THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL, .-PORTLA WD. WEDNESDAY. EVENINO, JUNE 23, 1811. Tarss'esiitanBrw'!g3aTwi aui, uiiuuiim jb-am. w GOVE RNORPICKS 38 III I ODRAFT SWT E ROADS BILL lest Too Many Initiative Measures Defeat Object, : He Plans Comprehensive Law for Ail State Elements. (Half a Boca f Tb. Joorn.l 1 - Salem, or.. June 28.--la order tht the f rood road la Oregon may not b. Jeopardised If the confusion of too intny Initiative bills. Governor Wt t request of many prominent cm ' a.n. and orsanliatlone of th stat. to day named a committ representative of every county in ui "" I an early data and frame bill which will suit th peopl of th auta. Dr. Undraw C Smith of Portland, we iemd chairman of the commlttaa and tie la to call a meeting at an early date. In view of th fact that the State Vang baa a good roada commute ap- Minted, th members of th Grang Commit t war placed on the governor's coram! tte with th and In view of galn 5ng th cooperation of tha Orang tn (this general aUt wide commute. Tb Oregon Dlopiut lauo mnrVinr an tb roada problem and C. C I Chapman will be aaHd to cooperate iin tha stat committ In framing a 10 SS-INTY IN SECRET POSSIBLE Secretary of Police Tells How .Modest Visitors Could Get In. ST; JOHNS BIS FOREIGN WORKMEN ICaft rw Leues Wtr t Seattle, Wash., June IS. Testimony In th aeoond trial of Charles W. Wap- ponst.ln. x-chlif of police, on the eharra of accepting a 11(100 brlb from Gideon Tupper and Clarenc Uerald on August I, 1110, for permitting them to nin two houaea of 111-reput. wa be gun thlaj morning. - Charles Bull) van. aecratary of police, waa the flrat wit ness called. He teatlfled to th pol- blllty of persona visiting the chief without being generally observed, and alao eald he, together with th preaent chief, had found a card belonging t Gideon Tapper In Wappenateln'a deak, Thla card bor flgurea, aom of which Sullivan Identified aa being tn Wappen ateln'a handwriting. Clarence Uerald on of tha alleged brlba-glvera. waa called ahortly before noon. He tea tl fled that Wappenatsln told htm, There's clianoa for all of ua to make money there." when th restricted dlatHot waa dlaouaaed between them, and that Wap- penateln had told Tupper to "go get th Midway." Th Midway waa th largest house In tha diet riot under former May- or OIU administration. After examining 40 veniremen, th Wappenstaln Jury waa finally completed laat evening. Th II men In whoae handa th fat of th ax-clitef of nolle M Only Americans Will Be Al lowed ta Do Street Work for the City. ' Th weekly meeting of th St Johns city council waa hold In th city ball laat night. Th Uoena committee de cided that all aaloon proprietor holding licenses which expired before th first of th year b glvn another Uoanse, good until that Urn. Th Mapl street aewar, which was not aorepted at , th laat meeting, waa again dlaouaaed laat night It waa decided by a vol of 4 I ORDS TO DEFEAT BILL TAKING AVAY HEIR VETO POW ER Attitude of Upper Branch Shown When Amendment Submitting Question to People for Vote Is Passed. anmt mull measure which will meet I ..... tha fnllomlnir with th general approval of the people. I ,A p'uj, iron moulder; F. Mandy. cook Whether this commute shall initial a Mk Antler, pipefitter; K. Meachom, kill or aubrolt one to the nei engine fireman; Peter Pearson, rarmer tur will be left to th committee. In, H. H. Slmmona, manager of a paper ROYAL ROAD MEDIC the vent an appointee la unabl to at- J company; K. C Smith, streetcar conduc- tend tha commute meeting n win w tor; c U ennatenaen. master mecnaiiic, aiked to nam aomaon to act In his Oliver Campbell; clerk; Ol Akerson, . r.nfinal of the Stat farmer: A. F. Peterson, grocer; Albert ' i. fAilowa- ISavler. mining man. a see. aa Coaunlttaa. Every peremptory challenge available . . v n.i.., MntT: waa emarclaad on both araea iauaa ncvu"""i Richard Klger, Benton: C R Spenc. Clackamaa; J. t Oratk. Clatsop; W. D. riu. ftolnmbla: B. E. Bediiuon, uoos; K n. ThrifL Curnr: T. M. Baldwin, fmnk- rtaxtar Rioo. Douglas: J. K. Lay- enek. Orant: Edward Dunn, GIHIam; J. T. Mahona. Harney; A. L Mason, Hood River; W. L Vawter, Jackson; k. i. Bmlth. Joaephme; Judg Baldwin. Klam ath: B. Daly. Lak; L H. Bingham. iir t r. Btwarb, Lincoln; C I Phaw. Linn: V. W. Thomllnaon, Mai- huer; 3. 