THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 23, ,1811. Town Topics TONIGHT'S AML&KMKM8 URPHEUMOrphtum . Circuit Vaude ville. ,i .:. ' V' BAKER Vaudeville and motion plo- " turea. ' PANTAOES -Vaudeville. ... EMPRESS Sullivan Consldlna, va . dsviiie. , ' -. ' OAKS PARK Pa trick Conway' band. if tsrnoon ana star" "arcade, oh jot, tivou. MAJESTIC Flrat run ploturss. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m -i ,-. ,: .V - MT 70VX1TAX AT 1W0MI- . Ths following Journal sgents v ' will supply Journal ajbscribars e at regular city ratss. Havs Th Journal follow you during your , ' e vacation. Breaker. Waih.-Breaker ho- 0 ' tel. agent. , 4 Columbia Beach. Or. E. D. e London, agent. Collins Hot Springs, Wash. w 7. A. Toung, agent Oearhart, Or. Horace A. Wll- e son, agent, haadquartors at Sea- e lde. 4 Hot Lake, Or. Hot Lakt sanl- 0) : e tarlum, agent e Long Beach,' Wean. Seaviow,. 4 A Long Beaclw Tioga. Breaker, w Ocean Park, Nahootta and all 0 point on North beach. Lawrence Dlnneen, agent hoadqusrtora, e 4 Hackney Cottage, Beaview, Waah. 0 0 Newport, Or. Frad Toung, e agent V 4 ' Seaside, Or. Horace A. Wll- e son, agent box (TT, or Lewis' 0 drug stora 0 8hlpherds Springs, Wuh. -r- e Mineral Spring hotel, agent ' Wenatchee Spring Wenaha w Sprlnga hotel, agent Wllholt Spring. Ci F. W. McLeran. agent O YVeathog Conditions. The Idaho disturbance has moved southeastward to Texas and ths north Pacific high pressure area has moved north to western Washington. A new high pressure area ha made Its appear ance over Alberta. ' Showers and thunderstorm 'have occurred in the Rocky mountain states and in Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakntas. The rains have ceased in the middle Atlantic states and no precipitation of conse quence has occurred in the Isst 24 hour on the Pacific slope. It Is much cooler in the upper Missouri valley and In the Canadian northwest and gener ally slightly warmer In the Pacific states. In the Mississippi, valley and the Atlantic states the temperature are Slightly, above normal and In Texas they .are decidedly above normal. The conditions are favorable for fair weather In this district Sunday. It will be warmer In southeastern Idaho and continue moderately warm elsewhere. ' FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity: Sunday, fair. Northwesterly winds. Oregon and Washington: Sunday, fair. Northwesterly winds, Idsho: Sunday, fair, warmer south east portion. EDWARD A. BEAI.S. District Forecaster. Duncans to Warm Springs. Raymond Duncan and Jit wife will spend the summer among the Indian of the Warm Spring reservation. Their object la to make a Study of the Indian music and register it in the Hellenic music writing system. They will bring monocards with them, so as to scientifically de termine the Intervals and scales. They will also bring with them weaving looms and -teach the Indians to spin and weave. Civil Service examination. The city civil service commission announces- that an examination to obtain eligible for the position of engineer of construction in the building inspection department will be held early In August. The sal ary for the position Is $2000 a year Examinations will also be held to se cure ellglbles for the position of plan examiner and the position of deputy in spector of the second grade. Aged Woman injured Mrs. Baker, a woman 60 years of age, living at 623 Albtna avenue, waa seriously Injured yesterday morning by slipping and fall ing downstairs. One or her arms was broken and badly dislocated. Dr. Her man Blersdorf reduced the fracture and dislocation. Mrs. Baker will not be permanently Injured. Water 1 scarce, end, until new Bull Run pipe is finished, it must not bs used for sprinkling, including that metered; except between the hour of I and 8 a. m. Where water Is wasted in any way it will be shut off. Police department will assist la enforcing thl rule. By order of ths Water Board. Pis gb Mission, a branch of Dr. F. E. Toakum Plsgah work at Los Angeles, Cal., place of meeting changed to the church at East Seventh and East An keny streets. Take Ankeny atreet or Rose City car. Meetings every Sunday at S p. m. and every Monday at 2 p. m. All are invited and welcomed. We gall hair Vn a urease retail at wholesale prices for 20 pound beds from $7.60 and up. W renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Port land Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsger, proprietor, m-228 Front street Main 474. A-1374. Moonlight Excursion Bailey Oatsert, Sunday night, 8 o'clock. Foot of Alder street. 