The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 22, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Abductor of Pretty Mildred
' Bridges Can No Longer
, Carry on Orgies With Worn
en in Chicago Flat.
Absolute Life See, Girls He Held and Mothers Defending Him
Chief Items in See's Cmni,
1108 See came to Chicago
frorrt Kalnmaioo, Mich.
.1904 With his wife and Mrs.
Felicia Recs organized the Abso
lut Life cult
irj0 Converted Mrs. Luclla
Bridge and l:er husband, Steph
en H. Bridges.
1 0t Proselyted among women
and girls on the north side.
1907 Converted Mona Rees.
1 90S Converted Mildred
.1909 Founded the "Love Jun
gle." 1911V Quarreled with Mrs. Sea.
Established the Holy Kiss and
Sinless Hug.
Jan. 9, 1911 "Love Jungle
raided by police.
. April 1 Indicted on charges of
abducting Mildred Bridges.
June I Placed on trial before
Judge Honor.
June IS -Jury completed and
.sworn.. .
: July S Testimony closed and
caae ready Tor argument to the
July 12See found guilty of
abducting Mildred Bridges.
Estimated cost of prosecution
to the state, by Assistant 8tate's
Attorney Burnham, 110,000.
' (SDSdal to The Journal.)
Chieago. July I J. Facing an Inde
terminate sentence of from one to ten
years In the penitentiary at Jollet,
Evelyn Arthur See, convicted of abduct
ing pretty little Mildred Bridges and
of making a moral delinquent of Mona
-.. Reea, Is today stripped of the remark
able power he once swayed over
women in this city..
, No longer ia the high priest of the
Absolute Life cult surrounded by ador
ing women to call him divine and God-
. man. Ho is being prepared for the
stripes and the life of a ' convicted
felon. -
Trial Most Sensational.
Chicago has never had a more sensa
tional trial or on that brought forth
more weird and unwholesome facts,
Mrs. Luclle M. Bridges, mother of the
abducted girl, stood staunchly by 8ee
all during the trial. Bo did Mrs. Fel
icia Rees, mother ot Mona,
Mothers and daughters were all de
votees of the cult, the creed of which
was based on matter so salacious and
corrupting to morals that the news
papers '-could not print it. This re
volting matter was contained in a vol
ume called "The Book of Truth, com
plied by See for the foolish women who
v rtay i - mm
r'-nl - t5M; .vsa V 3-;; "
rj vf yri i v' j i
; ij .. ' f"" . .' v f.
Experiment 4f Getting Signers
Without Paid Circulators
Is, to Be Tried. .
Justice Marster. Fixes Bail at,
$250 In Hearing of Man
Who Wrote Sensational Let
ter to Portland Newspaper.
1 ,iJV'
VV 9-fctCA 't it". Jr ll
' - "....'i.-
pilea Dy see lor tne looiisn women wno in 1 1 iau a r li -r i
flocked to his apartment to perform III HCaiM Of Daughter TdKeS
Executive From His Office
the rites he had designed. It contains
a mass of corruption piled about the
Idea of creating a new and stronger
Soma of the orgies tkat went on in
the See flat were indescribable. It is
known, however, that the women dev
otees of the cult took the oath around
a tnblo. holding aloft swords. On the
center of the table was the "Book of
Absolut Life," also known as the
"Book of Truth.
Below Mrs. Felicia Reeg. Evelyn Arthur See, Mrs. Stephen H. Bridges.
From Chicago Tribune.
for Several Days.
Slayer of His Stepfather Will
Wot Stand Trial for Con
fessed Crime.
(Silrm Bureau of Th Journal !
Salem, Or., July 22. Governor West
will be absent from the state house
everai nays aa he haa been advised to
take hla Attmrhtr u,u , ,u. 4
With swords raised tain, for iV "" v '
,A .v.,. an r " un leiurnj
wy ivvvbwi kuvui v vv ne will IB ICA nn th. 1 ,,
mnA n. fnm lift" v .. I 1 . "uoi.uvn Ul
and One for AH! : . itg a special session of the legislature,
Made Women pay. Petitions prepared bv the MAtnrt r-o.