1i. Albert, Balem; flam Van Vector, Morrow; A. C. 8mlth. I R. Webster, W. C Bristol. C. T. Prall and L. S. Rates. Multnomah; II. Herschberg, Polk: IL W. Strong, Sherman; Rolll W. Watson, Tillamook; Leon Cohan. Uma tilla; Dr. Hall, Union; Jay DobDin, Wallowa; T. J. Cooper, Wasco; W. S. Hollla. Washington; Jamea Wilson. Wheeler, and II. E. Oelaa. Tamhlll. alsnvportland Convlot Boad. Oovernor Weat today- also named a PUTIN BAKER AIL D. D. Ehmer After Few Weeks' Absence Blossoms From Artisan to Doctor. (ftpedil Dttpitrh te The Jonraal.) Baker. Or.. June 8. D. t. Ehmer, who several weeks ago opened an of fice In thla city for the practice of mechano-therapv. was arrested laat nirht and thrown In th county Jail on committee of threo, composed of George tb- CDArge of practicing medicine wllh- y. Roger of Saiun- Grant Dlmlck oriout . ic-na. Oregon City, and C T. Prall of Portland. Ehmer, who op to a few montha ago to devlf way and means for pElllxatlon wag employed aa a stonecutter In a of convict labor in construction of a local monument works, left here and re public highway from Salem to Port- turned In a few weeks a full-fledged land. Members of th committee rep- doctor, which tltl he boimy asaumea resent the thre counties through which and which appeared with hia name over the highway will run and they are to co- his office. He cut a wide awath for a - - i . ... - i i i j operate with the respective county few weeks, aaveriiBea exienBIveiy nu ourta. gathered in many pauenis wun a greai -The bnlldlna- of such a htahwav Una of newspaper talk and teaumomais. would demonatrat what could be done H did not confln his efforts to mech with convict labor," said the governor ano-therapy. but took nearly ovary kind Th. H,..nn fnr leottn th'ia of a case that came his way. He treat- rartloular place of road Is mainly that It everal patients for diseases not would connect the stat capital and the exactly In his Una, with the result that state metropolis and 1s x:los to th e them are now under the care of vm i.w i.m i. t h. n- regular phyalcians with the outcome Idea the road from Salem to Portland "?lLa Dia"er .?' d0ubt- .ThATti!i5 is as bad as any road In the state f ui auinor.i. " i7, . f.w with eual amount of traffic. Th. kind ?"'e: 70,000 COPIES OF PRIMER DISTRIBUTED The Portland chamber of commerce has begun distribution of Its new Ore gon primer, a beautiful folding booklet devoted to the resources of Oregon. Seventy thousand copies have Just left the press 85,000 copies for distribution by the chamber and 35,000 to be dis tributed by the Harrlman lines. The primer was gotten out under the advertising system, 'by Ixndon, June 11 That tha hous of lords will refusa to pass th govrn merit bill depriving them of th vto power was mad certain tonight whan Mia. nkMMl th trnmilinMl fi, I h.FAil hi to to accept It and th original rport inadowna, which provides that i.uniwrr.un ujecuasKin om I the question ahall b submitted t th arousea ovr in raci mai loreign a- people at a general rfrndum, borera wer arrowed to perform city This Is regaided as serving notlo on street work. To do away with thla, a Mr. Asqulth's government that th resolution waa paaaed whereby no help lords will Inslat either on another gen but American could be employed on all era! election or on th king creating elty Joba enough Liberal peer to paa the bill Crawford street, from Salem to Rloh- Conservatives bellv th lords will do moijd. is to be improved, a resolution th latter. Thl is shown by Lord being carried to advertise for bids. Th Lansdown in Immediately introducing lowst bid turnd la for th Improve- further amendments that hom rul and ment of Portland boulevard waa mad other vital government measur must by Thomaa Cochran, for !!! b a."ubl"dJf, s ''d"'n- bid was. accepted. Th work la to b l . J " A. .rT. . C:. . 