The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 02, 1911, Page 22, Image 22

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1 l
"Reautlful. sightly lota; streets graded,
witter main laid.
' flee these before you buy. Take Mt.
Bcott car: get off at Xremont station,
look for large sign, .
In front of real estate office, located
Jo first bungalow south of office.
r Hera la a good chance to pet a' farm
eheapj 160 acres of land fn Tillamook
county with three million feet of tim
ber on; from 2 J to 40 acres in grass,
house and barn. - So yoti could go right
- Jn and keep 8 or 10 cown Tillamook
, la one. of the best dairy countries In the
' world, so you see there is a good nropo
0 rltion, but you will have to hurry or It
-will be gone. A. O. Wells, 3 Hamilton
' bMy- Phone A-5566.
- FlNB CORNERCentrahy located, "$U:
000. This is one of the best buys In.
the down town district. Can be lm
proved with a three story building- that
will pay 12 per cent net of the invest
ment M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg.
Splendid Home
In Mt, Tabor Easy Terms
.'$4760 Modern ; 7 rooms, corner, com
manding mairnifieent vlewt kov
, ! , t- today at 89 E.-70th st; telephone
jiaoor Take Mt. Taoor oar, e.
' . Irvington Bargain
. $4800 -The prettiest bungalow in Irv
- in ton, s of the most modern
rooms you ever saw: fine location:
cash, (1752)
. $2000 $200 cash,, balance , on easy
' terms, a big 9 room Bouse, re
cently remodeled. Fine lot; tele
phone today, Tabor 1729, about
key. (1787)
, . Real Estate Department,
i namper oi commerce Miflg,
$600 CASH, balance easy payments, will
. buy a, beautiful bungalow in Rose
City Park; 8 rooms, new, modern
In every, detail; on corner lot; Uv
n(rinjUnintjBaoin, music- room,
, two sleeping rooms, Dutch kitchen;
very handsomely finished, hardwood
floors, fireplace,. -furnace; 1 block from
car. .Price $4500. Jt will pay you to
Investigate. McAllister & Lueddemann,
821 Electric bid Phones Marshall 2281
or A -3625. , '''.
A PCKK rent proposition and own a
beautiful home; pay $25 (Includes the
Interest) each month for a fine 6 room
bungalow; electric lights, gas, bath,
toilet, cement basement, sidewalks. Im
proved street, 1 block to car, wood -lift
and curtains and fixtures all In, Too
win be proud to own this home, Lot
60x111 feet, Price $2660. .
t ' A. N. SEARLE, '
76th and East Gllsan Sts.
Open Sunday, v M-V car.
130 A MONTH.
, Strictly modern 6 room house; full
Ised lot In restricted district ,
Price $2700; give reference and pay
$30 down and $30 a month (interest in
cluded), .- .v,. . -
A. N. Searle. Take M-V car, get off
E. 76th st Office on the corner (open
A Income Property
'$B700, a pair of flats, both well rented.
On E. 7th st, close In. For sale or for
trade. 17701
Real Estate Department
Chamber of Commerce Bldg. '
' ' $ loTiTEiroirvAXuE:
. Just completed, most artistic, strict
ly modern, $ rooms and sleeping porch,
just what you have been hunting; go
today or Sunday, and see the product
of years of evolution fn home building;
$6000, terms. Rose City car to 38th,
walk Its blocks north to Hancock. 8.
Peterson, architect owner, 921 Board of
7 rooms, new bungalow, corner lot,
full basement; modern except furnace,
but piped for furnace; lot improved,
fruit, roses, etc.; large south view; small
fiayment down and $25 month, including
nterest. Owner, John B. Goddard, 606
Yeon bldg. '
For Sale
By Owner
six room n
' a monern six
construction, in
house, double
restricted district
Phone B-2148.
Modern 7 room house; terms to suit
Owner. 1281 E. 29th st N.
, FOR SALE Fine sightly half acr.
with fruit berries, garden, chicken
house and yards. Good 7 room house,
with bath room, water and electric
lights. Oood neighborhood, near W. W.
. carllne; $3200. , Good terms. Owner,
1214 Francis ave. Phone Sell wood 303.
$60 CASH; $12.60 MONTH.
, ' i room cottage; bath, toilet. hot
' water, wired for electric light, plas-
tered, tinted, at St. Johns. 60x100 lot,
. blocks from carllne. Price $1600.
yPmlth-Wagoncr Co., 311-312 Lewis bldg.
122 ROOMS on one floor, North 16th and
Thurman; rent $55, lease; clears $90
month. Tours for $350. An opportunity
to clMn up and fix up and get $1500.
, Act quickly. Owner, John B. Goddard.
ONE $ room and one 6 room house oh
x iois; nigniy improved worth $4500;
to be sacrificed for $3000. Woodlawn,
Income 40 month. Half cash. -John
P. Goddard, 605 Yeon bldg. ..
FOUR room cheap houseand ii acre
ciose vo car, suuaDie ror chicken
ranch or can be sold as four lots at $300
ach. Price $900; terms. John B. God-
f oara. duo i eon piqg,
$60 DOWN buys 7 room modern flat of
- new rumuure on west side; rent $25;
'- ran clear rent and grocery bill; good
liome. Price $243. Owner, Goddard, 605
Yeon bldg. Main 4557,
$300 UOWk" and $15 month, 6 room
bungalow, modern. 2 lots 80x92, full
cement basement double constructed;
, must Hell. On account of debt: worth
, ,$8000, will take $2000.t 606 Ye"nbldg.
FOR SALE -A beautiful new Jiome In
Alameda, 1 block from car, 7 rooms,
" hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, full ce
rnent pavements, easy terms. E. J
Jaeger, owner. 269 Morrison at.
