THE" OREGON SUNDAY .jbykNAi;. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 2, ,1911. 1 I 07 U ACRES -Fronting on the east side T of the Willamette river, . all -V ' in cultivation. 2ft acre In it ; .1 i - 1 -bearing orchard, 3 miles u l from city limits. 4 W2,?H" of Oregon City car Una. This la. an Ideal country , home. - Price 116,000. yl 29 ACRES Right on Estacada . car i' - " Una, 3 acres In cultivation: I.'1,1 house, barn,, chicken house. 3 ! - '. spring, 3 running streams; i , gooa on; no tucks or gravw, i , Fruit tree, berries;. 1H acres , lu potatoes. , 18800, 10 ACRES About 8 miles from city limits, in Uiacnamas couniy; Six room house, large barn, clueken house; 300 apple i ., trees-. - Good well, running . stream 7 acres In cultlva ' - tlon. 3 acres In heavy fir ' timber. Price $5500, ' , ACRES At ', Gladstone, oh .Oregon , City car line. Price $2500. TWO 5 ACRE TRACTS 4 blocks from .,, tlie Oregon City oar lino, at Covell station; aTl In culti vation. Price 1300 per acre. 4 ACRES Fronting on the - Oregon City car line; all In cultlva., tlon; best of, soil. Price $900 , ' per acre, ONE S "ACRE TRACT 4 blocks from Oresham line, near Gates sta tion. Price $700 per acre. ALSO half acre and acre tracts fre-nt-lng on the Willamette river, - convenient to the Oregon City , , rar line, from $800 to $1500 ner tract. The Lawrence Co. . (Successor to the Dunn-Lawrence CoO 248 ALDER ST. ' 10 ACRES B acres In high state of cultivation; 8 acreB in potatoes, 1 acre In garden; 3 acres have been slashed and -'seeded; good 8-room house; good barn, well and ' well house: overground cellar, large ' chicken houses, and runs; 1 horse. worth $lo; l ouggy, ui ,.. 111 chickens, l pig, au kiiius v "" tola: mile to sawmill; z miies io country town; Vt miles to canine, in miles from Portland. Price aiJu; half cash. .!; CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. ' 618-20-21 Railway Exchange. .. , TBABn Are you looking for 6 or iu acre you looking -tracts? Prices and terms to suit you, from owner. Call for - Mrsr -Taylor, , 90 6th St., between Oak and Stark. OWNER MUST SELL 6 acres In orchard in full bearing; 11-year-old trees. In extra fine shape; on 'main county road; 1 mile from station; 13 miles from Portland; in beautiful country; lies fine; ought to pay for Itself in two years; crop goes with place. The five acres, look Just like a picture. Price for quick sale, $1060; $350 cash, balance to suit. This Is a genuine sacrifice. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., " 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. GOOD well built 6 room house with 22 . lots (nearly 4 acres); spring, running water, about 70 fruit trees: cherries, pears, apples, berries, etc., 3 blocks from electric car Station; very desirable, close in suburban homo, chicken ranch, etc. $3500, good terms. Also have 6 room bouse and 10 lots for $2400 J. W. Hef ferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. Both phones. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land, walking distance to good town, running Water, best soil, free wood, . splendid fruit district, view of Colum bia river and snow peaks, 2 acres $250; 8 acres $300', 10 acres $500; 10 per cent cash, easv payments, other tracts near railway station $26 to $40 per acre. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO., 309 Yeon bid., Portland. 11 miles from Portland, Al in cultl- I 8 ACRES vatlon except a few stumps; house. ! , ACREAGE 3 I; Z. ir.".1 wJ wiana in crop, balance second orchard, running water the year round; lJPlieJl???lL?. "n,mni eouhtv road; sale price $250,); will ex change for house and lot In Portland. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. - 20 ACRES All cultivated, apple or chard, 126 ,pcar trees, full bear ing young pear orchard (300 trees), set last year, cherries and prunes, house, barn, etc.. five miles from Albany, half mile to Millersburg station. Price $3100, with good ' team, harness, wagon, disc "Iharrow. cultivator, plow, 75 chickens and all growing crops, $3600: Box 77, Route 6y Albany. Or. 6 ACRES; all in cultivation; new 5 room house, barn and outbuildings; young family orchard, all fenced and cross-fenced; 4 blocks from electric sta tion, 13 miles from station, In fine open country: price $2500. .Will trade for house of same value. ' CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 513-20-21 Railway Exchange. 38 ACRES deep, black soil, cleared, balance pasture and timber;' running water, level; school, church, store, close to electric car- line: 18 miles from Portland postoffice, $125 per acre, cash, bal. 6 per cent. Will sell half at $185 per acre, same terms. J. W. Hef ferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. Both phones. EXCELLENT condition and finest loca- tion in world, for chicken ranch or fruit farm. 20 miles from Portland, $200 cash, balance will, pay for itself EAGER & WATSON, Main 8612. 810 Lewis bldg. 4 LOTS (half acre) Portland Park aSdi tlon, 5 blocks from Shahapta station, n Oregqn Electric; on good county mo4 91 . mlniitAH alAfltrff rnr service. $500, A cash, bal. terms. Chickens, , cows and vegetables make it aelf-sup-jiortlng and desirable close In suburban ftme. J. W. HeffeNln, 203 Corbett ttig. Both phones. TITaCrES AT BEAVERTpN, $1760 .8 'acres; iy, acres in high state of -cultivation, balance easily cleared; 6 minutes walk from Beaverton and is extra fine soil right on main county road. Price ' $1750, halt cash, balance to suit. V- " CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 619-U0-21 Railway Exchange. Cheap Acreage - In the winter apple district east of Estacada, 40,-80 or 160. $20 and up. Improved farms $8 3 an, acre. 40 acres, 3 room house, $1200. 