7.7, "' "J d0" "lbi-. th government and determlna- -u.. J..U. . . ..v k ti.Ki- " t'on not to abrogate fhlr own praroga Phlladalphla atrt with MtuUthlo pav- Ut- wlthout aght t0 tn dUch- mrai aoa il it I iui wiu -ttm w. atret ao paved !n St. Johna Heated dlacuaalons war started aa many wanted to giv th contract to th Westrumlt company, which has th contract for the paving of Jeraey street NEW CARRIERS TO COFFEE AND SUGAR WED 111 BATTLE When Arbuckies Went Into Sugar Business Sugar Trust Entered Coffee. (Daltea Froei Letaed Wleal , Washington. Juo !v That "peae t tb run point" now subslsu between th "Arbuckle lnUreat and-th augar trust waa declared today to th Hard- wick InvesUgatlng committ by W. a Ollraor of Brooklyn, managar of th Arbucklea, who told tb investigator detail of tha sugar war between th American Sugar Refining company and his employers and other Independents Which cost th latter f 1,160,000. When th Arbuokles entered th sugar business, Gllmore said, th sugar trust entered the coffee business. "Now," h declared, "ther Is an armed neutrality. W do not asaanlt tn American sugar Refining com' pany, and they do not assault us." Ollmor said that the ruinous augar competition which waa th rul during in war nad now ceased. EPIDEMIC OF (TCH CAUSES $ 5000 SUIT SPECIAL ELECTION- : ORDINANCE IS UP Miss Ada Compton's Demand i , for Slander Damanes v Is on at Albany. ' , i r8 pedal DUpatefe t Tb JoaraaLt Albany, Or, Jun 18. Th story of two children who wr said to hav th Itch, of th resentment of thlr fond father when they wer sent hom from school and of tha subeo,unt Indlgna- tlon of thair teaoher whan ih heard what th father said about her la Mayor-Elect Introduces Meas ure Which ; Covers Charter Amendment Jan. 9, 1912, Date Set. - 1 . DIVERSIFIED FARMERS IS NEED OF OREGON Th trouble between the linemen and th Mt Hood Light A Power company Is not yt settled. At St. Johna, wher much work la being- dona, hardly a day pease but that complaints com to th polio that union picket are bothering "Th kind of advertising Oregon 11 getting is keeping away from the stat tn people wa need most diversified farmers," said Dr. J. R. Wotherbea, who has Just returned from a tour of Amer ican cities, speaking this afternoon be fore th Ad club in Richards' restaurant "Th east thinks nothing hut apples Whll 11 new carriers will be added r raisea in Oregon," continued Dr. RELIEVE VACATONERS th workman now mployed by them, ta tha Portland noatoffiR fun. TiT i Wetherbee, "That impression must b Monday four men wer arrestee., rues- t wui not be until fall that th Dubllo Trecieu. Aavonising men must snout day two more were arrested and today mUl begin to aee th effect of their tnt hmT WB r'o. too, hogs and alfalfa on was put in 'he Jail. presence in extended and mor frequent na au inas or aiversinea farm prod rhriea woodviiio m-ho recantl v cam mail daiiv.riu Tha it man h. t,.. ucis. w cannot grow into a commer from Seattl. has been th lateat of- during th summer months filling In the h11 tropollg, such as is our destiny, fanner W m-aa nrrealMrl on tha charae I nlaera nf nM earrlara off on thalr va. I uniue. we nave BUCn aaverliaing. of vagrancy. Thla morning three of cations. When the vacation period Is " r. wooawira causa BTxen the union men came to th nolle head- over th new men will be nlaced in the u." of tn a men t0 fot that In quarters and askad to see th prisoners, extended service. .1? wrdon U hard- but they wer refused. It Is said that All of tha 10 clerks to be added to the t0 nnd. although opportunitle for Woodville has been used by the elec- postal fore hav been named by Aa- I"", r8. n"rona ,conl- av"a trical workera as "tool" to prevent aiatant Postmaster Williamson, having that t education of young men Inclnd th now employed men from working, been selected from th. .Xst.tut. list- dn '$HJJ m -i .i . .. kin, i aa vom lh. T I ma rjrr am I fi r-n I r ... n. ' - no Lneae man iiivii hkiiicu iv yui uny i -- -- ' wise as to what to say and do. carriers. Throe elerke will be tranafcrred to Portland cU7 Llm,.l!! nJ. hu ""W-tlon waa ra- from other cities, but from wher th coa w,ln P'"""" 0 TELL GRAND JURY OF SHORTAGE OF local office has not yet been Informed. 