-." CO THE OREGON' DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. 'JUNE 28. 191XV t - - TOT. TIED IH ATTIC. HEED KEIF Ml T ACCUSED Stepmother and . Brother, Charged With Murder of Child, Say She Put Rope ' Around Own Neck. (tlnltKt rrm Ie4 Wire.) OiWllla, Cat, June tA. Plane for the 6efnea f Vri. Emm L. RumbaJI and ' her brother. Jkrehle Lawla. who ara h1l here for the alles-1 feane;ine; of Helen Rumball. II. tha wnman'e etpdeuahter, ' were berun today. Mrs, Rumball, mho we greatly ehak ' an at tha tlmt of her arreet. haa re gained hr apirlte and la now anxious for speedy trial. In a ataternent to- day aha declared that tha girl pdt tha ropa around her own necic. inn la randarad doubtful by tha faet that tha child's hands wara firmly tlad whan aha u found, deed. aftaaUoffcee Ob IT Charfa, ' After an Inreetlrailon of tha Rum- ball bouee today whara tha daad waa ' eoenmltted. and following; intarvlawa . with aeighbore of tba family, Dlatriot - Attorney Jones and Bhatiff Wabbar bare d add ad that mnalaue;hter will ba . tba only enaxa-a upon which Mr, Jtura- ba.ll ean ba bald. Kaltbor of tha official could find any evtdeaoe that either Lewie or tha woman bad deHberataly planned tha crime, al ' though thay ara convinced that both saw tha child Jn her death thro aa. , Tba floor of tha attic of tha Rumball borne, whara tha girl wai .found, flrea evidences of tha daaparato struggle aha made to rag aln bar feet ' Say Seat AaoiaeaUL While no full etatamaat haa-yrt befn made of aha relatione of Low la and Mra. Rumball to tha drad girl, it la uoderatood It will ba claim el aha waa disobedient and wayward, and that bet aarara puntahmant waa neceeeary. Tbvy 111 maintain, it la aald. that though aha waa tlad In tha attic aa a correc tive, a allp of tha child's own foot tightened tha nooae about her neck and that aha atrangled to death by pure mleadventure. I Hundrada of paroono viewed the ecane of tha little girl's death today and many of them took away place of tha ropa which atrangled bar. Feeling over tha crime la Intenea. SaJferlag-a Horrible. It la reported that Lewie waa caught destroying a gag which had been placed In the chlld'a mouth. Tha torment of tha little victim, tied hard and faat In the hot attic, muat have been eicrucl atlng before death came to har relaae. Neither, Lawla nor tha woman, ao far, baa been able to explain away tha gaahea found on the chlld'a body and throat Reporta today that Cra Rumball tried to commit eulclde laat night in the county Jail were denied by the officiate. Her coolneea la confronting tha charge la tha cauaa of general com ment and Indignation over her ralloue neaa la running high. The preliminary hearing agalnat Lawla and tha woman will occur Friday, whan aeveral wlt neaaea will awaar that, whether the woman actually killed the girl or not. aha undoubtedly subjected har to fright ful abuse. . WltX;IT; ALL COMEDOWN? Waterworks Men Organize. Columbia, & C, Juna !. Officials of tba . waterworks departments of tha leading cltiea and towns of South Caro lina mat here today to complete a state organisation. Similar officiate of North Carolina and Georgia will ba Invited to Join tba association. Journal Want AO bring reeulta. uwli ui iim xmrnrz. ..mown I aaaaaaasaataiaa. - .IT LT I.. 