t .1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 18. j 1911. SSSIlmiiF I lUIWIil. VllVli wi 4-T, ft'; 100 IN STAMPEDE Explosion Sets Theatre Afire and Audience Has to Face Flames to Reach the Door; . Three Buildings Burn. 'Great Big D" Used By Clergyman; Trusts Raise Price of Milk and Ice (RperUl to Tbe Journal.) Heppner, Or.. July 18. The moat seri ous fire Heppner has had for years oc curred last night, when an explosion In the operating room of a moving pic ture show caused a sudden Durst of flames, which in two minutes enveloped the entire building. The flames were beyond control be fore water could ba .directed against them. Absence ot an organisation of firemen la to a large extent the cause of the great loss, but those who volun . teered In an hour's time had the fire under control. It la now hoped that the city will endeavor to organise a certain fire protection and be able to get water on a flame much more quickly than wis done in this case. - The. building In which the plctate show was operating waa owned by the Star Brewery company, and waa com pletely ruined. Two thousand five hun dred dollars tnaurance was carried on this building. The next building to the south was the Swaggart building, in which was a Chinese restaurant. Se vere loss was experienced here, aa the flamea leaped to it. There waa 11500 insurance on this building. The Mo A tee building, south, was damaged only of the roof; $300 will perhaps cover this loss. The office of Phil Cohn, warehouseman, which was next to the picture show, waa completely destroyed. There were about 100 people In the picture show when the fire buret out, and Charles Collins waa Injured In the stampede for the door by sparks fly ing in his eye, but It Is reported his Injury is not serious. Mad the hall been crowded It Is certain many would have been killed or Injured, as it was neces sary for them to come directly toward the blase In paaslng out Fortunately, no wind waa blowing, and this perhaps caved the larger part of the business district. OPEN COMPETITION URGED (Continued from Page One.) atruction Co. Present progreaa, he aaid this morning. Indicates that a beginning In erecting the steel may be made by the first of the year. Nothing will be done to prevent com petition for the lift span, said Mr. Mod jeskL The approval of the Strauss trun nion bascule in preliminary drawings does not award the contract to Strauss, In spite of the general impression to the contrary. Others Kay Bid. "I was required to Include a type of draw span of probable suitability Irl preliminary plans,' and I submitted the : Strauss plaa for that reason," said the famous Chicago engineer, while at his office, foot of 'Broadway street, - S "I never held a conference with Coun cilman Menefee, other than perhapa of the most Incidental nature, as to the type of lift span that will be finally adopted. Others will have opportunity to submit bids after authority for mak ing the plana has been given, and there will then be open competition." It had been intimated that Mayor Simon waa favorable to the Strauss bascule lift span, and In a conference where Councilman Menefee participated had Intimated as much to Mr. Modjeskl. Influenced by a report of such a con ference, other companies making special or patented typea of lift 'spans were said to have withdrawn from the field. West Bide Pier sons. Since hia arrival from Chicago Mr. Modjeskl haa been busy looking over -the work on the substructure. He be lieves that Jt will not be necessary to sink the east aide caissons so deep as was originally planned, and that the calssona may be firmly founded at a leasened depth that will permit a aavlng of money to the olty. Minor alterations in east approach to the bridge will alao, said Mr. Modjeakl, be submitted to the bridge committee of the executive board. He will descend this afternoon into the bridge caisson to examine more closely the feasibility of founding the pier at a depth of 36, rather than 60 feet. The west aide pier of the