663 WITNESS WOULD SELL; $10; CASES DROPPED of -road to be built la to be left to the committee' FRANK FERGUSON NO T FOUND IIIUIltSL.IU.lS ?! The program was featured by enter tainment furnished by Mutt and Jeff and King Georgo. After tha ad men had laughed and applauded tha funny stunts, particularly the relics and rom Intscenses of the Bpokane convention, the actors unmasked disclosing J. ta Trial of the several cases charging TarnaU as "Mutt," A. O. Black as "Jeff," the sal of liquor to Indians on the and nr. Norrls R. Cox, well known Warm Springs Indian reservation was Portland dentist, as "King George." abandoned in the United States court I It was announced that the Ad club A. W. Plower. alias Robert Russell, vestcrdav when it was learned that meetings will hereafter ba held in th clerk for the 8. P. & 8. Railway com- Georaa Orr. a witneaa for the irovern-1 Hotel Portland as headquarters, with i pany, who was arrestee, yesieraay an- raent In the trial of Pat McCormick, had open houne" next Thursday eyening. ernoon on a charge of cmbeislement, offered to sell out to the defence for The club men will take a flat car rid preferred aralnst him by John Mc- jjq With the character of evidence next Sunday over the Mt Hood rall Gulre, superintendent of the 8. P. A available for the trial of ' other cases way lines. The chairman of the day 8. Railway company, after he had been noniiiiir. it waa decided hv Assistant In charge of th program waa Marshall advised by the man's wife that hia ac- TTnU(,d states Attomev Mairnlra to nl- N. Dana. counts wer short, will go before the m)8g alI of them. It is Bald the sale A committee consisting Of B. J. Jae- An erdlnanc calling for a special lection 'to submit charter amendment about to m unroiaea m circuit. court at to th voter January I. 1111. waa In- i"1?' uvvv " i trnfluni in it oit eauncn inia nun. aV. rnmnlA ... nt U' a Vaatii. I . - - ....... . -""f-y I ins ana rererrea to me juaiciary com gan tnia amrnron. I mltt.a Th ordinance was '-submit tad wiuh imi viiii.r waa i ty Mavop.alart RuiM f hL v -..wft.w at.uvt'1, i ir rna maaanra ia naaaao nr ini mua ""l.on w P"on. m uii wiBirw cn it will orovld for tha submUslon hiuuuiiuuu aiua an vpiucuiio ui in. iA volar, of amendmanta ambodvln tha inavwix oiviiiiunn in poui suci- .nmmtaalon nlan af anvammant tKaaa - . i amenamenis to o preparea py in om r " r " ' " 1 mm.e or la taxpayar ana ap- iau -"Vvu . auu auiiiiliau . vu. inf iw nlal t.m Uiwif HlmAn to ravlaa tha .vhiuui iuuimu nu Rini.ri Mk i present charter. VUWUlvn V1U mtin IJiaX n JU.O Bom I TV,, n.l.... nruMaa tkat tha Kal " v7 wir. I lot shall ba ao drafted aa to nam It . k.vuuiH l. UI. Diuu- Af a vttta k takan rmt ff n . Mm. uIihi .u. .1.-. du, wr, w.ea.y papar, pun as a whol or upon any gnral uaa viiuwu ma iniCIt a inaiiAnnll that mas Ha rtttt han Ka vWHtkun aww riiwing VU awr V9I aviiaj- I vntara n tha Mail tttat tha ummMlu f !"! wu".r' mwh of II doe not embody Its amendment " ;TO ana orwugn. a0 that thr can ba Toted on altogothar meeting of th counoll providing for special election waa defective and It was vetoed by Mayor Bimon. Th may ors veto was sustained today by th council and th new ordinanc correct ing th former defects in phraseology referred to th Judiciary committ. Opposition by Councilman Baker to an ordinanc consenting to a mutual agreement between th Oregon Electrl and Portland Railway. Lie-hl a Power . . . . ... . - i u i liivai t-m Av, .1 1 cwfiaua. v til . - I giv II UMvlnr certain ehanrea In tha routlnir - -wer uiv of e.r. on ritth. Stark. Salmon. Bee was mt remv or Hinnav r" lh KAth i . . . . . :. - ----- --. - ona ana i.nia air.i.. Dreveniea ine niaintirr anil nt i. I ... . . r .. - - -. .,. . . i na aaa aa nr rna am nin" arnien ta. u....,u w ..y..... Ulln n am who, iald 0ver until th next meeting of the """w ww jfvntnui, II. WUUJU ua I council, m II IL WOO ma UregOn BUIl ana WS rnunnltman n.V.a nnnnaJI tha a. till com nail all tn Aafanrf tha Kf.-nf T.,b . .. r . . .. . - . i ninanca wnn it. waa un Darora me l atraat eommttraa hut ha avaa mm. law IS gpending a few days here. 1 h. itinm.. r xx r.r. Af tha r. TTIa ntat-ltal a.a i. In. ' . ,' .' . ' . . - ...... a. unviiiinj. iiw rAn h arinn inir rna enmnanv ma n A wife elalmlna raalana. In XI. Wi.l J . .... - ... . .. . w a. i ininrnnn nr ,vunin, ina rarma nr fl "r . .uu vuiiiiku irancniM unaer wnion tn company an imyiuouw! uecraw i u. seiuea m mUat maintain a double track servle uecemoer. lnn Salmon and Tenth atreata jjosmng cuatooy or their child, tha LOVE VISITING SEATTLE EXPLAINS DIVORCE SUIT husband brought suit at Baker. Or. which has been postponed 30 days. Love was formerly a resident of Seattle and later of Nw York. '1 am not looking for depositions," he added. '1 hav friends in Seattl and expect to be her a few days vlaU lng. Little about my cane 'baa been un prlnted. My motive in bringing suit Is