if' .18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY HELP WANTED MALK rUjESMEN WANTED. . MEN OFHTGHEST ABILITY AND t INTEGRITY TO SELL RECLAIMED BEAVERDAM LANDS NKAR PORTLAND In iinill or large tracts. Positively the greatest land proposi tion in Oregon today fbarrlng U. S. work) aid live, energetic men can be assured very remunerative and continu ous employment for several years to CA"propoaitlon Involving 16,000 acres of the richest garden soil the sun ever hone upon. In every way surior to the dyked lands of Holland. Nothing to equal It on entire coast Easy to el 1 Placed on the market tomorrow at one third its real value. Call and ln- vestigate. y 269 OAK ST. WANTED Bright boys or young men 15 to 18 years of age to establish routes for magazines: boys must be re sponsible and of good character. For uch there are good bpenlngs with us that will pay from 120 to 130 a month tr nart nf vnur time. Call on H. S. ' Montgomery, manager Oregon News Co., .71 Front St., city. WANTED Salesmen, experienced mag' azlne and book men. to represent Current Literature." Nineteen volume premium and the magaalne for 113. En tirely new, never before shown here. Highest commissions. "Current Litera ture Publishing Co." Room 403 Marquam bid. WANTED For the United States army, able bodied unmarried men between ares of 18 and ''35. citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester rHl)t., 3fl ana UHK rummm. vi. BXjTTS A ELDRIDOE EMP. CO. . "24H NORTH SECOND BTKH.JV1 . S or 6 men to cut cordwood, new camp, good timber; cabin, stove and dishes free. Tools advanced. Three years' work. 11.00 per cord. WANTED Salesman that has had ex- perlence in selling In the field; no has-beens need tpply; must have good ' references; salary and commissions. 233 Alder st. ' N B. TRAVISS, plumber and tinner, of Mount Angel. Or wants a tinner, would prefer some one with some ex perience In plumbing. WANTED Boys 18 or over with wheels for night work. Good wages for boys who will attend to business. Western Union Tel. Co., 78 Jd st. STONECUTTERS, nonunion, for out of town. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Saddlemaker, good wage., steady Job. Bradley Harness Co., Kla math Fans, ur. WANTED -At one. Z men to learn to drive, end renalr automooiiea. uau ai Hawthorn Garage. 44t Hawthorne, WANTED At ence, V. men to learn to drive and repair au vraobllea. Call at ge-52 N. 7th at CHEF .headquarters and helpers. Cali forrtia Wine Depot. 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. ELECTRICIANS, plumbers and sheet metal workers, nonunion, out of town, i Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg. MAN to sell real eatate, experience not . necessary;' good proposition. . Call rrwrn 214. Commercial club bldg. WANTED expericened tailor, good pro- position. 251 Jefferson st, call to- y. MATTRES8 maker wanted. Portland Furn. Mfg. Co., 1249 Macadam Road. Fulton car. ; STRUCTURAL Iron workera, out of town. 'Apply 223 Commercial club bldg. . PRINTERS apprentice having some ex perience, wanted at Kleist Co., 123 H First st. - WEAR a Kenshaw 22 hat; all styles. " 169 Fourth. 449 Washington. LTtNEMEN. nonunion. Apply S22 Com- merclal Club bldg. HELP WANTED MISC. 68 Belmont Auto School Tba only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACDTIC C6AST. Complete course, including thorough driving instruction. , technical and prac tical work in all its details. E. 23D AND MORRISON. Taka S-8 or Mt. Tabor car; look us up Before deeming co enroll eiaewnere. MEN wanted, age over 18, to prepare for' firemen, about $100 monthly; brakemen, $80; nearby railroads. Ex- fierlenca unnecessary. No strike. Por tions guaranteed competent men; 4866 sent to positions in 1910. State age, send stamp for particulars. M-87, Jour nal. TWO OR THREE salesmen possessing integrity to sell securities of life sav ing device, management open, exclusive territory. Cook Railway Signal Co., 905 Yeon bldg: -GOVERNMENT employee wanted Send postal for Portland examination rched ule. Franklin Instltut?, Dep't 307 G., Kocneater, w. y. 15 PER MONTH, teleg'aphy taught In practical forms, day snd evening ses sions. Address Myers, 669 Flanders St., Portland, Or. Main 8512. international Corrnoondence schools. Local office. 233 Alder st. M. 1026. HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 WANTED -- YOUNG LADIES FOR TEI iHTPHONF OPE HAT ING; WITH OR WITHOUT EX PERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CIFIC! TELEPHONE A TELS - GRAPH COMPANY. 6TB AND EAST ANKENY 6TS. WANTED In ideal country home, with every modern convenience, family of 8, working housekeepers. New England woman preferred. Address stating age, experience and wages dealred. Box No. 7. White Salmon, Wash. WANTED Women and girls to work in sanitary canning plant: apply to day ready for work. Lang A Co., can ning department. Burnslde St., between from and r irst WANT 3 young or middle nged ladles. win pay gooa salary to right partlCR Call between 1 ind 3 p. m., 33 Roth- rmid bldg. WrANTtD Young experienced girl for cigar, candy and light groceries. Ap Pl st 111 N. 6th t. city. WANTED Competent Uerman gTrl to o fooklnar for email fnmlly. Apply 630 Tillamook st. nt onee. WANTED-Experienced chocolate dip- per.. APP'V Modern Confectionery Co.. 13th and Hovt. D Ladies to canvass, salary ard commisalon. Call between 4 and 6 r. m.. Phumer's. 8?0 Montromery at rIri. from 8 a- MaIJ'u11" torJ 214 Bwetland WOMAN for housework, $ in family: th?" p5,rti1J objection to one child! uvni a. om. b m. m. ana ft 30 p. 