, 1 f .....; -I .J - 1 . ; SECTION THREE ; ', c 10 PAGES : PORTLAND OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 191L GENERAL REAL ESTATE 03 GENERAL REAL ESTATE" 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 67 'GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 63 CLASSIFIED I ADVERTISING V ftSYlERMS. THAN USUAL- E- 11 . All fenced, garden and small fruit. chicken yard, chicken house and 20 chicken: only $850; with 12x24 box house, rurntsnea; terms. $475 ' $10 per month, M acre on corner ana small noma near stores ana school. Make cash offer on this new 4-room, plastered bungalow; Dutch kitchen, large closets; lot (0x100; not far from car. school, i. u. ana stores. LOTS IN , 43x148. $425 AND UP. $5 down and $5 per month. Eee us for bouses, lots and acres re on easy terms. $1S60 CASH, (-room, plastered home and two lots 40x100 each; (rood cellar, chicken house and some bearing fruit trees, flowers, tc. This Is a snap and must be sold at once. Investigate! $6 DOWN, $1 PER WEEK. Two lots In Saganow Heights. $400 each. ' Prlci 80X100, $60 DOWN. $1 PER WEEK. Only 3 blocks from car and close to Main street. Price $900, Including grad ed streets and water main. SEE THIS. $650 $100 Down BALANCE $15 PER MONTH. $ room house, partly furnished, close to car line. ARDEN PARK. $10 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH. Lois $225 snd up; fine fir trees for shad. ' See v for exchanges in farms, acre ages and city property. $76 DOWN $10 MONTH Small house and furniture, M acre all planted. Price only $700. LOTS $185 and Up $5 Down, $5 a Month Close to Car Mt. Scott Car to Lents Bright Realty Co, GAS rasra mi : wn HEDGBOTS CMANEL MRS. DROIT. Wanamaker's Advice If there is one enterprise on earth that a "quitter" should leave severely alone, it is advertising. To make a suc cess of advertising, one must be pre pared to stick like a barnacle on a boat's bottom. He should know before he be gins it that he must spend money lots of it. Somebody must tell him that he caiinot hope to reap results commensu rate with his expenditure early in the game. Store advertising does not jerk it pulls. It begins very gently at first, but the pull is steady. It increases day by day and year by year, until it exerts an irresistible power. John Wanamaker. The Journal's circulation is the larg est in the state, and its advertising, rate per 1000 the lowest. It is therefore the most profitable medium to use. Journal Want Ads Cost Bui Little A Business : Man, Mer chant, Farmer ',; Will appreciate this fine property. A FLOUR and FEED MILL, driven by a SPLENDID -WATER-POWER GENERAL MERCHAN DISE STORE only store -within a radius of 9 'miles, In a thickly settled community A FINE FARM of 80 acres 80 acres of BOTTOM LAND in growing crop; 20 aures fine timber, balance open ' pasture. Oood buildings, abun dance of fruit of all varieties. Fine horses, cows, hogs, poultry, farming tools of all kinds, stock of merchandise worth $2000, f rain. etc. On rood road, close o school and church and only 15 miles from Portland. $5000 cash will handle this, or some rood ln oome property In western Wash ington will be accepted as part payment. The owner wishes to retire after 20 years of successful business in this location. Let us give you full particulars of this splendid property. The WATER POWER alone will at no distant day be worth the present price of the property. Model Farm 60 acres on BEST AUTO ROAD leading out of the city. Nearly 40 acres cultivated and 10 acres more could easily be put In culti vation. Strictly first class soil, good house, fine barn and all necessary outbuildings, well fenced and running water with good water system installed; abundance of fruit of all varie ties, growing crop consisting of wheat, oats, clover, alfalfa, tlm othv and potatoes. A VIEW THAT IS HARD TO SURPASS IN GRANDEUR. Price for im mediate sale. Including crop, $8000. Wheat and Alfalfa Ranch 1300 acres In Gilliam county. Railroad crosses, station on the place, 1000 acres Is practically level and the best of soil. 120 acres under ditch perpetual wa ter right. Over 1000 acres now in cultivation; 2 acres fine or chard. Fine grove around house, fine 7-room house cost $3000, large barn mllkhouse, etc. School and church M mile. Price $40 per acre. Will exchange for Portland Income property up to $SO,000. Something Fine 25 acres, 14 acres cleared and in a fine state of cultivation. 