to retain th custody of my little daugh ter. That Is all of my Interest in It." grand Jury to explain a shortage of of on ' rPerv tlon has hean rer. H. Watera Johnston and C. A. Whit $66t that haa been found to elst ln.MDDd hv tha oriminalnroeed1nea In. I more was appointed to obtain a flora Ms account with the company. stunted bv tha government- -which waa offering for Fire Chief Dav Campbell' the main purpose of the prosecution. The betrayal of Flower by his wife was the result of Flower's refusal to giv Ms wife any of the spoils. She voluntarily appeared before McOulre a week ago and told him of tha shortage, which waa verified by expert account ants. Flower has resided with his wife and two stepchildren at SOS Seventeenth street north. He was arrested while at work yesterday by Bcrgeans funeral tomorrow. CUMMINS DERIDES SENATE AS "ABJECT"! SEEKERS (Rpecliil DLnstca to Th. Journal.) The Dalles, Or., June 28. No trace whatever has been found which would community throw th least light upon the where- which the Harrlman lines share the ex- abouts of Frank Ferguson, who dlap- penae with tha chamber and therefore peared suddenly last Sunday night Kel- I the railroad people will be entitled to atlves nay they can give no clue to uae half of tho amount for distribution. aid the officers and they know nothing It Is beautifully Illustrated with or about the case except that his hat wan chard and agricultural ncenes aa well found in the street near where he was as rugged mountains and primeval for last seen. The hat bore marks of a est. Chapters of interesting reading bolt or some other heavy instrument are also devoted to the mining industry, having threads and It Is thought bv logging and lumbering, fishing and the police that murder was committed hunting. and the body thrown in tha river or Tho booklet also contains a number (United Pre. Ltaard Wlra.i Washington, June 88. Denouncing th attitude of tho senate toward reel Harms. I proclty as "abjectness," Senator ' Cum- He Asserts that the company will have mlns on the floor today derided the to prove th charges against him. He suDmisnion to ine senators or the fle wlll not admit or deny hi guilt. He mand that th measure pass unamended. states that he took the name of Martin He said when he married a widow with two "The senate has abandoned its- legls- chlldren that bora that name. latlve prerogatives. The position of The man waa booked at the city jail the chief executive Is not much better. and pnnearen before Jurlire Tazwell thla If we can PUt the American farmt morning, who dismissed the charges In on tn same looting witn tno Canadian his court, with the understanding that farmer regarding what he buys and he would be taken befor th grand aell. continued Cummins, "I believe it RETURN Fi E OR TREASUR E MINISTER GIVES HOPE FOR MURDERER'S LIFE MPTY HANDED Jury. DRUGGIST FINER $100; SENTENCE SUSPENpED R. A. Wlnson, a druggist at 133 Grand avenue, was wined $J00 this morning by Judge Tazwell for failure to keep a record of the sala of alcohol. Sentence otherwise carefully disposed. ALFONSO'S CONDITION BE! COMES I of Imposing pictures of Portland street scenes. Persons wishing to have the booklet sent to friends in the east who may be come interested In Oregon may do soUy leaving the names and addresses1 at the chamber of commerce, in the Commer cial Club building, Fifth and Oak streets. (United Pre. Leased Wire. I London, June 2S. Writing from Mad rid, tlie correfipondent in the Spanish capital of the Lonlon Evening Times declares that the condition of King Al fonso Is more serious than has hitherto been admitted. He declares that an other operation for the removal of dls eased bone from the head of tha kins is Imperative and kdds that there is a general fear that the result of the operation may be. grave. 