood, only 2 blocks from good car line. Bull Run water. Price $1300; $250 down, balance $15 per month. This is a bargain. ' BUT NOW OF CHAPIN & HERLOW (R) 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. JUST LIKE GETTING MONET EAST. On East lOtli St., there Is this chance for a home, nearly new, 6 room, well built house; lot 60x100, facing east, modern and is cer tainly a snap Tor any one who Is looking for a hi me or speculation. Adjoining properties are fine, everything will appeal to you; lust $2300; $500 cash, balance to be easy for yon. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. Crossing station. A CHOICE BUNGALOW. Right new and neatly arranged, built to stay. , Rooms are large and pleasant, good lot. shade trees, basement and modern im provements. Price within reach of any one. Close to car and school. (D) Room 332 Chamber of Commerce. Rooming house, automobile, acreage, city lots. Through change of employment I'm leaving the city and am willing to sell on terms, for cash or trade, that I may urn uuv m worry or care or tne prop erty. My home Is located in one of the best restricted districts In Portland, with new houses on all sides: or a cIhhbv architecture. There Is a large wide porch, full width of the house, with long hovel edge plate glass door on either side and bevel edge plate glass side lights opening Into f. large reception hall off from which Is a pass hall to the kitchen, which is used for a coat closet: stairs rise to the hall above; a door opens Into the living room. The living room is 14x13 and has a large triple window opening on the front porch, while another large window on the other side of the room opens on the side lawn, sliding doors open Into the dining room. The dining room, 12x12, has a large aouoie winaow opening on tne side lawn a glass door opens on the rear porch and a double acting door opens into the pass pantry; opposite Is a neat built in buffet. The kitchen Is 12x13 with a door open ing on the rear porch and two large win dows opening on the side lawn, another door opens Into the pass hall to the ngni nan, mere is a Duut in wood 11 ft, and boiler closet; another door opens to the basement. The pass pantry Is quite convenient with Its drawers, bins, dish cabinets, sink, etc. The basement Is full width and length, cement to floor joists and .num erous windows. The living room, reception hall and dining room are made In a beautiful shade of golden oak, with leather tint ing and cream ceiling, while the kitch en and pantry are done in whfe enamel ana appie green liming. There are four large bedroHrns up stairs, each with a closet with a win dow; .these rooms are white enameled Good 9-room house and 61x100 cor- anq umea cream ceilings, pale blue, pale ner lot; can build another house or flat green, pink and canary yellow walls, on corner; or will sell the house and making them very pretty sleeping 8mall lot separately; only one block apartments. . . . . . ,At from car; reasonable price and terms. . fhiirenlg i',1 bath.r00m- wlt,h ; See owner on premises, 710 East Ever- a full line of plumbing; 'this room is tt - on, v. vU- iek uuuc 111 iuuiii cfSe uiuc. t r a door opens rrom tne hall on this I A KPfllltV Xnnt floor to an extra larra anil hta-h Ulln . ' UUUUljr UUUl that could be used for storage, drying I n Vncorner. 100x100, near Killings clothes or even children's playroom or l worth, 2 blocks to car, a modern, 6-room could he finished into one large sleep- ,' bungalow ; east front; lawn, with fir ingroom. ana aogwooa trees, 18 Inches above This Is an exceptionally fine home I V i x t K . maK location FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES 61 Price $2000 Good 6-room house, with half acre, more or less, of good level land,-located on good street. Is foot alley in rear; on 6c carllne; ideal home for working man. Place Is suitable to care for a couple .of cows and some chick ens. Owner will give easy term