THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENINO, JUNE 23, 1911. 18 RCSINE89 CIIAKCK9 1 1 VI Iiim a saloon' clearing 111 per month with Independeat; can fee handled for IJOOO. .... nouee masing v cash. II room, clearing nanniaa ir t .Lodging houae , worth tllOO. ft c .4 dglng houa. HELP WANTED MISC. OS WANTED MOVING PICTUHJB OPERATORS. In all eltlaa throughout tha world Now la your OPPORTUNITY to learn ttoa a month, lonf lease, fine location; nne-paying trade; actual tneatra am pa- h.. 1110. I"""0' OPERATORS " is acres A-l fruit land. (0 acres 1 earn III to $41 warklr: special low prlca ear old tree, will escnans ir um- on m,n. per land or large apartment houaa in city . U you has aomethlns to aall or hang, give iia a 'rial K1MMON8 CO.. 147 W. Park. $2000 '( Or will Involre. flna grocery on east i aid, flna location, doing 1700 par month . tt-alneaa. Rant 136, J yeare leaa. In cluding I living rooma. barn, etc. I am sick and must aril. Baa my agents. Shoemaker Inv, Co., 521 Henry hldg. Moving Picture Theatre Don't start a movlnit picture theatre r tin one alraadv established until you see us. You m-lll save money. Full particulars how Ifa dona gratia Naw York Film Exchange. 62ft Wash., naar 17th " Yamhill county realty cc 410 Rothchlld nldr. h and Weahlnrton ata.. Portland. We have farma from 10 to 140 acres; hop yards, orchard and orchard land: Hmbfr, shingle ir.'Ms hotels and city vroperiy. We locate timber elalma and homesteads; alwa reliable. Po GROCERY W Grocery, rent only 110 month, doing fti day business, good futures, horsa nd wagon, nice clean stock, everything . goes for 7io. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO.. 170 Sth t. f YOU want a business opportunity I will aell you a restaurant In a busy Jreat aide location for 1200, on easy ermi. This rlace Is worth 4 tlmee what I'm aaklng. Ooddard. 106 Yeon MOVING PICTURE THEATRES Make 110 to (100 dally. We start you la business on easy terms NKW YORK FILM EXCHANGE. 121 ft Washington, near 17th. Belmont Auto School Tha only thoroughly equipped school ON THK PACIFIC COAST. Complete oourae, Including thorough driving Instruction, technical and prac tical work In all Ita details E. 11D AND MORRISON. Take fl-8 or Mt. Tabor car: look ua up before deeming to enroll eiaewner. tfi PER MONTH, telegraphy taught In practical rorma, day and evening ses sions. Address Myers, 619 Flandera at, rortisnd. or. Main Rtiz. SITUATIONS PEMALB AN eiporlenced housekeeper wishes poaltlon aa housekeeper for widower or nacneior; rererenoa at van j no Ulnars nean rail. rnone H-Z61S with one child would like A LADY poeltlon aa housekeeper In rooming or Boarding houaa. Ill Hood. St. near Arthur. ' LADY would llks one or two children o board and cars for. nice home, good car, prloe reasonable. Call llli'Bel- mont at. Tana HI Tenor oar to ia at. BTEn'Oo'rAFHKr wtah. poallioa aa or nee assistant age 11 year, roisr- ancea. L-TIO, Jou rnaJ. ' COMPETENT lady, washes work by la day ahall 144. WANTED Position aa elak In store. Am ex- Fruit atand, elgar store, eto. perlenced. Woodlawn II. YOUNG lady would Ilka to aocompan parties witn small cnno rmi coast aa nurse, phone E. 1104. to DRESSMAKING 40 HELP WANTED FEMALE 9 ' ft EAT A Hfe A N't" BARGAIN. Right In heart of city, good lease, rent right, will aell for cash or will take part In rood vacant property. This Is aura a bargain. . J. E. NICHOLS CO., 115 YEON BLDG. . CIOAR and confectionery with 1 I v Ing room, doing 2t oav Dusinee. im aat waat side location. Price If sold be fore the 1st, only R00. RALPH AC KLf. I 1AWL .IJ.. 17 Ith at. . COt'NTRY store, lot and building. II mllea from cltv, on electric road, . good business, cash customers, fine op- portonlty. about 12000. and terme. Phone Wood lawn 1(14. owner, morning or even lag (IrOTKHV and meat market, rent 110, I year leas, first claaa ftxturea, horae , and wagon, fine clean stock of grocarlea, evarythlTir goes for 11710. . RALPH AlKLEI LtANU 170 6th at. t POOLROOM, rla-ara. tobacco and fU- tures; three years' lease, best location. IT: doing nice bualneaa; muat leave ' Iortland at once, ir you don i mean tuslneaa don't answer. Q-711. JournaL I HAVE placer ground that prospects, tha water and tha dump. In eaatern . Oreean void benrlnc district, which can handled an-1 put In operation for i. email amount of money, iwn, journal. Tf ANTED TOTTN'O LADIES FOR TELBPHONE OPERAT ING; WITH OR WITHOUT EX PERIENCE, APPLY THE PA CIFIO TBXEPHONk) TELE GRAPH COM PANT. ITH AND EAST ANKENT BTi. BUSINESS OFFICE ' If you era Intending to open an of fice It will pay you to call at 621 Poard of Trade bldg. A good chance M get Started. IttRCED SALE It h. p. gasoline launch 21 feet long, cost 11200 I years ago; make offer cash or real estate. Lam bereon. II N. Ith at. A-7720. Main 6377. WANTED Good bualneaa man with soma capital to manufacture a maker, fully protected tir W. J. Bruce, 506 Yeon bldg. big late rwmer maker, fully protected b ratetit SMALL department store doing eicel lent business, centrally located, will trade half property, half cash. 101 N. th i it : A GOOD opportunity for a few hustlers - to make good salary; ono hundred dotlmrs cash bond required. N-726. wrnal. BTTT8 A ftRftMFl F.SiPilYIENI4 COMPANY, 24 H NORTH SECOND ST. 2 buckera, 12.76. 2 snipers, 12. SO. 1 rigging russlera. 12.71, ' 2 carpenters. 13. no. 2 flunkies, S0 and board. 1J common Ishorera, !.00. WANTED Olrl for general housework nothing but first claaa need apply. 