1 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 8aTHAM-.U8 cash mm UAL Will Furnish Lumber to Build , . . a House ' ?Just pay $10 down and $10 a month for choice quarter acr Prtca of acre only 150 to $600.. WHERE CAN voir v.anAi it? ; n pantry, water, sink, cement foundation; wired for lights, acre of land. Price $1600. Small monthly payments. T LOTS IN , 63x14$. $425 AND UP. 5 down and, $5 per month. - lfiee us for houses. lotsu and acreage tid easy,te,nna. - v :. . v $560 EQUITY S . . . In $1750 v Modern 4 room bungalow. "60x100 lot. garden, roses, chicken yard and houses near car; win trade for lots or acreage and assume difference. " ' $1400 : v $200 DOWN BALANCE TO SUIT. Not- ft ronm house, well built, 50x100 jot, fine shade trees, not far from car. Bee this and you will buy. $650 - rr n..,.. , 1 BALANCE $16 PER MONTH. X $ room house, partly furnished, close to carllne. " , . . , ARDENT PARK. $10 DOWN. -Jo JT.fl MONTH. Lots $225 and upi fine fir tres for hade. i Bee us lor exchanges In farms, acre ages and city property. 1H ! $50 Down i Balance 115 a month: 5 .room house. Close to car, large lot. Price $1500. I :' $100 DOWN. $10 MONTH. fernall house and furniture. Vi acre ali planted. Frioe only $700. 1 ' LOTS $185 and Up . $5 Down, $5 a Month Close to Car Mt. Scott Car to Lents Bright Realty Co. ttOCHlESTER With us. There is a bunch of us going up to that .Both ways, providing you buy only 6 ot sore or our o I ao fhanro ctt-'Thift I ihp.rnl v , y . .Price. aU we return-i - ' WeGive Terrris . Of $2 per1 Jot down and $f per lot each month, (no Interest ABSTRACT. TITLE. WilhY6iABe,6ne.'pf the Hun- d red That Are Going to t MiiH Business. With';Pleas- i ure''? at--Rochester?-; That I Many - Insures - a Special .i.,dll,vs Whether you buy or not you' can are t AT; ticket at a -reduction of $2.10 on a VSimd trlD ticket at our office as we R, R, .Co.: for excursion rates, i When We Can Get People to it visit . Our town and see its advantages, we ran nearl" always males sales. Hence this liberal offer. We allow far Paid on Initial payment of only $10 on the whole S lots. I'hotos, soil, maps; , full particulars. , rtione Main 2813. Take ith ft, elsvstor, : : 0pen8unday and evenings, ' loSo Chamber of Commerce,' ':. SI DO -DOWN L Ellf :olbll 4 fill fW B MM ! FDRTHE4THAT GOOD, OLD FA8HI0MED 'CELEBRATION July S, at 1:80 p. m., train leaves Port land. We come back night of the 4th or morning of the $th. ( imPAt'YQUR'FARE '.fflEL'BLEAffi-.ILiTS MY.$20,v.EACH-UIT 'WfflTOIII. BROS..1 ' GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 A. Business Man MeK chantFarmer ' Will appreciate this fine property.. . A FLOUR and - FEED MILL driven by a SPLENDID WATER POWER GENERAL MERCHAN DISE STORE--only store within a radius-of 9 miles in a thickly settled. ' community! ' a. '- FINE FARM of 80 acres, 30 acres of -BOTTOM LAND in growing crop; 2,0 sores fine; timber, balance ODen pasture. Good buildings, abundance of fruit of all var- '' ;letles. Fine horses, cows, hogs, poultry, -farming tools of all var- kinds, --stock --. jof merchandise worth $2000, grain, "etc. - On good road, close to school and church. and only 15 miles from Portland. $6000 cash will handle this, or some Rood income - property in western Washington will be ac cepted as part payment. The own--er wishes to retire after 20 ?ears Successful business in this ocatlon. , Let us "give you full particulars of this splendid prop-" erty. The WATER POWER alone will at ho distant day be worth the present price of ths property. ' Newburg Farm 156 acres of which TO acres , is in cultivation, balance timber and pasture. All firBt class soil. Running water, 10 acres of Eng lish walnuts with peach; and cher ry fillers besides . large . family orchard, good bulldings, on fine road, near isBhool, R. F. I)., cream route, phone. In addition to crop personal . property is Included as follows: 24 milch cows, 4 horses, 30 hogs , and a complete equip ment of farming Implements. Price $110 per acre, favorable terms, or will consider good in come property in exchange. Oregon Electric 8 acres, all improved ohd in cultivation, splendid soil, good 6 room house, good barn and other outbuildings, electric lights: in house, fine water, fruit . -and shade; right on Salem and Port land auto road and -only M mile from station; only a few blocks from- fine school. A more deslr sble tract would be hard to find. Price $2800; favorable terms. 