The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Seamen's Walk-Out In Glas- Great Crowd of Murder 'Fans'
flow Marked by Fierce Jams Into Courtroom to.
Fiahtina on Docks. Hear Argumenis.
(Call rnm Um W.i
1 Glasgow, June 18 Fierce rletlng at
the flty docki today marked the eea-
tnene etrike Id Qlaagow.
(tlilM flM Lmm4 Wlr.)
Denver, Colo., June It Hefore
eourt parked with woman, all r to
bear detalle of the secret life of Mre.
John 8. Aprlnaer. the wealthy "woman
After a deaparate scrimmage had been I in tha caao," Judge Whltford today raad
In irorraa for aoma Urea tha police Inatructlona to tha jury which la try
arrived and oharg.d Into tha fighting log Frank IL Haawood for killing
Oaorge Copeland In an affray bora la
Steam Schooner. Ashore at
Golden Gate May Soon
Be Total Wreck
fl TTT " O .; . : . "'' . '-v; .
I 1P il
, - - . 1 i . , ,
Many persons wara hurt and aooraa
whlrh ha also alaw Aviator "Tony Von
f'hul of St. Louis.
Attornaya for Henwood took esnap
Ilea to aoma of tha oourt'a Inatructlona,
but tha ouiioalty of tha woman for tha
Inalda hlatory aa to tha connection of
Von Phul. Hanwood and Mre. Springer
waa sparingly grmUlad.
Argument for tha atata la being mada
by Dlatrlot Attorney Elliott, who will
close, and Aeelatant Dlatrlot Attorney
; Liverpool. June 8. More than 4000
lont shoremen employed by the White
Star. Curiard. Kllerman, Dominion and
Canadian Pacific llnee atruck here to
day In sympathy with the striking sea
men. Fhlpplng In this port la at a
atandatlll. but ao effort will be made to
Import strikebreakers, at leaat for the Chiles, while Attorney Bottom will p re
present, through hope that a Battlement aent Henwood'a case. It la not ballaved
of the marina war la soon to came. tha lawyera will conclude In time fur
The crewa of every liner now docked the case to go to the Jury before night
In Liverpool today Joined the seeraen'e Tha Instructions af Judge WhltforJ
itrlke. entirely eliminated voluntary or inrolun-
i tary manslaughter. Ha told the Jury
Hull. England, June St. A atrlka of they muat eonvlet Haawood of flrat or
dock laborara here. In aympathy wttb aeoond degrea anure'ec af Copeland or ao-
the atrlklng aeamen, today haa abeoluta- ult him
ly tied up all the nan ana provision
trade of tha east coaat of England.
Aaaambllng on tha docka here thla
afternoon, atrlklng laborere drovo a
throng of strikebreakers Into the water.
The police charged tha mob but waa
unable to disperse It and troopa were
called out Before thalr onrush tha
Strikers fled.
'. Union leadera Bought a truce pending
a conferenoe with tha employer!, but
the men refuaad and quit work at once.
Killa Self IWauae He Failed.
(Caltad rrm Leased Wire.!
Boaton, June ! Because ha failed
to paaa hie final examination at Har
vard, Arthur Elwyn Bmlth, ft, today
la a aulclde by pruaalc acid. Smith
waa found dead In a cloaet of a Harvard
dormitory with the poleon vial by hie
aide. Ha waa the son of David U. smim.
an engineer of Bait Lake City.
The members of Portland lodge.
Loyal Order of Meoae, ara oomplatlng
arrangsmenta for thalr regular monthly
entertainment to be given to tha mam
be ri of the Portland lodge and their
families this evening at Swlaa hall.
Third and Jerrerson a treats.
Tha entertainment will be conducted
by tha entertainment committee of tha
lodge, of which R. P. Bodley la chair
man. Moat of tha performers will be
members of tha lodge or related to
members In soma way.
The local lodge or Mooee haa over
1800 members, which makes It the larg
eat fraternal organisation In Oregon.
(Catted rm Leased Wve.
Ban Frencleco, Jane it Pounding en
the rocka af tha Camera Back, near the I
Cliff House, tha 110,000 ataam aohoooer
Blgnal today la la Imminent danger af I
becoming a total wreck. Tha Blgnal
struck lata last night atar bar high
pressure valve etera had blowa off
while aha waa close In ehere.