7BI Thompaon. Apply mornings. FIRST claaa chocolate dipper wanted. 2 Morrl- Call after 12. Swetland'a, son at. WANTED Stenographer, one accua tomed to general office work and liv ing at home preferred. 0-721, Journal. WANTED For adoption girl 2 to 4 yeara, good home. Q-717, Journal. GIRL for e-enaral housework small fam II V good wages. Tabor 2227. WANTED Girl for light houaework. 171 Mh at. F1VF. girls. Call 410 Merchants Trust bldg., I a. m. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 10.000 POSITIONS For erraduatee laat year: man and wo men Team barber trade In I weeks; halo to secure positions; graduates earn III LADIES' tailor-made salts til; altera tions and remodeling, moderate prices. Rom City Tailoring. 441 to Burnslde. near 14th st LADIES' suite to order, four own ma terlal altaratlona. I. Raubln Elite 1 Ji- dler Tailor. Selling bldg, Ith and Alder. MILLINERY lessons. 100 per lesson 171 Taylor st Hats trimmed and remodeled, He. A good all round dressmaker wants work by day. Tabor 1110. MUSES O WHITE SHIELD HOME Confinement eaaea only. 217 Fargo. Wdln H4i. A PRACTICAL nurae wanta work. ROOMS AND BOARD 18 FINE Urge room, modern conveniences, home oooklngj will also take s few table boarders; ' lit Kearney. , Tht Magnolias. ' , , ' P I7h:A8A NT rooms wtih boant nlcel furnished, aood homo cooklna. walkln olstance, reasonable, modera. Ill WII name. no anna KOOM and board for two: boaraera; good home coogin, 111 tteimont home piivlJegca. B1IT. ling: ( St. Ptti and one TABLE boero al Tl IP, Part formerly run by Mr a. Mattla Kooh. Open June If THE Wbltehatl Family Hotel. A marl oa a plan; every modern convenience, squares rrom r. tl. ill sin. ROOM and hoard In private boarding houaa, 14.19 par week. The Barrett, Tf West Park at. Main I7l. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 80 WANTED home for 14 year old boy fo worn ror naard. Country nrererreo. 1-710, Journal. H Ol'S EK FEPTNQ ROOMS WEST SIDE WELL FURNISHED houses, flats, nother 117.10: suites, two furnished noueaoeping rooma, in, u, 112 monin: lie. Apply ttv iitn st. isorin. --w - csr from depot, 6th, west on Morrison to ruth. Mock north. i, fl, iiHiii uuur v1 1 rooma. nice nelahhorhood. eaay walk- ng dlatance, 1 block north of waahln on at, between ouch at. 14th and 17th. lo" Phone A-42R2. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE Will YAMHILL AND 1D.8T.. We will be pleaaed to show you through our hotel and can asaura you that we are giving the rub llc the rhosrt modern aervlca that ran be obtained. Our rates are very reaaonable Let us try to make you comfortable. FOR a clean, cool, comfortable place try tTie new FOSTER HOTEL THIRD AND DAVIS STS. 110 outside rooms, hot and cold water. electric light and phone In every room. rrev naire, rree auto nus imm ana to an trains; lowest rates in tne city. The Burns UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Centrally located, new brick building. nlcelv furnished, hot and cold water and free telephones In all rooma. Ratea by the. day, week or month; special In ducemeSita to permanent gueats. 10S4 12th near Wash. Phone Marshall 2790. to 125 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; writs for catalog. Moler System of Colleges. II N. 4th St.. Portland. PRIVATE ahorthand lessons, Gregg and Pitman; day and night claaaea; apeed drill and positions for stenogrsphers. Main 7622. Modern Business College, Ith and Waahlnglon sts. EMPLOYMENT AOTTTCTF3'. M SNAP for right party, first claaa con fectionery, cigar store. Fine loca tion, too Russell. Owner leaving city. F-TII. Journal. 1 OR SALE A new, up-to-date confec tlonery and Ice cream store. Every thing complete, satisfactory reasons for falling given- Phone East 28. VE HAVE several email bualness pro- positions that will bring you a good Srofit on money invested. . E, NICHOLS CO.: 616 YEON BLDG. C. R, HANSEN fc CO, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office 21 N. Id at.Porf land. Ladies' department, 7th and Wash, sts upstairs. Portland. 4H Front Ave.. SDokana. 7-11 4th at., San Francisco. Established 1171. THE Colonial, handsome large rooma. on first floor: bath, running water. II and IS. Nice corner rooms at 14.60 and IB. also a couple of good little rooms at 19 and 110 per month and aoma very large court rooms with 2 cloeeta, suit able for 1 persons, 13.60 and 14. 144 10th st BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. Bachelor apartments at ths Bucking ham hotel for you and your chum, II per week: -with private oath t4 week; beet location In Portland. Across the street from Portland hotel. 130 Yamhill. Hunt's Express & Baggage Co, 1 trcrk. toe. Additional trunks tto ach. Grip with trunks free. A-I41I. Marshall 1411. Rose City Park Transfer Trips to Rosa City Park dally. Plana and furniture moving. City work also. 101 Ith. Main 1116. A-T1IT, HOL'SF.KKEPINO rooms, newly FuT nlahed In 1, 2, S and 4 room suites; very convenient rooms. Price $2.60 to 14 a week for suite. 785 First st Mar shall X40. Hi TAVLOR. corner Park-Furnished" nouacaeeping Gns, bjsth, ph snie. bouses ron rent .19 ROOM eottsge, lot 10 1 100 feet, 17 month. 19. 42d St. Phone East I 101 . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 FURNITURE of I room -mofltrn bun ' aalow at a real baraatn: muat sail at ones to you or the auction man; rent til Per month! 