'WATEirGlrl ,or seneral housework. "v1Pjo"t,Tabor 872 or, call at 1263 Dl- iilRl, about 15 to assist with house- T v 1 ' KJr on)?' 8m1l wages. Call 271 Yamhill at. C. 3064. Wa NTED liouseKeeper, age 80 or Sfil no chlldrent ranch, v-769. Journal. HELP WANTED iMAIJt AND 4 FEMALE '. . 2a Tor graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trade tn I weeks; help secure positions; graduates earn $1S to $26 weekly; expert Instructor: tool ,lTt,'' .wrlt tPf ?tlo. Moler System ti-?"' W. 4th St. Portland! " XvTTNfEl'KClgar bander, either boy or - op - mm f 4 vi 1 via. a g yvj girt -Apply (6 Union ava. North, KMPxXU-MKXT .TGE-VCTEJ; 05 C. R. "HANSEN & CO. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCTE8. Maid office, 26 N. Id St.. Portland, Ladles' department, 7th and Wash, at, upstairs, Portland. 414 Front Ave., Spokane. 7-8 4th St., San Francisco. Estabiisnea iss, Butts & Eldredge Emp, Co. 24 'A N. Second St. Ma'n S20B. A-1281. Red Cross Employment 20 N. 2d. cor. Burnslde. M. B29. A-5 573S, WANTED AGENTS Salesmen Hoi Salesmen wanted to sell the most complete line of nursery stock In the northwest. -Cash weekly. CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO Salem, Or. REI JABLE salesman eatt mae big money selling our wall known Una of bardy non-lrrlgated trees, shrubs roses, etc Outfit furnished: cash weekly. Ad dree a, OREGON NURSERY CO. Orenco. Or. CASH every week for salesmen selling our clean, hardy, well-rooted nursery stock. Outfit free. Good territory. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. SALESMEN make money selling our . home grown, guaranteed stock. Good torritory; money advanced weekly; posi tion permanent; complete line. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppelsh. Wash. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pacific coast grown nursery stock; cash paid weekly. Pacific Nursery Co., 808 Corbett bldg. SITUATIONS MALE MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 270 MADISON, BET. Sd AND 4th. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE. MAIN 8565: A-6624. CARPENTER will do your work by oay or contract, new or repair. Flans nd estimates furnished. Phone Wood' lawn 72, Nelson. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, married. wants position; do own repairing: pri vate or truck. 5 years' experience. j aDor j GOOD all round harness maker, (mar rled). wants Job. thorough knowledee or machines, either city or country. T- f T . WANTED Work setting form for slde- waiK ana euro, z veara' exnenenca. Call Sellwood 371. WANTED Work setting form for side walk and curb; 3 years' experience. lBIl HeilWOOa 371. CHAUFFEUR wants position; four years experience; can do repair work, Main 9575. CARPENTER wants day work, small contract, work guaranteed; prices right. W-768, Journal. EXPERIENCED window washer, house cleaner, all kinds of Jobs. Main 4862. SITUATIONS FEMALE A GOOD experienced woman having 2 bovs 3 and 6. wants position as housekeeper, good home, small wages. T-74, Journal. . GIRL wants situation with family go Ing to coast, references exchanged. Address V-761. Journal. MARRIED woman wishes position as -- housekeeper for housekeeping rooms. 804 H E. Morrison. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes light work, experienced. City or coast Addresa Mies Albright. 887 First St. WANTED by school girl, to assist with house work; 'small wages, W-767, Journal. AN elderly woman desires a situation; a good home more desirable than wages. Phone Main 4841. CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry, 25o and up. Woodlawn 2984. STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly axperi enced. wants good position. Main 2330. DRESSMAKING 40 LADIES' tailor-made suits $16; altera tions and remodeling, moderate prices. Rose City Tailoring, 488H Burnslde, near I4tn st. LADIES' suits to order, your own ma terlal, alterations. I. Reubln Elite La dlew Tailor. Selling bldg.. 6th and Alder. NURSES 80 WHITE 8IIIELD HOME Confinement eases only. 237 Fargo. Wdln 8249. MATERNITY nurse wants case, work some. Marshall 1927. Will FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 0 MOTEL BURTON YAMHILL AND 2D ST. We will be pleased to show you thrrJugh our hotel and can assure you that we are giving the pub lic the most modem service that can be obtained. Our rates are very reasonable Let us try to make you comfortable. THE Dormar. New management, newly renovated; rooms single or en suite; free phone and bath: good rates to per manent roomers. 283 13th, cor. Jeffer son. HOTEL RENWICK Corner Seventh and Taylor Opposite Helllg theatre, one block from Portland hotel: strictly modern: a nice home for business people. Main 918 Low Rent Large front room, sultnhla for two. easy walking distance. Fhone Marshall THE COLONIAL Several nice outside double rooms, first and second floors, some with hot and cold water, from 83.50 to Ifl nor wlr ICR inth .r LARGE, airy front room in Drtvata rent. dence. with all modern con venlnn References exchanged. Gentlemen only. Marshall 1820. ' COMMERCIAL hotel, under new man agement, hot and cold running water, choice rooms at $2.60 up per week. 4S3 Washington st. United Trans,, Neer Closed One trunk, 60c; additional trunks. 