JULY. 12,.: 1911 Medieval Pomp Will Mark Investiture - of Prince of Wales at Carnarvon Castle THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, 1 PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY ' EVENING. Where First Prince Was Born Over Six Cen- w turies Ago ,'- Carnsrvon. Wales, July 12 Amid pomp and splendor second only to the "coronation or Klig Oeorgo and Queen tery. Prince Edward, the 17-ytar-old i ton f the British sovereigns, will be 'formally Invested by Ms father tomor row as Prince of Wales. Twenty-flve -i thousand dollars has been donated by tthe British people to defray the cost of the Insignia and other Items and the Iking himself, together with the British government, has given almost twice as ' much more to Insure the pageant's suc cess. Thousands ore now gathered In (("i-rmrvnn nrl conservative estimate t places the number of guests at tomor- row's ceremonies at ISO, 000. j Carnarvon castle Is today decorated 'with a lavish profusion that has brought ' 4hordes of admiring visitors to its hls torle walls. The old courtyard where i man such ceremonies have been per- ' formed since Edward II was born at the ""icastle 00 years ago Is a riot of color , , swarming with visitor and brightly 'dressed functionaries. The ravages of -Itlme upon this ancient pUe of masonry Xhave been repaired, the colors of the 'royal household and the British empire ' Jare flying from all Its towers and bat 'tlementa. :, I .' OasUs Xs XeJuTsaated. ! Inside tha old building no less start ling changes have taken place. The 'dark and dingy rooms have been reju- iihJW4'Ay5& i : i Prince Edward, the 17-year-old. son of King George and Queen Mary, in the mediaeval costume he will wear tomorrow tJuly 13) when r he ia formally Invested as the Prince of Wales by his father; and , the lifetime of the British empire. . S' 1 1 1 ' venated with countless coats of paint; Una ancient hangings have been replaced by tapestries and curtains In exact rep lica of these removed and leaded wln- dows that have let In the storms of "Wales for centuries havt been repaired. t The court yard and roads leading up Ito Carnarvon castle are covered with a '(t ( wooden stands draped in gay punting, that effectually hides from view the green fields and pastures. These seats, it is estimated, will contain more than 12,000 spectators when tha . klng and queen pass between them on Jtheir way to tho roya quarters at the 'castlo. Half past two In the afternoon Is the Jhour set for the investiture of tha .prince, but there will be plenty to be Mothers of Boys SHOULD SEE THESE - Boys' Depart " ment Specials , They mean great, big savings, and you'll profit in buying now. Boys' Long Pants Suits, the $10 kind (PC QC now. tDO.OO Boys' Knee Pants Suits, the $6 kind & J 7? now.. .DO D Boys' Washable Suits, the $2 kind fl 1 A A now. . . . . . . .tj 1 UU Boys' Knick Pants, the 75c kind now .pJJ Boys' Long Black Hose, the 20c kind IA. now... ...iUC Boys' Blouse Waists, the 35c kind now J Reliable Clothiers 166-70 THIRD STREET The Deaf Can Hear ! The Bleotronhoiia Is as electrical won der. It multiplies sound waves so the deafest person Can distinctly hear as well as those with perfect hearing. Can be nsd at borne yarn form deciding to bay. No treatment re quired. ' A'i. :!'' ,:.'' Gives Instant ss- ; slstano. Thousands in uise. Cull ft Write for particulars. ITOU SLSCTBOFKOVB CO., 230 Lum l.eimensMdg.. Hfth and fltark Htreels, J'URXUiNU OB. Address Dept C , , 41 seen In the morning, for at about 10 a. m. the king and queen will leave the royal yacht at Holyhead and entrain for Griffith's Crossing station. The king and queen will then proceed to the Watergate, where two main pro cessions will be. - formed that of the Prince of Wales and that of the khig and queen. From the Watergate the king and queen will enter the ancient court yard of the castle itself and pro ceed In precession 'to the royal platform on two ancient chairs used for cen turies past as aeata for hundreds of England's sovereigns who have invested their helf apparent as Princes of Wales. The queen and king will take their seats and Send for the prince, who will also arrive In procession. Ceremony of Investiture. The ceremony of investiture chosen for the present Prince of Wales is about S00 years old. According to this ceremonial, the prince, upon arrival be fore bla royal parents, will make low obeisance three times and. after the third time, when he has come near to the king, ha will kneel down upon a rich pillow while his letters patent are E Today marks the change of programs of the different ploture houses of the Peoples' Amusement company. The Star theatre advertises its show as one of the best shows - ever presented there, consisting of four films end the "Ver dlan trio" singing the famous "Anvil Chorus." The pictures are "The Jealous Husband" and "The Snare of Society." which shows a young husband and wife happy in each others' love until the young wife goes Into society and loses money over the. bridge table. All ends happily, however. "Saving the Stand ard," a spectacular film of much mag nificence, and an education film en titled "Cuttle Fish," round out the show to a finish. At the Arcade, "Reckless Red," a strong cowboy tale of western life; "The Arctio Night," a atory of the northlands; "Marvelous Horsemanship," showing the United States armies doing some daring riding, and