SEAT, modern S room cottage, lot 6()x
100, 1 H blocks from Sell wood car
barns; convenient for car man; easy
,' ?erm. See owner, 270 E. 16th st.
iO(5l 6 room house, fine garden, ber-
rlT- ,r,?,t'i n(1 - wM1' Inquire of
Frank BuJlard, 1924 Molalla av Ore
port City, Or, . -r-1 ,
1 On 11th st, a 6 room bungalow to trade
J,or n(,vr eage. Columbia Trust
Ji SNAP Modern A room bungalow, ce.
ment aidewalk,. full basement; $2760,
$fiu caah, balance terms. F. O, Shelden.
' IS0.K- Hurnslder 'Phone Tabor 1636.
I U KENT OH KALEi" room house
and 1 acre of, landof very fine oil,
v Inmilr at lt and East Hasaalo, R,
V 1 21 a n y,v-'Tabur 1626, ' ':
F b'. I ,K- liy owner, a modtrn . 7
. i4",,In . nA ' In Mt Scott
.,-.8;i;Tft4'.. 7$.i ' ,
$S;rSoB,iutifi,rbungaiow; 100x100 lot,
ISth and Ktllinesworth ave.: twin
caslL tvalanre easy. . 30 Gerllnger bldg. I
' ' t ' " , ' ' j ' , ,,, -
,109 E, 37TH ST,
Handsome 5 room Cali
fornia bungalow, every
convenience, fireplace,
buiitin bookcases, chiaa
closet and French plate
mirrors, paneled dining
room, solid "brass light
ing fixtures, full attic,
full cement basement,
laundry trays; close to
Sunnyside and Mount
Tabor cars; fine' loca
tion; $250 cash, balance
easy monthly payments
to responsible party, See
owner, 926 E, Taylor,
corner 31st, Phone B
2023, $10 Per Month
- New 8 room. bungalow; this bungalow
was built for jny own home, but am
forced, to sell on account of family
sickness. It im well built, on a high
level lot, unobstructed view, and has
never been OCOUDied: can he marin in
ideal little home; near school and close
iu r. ii you are lootung ror a snap
iu miiHii BUDurnan nome, Bee mis
Take Mt Scott car to Grays Crossing,
wen aunnays.
Hawthorne District
Owing -tp leaving for .ti east I will
pern una nouHfi si a Rfteriripe inst v
blocks from carllne and west of 85th st.;
o largo ruoms, rjrepiace, large attlo.
With exceDtlonallv larn ntiir- i,u
basement, on a lot ROxlOO, corner, with
fine lawn, shade trees and roses: shades.
fixtures and Mnftloam i en i,k
noume. rnope I a Dor
bbVbN. room strictly modern 60x100
lot. fronting 80 foot avenue, built last
summer, have got to sell, $2660, 11000
cash, terms to suit; cloae to Union
80x90 corner improved street, 5 room
house, fine site for another house, 3
blocks from Union 'avenue, $2000, $500
cash. If you want a good home for
618 rtothehlld Bldg.
Wants to sell his 7 homes, 4 to 8
rooms each. Will sacrifice for cash,
or sell on your own terms; also will loan
you money on any kind of security to
make first payment
Also a few lots , left In different
parts of the city on easy payment
Take Mt. Scott car. get off at Mll-
iara ave. ana see joe Wash in office,
phone Tabor 2312.
7 rooms and den, sleeping porch, fire,
place, furnace, a-aa and electric fixtures
built-in buffet and bookcases, mirror,
PIC I.SBI1 iuif.
Room 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Main 5139 '
Hordes or Lots ,
In the fastest growing, most desirable
section or itrtland. Phone Tahor 1966
or see Mr. Seabera-. 486 E 47th at
Just north, of Bandy road. Rose City
Park., car.
FOR SALE A 6 room house, plastered
ready for finish. Lot 70x100, 2 blocks
from car line, 8 blocks east, 1 block
north or Lents- P. O. Price $900 cash,
or $1000, finished. Owned by John
Starkey, Lents, Or. Phone Tabor 102S,
13-6111. Ask for particulars of Mrs. V.
Bright, Lents, Or.
If you vlon't .hulld and let your rent
money pay for a home. If you conteim
plate building, It would pav vou to
see us. Union Security Co., Beck bldg,
7th and Oak sts.
WANT to leave Portland and will sell
my seven rooms completely furnished
all modern; a good business building,
all rented and vacant corner on promi
nent east side street and car line;
property increasing- in value every
year; no commissions; good terms. 8
744, Journal.
8 rooms, corner lot. 100x100, house
1 year old, has full cement basement,
fireplace, breakfast room, sleeping
porch. In fact, everything that could
be reasonably expected for the very low
price of $5200; terms. Fred W. Ger-
man. 339 Burnsloje. M. or A-2776.
t '.. J! J n r- ' . rr
A Splendid Buy on Easy Terms
wen ouiii i room nouse and small
barn, on corner lot E. 24 th and Couch.
Nothing in the neighborhood to compare
with it for the -money. Two blocks
north of E. Ankeny carllne, 42 E, 24th
st. N. Phone ICaHt 6334.
FOR QUICK SALE, two of the most
complete, up-to-oate bungalows in
this city, Just flniKhed. A five and a
six room. Moderate priced, good
terms. Come and see them. W-W car
to Tibhetts, walk two blocks east, ask
for Mr. Gambrill, or plione S 11 wood
1868. -
Creston Beautiful Suburb
One S room modern bungalow, beam
celling, panel dining room, full cement
baemont $2400; cash $300, balance to
sun: taKe Mt weptt car to Clarks. G.
L. Taylor.
GOOD house and two lots chicken
house and parks, fruit trees, berries
and garden, for sale cheap. Would take
span or mares ana wagon as part pay.
inquire. or owner, iji avtn ave., is. ts,
Take -Mt. Scott car to Kern Park.
