CAN IT BE POSSIBLE THAT THE KING .. ' . ' f UQ KX COOU) ONUS . KKiVr,- , s "; -M ,j ' ; : 1 '. .: . miN.oPsoNHe,R .: MMuo.tHMifn( WVTt ,TH , 1 J twfTToio thing j J itVl TV t -l.OMLS COULD - ?y ylT?l!! SUNfc- OH WrY.U. J: TH1 IWVWVE ONrotK I.I . ' 1 ' - ft- I . ,; " ' 1 -- I ... o I ITOAt AND WOOD OlWiflwu MUSICAL X!fSTRUMKITT8 M AM iMvtni th city, wiu Mil nr 110V tMluniDia iiiiiuf "-' " '$71 worth of records as good a Mw (for S46, Phon A-1381 or Main ' FINANCIAL 01 - PER CENT MONET. a, ft. . , . , kuiAA vuiMKAIIIIff AaW ' -lata bob. payable the sams utitl. The Standard Real, Estate Loan Co. (lifc). MONEY TO LOAN 87 ; .: We Loan Money . LOW R A TE -QUICK IjOANS NO Any Amount .tv... r , On furnltur piano. forM iwlpt. H...f nW . .amOnrta and -11 Othsr klndS a ft 111 lift of personal . property: Vmt,mj ranged weekly or monthly to -nvenl.nee. Courtaou. troAtnrj.nt to . M private omoes ura a- TQRAT A CUNNINGHAM, M .01-1 Rothchlld bW..JI1Vi(Wtol- ton ot, btwn 4 th ond tth U. Vacation Loans And tho puu to ' got them. tl 1 to $100. At tho lowMt rto. . ft. i I- t h VOU bo n- ployH o- oolory. and jou tho tn noy quickly without mortfmto. tndoroor or omr Mouniy. UllI inn mwm um. Do it now. State Security Co. I0 r BlUnK nmw. 'MONEY 6R SALARiKU HEOPLKT Mmi.bod without r".c"e;p;;j rot, tootoot r-ymonto. Com and got monor Vkm you want It. on pl ' m u. n. TQimon. m - . Will I nnn Ynn Money - fill! WWII " . iftft 2 your fiimlttir-. ptano or roal woat rato of Intaroot 8eo mo tint. ! Ji t. Nichols ill Ton Rldg. . , . . . . ...aftftiiflifttftm mftM i rA in HHiniiuin uiuh. nn Ynn Nftftd Money? . ni .nft. ma Loojia mada eon fldintlally. on funjltur P'ano-, llvo- tocic, coniracio na 111 '"W phua Land. 414 Abjngton bldg. WBST. .RATES: loan on any - IXi56,000 on ' moruagea, city or .arm 'prty. inr. in.uran fa&anla a Co., QTiinrer pmw-. " , Xi6llftT to loan, largo "a aprclalty, .gliding loan.: lowaat raa: In- loanao on dlamona ana ."-..rii 141H near Allr M6NTtY loaned ""YKS1 TmortBanea. land, notaa. Main 1248. nultT 8. W. Cor. 6th and Waahlngton ata. LVlWEST RATES Real, oi itato loano from 1100 up. Un4on Brokeraga Co.. Bit Ablngton buy WBOAN mon aood aocurltloa oulck ana qmexiy. 4IONKT to loan. 6WI P,r.,centi,il0 T i.rt a. a.ita. no SoauIdlnB bldg. JIO.000 orlw j '; yarnngton. - ti i a "iViVift. ma; NET to loan on Iraprovod I roai obwm. 1. VT-l-. " ji i ft liOOO. or part, to loan on lmprovoa suy p-nnortr. Eaat 263- ' tM-onorty. iat ""SAT.ARY JLOANS OONFIDENTIAI T5TN7or tho aaking, aalary of 'chat oi. Tha Loan Co.. U ltkDin bldg. BlCK loano on all aeourltleo. u w. StriV!; iK Waahinvton bldff. Main 1100. SfiVKRAt, auma to loan. $100 to B6ui j year or leaa. v nyiui5 -p. I HAVE 11000 to loan on good aocurlty. Hedl 430 Worcetr bldg. M0 to loan oi r-alty aecuriiy. ncii.u. MORTOAOlS tOAtsV 07 PER CKril J1. "VinmB SALOMON. Ill BTARK ST. 4S0 wurowty, "'"B - . w4 j. ft Wto LOST AND POUND 91 tOBT On Broadwav car or In vicinity , ..J WaulnirLnn ladV gold watoh andfob; watch engved mono- .K-ria' fob & ltnka; good reward offered. fnrme cunt STraYE i or atoien--f!ay mar 'weight Vhnut 950 lbs., black mane and tall. 'hone fe-asi ango. riiae roschad. Return to W. Halia barn, IvCniB, rcwru, jam. ..... ANYONE having left a watch to, be reoaired at tho Caaka Jewelry Co.. J07 Washlnirton at, muat cau xor same -Hthin .10 day. - - iSprffvjwLady'a pocketbook containing money, cards, etc. Owner may have Ipsoription. jt-iao, ftiuuium. rXdST La'-8e coral cameo pin. met in 'tages -'theatre box office and receive jOUND PurBe containing pawn ticket "&nd BOIIIB JCWCli VffHW yiimmv Main 62. ' NOTICES 20 i . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' in the District Court of tho United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Wiiltam M. Butler,-bank-runt: No. 1821 in bankruptcy Notice is hereby given that on the J4th day of June, A. D. 1911. WiUianr M. Butler of Portland, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his cred itors will ba held at the offices f th i 401-8-S. Fenton building, Portland. Oregon, on the 7th day of July, 1911. at 10 a.