3 acres, 4 room house, at Wichita, 7 cent fare. Terms. 1 O. W. P: Land Co.. 1st and Alder. SNAP. - . 23 acres.' 9 in cultivation, $ acres In standard apples, old house ' and barn, spring 'water, The best of soil, mile from a cltv and Columbia river; to settle estate; greatly below value: $1-400, $500 cash, balance Urns. 417 Board of Trade. RAISE POTATOES. , One crop will pay for land. S and 10 acre tracts on easy terms; beauti ful community; good roads and trans lation., .inquire at tin ttoara or Trade ldr. , FIVE acres, small "house, on electrio close to Hlllsboro. $800. 8150 cash. S "acres at Garden Home, $425 per acre. from Lents station, small house. Price $476, $10 down, $10 month. O. E. Wil ' cox,; Rox 801. Lents, Or. 10 ACRES near Vancouver, level; good soil, close to car, $1000. Terms If dfBired. 804 Henry bldg.,' Portland. TWO acres excellent garden land, $606. - Equity -for $450. Oregon City elec .r,r, u imnuiwE vui,' r-1 journal. ,10 acres, all fenced, small house. 7 1 acres cultivated,' good creek. 23c far $1600 $800 cash. East 2387. ' CHICKEN ranch and orchard. 5 acres. 26 rk' TiiunB j.iuiu jrirriiKiiu, 10 per DlODln , will buy it. W-744. Journal. . ONE acre at Garden Home, $700, your .own terms. EasU3387. ST Phone Tabor 3150 5 Acres , - f On O. W. P. line, 9 room house, spring water, county road, station on tract, all cultivated s $7600 cash;-on 10 cent far.. 2 1-2 Acres . 7 miles out, 4 miles from station, 6 room good house, barn, planted now, good spring, all fenced. $3650 cash, - 13 1-2 Acres All cultivated, good well, good barn, 8 acres in orchard, IK mllea from sta tion. $3250 cash, . 15 Acres 1$ Cultivated, new house, modern, good basement, bath, toilet, city plumb ing, fruit and berries, 4 acres onion land, running water, 1 mile from sta- t,on- 15 Acres 1! milrlvafful. K mom bunsalow. new. city plumbing, orchard, berries, barnJ. outnuuaings, close m, su minutes auio mobile, good road, mile station. Jos, Buchtel & Co. y 118 Grand ave. 1-2 Acre $10 DOWN, $10 MONTH. 1-4 Acre $6 DOWN, $5 MONTH. On 6 cent carline, close to stores, churches and large graded school; Bull Run water piped In front of each tract; streets graded, rand view of Mount Hood and surrounding country. Take the children out where they can have plenty of fresh air and where you can keep a cow and chickens. You -can enjoy country life with all advantages of the city and be paying for a Jiome with your rent money. Geo. T. Moore Co. 518 Ahlngton bldg. Only a Small Cash Payment And balance to suit, buys 4 to 10 acres , at a S. P. R. R. depot, fine soil. Ideal for poultry, green feed all the year around. , See Mr. Camp, Hartman & Thompson bank, Jth and Stark. Want a Good Small Home? If so, call and seemy list before you buy. I have, several small places close to the electric lines 8 to 25 acres, from $176 to $500 per sure; some of these are highly improved and dandy homes; close to good schools and handy to car. I have one of 3 acres right at Beaverton, ?ood soil, lies fins, young orchard, new room house and good barn. It's a fine home and cheap at $2100; can give terms on part. Neal Brown, 709 Swet land bldg.. Fifth and Washington sts. WATERFRONT ACREAGE. 10 ACRES, right -t boat landing: ) near railroad station; two roads, soon to do eiectrinea; gooa service to fort '"" markets; fine building site; best " f"' ii.Vy . r.T growth. &5mhV land ' SEE MR; cash, balance can be r A TT 91 5th st. BEAUTIFUL, COUNTRY HOME Consisting of acres all in extra nigh state of cultivation, beautiful bun galow, barn and outbuildings, nicely painted, modern, gas lights and water system, at Tigard station, 9 miles from Portland. Everything just like a city home; price $6750. -Will take $3500 house in trade CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 519-20-21- Railway Exchange. 1 2 Acres With nice 7 room house, barn, garden -and all Improvements, ready to move Into, mile from S. P. R. R. station. See Mr. Camp at 1 art man & Thompson bank, 4th and Stark. 140 ACRES in Klickitat county. Wash., 40 acres cleared, 13 acres In choice winter apples and other small fruit; balance in grain; on good county road, close to church and school. All can be Irrigated. This tract Is as good as any Hood river apple land. Good build ings. Can be had on easy payments; small payment down, or will exohange for good citv DroDettv. Call at 228 railing bldg. Zy ACRES AT BEAVERTON'" nnn.i . Sii acres; all in cultivation, with a 3-room new house, good well; on main county road; 5 minutes walk fronv sta tion. This is a bargain andVmust be sold at once.. This Js extra fine garden land; $280 cash will handle this; good terms on balance. 1 CO-QPERATIVE REALTY CO., 519-20-21 Railway Exohange. HALF ACRE. ' Beautiful weat side half acre. 19 min utes on electrio line, 7, blocks from car; eight year old fruit trees, on macadam ized road; lots are selling for $400 and up. Onjy $760. $60 down, $15 a month. W.C.T HARDING LAND CO., Cor. 4 th and Oak st. Board of Trade bldg. . Main 5465. A-8229 $1500 BUYS an acre. One of the most beautiful tracts to be had in South Portland. This tract adjoins Carson Heights, and only 4 blocks from Bur lingame, where lots are selling from $600 to $1000 each. This is a very high class home site or investment. Owner needs cash. ME. Lee, 811 Cor bett bldg. I , Beautiful 10 Acre Tracts ' V, , mile from Balom electric, finest soil in Oregon ; every tract a beauty; either all or part under cultivation. Lo cation is Ideal. Price is lowest of .any on market. Small payment down. If you are from Missouri so, much the bet ter to see these tracts means you buy. woirr Liana i;o., iizjj Henry oiag. Henrv 6 ACRES CHICKEN RANCH. $1000 All cleared and Incrop; five minutes' walk to station; lies just right; best shot soil. There Is no bet ter five acres 'in-th' valley. This is a bargain; $200 cash, balance easy, SEE MR. CARR, ' ' aj. tn at, S ACRES for $1600; clone In, on the west side, overlooking the river and mountains, and East Portland; 6c car fare. You can't oeat tnia lor the mon ey around Portland, M. E. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg. '. 16 ACRES., ' f " Best Ideated tract for the money; level, 'With oreek, close to good town, 40 minutes from city. $3800; half cash. C. PeGraff, 228 Btark st, - X 2, 3,. 6 and 10 acre tracts, close In. i good electrio car service, 1100 to $260 the acre; big values, esy-trm. Call, phoftjU or write us NOW. J, W, Heffer lln Realty Co., 203 Corbett-bldg. vo you want, xo start a poultry "'Five acres, fine lonatlon, $50 down and $10 per month will handle it. Ad dress M. . Lee, 3U Corbett bldg.,, ACREAGE CUTTING f 3 ACRES NORTH . 0F.IENT8,' 66 CM . FARE.'. RULtRUN -' .---WATER,' '- 17 A FEW CHOICE BUYS. - 400ecres of rich level land only 18 miles from Portland, about 80 acres Improved, balance easily cleared. Has one and one-half miles of Willamette river frontage, S boat landings on property. This' Is a fine platting pro position for 6 and 10 acre tracts. Trans- ortation facilities are good. There will e something doing In. this locality shortly. Price $150 per acre, reason able terms. ' 87 acre's 'of very fertile land 14 miles from Portland. Land la over half cleared .and mostly rich - black Joam bottom land, This farm at $85 per acre is an exceptional BARGAIN. Terms very reasonable. Five acre's of; choice ulcleared land close to United Electric -line at Plain View. Price $150 per acre, very easy terms. This is CHEAP. ' 3.7 acres near above piece for $540", easy terms. The soil is fine. 1- acre at Woodstock, cleared and ployew. water piped to tract. See this property If wanting a bargain. WHITMER-KELLY CO. Main 1008 70 4th at. A-1008 , Loyely Ten Acre Tract Close.1 to Clackamas Station. . The 10 acres are all cleared and fenced, only a half mile from Clackamas station, which is a 10 cent fare from Portland; good 8 room house, barn, chicken house and other outbuildings; 1 acres Planted in strawberries; 10 young ruit trees set out, balance seed ed for hay; with the plaoe goes 1 horse, 2 cows, 1 heifer, about I '' dozen chickens, plow, drag, cul tivator, buggy and wagon, and 2 sets of single harness. Pries $4500! $2400 cash, and the balanoe can stand for alnipst 3 years aj " 8 per cent. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 133 H First st. - - 5 Acre Tract for Sale 6 acres of fine land, all under cultivation, fine trout stream borders place, good road, clone to carline and only IS miles from city. Why -pay fancy, prices?. This land will produce as large a revenue as land selling for $1000 an acre. Think of it, the price is only $150 per acre; Cash, bal ance to suit. Call or write for full particulars. Phone Main 1743, A-1743. Brong-Steele Co,, Ground floor Lewis bulg 267 Oak st, cor. 4th. See Dryer. 12-Acres All Cleared and In crop, house. gtod large barn, chicken houSernog hous, 100 chickens, 12 hogs; mare and colt, 3 heifers, 80 ducks, hay in barn to last 1 year; splendid gar-, den; fruit, all household furni ture, groceries; land level; fine black , soil; 10 miles west of Portland on Forest Grove electric. $2000 will handle; land Is three blocks from station. Rand, Read & Co." 318 Board of Trade. Acreage for Sala by Owner Six acres of land, level and close to Mount Scott car line. Will sell at a sacrifice price of $860 an acre. Call up this morn ing. Tabor 1410 and get par ticulars. - . Non-Resident Forced to Sell $1000 1 acre at Oak Grove. 4 blocks from Oregon City car line. This Ir a valuable holding; $300 coin takes it. (672) HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Department, Cham be r of Commerce Bldg. A Sportsman's Acres On a Large Trout Creek 40 minutes from Portland. One hour by auto. Half a mile from a station. Rich creek bottom and . High grade orchard land. Small cash payment, easy terms. Fred F. Huntress. 612 McKay bldg. ONE ACRE WEST SIDE. Beautiful view, all In high state of cultivation, 19 minutes on electric line', about 7 blocks from car; all city con veniences can be obtained here; lots are selling for $400 and up. Only $1500, $100 down, $25 a month. W. C. HARDING LAND CO.. Cor. 4th and Oak. Board of Trade bldg. Main 8465. A-S229. Chicken ranches and orchard tracts. $75 to $150 per acre. Small ash payment, easy terms. 40 minutes' ride from Portland. One mile from the depot. Genuine red shot soil. No rock or gravel. Fred F. Huntress, 612 McKay bldg. Nine Acres GENUINE BEAVERDAM The kind for raising onions or cel ery. You can make 200 per cent on your Investment in ono year. $200 per acre, very easy terms. See this right away. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 450 couch Biag, RIVERFRONT HOME Over acre of land: west side; 20 min utes ride on suburban line; new bun galow; fireplace, beamed ceilings, etc., modern plumbing, fine water, electric light; Ideal home place. Half cash, bal ance terms. , 22 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SALE OR EXCHANGE. Very choice 10 acre tract out from Tigard, well improved with houne, barn, sheds, fruit, etc. 7 acres cultivated, balance timber. Price $4500. Take clear house and lot- for 2-8 of value. P. Ii. Brace Co., 808 Board of Trade. FIVE acres on the Willamette river. $1000;' Ideal villa home; excellent transportation facilities. This-property will be worth a lot of money In the near future. $100 down and $15 a month. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. FOR 8ALE 2i. acres on 36"th and Holgate, half in orchard, gpod 6 room house. Lies high and sightly. All kinds of frutt, large garden In. Will sell allaor part; terms. .H. S. Owen, 1083 Holgate st. Loamy --Land Acres "OREGON'S GARDEN SPOT." $300 to $400 per a-re; easy " terms. Further particulars see ad pagef, sec tlon 2. HAVE, three fine . 6 acre tracts near Wllsonvllle: bent soil on earth: will. sell for $1250 each; $150 cash, balance. ii jer uiuuui. . v. r. nm, uao VYXUiums avenue. ;. FOR SALE Going away, will sell equ ty In acre cheap, at Greys Cross ing; small house and barn. E. M. Robb, 469 E. Salmon. Phone g. 4928; FIVE acres,, near Iver, $T60; some rich bottom land; will mske a beautiful summer home or poultry ranch. Ad dress M. E. Leo, 811 Corbett bldg. IMPROVED or. unimproved at bar gain: vour own time or may pay in work. Owner, room 723 Chamber of Commerce. Phon Main 4982. FOR SALE FAKMS If -160 acres, goo agricultural land, Til .lamook county near ocean and R. R $8000; terms. Inquire Wm. Nast, room 223 Ahlngton bldg. SMALL tracts'" choice fruit land,' I'ark dale, tipper Hood River Valley; -very easy terms; magnificent mountain view.1 Owner, Mala t$tl. i ' , ACREAGE XT ' 20 Acres About 25 miles from the center of Portland and in the heart of, the most highly developed frui raising and farm ing section of Oregon; station 250 feet from your door, best - of service into town, " place' lays in a corner with a main county road on two sides, the place Is all in a perfect state of cul tivation : and Into - crop, has a fair ( room ; house and barn, all fenced, has a good spring and running water, a ? rood well at the house, there is a fam ly orehard of apples, pears and cher ries; the soil is a dark heavy loam and there is none better, located about 1 mile from one of -the. beet little towns in the valley, & mlle to high school, ad Joining oris of the largest canneries in the state, the surrounding-country 1 very thickly settled and alt high class homes, among the most highly devel oped sections in the state of Oregon; price $4000, cash; balance long term, 6 per . cent, :. . 10 Acres -" Some bearing cherries . and apples balance set to 1 year old yellow New town apples, has fair 6 room house and well, the land lays gently sloping, has main road on two sides, station right on the place, 1 mile to one of the best little, towns in the valley, 25 miles Trora Portland and in the heart or the most highly developed fruit raising and thicklv Settled section in the state, ad joining a large cannery and evaporating plant; you can have electric, lights, the sou is neavy oiacK loam nv leei aeep, two Kood potato crops which you can grow between the rows of the young apple trees will pay for this land; the location is ideal for raising berries and Chickens. mile to high school. This will make . a beautiful home and Is big sacrifice at the price asked, $2600, half cash, your own terms on balance: adjoining land set to apples selling readily at $buu per acre. : . W. C. Harding Land'Co, 80 4th at, ground floor, Board Of Trade mag 10 acres, close to O. W. P. electrio line, near Eagle Creek; 25" miles from Portland; $ acres under cultivation and in crop, balance timber; good welU 18x28 painted house of 3 rooms and kitchen : good barn, young orchard. Price 82660: half cash. 12 acres. 3 miles from Vancouver; ex cellent soil, 8 acres cleared; 5 room plastered house and good barn. Price $3000: half cash. . . IS-li arret. 1U milew from Tlgard very good' soil, all under cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced; 2 acres In or chard, 3 years old; fair barn, good well PHm S ?.((: Jfifin cash. - . 15 acres, at Castlerock, Wash., close to depot and boat landing; finest kind of soil; 11 acres under cultivation, bal ance tlmberL-8 room houe, barn and other outbuildings: good orchard and tMr iftSftft: 1 1 RO0 cash. 20 acres. 4i mile from O. W. P. elec- -trlc line, near Barton; good soil, 12 acres under cultivation, balance tim ber: good well, small shack. Prle 'fin0: half cash. We have manv other small tracts, Calf and see what we have. DUUIFFMANN&MOORI 325 Lumber Exchange. Well Improved Home Consisting of 50 acres, all un der cultivation, about 40 acres is beaver dam land, with 15 acres of onions and 15 acres of other garden produce now ready for the market, balance of place is high and a beautiful home, fam ily orchard of assorted fruits, fine house and barn, fences and other buildings. This place ad joins a good town of 3000 peo ple: Is located on the electric line and station, and only 60 minutes' ride from the heart of Portland. Price $350 per acre. Brong-Steele Co., Ground floor Lewis Bldg., 267 Oak st, .cor. 4 th. See Dryer. 22 Acres Fine level land, mile west of Broad Acres station, on Salem Electric line, 6 room "'house. In fine condition, new barn, 40x60 and other outbuildings, good well of waref, all well fenced, l horse, 2 fine cows, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 2 sets "of harness. 40 chickens, plows, cultivator and all small tools, stoves and furniture; land all In crop, on main county road. Price $4500; cash, or will take in house and lot up to jouu. 15 Acres Of extra fine garden land. 4 beav erdam m peat, fine 8 room new bun galow, bath and toilet, barn and onion house, water piped to house and barn, 9i mile from Troutdale, on Base Line road. All klnas or rruu. trice ouo; $5000 cash, balance 8 per cent interest. AU crop goes with place. Ball & Kuntz 481 Lumber Exchange Bldg. A Bargain 60 acre ranch, down Columbia river, $1.40 carfare from Portland, all plow land, nearly level, fine soil, splendid location, on fine county road, 1 mile to town, close neighbors. Vi mile to school, crop looks fine, good span of young horses, harness, all new machln ery, wagons, buggy, tools, etc.;' chickens, cows, everything goes for a few days at $3000. Also 160 acre ranch 4 miles to town on railroad, 7 miles from county seat; close neighbors; mile to school; spring water, good county roaoV house, barn, good crop; about 100,000 feet of timber, fine deep soil, free from rock or gravel. $3 car fare from Portland, Yours for $1200. This is a gift, first here geta it. Claude Cole 780 Chamber of Commerce. Here Is One of the Best Buys in Oregon,' 127 acres. 