The evidence showed conclusively that merclal club and sent to other commer-
See used the gullible women for lm- clal bodies to be forwarded by them to
moral purpoaes, and that his object the governor have been coming in.
was to entrap them and get money from Grounds for requesting a special ses-
mem lor ma cuiu xiivjr wwi wommg mn are neea ror good roads legislation
- with him to found a colony at San Ber- The governor has not committed him-
nandino, Cal. - All the while the arch aelf on the subject. Before leaving
priest of the Absolut Life was break- today he Jestingly remarked in regard
ins up kuu nrKaiuf avinn m uo puBtni rcjjuri inai ne would hereafter
as a Ood-Man. The home of Stephen chase convicts with convicts that he had
Bridges, a well to do cttisen, was ut- only considered to some extent such a
terly blasted. Hla wife arid beautiful plan but that he hopee to have but llt-
young oaugnter tert mm to iouow see. neea or convict chasers In the f u
m tsee s oureau arawer me police iouna '.
a letter .from little Mildred signing
herself as hla wife,-
See's real wife, a patient' woman,
aid after the verdict of guilty that she
had done her best to keep her husband
from forming the cult, pointing out to
him the awfulness of Its teachings.
"VM ,,h 1H "f Will h, harA tnm
him and hard for me, but our suffer
ings will buy the community freedom
from one of the deepest abysses of
.ur, .u.n. iVtlU)A - rfl Wlr.
u conrment tnat he will get porcupine, Ont, July 22. Chief For-
new trial, and he insists that hi. cult ester Atkinson of tno Domion Conse
will go on and wax strong whatever vatlon association after thUS 1
his own fate may be. The women he vestlgation on the spot declared that
rf!iJl.SX2t J.h- .f- Wi? suited In
. . ios oi in lives, wa in all Drobabllitv
vntcoai of tha cult anrf v th. m I . jt , . 7"T vuuoliliy
------ -- . -v nua uj k cigarecte.
(Special to The Journal.)
Baker. Or., July 22. Although posi
tively known to be the slaver of his
step father. George Chase, and a self-
confessed murderer. Bmmett Blood.
principal in the Rock Creek tragedy,
was yesterday released from custody
on the order of the jrrand Jury. In
company with his mother, a half-breed
Indian, and his little brothers, Blood
Immediately departed for home.
That the mother had the ria-ht lda
wnen on the day of the boy's arrest, she
went to the office of the county clerk
to iane out a fishing license for him.
is shown by the outcome.
Party of Roseburg People In
Horrible Accident While on
a Pleasure Trip.
Family and Friends Offer Re
ward of $1000 for Infor
mation About Maiden.
The vxrdlrt n( Vlilllv waa an alii, I
reached by the Jury, the first bballot !imlVln.",a Ptrsonalizatlon of See as
being eleven to one for conviction.
- Here are the points on which tha ver
dict was reached:
, I. Bee's own testimony on the stand
that he never said anything at the
Sheffield avenue station or anywhere
else that was untrue or the result of
8. That pitiful HtUe love letter from
Mildred Bridges to See Found in the
uBienoani s Dureau drawer and signed
"Kver your loving wife, the little girl
at home who loves you, Evelyn MU-
I. Mrs. Luclla M. Bridges' testimony r.!" ,m "v'n"e 8taon testified to by
i ha manner ana tnree news
paper reporters, Royce, Bhode and Gott-
nart, and Officers Ksslg and Charles
nepp. ine caresses between Evelyn
Arthur See and his women followers to
which all gave testimony, aa well as to
the nights spent unchaperoned in the
nai wun aee.
6. The testimony of little Clara Jenny
wiai ana saw Mona Rees and See In
compromising circumstapcea,
(United Pmm Leased Wire.)