26c. '"V, Vtcilfion. Marshall !Sfl4 A.iK NEW W rooin. use of hath. nhnn nlann If) minutes' wnllr fmm nr-m block from car lines. 274 North'Grand avenue. K. 3301. ROOM, parlor adjoining; light, airy, neatly furnished, walking distance. west siae, young lady, references. 428 inin mi. THE TEMPLE. 843 Yamhill st, op pOBlte. ,HoteI Portland, furnished rooms $2. no a week up. Transient. NICELY furnished light rooma. free an1 Phone, $1.26 per week up. 189 est Park. NEWLY furnished rooms, also sleeping tanNVh8' Ph?ne' Walk,n dU- AM8DON HOTEL; nTceW furnished waTeT'V BT0hiardnd,tUP- d C'd i-KONT room alcove, private porch, suitable for 2 or 8. $22.60 month; also "ini- mum, fin tjiay. THE ELM PLACE, 414 Yamhill; roorr"a! water, steam neat pri vate hatha and suites. I247H Bth st, rooms v, - u w uut 4.ou up par wee. yimnp ana uatn. Main 7754. LIGwt airy rooms, cloae In, special oHclt:dt026Pn6thneBntt''' tr"""nt -8d jMi-E, rurnished rooms for rent for housekeenlnr sai v.uii. 1 lght VjfREE neatly furnished rooms: front niceiy sltiiated. 289 1 1 th - st. XALAII:M' 35H Alder. Furnished '"tohecl room. bayWTndSwTT lhi,,h1. 1" -'- '""ill, umy WIHODWI. Ultabla for two gentlemen. 264. 12thl FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE . ' ' GET A COOL ROOM at the Osborn, 21 V, Grand ava Brick building, large, light and airy, hot and cold water, 76c a day and up, 2.50 per week and up. Bast 661. NICELY furnished room a, single or en suite, tn private family, fine location, walking distance, prices reasonable. (2) E. Ankeny st. j ONE large room nicely furnished with aicove, Dam, etc., id minutes' waiK to f iost of flee, reasonable; also single sleep ng rooms. 562 E. Main. TWO furnished sleeping rooms with or without ' board. 188 East 46th at, block from Mt Tabor car. THE LAKRABEE, 227 H Larrabee at; modern, oool and airy rooms, -low rates. East 841. NICE room, bath, phone, central, walk- mg distance, ll.bQ per ween, sz & 10th st. Phone East 188. ONE neatly furnished room, near steel bridge, suitable for 1 or mora sentle- men. lg Haisey. FOR RENT Large front room, 72 East 10th N., corner Everett st Walking distance. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 SUITABLE) for 2, or single, alt modern conveniences, private family, walking distance. 28 E. 9th st, N. Phone East 6011 TWO fine rooms, home cooking; will al. so take a few table boarders. 617 Kearney. New management UP-TO-DATE home ODen to few with or without board, reasonable. 61 Mam si.. Kings heights. THE BARNETT, 78 W. Park at. Rooms with board 6.60 per week. Table board 84.25. Meals 26c. First class. THE Whitehall Family Hotel, American plan; every modern convenience, 4 squares from P. O. 268 6tn. ROOM end board for young women, 23 per week. 12 E. 7th st S. Phone East 276. WANTED Girl between 8 and 12 to board, good home. 144 E. 72d N Montavllla. ROOM and board, Casa Rosa. 800 Jer- fer9on st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE WELL furnished houses, flats, rooms, 6 room cottage, 830 month; another $17.50; suites, two furnished housekeep ing rooms, $8. $10, $12 month; 8, $15. Applv 34 26th st. N. "W" car from depot, 6th. west on Morrison to 26th. block north. THE SUTHERLAND. Newly furnished housekeeping rooms, electric lights, gas range, hot and cold water, free baths and phone. W and S car. Cor. 27th and Thurman sts. Main 2036. A-4174. Hunt's Express & Baggage Co. 1 trurk. 60c. Additional Irunks 26o sach. Grip with trunk free. A-8415. Marshall 3415. Rose City Park Transfer Trips to Rose City park dally. Piano and furniture moving. City work also, 202 4th. Main 8126. A-7287. 85c FuH ONE TRUNK And 25o for each additional trunk; moved promptly. Phone United Eg press Co. Marshall 240$. A-7481 CAMBRIDGE building, furnished and unrurnlsned housekeeping rooms, sin gle and ensulte; very central; apply room 86. 3d and Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms with electrio lleht eaa ranara. sink, hot water. clothes closet, steam heat, $6; walking distance. Clay st LARGE front housekeeping room, $3.50 week; small room or 1 for baching or sleeping $2.26; nice yard, bath. 24 I5tn iv. BEAUTIFULLY furnished parlor, house- keeplng privileges, also housekeeping suites; reasonable rent, bath, gas, phone. zzs 14th, GOOD ,clean housekeeping rooms nicely furnished in l na 2 room suites, rrom $10 to $15, close In. 408 Jefferson. PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms, nice yard, bath and phone. Main 2266. 887 1st NICELY furnished rooms, for house keeping, very pleasant and homelike, large yard. 347 Hall st. $25 Lower flat of 4 furnished house keeping rooms, walking distance, west side. 671 Bth st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, very reasonable. The Idaho, 389 6th st. $14 8 housekeeping rooms, sightly, plenty roses, phone, electricity. 695 Madison. NICELY furnished room, modern house keeping or sleeping. 646 Gllsan st, corner 18th St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, light, bath, phone, $3.60 and $4.60 par week. 647 Morrison St. TWO single housekeeping rooms, also 1 sleeping room, bath, phone and ngnts. bid ciay. UIPIQ DRH Trans. Co.. furniture uiiuui moving specialty. 73 7th st. Main 1909. A-1012. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, 31.50 to 82 a week. 291 2d st. TWO suite housekeeping rooms, $10 a month and up. 721 1st st. MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light gas: moderate. 