Tins oreoon: daily journal; ' Portland, Wednesday evening, june t , wit Tomopics TOjaGirrs amusejikhts. , HFTT.Trr VIM T)H1t tlnf-W ORFJIEUM Orpheuin Clrcatt VaUde Vllle. , BAKER Ve-uderllls and motion nlo- tures. , PANTAOrBV.t1iir111. XMPHFXS - SulUvan. ConelJoe, OAKS PAKK Bahd eonfertj arena1 opr quart!, aiterncx STAR. AftPAnm. OH MAjESTiCWrst run ploturee, 11 a. u u & n. Weather Condition. Ths atmospherto preesurs la gulta lair vr tha Perl fin smith waa t and extend Ins; northward rer tha pleteaa and western plain states to interior weet; i arn Canada; tha barometer reaain si , Edmonton thla morning wm ' IMl 'Inches. -Tha nArthaaatarn atorm la " drifting a lowly up tha 0t Lawrence i valley and la denreaalns; in Intensity; it naa ceased light ratna in Nortn coro- Una and Uilm and heavy ratna in . Tenneasee and Quabao. Tne praaaura la I relatively Mr" oyer tne lowar meaia ' alppl valley and laka reslon, and alee on tha North Paelflo coast. Light rain a nave fallen, locally, in Oregon, waen- Ington and Idaho; light ralna have alao fallen In Montana, ana-lhunflerstorme have been ganarai In tha plalna atatea and Intarior waatam Canada, having - ten attended with moderately heavy ralna In Alberta, aaatorn South Dakota - and Iiuti Tha waathar la muoh pooler In caatarn Oregon, eastern Wash- . ington. Idaho ana Nevada, ana in tne ; lower MlaelMlppI allay and laka region. . It la correspondingly warmer In tha northern plataau and plalna atataa and ' along tha north Atlantic coast Condition ara favorable for ahowara , tonight and Thursday In Oregon and Waahlnarton. and for ahowara Thursday in taano. Higner tamparaiurea win oo ' tain Tharaday In aouthern Idaho, and :. aoum 10 aouuiveat winaa wiu oe gat- eraL FORECAST. Portland and vicinity 8how era ' night and Thursday; southwesterly . wlnda Oregon Ohowarg tonlrht and Thara day west, showers tonight or Thursday ' east portion; aouuieriy winaa. Waahlngton Showers ' tonight and Thursday; southwrsterlywtnda Idaho Fair tonight: Thursday show. are, warmer aoutn portion. Light A Power eompany, , which aetloa la tha outgrowth of tha death of Vr, Edna Tim me last October. Tha suit I brought la tha nam of Paul 0. Dlok. administrator Of tha estate. Pr. Tlmics was killed by a streetcar which struck her, automobile ; at Nineteenth and "lander streets. , f ha was aa tha way to tha hospital to visit a patient Tha streetoar and automobile collided. Death was Instantaneous. The suit against the eompany was brought through At torneya Flatt Piatt , Lowery to BpeeJi. Aa Important meat Ing of tha Progressiva Buelnsss Man's club has heea aallad for luncheon to morrow la Rlahard's artll. William r. Lewery, a noted lawyer ef Chloaga, will tall of the lavenfla eoart work. City Attorney Went Oraot win d Is cose the eommlastoa plaa ef government It u Danders will aet as ehainnaa at the ay. ;, Man's Bnite To meet the eoonemfitnf spirit that la "In the air" jimmy Dunn la sailing his stock ef hth grade enlts at 114. These suit would eost you szs te I1TJ0 at a high rent store en the street Take elevator te room 111 O re- gen laa bulldlns;. tstpewveenoat Bangae -The reg-ular meetlnr ef the Rose City Park Improve ment league will be held this evening in the brick, afore at I p. m. A anmber ef tmportaat matters are te eorne up and a full attendance is required. teams ffeeee Borates for Camas, Washeugal and way landings, dally eept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at I , aa. T ana w stoma Pajrk