The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 23, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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Demand for. Pretentious Resi
v; dences Causes Builders in
:.High ;Grade East Side Sec
tions to Change Plans, i .
,ir j Speculative builder operating In the
"' higher grad east side residence addl
i? tion : rr building ! much, handsomer
claaa of homea than formerly. The de
mand on the part of borne buyers for"
, finer, grade of jealdencea- than they
- have - been, able.; to 'get heretofore has
. ahown the builders that a fair profit la
to be made In the construction and al
of the more expenelve ' houaea, f
C .With few. exceptlona the houaea for-
meriy put' up here by apeeulattve bulld-
era . coat from $ 3000 to f $4260. " How
' ever within the paat few weeks, theae
builders have ,: laid t foundatlona. for a
number of dwelling which will coat all
the way from isooo to isuou..
A. I McKenil ha recently let the
'contract to the Key Engineering com-
.pany for three realdencea. to coat m
the aggregate nearly or quit 120,000.
- One 1 to be a two atory, 10 room atrucjr
: ture of the English half timber dealgn
which will occupy a commanding lte
on Alameda drive, near Bryce avenue.
Thl houae will be largely "floored and
finished in hardwood and will have all
of the modern built. In convenlencea.
It will coat approximately 17600.
, Dntoh Colonial Design.
Ob Alameda drive and East Twenty
ninth street Mr. McKensie will build
a one and one-half atory eight room
cottage of the California bungalow type
at a. coat 35000. The thira residence
f ihe group will occupy a location on
Brvca avenue near Lombara avenue.
Thl will be of the Dutch Colonial de
sign and will cost in the neighborhood
of $7000. Mr. McKensie; will equip
' each of these house with a garage.
George P. Eisman ha begun the con
struction of a $7800 home on East
Twenty-sixth street, hear. Brasee, The
houae Is .o be a 10 room, two and one
half story structure- of the Dutch
Coloaial type of architecture. In ground
dimensions the houae will be 8( by 44
feet. It will, have aardwood floora and
will be finished In mahogany and white
H. P. Palmer, of the H. P. Palmer
Jones company, haa let the contract for
a nine room residence of the French
chateau type to be erected on East
Twenty-second street, between Thomp
, son and Brasee. The house will be one
of -the handsomest, homes of Its else
and type In Irvlngton and will cost
about $7500. The floora are to be of
hardwood and the Interior finish, white
enamel. In the basement Will be fitted
up a large billiard room and leading
from the living room will be a large
glass covered conservatory.
William Toung, local manager for, the
R. O. Dun company, Ms having plans
drawn for an expensive home of the
'southern Colonial -type .which be will
build on one of the finest view sltea
on Counoll Crest.
,JOe Boom Tram.
' The building will have a total front
age of (5 feet and will face Mount
Adams drive. It will contain nine
rooms, sleeping porch and solarium.
'The floors are to be of hardwood and
the interior finish In rubbed ivory enam
el. It will cost between $12,000 and
Architect Roberta ft Robert are get.
tin; up plan for a two and one-half
story, nine room frame residence for
H, R. Llchter, to be erected at East
Seventeenth and Wasco streets. The
house will have the usual built In con
venlences, hardwood floora and beamed
and paneled dining room. Ita estimated
coat la $4600. v
W. A. Carpenter and Judge Oanten
beln are each building a $16,000. resi
dence at the intersection of East
Twenty-fourth and Lincoln atreeta. The
Carpenter nome ia to have 14 room all
to be finished In mahogany, oak and
white enamel. The exterior wall of
the first story will be of pressed brick,
with a shingled second story and gablea.
. F. J. Kane will soon have completed
k modern seven room residence at Eaat
Forty-sixth and Brasee streets. Rose
City Park. The houae Is of the Cali
fornia bungalow type and will eoat
f.. . ,
The Oammans residence, belonging to
the late O. O. Oammans at 7TI North
' rup street, waa purchased lest week
by William Burke erf the Burke Com
mission company,- for a home. The con
sideration waa, $8000. This property
comprises a o,u oy iuu root lot ana a
two atory rrame dwelling.
For mixing concrete there has been
Invented a spade with long oval holes
In the blade, through which the finer
cement will flow and give the surface
a finer finish.
rZ'J. -'-."5. . Nearest Store Twelve ( Miles, Distant. S
All Trade' of Well Settled Farming Community ' Easily Secured.
t A . v t
:XS. ...
. : ::? .4. v... . n v.
' , , Sue of Building 24x48. . - - , '
Main store building, 16x30. All ceiled and 'shelackeoV Counters and
helving all in,'. Also two bedrooms, 10x12 each; storage room, 16x18.