60 acres In cultivation. 25 acres alfalfa, balance In alslke and tim othy; 11 room hotel, all furnished; gen eral store with $8000 stock of goods do ing a una business; amusement hall, mineral springs; 2 barns, 1 for livery; a postoffice cancelation, amounts to $20 per month; bearing orchard, water piped to house and barn; place will cut 125 tons of hay per year; land Is Irrigated; blacksmith shop complete, telephone, R. F. D., on main dally Rtago road In Doug las county, Or., on Umpqua river. This Is a money maker. Price $9000, cash. Ball & Kuntz, 431 Lumber Exchange Bid. 194 ACRE farm, in Multnomah county east of Portland, on a macadamised 'road, all good soil and lies perfect; 60 acres in cultivation, good orchard, fine large house, -3 harlis, 30 acres of tall green timber, balance of land iw pas ture, 1 mile to car line; good ilool acrosw the road. This place wouKlMI vldti nicely into 3 or 4 smaller farms, or in 5 and 10 acre tracts. Price $126 FEMKNT ft KRIPER, 248 Madison St. $10 Per. Acre This 180 acres has 65 acres of No. 1 tillable land, no 'better: balance fine pasture, and has 1,000,000 feet of piling limber, small house and barn, near school and sawmill, 9 miles from R, R., 40 from Portland. 332V,, Wash, st., room 18. LLARKB COUNT WASH , FARMS. 30 to 160 acres, Improved or unim proved bottom land; strawberry land", trout stream; plenty timber; telephone; R. V. D. handy, R, R.j- cheap, cash or trades Easy terms. . ' F. W. BALLER, Si N. Park st City. Must Be Sold SO acre farm, only 10 miles from. city hall, partly Improved, good buildings bearing orchard, good road, finest land in Tualatin- vallev: for terms see owner. .68 2d st. Main 4987, FOR SALE FARMS Loamy Land Acres . "OREdON'B GARDEN SPOT." $300 to. $400 per acre; easy terms. Further particulars see ad page , ,. ,, . , , , , IT 40 ACRES, 18 miles from Portland, from electric line, 8 miles from R,'R. station; 12 acres in hay, 6 acres in oats, 3 Acres in potatoes, .'17 i acres slashed and burned and seeded to grass, 8 acres In brush and timber; -good orchard of 200 trees, raspberries, black berries, strawberries and j gooseberries, 3 fine swells, good 7 room, house, barn and outbuildings; 2 good, horses, 3 cows, $ dozen chickens, 1 double har ness, 1 single harness. 2 wagons. 1 hnlow, 1 harrow and other tools. Every- thing goes at $6300, , Good terms. 100 acres, lays fine, no waste, close to station, 50 acres in oats that will make 50 bushels to the acre; no build ing, but finest of soil, short ride from Portland. $85 per acre, good terms. 220 acres, 60 cultivated, 85 in crops, 40 acres of fine large growth timber, 30 light brush, easy to clear, balance is fine piling, land lays good and can all be cultivated, 4 miles from R. R. town of 800 inhabitants,' fine school close, no rocks, good soil, 4 horses, 1 cow, I calf, 3 sets of harness, harrows", culti vators, plows, buggy, wagons, crop and everything "for $30 per acre, and half In city property and time on the balance. Pictures at the office. We have good farms at $30 per acre and can take part in trade. .lf you want good buys, come to the office. EVERETT ft CREW, ' 616 KothcWtd bldg.. 4th and Washington. Grow in Washington county, and here is one of the best buys to be fodnd. 87 acres, 18 in cultivation, with fine crop; new 7 room house, large barn with driveway, hay carrier and other .conveniences, silo for storage of green feeds, hoghouse, chicken house, splen did water piped and pumped by gasoline engine; a healthy young , orchard, assorted, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, cur rants, flowers, all good farming tools too numerous to mention; new wagon, buggy, harness, a splendid team, 3 Jersey cows, 2-year-old heifer, brood sow and . 10 fine pigs, a lot of full blood White Leghorn chickens. Why, sueh a snap at $4500, with terms that will make monqv from the start. Come and we will tell you but don't bother unless you are a bviyer. Waggener Real Estate Co, 10-212 Ablhgton Bldg. Willamette Valley Farm Best improved farm in Linn county; 160 acres of fine loam soli; 180 acres In grain and vetch, looking fine; 20 acres In pasture, mostly cleared; mile from good town; new electric line this summer; new $2200 house and good barn; other out buildings, plenty of good water: all kinds of fruit, both large and small; all farm fachinery com plete; everything goes for $100 per acre. This Is $25 per acre cheaper than adjoining acres; can make terms. -It's a bargain and even better than It looks on paper. McGowan & Pennington Room 8, Healy bldg.. Grand ave. and East Morrison. Phone East 383 or B-1648. - Are You Looking For A Nice Little 10 Acre Fruit Farm In the Famous Tualatin Valley? IF SO WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 160 ACRES OF FINE BLACK SOIL NEAR BEAVERTON, JUST THE Tin Va uvt rnctrixra Tri-r a nrr, t;c. VEGETABLES. OR FRUIT. WE ARE OFFERING TO SELL IN 10 ACRE TRACTS ON EASY TERMS, OR WILL KXCHAKGK FOR CITY PROPERTY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL UJN UK ADJJKEBH N. A. LEACH, Agent. ROOM 101MT LEWIS BLDG. A