10 acres of vetch and oats, 8 acres orchard, balance garden; 6 acres more has been partially cleared; all Is easily cleared. Good 5-room houae, 2 small barns, woodshed, chicken house, etc. On good stats road 1 mile from town. One of the finest little ranches on the Lewis river. Price $3000. Will exchange for Portland property. Modern - 6-room house ' and 2 lots close In on East Side. Will exchange for Improved acreage on electric line. Pries $$800. 10 Acres on Mt, Hood Electric H mile from city limits. Fine sightly tract on good street and near station. Some lmprove provements. Price $7500, favor able terms. Hunter Realty Co. 228-6 Board of Trade. Marshall 1777, A-3307. BESTitiMI .27 1000 ML This is decidedly the best farm buv in tho Willamette valley. There are 273 acres, 24 0 acres In high state of cultivation, balance nice timber and pasture. This entire tract lies perfectly and every foot of It Is the very choic est of bottom land, never overflows and Is aa loose and mellow as a garden. It lies along one of the nicest streams In Oregon. There is a 5000 residence en the property. The location all that could be de sired, being right In the edge of one of the best towns in the volley, with splen did level graveled road right in front of the door. This tract must be seen to be ap preciated. It Is a beauty to behold and we unhesitatingly say that the soil Is the beet bottom loam that we have ever examined, and Is especially well adapted to all crops that grow In Oregon. You should see the present crop on this place to anpreclate Its wonderful pro ductiveness. This tract Is now opened for sale at the ridiculously low price of $95 pr acre, and It takes onlv $6000 to swing the deal. Upon investigation you will find that the bare land adjoining this place cannot be bought, for $150 per acre. If you are looking for a farm home, lust remember this tract la un excelled In the state. To see . it will convince you of that fact, and to talk with adjoining: neighbors and the clti tens of the town adjoining which this tract la located, will doubly assure you If vou are looking for a platting propo sition, you have ample margin In which to double your money. i an ai once and let us give you the full details con cernlng this 273 acre farm. It is oer- 122 North 6th st., Cor. 6th and Glisan Main 43S1, A-7259. The new townsite of Rochester is lo cated at the Junction of three great railroads now in operation. Twelve passenger trains stop at Rochester every day. New 1NTERURBAN line to be built. Nothing will build a town quick er than railroads. NATURAL RESOURCES Rochester is surrounded by a very rich valley where the finest fruit, gar den and grain grow In abundance. Along the rivers and near Rochester Is an abundance of timber for logging camps and sawmills. Coal mines a few miles away. INDUSTRIES A large sash, door and box factory Is being built. Other factories are fig uring on free sites. Immense deposit of clay near the town, suitable for a brick plant. Business houses and new homes going up. LEVEL CLEARED LOTS Three hundred lots have been sold to Portland eople the past 30 days. We have only a few more. While they last we will sell level, cleared lots, close to stores, depot and railroads, for only $25 each. Only a limited number of these lots to each buyer. A few ex ceptionally good lots right at the junc tion point on Railroad avenue for 15? each. Lots sold on easy terms. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to buy lots In a new to-vn that is bound to make a city. Every lot Is sure to Increase In value. Recome an owner of Rochester lots and let someone nay you this profit, can or write for Book let. We sell our own property, you buy direct from the owners. WARRANTY" deed and FREE certified abstract of title. AMERICAN HOME INV. CO, OWNERS 1016 Chamber of Commerce on Stark, between Sd and 4th sts. Take elevator No. 1, 3d st. side. Kern Park Bargains (20) 7 room house. 2 lots, blocks from, carllne; $1850, $500 cash, balance terms. (72) 5 room modern house, fine lawn, near carline, $1700; t cash. (110) 4 room house. 2 lots, $1050; cash. (112) 7 room modern house and lot, $1600. (157) 4 room modern house, 2 lots. $1800: $500 cash. (?14) V4 acre, small house and two chicken houses. $825; V, cash. (21D) t room house and lot, $1100; $400 cash. $16 month. (239) 4 room house. 2 lots; $1250, terms. , (240) H cre. house and barn; $1500. terms. (845) New modern houses for . $300 cash and $15 month, ( per cent Interest. (565) U acre lots near carllne; $760. $50 cash, $10 month. (664) Lot 40x100. near carllne; $325 cash. (687) Choice lots $450; $10 per cent cash, $10 month. . i Neil Smith (705 Foster road. - Kara Park Station, Mt. Scott Car. ynonw Tabor 1931 EXCEPTION A L Investment opportuni ties. Vermilion, Alberta, real estate; marketing center, 1,800,000 acres pro ductive grain and stock raising lands; Cansdlan Northern railway divisional point and terminals; O, T. P. and C. P. R. coming) waterworks, electric light, ( wholesales, experimental farm, theatre. $40,000.i school; c town growing, real estate advancing1; Illustrated literature f-ee, -"Writs today. Cedrlc A, Morris, Pacific, bid, Vancouver. B, C, ; ACHES MILE $25-llJTS$25 MUW0 lira UVtpa ON ON OF TWO ACXUC8 OF LAND, CLOSB TO THE CITTB (BATES, COMBS 80 KKAR TO SOLV ING THB PROBLEM OF THE WORK ING MAN THAT IT IS HARD TO UN- ; DERSTAND WHY ALL DO NOT BHEK THAT LIFE. Are ideally located and are closer to the city in car time than many of the outlying city additions. OnJy 30 Minutes From Center of City, Healthy Elevation, Pure Air, Excellent Soil, Ideal Location for Country Home, and Per Acre On Easy Terms w JVJ You Will Make Money Phone Main 1189, A-3814, for Reservations in Automobiles Leaving Every Hour. . iJEFFEl! 232 Chamber of Commerce Aars $750 SSII raikoi "Oregon's Garden Spot" LlIlY Lin AilES Thin hMiittf.,1 . . .... fuft 17 miles east of Portland on one side is the Columbia river and on the umor me oanay river; it is all river bottom land and Is sub-irrigated. It is cleared and plowed, part is under i.uuiviiun. Land right adjoining Is producing romense crops we can show you ground that Is netting $1000 per acre In celery. The same can ha nrnititioit on Loamy Land Acree. All kinds of vcKoinoies ana small rrult can be raised here in well paying quantities. uur price is only Small cash payment down; balance t years at s per cent. The transportation facilities to Loamy 4h4iH.iu Aurca U V liauiMUBUt 0.-W, R, & N, Co. 0, W, P, (Troutdale Branch) Two Macadamized Roads Also Reached by Boat To the tiller of the soil. th .v.r, tages offered In Loamy Land Acres are unscelled with the price we have piaceu on tnis tana this Is something that should appeal to the investors weu. Our automobiles run to the tract dally. Call, at our offlos and make an appointment to tee these beautiful gar den tracts. 40T-8-I Merchants Trust Bldg. oorner th and Washington fits. Main 1417. A-JI87. Buys Attractive Business Location This property is located on east side. In a business center and has a bakery upon It, which has been there and doing business for three years, and is now leased for three years at $20 per month; leaseholder says he is doing $30 busi ness per day and will sell for $1500, and arrange for a lease of $30 per month. The real estate can be bought for $2700, $1600 cash, balance easy. Here Is a buy with a future to it. Call 1406 Hawthorne ave. cor. 60th sL HOMES. Have funds to build homes for a few eteadv employed parties. 