-m., at which i tima said creditors may attend, provo their claims, appoint a trustee, examine tba bankrupt, and. traneaot suoh other business as may properly com before ' said meeting. Claims must be presented In form requlred-by the Bankruptcy Act, and sworn to.x Tha schedule filed dls doses 'no assets. - ' , . . v , CHESTER O. MURPHY. .ft..e , r - Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated June .7th, 191 L , . THE 'w ffwg mi i rnjuiujiAU 4s---- t - i - - - - - - - - STATIONERY lOR. COXJNTT OT- Sealed propoasla will bo Tcelred at i II villi vi r. c w ftft-.ft.ft" w-'cc ooonty eonrt .houaa. Portland. Oregon, until io a. m.-oi rr tani.uji iftii nfti . t lAn.rif a : ihi aaveral county offloe (or tho laat.alx months of 1011. . . ' or atatlonery can re goon at mi off loo of the oounty clerk. No propooala will bo oonaldwad tin- .!L.ftftn.-iA K ahaftnk navable to the order of tho county court of Multnomah county, ceruiiea dt aponalble bank, for an amount equal v I". ft ft.ft., vft ft" T w- - poaal. and t hie check la to be forfeited aa 111, ana uquiaatea amnn caae the bidder 4ieglecta or refuaee to . I . . n a rnrnlRh a vn.vr iuv vv,,vftM. . . . aultable bond for tho faithful perform- .ft . . 1- I WA , Ikft ance or tne eaia won, in ui contract is awarded to him. Th. -IftrKt 1 K-nraaal rMerTOd to reject any and all tyd. Hred, County Judge, W. L. LIOHTNER. County Commleaioner. D. V. HART, County Commleaioner. IN THE dlatrlct oourt of the United Btatea, ror tne amine, vi -u aw- , .ft r u T ft w a KAnlrrnnt. Ill IIHllffl V V. ftftft-ftft, - " - a -rk.ft .ftft-Ml-.MftA rlll rAwftAlv flald niafl at hie off Ice, , rooma 401-401 Fenton building, Joruana. ur.. up 10 a. m. of Friday. June SO. 1011. for the following property located at No. 107 Waahlngton atreet. Portland. Or, to-wlt: a atock of Jewelry of the Inventory price or I4s..i ana a ioi oi nun iu : ..Li. rxt in in f"ft-h or eertlfl-d check for 10 per cent of the amount offered muat accompany each bid, and the right la reserved to reject 1 .11 lift- uvftntAptf la An file may vi . ------- and the Tfroperty may be Inapeeted on application at inn uuig vi A -jfv Birnta. 'tunuu r, iftXv,i-.ft.-'. j Truatee. NOTICEOn and after July 1.-111. all order for material and co11?'""" for aame ahall be made directly t6 Star Band Co., Inntead of R. A. Hume. Signed Star Band Cfa p.... PETOSOIf Ali 23 dr. alich a. uRirr. tHaeaaea of women and ohlldren e clualvely. Women are often aaved ee vere urgleal operation by oonoulUng me. Nervouo aieeaaea oi "', " peclalty. Prlvat hoapltal aecommoaa- ron-ulUtion. Phonea. Main 1028. A-M07. Offleeo. rooma to 10. 111. Waablng- ion , mw P.IIRFD 0UFCKLY II I I ft. I I vw..ftftft- ' Modern electric treatment '?,";' eases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases. W. I. Howard, M. D.. 104-0 Rothchlld bldg.. 4tn ana wsaningion. nr. Marv Kramer Specialists for women', herbs, medi cine, confinement cases, examination free, home for patlente. 861 Missis sippi ave. Woodlawn 167S. 8 WBDICH "?i.f nSvV sexual and chronlo disorders a specialty. Only solentinc rosssour in mi Office .oz-l uregonian omg. DR. WALKER, specialist: f jckly tmrsa dlsesses of men. blood snd skin dis eases, sores, ulcer, swollen glands, Uia "eyT bladder and plies. 11 First st- Portiana. MEN. If you aro weak, nervoue'and 1 run down, write for the wonderful tonic, vltallxer, "V-V-V.M Information froa. &k. P-madr Co.. 224 "A Waah- ington, OCOTLT. new W&JS" s!d for free catalogue, Jones Book store. MILLINERY School Ladles, we make a .,i.h of artletlc trimming and re modeling hats. 176 Alder. larahall J965. WE do everything in ladles tailoring. Suits to your measure from las up. T. M. Ehrllch Co.. Phoenix bldg- 8th and oak. LADIES, why worry when A. A. A. sup-posltorles.