Rsaarvatlnns and tickets. Brm days' camping trip. III. Dorsey B. smith, II rifth street ' Stndeat Ooaferaaee When delegates te the Pacific Northwest Student con ference of the Tounr Men's Christian Association met in the Portland T. M. C A. It was reported that tha sessions, which were held at Columbia beach, had been productive of mueh good. Tha students were entertained at luncheon by the Portland association, tbs local secretaries attending and also several of the directors. Including W. M. Ladd. Robert Livingstone and E. B. Mae Naughton. It was announced that while attending the conference 11 students said they would become, T. M. C. A. secretaries In foreign lands SO volun teered to be T. M. C. A. secretaries In this country, and II signified their In tention to enter the ministry. Blaaaoad Mease Palafl None better. !!. per gallon. Oood paint brush. 71a. Portland Sash Door Co.. til Front Wednaeday sleet auk daaea. Ring-1 lera naw hall. Second and Morrison, every Wednaeday. X. Ksjwssl sywusaei, mered te aeoend floor Cotambia Valldlng, Wast Park and Washington. Dr. J9 atsyaeajL apUotan, mered te 101 Columbia bldg. W. Park and Wash. W. A, Wis and associates, palnlees dentists, Third and Washington. WOULD G lira 00N TENlYESRSTO QI ' II I jT""" "" i'wt " '" " " " m pjl Bank station this evening at T P. m. to sea Mr. Baker and the ether three delegates aft . The eonventlpn wtu be held la Atlantis City, N. J. Tf Mi i Tha leeal aataa tndorsed Mr. BaWs movement te haw tha eotrveattea pett tloa ssngraaa as grra the liquor fatarest is raars w Vhiah to oeaae tha nana facture and gale ai liquor and to ahoW lah saloons. The movement has also beaa Indorsed by tha state Endeavorera. During tha past year D. T. Short th reUring president has subdivided th etty lata four dlstriots, with a super Inteadant and full eorpa of effloers, suhjeot to the eentral bodr. Manr new ooleOee. bare beaa admitted aad muoh hospital. Btasslenary. a as man aad other charitable work bag beaa aooampllshad, Tha leoal mnlea at present eonalsta of II aoeletsM aad 1UM naarabars. Jonas tha OVWt Kamber. RapreeeetaUva WUllam A. Jeaaa of tha First Virginia district who desires to sueeeed Senator Martin, la the eld est Democratic member af tha house la point ef service. miouf CAPITAL I200.C Tea OWN FOUR .COMPUTt WHO HINDUS V YOUR MONET? wouldn't leaving it la wiiaout capital B. W. Faol, wlio waa elaeted preal- dent of local union of Cbrtatiaa Endeavor. SUdUsT tnstracaor Paroled C. O. ran WoeUwarth, tiding Instructor, who jras Indicted for Issuing fraudulent checks, pleaded guilty yesterday afternoon In tha circuit court, and waa paroled. A aentenc of two yeara was placed against him, however, and should ha get Into trouble th sentence will be "Imposed. F. W. Tubeaslng, complain ing witness, was willing that tha pa- :; role be extended and the riding master be given another chance. Von Woell- warth was brought from New York to teach horseback riding In one of th faahlonabl riding academies of the lty. He posed aa a German baron - and whan in need of money lasuad eev ' , era! checks against which there were - no funds in the bank. Aetna Jr. studio after July 1 at 161 H Washington, oomer Park. PHILIP PELZ IS ON . LAST DAYS OF.STAY With Saturday. Phil Pels, the famous Russian bandmaster, will say farewell to audiences at The Oaka. Pels will play his last concert hers Saturday evening. Those who have made friends with the eccentric Russian will like to have a last opportunity