602 Beck bldg.. 7th and Oak nts. FOIt SALE HOUSES 61 Sacrifice of $500 I Have a House On E, 37th Worth $4000, Will Take $3500 . Furnace Fixtures Fireplace Bookcases Large 6 Room House Beautiful Surroundings Large Closets .Cement Floor Laundry Trays $500 Cash $20 Per Month See Me, I Must Sell, Mr, J, L, Farrow Z-777, Journal, MIT. TABOR' DISTRICT New. completely modern, henntlfnl d.i. sign and fine constructed five room bungalow, just finished and ready to move into: located on Bii.l Ht ion fent south -of Hawthorne ave. Owner needs money and will sacrifice. This is a beautiful home for some one and you can buy it with your rent money. Call noa Hawtnortie ave. mone Tabor 62H. Hawthorne District $300 CASH. 7 rooms. . built-in dnuhle buffet and booko&ses. solid oak floors, furnace. fireplace, laundry trays, sleeping porch, den. mirror doors. Price $3400. Cash $300, terms $20 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., room 72$ Chamber or commerce oiog. mone Main oizii VKRY choice apartment site, close n, west side, for sale , v.ery reasonable. Money furnished to build apartment hvuis. M. . Lev, m Corbett bldg. mm to moo 82710 8SS8SS8SSSSSSSSSSSS 'OREGIDH AND HCTOH FARMS 110 acres, l'A miles from Elec tric car, 29 mflcs from Portland, 50 acres in fino state of cultiva tion, 30 acres fine green timber, bal ance very easily cleared, 2 acres bearing orchard; well, 2 springs, all fenced, all level, very best of soil; small house, personal proper ty; One horse, - cowb, b hogs 6 sheep, cream acparator, mower and rake, wagon, harrow, plow. kiiihII tools; all crops, five acres Kpuds, oats, wheat, vetch; price $,5 per acre including nil personul property and crops; terms 1-3 cash, lalance 4 yearn, 6; would con sider abo(it $3000 In exchange for Portland property, balance mort gage on place. This Is one of the best buys on the market, guaran teed as advertised. 320 acres near Washougal, Clarke county, 100 acres in culti vation, 7 acres bearing orchard, some timber, water piped to house, fine creek, only one mile from state road, all fenced, mostly all level, very best of black soil, good 1 etory 7 room house, large barn, on main county road, on cream and oondenaor route; price only $60 per acre; terms $35 cssh, balance your own time; would consider some good city property in Portland or Vancouver; this place Is guar anteed as advertised. $8000 40 acres, 2 miles from Oregon City. 30 acres in cultivation, 10 acres timber, 6 acres orchard, on main county road, fine location, all fenced with wire; 1H story 7 room house, barn 36x90, very best of soil; terms. Vi cash, balance long time; would consider good Portland property as part payment. lfiO acres in Cowlitx county. Wash., 20 acres in cultivation, 80 acres timber. 3000 cords cedar bolts, worth $3 per cord in creek, 4 mile haul. 300 cords now cut, family orchard, small fruits, creek and spring. 10 seres oats, 7 acres timothy and clover. 40 acres fenced, house 16x36, barn, personal prop erty, 7 cows. 8 young head, team, wagon, mower, rake, disc, hack, all farm Implements,; price $3500, good terms; will exchange for Port land or Kalama property; very best of soil. 320 acres, 23 miles from Port land, 3 miles from R. R. station, 25 acres in cultivation, 200 seres timber and brush, balance pasture, family orchard, water piped to house, spring and creek, new 1V4 story 6 room house, fair barn; price only $20 per acre; would con consider some city property; this is one of the best buys on the mar ket. A snap, good terms. 100 acres 10 miles north of Vancouver, 2 miles from R. R. station, SO acres in cultivation, 50 acres good timber, balance pasture, all fenced with 3 wires, good 1 Vs story 7 room houBe, good barn, on main county road, near school and church, on cream route, very best of soli, good location; price $96 per acre; terms $2000 cash, balance your own time; would consider some city property in exchange. $350080 acres, 3 miles from 9 good town on main line of N. P. o and boat landing oh the Cowlits 3 river; 16 acres in cultivation; 200 8 cords shingle bolts, balance piling 8 and second growth; 2 acres bear- S Ing orchard, small fruits, well and 8 spring and creek; 1 story 5 room 8 house, barn. Personal property: 3 Teabi, colt, cow, 2 heifers, 3 hogs, 8 chickens, wagon hack, farm, ma- S chinery and all small tools, house- 8 hold goods. Terms, $1600 cash, bal- S nr- K varm Will xrhanff for S Seattle property. This place is 8 on a gooa roaa, near scnwi mnu a church. g 10 acre tracts I have them S within 9 miles -of Portland. 