60 cent. taw Graduate to Talk Ira Taylor, a graduate of the law department of the MORAL: BUY DIAMONDS It's a safe investment it's a wise investment that is under your own control all the time. Nothing better, safer, happier in the investment line than Diamonds. The yield of the diamond mines as a whole is decreasing; the Kim v berly mine is virtually exhausted of the best stones, mostly very small stones like melees is all it is yielding. We have a very large assortment of set and unset diamonds. Our established integrity protects you the sure, eye of an expert directs you at any price you wish to pay. V5 G. HEITKEMPER CO. YEON BUILDING, ; . s FIFTH STREET University of Oregon, will talk on . The Social Trend of the Time" at Rlngler'e hall. Second and Morrison . streets, . to night at I o'clock. No charge will be made tor admilori , s - , m - Object to Oompromiss Property own er on me west side or seventh street, from Burnslde to the union depot, are trongly objecting to the proposed com- promise in tne matter of widening Sev enth street It wu first proposed to widen the street , from 60 feet to 10 feet Then a compromise wa present ed to widen it only 18 feet, which would be taken off of the weat side 6f "w "rww u i to mis lamx, ixie oDjeo tlons are being made. E. Henry Wemme presented a strongly worded dbjection to the city council yesterday. To ' Build BaUroeds Three short spurs oi railroad Will be built by the Oswego, i Dallas aV Roseburg Railroad company, which filed incorporation pa- f;.,".?"2"r; .irraVi.", ?. the. Portland Cement company of this city. The short lines will bo built at Oswego, Delia and Roseburg and will be for the purpose of hauling rock from the quarries to the main line railroads. The rock will be shipped to th port land Cement company' factory at Os wego. Prohibition Leader Mere Charles R. Jones of Chicago, chairman of the na tional committee . of the Fhobltion party, was in Portland yesterday con sulting with leaders of the party , In mis state about the advisability of holding th next national convention, wnicn meets next June. In thl city. Mr. Jone waa very favorably Im pressed with Portland as a convention city and said ha could highly recom mend It when hi committee : eets, De cember t. He went from here to Se attle. . , Adopt P spoon Children Mr. and Mr. David Walcott of thl city, grandpar ent of Margaret Janet and Edith Pepoon, whose father, George pspoon, la serving a life sentence In the Wash ington prison for killing his wife, were made the legal parents of the three children by the county court yesterday morning. .The consent of the convict father was secured a few day ago and th Juvenile court recently decreed him an unfit person to have the custody of the children. ' Tree Ws sponge and press your clothes for $1.60 per month. Bring thl ad and we will give you one month's service free. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. Main 614, A-4S14. Chiropractor, Post Graduate, treat limited number patient at their homes. Nerve and spine diseases, Swedish Mas sage given. Phone Dr. Brown, Columbia 273 or Main 7031. Packard Thirty Seven oassenser Packard touring car as good as new for sale cheap, or In exchange fortfive passenger car same make. Call M. 2479. Steamer Jesse marxtn for Cams. Washougsl and way landing, dally ex cept Sunday. Leave Washington street dock at I p. m. Diamond White and Oram- Bellas. $1.76 per gallon; Murphy varnish 12. Portlsnd Sash A Door Co.. 230 Front Bzcnrsloa and plonlo to Multnomah Falls, Steamer Monarch, Sunday, July su. ricxeia, ii. Xt. Hood Early mornlns- autamnhiUi to Mt, Hood camping ground for 13. Call Tabor lit. W. . Seaea It the Wen pint company. 