1 block from Mt. Tabor carllna. phone B-llll. Addrees 1171 T.. Yamhill, corner 44th. . . FURNITURE for aale cheap of I room cottage, rent only 111.10. Flna cor ner lot lOOilOt on oar Una, also I pas senger ear In fine condition, 1600 if! Bur HOTELS 54 I DOCS AND HOUSEHOLD rLTS 49 HOTEL PORTLAND European plaalbULL TERRIER, better than a gun or i'uim venan 10 proiaci yoir noma and TKLVET'KRir'uropeen. 4th and Alder. SUM31ER RESORTS .A IHVIU fWTTinil in nROVK. m rne Julv. 110. Photoa at of fice. Fred W. Oerman. Main or A-I77C. a: family. If you want the beat call us M-IIJI or AO10T. Ask for Bruca ' VOX HAUND" pups tor i rt in oholoo t--V " " UKUJIAN hare-, thorouglibrld atocC Itrena and vlnroua. ill rrr..Ji I W. ITQWIIWH SVI. . .FOR RENT-HAmi 50 mAf .ieatlOTPt , Jf TftM Drew hall for rent. Hf nlgkl Is) the week. Ill Id Si. WANTED TO RENT snap, can HJS upion it. norm. I "Voe w TT'iTi-Vi'Vor aileninl- hath I WANTED lioo inoro rooms in hotels, . for housekeeping or sleeping; bath, I ,-,, kaumma nrlvata homes, for S 'tl Jf?"m, a Mlu fonvsntlon delegates July 1 to 14 t iiM tf 17' I hava youT J. U. Aitkin, tiiw V ion RENT t room fiouao, new range ton at. Marahall lilt, A-6141, FOR ALr-SBCONDIfA?m twins m V run I CABT OLDS, L.,E5vl0N BTEEL AND JRON, BRICK. 400.000 OUT fit OI.D8, WORTMAN. KING BUILDINfl Li'l. AKD WABUINOTON LUMBER. What i;ri:;i'".u ..bin.. WING, ALL wrpXefctW WA lirMllfeTaVere'sellVood cTr' " WANTED by prlvai. family of adults JffWWyP f ll rTH'"! -7. ! 8''wo c,r; , an unfurnished modsrn house of t or MARSHALL 1114. r SIX room fUt for rent furniture tot rooms on west side; references.-Phone ONE flna lf Majleable'Sieel Mon.rVE le cheep, tl E. llth st. Phono Marshall 1414. range. olea7 warming ov"n, "te 5r?KTiByvmB r-i 3 ITTT ROUfiB of 7 rooma or more arranged or coal, splendid rondltlon. good PUTlNITLRB of I rooms for I7a. tor roomers. West Side, walking die- nw; replacing with gaa range only 424 Davis at. Unee. Phone Mala Tilt. . Can lv J"01!.. t0S ""'"SI snyona wanting a KR SALE furniture of" 15 rooma ami reference. ' ' Tabor li rV .l??.r,Lrn pton houaa for rent 414 4th at., cor. Hall, ROOM, gas ranse. II week wanted rr" psrtlculars, 1 ' ' permanent. K-fll. Journal. N.V5.inl con hauo pvot and bilMard 1 1 h rv iMif itii ill ii Ufa ma i i FOR RENT to email family for two months from July 1. a nine room fur- nished house on Broadway, in irving- tnn. near I Id, at per month. Main iuux. wniimer-Keuy co., iv in si, A-100.' WELL furnished five room cottage, 120 STORES AND OFFICES II LARGK pfaoe, 10171. on Front between Main and tladlson: juat the place for machine, blacksmith. BOIK 5Hne- slleys. refrigerates for iwnie: BAKll New and 2d hand; low -arloeeT eaay lirms; aafea opened, repaired nA C'."'- pJ,r0u V n Prt.and Safe Co.. II Ith at. Main lies. A-4IH TYPEWRITERS Remington liT. T m i "iiuwi mm i . u t- nrn mi i;viiiAe- WOOdM. KorthWMft TviVMrlU Pa . Iltk S4 - f VV, V let shop or lead store. month. Another 117.60. aw SAAin m tm sw I as tan w vzr,rii7i ;.r ". ," a".' .v i ti 1 1 a. -j .k v..,.. itn st. west on Morrison to llth. block north. puts glass front, lth and Marshall. I OR 8ALK Three show cases. I electrli TtlJ iTTf T V ' 1 . ' W rinn. r,iralk I SttlUDlS house st Rosa City Park: no children; " w " 'Hi be leased for a number of months sot or tenant ir bond la furnished, or ror sale. Ad' dree p. O. bog 201 f. station A. DURING July and August, longer If de- for light lobbing, me.nufactt.r- motors, electric fan. candy making tell; divide specs to suit ten- outfit, soda fountain, t popcorn me naata; long lease, A. Q. Long, chlnea Call TUInler hotel. Ill N, th. FOR BALE Planer and matcher, or aired, furnished, modern. I room house, bath, gaa, electricity, garden. lano; rent 117. Phone Woodlawn 111. ROOM furnished house, new and mod ern. fruit and flowera. rent 150. Haw- horns car. 401 E. 44th st Phone B Mil FOR RENT, 144-111 Front Dt long lease. Madlsoa st bridge, J. Simon A Bro. will exchange for lumbor. itlor, rooms, single and auitea. one, laundry. Keason ISe FOR ONE TRUNK And 28c for each additional trunk moved promptly. Phone United Ex press Co. Marshall 2402. A-7411. . , rr I I'll-rTT II , 11,1. . ll.t , w ilj i i v id i A i fit. iiii miu , D11; grove, nicely furnished houaekeeplng rooma, everything convenient 12.60 week up. housekeepln 6 car; $14; no TWO well I furnished rooms at tl Glbba aL: children. TWO finely furnished housekeeping suites; also 1 furnished room, free hone and bath. Ill Ollsan st irl0 DDAO Trane. IL-r0 DnUOi moving specialty, Co., furniture 71 7th st. Main 1109. A-1012. THREE furnished housekeeping rooma. It 2 boils, gaa range, phone. hill. U Yam NICELY furnlsned rooms private home. hath, phone, etc IS N. 17th St., cor WashlnKton. HOC8F.KEEPING, one) two or three completely furnished rooms. very pleasant, desirable location. 147 Hall. THREE furnished housekeeping rooma, ground floor, yard; also 8 upstairs rooms, gas range. 74 Mississippi ave. and 1 sleeping Free phono; rent t HOUSEKEEPING room. 330 Taylor. reasonable. THE LANDORE I.args, airy rooms. suitable for business people or tran sients. Clean and comfortable. Hot and cold water; walking distance. 