'E fi tv'klw' aaaa UatrXLTTWT ' V- I I I IUBL V Baasaab . i . i wo I I M'flMJHYji HEAD El i fi'EN At Ashland 158 'Old Fighters ; Are Registered for 30th, H s Encampment, V ; (flOMHai Mapetrb U the JmtruM "Ashland. Or Juna Jl. About 100 veterans ara In attendance at tha annual convention of tha O. A. R. of Oregon. One hundred and ftfty-alght have rag. tatarad at baadquartera. Election of officers will probably tak place lata tbla afternoon. Newton Clark of Hood River la tba only candidate and will probably ba elected unanlmoualy. The Oregon veterana raelactad Cap tain Apperaon commander of their aeeo- rlatinn. Tha other offloera wera aleo reelected. Tha Iowa veterana alao reelected all their old officers, holding their meattpg thla morning. This Its tha thirty-fifth Grand Army encampment A military play, "Juat Before tha War," will pleaxe tha old soldiers tonight Ashland players will put It on. The principal parade win ba tomorrow. John Larov Smith. ,' national ourgeon general, who repreaanta tha national oommander-ln-chlef. Tha encampment will cloaa tomorrow night with a grand concert by tha military band. Tba atate drum corpa la making a big bit. meat Ing all trains and leading parade to general headquarters at tba Commercial club. ..i -. . -, ' ' Tha attendance Is large. , Pullman wants tha next convention, r. 1L Hurd of Seattle and Captain R. It, Beecham, author of a book on Oattyaburg and from Everatt, ara rlvala foroomman dar. : ... Lut nlaht recentlona ' were bald for Commander Wieootabe, one for member In general and. one for Jennla C Kll roar, W. R. C dapartmast preeldenL W CELEBRATE THEIR GOLDEN VEODING CAPTAIN. BEECHAM AND F. H. HURD RIVALS FOR CHIEF EVERGREEN POST (pedal Dumttck ta The' Joarait.t Wenatchee, Waah., . Juna 31. Tha grand parade of Waahlngton O. A. R. men, followed by tha eampflre In tha city park. Is to ba held tonight Ad dreaaea will ba delivered by J. H. Schlv ley. William Ooodyaar of Colfax and (llrerll VtoiKk to Tae'Joaraal.l ! Boston, Maaa4 Juna II. Surrounded by their children, grandchildren , and seorea of other relativei and frlanda, tha Rev. George Wpltaker and Mra Whltakar of Somerville celebrated their golden wedding , anniveraary at tba home of their aoar. School Committee man George .Whltakar. 71 Walnut a treat Tha coupla received ' many beautiful glfta, Including Ilia ta gold. 110 of which came from tha Methodlat con ference, of wblch Mr. Whltakar la a member. Although past hla aerantr-flfth year, Mr. .Whltakar la very active, Ho waa bom In Boaton, May 14. ISM. Upon graduating from Wealayaa university. Mlddletown, Conn., he 'waa married to Mtaa Harriet ' Clarke, daughter . of Georga K. and Haldah W. Clarke of Foreatvllla, ConnH at bar borne, Jane , 1M1. Mr. Whltakar Joined tha New Eng land -conference ,ln April. lli. Juat a little over 10 yeara ago. Ha haa held paatoratea In Waat Madway, South Walpole, Rosbury, Lowell, Lynn,' East Poaton, Ipawlch, " Cambridge, Maldnn, worcaater, Hpringnaio, rortland. Or, and Detroit, Mich. - for the paat twa yeara ha has been a rupernumarary. lu waa prealdent' of tha Wiley university, Marshall, Texas, in liil and list; pros Ident of tha Willamette university, c. lem, Or..' la lilt, and prealdent ef the Portland university. Portland, Or, from iioo to jio. - .