to reliable party. Hawthorne District ; : . Price $2100 Swell 6-room modern cottage, nice grove on grounds, located between two car lines. Place now rented for $18 per month. Owner will give easy terms to reliable party. See W, W; Espey '813 Commercial block. Corner 2d and Washington sta. Rothchlld bldg. Mr. Crew. ' Price $3000; I with closet and two windows. The bath 6 Rooms $30 .a, Month Including Interest . Throurh BtcknrHa In nnr famllv T im forced to sell my home and am leaving for the country and will sell this house 10 tne most desirable party on practical ly their own terms. The hm la two story, of a very pretty architectural de sign with a wide porch full width of the house. SUDDOrted hv thrna maaalva I columns. A door opens Into a large re-1 cepuun nan, wnicn nas a nunt-in seat, aim uuor opening into me jcucnen, a col nmned arch seDarates this from the liv ing room. The living room. 14x14. has a triple window opening on the front porch: a piano window is on the opposite iu ui um roum, wmie sliding aqqrs separate the dining room from the liv ing. The dlnlnir room is 14x14. with a triple window opening on the side fawn, wniie anomer onena on tna roar lawn, a doubt acting door opens Into the Kiicnen. The kitchen Is quite large, having a gluss door opening onto the back porch . iwiiiun in iniucea i. anomer 10 me rront i a r , , it j hall, another to the basement and an- n"everv re sneVt" nor ch Is wide and other tn the nantrV! thin room alan k kirJ?'., respect, pqrch is wjae ana a woodlift and wit i VM iK& fireplace'0 In pa?lor nice ?"hK "8,-moi"? a&room1' bumWufVt.hlna c'los! twT 7n. . ki. T tZZ zZwtJtftV.l1! uutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, ?P? ',?urbln," dra.wr8- 4l8.c,lbine.t": with bath between: full cement base- iZZV ,,nw .winw. ITl mlnt- " not that you can find arwr? -rh? haa.mlnf Sfu fjl hom ,lk thia near Hawthorne ave. rear lawn. The basement is full length on such easy terms and has cement wash trays, cement n-- jnnrn m ,i " n-.'.. floor and cement walls to the floor rTIC6 vt020Ui MOntnlV Y&y- Tnere are three large bedroom eaon memo, p J QMi HUclcol MWrelGiE ME mm mn New Bungalow Home Just finished, 6 rooms, modern in every way, located on FIrland ave., only a few steps to the car. If you are in the market for a dandy place at right price let me snow you mis. rnce reduced to $2650. Easy terms. W. A. BARNES. 267 H Oak St. Main 1743 and A-1743. Call me Sunday at Tabor 1410. has a full line Qf plumbing and a medi cine closet; off this room is a linen ciusai wun a winauw, . .fith -A u.,K ai The house is piped for gas. wired for electric lights and fixtures installed. The downstairs has cream ceilings and tan walls, with golden oak wood work: the kitchen is Dalnted. ' , 816' PER month There is a fine lawn, cement side- a new 6 room modern bungalow; lot wa 1KB ana close 10 a kooo canine, ana in ivaivu. ciose lo car: nrica xzonn: moth. la first class neighborhood, a restricted I or 4 room cottage and 2 lota, all In district. r"'t trees, bearing, close to car. 81650. Answer in care of The Journal, as 1 1 jioo down, $16 per month; another new mav -nor ne noma wnen vou can soil ruum nousa ana mrA mt a ab tn "a - please give phone number and your or 1112&, 300 cash. $16 per month? 1 street aaaress. jfnone Main oasa. T-774, JOURNAL. IfEITWS mm TE STREETCAR MAN. . t room house, 3 minutes' walk from Piedmont car barn; strictly modern, smal! payment down and balance like rent; first man with the money gets it. Inquire Chapln Herlow, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. (H) $25 CASH DOWN FOR CLOSE IN HOME EXCEPTIONAL. Owner of dandy new 6-room bunga low authorizes us to sell to responsible party with steady position for $25 down and $20 and Interest monthly, location near Hawthorne ave. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., corner 43d and Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2942, or 418 Railway Exchange 7 Room Home NEW AND MODERN. Ground 69x100, right-'on car line; 26 minutes out; overlooks city; cer tainly a beauty; nice young fir trees on Rent Rent Rent Rent I don't like that rent time. Well, then, why don't you buy yourself a little Place like this? Two corner lots with a 3 room house, some fruit, berries and nice garaen, cnicarn nouse, 15 minutes' ride to center of city, 3 blocks of car; price $200 cash and $16 a month, or will trade. BROADSTREET EXCHANGE, 271 Morrison St., room 62. IP TOU MEAN BUSINESS Buy this 6 room house, large cor ner lot, nice thade, garden, well built house, close in, and close to car. A splendid bargain. $1276; small cash payment, balance by the month. H. M. Davles, room 832 Chamber of Commerce. 1182 Hawthorne ave.. Ideal home, new iu large rooms ana sleeping porch. DSCk Of lot. Will have to a- thl tn . rtrnhl nnatri.r.Hnn hath tt 1.V.I..UH ppreciate It. Selling at an actual loss, furnace. 2 fireplaces, oak floors, double Price M200. - Terms. Phone Mr. , stairs, etc. Irvington has no better lo- p'Miigrr. wain iov, penwooq zsa. Near Union Avenue Beautiful home, 7 rooms, all modern, full lot. fine lawn, roses and garden. This Is on excellent buy and is $400 under value. Price $3200 on very easy terms. De YOUNG A HARTSHORNE. 614 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6068. $100 Down, $10 Month 6 room bungalow, plastered, beauti fully painted, city water, close to school churches, stores, etc, worth $1600. Yours for $1200. Owner. JOHN. B. OODDARD 505 Yeon bldsr. cation or site: lot 60x120. Everv con venlence for a true American heart; 15 $14,000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Splendidlarge, modern residence. Just completed, ready to move Into; 6 large airy bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches 3 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, automatic not water heater, large billiard room, love ly screened dining porch, native trees, secluded location; garage, finished drive way and lawn; everything complete. Can arrange terms. Owner, 906 Spald ing bldg. and Is a corner lot, with an ice garden of all kinds of vegetables all ready to eat, while the roses are beautiful; the lawn is like a hlck carpet of green. There are duplex window shades nt the windows; Inlaid linoleum on the kitchen, pantry and bathrooms, also in toilet on the back porch. I will sell this home to the most de sirable party, so don't be afraid to call on inu and see what we can do. I will trade or sell, anyway to suit a just deal. Address T-776, Journal or phone Main 6338. A DANDY HALF ACRE. 6 room house, pood barn, large chicken park, shade and fruit trees, 4 blocks from car, 30 min utes outaJn city limits, and 5c fare. Must be sold, $1460. H. M. Davles, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 8 Room Kenton Nobby 4 room bungalow, water, sew er, electricity, block and half from car; price $1500, easy payments. East Salmon Street Very neat 6 room house on Salmon, just west of S8th. modern in every re Bpect. including ail kinds of built in conveniences, bookcases, clothes and dust chutes, Dutch kitchen, etc.; full cement basement with tubs, woodlift, good plumbing, piped for furnace and gas and wired for electricity. See own er next door, or B. S. Cook & Co., 503 f'nrbett bldg. Ideal. If location, quality of house and price count for anything, this Is it. $3900 $600 cash. $26 per month; no mortgage. NEILAN Jk PATtKWr.T. 609 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2838. BIG SNAP DON'T PAY RENT. ANYTHING OF VALUE FIRST PAY MENT. $100 CASH, $15 MONTH New 5 room modern bungalow, close In; must be sold this week. Bee owner, 88 lftUi. near Stark. Particular People WANT PARTICULAR HOTTRITS I will' build a modern S room house I costing Trpm jitiio to xzooo, on a beau tiful $700 lot; house will be ready In 90 days; you pay me $30 down and $30 a munin irom tne time you oraer the house; no other payments necessary. A. N. BEARLE Take M-V car, pet off E.'76th st. Of- rice on tne corner, see me today (Sun- aay. 1 nave auto to show property. m 10T01 Modem new 8-room residence, living room finished in mahogany and white enamel, hardwood floors, finished at tic, sleeping porch; would consider lot in irvington or L,aurelburst part pay- mrui, itrms easy. 1'none l-ast 481; arter a hiast 1322. For Sale, Houses From $1000 up to $10,000, on terms. Take Montavllla carllne to 53d st . See IRVINGTON. 