Vancouver, B. C, July 22. Special
advices Just received from Victoria
state that the Canadian Paclflo rail
road White liners Empress of India, due
to reach William Head quarantine sta
tion at 1 o'clock this afternoon from th
Orient with 70 saloon and 400 Chinese
passengers aooard, has a case of small
pox aboard, discovered durlns- the vov,
age across the Pacific among the Chi
nese steerage passengers. Many guards
have been hired at the capttol and this
morning preparations were completed
io noia ine liner In Quarantine. Tha
Empress will probably be manned by
a sKeieiun crew on Monday and allowed
io proceed to this port. The passeaa--
om wu dc neia in quarantine for 18
days. The Empress of India in com
mand of Commander Beetham left
Hong Kong July 1 with a valuabla Or!.
ental cargo and the above number of
passengers. xoKoiiama Was cleared
several days later and nothlnar was
noucea amiss m the steerage quarters
by the health authorities at the Jap
anese port. The victim suffering from
the diseaae was located in mld-Pacifio.
'Take ThenT
All Back"
Raid the manager of a
large real estate company
when he found that ten
abstracts received from
n irresponsible conoern
here were full of errors.
Take them mil back and
have abstracts made by
the Lawyer' Abstract
Company. Our attorney
ays he can past on
these and know he is
It paid theni.
It will pay you to In.
slat on havinr GOOD ab
stracts tha kind we Is
sue. Half a million be
hind every abstract-
. ilni Bureau of The Jonrnnl
Balem, r., July 22. The arrival of
vvucnsr ior aib.SH rrem
(Special to Tha JoaroaL)
Myrtle Point, Or.. July 22. Al
creason. of Roseburg, with his wife
and daughter, were plunged down the
steep embankment into tha Coaulll
river late yesterday afternoon, when
the automobile in whloh the party was
on a pleasure trip got beyond control.
The scene of the accident is considered
the most dangerous "spot on the Rose-burg-Myrtle
Point road. The road winds
arouna the edge of the mountain and
in places is 200 feet above the river.
Automobiles bearing physicians were
sent rrom Myrtle Point to tha relief of
the injured party, and reports received
last night indicate that the Injuries of
me motner wera severe If not fatal.
i ne aaugnter was not seriously hurt.
(United Press Leesad Wire.)
San Francisco. July 12. With a re
ward of $1000 for information of the
whereabouts of Mary Gertrude Ilg
posted by the family and friends of
the missing girl and a possibility that
the state will offer an additional surd;
efforts today to locate, the young
woman who disappeared Monday were
redoubled. The most important clue
was furnished by three women living
near Menlo Park, who claim to have
seen a young woman answerlnsr Miss
Ilg's description.
.; , (Salem Bureau of Tfee Josrnal.)
Salem, Or., July f8. An experiment
with the plan of getting signatures to
an initiative measure without the aid
of paid circulators is to be tried in the
case of the bill to place the state print
er on a flat salary. This bill Ms now
i printed and the petitions will be sent
out at once to granges and labor organi
sations and to most of the county clerks
or Oregon. In some instances petitions
will be carried upon the streets, but in
most they will be ' held at a certain
point where signers will go and afflu
xneir names, unless .the time for fll
i ing the signatures approaches too close
: ly without the desired number of names
ino money will be paid circulators.-
The bill itself contains but 8 words,
and Is as follows: "A bill for an act
to amend chapter 2S of the laws pf
Oregon for lill placing the state print
er on a flat salary. Be it enacted by
tns people of the state of. Oregon: Sec
tion 1. Section 10 of chapter 28 of
the taws of Oregon for 111 1 Is hereby
amended so as to read aa follows: "Sec
tion 10. This act shall be In fulf force
and affect from and after, December 1.