15 WOOL BUYERS ENTER WALLOWA FOR SALES (Special DUpatch to The. Journal ) La Grande, Or., June 28 Fifteen prominent wool buyers from Boston, woonsocket, Frovldenc and other east- ern cities passed throurh La Grande to , day en route to the Joseph, Enterprise and Wallowa wool sales. It Is said 1 1,600,000 pounds will be offered for sale 4 ther in the next two days. t : - . APP0RTI01B IT BILL KLICKITAT PLANING MILL DESTROYED BY FLAMES (Soeelnl rMitpntch to Tb. Jonrnitl.t Klickitat, Was-h., June 28. Monday the planing mill of the Wstern Pine Lumber company, located at this point, was burned to the ground. The plant was recently built to run In connection with the company's sawmills up Snyder canyon, near Wright's station. The fire was caused from the engine. James W. Holmes and Harry Holmes are, reflec tively, president and treasurer of the Western Pine Lumber company. They came from Portland to this section. (United Pi. Lrd Wire.) Los Angeles, Cal., June 28. -After an adventurous1 trip of 10 weeks In search of treasure supposed to have been-sunk by a Spanish galleon off on of th TTraal.n o-rrtilw. f Iklflndi nur tha It we can put the American farmer 8(JUth romoacoa,t the steamer Eureka anchored In San Pedro harbor early to day with a disgruntled crew and with out recovering anything of value. June 6 the vessel arrived at th Free- land Inlands, and after a two days' hunt gave up the search in disgust. On th return trip th vessel stopped at fialina Cruz and picked up Rev. F. Schlatter, who claims to b th original "divln healer." Schlatter shipped from flolln. fail na a mamhaf rtf th. frmiB HIS OWN DEFENSE n Monday he had a disput with Cap-i lain tsuriio ana meraoen oi mo crew Chlctn. June 28. Th lurv excluded assert that Schlatter was roughly would be a step In the right direction.1 Senator Nelson Interrupted Cummins' speech to suggest that a recess he taken until November, but the matter was dropped SEE TESTIFIES IN (United Press Lrd Wlre.l Sault 8te. Marie, Ont, June 28. In dlcatlon that Angelina Napolltano, who is under sentence of death for killing her husband when he tried to fore her into a life of shame, will not be hanged is seen today in th wording of a dl patch received by Attorney McFadden, her lawyer, from tha Hon. J. B. Ayles- worth. th Canadian minister of Jus tlce. "Th case of Angelina Napolltana,' Mr. Aylesworth wired, "will reclv careful and anxiou consideration. There hav been seven sack of mall all protests against her execution de livered to my office already and mor are still coming." Attorney McFadden declare he haa little doubt that the mssjt of protest against hanging the woman, whose child la yet unborn, will save her from the rope. .' a x Mil aronrlAl rtn thA irrnii n A at thor 4 Vt I a Is the first arrest for the offense. The See took th stand today and denied handled. Schlatter today announced Ms ordinance covering this point, however, having had Immoral relations either u- lii, Kaon In .offoot thru minlh. onlwltll Ml Irtrert Krlrtima Or Mnna Ran a V.J until nin wuiuii..iu..i, Deputy City Attorney Sullivan called On tb "revealor" leaving th stand this fact to the attention of the court Stephen Bridges, Mildred's father, CAR Ff! I fKIIRF flRDFRED Wilson was nrraatMl laat woaV fnr niahed to attack him. hut Police CnntAln 1 w 1 1 -WI-VvV I - UIIUUIUW selling alcohol to Mike Shea, who test!-1 Danner restrained th furious man be- QN SEATTLE HOSTELRY ilea umi ne arann two or mree QOlues I luro no naa imiicien any serious pun oi ine ciear siuix every oay. isnmeni. rSnachil Tiliroatch to Th. Journal. Bridges' assault resulted from the Seattle. Wash.. June 28. Tha superl- testimony or unaries cottnart a re- or court has mad an order of fore porter. H said See told him that Mrs. closure coveting a mortgaKO in favor UN IIFFFAT OF nHflRTFR lnag naa aisronea ana punnea her- of Trustee Herbert C Lakln for th WIS LL.I fc-n I UI WlinillLII Mif K atandlnar naked hefora tha "ra. hnHhnliT. In ih. anm .f m.m aa.i. th. GOVERNOR WILSON TALKS COMMITTEE REPORTS COMPROMISE MEASURE (TJntt.d Pre. lauod tyir.t Madison Wis., Juno 28. Th confer ence committee of the Wisconsin legis lature today reported a compromise bill instead of, the Oregon plan of electing United States senator. It provides that the candidat msy, if he lshca. an nounce that he will support the choice of the peopl by popular vote. Int. ih. ,1 f.. , . . f ,1,A .amh,I.oImh ' . .u uuu. w& vim liuuiuuBsivu i n f. a ta a nri i i r-nw tw form of government in New Brunswick, j REAR ARTILLERY OF uovernor wooarow wnson said today: "The campaign was brief. It Is not surprising that the result is what it is. Fundamental changes of this sort require time to accomplish." HORSE LEAVES AUTO OUT OF COMMISSION CONFERENCE BOARD IS APPOINTED BY SENATE (Spoclil Dispatch to The Journal ) Washington, June 28. The senate yesterday, moving toward a settlement with the house on the resolution for the direct election of United States senators, appointed Clark of Wyoming, Nelson of Minnesota, and Bacon of Georgia, as a conferenoe board to meet with a similar committee from the house. REPORTED FAVORABLY i fCnlt.d rran taued Wira.) Washington. June 28. A senate com- milte today ordered a favorable re ; port on tb bona apportionment bill without amendment This bill will tnak. the. number of reprentaUves 433. Bertha Ransom Witness Home. Hood River, Or., June 28. Miss Mar garet Nickelsen, who has been at South Bend lor the past few weeka aa a wit ness in tne Miss Bertha Ransom case in which she was awarded 315,000 as th result of Injuries sustained by falling over a faulty repair of th city' side walk, returned home today. Mies Nicl" elsen nursed Miss Ransom for several weeks at the North Paciflo sanitarium at ,frtland- "a It is stated that, her testimony was exceedingly damaging to the city. A detective was in Hood River several days before the tHal making an : attempt to interview th youag aura. Flowers for Chiefs Funeral. The rules forbidding the entrance of automobiles into Rivervlew cemetery will be suspended tomorrow afternoon, tbat all who desire to accompany the Campbell funeral party to the ceme tery may be permitted to do so." Robber Gets One Year. Judge Tazwell this morning sentenced Jim Stamatopulos, a Greek, to one year In the county Jail for the theft or $160 from John Paras, who conducts a cigar store on Alder street. The tWef waa arrested in Chehalls yesterday whll on his wal to Seattle. He admitted the theft and returned the money to th owner this morning. Th theft oc curred Monday night (United Prem Leaned Wire.) Port Townsend, Wash., June 28. As a result of his expert- 4 41 enc yesterday. Manager N. C. 4 Strong, of the Merchants bank of 4 1 this city, Is today putting a new 4 deck 'house and running board 4 on tho. port side of his automo- 4 4 bile. While driving a party of 4 friends through the Chimacum 4 valley In his automobile yester- 4 4 day, he was met by Mlsa Iris 4 "Troy, riding a horse. The auto- 4 bile was turned into the ditch 4 under- slow bell so as not to 4 frighten the animal. The horse, 4 however, when abreast, instead 4 of ( bolting, turned loos its rear 0 4 artillery with such telling effect 4 that the automobile had to be 4 4 - towed home. 4 4 ' Miss Troy is th daughter of Stat Senator D. S. Troy. Nona 4 t of tho party was Injured. 4 Perry hotel, one of the most exclusiv and fashionable hostelries In Seattle. The mortgage covers real estate, build ing, fittings and furnishings. Action was taken In the Initiative of Stephen C. Clark, Robert S. Clark and Mrs Hn retta Gi Fritz, who hold 3300,000 bonds. Th foreclosure is said to be the first step toward a business reorganization. U? FOR REAPPOINTMENT D. F. Baker Drops Dead. D. F. Baker, aged 60 years, dropped dead, supposedly from heart failure, in a saloon at 47 North Second street this morning, and hie remains wer taken in charge by the coroner. Baker. Hvh, J"" ut! I OREGON POSTMASTERS brothers, one in Missouri and another in Los Angeles, survive him. He has 1 Tt . 1 1 "" ru.tmna six years. Wa.hln.rtnr, a V taa.Jt...B vp awua.ay V J A.MW 4lSjllBJ Ui TAkM Urifman nmita a. .a .a a. If ...11.. Klagara FalU, NAY.. July 28. Bobby sent in for aDDOlntment. hav haen an. jucavii. wno easayaa me wniripooi rapiao, i provea. renuunea in. ine pool for two hours. tossed s.Di tumbled about in his steel ' Moose, to Kntrtaln Trlipa .nw I; lU0 wme suomergeo. i TafliaaV hiaht will hrtut out a hi. HB was finally taken fron-i th barrel, cr0wd to Swiss hall. Third 'and Jeffer- almost suffocated and bruised and aOB streets otnight when Moos lodge bleeding. The water in th barrel was no.! 391 will entertain with music and lens deep when Leach waa rcud, utarary exorcises, i TIMBER, OR., LOG CASE x PROMISES TO FALL-FLAT (SDeclal Dlsostch to The Journal ! Hlllsboro, Or., June 28. The state railroad commission is conducting a hearing in Hlllaboro today of tho ap plication of John Westlnghoue and J. M. HambUn of Timber for a lower rat on logs on tha- P. R. A N. and S. P. to Portland. Since making the complaint Weetlnghouse has sold out to the Tim ber Logging company, representatives