-'si. eaally regulate 'emale trhi.. For sale only Ausplund Drug Go.. 110 N. Oth HELEN SbRNS and i B. Prry. netlc healers, treat all cnron mag- n dia- eases. 267 H Kusseu at., r"u- . " . : . . a .ftft.i.A Phone oil-.; nours i a. m. v a ft a nopi.nwn Diseases of women and aurgery. Ex amination free. SOi Merchant : Trust hlda-.. Oth and Washington. Main 4047. tor. nil- nt Nature. Kani,t hill. Manel Oray, Fatal Passion. Deeameron. Be hind Footlights. tiOc each. Catalogue free. Benmaie hook, lu.. .-h - SANDERSON CO.1 Savin and Cotton Root PillB,' euro remedy for delayed periods: $2 box or 8 boxes for $6, by triall. T. J. Pierce. 246 Morrison. RfeLlAbtE spiritual "idyiser, answerH all ueBtlons successfully. Cards and palmistry taught. Room 2, S43 Mor ftiftM. a 1 IBVII ft ft.' WANTED information of whereabouts - - Tftftft ciItai- enrmArlv resldlnar at 431 E. Ash at., on a matter of great Importance to Buker. D-7S3, Journal. MADAME ESTELLiE, magne ticf healer, ftftiiftki. anirltun.1 adviser. 348 Yam- hlll. room 2. Walk upstairs. Main 1320. MISS LEWIS, late of San .Francisco, rtlalrvovant card readings given and taught. 405 Stark st. Main 3636. vtraa WAT-TACE. electric, magnetic treatments, mental Bcientist. For men and women. 171 W. Park. A-23 1 0 SEXOID Marveloua cure for weakness la men ; money -.returned If It falls; Dr Pierce Remedy Co.. 246 Morrison. LQRE.NZ Nerve .Tonlo Tablets restore lost vitality T . - A,Ai (-..I., rift.. -n fiB .InrrlaOBL S6lSON OAK We have, a guaranteed remedy.: no cure no pay. Perkins pharmacy. Washington, at 6th. W6ME.N Use femoids when other fall; sold snd guaranteed I by, tha Aus- Pltino UTOg Il nu .v. iiu .iv-. LADIES' Lorens Antiseptlo Cones ar sootmng, sare ana urw. . .1 m. Stipe Tsylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st FOUND, auiatrurs bring your work, Rosa City Pnoto Btuoio, am. -a noor. BALM of figs remedy for dlseasfs n.ft . C9 T vl. mti Main 11L MANY are reading . 'The BonvlUe Byuare Dea-" Why don't you? OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL. PORTLAND,. WEDNESDAY CVENINO. JUNE 88. WANTED Men wno are aewpondent. have lout ambition- nre ajfy tlrsd. aV-ep poorly, back achee, feel that they have loot their former strength end vi tality and thoee Buffering with stubborn dlacouraglng dlaeaaea and ailment to come to me and reoetve a free frtenfliy talk and lamination as to their condi tion. If you desire treatment terms caa be arranged to suit your meana. Dr. Walaer. expert speclallat. HI Flrat at. MONOGRAM atatlonery, hand engraved. and stamped, latest Tiffany atylea. made to order U up; no charge for die. Monogram BUtlonerrCOft III Fleidner bldg; ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY ABCUTTECTS QETJSBEEK EN3. CO.. 104 Blake-Mo-ralL Main UTS. Plans, speolflca- Uons. drafting and dealgnlng In all lines. r. A.' 8W.NGLE A CO., archltecta and superintendents, structural engineers, SOI McKay bldg. Marehall 005. ABAAYETtS WELLS PROEBSTEL, aasayera. ana lytlral chemlets. 104 H Wash. M. f 0S. MONTANA aaaay office, laboratory and ore testing work. Ill Morrison. ATTOKXKTB A. US. COOPER, attorney st law. General practice: abstracts examined. Re moved to 1424-1411 Toon bldg. Mala 71. A-Z071. CHA8. H. ABERCROMBIE, attorney at law. Practice In all oourts, abstracts examined, izzb-zh teon mux, win em ATTORNEYS AT LAW, abstracts ex amined. 2, Heaiy. urana .- n. EhRISTOPHERSON A MATTHEWS, general practice. 416-4.T Teon bldg. AUTO BUPPLrEB F. R. KEEN AN CO.. 110 4th st. A-4SII, M-Stlz. Empire Auto Tires Pope Bi cycles, Auto. Bicycle and Motor sup plles. Vehicle Rubber Tires. BATHS IMPROVED Turkish for ladles: SwedlBh sttendant, fine rub. SS7 Salfhon. M-7827. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES Wagner motorcycles: bicycle, motorcy cle, elect. reD 32 N. 12th. Mar. 1610 YALE and Detroit motorcycles. Bi- cycles. Repairing. tSS 10th. M. 7068. BLANK BOOR MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 10f 2d St Blank nook m r g; agis. iar jo Improved Looee-Leaf ledgers; ; as tba new Eureka leaf. A-1188. Main 161. BUSINUSS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, siaewaiae ana ciu..- . ft , r 1 KlJft. inn ll pry, uiui. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, IT j mi c-iftftA-A. km. ran nna uiiur. Km.nv " - ft JA8. McL WOOD A CO., all kinds ot; Inauranoe. sureiy oonn. ri i rv j oiu, CARPKT CLEAJONQ JOYCE BROS.. Electrlo Cleaning Works. Carbets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty, ta. 4tn. n-iim. xm c. mnn HILL Bros., Auto Vacuum carpet clean ing. 2H0H urana. je,ast sao, rw.i i. Steam carpet, mattress, feather clean- Ing, 650 jerrerson. m. tie, A-me. IONB Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovsteo: guarantKi. n. iu. o-.-.. CARPET WEAYTftVG NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 163 Union ave.. near E. Morrison, RAG cat pet and rugs. 1618 Patton ave. fnone wooa lawn zeso. . CHIXKSfiC DOCTORS DR. Blng Choona physician for men and women, ouaranteeo cure. i-et i-aiier. DR.VL. T, TEE SONS. 1424 let st Main 844: a-ibbs. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN DR. EVA MARSH, chiropractor practi tioner, lii meianer uiag. ia. at, a.-8218- DR. E. E. KOCH. 216 Columbia bldg. Marshall -404, next to Star theatre. DR. DOUGLAS. CHIROPRACTOR, 338 Union ave. in. r.ast otir CHIROPODISTS DR. HODGES, S6-27 Selling-Hirsch. Foot specialist, corns removea .no. DR. J. LINDSEY. 176 Madison. Special- 1st on corns, punions. root oiseasee. DR. IVEY cures bunions, corns, all foot diseases. 246 H Morrison. M. 4644. CIVIL ENGINEERS ORRIN E. STANLEY Railroad, munic- ipal engineer, ioub t;. or u. aaar. ii. CLEANERS AND DYERS WE CLEAN clothes while you aleep. Called for and delivered. 261 Jeffer son. Phone Main 6S28. CLOTHES GUARANTEE Tailor Co., coats 'SI, pants 31, suits, shoes cheap. 208 Main. HIGHEST prices for 2d band clotbes, shoes furniture. 227 Front M. 6326. WE pay highest price for id hand clothes and shoes., 871 Front Main 4808. CIRCULAR LETTERS MULTIGRAPHING, circular letter work in any quantity, evenings, wain mzz. STENOGRAPHY, typewriting, circular letter worn. l wasn. piag. main sua. WRITERPRES8ED, best process, bet ter results, quick service. Main 1077. COAL AND WOOD DELIVERED PROMPTLY ain 87T. T. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry st. 1MB 4 foot drv wood Nat Fuel Co., 387 Water st Marshall ta. OREGON LUMBER FUEL CO Slab ana diock wooa. itwr b4. - WEARS A TOUPEE.? nOTICEpnTN SLAB WOOD GREEN SHORT OOD. OREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. INHIPK ORKEN SHORT. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Maln Sill. A-700L 1000 Loads Of dry wood from wrecked buildings, out to stove lengths delivered for 18.60 per load. . ...,. WE BEAT ALL PRICES. International Building Wrecking Ca- A. F. ELERATH. Mgr. 307-811 4th st South. Marshall 1834. FLETCHER WOOD SVJ lilt thorns ave. Thonee East Slf. B-8089. All klnda of first class wood and coal delivered to any part of the city. W handle nothing but the beat C. Fletch er, Mgr. RInr.k Wood ft-, ft . w ft . - - ft . . ai ill. ftftlt ftjftA- II 1A tft-V load, delivered anywhere fn city. Port landf Wrecking Co- 116-107 N. 11th st Main 17. A im, BEG HERS Wood Co.. th and Ollaan. 18th and Vaughn. Fine dry country slab wood sawed In stove lengths, cord wood all kinds and dry block wood. Phones Main 36S. iiiiwii ."HA I Alblna Fuel Go-. 47 Alblna ave. WOOD tVA&iriTVVOOD The Multnomah Fuel Co., Main 6S40, foot of Market at A-2116. Good service as well as good wood. Yamato Wood and Coal Company EAST 8 It. B-1817 SOUTH PORTLAND BLABWOOD CO. Main 116: A-3842. Dry Insld wood, green rlabwood. clean sawduat for bed ding. lry eear. li per loao BURNSIDE FUEL CO- lit 7th: wholesale, retail wooa; ao sawed to order. E-724. B-3777. DRY WOOD $2 per load, yard at John Deere Plow company's new building. 