131 Flrat street, phones M , A-lilt. S Dry Oordwood can be had for 16.60 If ordered at once. Main 1225. A-1226. Dr. 3taad has returned, aa usual. Office hour Oaly responsible contractors are ad mitted to the Builders' Exchange. W. A. Wise and associate, palnlssa dentists, Third and Washington. Ths Builders' Bxohaage, 131 Second street. Main 4907. A-314S. EXTRA SUNDAY TRAIN Portland-Oswego. For the accommodation of suburban ites and excursionists in th Oswero district, the Southern Pacific company, I until further notice, oommencin next sunaay, July zs, will operate a special train on Bunaay: Leave Osweao n m Arrive Portland 8:45 o. m. Returning Leave Portland rrk n . Arrive Oswego 9:20 n. m' stopping at all Intermediate points. For the Beaches Baggage checked at your home direct to seaside resorts. B. & O. Transfer Co. Phons Main 6880, A-3322. Where to Dine. M , . . . i Turkev anil ehlclrn 4lnn t I , ----- ---- -i- - less Cafeteria, 104 Fifth street Oard of Thank. Charlea Craig and family desire to extend their sincere gratitude and thanks to all those who so kindly lent their sympathy and who sent flowers during their recent bereavement. CHARLES CRAIO AND FAMILY. We wish to thank all those who ex tended such sympathy and kindness (o us In the bereavement of our late hus band, rather and brother, C. L. Helse. MRS. SOPHIA HEI3E, H. O. HEIBE AND FAMILIES. Journal Want Ads bring results. SAYS BUSINESS OF COUNTRY IS UNSATISFACTORYDUE TO POLITICS President of Portland Bank on Visit Here Says Portland Prosperous, However. Little encouragement oan be found In the present business situation, and there Is no prospect of Improvement for a year at least, In the view of Q. K. Went- worth, president of the Lumbermen National Bank. Mr. Wentworth believe that a lajrara rrt of h rftnntrv'a hual. Uouble arise from political causes. and h says that thousands of business msn he ha talked to incline to the same belief. "There 1 no use denying that busi ness generally throughout the country Is unsataifactory," said Mr. Wentworth. "Condition so plain must be admitted. I must say. however, that Portland ap pears better off commercially than any other city In the country. Slack times have been noticed but very little here." Mr. Wentworth owns large holdings of Oregon timber and has been coming to this city for 26 years. Besides being president of the Lumbermens National Bank he la president of tire Portland Lumber company. He is Interested in Iron mine In the lake region and beet sugar factories and banks in Michigan. He Is a large owner of Chicago real estate, and makes his headquarter in that city. Hs Illustrated the situation by netting; an incident. Xeolte Incident "A friend of mine owns 260,000 tons of Iron or on the dock at Duluth. hs aid. "Recently hs made a trip through the Iron manufacturing district of Ohio to dispose of his ore, and the best hs could do was to get order for 30,000 tons. He thought this was better than nothing, mo he went home and prepared to ship, when he received a message from his buyer reading about like this 'Please ship ore as slowly as you know how; keep deliveries down to absolute minimum.' The purchaser did riot quite cancel the order, but apparently he wanted to. "Virtually the same situation pre vails In every Important Industry. It is the same with lumber. When the Iron trade Is slow, everything else is slow; when Iron takes a start, other business responds. "The money situation In Chicago has hardened somewhat. There has been no decline in the Interest rate, but the banks are a little more particular whom they lend to now than they were. They do not want to start any new business. The rate is 3tt and 4 per cent for 60 and SO day loans. 17 ot Good for .Publlo. 