to listen to hJs work. Patrick Ootrway and his world-fa mous mas leal organisation suooed Pels next aunaay afternoon. ' Health Defense Xeagae Tha Health Defense League of Portland was per ' manently organised at a meeting tield ' i at the home of C W. Erta on East Tay lar street Monday evening. The offl- cars elected were: president V. H. ; Humphrey; vice president N. J. Baxter; I aecrstary, Charles W. Erts; treasurer, C A. Tredlck; executive ootnmlttee, Mr. Charles E. Kltchlng, Lorn C Little and ' ! Merle Shelley. The league, together with the Little Health club, and their I friends, wU hold a patrlotlo celebra- tion and basket picnic oa th Fourth or July on Mount Tabor. Fire Destroys Bull ding" A two story i ram e aparuneni ouiiaing at Thirty first and Holman atrMta. owna K n W. Wollett was destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning, doing about owu ommage. ine lire started In the basement in a pile of oil rags. 8pon , tanaous oombuatlon la arlmm mm th a. Igln. The building, which was under consrruotion, waa occupied only by the .. owner ana ma wne, wno lost all their elothes and belongings. Insurance amounting to 12000 was carried on the place. Beoeirex Mamsd Homer TV innii Ar . Portland was appointed this morning oy toe court 10 act as receiver for the ' Oregon stockholders In the United Wire less company, which concern waa re cently thrown Into bankruptcy In New 1 one rne oinciais or the eompany were indicted, tried and found guilty of a criminal cnarga Tne receivership followed. Zbsem Drams William Thurston Brown, at the request of those who have heard It will again deliver his .lecture on the "Woman of Ibsen, par ticularly analyzing "The Doll's House," "Ghosts" and "The Lady From the Sea," Thursday evening, o'clock, at Christ iansen's hall. Eleventh and TamhUl. Admission SO cents. e selected today In tha circuit court be fore Judge Kavanaugh to try the dam aga case against the Portland Railway, , Spend July 4 at North Beach To accommodate those deal ring to spend the Fourth at North Beach, the 0.-W. R, at N. steamer T. J. Potter- will leave Megler on that date at I p. m. Instead of I p. nu. her regular schedule. This will give beach visitors a full day on tha beach without loss of time, as they can leave Portland oa the steamer "Haaaalo" at I p. m. Mon day, July I, arriving on the beach early tne morning or the 4th; or they an leave or tne "Totter- at 1:10 a, m. on the 4th, land on the beach early in tne artersoon and have six or seven hoars on the beach with a delightful daylight ride on the Columbia. Make reservations at city ticket ef- nca. Third and Washington street. River Excursions to Oregon City Boat lnaraa Tavlor atntat 4anV law and l&a Leaves Oregon City 11 a. m., I p. m. Round trip 45o. The Hotel Seward la MmnJ make SDecial ratea to a limited mimku of monthly roc me re. a At a meeting of the local union of the Christian Endeavor last night In tha parlors of the First Christian church, B. W. Paul was sleeted presi dent Miss Martha Montague vice presi dent Mlas Emily Luoe secretary, Hugh Black treasurer. Tha new effloere will be Installed Jul It, at the Piedmont rresoytenan ofturea, , O. Everett Baker, state president ef tha organisation and a delegate for Ore gon to the national oonrentlon of Chris tian Endeavor, was present at tha meet ing and made an eddreso relative to the convention. The local societies, of which there ars II. will go to the North Dr. Florence Manfon returned, Medi