191I.'... - s-
In eonneotion with the mailing out of
the petitions to their widely scattered
points of circulation, there will be mailed
to tha taxpayers of tha stats a letter
, reTiawms; int struggle io gee ine siaie
printer placed on a flat salary as fol
lows: ; .. ;
The Letter to Taxpayers.
"On January 1, 10T, the fee system
of paying state officials was succeeded
by flat salaries. The change has saved
not thousands, but hundred thousands
of dollara to the taxpayers. This fact
is vouched for without hesitationln the
secretary of state's office through which
al! accounta pass. The office of the
state printer was the only one omitted
from the flat salary program. The rea
son has never been explained.
"Bills to place the state printer on a
flat salary have been before every leg
islature since flat salaries were adopted
for the other offices, but have invaria
bly been Juggled into worthlessness or
defeat The last legislature passed a
reasonably good flat aalary law for tho
state printer, but it was made the brunt
of one. of the most disgraceful log
rolling campaigns ever known to our
law making body. When passed it was said Judge Hamilton on the witness
so amended that It does not go Into stand. "I have never even spoken to
effect until January 1, 1J15. Mr. Cardwell about the case. It was
"Many people believe the office of my intention to preside at the trial, but
state printer is greatly overpaid. Fig- I was deterred by the adverse advice of
urea in the secretary of state's afflce my physician. Three days before the
iadicate it. Past and present secretaries May term of court opened I was strlck-
of state assert it unhesitatingly. They' en with the la grippe, and I secured
also state that the atate printing de- Judge Gantenbeln of Portland to hold
partment is by far the most expensive a session here, convening the grand
of any of the state's affairs. It has Jury and fixing the date for a special
been asserted that the people Indorsed term one week later. I thought that
the present system when they elected I might be able to preside at the special
the present state printer. We believe term, but I had not yet recovered from
this Is a mistake for the reason that the effects of a -high fever and Dr.
the issue was lost In the assembly and Sether warned me that if I attempted,
anti-assembly struggle. to resume work I might suffer a relapse
"In order that this issue may be put mai mignt result rataiiy. it was May
. (Special te The Journal.) '
Roseburg. Or.. July, 22. J. O. Drake,
charged with libel, was bound over to
the grand Jury this morning by Justice
R. W. Marster. Ball was fixed at
In the preliminary hearing of J, O.
Drake, charged with criminal libel aa a
result of his communication to The Or
egontan, charging, among other things,
that Judge Hamilton feigned illness to,
avoid trying the McClallen ease and
that he collaborated with, MoClallen's
attorneys in preparing ' instructions to
the Jury,' Judge Hamilton emphatically '
declared that he was not connected, .
either directly or indirectly, with the
preparation of tha instructions auto
tnltted by Judge Coke and that ho was
too ill, to preside over the case, r
Following ts tha paragraph of Drake's
letter which refers to Judge Hamilton
and which caused Hamilton to swear
out the complaint against Drake!
. Drake's Principal Charges. .
"Why did Judge Coke and Cardwell.'
the attorney for the defense, leave the
courtroom before he, Judge Coke, in
structed the Jury? It le my candid opin
ion that Judge Coke never wrote the in
structions to the Jury but that Judae
Hamilton of Roseburg and W. W. Card-;
well, .the attorney for the defense com
posed the transcript and Judge Coke
permitted himself to be a tool for the
L1IUULT 1 1 II H . m. ciaaa W II U w 11
flA anvrhlna t is L aVilalA Ana M
clique; a class that has no regard for.
true Justice, God, home, nor the true
morals of American patriotism. It was
claimed Judge Hamilton was sick; that
was not the truth; he could go out in
the garden and hoe and dig; he was abls
to work. What a sham!"
Would Clear Jadlolarr.
'1 consider it my duty to psoaeeute
Drake," Judge Hamilton ststed, "riot'
because I have any ill will toward him,
butjfor the reason that the Judiciary
should be cleared of the aspersions cast
upon it by his letter.