'The recent consolidation of some of the strongest Chicago banks has been the subject of comment In the financial world. In mx opinion, thess great banks are not a good thing for the public. Suoh bank have no use for the business of the small man and he does not get great consideration from them. But they are a grand thing for the big cor poration. If a corporation Is big enough and It wants 13,000,000 or 34,000,000 it can get the money. "1 have' absolutely no patlenoe with President Taft's reciprocity program. Farmers who are reported to be in fa vor of the reciprocity bill can have no conception of what It means. The Can adian government is Importing farm la-1 borers from Europe and paying their railroad fares to the wheat fields of the Canadian northwest. This gives the Canadian wheat growers a decided ad vantage over the farmers this side of the line. "The lumber industry throughout the country has been In a bad way for long time. The manufacturers have been losing; money right along. The trouble is, they have owed too much money; to pay their debts they have been obliged to sacrifice prices, and the result ha toeen demoralizing. The yel low plno lumber manufacturers of the south have been suffering with the rest but very recently they have been able to squeeze an average increase of about one dollar a thousand feet out of prices, and they are now on a fairly good bael compared -with the past Exposition to Help. "Here In the Pacific northwest the lumber Industry will doubtless receive much benefit from the San Francisco exposition. A large amount of our lum ber will be used for construction of frame structures In and about the fair grounds, and there will be a demand for temporary buildings all over the city. The prospect of early completion of the Panama canal Is what is holding the price of timber up. Men who own tim ber are straining every nerve to hold It because they feel that the opening of the canal will be a boon to the lumber Industry. "Aitnougn my trips to Portland are frequent I can see remarkable changes ii IX'T'L "L-1 ink inab (viuauu mil uuLHuiu oan r run. . . ... . cibco ana Become me greatest, city on the Paolfic coa.t. it ha. th ..... back of it to build a city on. "To me Chicago la the greatest city In the world. It Is the greatest market Executive Board Orders Con sulting Engineer to Pre pare Plans. Apparently all obstacles to the speedy construction of the Broadway bridge "were cleared away yesterday morning when the bridge committee of the city executive board recommended that Con sulting Engineer Ralph Modjeski pro ceed to prepare plana for the super structure so that, bids for the steel to be used In it can be invited and a con tract swarded in time for the material to be delivered in Portland as soon as the substructure Is completed - early next spring. By advertising for bids this fall the board will be able to get steel while ths cheap market at present prevailing is still In effect. Ths executive board will confirm the action of the bridge committee when the board holds Its next regular meet ing next Friday. . - Engineer Modjeski was Instructed by Mayor Rushlight and the bridge com mittee to draw the plana for the super structure so that every bascule draw company may bid, the purpose of the Instructions being to provide the ut most competition. According; to a rough estimate made hp Knglneer Modjeski the cost of the superstructure will bs In the neighbor hood of $800,000, but will not exoeod that figure. .,' . -. Journa Wast Ads bring results. RUSH F'LANS BROADWAY BRIDGE h,r' v 4 J'y..-:! SH'.MV .v:V!::.V ' y . J "'.'"' K. Wentworth, president Lumber men's National bank. In America. In appearance Chicago excel New Tort It Is built up more solidly 4h It business center with fine modern buildings, and its appearance la more Imposing." Mr. Went worth's plaything Is, his farm, a fine traot of land 60 miles south of Chicago just over the Indiana line. When he bought it years ago the sou was exhausted and the people had given up raising wheat. He began course of systematic development of the soil, rotating clover with other crops until the ground waa In fine condition. Now he Is raising 35 bushels of wheat to the acre, and neighbors on all sides or him are following his lead. Lots In Thayer Addition The cheapest close in, high class restricted residence property on the east side. Lots 50x100 at $550, and up. Every one an ideal building site Terms to suit purchasers, and spe cial inducements to builders. Take W-W car to 41st and Holgate streets, go two blocks east. Agent on grounds every evening and all day Sunday. Inquire 4S27 E. 45th street S. E. For further particulars see The Lawrence Co. (Successors to the