7th Flanders. A-4076. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 THE ST. MARKS, 892 East Burnslde, will give low rates during the sum mer season on housekeeping suites and furnished rooms, adults only; walking distance. TWO pleasant housekeeping rooms, pri vate family, close in, reasonable, bath, gas, 6 E. Rth st., south, between Ash and Ankeny. East 4834. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, $2.60 up. Pleasant outside rooms. Inquire 164 Union ave., cor. Belmont. NICE housekeeping rooms for rent. 6954 E. Morrison, cheap. Two or three rooms together. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, 167 E. 8th, one block north of Morrison. Phone Eaat 6468. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. strictly modern and ohean. Phone TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, strictly modern. 816 Cherry st Phone E. 6270. TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping, with pantry and bath, reasonable. 448 Belmont. THREE housekeeping rooms, ground floor, yard, gas range. 749 Mlsslss'.p pi ave. Phone Woodlawn 85. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping, $10 per month. 159 E. 76th., Monta vllla. GOOD housekeeping rooms for rent cheap, lons union. Phone East 4624. TWO rooms for housekeeping. 108 E- mn st., near Aiaer. HOUSES FOB RENT 18 n. m 1 , - -i "fc 1 - 1. .. . -i Mi.,, mm BRAND new 7 room house for rent, all modern improvements, 1 blocks from Alberta carllne. Inquire 408 E. MorrlSbn st, owner. 4 P.OQM house 484 E. Grant near 9th; some yard, $10 month. Phone Tabor 261. FOR RENT 6-room modern house in Montavllla, $10 per month. Phone East 6268. , GOOD 6 room house and large grounds, 186 74th st. Get key at grocery store; rent $10. Montavllla. A-7098. FOR RENT Modern 5 room cottage, olose to car; fine location. Phono E. 4989. . . BEVEN room house, fire plaoe. base menC 896 67th . and East Lincoln, nanuiuiiiv car, m mm usqq, SIX room house, 168 East 21st, key at 66; rent $10. Phone Woodlawn, 1193. t-ROOM 4ious on jicarllne, close in, $18 a month. Eastlund, 603 Worcester bid. $32 17th, nice 6 room house,' bath. gas. Key at grocery store. Main 6256. TO rent 8 room house, 818 Quiniby at.. . $30; key 624 Qulmby st. Main 6821. f feMALL house, electric light, city water. Woodlawn 109$. . BOUSES FOR RENT 62 Greater Meier & Frank Store Rental & Information Bureau ... aa Horn nuntr visit oar modern, eom. Frea phone and private bath to , each , elegant saddler and .ilne drlveri "will cHALMER iilO, 10. V pass s f i " ; lyeVKPp.,nformlIo?,J.. P"rt: apartment. Phone Main 218. ! road 9 to Vi miles per. hour and ia ab" " h fSVMUlPped .. "7!- !! l0i TouShVTthadtak'aSi RE-UKAN apartmenta, 624 Marahal i i",01" "f " t&fl for th moat PEErftErsZllOJf paM' ullf flSt You' timi tt wn.rii msnagement. alabor. tld or inexperienced person to rlde.i WjPPA ood bay 00 and comfortlhlJ wS T X tJy furnished, t roomi. private bath, !fve or o cat fori .also new hand MAkWELt. i cyL. I !, ir . "uch will iirtba i.WtWfi-trPanS Phonaa. elevator, balcony . lawn. Nob i "wed, rubber trimmed harness and moat ' 2c t sale .........v..,..? houses Tn Hill narta of th ha "111 dfstrict; reasonable. Main 6082, elent rubber-tired open runabout; bug- REO J eyL. pass, to: 40 the combined Isu of all th.AJi Jtat! A-81l. Take "W" car. gy. ant rely new. together with whTp CArJLAC ItU. I If 4.'' .n?. In th. (It W. 1 hL? llit -u n - . " TT- and halter and my boy s English riding JPv'uUy aqulpped. . repainted IM TO UbtfJ&l?u!i?lt FOR RENT FLATS IS lJh ' "ELf.1" r ' Wf Aa(IK I . . v . 1 T 4 A UCU1 L.1IT7 UtlniffHl inHnRHs I uausrvU . . . aa - IBS If You Want to Rent a House See Us. viug. see us oerore purcnasing elsewhere. M. Ostrow 4s Co.. 64-66 N. u mi vompieie nouserurnisnera. ea ?rl.i'L l0' . E'y ""f- 818, 7-ROOM house, 1002 Mississippi ave. i ae jl. car to uianaena at. aatn, electricity, etc. Fruit treea and garden. i?ni ' grocery, i-nona Main t2i. PxLlnthl.C,. K??0" f" E. Irving, corner E. 29th at.. EL An keny car to E. Irving st; modern con veniences and good yard. Key next door. Phone Main 1201, or A-2218. MODERN 6 room bungalow for sale or rent. 1031 Division St., take good ioi rirst payment, ' igo down, izo month. Rent 320. See owner, 643 East mst street. Richmond oar. FOR RENT All or part of 8 room nouae in Hawthorne Park addition. In quire at S94 E. Tylor st, afternoons between 2 and 6 o'clock. $16 6-ROOM modern bungalow two blocks Union avenue. 6 rooms to fam lly that will board two young men own rs. VY-IB4. journal. MODERN cottage, 1 furnished, 1 unfur nished. 1 flat. Inquire 628 Williams ave. Phone C-1697. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR 8 A LB 82 FOR SALE Furniture of 6 room bun- inn ..... $14, including phone and water. Call 1379 Bur rage st. Arbor Lodge station, St. Johns car, or telephone Woodlawn 1433. evenings, between 7 and 9. FIVE rooms and bath. all new high grade furniture, gas. water heater. sleeping porch, lower Portland Heights, rent $18; 1 room rented for $16; price right; piano If desired. 441 13th st. corner College. FIVE room furnished flat, modern, near 2 carlines, 23d and Thurman; easy to rent rooms; flat for rent $22, furniture ror sale 160. pnone Main 4112. M KNISHED flat 3 rooms, bath, gas, steam heat, must sell. Call after 4 p. m.. 846 H Mississippi ave., flat 5. 6 ROOM house for rent for $10 a month and furniture for sale cheap; cash or terms, fnone Marsnail 1673. 