IF" YOU are looking for a home near
car line ana m a gooa residence dis
trict, I have a few within one block
rrom tne Aioerta car. call at 1276 E.
15th at, North.
NEATLY furnished 8 room house, lot
40x120; chicken corral, garden, fruit
trees. Bargain. $800; terms. Nash
ville station, Mt Scott car. 6248 67th
ave. .
FOR sale by owner, 4 lots and small
house and 'chicken house, 6 blocks
from Mt Scott line, Kern Park add.,
all fenced. Price .1460; no agents.
S-740, Journal. .
FOR SALE or exchange. 14 room house
overlooking Willamette, 610 Fillmore
st, St. Johns. Lot 100x100, With fruit
trees. Small cash payment will take
1 Pr perry.
$1200 New 4 room house, full basa
mcnt electricity, lot 40x100, near 2 car
lines, excellent neighborhood, fine View,
easy terms. 989 B, 82d st, N. Phone
Main rvnti
BARGAIN Owner will sell l4 room
modern bungalow In Rose City park.
Small cash payment, balance, monthly,
Phone East 1145. '
FOR SALE 6 room modern furnished
. 'una, av-lawn, cument WB1KH,
fruit trees, $3400. Easy , terms: , 7d
Bot-fh wick, near Beech. ;.v
''fLM' $8 month; smalt I house,
,,'. barn. Price; $25, , Owner.
747 Water at : ,;.- .,
i'iAST ANKENY strt close in, $ room.
&r""it.h?rKaln CMh or terms. Phone
East 5654., J ;
0260 CASH
Balance $10 Per Month, 6 Per
Cent,' ;
, Neat 6 room house with large pantry;
plastered and tinted and one choice lot,
near graded school; only 2 blocks to car.
Phone Tabor 2469.
Take Mount Scott car, get off at
Grays Crossing station,
Am oust the fir trees of Mt. Tabor.
with a Krand view of Mt. Hood. 71st at.
and E. Stark. Woke Mt. Tabor car. Also
a two story 8 room house. 1268 Hancock
st, between 43d and 44th tits. Will take
a good lbt as first payment
401 Lew's bldg.
Marshall 1925. '
Don't Miss This Snap
A 6 room modern cottage, nearly
new; lot 33 1-3x90. This property is
In the East 39th and Hawthorne dis
trict, where .value are steadily ad
vancing; $500 chsh. remainder at $30
per month, including Interest. This is
a splendid opportunity for a man wrack
ing on a salary to secure a good home.
One or two other equally good bar
gains In new houses, with larger pay
ment down. Call at 1141 East Madison
St.. by appointment. Home B-2086. '
Mallorv avenue south of Klllinars-
better built house in the city. Beau
tiful li story bungalow. If you have
$600. a fair salary, want to nton rent.
make a profitable investment, and at the
same time enjoy a real home, see us
at -onco. .
699 Spalding bldg.. Marshall 2832.
$10 monthly buys new oottaa-ss mr.
ner of Peninsular avenue and Hartford
streets. Builder there daily. Phone
Main 1544. Owner 54 North 21st et
And then investigate. If vnn ra
looking for a
Five room bungalow, one that the own
er win guarantee in every respect
phone W. H. Ray. owner. Woodlawn
7 rooms and dnn. sleeninir nnrrb. fti-o-
place, furnace, gas and electric fixtures,
built-in buffet and bookcases, mirror.
etc Cash $400.
Room 723 Chamber of Commerce bid.
Main 5129.
Takes deed to mv 6 room nlastered
house, wired, partly plumbed, basement,
cement Walk and step, outside wood
shed, cesspool, garden, etc., 6 tent fare,
6 years time on $600 balance. Can
Tabor 1782.
IMPROVE your lot with your rent If
you own your lot we will build you
a home to suit you, and let you pay
for it at $20 per month. Why pay rent
when this opportunity Is waiting for
you? Correspondence solicited. Beaux
Arts Building So., 201-2-3 Lumbermens
bldg; Phones Marahall 1479. A-3888.
FOR 8ALE-By"owner, and you will
say this Is a bsrgaln. 7 room strlctlv
modern house, cement floor In base
ment, Fox furnace, gas and electric fix
tures complete, can eaBily bo made into
flats, 18 minutes out right on Sunnvsldn
line; $3800; some terms. Phone B-
Buy of Owner
Save full commission: snecial flrln ;
for short time: well built modem A I
room bungalow, close to 2 canines, good
vlwr "Wnverleiirh Metirh, Ii,m,i its
E. Kelly St. No agents.
Bungalows, Bungalows,
Anywhere, any price, any terms. See
Holbrook. 603 Swetland bldg.
A swell little 6 room bunsralo-j oraa
range and heater, full cement floor and
tubs In basement, full lot, roses: 1
block to car. $2650; easy terms. Fred
v. ucrraan, aw tJurnside. M. or A-
a 1 1 o.
Lot 50x100 witl7ay houses, one 7 nt
one a rooms, Dotn new out not modern,
cement walks; will- sell for $1600, easy
terms, or 10 per cent less for cash or
would consider trade. V-743, Journal.
OUR room house with bath room, toil
et. 6 blocks from Union ave.. 2 bionics
north of Alberta. Price $1050. Soma
cash, balance easy terms. 476 Sumner
st. fo agents.
$25 DOWN, $12 per month, buys the
best new 6 room bungalow; bath, hot
nd cold water 40x100 lot: X blonlr
from car. Price $1350. Ed. Miles, own
er, 4th house south on Main st, Lents.
Mt. Scott car.
A Snap
House and lot 1760. will tak horn
nd cow an part payment rest term.