3d and East Aioer; pnone u-ivia NEER & FARR AAr No. 1 dry wood. rt., sawca to orq.r. Special Price A-1 Cord wood UNION FUEL CO.. BOTH PHONES. FOR COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. PHONE HOLGATEl FUEL CO. SELL WOOD 486. Central i-ft'wood sawed To order Yard 249 2d St. Main !: Home A-1101 .v. .... -. - - T a t urta-ftf Cllkwtnit Pn rant Tamhlll country alabwood. or short and bloc 'ood. Inside wood, m ii izui. a-bbi. IRVINGTON FUEL CO., wholeeale and retall fir cord wood. East 936. C- 2S22 "STANDARD WOOD CO., box planer and cord wood. 347 EL Stark. East 2316. B-1095. OREGON Wood Yard Coal and wood. rrr-r-v u a p ifET Wood Yardl Cook A Son. 3d and Clay. Main 3243. A-43S2. COIftLECTIOITB OREGON Collection Agency, 27 Ham ilton. Expert collectors. Main 4778. COLLECTIONS every wherr-Col ton Adj. CO.. 410 ADington Diag. Main aiiw. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. 817 Al'aKy. A-in. ao. 4.z. CONTRACTORS AND BUILD EliS WILLIAM FISHBECK carpenter and k..lift.ft Inhkln mnA -nnl rani In m. 204 jvwwiiift ft" -ft- 4tn main A. C. FURLONG, building contractor. money loaned ror ounaing. a wnam- ber of Commerce. Main 2061. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing remodeling and specialty: sign worn. O. P. BIIbb, 322 Stark; Main 9017. VELGUTH & PIERCE, 226 Union. E. 2890. Plans free, uenerai jopoing. J. BURTON, 188 1st. architect-builder. Estimates rummneq. at. in. a-ibii. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general con tractor. 414 Wells-Farpo bldr. M. 680. BUILDER of bake ovens. J. Scheer, 234 Yamnill st. Maranaii a. DANCING WALTZ, two step, three step and stage ft.ftfttn- l.ianna avarv mnrntn.. afternoon and evening. Prof. Wal WilT son's School, 386V4 Washington st. bet W. Park and 10th sis. DOG AND HORSSf HOSPITAL DR. BROWN. D. V. 8;, of 284 M. 4088. Hosp. B. 12th. 1st at 4 DKNliSIS ALVEOI.AR teeth where bridge work la Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgewoik: w cure pyrroh-a (loose teeini u-uiu.. llsble peopla Alvaolar Dental Co. - Ab lngton bldg.. 108H 3rd St. CHICAGO Painless L'entiBta. established K y.ars. 823 H Wwslitneton cor. 8th. ELECTRIC MOTORS BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117. Walker m xenxie r.i. FOOT 8PEC1-auIST DR. C. W. H3VLAND. 17 Healy bid. Grad. Chiropodist orano ana r.. wwn-ri FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy. sell, exchange and pay best prloes for second hand furniture, stoves, ranges, etc Hartxell Funt. Co.. 383 8. 1st Phone Marshall 267B. FURNITURE PACKING jrurniture packing neatly dona; work guaranteed. Phone East 1662 or call 16 Page street for particulars. i ABO LINK K.1U1KCS STATIONARY; and marine. electrlo qulpmenu: launcnes, acct-aaorie-, wholesale end retail; engine repairing. Re! arson Machinery Co.. 18 Morrison. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION PORTLAND "Hospital association. SOS Rothchlld bldg. Phone Main 70S. I u iiDDniT T. a. ry.. Bnallah a rain r or wood ana marui.-. n-ip shown, eotlmate. 308 Alder, room 3. st- room 3 ILIR UOODJ FEBVET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee maheTS; finest stock of human balr goods; hair dreaslng. manicuring, faoe and seals treatment 147 7th. near Mor. Mfj. HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat V010! b!i valors la the cTty. C4-M So st. ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the fsctory st hslf price. HOUSE MOVING r PENDENS, house moving ana ran-- Ing. 074 Front at Msin tty INSURANCE McCAROAR. BatBB 6 Livsly. SIS rail ing bldg. ffvarv form Insurance, bond KODAK DEVELOPING ft.nT.rn .... work, enlarging, re- "n'mf.f"".: Vi,. .t.Mio. fi th Uiut must, . " --j 1 1 I j up; man .v. ..... - ants Trust. . . LAUNDRY SEE La. Chinese. 