20 acres. 1U miles from O. W. P. line, all first class soil, on (rood graded road, some timber, but not difficult to clear; sur rounding property In cultivation selling for $300 per acre;, price $135 per acre; good terms.' 10 acres on Mt Hood electric, all first class soil, running water, less than mile 'from station. Price $150 per acre; easy terms. Hunter Realty Co. 223-6 Board of Trade, Marshall 1777, A-3307. Irvingtop Home 815 Clackamas. 6 large roms, sleep ing, porch and inclosed back porch, full basement, laundry, lot 50x123. This is a -finely finished "house and should be seen, at once If you want a bargain. ' i ' " HAWTHORNE AVE. $400 cash, balance monthly, buys a 2' story 6 room house. 1 block north of Hawthorne- ave.. facing east, on corner lot. Street Improvements paid; fire place, beamed ceilings, buffet, sleeping porch. A good , buy. WAVERLT HEIGHTS. $400 cash, balance -monthly, buys 5 room bungalow. Double constructed, on high, sightly lot. commanding fine view. -hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, with 'cooling closets, large sleeping porch. This place cannot be duplicated anywhere else -in the city. TATE INVESTMENT CO.. Marshall 284. 601-2 Couch bldg. "Bank fn Portland Realty." A Gentleman's Home 100x100 comer, north and east front. In the best part of Piedmont. Exceptionally fifte, grounds; shrub bery. 8 room residence with 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. Large cement basement, furnace. Conservative value, $13,000. ., For a farm, Improved, Noi. over 30 miles from Portland. Up to value of $7000; Balance 1, 2 and S years. i Fred F, Huntress" B12 McKay Bldg., ad and Stark. 3 oom cottage one block from Kll llngsworth ave. car, near corner Bains; 60x100 lot, cement sidewalks and streets graded; this Is a snap. BEE HARALA. ( i 789y. Mississippi ave 1091 Kelly Street , R room cottage, fireplace, bath, ce ment basement; east front, beautiful view, desirable .neighborhood.. Low price for quick sale. , , .,u Merchants ; Savings' & Trust Company' - Bungalow and Lot Only $1500 Corner In good neighborhood, close to Rose City Park car, nice little home, 6 rooms, porcelain bath and toilet, sink, hot' and cold, water; well built, plas- tared, tinted; Dutch Jtitchen. electric wired, etc.; $800 cash, balance monthly; nothing like it been offered ' before In this district. Seo Jas. C. Logan. 815 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2746. A-2430. : $100 Cash, ,$15 Per Mo. $2850 room ' moderns bungalow. 2 blocks from Union ave.,- has bath, elec tric lights, paneled 'dtnjng rooom vntth beamed ceiling, or will take cheap lot, Or equity as first payment or will trad for contract or mortgage, F. A. BEARD-& CO.. : $12 Oerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. EIGHT room new, beautiful, attractive .home, large porches, native trees, lawn, -roses, strictly modern; cars pass the door. 36th and Bybee. Sellwood car.' Kins view. Positively can't be duplicated; prlca a bargain. , Owner, Phone Heliwooa en $150 .Cash, $12.50 Per. Mo, $1000 new 4 room plastered house, wired for lights, sink In pantry nice lot near Kern Park station. V, A. Beard A Co.. 12 Oerllnger.Bldg,, d and Alder MODERN west side home, near .253 Sl'60 "Wffl street line) $3oo. U. U Iiagemann, 601 Railway Exchange. . GOOD 6 room house, modern,-, block of carr large -lot. - Bee owner. . 928 E. Morrison, near 0th,.-st; i--;.'-V,,---V- GENERAL REAL ESTATE 02 ... t ,i . A large majority of the people resid ing In Oregon formerly lived - in , some state east of the ' Rookies and there ars very few who do not know about the black walnut and what a majestic tree they are. Many of you when chil dren looked eagerly forward -to - the time when you could go to the woods In the fall-and lay. in your winter's supply of walnuts, hickory and hazel I nuts. I5ID YOU EVER SEE A DEAD' WAL NUT TREE OR REMEMBER A SEA SON WHEN THE WALNUT , CROP FAILED? It didn't take long to fill your sack afteri old Jack Frost knocked them off the tree. Those were happy days. The English Walnut - Is the same species of tree. The same prolific bearer and If possible a more beautiful tree. ' Old Mother Nature puts on . a little heavier coat and1 a lutia heavier shell-on the black walnut "to withstand the rigors of the cold winters, something unnecessary - to Its brother born In a warmer clime. And as the black walnut of the forest furnishes its own fertiliser so does the English wal nut and after about the tenth year Cultivation Is Unnecessary To the person living in the city this Is one of the features of walnut cul ture which makes It so attractive. No pruning, no spraying, no plowing or cul tivating. Nearly All Profit Just the cost of harvesting the crop. And as the black walnut was the cause of so many happy days In your youth ret the golden showers of the English walnut provide the means for a happy and Independent old age. If all the available land In Oregon were planted to the English walnut there would still be No Danger of -Overproduction Thor. are KO 000 000 nounds 'used in the U. S. annually. 85.000,000 nounds Im parted. THE OREGON NUT IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. Tbe climatic con ditions and soil 'of the Willamette Basin are Just right for the production of the perrect nut . - In California a walnut orchard Is worth from $1000 to $2000 per acre, yet the Oregon tree bears much earlier and neavier miu lus iiul -". bringing from 2 to 4 cents per pound more than the California or Imported nut, and we are offering you one of our five on ten acre tracts, set ont to wal nut and prune trees and take the best of care of them for four years without ex tra expense to you, for $92 Per Acre Payments covering a Period of 48 months. TH18 ta Auii """i EVER COST YOU, for the balance of $208 per acre you are anowea iu w from the proceeds of the crop and OV R PRICE IS $150 TO $300 LESS P-ER ACRE THAN OTHERS ARE SELLING FQR. The Salem Fruit Union An institution composed solely of fruit growers, has just completed ajiew dryer of 600 trays capacity, and have con tracted to ship 150 cars of fresh prunes this season at prices never before heard of, besides several hundred cars of cherries, apples, pears, peaches, plums and all varieties of berries. in no other district Is there such a variety of fruit so successfully rown. In fact, Salem Is the banner fruit dis trict of Oregon, in recognition of which the U. S. government is Installing a Pre-Cooling Station The only one of the kind In the north west. This is an immense refrigerating plant where the ripe fruit may be stored and thoroughly cooled before shipping. , A Word of Warning - For the past six weeks we have been sneaking to the people of Portland through the columns of this paper and the call has not fallen .upon deaf ears. A FEW DAYS MORE : ANI OUR TRACTS WILL BE CLOSED OUT EN TIRELY. It Is marvelous. Indeed, that It Is necessary to urge upon any one to partake of a fortune for almost nothing and Some Will Wait Too Long These, procrastinating ones a few years hence will be telling their chil dren that "I had the opportunity to buy one of those tracts for $92 per acre that ar now worth $2000 per acre." Our Friends Are Protected ,. - Any person buying one of these tracts, latet discovering that they cannot carry out the contract, are protected from loss 'rby a three months nonforfeiture clause in the. contract and we will re sell his tract during that time without expense to the seller, A Fair Offer our' tracts are not away off in some remote portion of the state. it is only 90 minutes' ride from portland to salem and any person putting up a deposit on one of the tracts and then visit the property and are ' dissatisfied with Their bargain will be refund ed THEIR MONEY AND PAID THE EXPENSE OF THEIR TRIP. COULD ANYTHING BE FAIRER? OUR TERMS ON THE FIVE ACRE TRACTS $100 pbwMAND $7.50 PER MOTTH FOR FOUR TEARS WITHOUT , IN TEREfcT. .''., . " OUR TERMS ON THE TEN ' ACRE mV&OWN AND $13 PER MONTH FOR FOUR YEARS WITHOUT INTER. E8T .'.: i -,-,(:,;..'..- -'" -'.: -V .';:.-,., :;.,;..,- : ,;.-: Tf',i' y; :..,-.. v t . j .-;.; Stewart Realty Co., ' Main $204. 0 ;,,v 81$-U Selling Bid. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 02 ' Russell Sage said: Young man, put your moneyuinto a piece of property in the out lying districts and then go ab.out .your daily business. It will make your old age com fortable." Is Right in the Line .of Portland's Most Rapid Growth, Only 30 Minutes From Center of City. Healthy Elevation, Pure Air, Excellent Soil, Ideal Location for Country Home. and 7n . Per Acre, On Easy Terms You Will Make Money Phone Main 1,189, A-3814 for Reservations in Automobiles Leaving Every Hour. mm- mm 232 'Chamber ' of Commerce '; .