6-room bungalow, modern, all on one rioor. xnree sleeping rooms, furnace fireplace. Lot 50x100. Price $3600, casn ouu, DHiance to suit. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY cement MODERN HOUSE. $2300. Restricted neighborhood, walks, within 3 miles circle. This Is a Dargain. and it takes $1300 cash 502 McKay Bid 8 r0m ml'prn hou80' lot 80x100' ar- ThlrdandySUrlf- J?,n'. H ."X.J'ower- llMO-cash for an, "wi Muuu, nave iu lane my WHO East 28th St, Modern 8-room house. Artistic and HKiiiiui arranrnmpnt rvth n J. Tressler at office. No. 1453 E. Gil-; plete and up to date. Choice of 3 car "t., uciwcbii ou ana oiin bis. rso trouble to show property. Take Mon tavllla car. J. TRESSLER. Do You Want This Cheaper Than Rent lines;, 15 minutes to center of west side. win guarantee the price right. For terms anu inspection or the property see Neilan A Parkhlll 609 Spalding bldg. AIBI Dllttll OOd. Modern Homes $6600 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, cement floor, piped for furnace, wired for elec tricity, piped for gas; macad amised streets, cement walks; lot 70x100, on corner close in on East Bide, one block from S. S. car on 28th street. Must be seen to be appreciated. $3600 7-room modern bunga low with every convenience; com bination fixtures shades, rooms tinted, furnace, fireplace, built-in bookcases and sideboard. Just finished and ready to move into. Close to 2 car lines in fine resi dence district. $500 cash, bal. monthly payments. $3000 New 7-room modern house, full basement, cement floor, stationary tubs, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases, close to car, lrt fast growing section, nice homes going up around it. Nice fruit and shade trees. $500 cash, balance monthly. $2900 6-room modern bunga low close in on East Side; fire place, furnace, rodm tinted, shades, combination fixtures, ce mented basements and sidewalks, all street Improvements .In and paid. $500 cash, bal. monthly. The Lawrence. Co, 248 Alder Street. . Realty Exchanges Exchange What You Have for What You Want, Place a reasonable cash price on your property and we will ex change it for you. We do not list over valued property. We re fer you to our advertisement that appears today under the heading TO EXCHANGE. Owners and brokers are Invited to do busi ness with us. Perchance there is something you want that does not appear in our ad. Come In and look at our books, open to everybody. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Realty Exchange Dept., CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. hi another 6 room house and 8 nice lots.N cIors to carllne, for $1660. $260 cash, $15 per month: another 8 room house and 2 lots. 40x100 each, close In and In (Pftfisl rltafHnt sm IOCA a A e rt i at tr eiwu u i 3 L -1 x is i aauu. iiuu (.tm h ri sin per month. I haye some of the best places for the money In the city and the best of terms. C. E. KENNEDT, Lents. Phone Tabor 2012. West Side Home 7 room new humralrmr mm- lt a minutes walk to city hah. Price $2600, $1600 cash: its worth 14500. run,. quick. , JOHN B. GODDARD. 605 Teon bldg. OWNER offers modern house In Irving ton, Just finished. 