100 Mill. Washing and ironing r.rafullv done. A-4v. LADIES' TAILORING THE NEAL dressmaking parlors; lad Us suits snd evening gowns a specialty. 180 West Park. Marshall 111.9- LANDSCAPE GARDENER FIRST-CLAS8 gardener will take con tricta for looTtlng after ,?VhSr,ror lawna or work done by the hour or day. A. D. Hlnman, 186 N. 82d Bt Phone A-7448. , LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAX L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front Leathe? of sverjr description.- Up manufacturers, findings. . libra runs CIRCULATING library. 186 6th. bet Taylor and mhlll Books 8c per day, MA CHIN EXIT B. TRENKMAW 4k TO.Hydraullc and special pipe, screens, bagging, mining tnaohlnery. All kinds repairs. 164 N. 4th. MIRRORS w 8 rLARK. "mirrors and beveled lStefvoi-der: old mirror, re.llvared. 8V, 1st st. Tabor 246. - f JLTIGRAPHINO BTULTIGRAPHING. shorthand, type wriUng. M. 760. 414 Buchanan bldg. MUSICAL DEALERS SBIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 184 2d; camplet Una musical mdse. Free rataloKue liuescher band Instrument MUSIC TEACHERS PROF, WIRTS, Violin, mandolin, gnl tar: Instrument given with special coursea. iai true hatihY fttfcQUADElTvocal lessons $h Residence miFlt Taylor, near 66th. HWint tanr -o., ETTinELHORN. violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar.lo29 PROF T. E. LAWSON. l "'' Phone Main 6197. Piano lessons 60c. NATUROPATH PHYSICIAN DR S F. GROVER. Naturopath, Chlro- Kg CdiBea,'es" te7QS OrVgonUn b.dg. Ol-TIOAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO.. 826 V Washing Ar.i ir-es examined. Free advtoe. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS '11 lJrft, . tiTr. aUTTJ-T A T.TST. THE UBlMirsin.v -.,T, u" Dr. W. Arnold Unosey. iwmni not only cures rheumatism, stomach and all nervous diseases, but l"trueU his ''-rftt. how to keep cured. Mar,! c in i; k.iU Ur. VV. VV. uimnuo Osteopath, chronic nervous dl.-. I14-S Macieay - TR LILLEBELLR PATTERSON, ape DRjai.t on nerves, acute and chronio Amaf. -ir r . a.. D.-..riM ftftlftlsy MR. n ngOl in a oiaa- DK"i. L. H. AND E. H. HMITH, general oractitloner- O-eronfan bidg. OSTRICH PLUMES TAKE EIATOR AND SAVE 1 MONEY. mi t , California Ostrich Feathers finest In th world: Ola riuracs dved w llbwed. Golden State Ostrich eye0! wii. . o , j Qft.fttiftnt Klh and Wa.h yeatner t,o.. t Ostrich Plume Co. largest stock In willows and French nlnmrs; willows made, dyed, cleaned, curledto satisfaction. 803 Washington. PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pljse Co. Factory and office, 1 4th and fork.. Main 8489. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS-procured by J. K Mock. V. 8. Patent o7f Ice; boo,t free. 710 Board of Trade bldg. U. U. and foreign patentB procured by 40 Chamber of Commerce Building; fi-'c WRIGHT, U. 3. and foreign pat Infrtn.ement case. 604 Dekum. PAINT, XL AND GIASS F. E. BEACH 4. CO. Pioneer Paint, Co. 103 Front st Main 1334A-1043. -, . SASMUS8EN COT High 6fa ndard'1 paint, ne, car, 2d ft Taylor. AUL .1811; . REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAME taker. D. U., Olty. HroBg-atMl Ooatp.ay Brnbaker Brnedlc-t. VnrteDftbaw Hnebler rbapla Harlow "" -.. ;.! !.llni"l!.. Cbmmbt W Ooai-re Mala and A-l Raapp Mrr., -'r,-fi; " """".Ora-d A sad MaltDOBak....AUst 7. 0-1 Ortmm ll-sl biate Co., T """:."::ni..i6 O-rWne-r Bids Mala I T-ftlt-fti1 .". ' : h ui u. a-i ........... PAINTING AND PAPERING PAINTING of all kinds: work and ma terial guar. 448 R Burnalde. B-SS63. IFOR best work. ;lces right call X, A. poare. 104 union, iwm t1"""-- tOR satisfactory painting, paperhang- lng. etc., pnonp m u-jjr- rouxTTsa PRINTING CO. rin nf riavfir things with typs and Ink on paper." m. a SPECIAL prices on business Btatlonery. . - -r - at aTI nahansft tlM Mhb Et 4. A corn rress pi i puvna""" PLUMBING AND HEATING PORTLAND Pips Shop buys and sella all kinds of new and second band pipe, and eells fittings, cables, pumps, valve, faucets, pip; railings for feooes snd rose bushes. 