"I did not assist Attorney Cardwell
in any way m preparing the instruc
tions to the Jury in the McClallen case.".
fSoedal tn Tha Innrnal
Olympia, Wash., July 22. Evidence
connecting J. H. Wilson, section fore-j
man at Rainier, with the Coble klllins
July 10, is being gathered bv Sheriff
iasion, wnicn seems to fasten the crime
more firmly on Wilson than on any of
the three suspects arrested before tha
section foreman was detained. Mrs.
Wilson is In Olympia today and Sheriff
Gaston Is closeted with her and the
prosecuting attorney in an effort to s-et
all the facts which she may. have rela
tive to Wilson's conduct toward her and
at the time of the tragedy. It is said
that she found blood stains about thai
tent the morning following the Coble
killings. Previous to that time Wilson
had been sleeping at the bunk house
wun the section crew.
New York, July 22. That the mys
tery surrounding the disappearance of
19-year-old Louise Swan, missinr from
her home since last Monday, will only
oe solved wnen her dead body has been
recovered from the waters of the river,
inio wnicn u is reared sne has thrown
herself, is the belief which her father.
vvuiiam swan, expressed here today,
owan inclines io me belief that un
weioome notoriety in connection with
her disappearance may have Influenced
ner to suicide.
Detectives who have been ena-aared in
the search for the missing girl declare
she probably became headstrong, se
cured work in some obscure section of
the city and has no knowledge of the
stir ner disappearance has csused.
up to the people fairly and squarely,
the undersigned have caused to be print
ed initiative petition to put the Miller
law Into effect December 1, 191$, or
Immediately following next election."
Membership of Committee.
Since the beginning of this move
ment the services of A. C. Blgelow,
representative in the legislature of 1S11,
have been secured, making the person
nel of the committee at present: C. E3.
Spence, master of state grange; Will
Daly, president Oregon State Federa
tion of Labor; L. E. Bean, state
senator; M. A. Miller,
ator; C. C. McCulloch,
tor; J. C. Smith, representative, 1911;
Ralph C. Clyde, representative, 1911;
Timothy Brownhill, representative, 1911;
A. C. Blgelow, representative, 1911, and
Harry H. Hill, secretary Capital Typo
graphical union of Salem. Mr. Hill has
acted as secretary of the committee and
carried on the correspondence and get
ting out of the petitions.
80 before I was able to leave my home."
County Clerk Lenox . corroborated
Hamilton's testimony by testifying that
he called at the Judge's home and
found, him alck in bed. Attorney Card-
well testified that Hamilton did not as
sist him in the preparation of the In
structions. Another phase of Drake's alleged libel
with which the hearing had to do re
lated to his censure of the district at
torney for not placing on the witness
stand . at McClallen's trial Lillian
Spelcher, the woman who figured so
prominently In the tragedy. Evidence
Lumberman Admits He Asked
New York Central to
Use Influence.
(Vnltad Prase teased Wire.)
Lisbon, Portugal, via Badaioi.
2. TJTOODB of the Drnviainnal
mentrere rushed to the northern fron-P0."0 Lorimer In the senate, he had
(United Preai Leased Wire.)
Washington, July 22. Recalled to the
stand, Edward Hlnes. the Chicago lum
berman, accused of having worked to
collect the 1100,000 "slush fund" al.
leged to have elected Senator Lorimer,
leauuoa ioaay oerore the senate in,
vestigatlng commute.
Hines admitted that during the fight
. jPTsTiiteT rck 1
IHOeflal to Tha Janrnal 1 VVUCnsr IOT llb.SH rrom tha atata
Stevenson, Wash.. Jnlv ? p.t.. I bOftftt Qt flBh And B&lTltk com mi sal rim..