281 10th St.. near Jefferson. Butts & Eldredge Emp. Co. 24 U N. Second St. Main 2206, A-1291. Red Cross Employment 20 N. 2d. cor. Burnslde. M. 6216. A-571S, WANTED AGENTS 6 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Salesmen, with experience In any Una desiring a permanent and remunerative position. Our method of training salesmen will place the man vsho really wants fo make good where l e can get results at once, with splen did chance for advancement. Unlimited l roportlea of the character of North I Maine to be marketed. Don't apply un let you desire work, aa we put no man i n a pedestal. Call between 9 and 10 m. m., or 2 and 3 p. m. Inquire for Mr. IQckev. Ruth Trust company, 236 Stark. WANTED For the Omted States army able bodied unmarried men between ge of It and 16, cltiiena of United I fates of good character and temperate I ablts. who can apeak, read and write i tie English language. For Information rpply to Recruiting Officer, Ainaworth lock, 3d and oak sta.. Portland, or. Salesmen Hoi Salesmen wanted to sell the raoet complete line of nursery, stock In ths norinwest. un weeaiy. CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO., 8slem, Or. RE7JA BLE salesman can mitt big money selling our well known Una of hardy non-Irrigated tress, shrubs, roses, eto. Outfit furnished; cash weekly. Ad dress. OREGON NTTRSERT CO, Orenco, Or. WANTED Experienced men to sell our small farms (within 20 miles of Port land) Propertlea are well worth the money and commissions are liberal.. Davis A Sharps Co., 606 Commercial block. CASH every week for salesmen selling our clean, hardy, well-rooted nursery stock. Outfit free. Good territory. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsb, Wash. .ANTED The name and addres of a good reliable dentist, a graduate of the old school, none other need apply, ran I find one? I have something or much lntereat to them. Address P. W. V 112 16th st. N.. city, or call Main '959. luLECTRICIANS. plumbers, sheet metal workers, parquet floor layers; non union for out of town. Apply 222 Com merclal Club bldg. SALESMEN make money selling our home grown, guaranteed atock. Good territory; money advanced weekly; posi tion permanent; complete line. Yakima vaney nursery tjo., Toppeg-lah, Wash SALESMEN wantd to sell our line of Pacific coast grown nursery stock; cash paid weekly. Pacific Nursery Co.. 308 Corbett bldg. WANTED Reliable motion picture op erator for out of city. Salary $40 weekly. W. A. McKnlght, Vancouver, 11.C. UOY wanted, a good boy to milk two cows and work In garden. In need of a. good home. Address 8. Spann New 'ierg. Or. WANTED At once, z men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne Gars re. 446 Hawthorne. WANTED At once, I men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at y.62 N. 7th st dTORE and city salesmen answer this and learn how to make extra money; absolutely legitimate. N-724, Journal. CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wine Depot. 286 Yamhill, next to Journal. STRUCTURAL Iron workers for out of town. Apply 222 Commercial WANTED Salesman to sell good auto trucks and touring cars. Auto Paint ing A Exchange Co., Inc., Union ave. and E. Davis St. WANTED Lady agenta to sell lots; we will make It pay you well. Apply to W. E. Allen, end of Montavllla carllne. 176 21st St., near Washington, with private family, nicely furnished par lor room for sleeping or light house keeping, bath gas. laundry; aleo three room suite adjoining. Marshall 193. HOTEL RENWICK Corner Seventh and Taylor Opposite Helllg theatre, one block from Portland hotel; strictly modern: a nice home for buslnesa people. Main 111 United Trans,, Never Closed One trunk, lOo; additional trunks, 26c 7H Madison. Marshall 2114. A-4II1. COMMERCIAL hotel, under new man agement, hot and cold running water, choice rooms at 12.60 up per week. 483 Washington st FURNISHED ROOMS Large and airy, furnace heat, cold and hot water, new and modern furniture. Convenient to the cars. 666 Northrup st. M.-9614. 3 ROOM suites; large, pleasant room -with alcove; water, gaa and phone. 46 N. 21st, third house from Washington. EILEEN COURT 1 6th and Morrison, newly furnished rooms, centrally lo cated, all conveniences. $2 per week and up. NICELY furnished rooms In private home, right In town; bath, phone, eto. 29 N. 17th cor. Wash. 2 OR 8 furnished housekeeping rooms, also single room; reaaonable. The Ifla ho. 889 6th. FRONT suite housekeeping rooms, elec tric lights, bath, both phones. Clav st. TWO furnished- housekeeping rooms. 13 week, 1 sleeping roms, z. zjg rsric. TWO suite housekeeping rooms month and up. 721 1st st. 110 MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light gas: moderate. 7th Flandera. A-4676. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 HOUSEKEEPING rooma, furnished, close to S. S. carllne; ten minutes walk from P. O., very reasonable. In good location, very new and clean. Call East 6279. THREE clean, 'newly furnished house keoplng rooms In private family; big lawn and shade; range, electric lights, hath, phone; 96 Fast 30th, cor. Wash. FIVE furnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor. 261 Morris st. Inquire 638 Vancouver ave. Adults only. NEW suites of 2 or 3 rooms, hand somely furnished, all conveniences. Reasonable. 826 F,aet Stark, near 26th. 1S 3 outside rooms, furnished, wood, gas for cooking, hot and cold water; no children. 980 E. Madison. Tabor 2426. FRONT aulte housekeeping rooms, brick building, for rent cheap. 108 ft Union ave. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma, 1st floor. BL car. 728 E. 8th st. S. id up; !6; bath and phone free. 271ft Mor rison. THE ELM PLACE, 414 Yamhill; rooira; hot and cold water, steam heat prl vate baths and suites. FOR RENT Nice front room, house keeping; also small sleeping room. 63 N. 10th st. SMALL room for rent, price reasonable. Phone, Datn. walking distance. 