Broadway bridge is complete. Work on tha eaat One Price Dentists WO MOBB JCO XJSBS Conault our advertised prices carefully then come to us and you will find that we do exactly aa we advertise. Bet ter still, bring this "ad" with you, get the work performed, then pay ua the advertised prices. We fill, crown, treat, bridge, regulate or extract teeth with out pain. These low prices buy "best quality" dentistry. f in - J M & $4.00 BKXDOB WOU, per tooth SB-ear BOIiD POKCXLAXBT O fMB EXAMXVATXOH, BXTXAOTXO (when plates or bridges are ordered); CLEAimrO) TBBTS (when other work . Is ordered.) liver finings Simple Mo com pound fX Oold ruling-- According to else, $ Killing Verves and Treatiag Teeth 1.00 to fl.M extra. Foil Set of Teeth, $5,$7.50,$10 Aooordlng to quality of work desired. , AH Work Ooarenteed for IS Tears. ALBA BROS. BBUABXH 1AIKXZM DEWTISTS Open a. m. to s p. m. Sunday t to 1 p m. Phone Marshall 2148. X. W. Ooraer ad aad Bf orrtsoa, Vpstalra, , Bstu-e florae. - . snnrmna rrmrinp nnute i n Book, Catalog; aad Commercial ''I'PFlntlnn. Seek Bladlnf and Blank Book Making 3S8Ji)lor St: Phones: A2281, M620I New York, July 11 The Rev. Louis Shreve Osborne, rector of Trinity Kpls copal church, Newark, caused a sensa tlon by using the word "damn' very forcibly over his signature In a com munication accompanying a subscription to a free ice fund In that city. In the communication he says: ''1 have been taught that 'damn' is a good, sound, sc riptural word, not, how- I ever, to be used unadvisedly or lightly, dui reverenuy, uiscreruy, auviscuiy, so berly and In the fear of God, like mat rimony or a blue pill, and so I say, ad visedly and soberly, damn tho Ice trust and the milk trust, and the farmers and the cows and everybody and everything that la making this hot weather an ex cuse for boosting the price of ice and milk. "The sugar trust may be faulty and the Standard Oil company not all that can be desired, but they don't oonaplre to kill sick babies. "Thank God, the undertakers have not ralaed the price on coffins and the doc tors on vislte and that parsons still min ister to the sick and poor without money and without price. "Ho here's 110 more for tho Ice fund direct (on the side) to help alleviate the poverty of the Indigent milkmen and imnecuntoua Icemen. I hope they'll re-, pent in time to escape that place whero they'd give their immortal souis ior a drink of ice milk." The communication waa provoked by the recent advance In the price of milk and ice in Newark. F: 1'"" , rffo.srmTT a saw osuffl'Mair iree Alsof 4200 in Otte Prizes side approach haa been commenced. The east lift pier is being excavated, and the east bank pier la well under way. SPIRIT MEDIUM'S "TIPS" TAKE MONEY AND WIFE iCslUd Press litnl Chicago, July IS. Tlpa of a spirit medium have caused Jacob Henry Lesher to lose 11,000,000 In the paat four years, to aay nothing of losing his wife and. heavy alimony. Long Fight BUy Be Settled. President T. "W. Rows of the Ameri can Flint Olasa Workers' union baa sent out a circular letter to the Olasa Bottle Blowers' association, a rival or ganization, making overtures for a set tlement of the long fight between the two organixatlona. , Machinist Get Increase. The International Association of Ma chinist recently reaohed an agreement with the Michigan Central Railroad company for an Increase In wages, the rate now being 14 tt cents an hour flat rate. SALEM FIRE MARE HAS 22ND BIRTHDAY PRESENT COMING FROM THE CITY S (Balrm Bnniu ot The Journal.) e Salem, Or., July 18. Dolly, a 4 faithful gray mare, which has 4 served steadily on the Salem fire d 4 department since lite, is to be 4 given a twenty-second annlver- 4) e aary birthday gift from the city council In the way of a transfer 4 to the steadier work of the street 4 e department, with the pledge of 4) 4 the olty council that when she Is no longer able to work she d may be retired on a pension ado- d 4 quate to keep her In ease and d comfort the remainder of her e days. This little piece Of munlc- e lpal sentiment was proposed by 4 Alderman F. W. Durbln and d passed unanimously, much to the 4 4 satisfaction of several women at 4 d the council meeting. journal Want Ads bring results. Vacation Goods The Owl Store is well prepared to take care of your every vacation want., Here are a few suggestions. You'll find qualities up to Owl standard, and prices down to Owl cut prices. FREE! If you have no Piano, try this, competition ever inaugurated. Chest of Silver, Ladies' Gold the most 'interesting and instructive $4200. in prizes, including Elegant , Watches, Handsome Music Cabinet EREE! 5P . 