890 Front st Mala 6326. Everything reasonable M FRIEDMAN. 362 1st plumbing, ga fitting and gen. Jobbery neatly don PLUMBING, heating, etc Robert OU lan. 1 10th Both phone RHEUMATISM POSITIVE cure for rheumatism. Hill's 8anltarlum. 696 Front st ROOFING. PJUftVTLXG, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting and Job Mne. Loall A Holser. 212 Jeff. M. 142A RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and offlc J"?nrtAM' nlngham Co.. 221 Burk. Main 1407. SAFES THE Moler Safe Co- 108 2d it WM at factory price; repairs: lockout opened; bsrgalns In second hand ears SCREEN MANUFACTURING RUST proof screens made to order. Prices right East 2838. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. Se them. Washington at S. E. Gilbert 301 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES g-u ii, sp n n i B SHOWCASES and store -lturea to stock. Hisde to order; lowest prloas. J. Linden. 428 Hawthorns. East 8117. SHOWCASES of ev.ry description: bank, bar and stors fixtures made to order. The Litke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO-, new and old showcases, cablets store anrl ori lce rixturea. .o - - R. H. BIHDHELL. HAlTLTOITBLDG.. Show ctses in stock. Prompt delivery. Sal srent M Winter Lumber Co. STENOGRAPHERS. OOCRT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Aaan. 404-408 Ahlnston. M. 6037, A-6136. Depositions SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER Signs: th larg. .ft sign maker, la the north &. 7th snd E- Everett st 1111. worn RANN SIGN CO- quality and service, BSW C. A 1'Jft I ft 1- A. ft W P. BERGER & Son Signs and Show Cards. 284 Tamhlll st Main 9391. T: THAT ATTRACT", ZBw K. Aioer r.B.t mavm. Blgn IP.. 01 PW-l- main a... SIGNS of all kinds, attractive quality, Xfnrratn A Potter. 214 Mill. OREGON Sign Co. A. Llchtgarn man axer. 271 3d St. Phono Main 1899. STATIONERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITER paper, 76o ream. M. ,760. Pioneer Stationery Co.. Buchanan Mdg. TAILORING SCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladlee' Tailoring college, learn Hrr.smtLhing. tailoring. 143H 11th TAt.OREVO ALFREI OGILBEE, 810 Labbe bldg, 2d nrt WaehinEton. Suits to order. QUS SKAQUIST. tailor and draper; ex- elusive patterns. -i"uuwn NORTHWEST TAILORS. FOR LADIE3 AND GENTLEMEN. 2 N. 6TH ST. TAAIDEIUU57 V B FINLEY. taxidermist and furrterj ' glass eyes. 249 Columbia TRANSFER AND STORAGE C o. pick Tranafer & Storage 'Go- of " flees and commodious 4 story -brick warehouse, with saparata Iron rooms and firsproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pin ete Pianos and furn. tura moved and racked for shipping. Special rate made on goods r in,., ouf through cars to ait domestic and forelga nolnts. Main 69. -1990. PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. 18 til and Everett ets., Just opened, nowest, most modern ctoreage warehous In alty; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods: lowest Insurancj rata In northwest; freerackaga, vaa-i for moving. Main or A-1620. v - . on Transfer, Co. ,.hlla,.A 117 Transfer and forwarding agent ? - Eiorili, in. irwu-ift --a-, Offlc 810 Hoyt st, betOtJrand Sth. l-'noTpea. ina.Ti itT;' TABOR EXPRESS ST'R OE CO. MTrira to Mt. Tabor dally. Also city moving and express. 114H Grand. R 4238. : ' " . PHTI.ANl THAN. t. X'Kju Ct- 20 Wash, 8torape piano, furn. movlnx. M. Slu. A-1S04. lies. I-, til. ftierssuand. .-'--'"' i . ' BY "BUD" ITIIiER A PDREBS TKIftimO!- . .ina (Matt ttlA A-44VA T4BI ..:.:.....Oroi.