Jean Wilson, the baritone. At the Oh Joy, a big western program consisting: of "A Fight for Justice" and "In the West," two love dramas, "Love and Cheese," a Max comedy, and Mount Aetna In action. MORNING BLAZE DESTROYS PIONEER CENTRALIA HOTEL ( Special to The Journal.) Centralia, Wash.. July 12. The Wash ington hotel was completely destroyed by fire yesterday - at 6 o'clock . In the morning. The frame building was one of the landmarks of the city. Many of the 25 guests in the hotel had narrow escapes, most of them getting to the ground by sliding down ropes as the flames ate away the stairway. The building was owned by the George Washington estate and waa insured. It was leased by -IX Gllmore who had the contents only partially insured. The origin of the fire Is unkown. Coos County at State Fair. SDeclal to The Journal.) Marsh field. Or., July 12. Th e Cham ber of Commerce of this city is mak ing arrangements to have a Coos coun ty exhibit at the state fair at Salem this fall. F. B. Tichenor suggested the plan to tha Chamber of Commerce and agreed to help in the .work. A repre sentative will be sent to look after "the exhibit and. the state fair officials have allotted one of the best locations for this county. Products and exhibits of all .kinds will be gathered at once. Closed Today and Thursday Preparing for our Great Annual Barn- pie Shoe Bale. ' See tomorrovS evenlng'a-l papers. . unur.ni! l&uva. I Shoes for the whole family, . NEW FILMS SHOWN BY PICTUR HOUSES i 11 ..&t j , i VI I j- V ' X"V l? rii . , t ii i s-srt r ii '.aJ 4iik read. Then the king, reading the words of Investment, will put the robes upon him, gird his sword and Invest him with the rod and ring and set the cap and coronet of office upon his head. Af ter this, the letters patent will be again read and delivered to the king who, in turn, will hand it to .the prince, amid a fanfare of drums and trumpets. Af ter this a religious ceremony will be' conducted by the Bishop of Bangor and by a representative minister of the non conformist churches. The king and queen will then proceed to Queen El eanor's gateway and there present the prince to the people, 1 This will be the culminating point of the ceremony. To Xeoonolle Welsh Cbieftans. Edward I was the first king of Eng land to-create his eldest son Prince of Wales, with the .object of reconciling the Welsh chieftains to English domi nation, after the death of Llewellyn, the last native-ruler of Wales. But it was not until the reign of Edward III that the latter raised the earldom of Corn wall to a dukedom, and bestowed it upon his son, Edward the Black Prince, with the provision that it should al ways be held by the heir apparent who was the son of the sovereign. Tha dignity of Prince of Wales carries with It no revenue, nor even preroga tlves, and its holder sits In the house of lords, and is enabled to take part in its deliberations, not as Prince of Wales, tut as JJuKe or Cornwall. Prince Edward Is a typical Anglo Saxon lad. He was born June 23, 1894, and entered the Royal Naval college at the age of 13. With his brothers and sisters he has been brought up as much like other English children as possible. They have been subjected to gentle but firm discipline and trained In habits of industry and self-reliance. After the prince's presentation, the royal household, together with the long list of England's nobility, will attend a naval review in Carnarvon bay. . E AT ML TABOR TONIGHT Brown's municipal park band will give a concert this evening at Mount Tabor park at the end of the Mount Ta bor line. This will be the first concert of its kind to be given In the new park and the Mount Tabor residents espe cially are . taking a big Interest In the affair. A very large attendance le ex pected. , Following will . be the program: March, "Battle Royal" (Jewell); waits. "LEstudiantlna" (Waldteufel); over. ture, "Martha" (Flotow); Idyll, "Forest Whispers" (Losey); popular songs, "Bits of Remlcks Hits" (Lampe); Inter mission; scenes from "Faust" (Gou nod); march mllltalre, "Cupid's Patrol' (Moret) ; idyll, "The Mill In the Forest' (Ellenberg); excerpts from "The Chocolate Soldier" (Strauss); songs of "The Sunny South" CLampe). . Journal Want Ads bring results. A WARNING TO MANY Some Interesting Facts Re garding Health ..Statistics. Few people realise to what extent their health depends upon the condition of the kidneys. The physician In nearly all eases of serious Illness, makes a chemical analy sis of the patient's urine. He knows that unless the kidneys are doing their work properly, the other organs cannot be brought back to health and strength. When the kidneys are . neglected or abused in any way, serious results are sure to follow.' According to health sta tistics. Bright s disease, which Is really an advanced form of kidney trouble, caused nearly ten thousand deaths In 1910, In the state of . New Tork alone. Therefore, It behooves 'us VS pay more attention to the health of these most Important organs. An Ideal herbal compound, that has had remarkable success as a kidney rem edy is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Rem edy .'' , . t- .-: The mild and healing Influence of this preparation Is - soon realised. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of cures. . . It you feel that your kidneys require attention, and wish a sample bottle, write to Dr. Klltnei ft Co., Blnghampton. N. T. Mention this paper, and they will gladly forward H to you absolutely free, by mail. t .T - Swamp-Root Is bld by every druggist In bottles of two izes-6ty and 11.00. . , ' BAND CONCERT Suggestions Freely Jlnvited--Life of franchises to Be 25 Years Guard Against Pe- j tition Frauds Taken. The charter revision commission wants the assistance and advice of the public in the important work of making a new charter for the city of" Portland. . The commission invites anyone who has ideas be would like to have considered to submit them to -the commission In writing. Such suggestions should be addressed to' James QUI, secretary of the commission, care - Auditor's office, city hall. f , Decision to invite the public to par ticipate In this way In framing the new charter waa made at the meeting of the commission last night, which was at tended by all the members with the ex ception of Oay Lombard, who has, not returned rrom the east. It was thought by members of the commission that while there are 11 of them who are giv ing their time and thought to the im- portent work, still It Is probable that many publicly Interested citizens will have good suggestions that members of . the commission might overlook, and the commission wants to have these sugges tions before the charter is definitely prepared rather than have them present ed when the time comes to submit the new charter to the people for approval, franchise Discussed. Franchises were discussed last night It was decided that the life of fran- ' chlses should not be over 25 years. ' It was also decided that where a company or corporation is given a second fran chise on the same street on which it now hoW s a franchise, the new fran chise must be for no longer than the old one. This la considered to be a pro tection of the people's interest. The commission will endeavor to frame the provisions governing franchises to pro tect the interests of the people and the corporations without favor. : On the motion of ex-Councilman Cel lars the commission Voted to abolish all existing boards and commissions con nected with the city government. This does not apply to the board of educa tion and the library commission, as they are city-bounty organizations. Ouard Against Fraud. In this connection the civil service commission was discussed, some of the ; members favoring Its retention and oth' ers favoring abolishing it. Decision was reached that if the civil service com- ; mission was retained It would serve merely in an advisory capacity. The members of the city commission will have full authority over city employes, ' but any vacancy caused by the discharge of an employe will be filled from the list of ellgibles, according to the rec ords of the civil service commission. : As a protection against the securing of fraudulent signatures to initiative k ana reterendum petitions, the new char- ; ter will provide that all names must be ' signed to the petitions at the registrti, tlon booths at the city hall or county ) building. , Attorney F. C. Bronaugh appointed a committee -of three on civil service, as I follows: City Attorney Grant, Henry E. J Reed and S. Grutze. Mr. Grant vai also l appointed on the committee on! streets, ! sewers and repairs, to fill the vacancy ' caused by the resignation of W. H. Daly. KING GIVES AMERICAN i CLAIMANTS $935,000 'United Preaa Wlra.t I London, July 13. American claim-1 ants were awarded f S5,000 in the Al- ' sop claim as the result of King George's decision, announced here "today in the Times. The Alsop claim, amounting to $1,600,000, came up as a result of, money advanced' to the government tof Bolivia In 1874. Chile assumed the ob ligation when she came Into posses sion of Araca. The case was- submit ted to King Edward for arbitration and after his death to his successor, King George. Mayor Pleads Clemency. (United Preoc Lesaed Wire. New Orleans, July 12. Mayor Behr man's signature heads a petition that contains 100,000 names urging clemency for Mrs. Angela Napolltano, who awaits execution for killing her husband at Sault Bte. Marie. Ontario. Want a Talking Machine for almost nothing? Read Perry C. Graves ad, page 5, this paper. ' IT. Whatever your favorite out-of-door sport may be, you can add to the pleas ure by taking a With You We have a large line of Kodaks Und Brownie Cameras. Ask us for' a FREE cdpy of the new Kodak Catalogue. . LET US DO YOUR DEVELOPING AND PRINTING Columbian Optical Co. 145 SIXTH STREET V - Bet,. Alder and Morrison .j :iK v , J ' Selling Bldg, ' ,.- ' I rn ff T""f I mm ft VjJte3:lW S'?-'SS.!i mm UK A,."''a.?i1?i':--';'"4 Removal i Sale , Makes Fine Lower Priced Now Than They Will arusteiX7' pap limmmmmmm mm )rthocraphy in accordance With recommendation of Simplified Spelling Board, N. ,Y Rtmh Oriental Rug EverBe'figaln Miyeh Tenth and Washington, iiiiiiiiit w wvmi' The wise ones are saving are you among them? Is there anything else you can put in your home that adds so much in richness? Or anything else that will increase in value while you use arid enjoy, it? ; j . : Not'" 'r' .' V 'i Oriental rugs are alone in these advantages. f And here's the largest stock on the '. Pacific i Coast offered you every one at a greatly re-J duced price. v;;''V': v ; : , ; , ' .We must move sooni 1 1 ' v "'y;. fDbn't wait till the opportunity is gone. 9 v '. ! "'J : t, ,''k1 ' v ' .1 lev WMM: mm i '. V'i "' 1 1 I A