1 1 '.,.: .1 ft rS" ' ; ? k i. l' . . 4 1 m m I s naniMssasin i m. 1 1', 'C"' .i...'''l"' 'I'l I J . - ' --,1" 1 J $550 PIANO, FIRST PRIZE The Magic "7" Puzzle Seven Grand Prizes Seventy-Seven Special Prizes to be awarded by Seven Great Piano Manufacturers during the Seventh Month of the year Can You Solve It? It Can Be Done! Take any number from 3 to 11 inclusive. Do not use any number more than once. Place one number in each of the spuares (as shown above) on this or a separate sheet of paper so that when they are added perpendicularly or horizontally the total will be 21. The 7 neatest, most attractive, correct answers will be given the 7 grand awards above men tioned, and the others in the order named. Few will get all 8 columns. Some will possibly get 6 columns, though all 8 columns can be arranged -Each contestant to abide by the rules. The decision of the judges to be final. In case of a tie, prizes of similar value to be given to each contest ant. Professional artists, music trade employees and winners of first prizes in our previous contests barred. All answers must be mailed or brought in to us by July 25, 1911, at 12 noon. Be sure your name and address are plainly written on your answer and send or deliver to Eilers Music House, Portland, Or. 19c 20c 18c lie SHAVERS' SUPPLIES Gem Junior Safety QQ You'll wish you'd bought one. 50c Lather Brushes, quick work made easy with OAg one like this 0 25c Williams' Shar ing Stick 25c Colgate's Shav ing Cream try it . . 25c Bay Rum, really good stuff 25c Mennen's Tal cum Powder Todco Shaving Mirror. J0 Come and see them . . Pt) Todco Shaving Mirror. Hang at any angle Vt Razor Strops, "Keen" Edge makers, from $2,75 OK rlown to a4Ji Styptic Pencils for Rexall Shaving Lotion. 25c and 75c Pinaud's Lilac de (On France OOlv Army and Navy Blade Strop-per-"for any d1 AA blade," at J1.UU Henckle Razor (PC fA from $1.00 to tPtlsVU 25c Williams' Tal- 1 K cum Powder JLOv 10c 50c TOILET ARTICLES 25c 19c 25c 29c Rexall Tan and Freckle Lotion . . 50c Raymond Cream, QKa "flesh or white" OUU 25c Lavender Smell ing Salts 35c Reeves' Almond Cream 50c Hind'g H. & A. Cream 25c R. St G. Rice Ofla Powder vt 25c Woodbury's Face 1 Qn Cream A7l 20c Todco Sanitary "I A. Face Chamois J.UI "Something New" 50c Stillman's Freckle QQ, Cream UU 25c Mum for 25c Spiro for ! 25c Bathasweet for Harmony Violet Am monia Bath Powder.. 5c Honeycomb Wash Cloths, 6 for 75c Sponge Bags at 50c Pebecco Tooth Paste 25c Calo Tooth Powder 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder," 2 for 25c Colgate's Dental Cream 19c 18c 19c 25c 25c 25c 37c 18c 25c 20c , n INFORMATION BLANK Attach this slip (or one similar) to your answer, writing plainly. Name ....... Street No Postoffice If possible, give below the names and addresses of two or more of your friends whom you believe might consider the purchase of a Piano, Autopiano or Organ: Name P. O. Address Name P. O. Address Name P. O. Address Also one or more who might consider the purchase of a Phonograph. Name P. O. Address Name P. O. Address Name P. O. Address. f CHESTS OF SILVER SECOND vn FIFTH : PRIZES The Prizes Are as Follows: FIRST PRIZE Magnificent $550 Piano, choice of finest upright piano made by manufacturer cooperating in this contest. SECOND PRIZE Magnificent chest of silver and $150 cash purchasing check. ' THIRD PRIZE Ladles' gold watch and $140 cash purchasing check. FOURTH PRIZE Beautiful