Phone Woodlawn Sf44.
NICE home in Oregon City, large 6
room house. In fine condition, lawn
fruit trees, etc.; only $2000, termn.
Phone E.-2814 or call 684 East Morri-
OR SALE at a bargain, large 6 room
house, flowers, trees, lawn, streets
improved, nice district, no lncumbra
beautiful home. Owner. 867 Gantenblen
$2950 BUYS new, beautiful, modern
7 room home In restricted rHutrtct.
Been asking $3800. Leaving city; must
sacrifice; easy terms. Furniture for
sale. 1168 E. 26th 8t. N. Alberta car.
NEW modern 6 . room bungalow, built
by day labor, on corner lot, one block
to car. Good location for doctor or
dentist. Close in. Worth $4000, pries
ao"". iwiiiih. uwnrr, a-ms, journal.
7-room, modern house, and lot 60xlJO,
for $2200. Take Mt. Scott car to
Clarka station. G. H. Taylor. .
THE BIGGEST snap In the city; eight
room nouse ana jot in rteamont $2900
Inquire 1388 Rodney aVe.,
voooiawn 12
WANTEIJ Modern 6 room house, full
lot, near car and school, prefer Sunny
side particulars, lowest cash price.
Owners only. O-740, Journal.
MODERN 6 room bungalow and 2 lots,
45x100 each. Will take vaoant lot or
2d hand automobile as first payment,
Z-746, Journal. Tabor 676,
SEVEN room house, equity $800; price
$2000. balance $15 per month; will
consider lots or stock of grecerle,;-N-748,
Journal, '
MODERN 6 room house, lot 40x100, ce
ment basement, cement walks, nicely
finished inside, close in, lots of roses,
lawn, etc. 361 B. 11th. Phone B. 6028.
5 ROOM bungalow, large lot, pretty
grove $1600 at your terms. Main
1940. Don't forget. 430 Worcester
bldg. , '
bUV of owner, new modern 7. room
bungalow; a bargain. Inquire 74 ,12.
5th st N. Phone Tabor 1618.
FOR artistic homes see Baker A Blng
ham, architects and artists. 413 Eilers
bldg : '.;-
NEW 6 room cottage, modern, for: Kale,
Will take lot aS first rinvment Iml.
a nee $15 per month. 1746. 'Journal
CALL- up fibor 2589, Tet me lelf you
, about my 5 room' bungalow, it's a
SIX room -house and lot 60x100, $1100
" cash; lots sell for $6P0 and $600. S
749, Journal, i .
NEW 8 room house for sale, Mt, Scott
une,- eou,-terms, u-fifs, jourpal.
Large, new anu mddern 8 room house,
only 2 blocks from' Hawthorne ave on
ilulh st, nice reception hall large parlor
with fireplace, built In bookcases on
each side, boautiful panoled dining room
with built in buffet: full Dutch kitchen,
cement basement with laundry traysnd
cement floor, 3 fine airy bedrooms, witn
2 windows in each room, with large,
airy clothes closets; beautiful batb be'
tween bedrooms the price Is rightsonly
think of It; a' beautiful new, modern,
large 6 room house for $3600 in this
fine district, where. values are advanc
ing every day; if you are looking for
a nice home and ' a bargain In the
beautiful Hawthorne ave, district do
not neglect to look this up at once, for
it will not last long at this price and
, Inquire at the office of ,
T. A, Sutherland
Phone, Tahor 2017. Open evenings.
Nice Little Homes on Easy
" - Payments '
$4500 6-ronm modern house, full lot.
. 1 blocks from carllne
$4000 6-room modern house, 180x300
feet of ground, all kinds of fruit;
this is an elegant buy and can
be handled with $1JOO.0O.
$3000 6-romn modern house on Kerby
street, lot 60x180.
$3200 6-room modern house on Alberta
carllne, full lot
$2000 6-room house, with 40x100 lot,
alley, 2 blocks from carllne.
$860 4-room house, on Montavilla car
line, lot 60x117, would exchange
for candy store.
$3200 6-room modern house, 100x109
feet of ground and 12 foot alley.
$1800 4-room house on St. Johns' car
line, lot 87 2-SxK9.
$2100 fi-room modern house on St
Johns carllne.
$1600 Small house at Woodlawn with
full lot $300.00 cash; a really
cheap buy. '
$1500 3-room house with lot 60x136, $
blocks from Sellwood car.
$1900 4-room neat cottage and neces
sary outbuildings; on Oregon
City car. $600 cash.
Otto & Harkson Realty Co..
133 First st ,
A Dandy, Home
Away BeloW Market
r x- 1
rflSV A PrmS.
Council Crest park.. Owner is leav-
lmr citv and will, dispose of his home
to responsible -parties on any reasonable
lerms. over iz,vu square reet or:
ground, in fine shape, has beautiful';
.c.i.tyYiftw and beat bullt..home in city.
Now is your tlms to get a dandy home
below cost. Z-7S8. Journal. -
St. John's 9-room modern house, cor
ner Gilbert and Hartman sts.; easy
Irvington 7-room modern house on
Broadway, near 31st st; this Is a bar
gain. Chas, Ringler & Co,
-211 Lewis Bldg.
Suburban Home
Only $2900
Dandy new 6 room bungalow, full
basement, atOc, fireplace, all built in
convehlonces,Tlgnt up-to-date, block to
Rose City Park car, children's park,'
lawn, garden, etc. $400 required, bal
ance monthly. You should not miss
this bargain. Owner, 815 Spalding
bldg. Marshall 2746, A-2489.
$100 DOWN
For a total monthly payment of $27,
which covers Interest and principal, we
can sell you at $27i0, a nice new, mod
ern, 6-room and bath bungalow, located
near Hawthorne ave. You pay as much
monthly for rent alone; buy this place
now. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., corner
K. 43d and Hawthorne or 418 Railway
1 FXMnHntr
I nange.