Room for postoffice, 10x12; and room in frpn which can be rented,
16x18.,' -.iv-Mrf.Ij:-- Y-:-.'.',: ' ' .'
. ozc oi ot on wntcn tne store is
' present terminal f the Oregon Trunk railway and in the midst of a
i wett- settled farming community.' ; Inquire of t.!Tif.t.-
s I. -
y. 328 and 329ltailway Exchange BMg Iraand, Of";;:..'
Counties to Join Forced For Road Improvement
Otganizathns In Multnomah, Washington and Yamhill to Bend Every Effort to Make Rex-
'Tigardville Road 'as Passable as Connections. "f"y V' '- '
, I n I . . tta rui6lrAai I AL.AND
Y ' ' i 1 . Ol (IT ROAD T . ' I
g( : ' j POLK jt MARION
2 Lincoln 0AL,JT LEn
dew , m I
... i r
1 j iToEU6ENE
Map shows uncompleted Rex -
Organisations In Yamhill, Washington
and Multnomah counties have joined
forces for the Improvement of the Rex-
Tigardville road in .Washington county.
This la the road that when improved
will connect the good roada - of Linn.
Yamhill. Marlon, Folk and Tillamook
countlea with the good roads of Mult-
nomah county, and furnish a trade and
transportation . communication between
Portland ajid ths Willamette.
Portland and Multnomah county have
been asked to. bear $7600 of the 116.000
expense for the improvement of the
highway. The Improvement project has
been Indorsed by the auto club, auto
dealera and machinery men. The Port
land Automobile club haa asked each
of ita 400 members for It In a lettet
signed by the secretary. T. Irving Pot
ter, which reada as follows:
97500 Weeded.
"Dear Stri The Yamhill Auto and
Commercial Clubs' Good Roada associa
tion are raisins: funds to construct
perfect winter and summer automobile
road from Portland up the west aide
of the Willamette valley by developing
the stretoh between Rex and Tlgard
vllle In Washington county, which Is
the transportation N link connecting the
sDlendld macadamised hlghwaya of
Multnomah and Yamhill countlea. Yam
hill county will maintain this main trav
eled highway In faultless condition and
constant repair In all seasons of the
"Th Importance of thla road to auto-
mobilea lies not only in tne ract mai
It Is a Ion and beautiful one, but be
cause It I going to be maintained. This
will stimulate the good roada movement
throughout the entire state and influ
ence a speedy betterment of the bad
roads situation.
There are 4000 auto ownera In Port
land, and but $7500 la needed to com
plete the fund. Are yon Intereated
enough to subscribe $5t If so. kindly
Indicate the amount you win give ana
return this letler to the undersigned.
"I hereby -subscribe the sum of I....
for grading and rocking the main trav
eled road between Rex and Tigardville
In Washington county, and agree to pay
same when called upon. Address 720
Corbett building." .
. Sliver Trophy Offered. '
The H. L. Keats Auto company ha
offered a silver gold-lined cup to the
:,,:. o .
locatea, suxiuu, dituatea at tne
Tigardville road, upon which concerted
Silver cup to be awarded to one
raising most money for Rex-Tl-gardvllle
road construction.
one who raiaes the most money for the
Improvement of the Important but hith
erto neglected highway.
The map ahowa how trunk highways
leading from Albany, Eugene, Corvallls,
Newport. Yaqutna. Tillamook and New
port and Balem convprge In the neigh
borhood of Dayton, Dundee and New
berg, thua concentrating the heavy traf
fic of the Willamette valley and part
of the coast on the short stretch of
linlmproved road. Not long ago thla
Rexgardvllle stretch was corduroy.
Lack) Estate Co. to Lay Fine
Pavement in East and
Wood block paving for their car
tracks through "Eastmoreland" and
Westmoreland" la the new proposal
of the Ladd Bstate company. Cur tracks
throughout the city hitherto hve had
either Belgian block or hard brick pav
ing, but these materials while having
satisfactory wearing qualities possees
the rather serious drawback of creat
ing much noise. This has been felt
particularly In residence districts.
where the early morning traffic such
as that of milk wagons, Is causing con
siderable annoyance.
Wood block la the highest class and
moat costly of all pavings and this to
gether with the asphalt at the sides of
the tracks and on all other atreeta an.l
avenues of "Esstmoreland" and "West
moreland" wlU keep these district ab
solutely free of all noise from vehicular
traffic...; ' . . ....
Eighty pound steel rail, the heaviest
metal so' far used .for thl purpose In
any city In th United State are being
used in construction of the new "East
moreland" carllne, together with the
four gauge cypher" trolley wire.' Th
usual Portland Ky. Lt A Pr.. Co.'s spec
ifications call for 0 pound rails and the
na cypher", gauge of trolley wire, or
Just one-fourth the else of the new wire.