SPLENCDD OPPORTUNITY! If you areMooking for a suitable place to locate you will show very good judgment by coming to Grays Harbor, where land can be bought within the radius of 8 to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoqulam, two of the most pro gressive and fast growing cities In Northwest. Price $16 to $25 acre; very easy terms. Soil Is rich and especially aaapiea ror raising vegetames, oats, fruit, etc. The demand for farm prod ucts is unlimited. Thirty satisfied fam ilies living on the land now. School and store are conveniently located; good roads; still 3000 acres to select from. Why spend money and waste time looklntr for land all over creation when you can buy good land almostTaf rour aoor r wow is tne time to see now he crops grow. A word to the wise is sufficient. WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION COMPANY, Aberdeen, MODEL FARM 62 Acres 19600. 62 acres. 60 acres In high state of cultivation, balance Slashed and seed ed; 25 acres of this fine swale land; some people would .call it. bcaverdam: this is all level and on one of the best roads in the state; fine 7 -room house, plastered and painted, 3 large fire Dlaces. hot and cold water asd modern In every respect; large yard with nice. awn, gooa oarn wun water . piped in the barn lot; large shed and chicken houses; 1 team, 1 cow, chickens, wag ons, mower, rake, plows, harrows, all ktnds of tools too numerous to men tion; $3000 will handle this: balance on good terms; this Is 2 miles from boatlanding and R. R. station, 18 miles from Portland: this is strictly a mod ern place; everything is. in fine shape; come and see this at our expense. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 519-20-21 Railway Kxcliange. " SACRIFICE SALE. 848 acres, 100 acres in cultivation, 200 acres in pasture, balance in timber, new 9 room house, 4 barns, smokehouse. toolhoune. woodshed, wagon shed, 2 hen houHes," hog pasture, 6 stock pas tures, all buildings and Improvements new, hay and stock Scales, slaughter house, spring cemented up and piped to house and barn, best equipped stock farm In the Willamette valley, fine out range. 4 miles to R R., 1 mile to Rtore and P. O. V4 .mile to school. $35 per acre; part cash, balance on time or would take some Portland property ror 4 to 1-3 of value, r rank Hiair, h;u- gene, Oregon. $19 'PER ACRE Buys one of the best money making investments in the northwest; 160 acres, 20 under cultivation; several springs, 1,000,000 feet of yellow fir, large growtn ximDer on pasture lanu; mile from sawmill, Va mile from school; land adjacent, no better, selling for $45 to $75 per acre; R. R. now build ing within T miles; only a few miles from Silverton. D-740, Journal 44 "ACHES, house aqd barn; 20 acres In crop: 6 cows, horses, wagons, and mil tVita aide nr. NnrtJV P1in' 11 (10 per acre. Kan zbsi. COAST hills for partly Improved farms. , Fish ana game, wild lanas, f to $18 per acre. O. G, Dalaba. Elk City, Or. ' , . 80 ACRES. 20 cleared, buildings, or- , ehard. trout stream. 1 1200 430 Wor- cester bldg. 80 ACRES, North Plains, new bunga low; 5 cows, team horses, 3 wagons, separator, (70 per acre. East 3337. . FOR 8 AUG FARMS , MIM MIPS FOB 8ALE--FAHMS : If 19 acres, all In cron. 8 acres In bear lng orchard, 3 acres in potatoes. 4 room house, harn oorl well. This place Is 300 feet from the river. The best of garden soli. HultaDle lor asparagus and celery,,, this Is a truck and fruit farm and poins the city limits Price 35400, H cash. 27 acres of river bottom soil, 6 acres In crop, balanoe slashed and easy to clear. Owner has 1000 pounds of dyna mite on the place ready to clear the iana wun, one team or mares ana conn, good cow and calf, 8 hogs, poultry and furniture all goes. Price 84200 terms. This place is 1 mile from city and is wen located torn irucic xarm. , 6 acres, 4 room house, some nice young iimDer, crops an go, a aanuy Slace for poultry- and good garden soil, miles from the city. Price $1400; terms. t 5 acres, 1 in garden and berries, lien house and 64 hens. 20 cords of wood, good welland ail furniture. This place is 6 miles from town. ' Price $1200, down. 2 acres, all in crop, sidewalk to the place. Price $600, 2 lots and a 5 room bungalow in- Gladstone lor $1350; terms. 2 lots and 5 room house, fruit, in Gladstone, $1200; terms. FREYTAG & MONEY, Near S. P. Depot, Oregon City, Or. See us for trades. We have good farms to trade for city property. km 20 Acres Of deep, rich, mellow loam, free from stone, all level, no waste land, and a fine spring of water, 14 acres in culti vation and In a fine crop of oats, wheat, clover and potatoes, balance of land has scattering patches of brush, no large stumps, land all easily cleared, good new up to date 7 room house, just built, barn 80x40, woodshed, hog house, chicken house, family orchard bearing, and good well water, team, three good Jersey cows,' 2 fine 2 year old Jersey heifers, & hogs, 80 chickens, old and young, wagon, buggy and farming Im plements; located only 3(10 yards from good school,; on R. F. D. and cream route, phone, 1 mile 4from R. R. sta tion and boat landing, 4 miles from Oregon City and only 16 miles from Portland; -If" you are interested in a 20 acre farm, don't fall to see this, as It Is a good buy, well located, best of Willamette valley soil and we are sure It will stand investigation; price $5600, every thln goes. cash, balance 6 per cent, E. P. ELLIOTT ft " SON, Knd Suspension Bridge. Oregon City, Or. In the famous Garfield fruit district, 6 miles from Estacada On O. W. P. electric, on county road with R. F. D. Good soil, all tillable and some fine bottom land; 35 acres under cultivation and under fence; new, very