- ta lAWla kldg Mala Bad A-1748 -ft.,aiftft-a-e' J-i CI-. tIU a 0 -" T-w r:r.rrr"".iHwihorm r b. Th mi aU49 niinihaf Iff lmsMffA.. MaViS. lrfAl bm... m.i. k as ean -IB a s-q - ' O-lTni MB Brr aid... U-Oek M. , A-Bj-T TIPEWftlTERS REBUILT typewriter, U makes Sit te 860: fully guaranteed; sold o ap proval: terms; rent IS par month: Pav - Stationery ft Ptr Co.. 301 Snd st TYPEWRITER A Supplies Co. Rebuilt za nana. iz ,o. Mir, ii. -ALL niakes rented, repaired, sold Cub nlngham Ca 181 Stark. Main 1407. TOWEL SU1TLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brash, soan Towel Supply d., 0th and Couch eta, 81 per month. Portland Laundry So., Phones Main 410. A-4418. ' VETERINARIAN MODERN veterinary hospital. 411 E. 7th, Dogs, eat treated and boarded. Dr. Q. H. Huthman. B-1J82. East 1847. UPHOlXTEREx-S OLSON A KINO Mattresses made ever, furn. oph. 447 Union N. E. 1124. Cm Furniture repaired, mattresses renovated made to order. 807 Russell. C-26S6. ' WELL DRILLING SUPPLY your home or ranch with pur water from tubular wells drilled with modern machinery; prices reasonable. Phone Sellwood 286, or address . Star prilling Machine Co.. Portland. Or. DRILL.NO wells a specialty; price res-.' sonable. Call Msin 1848 or writs aV west, ibi Morrison t SUPPLY your home with water. Green, the well driller, 187 Oth. M. S316. ; WALL PAPER AND TINTING M'CLINTOCK A GROOCOCK. Ino, ISt 4th. Main 9113. Tinting, painting, wallpaper, paints, oils and varnlshe. ' WHOLESALE JOBBER1 ? EVERDINO A FARRELL, produce and eommlaalon msrehant 146 Frost s fort land, u'. fnons aain its. U. A. GUN8T A CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINS CIGAM PORTLAND. OR. -WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale greeera, manufacturers and ootfe roaster 4U and Oak st M6RQAN WALL tAPER 66, li II St. between Baimon and Main. ALLEN A T.FWT8--GR-VFRlEa ' ' WOOD FINISHING FOR first class work call Anderson, u wood flniwher. 494 E. Burnalde. B-S80S WRECKING WE bar. sell and wreck old buildings. International Building A Wreck fn company. 807-11 4th st Marshall 1884. TRANSPORTATION one ir atxTn T3AjnrpoTAftTOAr oo. STR. J. N. TEAL Freight reo-lved dally at Oak st dock for Th Dalles. Hood River, White Salmon. Umatll. I. Ifannawlftlr . PaaM. Richland. Hanf ord. Whit Bluffs, Lewlston, Idaho and all Intermedin to nntnta - .. rxmar VAsnzxass (isnoi FARE 50 CTS TO XOOXf KITIJt, WHTTB SAJ.XOV. THB OAftbUBS. " Steamer leave Portland Sun-' TneB Thur, T a. m. . Returning leaves Th Dalles Mon., Wed., Fri, T a. m., arriving at Portland about 6 p. m. same day. W, B. Buchanan. Supti W. S. SmaUwoott Qsnl. Mgr. Phones Main 3980. A-8637. Sails from Albers Dock No. S SATURDAY EVENING AT, ' 9 O'CLOCK v-rjr - ' For Tillamook, Bay City, Newport Florence, Bandon and Coquille River, PASSENGERS FOR , J Bayocean Seaside fiesorl ' Should secure passage on the "Anvil, the best equipped ca boat on tha coast; being safe, sure and steady un der all weather conditions. Unex celled culinary department. TICKET OFFICE 128 THIRD ST. Phone Alain 628. A-4596 San -rs-clsco A Portland SteamsMp Co. isew service to uom Anguie via can Francisco every five days. From Alnsworth dock, Portland I a. m i BB. Bear July 3, Boss City 7, Beaver 13, From San Francisco, northbound, 12 m j . B. city June 30, Beaver July S, Best lUv From San Pedro, northbound, 12 m i Beaver Jttly a. Bear 8, Kose City 13. H. O. Smith, O. T. 149 Third St , J. W. Kaascm, Agsnt, Alnsworth Dook, Fhonest Main 40-, 886 1 A-140,. COOS BAY LINtJ STEAMER BREAKWATER Saila from Alnsworth dock, Portlaii 1, a! m., Jurt 10. IS. SO, 25. 30, Jfulr . la. 16. 20. 36, SO, and every 5 days. Frelahl received at Alnsworth dock dally up to S p. ra. Passenger fare first olana, lt : econdJrlss, Si. Including meals n . berth. - Ticket office Alnsworth o,. Phones Main 268. Main 170. A-l 23 4. SAN FRANCISCO, LCS .k.Vt.l I ! C - AND B..N DIEGO Di:::..'.T wnTW PACino 8. S. ri. S. S. OA-rOA-l and k. B. I :. r ' Every Wednesday, as-rrr-.. . t m- Ticket oftw T i- s. . . .. Phone Main 1- ! - 1 1 . MARTIN J Hi .:. I ' - ;