' ; . ''I, " 4 . i 4 SECOND SECTION UMten by ' fM!T&; i ' ? ' i V : m i tf H W II If Rclured by 6 llf D0ffl1 V Iii,i,)i.h..,,. .in; I ", .'" '" ," ". ' "V ". ? VTT M mnnn PORTLAND, ' OREGdN, SATURDAY ' EVENING, JUtY 15, 1911 :o O . j ' ' - ' ' 'H , .' " r .Iff 1 j n(Xfc HUIIu lwPU4jlI vUCO Kile PUUiCU H Ullfc Ua, Bit uuuc wiuurcuux urer omovviiui unw.ww bringed vfaple lot 'feHest-biff-tennoto trunks an? she h couldnt get ivbuddy to carry em op tteps for befa fall an' 'course gwlt-ls Vrycant not'do flngs Bke 't o 10-11 jus aefcCkt outo myway all voi -111 111 carnr 'ism ud mine cnm aelf." SIdid.' v . O yon, 111 111 carry 'cm upjtnine oWn self. So I did." ,. v - n. e r li - ' yy , !, ! i-; :Jsa V - - I t ' i f ,t ? j f, ... rv. . ' i 4 Jvr-tt t f;' ' An e wwwtalSdW.togevyer8udd mine Cousin Alice she cr she setted fire to ttwidndoWcurtsinfupuwiftiiec Safe me I HeWiipr AnM'at oK n'orfftl coward. rv' he hided un'neaf o the sofer. Hart Har! Wlurt-che-lmow- Mr.vGotro he he juswm s n'arful coward, anLhe hided un'neaf oJthe sofer. Hart Har! Wlurte-lmo bout-'atf A. ,V " .. f. v i i- IN. I I -r ' ll : mmmmk An' inltiir Cousin' AGce she said" Vou is lcergly maurotis big brave herof an sdtrong rC AnnV cousin TUiee soe naa a oeau an ne cornea to see ner, an an . men auppo we 'we.oian i nai ukc ninvso.inMv lie corned we fitted wif him whiles Cousin Alice was fixin. herhe,hau? an-' some (Uwer curls W'puffs(what ahe wears when comp'ny comes-an the beav'a name was Mr. Gotrox' anhVs orful ugly. ' J--,- -v I t I . " ,u"' v,,t''' . An tliA'nMicH-itn' Il1el''wa Jiu ever finfl1 so me n iruppo we we runnea up ine sieps t roo uic uuvkcs umw. u v- CousinJUice scwsinin' "Hel-lupl Hel-lupl" An' an' we hee-ard Bridgieianr mine decar ftluwer saying C7.J l?.'Mt iPJ-ftl" A n m 'onnMnl (M, tVlhlllldv hilt Hmnlf. , i .! 14,' ' .V J.. ,l" ' . Ah auddently I finded mine dee-ar Mower anI err-Ifliafed heran'a'I CedrracoupleoVpniows rtran Bndgie an' I dropped her out o' the sittio' room winder wifoiit tweakm' nufarian 'en I firided mine Cousin Alice an she Was all fainted up, anj I carried her down steps to the parlor an', Mr. Gotrox was hidin'. un'neaf o ii we soxer yet. ; j ;.ov ,.. . Vv, . v CM (Copyright; i911.br The North American CWny.) I 1; An'Vnme'n PuniTmS tLe flreout wlf well we'pulted it out--an' 'enwwell 'en we wented down steps an' Cousin Alice she kissed me an she sended 'at ol' horribliferous coward mans home to his own house, en niferoui big brave hero for a beau 1" An' Puppo he waggled his tail an' he said,, rilarl Harl liar Oh you la dtol j " 'f-r ,.t...iiii- .jwi.i- x 'ji.iul-a ..... lj-li'ii i t .. 1 bi.. i i u mw.v-. -., . .:.