cal building. e WORK IS RESUMED IN . NEW BRIDGE CAISSON Work was resumed In the caisson of tha Broadway bridge yesterday, af ter a delay of 41 hours, by the return to work of 10 of the "sandhogs," while five others were aecured to renlaoe tnose on struts. The men were given a raise of IS cents a day, or 1176. follow. ing advtoea from the headquarters of the union Bridge company at Kanaae City. The bridge company expects to nave a run rorce at work within a few days. Ths last of tha sheet nilfn for nlar 3 will be driven today. There has been some delay in thla, aa the pier Is in ths terminal yaxda. Work was also started thla morning on eight pedestals of the west sids abutment of the O.-W. R. at N. bridge. This work la said to have been delayed also because of the rail way. - Pfaver Piano Owners Tha mualn roll llbrarv at Khorman. i .laT a i :n la rna mon Mmmu in the city. If you have trouble In get ting tha muslo you want elsewhere, nleaaa viva tie a chanca tn minnlv vnu even If von did not nurchaaa vatir player from us. We have 1000 rolls of special numuera ai uiree roua lor )l, a rare opportunity to stock up your library. Sherman, Clay & Cow, Sixth at Morrison street Free Lecture BY 0 Pastor Russell 7:45 P. M Thursday, June 29th AT THS ARMORY TENTH AND DAVIS STS. ALL INVITED SEATS FREE JTO COLLEOnOX HEAR, THINK THEN JUDGE .01 ut men of standing nma it. wouia your Be w ' straot bank 1th- hy accept ab- orooertr vou buy, If thla abstract la from Aa irresponsible concern f Praia? 6 if asstaot rOM Taos ooxPAjrr The abatraot Is your in formation on the title of the property yon buy, Oaly respoaslbJe s a a paalsa oaa faralsk re 11a ble laonnaAloa. Protect year Investment br Insisting a a reliable abatraot unra are oacxes ar an Investment ef over half mnilon. Members Oregon Aaera. af 'Title Men. You WiU Choose This Place Forever If You Buy Jewelry Here Once!!! Seen our new store yet ? Nothing; has heen spared to per fect our service. The very, fullest and latest designed Jewelry from the East Our policy is to handle only the best grade of Silver, Silverware, Cut Glass, etc, at a popular price. Going away? Put your Jewelry, in our Burglar-Proof Vaults and hare it cleaned aad remodeled. iWeUacfcon-aug gestions while you're away. rCo. FIFTH 'AND ALDER G Meitkempe YEON BUILDING CHERRY PAIR SALEM, ORE. July 6, 7 and 8 & rk A A ,af i Round Trip a. Jll mimcn mm On dates given above Return Limits July 10 THE CAPITAL CITY'S GREAT HORTICUL TURAL EXHIBIT The trfo via the Oresun Electric Railway is one of he most delightful in the West Trains leave station, Front and Jefferson Streets, 6:30, 7:50, 9:15, 11:00 a. m.'; 2Mt 30, 60 and 8:40 p. ni. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Coastruets Asphalt and ealier Bitam Inooe Pavement a tOt-COl Eleotrto Bldgv, Portland. Or. Oakar Babes, .Maaagm LAWYERS ABSTRACT &TRUST CO. 6 BOARD OF TRADE DU PORTLAND, OREL University Making Record AH over toe war IS .the nasaa af tha Tadreveltr-ef Kloaeeota la kaaira e aaaaa af the Slasassiy ef the areaassfm aor anendoal, Beaetal, la Its aabora. tortea. ' One ef the many aaafTehras awe aa? this ahatnlaal te te taataxrOr toy fha peiaa la earns and aoalds aad la aaost eases to prevent blistering. Kept fcanlr la tha kltohsa It would sere nanr a long drawn ant ease of sufferln frem aootdaats beoaase there Is no known produot that will half as anlcklr eare barns, aoatda, euu, braises, or poison Infection. Sntol has bsea often tooted aaainsl eld style