300 and 400 cords of WOOd TATA hn rnsasf for the salary of 8. L. Sandrv r.v..i.
near this place this morning.- The wood t0 Secretary of State Olcott yesterday
had been beached on the Columbia river afternoon that Sandry was holding two
vT. AT 11 l" -oruana ny Asn & sinciiy at variance with
Pvord. two thousand cords war n th. tha law. Sandrv la ifmt flak
several lots, but the fire was gotten ' fishery district no. 2 and gets for
auac'kr5 Lb:liJl. .P"f! f!0 ' rr 100
. . . " ",uu"' w nave wutj, unaer tne statutes
Zt??.J lncendlrr origin. A bucket to devote his entire time to tie
Sfi1 crryn water from the river, fishing Industry of the state. His ap-
2mall jlrk in h0Wn tba ,,re t0 POlnt' t the additional office of
- a ir.,' , . " commissioner carries an ad-
myA.t.ri?u.?v,r'n..P'7r "1. annum" The
(.. zz in, wuuici was reiurnea by Secretary Ol
thft . il.c.u,,e1 Jopl t0 ,eel cott unpaid. y o-creiary oi.
that a firebug" is working near Sta- :' - " -
Injured bjr Falling Wood.
lArieiriail rka. ?.... - .
Glendale, Or. July 22. Karl A. Mil
Woman Killed by Car.
luoiwo rrese Laaad Wire.)
lata a,-.k. . , " aTSM
San Dleao. Csi.TiST. "i T' "a"J"0 "? State bank,
tel., Taylor t. th- V;"'." .r' T,?" -V .JT.W" morning py a wood
car here today 4 , r"? suirerea a se-
gxu - -- --- v. w ,nt4 j vere swp wouna, requiring - several
tier today, where a force of Portue-ueee 0 upon President W. C
a . a I . TatH V J- a.
monarcnists unaer uaptam Couclere is
reported to be about to Invade the coun
try. The royalists, it Is reported, are
equippea wun moaern arms.
That the Spanish government Is se
cretly supporting the monarchists Is
apeniy cnargea nere,
Chicago, July 22The explosions of
an auiomoDiis engine rrightened Mamie
Roggenbuck into leaping backward so
suddenly that she lost her balance f.n
anu uruao nc, aying instantly.
:f ' 1 i ai ' '
Xo Arraign Trio Tuesday. .
Los Angeles, Cel., July 22 n.-u
Distrlot Attorney O. R. Horton -announced
today that J9. HL t.
Behder and A. B. Maple, union men re
Indicted Thursday on char area of havi.
attempted to dynamite t the hall , of
records building, will be arraigned
Tuesday., nest before Sunerinv iiir.
'JTrank Willis. . ,
Brown of
the New York Central In behalf of
lorimer. He denied, that he soua-ht tn
seoure the influence of Senator Depew
wuu is cioseiy aiuea witn tns Nkjv tmu
Hlnes also admitted that he had SDent
a monin in waahlnarton durlnar tha
lionmer nearing endeavoring, as he said,
to have senators "understand tha f ma
in ths case.
tBltad Prvaa Tmumi win , '' ; '
BsatUe, Wash., Jaly 22. Falllna- fou
stories from a window six stories above
we grouna io m. roor, uienn MCKensle,
19, son of W. K. McKensie. nresldent
the McKensie-Hunt Payer company, will
probably ,llve. - He had boen enjoying
io c vAa,vv , Anauvat ana cam,S in St
10:20. He partly undressed and Want
over te alt la the open window to listen
to the muslo of a band. , It is. believed
that he fell asleep and lost his hai.n.
No bones were broken, but he was in,
tsrnally Injured. He la -at thafeaoifi
hospital In a serious condition, ,
state sen- Educed in reifard to this was that tha
State Sena-1 woman was too ill tn anuir In nnnrt
or even give a deposition and that her
testimony would have been detriments!
rnjther than helpful to the state'a case.
Dr. Sether. ' who attended ' Judge
Hamilton during his illness, was called
to the witness stand this morning and
stated that the judge was too ill to
resume work at that time. After Both
er's evidence the state closed.