Dunn-Lawrence Co.) 248 Alder St. -s--sh- - - - - -1 -1 -1 ---gr r lt jij-i-n-Tijui, Window Screens MORTISE AND TEN ONED CONSTRUC TIONDURABLE, NEAT MEASURED, MADE, PAINTED AND PUT'IN. 208-Fourth Street Phone Main 9348 Retiring From the Book Business TO CLOSE OUT NO REA SONABLE OFFER REFUSED A window full of medical books at 25 each. See our Ribles at $1.00 each. Copyright, such as Younger Set, Fighting Chance, Jane Cable Etc., 35 each, four for fl.OO. Our business is for sale. Established 20 years. A good opportunity for a "Live Wire." Hylnd Bros. 168 5th St. Opposite Postoffice. SWE,E,NE.YS 391 Stark St. Main 1290. FIRST CLASS LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S PARLORS FOR hair Dressing I And scalp treatment. We cure you of baldness. We give you the best that money can buy. Agents for the A. P. Rigg's Hair Grower ft Cure Co. Call and inspect us. PACIFIC IRON WORKS ' BTBTTOTTBA BTETllt ' ABOXZTXOTTTBvAIi XBOB Znundlat Dsllvsrr i r Witlaad, Or... , , CREASONS HURT IN AUTO WRECK; ALL RECOVERING faneelal to The loaraal.t Marshfield. Or. July 22. Mr. and Mr. Al. Creason, of Roseburg, who were Injured yesterday afternoon when their auto went down a bank Into Co quill river, are being cared for at the Myrtle Point hotel at Myrtle Point It would not be necessary to bring them to the hospital at North Bend, Or. Last evening It wa thought Mrs. Creason might not recover, but today she was better, Her ankle and four rib were broken and h suffered Internal In juries, but her condition is not regarded dangerous. Mr, Creason had his shoul der dislocated and his face bruised. Miss Creason esoaped inpury. The acci dent happened' near Myrtle Point. I CUT PRICES AND SMILE Xfo Heavy Meat Xaags Over My Head. I am selling out my summer stock of men's clothing at wholesale cost and less. My low expense enabled me to meet and beat the strongest com petition; 320 suits at $10; $26 suits at $12. Come early. Jimmy Dunn, room SIS Oregonlan bldg., take elevator. Journal Want Ads bring results. 1st Annual Picnic Knights Rose Sunday, July 30, 1911 TWO SPECIAL TRAINS Round Trip Only 75c OVER NEW MT. HOOD RAILWAY Fishing, dancing, baseball, races, tug of war. All Portland lodges invited to enter contests. Special can leave Third and Morrison streets 7:30 to 8:30 a. m. Special trains leave Monta villa 8 a. m. and 9 a. m. Tickets for sale at United States Cigar Co., 5th and Wash. Sts.; 203-4 Commonwealth building; room - 2 Cambridge building; Standard Jewelry Co., 141 Third street. To all our guests on this date we can assure -a pleasant, and comfortable trip over a line un equalled for scenic beauty. NO STOPS AFTER GRESHAM One Price Dentists xro xoxjb BO UM Consult our advertised price carefully then com to us and you will find that ws do exactly as we advertise. Bet ter still, bring- this "ad" with you. ret ths. vnrk nsrfnina1 ikes ... 2w advertised prices. W fill, crown, treat, bridge, resulat or extract teeth with. out pain. Thess low prloss buy "best Quatuy uenusirj. BBXBOB WOBX. WOK. per Sooth (mm ao.wj: 54.00 flS-oarst ooi POBCX&AXH rBJBB BZAJSZBATZOB, XXTBtAOTIOB (when plstea or bride ar ordered); OXiBABTBO TBBTX (when Other work a ordered.) Silver rintna-s Simple SOoi um. pound II. U-oia ruling-- Moorou to BIB. Ss Klllln Bervee and Trettlnir Vaati Sl.oo to fl.SO extra. oil Set of Teeth, $5,$7.50,$10 Aecordisf to quality of work deelrsd. All won unarsnteea ror is Tears. ALBA BROS. BBTiIaBIiB BAXBTJMS DBBTXSTS Open I a. m. to I p. m. Bunday t to n m. Phone Marehall 2141. B. W. Corn fld and Morrison. Upstairs, Batlr uoimi. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES North Pacific College SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY AND PHARMACY PORTLAND, OR. Splendid New Fireproof Build ing. Unsurpassed in Equip ment and Advantages. The Regular 'Session Begins October 1 of Each Year. For Information and Catalogue Address DR. HERBERT C. MILLER East Sixth and Oregon Streets Portland, Or. SCHOOL OF THE PORT LAND ART ASSOCIATION Third year begins October t, Itll. Drawing painting, portrait Ufa, sketch, Illustration, .design and children's Classes. For circular apply to MUSEUM OF ART riftH and Taylor sts., ortland, Or. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY ronTXJurs, omsooir. ' Send for nimtreted Catalog, The School That .Gets Results mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmmm For This Guaranteed CUCKOO nnr k IT er7 only th arenulns Blac Foreat Cuckoo Clocks Imported di rect from Germany. At ths abova prlos they are within ths reach of eysry householder. They are splen did company for ths wlfs at home. Ws also sell ths Alarm Clock and recommend It to our customers. Price The ons alarm clock that Is as hand some rs it Is reliable. 1.00 for our rearular alarm clonic guaranteed accurate and dependable. JAEGER BROS. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS TBI IABOB SJTOBS 8S Morrison st. Bet. 8d and 4th. Keeps You in Hot Water At ths Turn of th Faucet THE FAMOUS NCX SO Humphrey Heater $85.00, Connected Ths No. SO Humphrey possesses tho best construction afforded by us of the best of material and work manship, and the experience of th. oldest and largest factory or ganization In the world engaged ex clusively in the manufacture of gaa water heaters. Heats three gallons of water' per minute, raising It 63 degrees above the cold water temperature. Meets the needs of more homes than any other water heating arrange ment THE E. H. C0RBETT CO. 73 FIFTH STREET Commercial Club Building Tel. Main 2309 ARTISTS Requiring the best in tools and materials For Summer Sketching will appreciate our line of colors, brushes, canvas, sketch blocks, easels, stools, kits, etc Pictures Moulding Stationery Sanborn,VaiI&Co. 170 FIRST171 FRONT Phone Your Orders M. 609 The Old Reliable Union Painless Dentist out or towh raorus should rs mam bur that our foroe Is so organised that trs can do thslr entire crown, bridge ana plate work la a day If seo essarv. Full Set of Teeth. ......... .....SS.OO Bridge Work or Teeth Without , Plates ........... ..A36U to S50O Oold frowns .h50 to I&00 PoroelslB Crowns ...j60 to SS.OO Oold or Poroetaln Wlilngsr ..153 vi Silver Fillings... ...... SO lo SiOO .1 Teats' Ovaraaisa. ww Hours a. m to tp. m. Sunday Union Dental Co. riBsx ajtb bcoxxxsox rra, 2 ,rn f 9 5 M .6 I a v., V w 1 v ( s,SbsWSssb An Advertising Booklet that costs 10 cents, and doesn't pay, is not cheap. - If it costs 20 cents. and pays it's good value. ' ' "' y'! Before your booklet can be profitable, it ; muit be read, and to : insure reading it must please the eye. , It takes good artists, good printers, good paper, good illustra tions, good type in other words 4 Kilham Quality Printing to make well -written copy into a prof itable booklet. The price of QUALITY service may some times cost more in cents, but it is al ways cheaper in the sense it brings sales more cheaply. See our samples. ILHAM1 STATIONERY & PTjS.CO. Dentistry To ths bsst of my ability. Ltt ms malts a booster of you. - I examine your mouth, tell you what I can do, what It will cost (a reasonable charge). If ready, ws begin; If not the examination has cost you nothing. All work guaranteed. If I can't guarantee it. I don't do It and If I ever did It, It's guaranteed. Open evenings. Hours I a. m. to I p, in. Dr. Elof T. Hedlund. N. W. corner of 6th and Oak, 3d floor Take elevator. tin bituiitnic is a clean, noiseless pavement with not quite as. smooth a surface as asphalt, but a fine one upon which to walk or drive a horse," says an editorial in the Oneida, N.Y., Ob server of May 26, 1911. BASEBALL mSCBBATXO 9MMX ' x Cor. Vaagha and Twsaty-fourta Sta , PORTLAND vs. V SAN FRANCISCO Jir48, is. so, si. aa, sx , Games begin week days 1:00 pm. Sun. ' ,; days J:I9 p. m. "(.;.. .:., ir:y'i XUUCBS' DAY nUSAT Boys under U free to bleaehers ' 'Wednesday. t Portland Marble Works; stasUsaoS lSSS. Ws carry tho largest and best stock on tho ooast. Call , and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere, 864 and MO rourta Vtreet Opposite City RalL ' hones SCaia SM4, A-1S16. Foster &. Klclacr BJgb Grade Commercial and Electrl Bass Tth and Xast Sverett Sts. " raoaes Bast Hill -3a4 THE BAkBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY CenstrnBts Asphalt and oier Bllii'n. Innue payments. (0-o V Bldf, Portland, Or. C.r l. klaaagaa