remsdlea an two woanda en the same person, and heals ta lees than half the time taken by era. Trial battle free at Perklaa Ho tel rhamaoy. ita aad WaaMagtea rortlaad, Ore sen. Daniel W. Lawler. farmer marer ef St raaL has annouaoed his eandldaor for tha United fates aenata ta suooeed Senator Knute Nelaan. THROUGH SERVICE re ToOowrtoae aTaatenal yact, Ths Oreaw.Waahlnatoa Railroad A Kavigatloa oeeipanr hara la af feet throat staadari aUeplnf oaf aarrloa between lerttaad aad Tallowatena, leer-lag- Portland at Ml p. m, dally. Mas reservations aad obtain all desired In formation aa to f area aad routes at City Tioket Offloa, Third aad Washing ton streets. Ask for lllustratedabooklet. "Where Queh the Q years.- Itemoval sale, Barria Trunk Oa Ut fth at Prices greatly reduoed. r ARTISTS Requiring ths best in tools and materials for Summer Sketching will appreciate our line of colors, brashes, canras, sketch blocks, easels, stools, kits, etc Pictures Moulding Stationery Sariborn,VaiI&Co. 170 FIRST 171 FRONT Phone Your Orders M. 609 1 1 We May Not Be Bleat with perfect eyes, but tn ths majority ef casea perfect vis ion mar be obtained by the oee of perfectly fitted glasses. X fit that km, t have been fitting f lasses In Portland for 14 years, hlnk I understand my busmeea, and I try to treat eaoh eaae eo that not only Is one new patient assured, but many ethere. and it pays. If year eras trouble yon. If your glasses do not fit eorne in and let as talk It aver. No overohargat no misrepresentation. DR. C. L HAYNES ITXC&UbMT S OSTZOXAaT nlto eST Btaraasa Balldlas, rOTBTal rxoom. A3irSE3lETS. TIlCATlUJ Tth A Tajlir ., Piisan Mala li A-113X JLAlT ihtc TONfgirr. t. CHARI.K.-f OTIMM falSiU'iTS BILUE BURKE In W. Soaeret Maualiam'a Comely "acaa. pot." Thla af tern eon ; Lower floor II It. fl Palcnny. Jl, 710, I0o.' Oallery sv JSo. Tonight: Lower floor 1, ll 4. HWnr rows 10a Osiler loa. boa. r&. sasAH- Uaum& 919mt ATA maIm Mimtti.f AnfT1 and Photo Play Tbeatra in the etty. Ail nigh elaes seta, first-ran ohote alar a. The moat for the least mnnay. 104 CKXUB TntDZB taw 84 Afternoons, two shows, starting at L Even In as, eontlnuoua starting at 1:a, Entire change of bill Thursday, vrknjwv www 'oaar Ui m Ik WBT ramu ag V.VasVJlliaxTa THKAT8S awt-sa-m Vauaa Pnaa hi "Tks Baby." WCla So It WakafleldT Ben Weloh, Oharlee akMr OyaUaf OomsdlaaS araak aloOotmaak SJ Oraee WaUaee, Al Oarltea, Aaaeraon, aaokTeO a aaasona, OraaeeW, pteaaree. rOBXBBXT BBAJTB SulUraa k Ooasldiae Beflaad Yendsvttle BBMtfaa STAjrijrT a oa 4 XrfTS0aT 4 SAjrOZBXI BVM OABoa- a num PBABX BOTX . XATDnCB ETEXT DAT i MatJaeo l$o, Brenrnga llo-ISs. "a TJasanalaSi Tandavllm. BXTBAi Bash Z.lnf Voy, " the OrtenVi The Maleonunia, Barrett a Barla, Ooe a Boj 24 Years in Portlaodl PLATES-With Hexible Suction The Very Best and Latest In Modern Dentistry No More FaHtej Plata No Sneezing Plates Down No More Coughing or Laughing Them Down A BRIDGE THAT CAN BE REPAIRED Without removing from the mouth. The teeth on our bridges are made of solid gold or porcelain Interchange able facings cemented In grooves, and can be changed at will In case of breakage or changing conditions. This Is but' one of the many reasons contributing to the rec ognized supremacy of our Crown and Bridge Work. LOW PRICES FEATURED Good Rubber Plates, each ..... $5.00 The Best Red Rubber Plates, each . . $7.50 22-Carat Gold or Porcelain Crown for . $5.00 22-Carat Bridge Teeth, Guaranteed, each $3.50 Gold or Enamel Fillings, each . . . $1.00 Silver Fillings, each 50c And an Absolute Guarantee Backed by 24 Years in Portland Nervous and weak-hearted people can have their teeth extracted, filled, bridge work and teeth applied without danger or pain. Out-of-town patients' work completed In one day when necessary. All work is done under the personal supervision of Dr. Wise. Lady attendants. THE WISE DENTAL CO. Failing Building, Second Floor Take Elevator S. E. Cor. 3d and Washington Sts. OCOoe Wmrns Ttallj- 8 a. an, as a 9. m Bandars 0 a. m. to 1 p. aa. BxanUnatton free, rsones Aaoaa. seals 808S TTa equaled TsaderUjs. "A Bight in k mtwui Boyd. Crayer aj Taile Sisters, Baatagesoeyei Bpeolal,Tae Bin t fcraeara. Popular prloee. Matinee daily, l:tt, 7 .10, i. Star Theatre afoot atapendeae Pletnre Prodoetloa Brer Played. - Tha Birth ef a Nation, or tha lira Booka af Moaas. An Historical and Biblical Production vVfticn Cannot rail to Meet vita Unan imous A peroral f Splendid Singers I. ARCADE Bar Seortfloe (dramaUe), Lasr Tramp, How tha Story Grow. The Croaaderm OH JOY ' . Jnares Captured by Insurranta, Artnp Diilllnc Etc. Sacrifice to Clrtlltatlon. How Willis Ralaed Tobaeoo. OAKS PARK aawaaaat ta tha City in un AB9 OBAJTB OTUi QVABTB tnsM xmroABXAjr oboxbbtba ob Mia BftOaTlTXCBJST OOBCXBTa TWZOB BiUT CBXT OSTBIOK T AMU XM TMM VOBTBTWXS? BXnxaST tsT BABXBBTXB XZSB ' TMM XATATOmZtraCTAXB A BZF ' ABBoaazov 100. cim.iMtn sa XrXDZM 9, TBJBB So OABPABB . , , ' . Oars Brery Pew SOantss rresa lot and Aides, fcaonoaoa Pront BContaoa Street - , Brlofe. ' BASEBALL BBCSSAROB PABX ' Ooa Taocha and Twesty-fowtfc Sta. ; PORTLAND vs. SEATTLE j 9am S. ST, SB, , SO, 9vCtr L ; Oaaaai aafta week days tsM p ja, foax oajns r.w p. m. Bavranr sat ranxa Boya under II free ta Wednesday. SCHOOLS AlCD COLLEGES MEDICAL H 0 DEPARTMENT - SOsrn Standard. Theroas-h Oenmas ' szsaiojr BBazva oci. a, iu. For catalogue address Dean, Dr. 8. A jo sap hi. did Oekum bid.. Portland, Or. DAMAGED PIANOS AN ENTIRE CARLOAD 80a Our Window, 0th and Barnside About Hall Are Player Pianos The Railroads Did It and They Paid for It! AN ENTIRE CARLOAD of pianos and PLAYER PIANOS were damaged In this shipment All to ba disposed of regardless of price. Among tbem are such well-known makes as KNABE, Poster & Co.; Armstrong, Brewster, etc, in both upright pianos and PLAYER PIANOS oi-dbe) very latest type. 88-note. New, case-damaged pianos as low at $190 on easy term, case repaired free of diarga by us. Manufacturers' guarantee with each instrument Player-Pianos for $326 Latest Type 88 Note Where can you find better prices? Where can you find better instruments? Where can you find better terms? We positively guarantee these price's cannot be duplicated in the city. It is tha usual REED-FRENCH policy of selling at the rery lowest possible figure, Should yon expect to buy either a Piano or Player Piano aad wish to make a etv lagVthis Is surely yoar opportunity. Nothing but the cases ara hurt, sod -this damage sruTbacepaJred to-anch an extent that it will .hardly be noticeable. THfS ONE CAR WILL NOT LAST LONQ Reed French Piano Mfg. Co. SIXTH AND BURN SIDE STREETS '.."; , Foster Cc Klelser High Grade Commercial and Eleotrla SIGNS, Tth aag Bast Breton Sta, - r Baas uui B-aaa. . , : la NO dty . vmxre Bitulithi3 pavement baa been (T$e3 te It other thad entirely , satisfactory! Printing l02z2 C0. 'aoesvOatelef aag COBuaereial , ;Printinn Book Btadlar and Blank Boos . 383TiyIor St Pfccnfs; A22SI,':r::! journal VIcsS. tr!: l : V