282 12th. MffiHrren Mamiviz7ft 6th st.. rooms mum u i&u. irauwiuiKiti.5o u Free phono and bath. d Per week. Main 7764. SITUATIONS MALE 8 MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 270 MADISON, BET. 3d AND 4th. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE. MAIN 3655; A-6624. A COMPETENT foreman with 6 years' experlenoe In the contracting busl ness, wants position. Understands most all lines in the building business, also gooa at drafting and figuring. T-736, journal. NICE front rooms, suitable for one or two persons; eiectrio lights, bath. both phones. 227ft Clay st. THE Temple, 843ft Yamhill st, op- poslte Hotel Portland. Furnished rooms 12.50 a week and up; transient THE Palmer, 360 ft Alder. Furnished rooms 3Z.6Q per week and up. 168ft TENTH Neatly furnished front and side rooms with or without board. YOUNG eastern man with considerable all around experience In the automo bile business desires to locate and se cure position In went. W-733, Journal. YOUNG man about 21 ycers old. fairly efficient stenographer for Reneral of flcei work. Land Dept., 82.1 Electric bldg. LINEMEN, non-union. Apply 222 Corn merclal Club bldg. tlNCALl.EI) tor lallor-inaae stilts, 110 BP. Taylor the Taylor. 286 Burnslde. WE SITUATION wanted by a first claas miller, temperate, up to date: first class references f'irnlshed. E-732, Jour nal. CARPJRNTEk foreman, capable of tak Ins full charge of high class residence worn, easterner. 2 years' experience In city, best of references. H-T33. Journal. GRADUATE of Ann Arbor law school would like work with established firm or attorney. G-730, Journal sell uncalled for tailor made suits 110 up. Harvard Tailors. 808 Burnslde. I WANT position, engineer, steam or gas oune, logging or stationary. 441 East i-'avis. I'none hj. 5(v. WEAP a Kensnaw 2 hat; all styles. 169 Fourth. 449 Washington. HELP WANTED MISC. 63 FIRST CLASS carpenter wanta contract to build house cheap, need work. J-735. Journal... MORNING and evening employment or work wanted. Good clothes accepted for wages. R-734. Journal. EXPERIENCED grocery man wants position, reference. P-739, Journal. YOUNG marr'ed man would like any kind of work. P-737, Journal. MEN wanted, age over 18, to prepare for firemen, about 1100 monthlv. brakemen. 80, nearby railroads. Ex perience unnecessary. No strike. Po sitions guaranteed competent men 4366 . aent to positions In 1910. State age, send stamp for particulars. M-87, Jour nsl. GOOD live man can earn 13.60 a day in own town to handle our automatlo (Tampers; good seller. Write Safety & Economy Damper Co.. 440 Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED two men to learn taxlcab - autotruck and automobile driving and repairing. Call at once. Office 121 ft i Washington st.. room 411. GOVERNMENT employes wanted Send postal for Portland examluation sched ule. Franklin Institute. Den't 107 G Rochester. N. T. - LACE curtains washed, stretched, called WE CAN use a few high class stock for and delivered. Main 3965. ; salesmen, either sex. Answer this GIRL wants washing and Ironing, 26c nwminiCTn. if in, jounrn. nuur. tan Main room 55 WANT position as packer with whole sale rruit and produce; best refer ences. Sellwood 1604. SITUATIONS FEMALE NEAT, quick, woman wants work morning, or dishwashing. 11 a. m. to z p. m. uoom bv. 2H 3d WANTED day work woman. Marshall Call evenings. by experienced Z116, room 10. .. International Correspondence schools, j GERMAN lady wishes day work.Pb.on , Local office, til Alder-st M. 1021. East 2304. FURNISHED rooms, second floor, flat D, 469 Jefferson st. Main 7694. NICE 11 "ht rooms, good location. i7T HOUSES FOR RENT 13 Greater Meier & F rank Store Rental & Information Bureau Home hunters, visit our modern, com- nletalv enulnned Information deoart- ment fourth floor, main building, and note the vacant houses and flats on our list You'll save time in getting properly and comfortably located. We keep In touch will all too vacant flats and houses In all parts of ths city. We bavs ths combined lists of all ths real estate agents In the city. We also have a list of all new buildings in course or con structloa , If You Want to Rent a House See Us. UaV . . " jtmrnai. blNOER sewing machine. 111; nerfant atlfnhae ItlV U V 1 I ..iif.. i ' .1' I .-- ' . ... uina I tjk Manegany omca lurniiun, i t-. . u,nj two muniin, iiki. "-Tj . " I K IK. MA l.h Al II II Ivranh mnal transfer leaaa and both -phones. Finest! i nnA nnniiiiinn -v. . . 7t K-717, journal. Ifi'tt ,e J.-i- A .T SVtS ff 1AH I i t I II 11 . A. H Amm r I w I Will Hfll 1 1 Or TIBsTU ttelflT. FOR RKNT 8tor. central twin nr.WT Hjavlew. Washington; Inquire ill K Jiry '0."f""' FOR SAI.K-New, conA stoves, fur4 Ith street, North. T'hone E-llll. ."tJiSK iSdi nlture. 117 Flanders. Msr. 1171. FURNISHED 4 room houao $20. 