8 rooms, sleeping porch and attic finished. Oak fldora entire house. Two lavatories and toi "A"; tiled bath: complete basement. $7250; all Improvements naJd. Tarma can be arranged If desired. Prnnnrtv clear. Address N-773. Journal. SIX room bune-alow unfinlahari- m finish to suit buyer; owner leaving walk south to Franklin. Must have $1000 casn. 6 ROOM bungalow, up-to-date In everr reepect. $3000; $800 caah, $30 per month, including Interest. Near Haw thorne ave. Marshall 660 or East 29E1. evenings. BEAUTIFUL home, $ rooms, modern, i corner East 20th and Salmon sts. f Easy terms. Provident Investment ft f Trustee company. 201-2-8 Board nf rraae oiog. Mure nan 47, A-1022. SELLWOOD 8ELLWOOD SELLWOOD 5 room cottage, beautiful vard and shade, view of river; $1700; a neat little home. Fred W. German. 828 Burnslde. Main or A-2776. SACRIFICE. 8-room modern house, corner. B blnnka from car; fruit and shade trees. Only $2800. Part cash. E. Epton, 2012 E. Stark. Tabof 670. I A DKt , n i 1 1 m I A OrtAf 1 IVUUI KJU1JKBIUW, II IU I P Til, run basement, electrlo lights cement I siaewaiKs. v. . eneiaen, iu e. Burn- J siue. rnone Taoor 1685. $3760; $600 cash, balance easy terms. BEST bargain In city; new room bun galow, modern in everv reanect. a. ment porch and basement; lacks noth ing; on 4 2d st. If .vou want a niftv I home cheap, phone B-1664. owner. 7 room bungalow lot 60x100. price $4200,- $1000 will handle; might con sider good lots as first payment mid. journal. H- Of 6 rooms on very sightly corner lot, 1 to old country. Come nulck. f T WflU'T A K'Tl IE KT E.u - - , - , ' - - - . 1 . . 1 , 1 u . , mil. u-ruuin tuuBte wun nice pantry, tr rrr -r i tm enameled bath and sink, and toilet; 3)1000 SKeS ThlS $1600. lVrmsl?008Cir, - h. . ft . . !??, ! "0. 00 feet to es. Jill E. Salmon st. per month. Take Mt. Scott ear to Gray's 214 Comm?rcla?h,loWf01' Crossing. Gray's Crossing Land in " . rornm,'rcla' blo- Phone Tabor 959, open Sundays. 1 MODKRN new house In Alberta on your Lot 60x217 own terms or will rent with nrlviw, 'of buying: very desirable. C. Frank ' 1 r a 1 t 1 , . . an,vt.N room modern residence full basement, finely finished Inside; built-in buffet and china closet fine garage, chicken yard, all kinds of roses, small fruit, improved street, 3 blocks frrim CnnnuuMn . ll..,v. K ',B "v.?;.carB- tainlne wall, cement steps and walka: count; must sell. Phone B-2502 or ad- h.u8! ,ls p,lpetd. t.?r.. aa Jfnd . 'un?ace. . .-.vvwv.v , .iud an cuiauc $1111 uanav i;n CKftn Kannri an pmry o an with unobstructed view of west side, wTv. close to W-W carllne on E. 26th st j" ? r . 0 about- 15 minutes' ride; new 4-foot re- nnd Dvl'on ate. COUNTRT home, 8 room new modern house, with barn and two aorea; all cleared, on the O. W. P. carllne, 80 fare. A bargain. R-776, Journal. WILL sell my equity In new 6 room modern house for $75. This Is an op. pnrtunlty for some one who wants a home. Phone Tabor 106 for particulars. $800 below market value takes 7 room modern home In restricted district: easy terms; leaving- city. 1168 E. 26th st, N. $150 DOWN. $16 PER MON"TH: New 6 room bungalow, all modem ..BH.V . , 1 . IIIVUV.II, 620. Hobson Gro. E. 41st FOR SAtE LOTS 10 With all kinds of fruit trees and shrubs! ! ,?18' 503 I'umb"me bldg.. 6th and minutes to city. See G. A. R. McGrew, dandy bungalow with sleeping porch, i corner 44th and Hawthorne, Tahor 794. on Improved street, 1 block from W-W 1 I HAVE just completed one of the fin est homes in Rose City Park, which I invite you to inspect before purchasing something which may not suit you; the location is fine, the house Is beautlfullv arranged and thoroughly well built, lot 60x105. $4500. terms. F. L. Moreland. owner. 64R Enst 69th. Phone C-2461. OR SALE. 1 acre of jr round 2 carllne; can you beat this for $3500, on tor $1500 cash. 4 days only, In Holly easy terms? Columbia Trust Co.. 84 wood, at Lents. Take Mt. Scott car. 4th et. (Al INIles Helms. Lents. Or MUST sell my new 6 room bungalow. 