The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Viidog? Focti Sliodca, Hammockg-Automatlc Relrlgeralors-Howord Dustlcgg Dugtcrs-Gendron, Wanner Go-Car tis
Rlchardaon Llnens-Manlcurlng and Halrdrepolng, 2d Floor StiocShIriInq sParlors In Basement Rental Dept. 3d FFr
Sale Children's
Sale oi Women's
SM!c Hosiery
SL25 Values 75c
81.50 Gloves 75c
Economy K ale i;of -"women's .Pure
Thread Silk Stockings,' in all wanted
colors, suitable for wear with. Oxfords
or Pumps.',. Our regular" stock HKgi
values' at $1.00 -and $1.25,. it lOv
Gloves Women's 16-button gloves In
black and colors, very good quality of
gilk, suitable for-, summers wear; ex
cellent $1.00 to $1.50 values, HKp
special economy sale price at vli
$3.25 Vals. $1.75
$8.50 Vals. $6.75
In the sunshade store, maiji floor, a
great July , clean-up", sale ox our . en
tire ctnrk . of ' thin season's narasols:
$8.50 values are specialised at $6.75;
our regular $3.25 values' are $1.75; a
lot of $225 values are on .sale at $1.59;
and the $7.00 line divided into 3
lots, priced special for this CM QK
sale at $4.00, $4.75 and P5p
Sale ol Cottage
Dinner Sets
A rrnt Tulv clean-no of Cottatre Din
ner Sets, well selected pieces, dainty
border decoration with sold line.
50-piece $5.00 Dinner Set f, $3.65
60-piece $6.40 Dinner Seta,
100-piece $9.95 Dinner Seta, f T.1S
Meakins' best decorated English semi-
oorcelain Dinner Sets, latest plain
shapes, dainty border pattern, pink
and gray, full gold line, as follows:
50-piece $8.85 Dinner Seta, $6.95
60-piece $11.50 Dinner Seta, f8.T5
100-piece $17.90 Dinner Seta, $13.50
Sale German
China Half Off
Berry or Fruit Saucers in as- JAj
sorted decorations, all reduced
n-rrv Saucers in sets of 6 for 25)
Better grades at sped, reduced prices.
Berrv or Fruit Bowls in assorted -
sizes and decorations, reduced to 2
Berry Bowls, special lie and up.
Individual butter plates, reg- fA.
ular $1.00 dozen. Special atUUl
Individual Bread and Butter QQ
Plates; $1.75 dozen. Special at OOl
Decorated Soup Plates; fl1 OA
regular $2.40 value?, dozen PAArfV
Decorated Teacups and Saucers. Reg
ular $4.00 dozen, specially PO AA
priced at, the dozen, only JIJv
Decorated plates, 8j4-inch (J" ff
size. Reg. $3.10 dozen, at Vt)tJ
Third Off
All short lines in Haviland Decorated
China; hundreds of articles to select
from. Plates, cups and saucers, berry
bowls, fruit saucers, sugar and creams,
tea, cottee and chocolate raff
pots, and pickle dishes 3
C2.SO Val. Sl.54
SCO O Vol. 152.94
Economy sale of Rengo Belt Corsets,
made of heavy coutil, reinforced ab
domen, with tops trimmed in lace,
fitted with, hose supporters; sizes 24
to 36 for stout figures. M f54
Regular $2.50 values, for $1J'
Bdn Ton Corsets in batiste and coutil,
long or . medium' lengths,, boned with
walohn,. trimmed with lace or rib
bon, fitted with 4 or 6 hose supporters.
Regular , values to - $6.00, Q J
specialized it, the pair
Glen wood
Gutter 2 lbs.
RACO N Best English " Q
styles; ' Special at.; the X lb. ikOy
H AM S--Ex t r a choice
cugar cdred' hanis,r the lb.
NO. S . 1 PAIL -LARD. FOR : S5c
NO. 10 -PAIL' LARD FOR $1.10
Deviled .Meats -Ham : fla-OC
vor, very choice, 6 cans for mOk
Potted Beef, Franco- "1ft
American, special, the can- Ivv
Summer M e a t a
Boned i chicken,' boned turkey, vea!
loaf,' chicken loaf, ' etc.! in cans;
also a large variety of meats and
delicatessen good of all kinds pre
pared under the most sanitary con.
ditions.' ' Ready to serve. . -Phone
vour, orders, Exchange' 12, A-6231.