1001 nrVlf.y- i;,0 ' id 'floor ' facing llh CONTRACTOR S equipment by UnlteJ Michigan avenue. orJCEL1?.l02. A tx2?rto,lS!L Ens. Const Co.. 1 I-ewl. KM. Imii nik l BH( i we A s kh. fixtures, stora I - - FOR RENT Furnished alx room cot tage. 192 Hall si. References. FOR RENT Furnished" tag, 192 Hall at. Ix room cot- References. APARTMENTS 4 TOE DEZEI 208 16th st Near Taylor THE APARTMENT HOUSE FOR THE FAMILY WITH ALL THE COM FORTS OF HOME. Thess elegant I room unfurnished apartments which are now, completed, are situated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes' walk of tha business center. Reservations may be made from own DESK ROOM, bright, cheerful office, partly furnished, front of elevator. tOft Henry bid. . HOUSES, VEHICLES. ETC It) j BIO BARGAINS IN tO CHEAP HORSES 40 AND UPWARDS. All kinds and welshts of horses and mares, weighing from 100 to 1100 lbs.. several cheap team horses will be rutin now. Id hsnd. Ill Everett U. tilt. 600 SACKS 1 cents eaoh. Ill's?, llth at : , 1 - LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 ROWBOATS II-foot cedar boats t oraer lis: nrsi ciass wora. x. naa. eison, rofij ni nrninmii st WANTED MXSCELIiANEOUl - S hitched, pulled and warranted accord- wr pat the has nrtea fo n ingly -"owing a fres trial Call and b. rM, .nd We'lT.e buy convinced at stable, 605 Alder st More household roods Call Main ill value for your monoy than any stable : in Portland. WANTED People of Portland to know mat i pay te highest cash Briea for er on premlaes or by phone- it. A-654 LILLIAN APARTMENT HOU r.n nl.t. famllv Aiitftt eAnalattnflp Af I handsome blocky-bullt horse. Harry, age ?d household goods. K. M. 8 years, weight 1076 lbs., as sleek and Sea tor, 4 Russell East lilt. Slim Mach n sts' Ton s Wantfid main i . drive or to care for day or-night. In I L-711, Journal. fact he la a perfect family pet, attracts KAtT hide auotion' tohhara w&ni IA TSE attention wherever seen, elthar In or IVIIa .f.- K"vlrii.t7 Cor. Ith and Mnntromarv ta. out of harness: Is a arand roadster o( ... i. i.,, w lirC." '17. -"Za 1 '-1..11 -ill. , n.. I ttiicii you rent wnj nni tfcum I i ' . . v. . . . . w "ll'rruia ui.k,.i ...... II j the comforts of home our 2 end 1 der the saddle: also new harness and T8?iLh''J pr'C ??lJ0r, "jH3 room suites will aive you such all new hard-cushioned rubber-tired open I "Ba .r'"nr.r' . mac Ban tear, loggerf outside rooms with disappearing bed a, buggy, latest pattern; also whin and. ooi". ievin narowaro to., i fTont couchea. free private phono (Pacific! halter, together with near -English rid- BE WISE; get more for your second and complete housekeeping outfit. In Ing saddle and bridle, and to purchaser hand furnltrr by selling It to Ford fact, every convenient, no carfare. We I will allow two weeks' trial to test him Auctlci Co.. til 1st. Main till. A-2448 nanenge any one to duplicate me in every way. pneo n u. wr BUY CLOTHING EVERYTHING by calling 606 Alder st Highest price raid for men's, ladles' .vnTiionntrvrBii eastof f clothing, shoes, M. 1080, 290 1st M-j, mui i j.un, ynuiiv ivij, ymjm Anne. n'.7f hvT breeching harneas. Thla team tit Hawthorne eve. Seater Martin. i ear i I sain anw kind n r nil sit nsaawsa. nil mini ft. m a hi i , be seen to 6e appreciated;' price, allow- WE DON'T ttk what you want for your lease, long ln-. trl.i 226. 606 Alder st furniture., We make cash offer. M-1144. rtmenta: I r 1 1 ' r- suites at our prices. THE NEW CHETOPA ANNEX. 18TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. New 4 storv concrete bulldlns: a few "IT" room apartments. fur- . w1w1,.K, Mlin mr, -.i-,. highest cash price for furniture. nisnen and uarurntshed: new furniture. ..i y ." . e.. . ,t i . i 11 t 1 modern electrte .i.viVor hardwoon 1 ZJOO lbs. a sna years, aaxa cnoamui. a ir.i aioving picture maonine. floora, wall beds, phones and all mod- ry '"'r'J-'..."'' ' lL' ' 1 " "-' ern improvements; will bs open Sunday. Apply to the Chetopa on ism st., near rianoers. APARTMENT house for term: has 4 4 rooms of IS ana rent 14.66 per room It Is Just com- pjr .oai bUck mares with new set AUTOMOBlXES-MOTORCYCLES 44 i iiiiMi M i" niouerii ronyen- ,MVy harness, both 8 years old, weignt i'iiiti i rial are louna in me newest oin iv.. This lum mill wnrU n a r . r apartment houses or tne city. For psr- and double and are fearlsss; price, al- beCOnCI ttanfJ USfi aeo t aier Mrps k q ani Mowing trial 1226. 606 Alder at . I STEARNS 1901. 7 naas.. I cvl Morrison. rnones H-1S44. Bast tZ. (A w - e.01 aonln flna eAnZ LOVEJOY APARTMENTS RANCHERS. ATTENTION. dltlon tltM 17th and Lovelov Sts. For sale at the low price , of SI S5, 1 CHALMERS 1110. 10. t naasL. it Completely furnished 2 and S mom I closely mated pair of mares, weight 2S0Q I h. p.. fully soulpned .......... 100t apartments. House Just opened. Take lbs., sound and kind, fine drivers and I PEERLEFS 1919. 7 paes., TUUy h. or 16th st cars. First class eervioe. good sure pullers, witn new nsrness, an. I equipped, good buy 1501 Free rhnne and private bath In each allowing trial. 1185; also farm wagon. MAXWELL 2 cyl.. 6 fast), tot. apartment. -Fhone Main 216. now, 116; this outfit must be sold asl quick sale 421 FOR RENT 8 light huTekeeplng Owr eaves Portlsnd this wee K. o -T W C rooms on tha east side, walklna- dla- Alder st Mr. Hewesoutflt CADILLAC 1101. I pass.. 10 h. TAKB NOT1CB. IP-, runy aquippsa.reps.iniM ,. ISO rooms on tha east side, walkln dis tance, ln private family. This Includes heat, light and water, t back rooms for J lie. or z DacK rooms and a large front room for 1 8. Call 111 Corbett pldg. BCrCK i cyL. I pas, fully WEST SIDE, walking dlatance, 6-room apartment and sleeping porch. 11x20. east and north view; hot water heat, hot and cold water service: dlsannear- lng bed, fireplaces, linoleum, gas stove, all screened. 625ft Montgomery. WEST SIDE; walking distance; l-room apartment and sleeping porch, 11x20; east and north view; hot-water heat; not and coia water service: new and modern; ail screened. 