1175 East 27th St.. N. Alberta car! Come out and see It, or phone Woodlawn 1574; owner; no agents. A room box houue and 4 full lots, all are Included in price, which 2b S2860 in garden, corner, chicken house, wood- easy terms. ?hf0 pqc w!e- t8B0: I660- 112 Per frner iot- 1 bloclt frm Alberta, St.. in rrv.. i'i c, 1 VL" "rK station, vernor., we can sen ror 12600; easy Tabor 2547. Sunday afternoons, week terms. If you want a bungalow let us I HAVE been Instructed to sell this house; now is your chance. $1560, 10 per cent cash, $16 per month at 7 pir cent. Just completed, modern, 4 large rooms, lot 60x100 ft. Call 411 Haw thorne ave. and you can get Jhe best bargain offered. OWNER NKElKS MONEY and you can wiiVne.-B&8T. $mM) HOME in VER NON for $3600 if taken this week ONLY 11(00 CASH, balance easy terms. This is a REAL BARGAIN; DON'T MISS IT Address owner, care of Journal. V-74S CHOICE BUY IN IRVIMfiTr.xf rooms, 2 utory house, modern in every respect, lot 50x100, 2 blocks to Broadway car, $5500. At home Sunday morning and Monday. E-2621. 6-ROOM plastered house, vrfred, corner it, close to car and school, $1250. $300 l?b?$JB f'er '""nth This is a snap. Wn,t. Kern Par1' station. Tabor 254 7 VV, H, Herdman Has everything in fine homes and iVi'i. homesltes. Irvington. Kast 273. ( -186. No agents. ' IRVINGTON' PARK SACRIFICE: $486 cash buys choice, lot near I5th and Alnswortlu Owner, 420 S wetland bldg. WILL take vacan lot or small payment Y" w-i 1,111 uuuaci, uaiauce time rlce 13000. K-778, Journal. l-'OR SALE -7 ,i, ... 1 . n ...... . m - . - ivuoc, i:umn ana see 11; good pty. Terms, nil Bel- mvni. O'inai. K'EW k-room bungalow, fully plumbed. tiM9. Main 140.' 430 Worcester bldg. MOl'EllN house; let, block from caT Broadway, $2600. terms. . Main evenings.-- ; fTR Male,' cheap.' 8-room house, nicely furnished. Cail 108 Washington. ( Don't Pay Rent We have 4, 6 and 8 room homes, all modern, In restricted districts, for sale on easy terms. Provident Investment & Trustee company. 201-2-3 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 473, A-1022. FOR SALE I own a beautitful new 2 story residence, half block of car, high and sightly, new and modern; hardwood floors, built In buffet. Dutch kitchen, paved streets; price $4000; $600 c-ish, balance terms. J. H. Tipton. Phone Sfllwood 1801. $1600 TWO HOUSES, VIEW LOT. Swell 6 room bungalow, unfinished. ana i room nouse on obck 01 lot; unoD structed view lot; owner going east. Fred W. German, 889 Burnslde. Main 2776. IRVINGTON HOME $4750. New and modurn home, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, cement basement, fur nace and fireDlare. at corner k -rath mH Weldler sts., price $4730, easy terms. n. f. rAi,ti,n-juNKti i n., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8699. A-2663. $50 Down, $15 a Month 6 rooms, V4 block from carllne, nice lot; best brry In Portland. Pnce$1500 Son owntr. 88 10th. near Stark. NEW, 8 room house, with all modem fixtures and conveniences; $500 down, balance like rent: fine location n uii I built up neighborhood; buy now; every niuiiiii you pny rent is so mucn lost. J. E. Dugnn, 820 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 62. Bungalows, Bungalows Bungalows Anywhere, any price, any terma HoinrooK. bu swetland bldg. See FOR SALE Bargain in fine 6 room bungalow, on East Grant between 40th and 41st sts.; price only $2700, which Is below market value'; terma rood; owner must sell. Address R-690. Journal. FOR SALE 7 room new modern bouse In every respect, beamed celling, fire place, Dutch kitchen, etc., good car ser vice. Price $8800r will consider trade for good farm property. Owner, 318 UrifflltlTTf HVC. FOR SALE or trade, small 4 room house and lot 60x100. 13 bearing fruit troea All kinds of berries; price $1100. will take good work team as part payment. Located eUht blocks west of Kenton bank. G-779, Journal. $2900 buys 6 room modern house, car 80 feet. 20 minutes out, near 13th and Alberta sts. $1000 cash, balance terms. Phone C-2651. SIX room bungalow on Improved street, up to date. In W-W district, for $2500; $600 down, balance monthly. Co- lumbla Trust Co.. 84.4th st. (A) $!ion EQUITY In 6 room bungalow Rose City Park, to trade for vacant lot auto or, eciuitv In acreage. 