Only 100 Bags in this lot The very
latest shapes in ' extra .'quality
goat seal - stock. LGilt , or , gun-
- double or. single strap, handles fit-
coin purses and gl Oft
tard cases; Vals to $5, at
G2.5Q Flomacinq
at 98c ttie Yard
A large assortment of flouncings . in English
eyelet and blind designs, large and small floral
effects in Swiss, nainsook, 4atiste and cambric
materials, suitable for many turpi
Values to $2.50, specially ' priced, for
uly Clean-up s economy ; sale - of laces.
uly Clean-up" economy sale of ribbons.
uly Uean-up" , 1 tale , ot . embroidery.
45c Ap goes 29c
Economy sale of Women's Aprons, light
and dark colored percale, styled with
large bibs and pockets, neatly bound
with white, our regular 45c val- OQ
ues, specially priced, tomorrow at FC
Our entire , stock of Straw Bonnets
and Hats , for Infants and Children.
Values from $1.35 to $7 each. fa
Special sale price,' tomorrow, at 2
Shirts, Gowns
Economy sale tomorrow' of ChiU
dren's Muslin Skirts and Gowns,
in infants' store, 2d floorli These
are all seasonable vals. 65c gar
ments go at 39; 85c. gar- AO,
ments at 59f; $2 garments vOC
All IVItlUncry
I s R educ e d
Tlie Clottilnq
Also Reduced ,
II II v C V A Kil id cai c fc wrrwirrwo TDinn?T u itc
flTiIU rTTitt W Arfh mm turn 9c A TrMrrnmrtI1
Att IPiHIees Tlhaitt Yoni Cainitt IRgStl:
Right in the height of the teason when you are needing just uch garment as these, we cut the price to low that no one can afford to
mis this opportunity to gave. Plans are being made for a great buying expedition; many of our buyers are now in New York,
others are going next week. Orders have been issued to clean up stock at all hazard so the buyers may have full sway in the markets
A sensational Cleanup of women's fine Tailored Suits,
the like of which are not to be found in all Portland
They come in all the best materials and most pleasing
pattern The wool suits vary in price from $32.50 to
$68.50 The satin suits from $32.50 to $58.50 The
$22.50 Suit for $15.00 $47.50 Suits for $31.67
$25.00 Suits for $16.67 $55.00 Suits for $36.67
$28.50 Suits for $19.00 $58.50 Suits for $39.00
$32.50 Suits for $21.67 $62.50 Suits for $41.67
$35.00 SuiU for $23.34 $65.00 Suits for $43.34
$38.50 Suite for $25.67 $67.50 Suite for $45.00
$45.00 Suite for $30.00 $68.50 Suite for $45.67
$12.50 Taffeta Silk and Jersey Petticoats for $6.49
$10.00 Messaline and Taffeta Petticoats only $4.39
$ 7.50 Taffeta Silk Petticoats special at only $2.98
Great Economy disposal of Women's Coats, of good
quality pongee silk; plain or semi-fitting; band trimmed
or plain collars Also linen coats made of good heavy
material, half fitting and Empire styles, with black satin
and Foulard silk collars and cuffs Ideal traveling or
auto coats, coats for street or beach wear. All reduced.