6 ROOMS of nice furniture, 799 Union ave. Price $250, some terms. This Is good. 10 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all modern. .i ' mi' l.? Owner. 867 3d St. FURNITURE of 6 room cottage for sale $160, cottage for rent; close In, with nice yarq. 445 4th St. LOVELY furniture of 4 .room steam heated flat near Wash.. $876. M. 2906. FURN JRNITURE 10 room house, housekeepl ing. cheap for cash. 171 N. 17th ! FOR SALE Furniture of 10 rooms and house for rent 414 4th St.. cor. Hall, SIX room flat for rent, furniture for sale. 1704 10th. Marshall 284. FUR NISHED HOUSES 8(1 WELL furnished 8 room eottaa-e. 820 month; another, $17.60, furnished housekeeping suites, 2 rooms, $8, $10, iiz montn; 3, 115. Apply 384 N. zth. w car west on Morrison to 26th, block north. A MODERN house for rent, furnished. two months. Owner going to the beach. House located on Broadway car line, very reasonable rate lr taker once. Phone. C-1984. tmtrt -.1-,,, e.9 .-a A Mr ( tance. Owner, 311 Allsky bldg. Main 48B4. SMALL S roomed house, plainly fur- nished. 214. 84 Glbbs st. S.; no chll- dren. Irvlngton. dren. Phone E. 6927. No chil- stde,- for rent reasonable. 16th st. Call 801 APARTMENTS THE DEZEi 208 16th st,, Near Taylor THE APARTMENT HOUSE FOR THE FAMILY, WITH ALL THE CSM FORTS OF HOME. These elegant 6 room unfurnished apartments which are now completed, are situated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes' walk of the business center. Reservations may be made from own er on premises or by phone. Main 4796, A-6848T THE MEREDITH. Corner 22d and Washington, 712 nicely furnished apartments, walking distance; moderate rates; best service. M. 7180. ' SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. E. 8TH AND COUCH STS., NEW BRICK, all mer months $28 to $27.60. 2751. THE LILLIAN APARTMENTS, Corner 6th and Montgomery Sts. Two elegantly furnished outside three room suites lert. xou cannot duplicate our prices, r-none Marshall 1378. THE M'KINLEY. moderate prices. PIEDMONT apartments, 1144 U Uni are. N. New building, furnished a: unfurnished housekeeping rooms; mo tin. Phone voodlawn 2997. : the juUana. : ALTAMONT APARTMENTS" ueaumuiiy lurnisnea a ana 4 room apartments; rent reasonable. Main 60! 304 College St. THE STANLEY APARTMENTS. Furnished or unfurnished apartments. Modem equipment 7iu Washington st main yooj. MAHR apartmenta, elegantly rurnished, comforts of home, private phones and baths, elevator private plaground for ehlldren. 223 N. 20th st. Marshall 3028. HARRISON COURT, 894 6th Two and three room unfurnished apartments, all modern conveniences; most reason- able in tha city. Main 6148, A-7363. AVALON apartment furnished and un furnlshed apartments, sleeping porch- es. Ross and Clackamas sts. East 8172 EILEEN COURT, 16th and Morrison st Newly furnished housekeeping rooms; 5 minutes' walk from P. O. M 4051 CAMAR APARTMENTS Two nicely furnished 2 room apart- WELLINGTON COURT, 2, 3 and 4 room suite, all modern. Price very reason- aoie, in inu mnrwi. main 1146 NEW moaern furnished 2 and $ room . apartments for rent, 22d and E. 21st sts. Pbona East 1480. , . MEDIUM priced apartment, modern. W ..IitTO0m 'urnished, unfurnished! $84 6th. . ' . NORDldA apartments, cor. Belmont and Grand ave. 1 and 2 room furnished spt's.; free light, heat, bath, phone. URNI8HED apartments. 614 Jefferson 5 st. ' Ms In B432. ' T ONE 'modern 6-room apartment, Tha , Ormonde 65$ Flanders. . Main 8111, v 131 APARTMENTS LOVEJOY APARTMENTS i7tn ma Lovejoy sts. completely furnished J nd I E?Jn v , li't 1 ju.i vmmii. NEW modern 8 -room flat, ' basement furnace, laundry, gas range, heater, elegant cnina closet and wardrobe, French plate glass, easy walking dis tance, t people only; price $26. East 7th and Couch. Telephone E. 1316. , r&ti niuniti-Moaern o room I Mrs. Craroo, 601 Alblna ave., flat near I a tan ion st. ' FOR RENT Four room flat, modern, 1040 East Sherman sti 816 per month. t;an penwooq. 757 or go to premises. p0R RElNT Modern" " room flat an bath na per month. 72H Williams ave. MODERN 4 room flai large attio, fu nace. private basement 442 12th st. MODERN 4 room flat near 23d and Washington, reasonable. Main (988. TWO and three room flat, new, modern, iv minutes waiic rrom r. u. ti iitn. 4 ROOM-flat,, nicely tinted, on carllne. 816. Call at store. 811 Williams ava. UP-TO-DATE five room flat, $23.50.' Free phone. E-2173, M-7167. Close In. FX RNISRED FLATS SO FIVE room flat, modern, nicely . fur - nished, essy to rent rooms, west aide, - 23d and Thurman. For a quick aale itw. i'none1 Main 4112, - FURNISHED flat, modern, 6 rooms, lm. meaiate possession, juonneu a Mer- rlll. 226 Stark at Main 2476. NICELY furnished flat. Inquire 829 Hall HOTELS 54 motJsl foktaaww rroropeaa plan I o.ily : Is. is day. BELVEDERE European. 4ta and Alder. SUMMER RESOitTS TWO room furnished housekeeping suites, i diock rrom oeacn, view or ocean; electric light and water paid, $1 per day. L. C. Smith, Newport, Or. MODERN room residence at Seaside, Or.: great bargain; must sell. P. O. I box 490, Portland. I HAZEL COTTAGE Seavlew. Reason- able rates, home cooking; nice location. STORES AND OFFICES 11 LARfTK place, 60x176. on Front between Main and Madison; just the place for machine, blacksmith, boiler shop or lead store. fcALF of n-w thre, ory brick. 