201 Henry blrlir. Main 4 (68. - MY 6-room bungalow at. Wonrimern Is for sale tills week cheap. Will rent If I do not sell. 516 Spalding bldg Marshall 125. Ask for Mr. Pownder. FOUR room house, west side, lovel y view, 30 minutes' walk to courthouse: ciisy terms, via KOtnchlld bldg, days all day BKAUTIFUI, 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. 1UU heet hrom Killingsworth All modern, full lot. cln.. tn TTr,in ave. For a short time only, $2600; easy DeYOUNG & HARTSHORNE. 614 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6068. show you these. 1 325 Lumber Exchange. will bl!,LL my home, 8 rooms, hall. oatn, two toueis, mantel, gas, elec tric fixtures, shades, etc.. w th nr with out garage. House nnd fin f.t unnn with 100 feet and garage $5000; half" block from car line and all improve- iir Journal, or woodlawn 1001. cheap: Lot 60x100, with four houses. In come $100 a month, S. E. cor. 10th and Everett sts. UNITED TRUST CO.. Main 9416. 917 Board of Trade Bldsr $100 Down. $15 a Mnnth Buys new. plastered cottage, In lire neighborhood, 6 cent fare to any part of Portland, price 81100. Inquire of owner, 1H TJ. OIUIH Bl MObERN five room house for sale, will take vacant lot or farm on part pay ment, balance cash, owner on premises Sunday. 1248 Campbell st, or inquire 687 Vancouver ave. Cheap If taken soon. $600. $160 down balance $10 monthlv BuyJL r??m J??UBet Why pay rentT urnii no 1 con ounaing, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 7 room, 8 story house, good condi tion. Price $3760; $500 first' payment, balance monthly. Columbia Trust-Co.. 84 4th st. (A) LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN: House and lot, 625 Marshall st.. 'be tween 18th and 20th sts. Price $6700 UNITED TRUST CO.. Main 8416. 817 Board of Trade Bids-. WHY pay rent? $800 buys a home choice lot worth the price; comfort able box house, city water, etc. $460 cash, balance monthly. O. Frank Nichols, 603 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark. 8 ROOM house in Irvington. If you are looking for a swell home reasonable and on easy terms, this is what you are looking for. Phone Marshall 660 or East 2958, evenings. FOUR room house, full corner lot, 2 blocks from car, $1600; any offer con sidered. Htttflcld, 165 4th st. $2iOO BUYS fine modern bungalow, 6 lots. Terms. Phone owner, Mllwaukle Black .413. FOR artistic homes see Baker A Bing ham, architects and artists. 41$ Ellers bldg. 7 room bungalow Tn West Moreland; this is new and modern In every re spect. 361 E. 11th st. E. 6023. BEST easy payment Furniture and piano If desired. Best home :argair. F-771, Journal residence district. FURNITURE and piano bargain, com plete seven rooms, den. Easy pay ment home If desired. I-773, Journal PIEDMONT A seven room house for sale 011 Killingsworth and., Garfield ave. FIRST tlass bungalow, lot iooxlOO; 1 block from car. Price $6600. Terms. n-nu, journal. PRICE and bcautr comnnrlsnim -ain make other propositions look like 30 cents. Beautiful, attractive, new 8 room modern house, roses, biwn, native trees, near line scnool. excellent view, large porches. Sellwood cars pass door. If you admire nice homes see this. 610 Byhee, Owner, phone Sellwood 69. $100 Cash, $15 Per Month $2000 6 room modern bungalow, bath, 1 toilet, sink, lavatory, electric light, base- neni, 101 ouxiuii. resiriciea district. F. A. BEARD & CO., 612 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. ELEGANTLY CONSTRUCTED HOUSE. Located near Rose City Park carllne. This property Is sur rounded ..by larger and more ex pensive homes. Double construc tion; 7 laree rooms, porcelain bath, furnace, fireplace, full ce ment basement and stationary tubs, also beautiful lawn and gar den. This is exceptionally good value at the price of $6000 as close inspection of house will prove. Sotnc terms can be ar ranged. (1621) HARTMAN & THfMPSON( Real Estate Dept., Chamber of Commerce. $100 DOWN. BALANCE VERY EAST rilNEi HUUMa ANU BATH: TM Rose City Park Home rRSy,EMENTS THB BE8T 1N I'ORT- $3400 5 beautiful, rooms, furnace, fine UmD.iii,i..,mT place, fixture's and shades. Par- ASK FOR MR. EASTQN. 