' Hot-irlw A Qnvrvi Dimrroltti,
Rose City Park, all modern, beauti
ful lawn and garden, very close to car.
Price for 6 days only $2650, on very
Lli7,i!.rmS- Phone C"180ti today' or cal1
and see.
514 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Onn lot and 2 room chettn hnu. 9
blocks to station, price $600; terms $50
casn anu iu per inontn; diocks south ,
Tremont station, Mt. Scott carllne.
k. potiyr. pnone Tabor 406.
6 ROOM bungalow that you don't 'see
every day, beautiful stone front, cab
inet finish throughout full basement.
cement walks, full lot. Best, buy on
east ide, $3750. E. 10th, near Going I
st. Raymore Realty Co., 430 Worcester
ping. Mam i40.
BEAUTIFULLY -finished modern six
room home near Failing street; twol
mirror, doors, polished floors, fireplace,
Fancied dining room with beamed ceil
ng and window seat, Dutch kitchen, re-
1 ho i i
Fine 7 room modern house, 76x100
feet of ground, close to carllne, school
and church, part cash, part trade, part
time. Act quick. W. M. .Howard own
er.," 1678 van Houten street, Ports
mouth. St. Johns car.
OWNER must sell new modern six
.room bungalow, one block from car;
full - cement basement, china closet,
Dutch kitchen, large attle, 60x100 lot,
large front porch overlooking city, easy
terms. Sellwood 816 ' ,
8 ROOM bungalow, thoroughly built,
beautifully finished, cabinet effect;
8x40 stone front porch, full lot, cement
basement. You really must see It.
$4400; terms. Raymore Realty Co., 430
Worcester bldg. Main 1940,
Here Is a Snap
Good 8 room house, well located In
MontavlHa; ful lot and several fruit
trees. Price $2600, and $300 will han
dle It. NcrI Brown. 709 Swetland bldg.
If you have lot and little cash, will
build home , and furnish, balance of
money. -Furlong, 633 Chamber of Com
merce. Main 2051. v
FOR SALE At a sacrifice, . Six room
modern house on corner lot
Thompson street. Owner leaving the
ciy. nose uiiy pane car to 44tn
street, go north two blocks.
" $200
5 room new modern cottage, lot 50x
100, near M-V carllne: Price $2650. J.
J. Oeder. cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
Beautiful 6 room modern bungalow,
2 blocks from Hawthorne ave.. $2500;
10 per cent of f for. cash. No agents.
jj-mv, journal,
Willamette Heights
9 room house with lot 50x100. for
sale by owner. Price $7600. Call at
608 iAimhermens Bldg.
SELLWOOD snap 7 room modern
house, beautiful Improvements, 2
blocks from-postofflce, $3000; terms-to
suit. Phone Tabor 366.
$75 Down $15 Monthly
Buvs 4 room new plastered house bath
and toilet; $1250. 214 Commercial blk
FOR HALlti 2 room house, 4 blocks
from Alberta ar; price $800; $250
down, balance terms. 910 E. 14th st
N., or phoii4 Woodlawn 694,
S'OR 8 ALE b owner 4 room house
fruit treecs 50x100 lot, 15 'ft alley
walking distance, at 822 Missouri ave'
Inquire 87 Cook nve. - ,
WHAT ' Will you give for $300 equity
In $3150 home. Contracts reads $15
month, 7 percent Interest, -P-7 4 3, Jour
nal. ' 'i
82500: modern 6-room - house mi
49th; Rose City Tark car. $200 down:
by owner. -
I BOOO-iBrand , new 8 room modern
house with sleeping porch; homo
City Park, $1000 cash, balance
very easy terms. .
$2000 Brand new bungalow, modern In
every, respect, lot 42x100 feet;
terms $400 cash, balance $26 per
month and no Interest -
$10,000 Modern " up to .date 9 fonm
house, situated southwest oorner
i East Fourteenth and Madison sts.;
very easy terms; large discount
for all cash.
$12,000 Corner on Seventh and Jack
v son sts. No beter built home In
this city.'
$ 6260 Nob Hill. 8 room modern dwel
Ing near 24th st. N,
$ 6000 Fine apartment site on22d st
near Thurman.
We have a large list of homes 'to se
lect from; ' easy terms. For particu
lars, apply to . ' 'i .
Chas, K, Henry uo.
HENRY BLDG., -Fourth
and Qk sts.. Portland, Or
Modem R room .bun aralow. 1 block
north of Hawthorne ave. on Improved
street; faces east with wide vexanda ex
tending across front;, the rooms are all
large and nicely tinted; well equipped
bath room between bedrooms, large bed
rooms with good closets, paneled dining
room, built-in buffet cement basement
and full attic; hard surfaced pavemeut,
cement sidewalks and curbs as well as
sewer, all in and included in the above
price of $2860. - This should appeal to
voii if vou are looking for a home where
all Improvements are In and pend.
J, A, Hubbell
984 Hawtborne Ave.. Cor. Glenn.
Phone Tabor 480.
mil m .
A Suburban Home
2 blocks from good car service, a few
blocks from Reed's new institute, 6
room bungalow, another room can be
completed upstairs; lot 100x100, built
in a fine grove; fine garden, roses, ev
erything up to date; cement basement
cement fruithouse, furnace, fireplace,
bath, toilet galvanized boxes on porch
and windows; electric lights; porcn in
fmn, n font lon- n fet cement walk
j around house; a beautiful spot you
a looking for a nice home; a Rood au
tomobile road to city; can mane gooa
.401. Railway Exchange Bldg. -Main 4ta
Mighty Nifty . Bungalow
Just finished, one of tlieice
est small homes In the city. Has
all conveniences, best of plumb
ing, basement, wood lift, station
ery tubs, brick mantel and fire
place, built in book case, lots
of closets and pantries. Lot 60x
100 on street 115 feet wide, on
ly a few steps to car; price re
rfnuori tn ?KRn nnlv r few hun
dred dollars cash, balance long
Why pay rent7
267 Vk Oak street. Main
and A-1743.