Tbis extra heavy, equipment Is being
provided for the purpose of allowing
loaded freight car to be handled over
these tracka ao that heavy construction
material for Reed college and the fine
homes now being planned, mar havo
cost; of hauling cut to the minimum. In
thl connection the splendid-viaduct at
the entrance to HJastmoreland" will
have steelwork of the weight called for
In the heaviest class of railroad bridges.
These, enormous expenditures by tb
fr ' ii
In ii ii i ii i .
action will soon be taken.
The logs have been taken up and aome
temporary Improvement made.
George E. Waggoner, president of the
Yamhill Auto and Commercial Clubs'
Good Roada association, questioned yes
M,Why Is It that Multnomah county1
ahould be content after .building four j
l - A1 ... , i ' IV . I
sbuth, to there stop and rest content T
The -full beaeflt froni the sBendtn of i
ythe -thousands of Multnomah - dollar
will not be received until .we help the
movement to Improve roada In our trade
territory, but beyond the county line.
The improvernent. of the Rex-Tlgard-vllle
road wlU mean thousands and thou- '
sands of dollars to Portland, will bring
hundreds of new settlers to the Wil
lamette valley."
The dotted line between Newport and
Falls City ahowa a proposed road lm- :
provement bab"d on the prospect of per
manently building the Rex-Tlgardville j
"We believe that the people of Ore- i
gon must be educated through their '
eyes," continued Mr. Waggoner, "and If I
thla splendid stretch of road la con-!
structed and maintained It Is certain
that speedy progress will follow In
road construction throughout the val
ley. This barrier of eight miles sepa
rates the treat dtv of Portland from
the Willamette valley on a practically
direct route to the Important towns and
seacoast resorts of the valley.
"There are no salaried officers han
dling this project. Every cent given
win De spent in roaa Improvement. A
practical board of governors has been i
elected, and one of the moat noted
builders. Henry Hagey of Dundee, haa I
been engaged to build the road; we be-
lieve Mr. Hagey Is the most Dractical
and sensible road builder In the state. I
Many of the splendid roads in Yamhill
county are testimony , to his ability."
Demand Good for Residence
Lots in Ventura Park
The F. A. Taylor company has proved
conclusively during the past two weeks
that there haa never been a more active
demand for suburban residence lots In
the vicinity than right how. This firm
has aold. since tha first week in July.
10S lots In Ventura Park, the addition
located on the Mount Hood line east of
the city. The buyers not only represent
Portland, but Investors from far away
Colorado and Montana were- attracted
by the offering.
Of the-103 parcels sold, 57 went to
residents of Portland and 46 to buy
ers from outside Oregon. The heav
iest buyer was H. S. Bagley, of Olatha.
Colo., who took 24 lots for a total
consideration of $300. Other outalde
buyers were M. Resrdon. Spokane,
Wash., two lots, $80u; Mrs. Jessie Wat
ers, Butte. Mont, two lots, $300; Flora
Klnner,- Great Falls. Mont., four, lota
1600; , Mae Dodge,. Great Falls, four lots,
1600; Evelyn Gear. Spokane, two lots,
$00;, 'Margaret Armstrong, Spokane, two
lots, 1100: Ida Stone, Spokane... two
lota, (300, and C. D. Sprague, Seattle,
four lots, $600. ! . . " ;'
Venture Park Is located about one
mil east" of Monta villa and contains
130 acres of elevated ground.'. '
Ladd . Estate company are In further
ance of their policy of providing every
thing to make "Eastmoreland" the fin
est residence district in Portland and
in character to correspond to th fut
ure greatnesa of Reed college whea it
Justifies lie claim to be ths first Uni
versity of practical efficiency In the
United State. ;,V ..y'y-.'i oX''X,
, . ;, "'1 " 1 - 1111 -""' 1 :
Jonrnai Want . Ad brlns; . result. ;
. ...
OF $1250,000
Figures for New Construction
on Thus , Far Thia .Year , Beat
i ' Last Year's .Result by Big
Margin Permits. ;
1 , .The, construction record , In Portland
ao far In Ull 1 In, ' of that, for
the same .period last year by $1,250,000
In round numbers. For the-first 20 day's
of July permit were Issued In the of
fice of the building Inspectors for new
, building valued at $779,600. The total
I for July, 1910, was $08,00. If July
holds vp throughout the month a It has
for the. first 20 days, the sum will reach
close to $1,200,000.
I There Is strong Indications that the
.lead month by month for the remainder
'of tbe'year up to December will be In
creaaed over the time month of 1910.
December, .It wllj bp remembered, was
: exceptional In . every respect, the total
Volume of permits Issued during ' that
month passing the $4,000,000 mark.