202 BOARD OF TRADE. , OWNER will make special price on new modern hot water heated house In Irvington; nine rooms, brick veneered first story. Easy terms , to responsible party. . improvements paid. X7B00. Aiinrrin n-iit, journal. tlculars about this and others. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON, Branch office for Rose City Eark. 58th and Sandy Road. C-2121, Tabor 373. NWW & room bungalow, $100 down, $16 1 R)OM bungalow, unfinished; muei ell by owner. Address 138 E. 47th St. "ITToaT Buy a 6 room house In Richmond; terms. Columbia Trust Co., 84 4th st. (A) month:- owner. 648 Kast 81st straat. Rlchmdnd oar. modern 7 and 6 room houses by owner. Phone Woodlawn TWO 285. MODERN 6 room bungalow, $3500; will take clear property. $1500 or lets, aa first payment. Phone East 6003. E. 30th and Burnside 6 room modern ' house, lot 50x100 Price $3650: Includes street Im nientB. J. J. Oeder. cor. Grand hva -nn ' $50 CASH: $13.60- A MONTH" 4I room rtlflMTArAfl wlrAf Kafh i.e. 4 blocks St. Johns car. fcOxlOfl lot i I block nchool; I1&00. Smith-Wagoner I ON ACCOUNT of sickness, will sell tnree auxiuv rt.-iota ana a nice little BARGAIN! FOR SALE. ROSH CITY PARK HOME. v I regard this as the best par gain in Portland that Is, the most for your money, S beauti ful rooms.' furnace, fireplace, fixtures and shades; very easy terms. Total nrlce 83400. O- 779. Journal. . moo'" 424 "Teon bMg3rV' "W rlv,er-f MUST go ' on' my Immeiteed: will sell VA'AAii,-" g'a ,. my room modern bungalow at a sac- 7 ROOM modern house for sale by own-1 Hflcei on block from car lined phone UUI lUUIUVq U Tabor 052, Gladstone Ave, Snap A HOME BUILDER INVESTOR win appreciate tins line proper ty: 100x100 ft.; comer, 2 ft. above sidewalk; fine view; 2 blocks from carllne; this property Is of fered' at a sacrifice as owner la leaving city; price $1500. Hunter Realty Co. 223-5 Board of Trade. Marshall 1777. A-3307. WANTED To sell beautiful west side lot, 50x100; 7 room house, fctick base ment, good furnace, hot and cold wa ter, gas, fruit and flowers, cement walks and steps, hard surfaced streets; 10 min utes from 3d and Washington sts. Cash or terms.- See owner, 807 Corbett st. Phone Main 3532. HALF ACRE tract on the west side, 20 minutes car ride, facing on crushed rock road, one uf the best automobile roads in or out of Portland; ideal for Investment or ,me site. - Price only $850, $40 down ana $10. a month. M. til. Lee, 311 Corbett tldg, IRVINGTON QUARTER BL6CK $3766": 100x100 feet, at corner 19th and Bra zen sts., faces noitli and east, price $3760, terms. . H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8!)9. a-Skkji 6NE acre adjoining Carson Hniirhln. Capital Hill, lies beautiful, hla- hr. gain for $1500, one-third cash, long time on balance. M. K T.a. aii rv,.. bettbldg: . . BARGAIN For lale, lot 60xl28, close in, cement sidewalks, water mains, IS minutes from lm and Aider. Address n. r. xj. 1 nw, jn, i.gniB, ur. CHOICE LOT. N. K. corner 28th $1600. . Inquire in :e Lot. - I and M. WashlngtanX! E. 28th: $1000 cash.X 50x 1 1 1 View lot in restricted district, east side, near 2 carllnes. lEon r, Cash. L-770, Journal. WHAT will you. give for my $200 eiulty l in a $630 lot in Farkhurst add.? K-776, f WILL sell my tquity in Eaetmoreland lot ChBRD. ffno View. Plimia M- iRKa or address 671 E, Morrison st. j ' FOR S-ALE chean: fine rlvar front ' .nit able for summer home, street car rignt by it. 424 Yeon bldg. , c LOTS In ML -Scott district at $300 on CHI! J U Journal. VW ,ea?y Payments, or will trade. i I I It' TWO lots, Brentwood addltton""624: I 1, IFVIIIIIIIJ, '. .1 - - I-- I ' 1 , i01 00 lot, west side. $800; $200 "cash. v-tivt yui iia,ia j . ,j ' f 'r