60x100, piate glass rront, inn ana aiarsnsii. ultahl. fop llht Inhhlnv mitniifur-t' r. lng or retail; divide spacs to suit ten- ant or tenants; long lease, a. u. Long. FOR RENT. 1 .144-260 .Front st, long lease, near Ma,0,l "? mmon Bro, I WAD rt T7. k-w. 1 J . n J . n . ' 'Yei feel ZZrh in MalVstic theatre build ing, 363 Wash. St., $60 per month. Apply to) Edwin F. James. 151 W Washlns-ton St. . ' FOR RENT" Outside office and recep- tlon room, campltely furnished, with phone, heat, water,, lights, etc. 1020 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OFFICE 16xao, 2d floor, facing 6th $25. Dr. Hadlund. N. W. corner 6th and Oak. WANTED TO RENT WANTED T rent 4. R or 6 room house I with modern conveniences, located in IB or join .. curs. jirBL elans inrvic& ytrH mn. wmrnt, nihil ntnnjia ... i ' aihm mu 8,ate,renti buy,,ater ,f house I USED sewing machines. $3 to $26.. guar- suitable. Z-76B, journal. 1 anteed "erfect stitchers, machines GENTLEMAN wants room in private ' rented, repairing. New Home agency, home where there are no other room-1 850 Morlson. next to Tull & Glbbs. era. X-763. Journal. SAFES New and 2d hand; low prices: . .,. 0 easy terms; sr.fes opened.' repaired and OR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 painted. Purceil Sate Oorand Port.and W. Safe Co.. 86 Bth St. Main 6309. A-4-118. FINE fcarnforfent 848 Vaughn st TYPEWRITERS Remington $80; ST r irvuTnrir awn unrrrruv- mn Premiers $27.60. L. C. Smiths, Under LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY SS woods. Northwest Typewriter Co., 90 6th st. WANTED Young White Leghorns, vP vrtrl . .M. wh n.v, t omAm' f.m-i.-T? 1 YOU neeti a sewing machine corns ,t & eh- ' THSi females; ucfc B bargatn t0 n6 BpecU1. must be cheap. Z-762, Journal. w,te g M Co-iBCor. 11th and Wairh. st Thoroughbred Barred Reck eggs, oiroZi'jt. .irt TunT choice stock, special rates per 100. 8 ,117 Jtfcr vni M"6A . - tertmsd1.73,gJo!rn1.'afa- W" FfySrlcnUkSr ' 486 Brwn'st neaV FOR SALE-Mlsslon library ubte, Mor- K-nftnVw5i4h Brown st. near Hg chalr and rocker reasonable. Take a.y ? . . c i-fc.A w n Alberta car. 971 E. 31st st. North. THREE A-l fresh cows ot 709 Harold vno oitir a1ii. -u.-, rrr- n venue fiellwnnil ear phnti. a.llmnn OR SALE Mlsalon china closet, rea- avenus. tseiiwooa car. Phone Sellwood BOnable, and flna Victor graphophone. t 3 r - 971 E. 31st st N. Take Alberta car. L PlngtSn" efg0gfetcIeApf,now WMuerohr FOR 6ALE-New. second stoves. tuX Sefl wood 1230 Murphy, nture. 267 Flanders. Mar. 1370. WILL sell fine mare or trade for good C0EROtR'?0eq?lrLiwllJldSU,1 milch cow, 366 Aspen st, Willamette .. Kn Const. Co.. 711 Lewis bldg. Heights. Phone Marshall 844. SHOWCASES fixtures, store fittings. r new. 2d hand. 312 Everett. M. 7617. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 BINO and Royal Ann cherries. 7o per lb. v.,. .. Sellwood 1335. , FIVE different full blood breeds of pup- CHERRIES for sale cheap. Tabor 1620". pies for sale; also angora kittens; tor- 1 ' 1 1 tolse shell and malteses. $5 each. Dr. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 C. E. Brown, veterinary surgeon, 1 E. -u-,. - t L1JT ., " T.T." .. 12th st. Phone Main 4086 or East 6440. WANTED On bath tub. full length nnnBim wain iro nrrt a n'' 'finish; also one marble sink ""rcjj8! yEHICLES. ETC. 18 s feft by 20 Inches; second hand; must -. -i.-l -, - ' - 1 be good. Room 40, Valley hotel. 232 Vx MICHIGAN BUGGIES. 2d St., Portland. RU8HFORD WAGONS. fofr tKy1 ,h- hi., n,l . 1 our,idsantheBhIgr?e"t district9 and fo? jj"" Maln' , ' ' that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy WANTED 600 men and ladies' suits to a second hand vehicle when you can get clean and press fcy the Elite Cleaning, a new one at about the same prlceT P,rel,".!n Dve Wfrks, 28 Union ave. R. M. WADE & CO., N. Phone East 3869. 322 Hawthorne ave. WANTED People of Portland to know ONE three inch farm wagon with Call- th P11? V b'ghest cash pries tor fornla state rack in fins condition, c'd hand household good a N. M price $60. One 8 1-$ wide tire farm wag- Reater. 149 Ruwsell East 1661 on with new bed in fine order, price EAST SIDE auotlon jobbers ' wand 2d $70, was $118.60 60 days ago. Set hand furniture, highest pries paid.. 94 heavy single express harness with col- Grand ave. F). 1061. ' wffh oolUrs'Vh- MaSduVTtcJIk'mii? TOOLS-Hlghest price paid for 2d hand taM? FSViili' fm m ai farmers' mechanics', loggers tools. lllrT ana jsngusn rrom $6 UP to $20. Al- TTin Hardware en tit rront XT on74 so runabouta, business buggies, eta tfJi M 1 J I ' ?. M-9072: New York club stables, 16th and Alder. l6,00 worth 2d hand household roods In A NUMBER of first class eastern Or- Cass7FltW Co Eart'TiM-1'1 egon horses, weight from 1200 to '?ir-i C ' 180 - . 1600, young and sound and soma very B? WISE: get more for your second cheap. All horses guaranteed. Madison . n"l 'urnltwrs by selling it to Ford Sale Stables, 186V4 Madison st. near Co.. 211 1st. Main 961. A.f44 bridge on west side. WE BUY CLOTHING. EVERYTHING" JUST arrived, car of fresh horses, 5!ft$e?, JKlff ES,,Lfoi USSn8 .IS!"."! weighing from 1050 td 1450. wel c"toff clothing, shoes. M. 2080. 290 1st young and sound; pair bay mares, 2600, sound, guaranteed as represented. 