8 miles of Peaverton, 1 i miles of 8 S.. P. R. R. ; very best of soil, no 8 acre, your own terms. If you are In 8 the market for a country home, S for farm large or small, for un- 8 Improved land, see me before buy- 8 ing. I have some of the beat bar- 8 gains in the country. All prop- 8 erty guaranteed as advertised. 8 a and 8 Res, 8 S 8 S 205 Gerlinger BMg., Cor. 2d 8 Alder. orrlce. Jlaln 84S0; East 1798. S 8 S P 8 S 8 S S 86SSSS8SSS8 FOR SALE HOUSES 6J Mt, Tabor Park, Handsome 6-room modern con crete bungalow fireplace, full basement, large lot. Only H block from entrance of park. Magnifi cent view. IF YOU ARE LOOK ING FOR SOMETHING SWELL investigate this. Price $4000. Good terms will be made. Hunter Realty Company 223-fi Board of Trade. Marshall 1777. A-3307. n New 5 Room Bungalow With full cement basemert. cement floors, hot air furnace nnd all the con veniences of an up to date home, located two blocks from cur and In uicu resi dence district. This Is different from others, us it wrh built for a home. House cost $1900; will show bills to prove It. Owner has left, city and will sell at cost. Don't let this get by you. 14nfi Hawthorne; phone Tabor 626. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME. Are you looking for a home? t. See this before buying. Full 2 stories: and attlt 6 large rooms, sleeping porolv-re-ception hall, beamed ceilings, buffet, bookcases, fireplace hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, cooling closet, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, fine fur nace, large bath and separate toilet. Wasco st. between 35th and 37th sts , facing north, one block from Sandy road car. Tills in fact Is a beautiful home, Just completed and can be purchased reasonable on reasonable terms. See owner. Tabor 2062. 380 g. 49th St. N. New Bungalow From Owner ROSE CITY PARK. Why pay rent? Prettiest bungalow In city, 1 H blocks to car; lady that does her own work will appreciate the built in conveniences; restricted district, lot 60x100, 10 foot parking: a small pay ment will handle; will take good lot I ri exchange. Take Rose City Fark car to 58th st., walk iVs blocks north, i'hone evenings and forenoons. Main 4144. Bungalow v NEW ARTISTIC BUILDING. ." Restricted district. Why . don't , you stop paying rent? Oak floors, beautiful buffet, lot 60x100, parking 10 feet, atone walks, shade trees, lawn, etc.. payment down, balance monthly. Owner, phone ftiain m DAnM lnivn il All!1 J - I lj.. ' I ,vvtu u u., vin , . In Richmond for $3:mof $500 down, bal ance on "terms. ' Columbia Trust Co., 4 4th St (Ai . . , .' -r $501 K $750 Only $150 Cash This choice piece of acreage Is all In cultivation, right on the main county roads, within sight of a city of 3000, Vf mile from electric line. This Is the finest kind of dark loam soli, espe cially suitable for gardening. Witfiln sight of one of the finest high schools in the state, close to stores, churCheg and all city conveniences. Only $150 cash and $S a month. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO., 170 Fifth St.. Opposite Postoffice. Exchange 7 room house In Hood River, en 59 100 foot lot In the choicest section of the city; has 2 baths and all conven iences. Will trade for farm In Wil lamette valley. Price $3500. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO., 170 Fifth st, op posite postoffice. Exchange Modern 6 room bungalow on 45x100 foot lot to trade for small -farm or acreage up to full value. Price $2000. House has 2 large bedrooms, clothes closets, front and rear porches, cement basement, electric lights, etc. It's snap and priced below cash value for a quick trade. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 170 Fifth st., opposite postoffice. Exchange U block in Woodstock. Price $2000, to trade for acreage or small farm. This Is a snap. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 170 Fifth St., opposite postoffice. With Three Great Railroads Already Operating 12 Passen ger Trains Daily Has Just been assured authoritatively by the Head Man of the T. C. L. & P. Co., that it will extend lta tnterurban line on down to that little burg as soon as possible. Now. as OTHER PROPERTY OWNERS have NATURALLY advance their prices on the strength of this assurance we will probably have to follow suit In the near future, BUT WFJ AkE GOING TO GIVE YOU THEJ PROFITS for one -week longer and still oirer you our Ground Floor Price of Only Each lot guaranteed practically Level and Clear Only a few blocks of depot and stores; streets. 60 feet; alleys, 12. Terms, $2.50 dowp, $1.00 monthly (no Interest). CASH, 10 per cent off. FREE WARRANTY DEED and FREE ABSTRACT OF TITLE. We cannot guarantee to hold our prices down more than one week, so MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES If you can't come to our office send us M. O. for your initial payment and we guarantee to make you a selection In REST LOCATION at time order is received and send your contract by re turn malL A FEW 50x120 FOOT LOTS neap Milwaukee deoot and only 1V blocks from Intel urban grade on which that company has options, at $100, one-third down, balance $5 monthly (no Interest). BEST BUSINESS LOfS BETWEEN THE DEPOTS where BUSINESSES are NATURALLY LOCATING; streets 70 and 80 feet, alleys 15 and 20. ' $75 to $125. $10 down, $5 monthly (no In terest). This ROCHESTER is NOT a dream town with an imaginary railroad to build in the dim future and a handful of people occupying tents hoping stores will build soon. THOSE THREW RAILROADS are built: FACTORY building; others projected: HOUSES fop THREE or FOUR HUNDRED RESI DENTS making It their home already, built or building. S STORES. HO TELS, 2 CHURCHE8, $ LODGES, GOOD HALL for publio meetings, BAKERY. DRUG STORK, etc. already doing business, and BEST OF ALL, NEW MODERN SCHOOLHOUSE, TEACHERS EMPLOYED, 150 to 200 pupils, high school studies taught, NKW HIGH SCHOOL being agitated; prospects of a GOVERNMENT CANAL sooner or later; LOGGING CAMP and SAW MILL NEAR: COAL MINING In vicinity; 1200 acres level, clear land adjoining settling in small berry and fruit farms. We've sold lots to every party that has seen them with an eye to buying. YOU CAN'T LOSE much and you stand to make great profits by a timely investment whlls prices and terms are so liberal that a, small wage Justifies taking a chance. REMEMBER NOTHING VENTURED NOTH1NO HAVE. Tho odds are all In your favor. OFFICIAL MAP Of ALL the town (not Just part of It). SWORN 80U PHOTOS at our office. 1020 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Stark between Snt ana tn. Take elevator No. 6, 4th st. side. Ope evenings and Sunday 2 to $ p. in. Phone Main 28. On 26th Street ' New 6-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, china closet, cement . busement, best of plumbing, house is well built and 1 block from paved street, 2 blocks from car line only 10 minutes from 1st and Alder. Price $3000; terms $300 cash, balance monthly, . Hunter Realty Company 228-5 Board of Trade. Marshall 1777. A-2307. . IT. TABOR OIBTWT, $500 Down ' :-' The best tl-room 2-Story house, on block north of Hawthorne ave and In an excellent location, will l sold today at a bargain. Partners' disagreement , requires quick sale. - No reasonable of; fer refused. Money will make a loud nolss here, 1405 Hawthorns ave. Dions Tabor 424. - - $5500-Home Bargaln-$550O 'We have a dandy -7-room Mi, BUNGALOW on Cleveland ave,, In v..,:. nut Park: street Improvement ll li and PAID; lot SOtlon: tr.--,-r r- block; surrounded by fin V think It a barif'in at $..'"!; " . " -Chas, RirHor h Cc. , ' . ill Ltw.4 Lit. Rochester