--'' $750 1 3 ' rami! 1 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 U InJ GREAT PEllSILA ii oiDT II DTI RUUIRE Think, for a minute of what has come to that part of the city i of Portland within the past month (June). Can you comprehend Its meaning? Within the first week of June Penin sula Junction, situated on the center of the north line of University Park, was opened for business. All the busi ness from the east coming over the O.-W. R. & N- company's and Union Pacific destined for points on Puget sound; western Washington, Portland and western Oregon will be segregated at Peninsula Junction. This will re quire the employment of several hund red men. Within the same week the Columbia University, situated on the south line of University Park, broke ground for the construction of a new dormitory which - will require an out lay of $75,000, and will bring to its surrounding , a cultured class of citi zens. ' T Within the second week of June the announcement was made through all the dally papers of Portland In big head lines, that the S. & S. company, the big packer, had procured grounds and had plans ready ror a fftOU.uuo investment in a packing plant on the Peninsula, that would employ 600 hands from the open ing. The location of this plant is north east and within walking distance from University Park. THIRD WEEK OF JUNE Within the third week of June the announcement whs made through the daily papers that the Berlin Manufac turing company of Belolt, Wis., had procured a site on the Peninsula for a manufacturing plant that would cost $700,000 and give empyiyment to 3R0 men from the start and would be IVkvly to have 1600 men within five year TfflK IT OVE Within essy walking distance of Uni versity Park and within a single montll, concerns have located that will invest a mllllon.and a quarter of dollars mid give employment to 1000 men. This means ten thousand new population. Now understand this Is In addition to the numerous concerns now doing bus iness here. There are now enterprises enough In sight of University Park to lnci-ene the valuo of the cheapest lot to $2000 within five years. PI If you do not graso this opportunity to get ono or more lots you will bewail your folly before another year rolls around. You aro now fully Informed as to what Is coming. The proof is be fore you. If you fall to get a lot or more you can blame only yourself. Prices $(00 and up; terms 10 per cent cash, balance $10 monthly. 727 Chamber of, Commeroe. ' Main 462J, A-214S. m E1II GENERAL REAL ESTATE 63 TH " Only $4750 " At Portsmouth, on St. Johns car line, only 16 minutes' ride, 2 blocks from car line, 2 blocks from school house, a good 7 room house. In elegant nhape; cement basement, both hot and cold wa. ter. completely furnished, with good range and heaters, furniture and car pets, complete ready to move into; 4 lots 50x100 each; 31 assorted fruit trees, bearing; a fine garden; a real bargain; $1250 cash, rest easy terms. BEN MITCHKLU 4 01 Railway K x n h a nge Bldg. Main 4842. - Big Snap, DON'T I'Ai HrJNT. $150 Cash, $15 Mo. NEW 5 ROOM BUNOAliOW, 20 MIN UTES OUT; IS A FINK HOMK AND A FORCED SALE. OWNER FORCED TO LEAVE CITY AT ONCE AND MUST SELL THIS WEEK: WILL TAKE ANYTHING OF VALUE FOR FIRST PAYMENT AND BEST OFFER TAKES IT. . H. E. James Co, 88 10TH, NEAR STARK." $5500, Special Bargain This Is a. strictly modern 6 room house with hardwood floors downstairs, furnace, fireplace, combination fixtures, wash trays, full basement; near 26th and . Clackamas, Holladay Park addi tion. Now completely furnished, and will throw In the furniture If taken at once. Easy terms to right parties. McCargar, Bates & Lively, 301 Yeon bldg. $1000 Sacrifice We mf-rtn this. Why? Because property must be sold before July 6th. Because It is a modern S-room house for only $4000 and on liberal terms. Because It is located on a beautiful corner lot 100x100, one block from car line. Let us prove this to you on Mon day. NET LAN & PARKHILL, 600 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2832. SUNNY8IDK A beautiful S-room hous on E. 37th St., one block from best car service In city, for $4000, on very easy terms; new, modern In every par