6th and Montgomery. Marshall 1412. IF YOU are looking for some good horses I have them. I have 4 tteams more than I have use for. They are 1400 to 1600 lbs., 4 to 7 years old. Call ivo vjoroeti nt HORSES and mules, good assortment always on hand. , Tnomsen t Male horn, commission salesmen, Union Stockyards, North Portland, Or. Phone Woodlawn 2400. , , HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month; special rates, to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. East 72. LIGHT express wagon, harness and team tor- sale enjap. Call at 186 Lombard st. Phone woodlawn 33 or Woodlawn 2978. FOR 8ALE--6 delivery wagons in, good order. Prices range from $26 to $40 each, at 14S Grand ave., near E. Morri son St., city. ! FOUR year old horse, broke for saddle or harness, gentle ana perfeotly sound. Call 471 2 2d st, near Jackson, Portland Heights or phone Main 6993, FOR. SALE Qood. heavv tearm harness ana ; wagon, av Dargam, , must sell. Phone Sellwood 491. ' ' - 1 1KAVIS Bros, woodyard, 451 Haw thorn: throurh haullnsT wnnrlt rin AlnT.fmlmm. ni llAVsl-kfll Knniitr Anil II wis. y wKwq , v- c, iivny S"W llIHl TWO express wagons cheap; call 100 East 26th street, north. ' i ... ' i.ir"" ; -"--v .. v , aimiu I860. 43 HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. I70 WILL PURCHASE, v;, , GREAT BARGAIN. I Mr PnY outfit, consisting . ...j uim.iv. empress ; sne tton and to purchaser two week' trial will be allowed at 505 Alder at. 1200 will purchase pair of cherry bay weight 2100 pounds; aound, kind and true in all ulaces and under all oir. wuri iiamens. ooin i .. veara. cumsUnoes and will be so warranted, allowing two weeks' trial. ; 605 Alder st Will purchase handsome chestnut nunc, new narness ana almost new cov- ered business wagon; this horse -la kind "TEVENS-DTJRYEA 6 cyl.. Bosch dual and fearless and a natural roadster of system, demountable rims, top, banker 10 miles per hour; weight 1076 pounds, shield;- Just overhauled; $1750, are 8 years; wllKwork both single and iTm"- double; trial allowed. 606 Alder at PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLEARING , '..... TTAfTflni COMPLETE FARM OUTFIT. $200 will purchase pair of young, true very closely mated; work together and" n Bviiiar iiiii Mnn whipiii -jtrnii nnnniia true pollers; new, heavy breeching har- PVooS TOlo'wedOlaer l- - ' 5I?!?"BANS!K TEAM-MARES. ,2i1 w1purchaB P,r yun; res. weight 2200. sound, kind and reliable in any snot or place; fine, drivers, good walkers and will suit any business pur- poee; also neat set heavy harness; all 2W. allowing trial. SOSAlder st V AAA lk. V J .. 1 m - avw iu., uij urausniera, lai anal handsome. Ned and Prince; this pair is worth today $600. but will be sold fop the low price of $360. and I think when you see them that you will agree with me that they are the cheapest team for the money ever offered in this city: sold only as owner is closing out his ousiness interests in mis city; win be I " 5.1 ""e iou. jii.-m.-r . rxonn sold allowing trial also at purchaser's st Co., Chapman and Alder sts. option, heavy truck and almost new I AUTO, value to $700. will be taken as harness. 505 Aider st. I first payment on $2200 house and lot. i.ujnpiete camping outrit or ugni rancn worg. consisting or pair nanaaome young mares, weight 2000 lbs., new set heavy breeching harness and new light farm wagon; price for complete outfit allowing trial, $200. 605 Alder st Horses. 10 head, weight 1100 lbs. to 00; all good, sound, thin, serviceable 1200: young horses; being used by tha Ryan Construction Co. of Seattle, who have replaced with auto trucks; prices $40 up: must be sold at once; great bar gain. 606 Alder st Pair closely mated blockv built mares. full sinters. 6 and 7 years, weight 2800 Ik . - - ... iur.. ii uo in aii DittL-eB anu uiiuer an Lin.uiiiKiniii:i;B, iitn mmor. m uiipg Lnie teurn 01 111 arcs iur saie 1 ifiinx tnat 1 1 ran irumiuny Bay inai iney are sec - nnrt In nr. tmarr. la h hun anlH In turned and sharply built and perfectly sound in every respect with the best of feet and legs, and are good enough to go and competo for the blue ribbon In any show ring in the county; will be sold allowing two weeks' trial. 805 Alder st. HANDSOME HAMBLETONIAN MARE, to pay cosla, but no brokerage. Loan Heavy in foal, $75; weight 1160 wanted from private party. V-760, Jour pounds, age 7 years, in foal to a good nal. - stallion of largo site. 605 Alder st A LOAN of $26,000 on a good security. TWO horse team. 2200 lbs., wagon and Call or address 28$ Fargo St., Wood harness, good travelers, for sale or lawn. 1934. trade. U. 8. Transfer Stables. 248 Front FOR SALE Team horses for farm or grading; cheap if taken at once. i3 Schuyler, or Phone E. 4989, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 14 NEW and second nana pool and billiard tables botlaht and sold on eaay terms; fowling alleys, refrigerators for Imme diate delivery. Address tint Brunswick- 370 E. Morrison, phone E. 1022, pays highest cash price for fumltura. WANTED 2d hand furniture. W.mmt 1111 648 Hawthorne ave. Heater Martin.' WE DON'T asif what you want for your fornlture We make caH offer. M-1844. WANTED Moving picture machine, gas outfit, folding chausete. V-768, Journal ; MUSICAL niSTr.taiENTS 3 , mm mm ww-.iyw , FOR SALE New upright piano: will M!!l-C,.fJ5 C?W 5 82r? DaT! mt- Jph0M Main 8731. Ask for Russell. . A invtMnun .T7a.itfVTrTtrvn-w va a a I ' wr " - "GARAGE" llv. and dead -to anda,sno.'dng . repa,r,nii'nt0," b0M TwiM:iMl-.MrvrAB ein 316 Hawthorne Ave. T- East 683. 