- , TELLS OF ATROCITIES : ; BY MEXICAN SOLDIERS (Oaited PrM Imm4 WLr ; Ban Diego, Juna t The depoaltlon of Auguat Grata of . Oznard, who left Alamo tha day before tha shooting of Dr. Foater and other .Americana there by tba Mexican federal aoidiera, was ant to Secretary of State Knot to day by Dlatrlot Attorney Utley, Other depoaltlpna will be taken and sent to tbe authorities at Waahlngton. Governor Vega, with 131 additional regular that arrived yesterday, la pau foiling tha country across the border On the watoh for any rebela that have aaraped Ma man. " . f - , . BOYS CHARGED WITH ATTEMPT TO DYNAMITE - 1 ' , '. (Tilted Frees Leaeed W1r i Loo AngaJea, CaL. June 11 Aeeuaed of attempting t dynamite a Moneta avenue street car, three boys are held today la the detention noma pending a naanng in uie juvenile eoun. .v. Dr. .Hockey Sooa WelL ... Dr. 'A. E. 'Rockey. who waa operated on at Bt Vincent' a hosplUl laat week for appendloltla. waa taken to hla home yeaterday at 771 Flandera street Hla condition la very . favorable and It la believed that ba wUl ba eut In a very abort time. n Journal Want Ads bring reeulta. Scores of New Bargains Tomorrow in Department Managers1 Organization Sale Expert Optical Service at Money-Saving Prices Sole Ore. Agts, Ostermoor Mattresses Physicians Recommend the Book, "Care and Feeding of ChiIdren,, L, Everett Holt, M.D.. 75c ($2 Cloclcs, $1.35 HANDSO M a Satin Brate Clockt in' the artistic Gothic design. Hal the long; alternating alarm attach ment. Guaran teed for a year. They're sure to satisfy. Regular $2 Gothic Clocks , for to- OC J a Art Needlework 17 REE lessom daily in Irish cro- . chet and all kinds of art em broidery, by expert instructors 2:30 to 5 p. m. 25c Stamped Aprona Of linen buck and linen Terry Cloth Bibs, ready to be embroidered. P Special for this sale, each IOC To $1.50 Stamped Hand Bags Of black velvet, to be embroidered or beaded. Gilt frames and silk cord carriers. Special for this sale tomorrow at only 73c,' 00 p ilk . Jbr1Hilr " rffinl i Ekgia Aiofcr Sal fin Facial Creams HTHESE Summer days are the time when the skin needs careful treatment Note these Face Cream specials tomorrow: 50c Stillman's Freckle Cream 33d 25c Sanitol Cream, tomorrow 104 25c Peroxide Cream, special 194 35c HaxeKne Snow Cream at'23 50c Cream Elcava, Thursday 31 50c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food 33 50c Pond's Vanishing Extract 37d Lemon Quince Cream only 25 75c Pompeian Cream, Thura. 53 2s In the Tea Room PATRONS of our 7th floor -Tearoom and Restaurant are de lighted with the excellent service and cuisine. Up above the noise and turmoil of the city you may "enjoy a delightful luncheon. Spe iab for Thursday: '. 4 Roast Sugar Cured Ham, Cham ; pagne Sauce 3Sf. Head Lettuce and-Egg Salad 25t Colonial Club Sandwich, only 25f Walnut Cream' Slices at only lOe Site" 1 jrmtf f:nrHWTl Puit 1(J 'I f eat I r I annual y -j - All I'll V sSl ODAY men thronged in by the scores from every part of Portland to select their new Sum- I- Choice-of-the-House Sale at $6.Sol" ., Bui the immense choice to begin with makes selection just as good tomorrow. Your unrestricted pick of any $20, $25, $28, $30 and $35 Fancy Suit at $l6.5o,-staple blue serges and blacks alone excepted. 1 r V Model distinctly young- They come in every ize for men of regular, manniih! Models for the more conservative! stout and slim . build! Fancy Grays, Blues, Tans and Browns, in every imaginable smart shade and pattern! Every Suit is strictly hand-tailored and made with hand -felled collars All have hand-made unbreakable fronts and hand-worked buttonholes A WMZ Meier rraalfs Juat Xaatae Morrison 9. Xntreaoe. YOU'LL remember I bought the entire fac tory stock of the celebrated Star Shirts when the company changed hands a few months ago. Not all the purchase was placed on sale at first, and v I've just re ceived a huge shipment, to which have