ticular; attractive Inside and out; large living room, dining room, reception hall, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, hard wood floors. This Is a bargain at the price. McAllister & Lueddemann, 921 Electric bldg. $300 DOWN New k 6 room bungalow, nicely tinted, with all modern con veniences; combination light fixtures, Bhades, fireplace, furnace, stairway and attic large enough for 3 good rooms. This house double construction by one of best builders, as work shows for It self. Balance $2600; terms to suit. Block and half from car. Take Hawthorne ave. car, get off corner 44th st. O. A. R. MeOrew. Tabor 794. Must Sell This Week $100 CASH. BAL. $16 M. -New 6 room modern bungalow, close In, fine neighborhood, have $676 equity, I am forced to soil for best offer. Take lot or anything of value. This is a snap. See it at once. See owner. ,753 E. 27th. W.-W. car; off at Francis. LAURELHURST HOME. 8 rooms, new and modern, pak floors downstairs, entrance and bathroom tiled, a most complete house on Hazel Fern; place within 1 block of carllne, high and sightly; price $6200; terms. H. ,P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg, Phone Main 8699; A-2663. FIVK room modern cottage, 60x100, completely furnished with mission furniture, silverware, dishes, bedding, furniture used 3 months, ' fine fruit, r anion and flowers, all goes for $3700; 950 cash, balance $16 month. If you want a neat little home don't fall to see this snnp. Phone Woodlawn 1656. $100 Down, $10 Month 6 room new plastered bungalow: this Is a nice home that others would ask $1600 for. I want $1100; you can't beat It anywhere. JOHN B. GODDARD. 605 Yeon Bldg. ' NEWBERO . HOME". 100x11$, corner with modern eight room house built two years. Worth $3000. Will sell for $2300; about $1000 cash balance easy payments, If you want to live n a good suburban town. Get particulars on this. JACOB HAAS. 408 Yeon bldg. $2900 Takes this splendid bungalow, 1H blocks from Hawthorne ave.; 5 rooms, size of building 26x62. First payment $300, balance at $25 monthly including interest. Columbia Trust Co.. 84 4th st. (Slnkler). - Beautiful Home 7 rooms, choicest location Irvlngton, hardwood floors, fine basement, fur nace; $500 cash, balance $100 per month. East 273, C-1866; no agents. W. Hordman. Sacrifice $150 Down and $16 a month, Includes 2 excellent lots and 3 room house; fine garden, 2 blocks from car line; must sell at once. American Trust Co.. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 6 room house, $2.1 down and $25 a month. Go and look at No. 20 K. 53il st. North tomorrow and come in and make us a proposition. We will take a lot as first-payment. Crowley, Columbia Trust Co., 84 4th sf ROSE cTnTPARK. 5 room bungalow, modern, with hard wood floors and fixtures Included, for $8000; $300 down, $32 a month. Includ ing Interest. Two blocks from Sandy road, north. Columbia Trust Co.. 84 4th st (SlnUler) . LEAVING TdWN 6-ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW Dutch kitchen, bath, electric and gas fixtures. Terms. Cheap. 20 minute car service. One block from line. Cor ner lot. 1015 Ellsworth, corner E. 34th. THE BEST BUNGALOW IN PORTLAND THAT $3000 WILL BUY. WILL TAKE AS LITTLE AS $300 DOWN. BALANCE AS RENT. NO AOICNTS. E. C. KA3TON. 202 BOARD OK TRADB. AT A Kaerlfice. strictly modern bungn low, good residence district. $160 down, balance like rent or will trade for vacant property. J120 E. 26th. Wood- lawn 2063. ' " HERE YOU ARE. Small house In Richmond ' dlstrH-t, near carllne, $160, payable $100 down and $10 per month. Columbia Trust Co., 4 4th st. (A) Cheap- Home 4 room hous&Sellwood carllne; 60x100 lot. only $1150; terms. A bargain. W, J. Day, hbo b. itn st. 160 i.'UW IX, (.: .-(--- Balance Ilka rent, for a 5 room bunga low in Richmond. Price $2660, Colum bla Trust Co.. 84 4th st. (A) , , FOR SALE 5 room modern house, small payment down.' balance small monthly payments. Call or address E. E. Rogers, iu tin ave., ienis. EQUITY In 6. room bungalow with fine fuse anv off sr. Must sell Tabor JSJ1. tomorrow.: ' ". "' - ' NlCli UTTLF3 HOUSE . , On W-R tarllne, $1600: $30(1 down, bat unco 116 nsr month. Columbia Trust Co.. AAJ.W. ' -ill nv. in 12 ROOMS; best tn Portland; come and . ft for yourself: '45S Sixth t. Phone READ Main 1261 . , , " GENERAL REAL ESTATE 03 3 ACRES $1751 $75C Cash This rine, piece of land lies on the Powell Valley macadamized road, less than 8 miles from Portland postofflce. mile from srtatlon, with 10c commutation n T . I l, I ....1.1 iaini.au late. J i. mi iii vuiii" vatlon; all in potatoes, which will .more than make the first pay ment this year. it Is away below value of sur rounding property snd would make a desirable suburban home, with excellent car service and one of the finest automobile roads ' out of Portland passing right in front of it. $17B) Only $750 cash, balance on straight mortgage or easy payments to"- suit. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO, 170 Fifth Street Opposite Postofflce, 1, 1-2 Acres Close in ' All in Potatoes For full particulars on this li acres read the above advertise ment. " This is of the t acre place and can be handled for $350 cash. - Price $876, balance any way to suit. Remember, the po tato crop now on it will more than make the first payment this year. No land to clear, no stumps, no rock nothing but good, rich soli now producing a bumper crop- of potatoes, which will speak for Itself. 14 mile from station and on macadamised road. Price $875 $375 cash, balance to suit. . RALPH ACKLKT LAND jO 170 Fifth Street, Opposite Postofflce. 8 Room House on Corner Put Your Own Price on It 8 room modern house, 2 blocks from car line, on corner lot, sev - era! nice- shade- and bearing- fruit trees; house nearly new. Owner must have money and no reason able cash offer on this property will be turned down. 5 Acres Garden Land $200 Down 5 acres rich black garden" land, all In cultivation, on electric line, fenced; some fruit; $1000 $200 down, balance $5 a month. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO., 170 Fifth Street, Opposite Postofflce. Bungalow for $1300 4 room bungalow for $1300; $660 cash. Has cement basement, graded streets, porcelain bath. V built-in- window seat Dum-in china-closet, Dutch kitchen. Look this up. - 13 1-2 Acre Orchard 13H acres, all In bearing or chard, 12 miles from Portland, all varieties of fruit. Price $3250 $460 cash. Will take city prop erty In trade. , , Ralph Ackley '.Land Co, 170 Fifth Street. Opposite Poatofflce. cated In tha heart of a vast rich valley, . i - . . i j A. . 0 . v i I roads completed and running dally trains; Rochester is to. have a new ELECTRIC LINE. Four miles of this line are completed and cars are run ning; railroads and electric lines will build up a town quicker than anything else and Rochester is well supplied, v ROCHESTER Has good schools, hotels, stores Snd - churcnes, surrounuinK cuuimy i um ly settled; fuel is cheap tn lumber for building can be obtained from nearby miiis. , . .-.t - FACTORIES . A 1 - .nul, .Jrkri- anH Ka, fnntflrv lB being built, which will employe about Kin ,r,nn. nuv h, tftwn In an ImmffiM deposit of clay suitable for a brick : plant; omer taciorive are nsorun un free sites. Rochester will be a city 1.U hahsaII Willi a lry iuii. i ;- , PUT A FEW DOLLARS IN ROCHESTER wt.ii. va n-iioa nr within vour reach. get a home that will support you and an Investment that will make you big money; r"oruana, meuiuru, nvn-! i-.ni-ma Spokane, and dosena of other town man fV-ntiAa fop the ones Who bought when these towha started. , 4 J YUUn UrrUn I Um I T $25--Level Cleared Lot$$2o While they last we will sell lota In', front of the depot near factory and business houses building- and right at the Junction of these railroads for only , $25 each on easy termsl the. lots, ars locations are being, snapped up rapidly. ' REMEMBER THESE PRICES' : . WON'T : LAST - , y Every lot ' are ' now selling for $$8 will ti. worths $100 within a year; buy today and let somebody pay you the profit;' we sell on terms that anyone can handle; call or write forooklet. , (-Mr nrorwrtv: wnsn yotl buy from us you buy dtreef from the owners and not from soma Irresponsible . " niff- m kirrantr mm ana . rr eerimea aosiraci wt'nn-v '-AMERICAN HOME; INVEST- 5 ' MENT CO.,. v. v 1016 : Chamber, of Commerco f On Btsrk Petween 3d and 4th Take lsvntor No. 1. Third ...strset ..side. LARGE eorner; idsal Incatton fir fins . view apsrtmnt',i only 13 mtnui-s walk from postofflce; west sldet lot Is 78x100.' '.: Price $8500. Very attra-.tve terms ran b arranged. W. Le, 211 -erbctt bldg.' ' '-V TCI NEW: Til KITE MIUHMD ' TIK . . ' i . ;.' . ' i ' ''.'1:"'V