626 ft Mont gomery st. T hava IS head of blockv-bullt vounsl oaulnnad 411 mares, weighing from 1100 lbs. to 1106 PIERCE It 10. evL. II h. I lbs., all are well broken, single and ., A-l condition .'. Sn0t double and good true workers. 606 Alder. BUICK Model 10, 4 cyl. runabout i witn top euv k vhp nid mare unhrokan. weis-ht The owners of these ears hava ft 1060 lbs., very handsome. Pries 178. 605 thorn wltk us for sale, they having ppr Alder chsjed 1111 Plsrck-Arrow or CaCIlIao cars, our list of need earn is con vi.nnt rnnMri hiioT- with nni. and I tlnusllv chanains. It will nav VON harta hun naaH v.p llttla at mirchaa. to Investigate. efs own price. 60S Alder st fOVET MOTOR CAR CQMPANT AWt QUI V1IV, A-4S87. list and Wash, ata, WE can furnish your nome at a great saving. , Sea us before purchasing elsewhere. M. Ostrow ft Co.. 14-11 N. Id st Complete honsefurnlslters. Hea sonable prices. Easy terms. FOR RENT. 6 room house, 883 E. Irving St., cor. Morrison. up, transient FURNISHED rooms, 18 60c up. 381 Yamhill. FURNISHED and housekeeping, rooma, newly furnished, at 776 Ollsan. WOULD like lady to share apartment Reaaonable, first class, A-4657. 7 Clean light room, electricity, phone, walking distance. 403 7th. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. We are offering choice outside rooms, hot and cold water, free bath and phone, $2.60 per week and up. Osborn Hotel, 21ft Grand ave. Eat 6819. K. 29th; rent 122.60: gas. hot and' cold water and bath. 60S McKay bldg. A 2213 or Main 1201. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, CLOSE IN, $20. 1 .block to car. near Jefferson high school. Fred W. German, t2B Burnslde. M. or A-2771. FOR RENT 5 large pleasant rooms, upstairs, 110 per mo., including water. Apply 229 E. 49th, between Hawthorne and Belmont Phone Tabor 523. 6-ROOM house, modern, newly finished Inside, $22. Inquire at house. Easy walking distance. East Washington and fith st. COTTAGE, 6 rooms and bath, reasona ble. Inquire 748 Water st, between Porter and Wood. TWO nice furnished rooms for gentle men, private. $1.76 per week. 335 Union ave.. corner E. Mill; walking distance. WELL furnished room ln private fam - lly. -Modern conveniences, walking distance, delightful view of city and river. 390 Larrabee st. L car. PLEASANT outside room, $7 month. 464 ft E. Burnslde near Eighth. Bath and phone. East 6202. FURNISHED rooms, private family, nrltfi hrftnlrfnlt f3 73 Tin r nr.alf aranA location. 331 Broadway. East 233i. FURNISHED rooms, $6 per month; clean and comfortable. 443 E. Davis near 7th. THE aAYOSA, modern rooms reason able. Grand ave. and fcast Stark St. UNFURNISHED ROOMS JO $10 FIVE room oottage, 20 minutes out, W W car. 809 Powell. Inquire rear of store. ORDERLEIGH apts.. cor. Grand av. and "harness soma I Hrii East Stark st. New, fireproof brick i'fSn assortmint o7 alnale building, beautifully furnished, two && SfS0"?!? kiSds o? 2 thraa mnm anartmenta nrlv.l. to .AU Kin?" .f three room apartmenta, private bath. rree pnone, not ana coia water, ice box, no car fare. Summer rates. East 100. THE MKINLEY. 429 East Morrison, corner of 7th st. High grade furnished 3. 2 and 4 room nvit i.vate baths- Best Mrvlc' is;: wigo-ns' 7nr.; HARNESS AND SADDLES. I have juat purchaaed at a very low I BTEVENS-DURTEA t cyl.. Bosch dual price a large lot of heavy sewed trace system, demountable rims, tort, banker ngni Qouoie ann wina snieia; just . overhauled; lino. a nirnni inim iirmi. Stock. English. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILlo CLH"ARrN 1 Army saaaie ana pnaies. uau u you HOUSE, want a snap. 606 Alder st. Ith and Msdlson Sts. THE MURPHY Horse ft Mule Co.. and I Main III. Phones. A-lltl Hawthorne Avenue Btables sail on commission horses and moles of all I txt nrm ....a ... . w.. !..... e .ar InaVI Int.. alaa h.,a. " .v,'?..rr7 tM rjjarunaj. w af . r " i tne rouowing: Ths only THE WESTMINSTER Nicely furnished regular auction sales every Tuesday at . and unfurnished arjartmenta 3 min utes from poe toff Ice. 262 6th. Main 6582. -CAMAR APARTMENTS 704 Loveloy; one elegantly furnished 4 room apartment and two 3 room. Mar- horn. 2 p. m. Private sales every day. 420 Hawthorne avenue. Phones East 71; B 1869. . - ,. HORSES and mules, good assortment always on hand. Thomson ft Male- shall 1916. commission salesmen. Union Stockyards. North Portland. Or. Phone THE Oneonta Apartments Well fur- woodlawn 1400. : nisned z ana s room apartments; hot GOOD family horse, rubber tired bug and cold water; both phones and bath; rates reasonaoie, ibi ivtn st. THE STANLEY APARTMENT8. Furnished or unfurnished anartrrienta. Modern equipment Tul Washington it main ysos, MAHR apartments, elegantly furnish comforts of home, private phones an taths, elevator private plaground for eminren. zzn in. zotn st, Marshall 1018. JUW IWII1IJ Ulll, IUUU.I 111VU UU( 2816 18th St.. 8. E. End of Hawthorne! avo. canine. waiK l block west z south. 2400 POUND young team' - and new wagon and harness, must sell before Friday, Take Oregon city ear to Jen nings Lodge. H. C. Palnton. 110 aore ranch, well located, frea of in cumbrance; will take horses as part nmMil Cilanda C!n1a 7t0 Hhunh.. nf HARRISON COURT, 894 6th Two and I commerce. tnree room unrurnisned apartments, all modern conveniences: most reason- aDie in tne city. Main 6148. A-7181. FURNISHED apartment for rent till I East 72. HORSES and buggies for rent by day. week and month; special rates to business houses, fith and Hawthorne. Deoemher 1. cheerful rooma shall 1435. Mar- PASTURE for stock, Ladd'a Canyon farm. Rates 10c ner da v. Three NORDICA apartments, cor. Belmont nd nilles west of courthouse on Canyon Grand ave. 1 and 2 room furnished road, j apt's.; free light, heat, bath, phono. LIGHT covered wagon for rrocerv. FURNISHED apartments, 614 Jefferson laundry or any use; good condition; st. Main 543Z. cheap. Z57 Chapman st. FOR RENT 7 room house,, furnished or unfurnished. 