been added all remaining lots from the former event. Prices are cut lower than ever, before, and the men who buy shirta for over theFourth will reap tremendous bargains." Sale starts promptly at 8 o'clock to morrow morning. Plenty of extra sales men and the tables arranged for easy cnoosing. f i, jv aim v&.xjsj riuc oiur o oniric tur i uiiiurrow cii p i .jy Over 3000 of the famous $1.50 and $2 Star Shirts in this lot. Plain or plaited fronts, cuffs attached or separate. Madrases, percales, cham brays, in stripes, figures, etc. Every size, 14 to 18, all sleeve lengths, each $2.50 and $3.00 Star Shirts Thursday $1.35 Finest $2.50 and $3 Star Shirts, made of high-grade imported French Madrases, Russian Cords, Penangs, with plain or plaited fronts. All coat style, with cuffs attached. Scores ft ajf of smart and distinctive patterns in the lot Spe- :kl cially priced for tomorrow's great sale at low price of t " yl. &) Morrison ' rJTjJL Street 1 1 r7 mcxxwsi ?ar . Only 01.0S) Shirts $3.50 and $4.00 Star Thursday $2.2? $2.29 Every' shirt bears tjie well-known Star red label. , These are the regular $3.50 and $4 Fine Imported French Flannel and Worsted Shirts. They are made negligee style, with soft turn-back French cuffs and with or without at tached collars. Specially priced for, tomorrow, each "I'll Help to Make This Most lis. !N THE big Fifth Floor you'll find everything in the way of Outdoor and Athletic Supplies V Croauet Sets. etc.. all at the biggest sort of savings. Profit by them tomorrow!" Full lines of Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Tennis and Track Needs,',.-. - rv vu VaViwvaii& Best $3 Hammocks, $1.85 Choice of three of the best pattern in our finest $3 Hammocks. Made of strong, closely-woven fabrics with wide full valance and tufted throwback pil low. Choice of handsome Jacquarded and "striped patterns in red,"fl" QC green . and blue. loraorrow Vaiuw 12.75 Hammock Large, full-sized pattern, with' big tufted throw-back pil low,, wide valance, hardwood J "I 70 , spreader, ' Red, .greeny brown vAel O Tennis Rackets $1.14 n Strong, full-siied Tennis Rackets, as il lustrated, made with cedar handles and strung with heavy gut; $1.50 d- "II Rackets, before-the-Fourth sale tPieXyt $3.50 Ball-Bearing Roller .Skate High grade made, for boys or girls, pair f 2.89. 75c Sidewalk Roller SkatesStrong steel . wheels with extension adjustment, pr. 494 ' 75c Toy Tennis Rackets Light weight, at only etOe. ; . " ' 35c Water Winga-Make swimming a de light .Will hold up heavy -weight ;Sale price, the pair, 23f . ' ' r , C ;. f1 TheBaseballGodds 25c Base ball Cap 2 shades, sr,f cial 174- .75c Regulation Baseballs Rubber canter with horsehide cover 49f . $3 Baseball Shoes Very best kind, Of soft selected leather, with toe and heel dips. All sizes, pair f 1.98. , 50c Baseball Bats Hard ash, strong and well balanced,. 39 , Boys' $1 Track Suits Sleeveless or rji-sleeve shirts'.with large full cut pants. Black or white. All sizes, ;suit 69V-'" . ..;.v-'.'! v. . . Croquet Sets Reduced Extras well made hardwood Croquet Sets, complete with wicke t s, 9 1 r i p e d stakes, all in strong box:' ' $U0 Croquet Sets, 6-ball, for tomorrow's aala at 88 $2X0 Croquet Sets, 6-ball, for tomorrow's aala at f 1.23 $2J0 Croquet Seta, S-ball, for tomorrow's sale at f 1.78 ' - 35c Indian Clubs Selected J hardwood, , j-pound weight' -Sale; price. only 23 t. i,--f- 35e Dumbbell-4-pound weight, of best hardwood. Special' sale irice 23. . ''rr: r'-'-