The examination was held in Justice
R. W. Marster's court. Drake is repre
sented by Attorney C. S. Jackson. Dis
trict Attorney Brown represents ths
state. .
United States Minister Says
End of Present Govern
ment Is Near.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Washington, July 12. Cable-dispatches
from United States Minister Furnlss
from Port Au Prince to the state de
partment today say that the end of
the present Haytlen government is near.
He says that the diplomatic representa
tives of the powers are anxiously
awaiting the arrival of United States
warships, fearing that loot and rapine
will follow the entrance of the rebela
Into the city.
The treasury of the republic,' he says.
Is empty and President Simon's hold
In power Is slipping hourly.
Minister Furnlss reports that tha
gunboat Petrel today is en route to
Oonaives to ascertain the situation
there and the gunboat Peoria Is due at
Port Au Prince this afternoon from
San Juan. . , , '
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Chicago, 111.. July 22. Despite his
father's refusal to mix In the matter
at all, Selwyn Edgar, Jr., today is hur
rying toward Chicago from Tarrvtown.
New Tork, to take charge of the bod
of his mother, who was killed 'here By
n auiuraoDiie ana wnose Identity as
the divorced wife of the St Louis mil
llonalre, had been shrouded in her role
as a domestic. Young Edgar has not
seen his mother since the divorce, 23
years ago.
(Special to The Journal.) ;
Olendale, Or., July 22. Charles Zelg.
ler, arrested for disorderly conduct on
the street, developed symptoms of -Insanity
while confined in the city Jail,
smashing all the furniture and fixtures
in his celt and bruising and battering
himself severely. He was taken from
the cell and placed under the care of
asiaia sua aswa iVUUU, ' ' '
It Is thought that he "was merely
playing with the officers and his In
sanity was was a pretense.
(United Press Leased Wire.) '
New York, July. 22. More than 8000
begging tetters, asking for sums aggre
gating 1110:000,000, it was announced
here today, have been received by Mrs.
B. H. Harrlmsn during the last year.
At first the widow of the greafrailroad
wisard and .financier -gave the letters
her personal attention In an effort to
sort fjut the worthy ones, but of late
the task lias become so large that she
has been obliged to turn over the 'cor
respondence to assistants.
The sums asked for range from 110
to very large amounts; r
Tony Bob" Is Dying.
(United Press Leased Wlre.l
Chicago, July 22. Robert. W.: Has
lam, familiarly know to every nlalna.
man In the early days aa "Pony Bob"
the man who carried the first new a
muu utuwuiu aiovviun uirougn S
country filled with hostile Indiana. W
dying here from a stroke of paralysis'
yosemito Discoverer Dead.' ? i
uiiii i-rr-a iiaaq wire.) . .,. 11
Danville, 111., July 22. Gus'tavua C
s"ssai rsnn . - was t 1 ran nairii raa riss at m
NOT GUILTY TO CHARGE rtwncrd.rVrntne
1 : - - I Yosemtte valley: 60 years ago after they
had been driven out Of Utah by the
Mormons, la dead here today. '
(Unltsd Press Leased Wire.)
Indianapolis. Ind.. July 22. Detective
William J. .Burns pleaded not guilty te
the charge of having kidnaped John J.
MoNamara in eonneotion with the dyf
namlting of the Los Angelas Times
building, when hs was arraigned in th
criminal' court here today and furnished
ball In the sum of 12100 on each of the
four lndlotmente. , -'
Burns' triak will be held ttnelther
September or October. .
1 i
End ot Wellman "Dash."
: rnited Prraa laiiad Wlre.i
. Augusta, , Maine Juty - 22. Hearing
on a petition tq dissolve the Wellman.
Chicago Record Herald polar expedition
company was heard Jjere today.. ' The
Corporation Wat orsanlaed tn. f Inane
Walter, Wellmart'a "dash" to tha North
Pole in a balloon. ,