1 nUtS I finrlnea marantend ' t M lKth at I FOR SALE-A; dandy little Reo single cylinder, first class condition! win carry 4. Pries $260. See Johnson & jonnson. ib loth st. . . - NO. 1 old auto tires, 7 Vic per pound; In ner tubes Z3c; solid tires 7 e. Levi, 186 Columbia st., Main 6198. 1 GREAT bargain, 7 passenger ..Stude- I LOAN for the asking, salary or cbat baker, A-l condition; cost $8800, $1250. tel. The Loan Co.. 414 DeWm bldg. Woodlawn 6 Oil evenlnas. 8162. I H i AAA "' .- t ' : . , i w ing . car , reasons Die; 1 in rirst class i 'I' van a. '.a. J-'aiy, toi xu, jiaaqison. IS AUTOIOBIISMOTORCYCLES 44 - Second Hand Cars of STEARNS! 909. 7 pass.." 4 syt; is i ..-. n. p., luuy equipped, line con- nned I PIERCE llo. 6 crl.. SI h. p- 106 BUICKModel 10. 4 ptI. runabout . with top . ., . v. . . . . .... ..... ... 4W The owners of these ear hava ift iRSTJ"'! ,'J" t.r they hsving par. enB" Jit. Pierea-Arrow or CaCillaa V"' t of . need earr la con- Yi1BJ(ttcJJln- u V1) P' . rQ yvYM iron car compawy. In 1470. A-4li87. 21st nn Wash. 1 . . . Madison Sts. I Main 6(1 , f hones. . A-2234. WHITE gas ear; fully eaulpoed. 4 pas- t"' " PORTLAND AUTOMORILB CLEARING) ..' 8th anoSudlson Sts. Main 692. Phones. A-3224. , 1 1 . tottrtat t ..jt.,.. .- x- xA- PORTLAND AVOMolixLB CLEARING HOTJflTQ , h mmA u.ji... Btm Main 692 K?" 8t ,. MWn '"' Phones. A-2334. p.Dr,lt.i ; M , ,' , . , B ,,3,IN Studebaker-Garford 19T0 a7 i 7 TMsenger, complete equlp- Pl?"r rt,n Perfect condition. Cost J"00; To be sold account owner leav- ipBiancv terms: piece worth IZbOO; HSW- I tnorne niatrict. Fnone Tabor I0BI. FINANCIAL I HAVE a few more of thoae artlC edrti stocks running from $600 to 1600(1 i.!iI,arT?'JT?lt !r5 S5,t!mu 5fi,"'T.T7- H Bard- ,2i Yeon b,s 5 PER CENT MONEY. For building or house purchasing as sistance, payable the same as rent Tha Standard Real Estate Loan Co. (Inc. I, 426 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's enultv In nnntraot nt I . 'i ''. " " ' 1 on real esrara in wnh nvmn nr f tra.nn n. n.. iopifj, jjumoermens DIQg. 1 miim, nr a -Kmrnn I JVirtO nOAXJVl " WANTED Without paying commission v 1SIV' al 8liPer. c?nt for 3 ?eT. on J"nflow with full cement basement, hardwood floors, furnace, etc., fully modern: will pay reasonable attorney's fs, T-769. Journal. WANTED $1500 at 8 per cent for S years, on 6 room bungalow, willing l$3600 FOR three or five years,' eight nop nt flnt mnrln ' InillMnM tnr $4000. Owners only. V-768,' journal. GOPD lot in Rose. City Park on 49th. m blocks to carllne. $800: cash. T-766, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 VACATION LOANS $10, $20. $30, $50, $70. 8100. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED . OF READY CASH GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU OUR WAY OF DOING BUSINESS.1 IT WILL PLEASE YOU BECAUSE OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. OUR SERVICE 18 SUPERIOR. EACH TRANSACTION 6TRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO. 808 FAILING BLDG. " ' We Loan Money LOW RATES QUICK LOANS NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. Any Amount From $10 Up yn furnltuM. nianna. minrmmm reeefnta. livestock. iamonds and all other kinds personal property; payments er red weeklv nr monthly to ault Tour convenience. Courteous treatment to all (rtt Washing ton St., between 4th and Bth sts. Don't Borrow Money UNTIL YOU SEE U8. Loans on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc; lowest rates. HUTTUN UKKWT UU., , 807 Spalding bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women' keenlna house and others furnished without security, cheapest rates, easiest rayments. Coma and get money whan you want It snd pay as Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate or interest Bea ma nrsc J. E. Nichols 616 Yeon Bldg. Oulck loans' on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, Ufa insur ance policies, uvestocK, real estate. etc. u. . Real Estate 4t Broiterag Co.. 913 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084 No delay, on pianos, fumlturs and livestock. Adolphos Lane, pom 414, Ahlngton bldg. ' ' LOANS. MORTGAGE LOANS. 5H to 8 per cent. m 3. FRANK PuitTER, 904 Chamber of Commerce). LOWEST RATES; loans on any seour Ity, chattel or real estate. Union Brokerage Co., 51$ Abington bldg, 106 H 1 to loan on improved city real estate. We are responsible. Western Securities' Co,. 414 Spalding bldg. $260 to . $2000 at 8 per cent interest; $6000 at 7 per cent: on srnod real estate security. Fa J. Stelumata. 408 rterllnanr hide. MONEY to loan. Urge loans a specialty." building loans; lowest rstes; firs ln- surance. W. G. Beck. 813 Falling. $1500. $2000. $5000, $10,000. $20,000 fi LOAN ON PORTLAND REALTY. B. EOWEHT RATiiS keal estate, loans v (r0m $100 up. Union Broksrag Co.. 618 Abington bldg. ' vv, 1 MONEY loaneo on diamond and jewelry I strictly confidential, t 141H d Jl; ioo,000 on mortgages, city or, fann ''r"r,--Iir?.,i""ur" ?Vfn MOR IOAUri-LOA, 6 11 MkcltW. - LOUIS SALOMON. 28$ STARK 8T. " WILL purchase your mortgage notes, J. r rana r-orter, o tjnamber of Com. WB LOAN rnoncv on amort ni4iksa auick and quietly. 612 Swetin km MONEY to loan. 6 to I nar nan nul. ft. J0 Bp.auMlwT ld'- j WILL iloan $20.noo or less real ssUta! T rwnnnun, in commercial Club bldaV MONEY to loan i n improved real esUta. White. 701 Sellln MA ' F. A, Newton. IH Hsnw BMsW .'(Y - ,vv : w. mimi t. i j iuui tin I'liv ti rnn fiTTTni' lr 'oP" on, all securities. , W. . 41 Washihgton bldg. Main $10. l' Kl: f,