" Two Splendid -Bargains
in Small Homes
$2600 6-room modern bunga
low, reasonably well furnished,
2 blocks from Hawthorne ave.;
$200 to $300 cash will handle it,
balance $20 to $25 per month.
$1400 Nice little home on cor
ner near Alberta carllne; $200
cash will handle it.
Otto & Harkson Realty Co,
133. First Bt
Bungalow. Rose City Park
Easy terms; monthly payments; pret
tiest, new bungalow in city; very well
built; inside finish selected grain, color
light golden oak; large burret, oak
floors, lot 60x100 feet; Improvements
In and paid for; restricted district; 10
foot parking; shade trees. 3 large mlr-
rors: Investigate and vou will not be
disappointed; will accept good lot part
payment; pnune .iureiiuun nu cvtr-
nings. Main 4144. Take Rose City Park
car, get off at 68th st go 1H blocks
north. Owner on grounds afternoons.
Just completed and ready - for occu
pancy; 8 rooms, hardwood floors oown-
stairs, floors finished upstairs, hand-
Humeiy . iiiiiBiivu wuuu wurii, iuivii n.iiuii-
en, cement basement, furnace, 3 fire
nlaces. liehtlnir fixtures, shades, lame
,l attic; faces east;, lot 60x100 feet, hard
nuiiavv w cuicn fii iJi im r piiuu
$6600, terms $8000 cash, balance on
212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.,
Phone Main 8699; A-2-653.
BY ill
Rose City Park Bungalow
Just completed, extra large living
room, with fireplace and bookcase, slid
ing doors between living -and- dining
room, hardwood floors paneled dining
room buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms
with closets and built-in dressers; bath
room complete; piped for furnace; lot
60x100, all improvements paid, close tn
car. 494 E. 64th st. N., near Thompson.
Terms arranged. - ;
I have two modern residences. Just
completed In this choice addition; large
living rooms, dining rodm, paneled and
built-in bookcases, beamed ceiling, hard-'
wood floors, den, Dutch kitchen, built
in ice box, swell fixtures, full cement
casement, rurnaco, nreplace, 4 fiei
rooms, steeping porch : and tils bath;
price ana terms are reasonable, -
. Chas, Ringler &rCo.
211 Lewis Bldg. '
WILL SELL my up-to-date apartment
nouse; modern m everjr respect. Mar
shall 864. -
Loamy Land Acres
$300 to $400 per acre; easy terms.
Further particulars see ad page 6, sec
tion 2. . '
FOR SALE 3 good building lots in
the Pacific Coast Abstract Co.'s add.,
adioinlng Gregory Heights: all clear;
on high and level ground.. $276 all told.
Inquire Room 222, Abtngton bldg. '
WILL sell or triple a" fine corner, lot
on Rose Cityr carllne for one or two
acres close to a 6a carllne; will also
consider a rooming house. - By owner,
61 Cambridge bldg, . .
$10 A MONTH buys a 60x100 "lot near
the Rose .City Park carllne; little fir
trees on manv of them. - No other first
payment necessary. Leonard, 84 4th st.
Buys lot 14. block 143. Rose City 'Park,
on 48th,: near the Alameda. Columbia
Trust Co., 84 4th st. Kinkier.)
BIGGEST bargain mi Alberta . St., . resi
dence lot, arranged so you can handle
It. See me at once. , John, B. Matthews,
27th and' Alnerta';;.--'-y;;,--:-y W;';" -V ;." ;.; ; ,
NICE 60x100, lof, Irvington lrk; $10
cash, $10 per month., Smith-Wagoner
CO., nii-aiz wwti ning.
HEAUTlFUX JToTEast 22d7 near
Pine,, Cash or terms. Gordon,' -498 E.,
17th st. ' 1 - i
OCEAN "RONT Jot at Columbia Beach
' at sacrifice. Owner. N-741. Journal.
LEAVING city; sell ? lots for value of
1. C743,,Jour', ' i.
" ( ' Lots $250-Up-.
" AND 80ME FOR $200.
"On 6c carllne. ' 1 ' '
Graded streets. . j V
Sidewalks. . .',,---
J Hull Run water. -
Improvements nald. . -
Warranty deed and abstract goe with
: Saeinaw Heights'
' la thA riliifitir and .haw la th ttm
For you to take advantage of it. We are
selling tnese lots, with all improvements
at the same rate unimnrovnd land . ad.
juuuiig woma iwu lor. .. ' :
. Geo, T, Moore Co.
- 518 'Ahlngton bldg. v
Improvements Paid
$60050x100 Elmhurst (Rose City
Park), $100 cash, balance easy. '
$70060x100, Rose City, Park, $100
casn," D.anc -easy. i
$100Ot 60x100 .Rossmere, close to car;
Iari casn, nam nee u cays. .
Take Roue City Park car to B2d St.
Corner 80x100, 9 blocks south
west of poatoffice, splendid seo
tion, west side. Price and terms
on application. Belford A Huff.
1666 East 18th St., Sellwood 16L
Lots,' $150
$10 DOWN. $5 A MONTH.
; Come out at once and look nv,r thrma
beautiful lots In Fern Park, inside city.
limits. ami un water, do car fare.