Powerful aaarchllghta from Fort
Mlley and Illumination from aooraa of
automobiles aided la tha rescue of Cap
tain Herbert Naaon after tha Blgnal
atruck. Naaon and hie eraw of aevea
men, with S. XL Phtlllpa. a garbage In
a pec tor of Oakland, who waa aboard.
managed o gat a line ashere after tha
ahlp atruck and tha Fort Mlley troopa
aided them up the aluffa after they had
swung through tha air on a breech ee
Whistles from tha Blgnal ator aha
had drifted, stern first, an the) rocka,
railed attention to tha veaeel'B pUght
When, befora help arrived. Captain Na
aon and hla men tried ta launch tha Ufa
boat. It waa lnatantly smashed by tha
aurr ana chief Engineer Harry Feel
who waa In M, weald have boon drowned
but that he waa dragged baok aboard
ship by Captain Naaon.
Today the Blgnal la atlll grinding on I
the Cliff House rocks and It la feared
she will be a total loss. Tha vessel.
I which was used to haul Oakland gar
bage to ara, la owned by Ebon CurUsa
of Alameda.
To meet the reat demands of five large apartment houses, Ve made" enormous purchases of Rugs, Carpets and'
Furniture of all descriptions and In all grades. Over $30,000 was invested in Dressers alone, and to enable us to
obtain the lowest possible price we contracted for more than bur IMMEDIATE NEEDS. This, surplus stock we
are disposing or at kcmaknaulc uui iKiut., look inwc v
Extraordinary Sale of Quartered Oak
Dressers at Extra Special Cut Prices
S30 Regular (tT 'ifl rQv Q)
Values, Only q) Ji olT T. t
Nos. 655 and 666 A surplus stock of splendid Quartered Oak
Dressers, in six styles; large French plate mirrors, 24x30 inches;
latest wooden drawer pulls; beautifully flaked; perfect in construc
tion without a blemish; some with swell fronts, others with
3-. -
1 t' :
straight and serpentine fronts; always sold for $30. JJ Q A r
Our special cut price, with easy terms. D 1 yyO
now on.
Trunk Co. a Rem oral
Prices greatly reduced.
I IB "
f 01 Down, 01 a Week
Order one sent to your home you can af
ford it at these terms
Dlrrct Line Inaugurated
Ualttd trim ImiN Wlm.1
, Baltimore. Juno 2. The North Ger
man Lloyd line inaugurated today direct
sailings from Baltimore to European
' ports with tha departure of the Fred-
ertch der Orosse.
Dress the Boys
The Jury trying the case against O.
R. Blythstons, charred with embesale
ment. found him not guilty yesterday
evening. Blythatona waa employed by
Tuil at Olbbe under the name of E. M.
Roberta, and waa accused of selling
fltl worth, of furniture and not turn
ing In the amount to the store. In
moat cases, he waa charged with aub
atltuting furniture of a lower price.
Blythatona haa aarved two terma In
prison for similar offansea.
July 4th
0altef. freee Lease Wire.)
London, Juno 28. Sixty thousand
troopa evacuated the city today after
having taken part In tha "military oc
cupation" of London during the corona-
tkn festivities. Tha Infantsymea have
left, and only a portion of the cavalry'
man remain. For tha visit of the king
and queen to London tomorrow troops
will ,b drafted from tha garrisons near
est tha metropolis.
Aa a site for a store building, Mrs.
Margaret Burrell Blddle has purchased
from the Hawthorne estate a quarter
block located at the northwest corner
of East Ninth street and Hawthorne
avenue. The consideration Involved In
tha deal waa 114,000.
Wash Suits
Your Choice of the Entire
50c Wash Suits 25c
75c Wash Suits 37c
$1.00 Wash Suits . . .50c
$1.50. Wash Suits... 75c
$2.00 Wash Suits. .$1.00
$30,000 In Dreama Spoiled.
New York, June 2b. The largest
selaure of opium ever made in this
city, 366 pounds and valued at $30,000,
was made here by detectlvea following
tha receipt of information that opium
waa being aent to Boaton and other
cttlea from Chinatown, The opium was
found at a poultry house and at the
home of Goon Chong, a wealthy China
man recently married in Ban Francisco.
V $20
3A Pocket Kodak
So simple as to be readily
understood and operated by
he beginner; so efficient
hat he does not outgrow it.