Betel to Cost 9185,000.
' The largest new construction enter
prise launched : last week Is an elgfit
atory fireproof hotel to be erected ai
Sixth and Main street by the Smith
Hotel company. The building 1 to be aj
modern hostelry In every particular and
will cost in the .neighborhood of $12,
000. .
A. S. Ellis announcea that he will Im
mediately Improve the property at
Twelfth and Market and at Twenty
first 1 and Olisan,: purchased by him
earjy In- the month. . On the former. par
cel he will, build , a tnree story, apart
ment house and on 'the' Twenty-first
and Olisan quarter block a three story
combination store and hotel building.
. Ex-United States Senator Fred,W.
Mulkey is. preparing to begin the con
struction of ' a four story fireproof
apartment' house on Market street be
1 -fc ,,.3,1 '.v..
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Orthografy m accordance with recommendationt pf Simplified SpeUine Board, N. Y.
I . V.
tween Front 'and First at -' a cost of
$86,000. i ' ' -
J. B. Kaaeberg took out a permit last
week for a four -story building to-be
ereoted ori Lucretla and Washington
streets aW a coat of $40,000. , 1
The United State Cashier, company
haa begun the erection of a' two atory
factory building facing . the Columbia
boulevard at Kenton. 1 The permit authorizing-
the atructure fixe the cost
at. $16,000. : r.y '-yj: i-' , '
Oaatenbsia Seaidenoe.
- Clfcult Judges C. U. ' Gaitenbeln took
out a permit last wek for, a; t H Story
frame residence to be erected at the
comer of Eaat Twenty-fourth and .East
Lincoln atreet at a cost of $15,000.-'
A permit wa issued taat-Thursday to
A. Mesery .for-,tory.frame .the
atre and'atore building which "he will
build on the east side of " Twenty-third
street between Washington" and Ever
ett. The building, will cost $19,000. ,
. Another theatre building -authorised
by permit last week is to-be erected on
Dekum avenue - near East Eighth-' by
Jacob Koben at a cost of $6000. '
A permit has been' issued to C M.
Scott for a two story .frame, dwelling to
be erected on Harrison street near
Fourteenth at a cost of $6000.
Architect E. F. Lawrence 'has com
pleted the plans for a 'three atory gym
nasium for the Washington High school.
The building Is to be a 60x100 foot
fireproof structure and will cost $60,-000.
Ex-Unlted States Senator Fred W.
Mulkey Is having plana drawn for the
erection of a. four story and , basement
spartment house on Market street, be
tween Front and First- The building
will be a fireproof atructure, of rein
forced concrete and will cost approxi
mately $40,000. It will have ground
dimensions of 60 by 5 feet and will
contain 16 four room apartments with
the janitor's apartment in the base
ment. The equipment will embrace a steam
heating plant, passenger elevator and
dumb waiters for each apartment. The
building will be ao designed that every
room will have outalde light and ven-
First Fireproof Hostelry, South
of Morrison St. Is to
Cost $100,000.;
. The first fireproof hotel to b erecte
In this city south of Morrison . atreet .'
V. W.ill. V... .Via Cml.b. -CT.aI juuaji.:
Will IUlll " J wi.isvi. Wlll-ir,
consiruciinn, ana win nsvt a ironings
Ul UU A TTIV ell CI A VII V V JVU 1...:
on Main. It Is estimated to cost In
mo neignoornooa or iwu.mru. - t, 1
Architect David L. Wllllama is get-r
ting up tne plans lor the butidinskana
expects to let the contract so that act-'
" . ... .IMIl ,11CVJ WT-BUI J LlUBb '
10. ' , . 'vv.--.
The ground floor of the building will (
be uaed mainly for business purposes;
tVi nlon nf .ha Atllr. n 41...
rooms and the hotel office. Each of ''
the seven upper floors will contain 11
guest chamber. . There are to be five
urivaie. nam. ana .ona . ouniin . Mitn n - -
placed thst each will aerv two rooms. t : '
ui iiiv lurcu ciruLL i(.i.m. An p.rm
passenger elevator will be Installed wltH s.
in t .... . . . t'
building: with all modern hotel accesl-
occru ui .a "iiji m iniB TOlia
trim Thu Intontlnn la Ia KaA eW a
building ready for occupancy by Jan-
iiArv 1
tuauon. ABiae rrom tne door a, .win
picture mnldlng. there will be not an
Inch of combustible material used in "
Itn fntntriiptlnn Pinna -fot f Vtsa KAnaa
war A pt mm K-r A rfS(t A Vwa
Clearance Sale l
At Becker's Suit House now In progress.
140 Fifth street.
. ' ft,..