good 7 room house with bath, hot and cold water, toilet and fireplace; just as good as- any city house, large barn and other outbuild ings; 2 good creeks, several springs and splendid well. With 2500 gallon tank and tower; wa ter piped to house and all over the - place; could Irrigate If de sired; young orchard and berries. Price $6250; $2500 cash. A beau tiful place with fino- view ,of mountains and surrounding counr try. 825 Lumber Exchange, Special Bargain A very highly improved farm In Washington Co., Or., of 160 acres, 100 acres In fine crop; the very best of land, no rock or' gravel; some fine timber, living water the year round, fine 8 room house, "fine barn, a large bearing or chard, close to school and church, R. F. D., telephone in house, cream xoute, on main county road: 4 splendid horses, 2 colts, 16 fine Jersey cows, 10 yearling heifers, 20 head of hogs, 200 chickens, turkeys and geese; 2 wagons, 1 hack, new rubber tired buggy, 8 sets of har ness 1 binder, 1 mower, 1 18 foot steel rake.'l double disc plow, 2 walking plows, 1 disc grain drill. 1 steel harrow, cultiva tor, 1 saddle and all small tools. These Implements are nearly all new. Own er must sell at a sacrifice, owing to ill health; anyone wanting a fine farm all ready to step into and make money, this is your chance. Price $65 per acre, 14 cash. Ball & Kuntz, 431 Lumber Exchange Bldg. EXTRA BARGAIN. A SDlendtd little farm of 40 acres. 30 acres in fine state of cultivation, and all in crop: clover, wheat and oats; no better soil in the country; the crop will show for itself; 10 acres of timber and pasture;' small spring branch runs the year around; nas gooa 7 room plas tered house on brick foundation; good barn with nay rorK ana an Kooa out buildings: all in good shape and nicely painted: tensed witn woven wire renc lng; some personal property; this is one or tne Dest u acres 10 oe rouna any, where: close to electric line and wit lametta river: 23 miles from Portland; close to town, stores and churches; in the finest part of the Willamette val ley. Price $6850, $8000 cash, balance long wime. -CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 6 1 9-20-21 Kawway exchange. TillamookDairy and Cattle Ranch About 600 acres In grass; will support 800 head; has orchard, garden, dwel lings, barn. Implements, some stock. etc. $7500 down, balance your own way. Will divide. EDW. HOOKER CO.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg, in 37 nrrns under cultivation 70 acres tillable balance pasture, land easy to olear; place in gooa condition; o room house, good barn, other outbuildings: 6 "ood cows, two good horses, wagons, mower, rake, plows, harrows and nu merous other Implements: soring wa ter piped to house and barn; fine stream runs across piace; iruii enougn 41.. ,,, nK.,, 1AA nh1At,.Ma . tn good road; school mile; R. F. ,D, and telephone; place 4 miles from Washougal. Price $5000. , terms. Geo. Y. Moodv Co. Washougal. Wash. DANDY FARM At a Sacrifice. 80 acres of extra fine soli, the whole lace lies Just like a garden; 65 acres n hltrh state of cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced; on main county road; good buildings; line crop; a tine norses, 9 head sheep, wagon, plows, all tools; 1 cow and calf: harness; 16 acres fine timber. 22 milws from Portland; U mile from Oregon Electric station, lh finest farming section in Oregon. $2500 cash; balance 7 years at 8 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 61V-1Q-H Kaiiway exchange. Acre - Farm 14 MILES OUT Owner must have bash Immediately and-must sell 20 acres, only 14 miles from Portland, on' Salora Electric; all best of rich, deep aoil; no rock 'or gravel. Worth $300 per acre, but must have cash and will sacrifice for $2250; $1250 rtaah. See M. Maiden, 60$ Swet- land oiqg. A-avii, m. i ti. 40 ACRES, half clear, running water, good buildings, stork, crop and tools. 18 miles out.' $1500 . . down, i , balance trms. 833 Atlnky, 865 Morrison FOR SALE 200 aorea with 60 head of cattle, ' a uauagner, una, juncom county. Or, , , SMnUSE 20 FOn BAL&FAKS;. 1: JEBASST PUGS ., aJ,? ?r'-, Hltht ve" . Poe tically level. 60 acres of good ash tltu- , it., 'f."0" . 5lac cn n Plowed at this time and ftft acres of tt fti eul. tl vatlon and In crop this season; has bearing orchard of about 1H acres, small fruits for family use; nice creek and good well; county road on two sldos of place with R F. D.f 7 room house, ceiled and papered; fireplace, etc.; barn, about 40x40 feet, built . four years: chicken house and other buildlrtg;- soli Is a rich dark loam, about 10 miles front Eugene and "A mile from the electric line now building from Eugene ' to the coast. ' At $40 per acre this place is $20 an acre cheaper than anything else in. the section where it Is located and anv i critical buyer will find the place one Of the very best and as represented. Good, terms on thla. so- better sea the agents quick , . Chittenden & Neil?, ' $10 Oak St.. Portland Oresron. 77. ACRES. 1 mile from town, small nouse and' Darn lis under cultivation, , fine springs, a very fine view of town and Columbia river: will take city prop- ; erty if price is right; food .terms en balance. . . : . . . 10 seres. 2 miles from town, run; nlng water, best of -soil, 7 In crop, an Ideal building spot overlooking the Columbia river and town. Price $1500, $800 down. 160 acres, 4 miles from town, fine soil, plenty of springs. 