Pictures postcard size (3
by Sy2)t price.. .$20.00
Other Kodaks. .$5 to $100
Brownie Cameras $1 to $12
Columbian Optical Co.
Selling Building
Bet Alder & Morrison Sts.
Quartered Oak
Cut Price, Only
m. ev M .ar m a
Nos. 1159 and 1297 One style
shaped like the cut, made of solid
oak with quartered panels and
saddle-shaped seat, beautifully pol
ished. Are desirable rockers for
any home. If you are in need of
a fifst-cfass rocker, here is your or?
portunity at about half price.
First and Yamhill
Second and Yamhill
Whitman Grta Toronto U. Man.
Whitman College. Walla Walla. Wash.,
June 2. New appointments In con
nection with tha engineering courses
ara professor Robert H. Clarke, a grad
uata of Toronto university, who took
hla doctor of philosophy degree at Lelp
slc, Germany, and haa since been as
sistant professor of chemistry at Clark
university, Woroester, Mass., aa pro
fessor of chemistry and mineralogy
Professor Lawrence I. Hewea, a grad
uate of Dartmouth college and a Ph.
D. D. of Yale, professor of civil engin
eering and acting dean of the engineer
ing group In the absence of Dean Darl-
lngton, the eminent mining engineer;
Assistant Professor Qlen B. Dun mora,
an M. E. of Armour Institute. Chicago,
promoted to the position of acting pro
fessor of meohanicaJ engineering.
$3.45 Suits at $2.30
$5.00 Suits at $3.35
$7.50 Suits at $5.00
$10.00 Suits at. . .$6.65
Boys' JStraw and Summer
Hats at One Third Off
Regular Prices
It will pay you to take
advantage of these prices
Centenary of Thackeray.
London, June 38. Many persons of
prominence In art and literary elrclea
and in the official world attended a
dinner given by the Tltmarsh club at
tbe Charterhouse today In celebration
of the centennial anniversary of the
birth of William Makepeace Thackeray.
The famous novelist waa a student at
the Charterhouse In his early youth and
incorporated hla experiences there in
several of his novels.
Sigma Chi Convention.
Pittsburg, Pa., June 28. College men
from all parts of the country to tha
number of about 200 assembled in Pitts
burg today for the thirtieth grand chap
ter meeting of the Sigma Chi frater
nity. The fraternity was founded at
Miami university in 1855 and has nearly
12,000 members. The grand chapter Will
be In session three days and the pro
gram of entertainment that haa been
arranged extends over Saturday.
" 6 :-J
Conference of Grain Men
Milwaukee, Wis., June 28. The Semi
annual meeting of the Council of North
American Grain Exchangee met In Mil
waukee today with an attendance of
representatives of the leading grain ex
changes of the United States and Cana
da. The conference will continue over
Alumni Day at Michigan.
Ann Arbor, Mick., June 28. The alum
ni of the University of Michigan re
turned to tha busy scenes on the cam
pus and In tha old building In large
numbers today. Alumni day, the third
of commencement week. The exercises
of the day began with the annual alumni
breakfast In the Barbour gymnasium.
During the afternoon reuniona were held
by more than 20 classes, ranging from
Main 6173
J. W.
In Wasco county, Central Oregon, 52 miles south of the Columbia river.
On the Oregon Trunk Railway and Deschutes Railroad.
On both sides of the Deschutes river.
The only town: between the Columbia River and Madras.
A well known ferry landing for 40 years.
In the center of a farming district of 200,000 acres.
The only shipping point fori nine townships.
Rich in wheat, timber, cattle; sheep and hogs.
Location of Balfour, Guthrie & Company's two immense grain warehouses.
The only railroad town in this vast section. v
No other location for a townsite for 111 miles on the Deschutes river.
Hardly a 40-acre tract unsettled west to the summit of the Cascades,
The only down hill outlet for the far famed "Juniper Flat" country.
Maupin is not only ai townsite it is already ai town. r
Waterworks already installed, for domestic use. 7
Buildings already occupied by stores, postoffice, hotels and newspaper.
One stockyard in operation and another building. J
Lots 50x100 with 20rfoot .alleys and 60-foot streets.
Lowest price $50, ranging up to $400. ; Wonderfully feasy terms. -
GROSY, Sales Manager, 519 Corbett
ice class el me to that of K0C