$ 5.00 Coats only $ 3.78
$ 7.50 Coats only $5.63
$10.00 Coats only $ 7.50
$12.50 Coats only $ 9.38
$15.00 Coats only $11.25
$16.50 Coats only $12.38
$17,50 Coats only $13.12
$18.50 Coats only $13.88
$20.00 Coats only $15.00
$25.00 Coats only $18.75
$27.50 Coats Only $20.63
Fine Linen Skirts on
Sale fior Halfl Price
Here's an economy offering that will appeal to all women, as it com
prises every style, and quality of pure linen Tub Skirts, in plain or panel
backs, some plaited effects, some with handsome embroidered fronts or
trimmed with, crochet buttons, tailored bands, etc. Reg- i DiIsft
ular prices range $6 to $12.50; for this "July Clean-up" 3 1TICC
Regular $ 6.00 Pure Linen Skirts, Special only $3.00
Regular $ 7.00 Pure Linen Skirts, Special only $3.50
Regular $ 8.00 Pure Linen Skirts, Special only $4.00
Regular $ 9.00 Pure Linen Skirts, Special only $4.50
Regular, $10.00 Pure Linen Skirts, Special only $5.00
Regular $12.50 Pure Linen Skirts, Special only $6.25
Great Sale of Women's
825.00 Waists Only, 86.95
Women who study economy will appre
ciate this very unusual offering of high-
class Waists, as it presents an oppor
tunity to get something very fine at a
nominal coat. The lot is composed of
sheer, lingerie and marquisette mater
ials, styled with kimono or long sleeves,
high or Dutch necka. trimmed with col
ored embroidery, cluny and Irish laces
medallions and insertions, Irish crochet
and new Bulgarian embroidery effects,
bead work, Frenoh knots, etc., many
hand-made Walsta in the lot; alaea 34
to 44. Regular values to $25. j am
Bargainized for this event, at i ())
$28.50 Coats only $21.33
$32.50 Coats only $24.38
$38.50 Coats only $28.88
$10.00 Lingerie Waist reduced for this sale to $4.59
$ 8.50 Lingerie Waists reduced for this sale to $2.49
Summer DSSCS
Great July Clean-up Sale of Women's Dain
ty Summer Dresses; sizes- 34 to 40, of such
good fabrics as marquisettes, batistes,
nets, lawns and sheer lingerie materials'
as follows:
$42.50 Summer Dresses $31.88
$38.50 Summer Dresses $28.88
$35.00 Summer Dresses $26.25
$30.00 Summer Dresses $22.50
$28.50 Summer Dresses $21.38
$25.00 Summer Dresses $18.75
$22.50 Summer Dresses $16.88
$20.00 Summer Dresses $15.00
$15.00 Summer Dresses $11.25
In Men's Suiininrier Underwear
$i.0q Values Only 69c
$2 Union Soils att S1.29
A great economy sale of two big
tables loaded down with Men's Hot
Weather Underwear, Shirts and
Drawers, of fine quality dimity or
lisle, coat style shirts or knee length
. drawers, or full length garments. Our
'regular values to $1.00, spe
cial economy price, a garment
Economy sale of men's fine -quality
Mercerized Lisle Union Suits, knee
length, sleeveless garments or full
length sleeves and legs, white-or
flesh colors, all sizes, summer
weights. Most extraordinary $2.00
vals. Bargainized for this f OQ
economy sale, garment vlMif
Men's 35c Sox nt 17c
Mill end ' clean-up
in hne quality cotton
WJ Men's
md lisle plain or fancy colors.
seasonable weights in all sizes.
If , bought' in the. regular way
such socks could not be sold for
less than ,25c or 35c.' tfA
Special tomorrow, 3 jprs. UC
, i ' I 4 i- t )
Big July" clean-up of Men's Hats
Men's Regular SleSO Shirts at 95c
Economy sale of 5000 Men's White Plaited Shirts In the coat styles, with
cuffs attached, medium or narrow plaits, all sizes and sleeve lengths, cut full
in tne ooay. very exceptional values it $1.50 each. Special for nr.
very low price, your choice
$3.50 Pajamas for $1.55
Men's Pajamas in plain color eoisette
tnateriala - and neat striped and'
checked madras cloth In a big as
sortment of colors, well-made and
tnmmea witn siik loops, pi er
i. at
tomorrow's economy sale, at this
75c Neckwear for 29c
All short ' lines of Men's Neck
wear," wide open end and .narrow
stives', made up of good grade
silks in
plain and fancy colors
Wc and 75eval- in'
ues for .tomorrow, . at only
Big July clean-up of Men's Suits
All ..sjzes. $3.50 values,
July Clean-up of Men'a Underwear Big July clean-up of Boys' Waists
Big July clean-up of Boye SuiU j Big July clean-up of Boys' Hats
II 11
25 Vals.
Sensational "Economy Sale" of 200 men's Suit; made of
serviceable materials and tailored in an honest, skillful man-
ner, which counts so much for the permanence in shape
and fitSummer weight uit r for old and young men-7-
Pleasing patterns in tweed and fancy mixture Size 34 to
46 Stouts, slims and regular sizes-rmarked fl "j f F
to sell at $18, $20, $22.50, j$25, speciaLat 1 Z1 U
Sttiraiw Hlili
TlniM Less
Men with an eye to smart styling and a hanker
ing after fashion will appreciate; this offering of
Straw Hats; f milan svf Split straw and panamaa,
The very latest blocksC Originally
priced1 very low, are now offered ; at
Great Sale
Office Coats
Men's lightweight office
coats in black, gray and
cream colors; made of al
paca, .. poplin and silk , al
paca, Sizes 34 to 36. Trice;
Sl.RO up t yD.LJ