20 in old mead ow. Price $25 per acre. Terms, These are a few of' the many places we have- come up and we will prove to you that this, is the place you are looking for. W, 8. HARVET. , ,j WashougaL Wash. 10 sores, $ acres under fine state of cultivation, 1 acres oil fine bearing -' orchard, mostly apples; good variety; plenty of mixed fruit fop family use; -good 5 room house, good barm chicken house best of soil, creek on place, well at house, one mile from store boat land In gand S., P. ft S. station. Good road, 5 ? ml from Washougal; place overlooks , Columbia river and -a beautiful place to live; this place would be an Ideal . chicken ranch; price $2000, $1000 cash, ' balance in one year. Geo. T. Moody Co., Washougal. Wash. , , , v 80 ACRES in Bethany, 'Or., uesr , church and school house, partly clear, for sale in block or divided in small lots. $115 cash per acre. 10 acres in Bethany, cleared, : fenced and in crop, blacksmith ' shop on premises, located on coun f . ty road, best opportunity for blacksmith. Price $1600, part' cash, balance easy terms. Corner lot, 100x100, West Port- - ; land Park. Price $270. Sold di rect by owner. Call 573 Ouimby i st. Phone Marshall 3230. GOOD SMALL FARM. i ? v liy, acres, all prairie land, 30 acres fine tillable land, balance pasture: 3 miles from Kent, Oregon; 16 miles from Grass Valley, Oregon; 60 miles south ef The Dalles. Oregon. Small house and barn; 35 assorted fruit trees; 6 acres fenced; fine spring. This is a rare chance for some one who wants a cheap home. Take the Shaniko train toNfent. Oregon, get off there and anyone can : tell you where the James S. Shreeve homestead Is; look it over; vs.7 us $10 per acre and take the place. Some terms ir nesired. u. w. wmtiow, woodland. Wash. CHEAP SMALL DAIRY FARM. ' A snap in a 65 acre dairy - farm, 1 ' . miles from Woodland; cleared; only ; about 10 acres subject to overflow; owner does not have to move durlSg high water; 14 cows. $ helferM, 1 bull,1; S horses, farm wagon, spring wagon, separator, plows, harrows,, mower, rake, cultivator, plenty small tools, single and double harness; good house ana barn;. crops In good condition; new separator. ; -All for $7000 and $3000 cash will handle it. Cows are now bringing $8 per day.'' The cheapest dairy farm in the valley. D. W. Whitlow, Woodland, Washington.,' Well Worth the Price , 150 acres on Willamette river near -Newberg; 80 acres In cultivation, and : all in crop, about half of place bottom ' land. Place .Is lrv high statA of culti vation and 'all A-l soil; good family: orchard, fine 8 room house and 3 goo,V barns. There , is a fine lot of stock and Implements and all crop goes with the place at the very low price of $120 , per acre. Can give best ' of terms would take house in Portland up to $3500 at cash, value. Neal Brown, , 709' Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington sts. Farm Snaps 20 acres. 10 in cultivation, house. barn. 3 head cattle, horse. 8 hosa, 60 Chickens and all implements. , If sold at once, $1400. -. 40 acres, six in cultivation, house, good spring, good creek, land lays level. Bargain at $1350. These are strictly, cash deals. If you are looking for a nice home at reasonable figure write us. . . PUKE ft BRAN, 1 ' 4 La Center. Wash. 30 ACRES. SACRIFICE. 10 acres in cultivation In grain; "l1 horse, 2 cows, stump, puller, all tools, fair house and barn, all furniture; the soil is of the very best, and will pro duce all kinds of grain and fruit. This is one of the cheapest places in 'the, country; 15 miles from Portland.' Price $1500, $900 cash. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 819-20-zi Kaiiway r;xcnange. 50 ACRES, 8 miles from Woodland, fins - orchard of 200 bearing trees; 20 acres cleared. 20 more "easy to clear.-nearly all practically level, V.. mile' to store 1 and postoffice; R. F. D., well improved,, H mile to school; cow, farm wagon and v harness: 2 large .and 16 small pigs; about. 40 chickens; plenty farm tools;', price $3500 apd as little aa $1000 will handle. D. W. Whitlow, Woodland. Wash. CONSIDER CAREFULLY. , Fine 61 acres, 10 acres in cultivation, , 5 acres slashed, enough good cordwooa on balance to pay for place. New 8 room house, barn and ether, bldgs. Nice springs, can irrigate, or chard, 5 miles out., well located; $3000, csh. balance of $2000 4 years' time. REAL LAND CO.. Canby, - Or. Nine Acres' GENUINE BEAVERDAM . 1 The kind for raislne onions or- esl ery. You can make 20 per cent tt your j Investment in one year; $200 per acre, very easy terms. See this right away, PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT C6 450 couch Bldg 10 acre farm for sale, 1' mile southwest of Troutdale, 4 room house, barn, cel lar and shed, wagon house, 3 acres po tatoes.' 1 acres oats, some strawber-. ries, garden, good orchard. Price $5000., See owner, Andrew Oollyson, Troutdale, or. f!nns Oniintv Farina. t Near Bandon, from $12 60 pat acre up. - , W. L. Green , Main 8787. 401 Lumbermen", bldg. ; 20 acres level land, spring and creek; the best of soil, timber will pay for the place; near-.Oresham. ' .$100 per aero, . Terms . Arleta Realty Co. Across streot from Laurel wood station, , Mt. Bcott car Tnor can .vionnoy FOR RENT Eight hundred acre whet farm within two and one half mflis of the railroad station In Morrow coun ty, Oregon, to gopii tenant, ror sit ner cash or part crop rent. John S. Heal I, 80a K. Yamhill st. . " .""for sAXe ' u? 'ou'NE'n. ' "" ' '' T $40 per acre takes It; 4 40 acres atfntrv land with exclusive wsler right for In le gation, good farm buildings, good out side range for stock. Addiess lit a 374, KUmath Fells, Or. - M Tioo and Tattle ruKTTi 200 acrts, most Of which l not- torn land and In crop, I hillo frim railroad station, 'Only $H8 pr acre 13000 rssh. balance l"nr llm" st 8 ,r cent. . Call st 418 ftoord r Trs-i I ' "Gn the , Base Tine ' I7Vi ncres, 14 under pultlvntlon In crnngBjo Krmel, best of sn, a t at $3ri terms, 314 Cvit'" i 4, .