of which when Questioned on' the stand appeared satisfied with the .rates. Th railroad is operated to Timber and re sists th rate on the ground that ship ments west are light and cars return empty for the logs. SACRAMENTO ELECTS CHARTER REVISERS (United Proa. Tensed Wire. Sacramento, June 28. With the elec tion of IB freeholders who will frame a revised charter, Sacramento Is today one step nearer commission form of government. An excaedingly small vote was cast City Attorney's Opinion. Upon this assuranc Mr, Baker with drew his objection voiced at a meeting of the street committee. Today, however. Councilman Baker de termlned to leave th Oregon Electrh company no loophole, so he tacked on an amendment to the ordinance exchang ing rights between th two companion This amendment simply provided that the Oregon Electrlo should adhere t the terms of Its franchise. Engineer L. n. Wlnhersham declared that hi t company did not want the ordinance passed with Mr. Baker's amendment. The council then referred the who," matter back to th street committee. City Attorney Grant has transmitted a written opinion to th council jn which he holds that th eouncil ha no power to grant any company a rlghti to lay a third rail without first amend ing th company's franchise; City Officials Qualify. " 'The flrat of th city officials elected at the general election early tMs month to qualify for office are City Auditor! A. L. Barbur and Treasurer-elect Wil liam Adams. Each took the oath of of fice this morning.. MR. HILL WILL ENDOW 'i ST. 0LAF UNIVERSITY (Rneclal Miwatch to Th. JoaroaL! St. Paul, Minn., June 211. At the elos-l Ing session of the annual national con vention of the United Northwestern Lu- teran church of America a letter was! read from Jamea J. Hill, In which tiel offered to contribute 3S0.0OO toward anl endowment fund for St. Olaf college, provided 3200,000 Is raised from other! sources. In case 3300,000 for this; cause! could be raised from other Sources h would donat 160,000. Th offer wllll remain open for two year. The secre tary waa instructed by a vote of the! convention to send Mr. Hill th thanks! or the convention. SWEDISH MINISTER ON TOUR OF COUNTRY Count Albert Ehrensvard, miniate from Sweden to the United States, s vlHltlng Portland this afternoon on - tour of the states. He was met at the! Union depot by Valdemar Lldell, vlce-l consul for Sweden In Oregon, and takenl for an automobile ride about the city. Minister Ehrensvard assumed his postl at Washington January 24 of this year,! succeeding Minister H. L. F. Lager- crantz, who was transferred to a postl in continental Europe. The distinguished visitor Is accompa nied by his wif. They came here froml San Francisco, and before starting fori the east will visit the Fuget sound cities ! "kh, PORTLAND, MONIMY (2 "AFTER THOUGHT" MINE SHOWING $250' A TON (Special PlajuCcb to The .Tonrnnl.) . Grants Pass, Or., June 28 The "Af ter Though" gold mine on Thompson's creek, 20 miles .from Grants Pass, owned by J. R. Bailey, on being developed, shows a general average of 3265 per ton, although special showings run very high. The mine Is in porphyry. It is .stated, ottter mines near show very rich. Warren's License Issued. - (United Pre. Laaaed Wire.) r New York, June 8.- A marriage II oense was Issued today to Senator War ren of Wyoming, 67, who is to wed Miss Clara Morgan of New York. Miss Morgan is i years old. wn ALLEGED OF LAND DEALS WILL PROSECUTE Ray S. Smith- Causes Arrett of Men Whom He Claims dwindled Him Oirtot Land Worth $4000. ft" .4 - ' M i .... j. a. i :jm 1 1 ' j i h . i,", "i -r-. J Investigate in time. Secure proWb tlon befor it Is too late, which means befor you make your deal. . CALL FOR BOOKLET. TITLE AND TRUST C0HPANY . pald-np Capital t9B0,0O0.00 ' UWXS MXJMt.t TOUXTJK AND OAX- TEAR' OFF AND NAIL THIS COUPON TO-DAY -an etamnle of "the class of people who do not know that tn ha an fa thav must secure' protection bofortr makins a real estate trans- action the victim In this w case doubtless being un aware that a Certificate of. Title secured in time .. serves as th best pro tection to the buyer of f property. 5,' : , . ' k" ' TitI ST & Trust : sJJ Company , . 4th tnd Oak , i bfr. Portland, . Am interested if ; Certificates of Title. Send Booklet. ... j .Name Address . :