Music Cabinet and $135 cash purchasing check. FIFTH PRIZE Hanjsome chest of silver and $130 cash purchasing check. SIXTH PRIZE Ladies' gold watch and $125 cash purchasing check. SEVENTH PRIZE Gentlemen! gold signet ring and $120 purchasing check. Then, in order of merit, 77 special advertising' cash purchasing checks ranging in value from the above down to $60. All contestants will receive a beautiful art picture free. ' EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Largest Western Dealers in Pianos, in conjunction with Boston's, New York's, Philadelphia's and Chicago's Greatest Piano Makers will distribute to residents of Portland and vicinity $4750 FREE Why It Is Done Our purpose in holding this contest is to acquaint the people of this sec tion with the many far famed makes of pianos we handle. The manufac turers of these pianos are convinced that this form of advertising is far more effective than spending large amounts in magazine and newspaper advertising, subsidizing concert pianists, etc., etc. We too, believe' the best advertisement for a good Piano is a satisfied customer, and we believei further, that the advertising allowance fhould go to the person who buys a piano. We want every one to know that ours are the only stores in the west that sell the famous Chickering, the oldest and most expensive of American Pianos; the beautiful toned Sohmer; the now celebrated Lester of Philadel phia; the world-renowned Kimball, (given the Highest Grand Award st the Chicago Exposition, and again, at the Seattle Exposition) the genuine Decker, and our own Eilers Orchestral Piano, as well aa the famous Auto piano, which everyone can play without practice. The Steger Pianos, the Bush & Gerts and the H. P. Nelson Pianos also are sold by us. And we want every one to know that we sell these fine dependable' makes of instru ments for less than they are obtainable elsewhere. EILERS MUSIC HOUSE ttttSZE&c Oregon's Greatest Musical Establishment Or. Wednesday Only Full pint Peroxide Hydrogen 14c One of the greatest bargains ever offered in our store. Pure, Full Weight Drugs at Owl Everyday Prices 18 oz. Powdered Alum lOo J 6 oz. Powdered Borax lOo 18 oz. Powdered Sulphur. . . . . lOo 16 oz. Oround Klax Seed lOo 16 oz. Moth Balls 10o 16 ot. Epnom Baits ISO 16 oz. French Chalk lOo 16 oz. Bicarbonate Soda lOo 16 oz. Benzine lOo 16 ot. Lime Water .10o 4 os. Soap Bark .lOo 4 os. Rook Candy lOo I os. Cream Tartar lOo t os. Borscio Acid, lOo 3 oz. Glycerine lOo 6 ot. Camphorated Oil 8Bo 6 os. Parefrorlo aso 6 os. Spirits Camphor SSo 4 os. Tr. Benzoin 9 Bo 16 os. Ex. Witch Hazel aso Features of the Owl Drug Co, Stores KODAK DEPT. Our department devoted to the ds velopment and printing of photo (raphs is In charge of expert and pro fessional photos;, raphers, men espe cially proficient In handling the work of amateurs. Films developed In it hours. PRESCRIPTION DEPT. The Prescription Department Is n tlrely separata from the rest of the store. Pre-, surlptlons ara com pounded by grad uate licensed phar macists who put u p prescriptions and nothing; else. RUBBER DEPT. A uniformed nurse In charge, who his had many years' experience in the sick. room. This lady pays special attention to the wants of women and children, Im parting all Inform ation cheerfully. Ladles' conveniences. fl -m 'IS s Seventh and Washington Streets Jr KS t sMsywj nauiww iwuiiws. Keep Cool BOHN SYPHON REFRIGERATOR IF YOU CAN'T KEEP COOL YOURSELF YOU CAN AT LEAST KEEP YOUR FOOD COOL, WHICH IS HALF THE BATTLE THESE HOT, SWELTERING DAYS. ONE HATES TO THINK OF EATING WHEN IT'S SO AW FUL HOT, ESPECIALLY IF THE EATABLES ARE WARM AND PERHAPS PARTLY SPOILED WITH THE HEAT. A Bohn White Enamel Refrigerator WILL MAKE LIFE WORTH LIV ING, BY KEEPING ALL PERISH ABLE EATABLES COLD AND PURE AND HEALTHY. THERE'S NO QUESTION AS TO THE QUALITY OF A BOHN. IT'S THE BEST MADE. BUY ONE NOW. OTHER HOT WEATHER NEEDS: GARDEN HOSE ' rGARL AND GAS RANGES ,' , ; QUICK MEAL AND PERFECTION OIL STOVES , N Hi 1 t t ' - ' ' ' 1. I 1 I!