Close to carllne; no building restrictions,
lots all cleared, level and free from
stones. xaKe mv car to otn st
2002 E. GUsan. st. Phone Tabor 876.
' 84H4 MisHisBlnnl ave. ,
60x100 on Congress st, $280 cashi
balancn IIS nip month
60x100 on'isth. hear Mason. 8160
cash, balance $12 per month.
68x100 cor. on Williams and Bryan.
$350 cash, balance monthly.
100x100 cor. on 33d and Gladstone:
terms $1400 cash.
Phone Woodlawn 1497, C. O. Wollett
8 rooms built for ownerT hardwood
,1 li i i -
electric fixtures, furnace, fireplace,!
shades, garage. lawn and roses, a very)
complete nome in exclusive location
near car. See, this fine home today.
easy terms. Rehtield & Lawrence, 6J2
iuig oiwro. &. i t. rr ,,.uu, uh
nnap mat win cause you to Duy, H
you are acquainted with values; ftn
view or city; lies pcrrect. isoo.
Worrrrortor Pool fcoo Tn
4 ACRE Tracts? water nined "to' each
i j a nui ikvvi,
-tract: excellent view: fine ear ser -
vice, only 20 minutes car ride; best acre-
age value-to be had around "Portland;
It will pay you to see the advantages
t nts property nas before you buy.
lenni .to uown Him iu a monin, o
per cent imeresi wi aererrea payments.
$3 Down, $3 av Month
Buys fine lots in Tlaroldell, inside city
limits,, near M-V car line and new Mt.
Hood electric now building right by this
property. Price $166 up. Open Sunday.
wehh,414 k, BtarK, cor, m,. eth.
EXTRA largeXlots on Willis blvd. and
Wabssh st, at small lot prices. No
cash down if you begin to build, at
once. This Is my own property and
I can' give yon from 1 to .5 years
to make your rirst payment I am in
shape to give you a good proposition.
C. H; Gossett, 1096 Denvor ave. Wood
lawn 1270.
On Mt. Tabor Car Line. $850 Up.
This is view property and finest of
garden soil, no better offering on the
market. G. L. Webb Real Estate Co.,
4H k. starK st.
FOR SALE Lot 40x100, large tent
house, nicely rurnisned, garnen and 6
nice fruit trees, all goes for $500; $100
down and $10' per month. Take Mt.
Scott car to Tremont station, go three
oiocks south and one block west, cor-
ner aa and 7lst st.
BargainMust Sell
Equity In Westmoreland lot, bought
130; 60x1110, on Division st, near 24th.
w-m, journal.
Choice quarter block, 100x100, walking
aistance, central jjst Portland. J. J.
ueder. cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankenv.
FOR SAIE At once, 1 lot. suitable for
resiaence, in new aaaition to KJamatn
Falls: part cash, balance easv navmcnta.
Inquire of Bert Blosser, box 177, Oregon
. icy, yr.
Irvington Park SnaD
$850 secures choice lot on Hoi man st.
in-ar nm,, easy terms. wee it toaay.
jxowarq j.ann jo., oua awetianq olag.
ACREAGE, funning water; close in. on
the west side; JlOOo to $1600 an
acre; terms $25 to $50 down and $10 a
month, 6 per cent Interest on deferred
payments, m. B. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg.
HAVE some . lots 60x138; one block
irom eiauon, on uregon t;ity line,
good neighborhood, 8c fare, $200 down,
balance terms. Call' Property Transfer,
ou wenay iag.
TliceTBuilding Lot, $475
60x100 on Millard ave., two blocks of
car. By owner, ana 43a. TaDOr 422,
$700 IS the owner's price for a full size
lot at zutn ana Kins; free and clear;
a high Snd sightly location. Terms. Co-
lumoia xrust Co., 84 4th st. L),
$800 CASH buys corner lot on Corbett
street worth $1200, This Is one of
tne best buys in South Portland. M. ,E.
an ,oroett Ding.
NICE little home close to car." fine lo.
cation, snap t $1300; terms. Hurry,
owner left and needs money. Rehfield
& Lawrence, 512 Swetland bldg, .
BUSINESS ,Iots cn the Macadam road
for sale Very cheap; on terms. This
aisinct nas a nig future. M. E, Lee,
One corner and one Inside lot on
E? 11 "reat bargain for cash. I
t.iaii j aoor nous
$165 EACH. EAST 82ND.I HT:
- Close to Mt Hood electric, $16 cash.
$5 monthly. Fred W. German, 329
nurnsine. m. or A-ziro.
FOR sale at a bargain, two nice sightly
lots on Tillamook st. in'Broadway ad
dition, $1600. .Owner, 867 Gantenblen
ave. :'.' 1 " '. '.'
HOSE City Park lot, ftOx'lOO, 8 1 blocks
. fnftvrt fa 1 n A fn t Rftrt' V Tin "r
from carllne. , for 1500; X-740. Jour-
msI ... .."r v- "',,. - v I
MUST sell my equity In' fW Westmore
land lot Vi block from new -carllne,
on Jvn street. l-none WOOdiawn 775, 1
xwu lots tor saie, warquairt Home- 1
- - . . ...
12900. "FITT.L. WAt.S' TtT-fiflf-
very nose m on least lKth st,
; DEMENT ft KRTDER. 248 Madison st
uOTS. 40x125, good .location, basemuwE
(1 , Jt A In . nrtrviu HO JA 1 I4L. ,t ...j.