929 Knott St., Irving ton. $18. . A 6 ROOM bungalow, modern, $18. Take Montavllla car to 70th at. office. . Jonesmore FOR RENT 4 room tent on 2 lots, 15. Q. Gehrig, 41st ave. S. East 4806; take Woodstock car to Ivanhoe station. 7 ROOM house, new, very modern, block and half from car, rent cheap. 1099 'East 24th north. FOR RENT Well furnished seven room house. Phone Main 2380, or Main 6412; or call at 563 6th St. NEW t room modern house, nice yard. 774 2d st Apply next house, 223 Grover st. FOR RENT 6 large pleasant rooms, upstairs. 110 per .mo.. Includlnr water. Apply 229 E. 49th, between Hawthorn d Belmont Phone Tabor 623. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 CHOICE board and room ln nleaannt homo, walking distance, single 125. double $2X60. ISO Hail st FIVE room bungalow, walking distance, east side, 125. 606 Lumbermens bldg. Phone Eaet 3678. FURNISHED house for rent. Phone East 162 or call 443 Hawthorne: no agents, ueorge aicurosKey. FOR RENT FLATS HTMflT,7! dellvnrv wflinn for anle- i,a,1 13 i six weeks, or will trade for first class cow; have no Use for it. Phone E. 4084. TOR?Mn .j?2SJ2?er"tt TWO express wagons, cheap. . wwea.a.avaa, v U StilU UTCICIV. AUIIl! ZBtll St. IN, UVI Ua.iT, 1100 E. 1 1810 40 HT P. Bnick surrey. : 'I 1 1909 40 H. P. Bulck- surrey. V 1 1910 25 H. P. Bulck toy tonneau. i iiu zn jt. f. Huick runabout- 1 1911 II H. P. Bulck runabouts 1 1911 10 H. P. Bulck runabout s' All of the abova have extra, equipment and are in first class msohanloavl condi tion, guaranteed by us. . ALSO 1 Pope Hartford touring cp. 1 Monitor truck. HOWARD AUTOMOBILB COMPAXT, Paolflo Coast Distributors Bulck Auto- mobiles. 7th and Couch sts. WHITE gas ear. fully equipped. 4Ps senger, detachabla tonneau. Prlo 11600. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLEAJttNO HOUSE th and Madison St. Main m. Phones, A-l 21 4. FOR SALE t cyiinder. B0 H. P.. f pas senger Thomas Fiver, beat of order: cost 11500; will sell at great sacrifice tnis weK. Besides this we have many others. See Nance A TTnrlhurt. ill Front st TOURIST t cycle roadster, aa rood as nasri 4ia aaaVa..UJ ale "yy, juni vTcninuieu, rncfl oou. PORTLAND AUTOMOBn.E CLEARING Ith and Maoiann Sta." " i! ' ' Main 892. i Phones. . : i A-tlt(.! room A 1400 lh. worlr horsa in tradA fnr Aviv. nai, in horse. 484 East stark s"t. FOR RENT Beautiful 6 completely modern, walking distance, WBttff ''T..m i hC.l- i4' ISO per month. Inquire 255 E? 6th st. K jc-Ham" t horsea 11' r "'' .. : inacnaam at, rjn nam ruur ruum iiat, patn, eiec- pt-i trio lls-htS. IIS. rail 7HI' P.lmnnt I BIG trie lights. 115. Phone East 3602. young delivery horae. 182 E. 34tb. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 $12, FIVE roomed, modern, upper flat MODERN 4 room flat near 33d and Pearson, box 17. R. F. Waahlnrton. reasonable. A-7627. 8NAP $25, 6 room modern flat, new house, walking distance. 289 Caruth- Main 8988, 1 bard, Or. pigs for $20; also 50 $5 each. ' Wise ft u. no. i, Hub- TO FOR RENT A large house, fine loca tion; west side- rent $60 per month. M. E. Leo, $11 Corbett bldg. 4 ROOMS for rent J12.76. 19th and Pettygrove. Inquire 293 N. 18th. $7.60 New 2 large room house, Gregory Heights. T Main 7267. FOR RENT New 6-room bouse, mod ra. lilt S. Sherman at ,.4' 1 THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock choice stock,- special rates per Heiiwoon mt,1 12 -HEAD Jersey and Guernsey milk cows, average teat S per cent butter rat.. K. f. Kasmuesen. uorbett. Or. FOB RENT 4 room flat $10; use of pnone ana water included, lov Aioerta i t'sVA : M1?" ' 2 YOUNG, fresh Jersey-Holstein cows, UP-TO-DATE 6 room cottage, close In, very choice, heavy milkers, good teat $22.50. Phone Main 7167 or East 2173. 96 E. 30ttn cor. Wasn. , 8-B oar. $11 3 room flat 820 Vaughn st BUFF and White Orpington eggs cheap . now. Murphy; have great stock. Sell- FURNISHED FLATS . 80 wood 1130. ' JiSTtTT "7T,,T"'"" "" ONE of the finest Jersey cows you ever NEWLT furnished 4 room flat, walking saw to exchange for horse. 484 East distance; no children. 447 Bth st. Stark st. - -. ' $10 Four room furnished flat, largo FINE fresh cow tor aaie. 221 SouU INDIAN MOTfSnvrT.jh 1 Twin 6 h. p., 1911 model, only two 51.1th", oM C08t 2'1 wU1 sacriftca for .r pruiinu uiua. main ia. pD auto tires Iftc'per lb. delivered; Inner tubes 20c. V also buy eopper, brass, aluminum and solid tires. Leve. 186 rolumbla. " Main lilt. Springs guaranteed, VI1:N, 15th . gTouno. ill Fatten road. Mala 4529, Main at. Lenta. WANTED to exchange a 6 pasaenger Maxwell In good condition, for runs." bout and some cash, or for real estate and cash. 6,0 E. Stark. . FOR SALE 7 h. p. Indian motorcycle,,; nearly now. Will sacrifice for quick PBie. Montavma garage. Tabor P6Z. THREE lots and $600 mortgago to ex--change for automobile, C.fL. Bamber ger, Room ., Lumbermens bldg.. 1)AN8. WANTED FY ti 0 WANT $1500 AND llboo1 JMPROVEX) t PER CENT TOs PRIVATE PA RTT. E. a EASTON, 202 BOARD OF TRADB. FOR SALE A-l bank stock, local bank. i 0flw.Uan4bld,. . J A .6, -V l ,t-;