Nawlivlllw station, Mt. Rr-ott car. , I
vivwi j, b,t inri t m n ' n l i i hvn. i
LOT 50X100, on . the west
Sellwood 249
.ide. W
TTVO Liaurefhiirst equities at Men's than
"VSX m?.?.1.VtsL3 varieties Vl
balance 810 ner month. O-TiS .Tm,n,i I ,.,'.,, i,
f.. I. . , in r ' ,T wwpiiiiKiii. vny naivr. vieciric llAMlts - 6C
50 CASH and $10 monthly buys beau- ?" fare, select neighborhood, good hWt.
, tlful east front lot on 4lh st near ting proposition, Owner 270 E 1 th t
sTiimL " ' Bwetland bldg. 2U""A0RES Inside cltvii.,. J. ? f..
cost! nouint Kn..' miu v-741 .innrnn r n'o 11m m, mar iieivecin.
tWO corner lots In' WonrWr. rhean for nnlv t-S n. l..8t?!L""',rI,," to citv.
so eh
T-745, Journal
' 10
Buv now Kefore the railroads ' reach
there and ; get in on the . ground floor.
I The, beautiful seaport beach resort an4
I laciory town. ' iarge pay run, wu
lutlon. Lumber, coal, fruit, dairying
and farming.' : More natural resource
tiack.or Hanson- than any otner iov
on the Pacific coast: You can s-miss
Buy now before the boom. I can soil
you iotas now close to tne .Dusiness cen
ter for $3 down and $3 per month. 10
cents a day invested now mav mean
, - - - i '
Main 8787, 403 Lumbermens bldg.
60x165 foet. running through block.'
fronting on 2 streets, in Alameda Park,.
on canine, streets graflea, cement wains
in, ornamental Shadfl trees planted along
sidewalks, fine location;, owner must
sell at . a sacrifice; price $1600. . .
Ba -'&Kuntz 1 . 'J
431 I,umber Exchange. Phone Main 2788.' J
South Portland - J
Lots for sale chenn. 15 minutes from
business center, west side, no bridges !
to cross. Price less' than twice the
I distance on the eat side.
Merchants i
Savings .& Trust ... "
LOTS are a good investment, but acre-
t as'e in mnoh Ketter v hiv, tk.
largest assortment of close in acreage ,
ar within. rar-h Af anvnntt . T Will I
pay you to see our very choice aoreVre
e?5e'y uy--. P t.'t?re"t Ll
before you huy, 6 per cent interest
""ri:" payments, v . e.; L,ee, in Corj :
bet ,bl!,fi
$10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. '
XTTfAt n A T nmnirtvni tviT rr a "
1 1KAUK. '
DdVUUc&il H
.. I have one of tin heat int. &t H
I ocean that t win salt si
KHin. I ' n linn Tn m Mnnnav . r
f. E. CI.ementh
-Man :reo3.r ; A-1S1
A Rose Citv Park SnaD
Fine lot . clone to car. excentlnnsllv t
vm; oov. jcasy terms, pnone !
1 1--1806 today. ', . j
I miyuwu haktshok.nk,
" "am"T or commeree Bldg.
SOD.thHi? fpTtheWhTT'TrfyT-T
I will Ml R nair infaMW an ,
natural townslte at Cannon 'Renh r
1 would like to put in a sawmill at th
same place, and go to .building houses
to sell at once. . For further particulars
phone yabor 1267. D-743. Journal. -X
I col
$760 buys a fine corner lot close in on
Bt KtVl at M l,U , tw.MM.rA.HtM :
-aBt 26th st; street improvements,
sewer, cement walks, gas and water all
in and paid.
DEMENT A- KRIDER, 24 Madison St.
$975 EASY TEi
Every foot now in cultivation,'
new land only been cleared a short , ;
ttrne, lays nearly level and a per
fect drainage; only a 0 minute
ride on Salem Electric : carllne,, . -south
of Portland;; school, Btore
and station within sight; faces on
main county road, has a good
fence, no rock or gravel to be
found; this noil In Fully 7 to 15
feet deep and never needs Irriira-
Ion. This land will raise 200 '
sacKS or potatoes per acre, and I
claim it is the richest piece of
?:arden land for all kinds of vete-;1-ables
and berries in Oregon, and
If you don't say the same thing
upon Investigation, I will pay
your carfare both ways. I need
money and must sell at once and
I would advise' you not to buy"
any land until you have looked
at this. Land across the road sell
ing for $250 per awe. When you
Inquire about this you wyi find
it Just as represented, for I have
told the Plain truth in this ad.
vertisement. Small payment down
and $7 per month. Call on me at
Gumbert Light tailoring store.
Mi wasnington street, between
11th and 12th. No agents wanted.
$50 Per Acre'
t $10 down, $5 per month, 6 per
cent, land lays level, plentv bt
good spring water, ti miles from
Portland. - U mile from . Ti ti
This is the very best of garden
111. fvutf lo nA Q aa 11.1. t - ' '
of garden I
I at once. A
time, letjT
vou. CaiiSr . i
erce bldgTr' I
. uy? kino ni uuce.
nave not tne tlm
Us select a tract for vnn
640 Chamber of Com
Truck, and: Chicken
., .Farms
1.' 3. 5, 10 and 10' hmm
hi valley west of Council Crest '
The very best of soil and loca
tion. Two carlincs and good wa
ter. $260 to $600 acre nn.i
on easy monthly payments.
I he bhawear Company
Main 85
. 40 .ACRES SBm '
finsollVcash' road'-clo' hooL
40 Acres now hniiNA iinH
tn croo; 600,000 fet of fir tfmhr hhra
iftKft rfluli. " " 7",
. L B.(?'. olos North Plains. 10
7-,V.uv. "w earn., u goats, X
. 270 E 16th V -
house, full cement
bered lots in Rosa Citv or vicinity Sea
f.1 Ij?wls ' b Phone ' Mar-
H a 1 T 1" ts : " " I .'. . vv" ' siu " r u n 1 ncu m-
- ...
"AVE YOlnt lots and acreage "tracts
R:yB. Sl &
IT1I10 ht Ifl . c . ' ' -
1 oio n. , """r tern
,i thamber of Commerce.