THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, -. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY- EVENING. JUNE 28.- 1911. 17 01 "asajW New. 4nodern 8 room bungalow,' with large reception halt Mid bullt-ta aeat ana cieatc room, living roomwitn ure piace and built-in bookcase, paneled dining room, beamed celling', new model buffet Dutch kitchen, linen clot floored attic, camant baaement laundry traya. tin tad walla, three bedroom fin Uhed In whlta enamel, cement walka around houaa. Three blocks fro na Haw thorn and thra blocka from Mt- Tebef ears. , , v ,... Price $2800 ' -. $300 CASH.' r. . . v: f f GEO, A, ROSS ' n vnr and Builder. Main $170;. , $01 Gcrllnger bldg. . ia ana Aiaer, 8UNNY8IDE BAROAINS. . ' it e. Main. room cottage, modern. It ADA tanni - - inn v. Main. 'room ' houaa. 11(00. 111 E 14th,' room houaa. saw, all modern; 14000. Term a, $100 easn, belanoe to ault. . - $74 E. Morrison, 7 room houaa. wall improved. 14000, terma to ami. - fill Tl -1 . a baam, tlAIIM HIMlM. ill. oriuivnti v .wvm. " " " below value. 14000. Cah $1500. balano I0 a montn and intereet. 110 E. Yamhill, I room houaa, modern. Price $6000; easn iiooo. . --Merchants . Savings & Trust Company-. r $5500, -Special Bargain Thla la a atticUr modern room houaa with hardwood noore - dewnstalre, - furnace, fireplace. 7 combination fixture, waah traya. full baaoment; near 24th and ' Clackamaa. Holladay Park addl- , tlon.i Now completely furnished. and will throw In furniture If . taken at once. ' Eaay terma to , right parties, MoCargar, Bates . Lively, 101 Teon bldg. - v: $1350 ; $135 Cash 111 PER MONTH, INCLUDING INT. cement sidewalks, Pull Run watar. all la and paid for. . t - - Call er phone GREGORY INVESTMENT CO.. 411 Corbett Bldg.. Marahall 667.-A-244. , IRVINOTON RESIDENCE Xuat completed and ready for ooeu- paney, I rooms, hardwood floora down- ataira, rioora rinisnea upstairs, nana eemely finished woodwork, Dutch kitch en cement baaoment, furnace, 1 flre places, llrhtlns fixture, ahadea. large attlo, facea eaaC'lot 60x100 feet, hard urfaea pavement, on - carline; price 16600, terma $3000 cash, balance on motivate. . - H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. llJ-tll Commercial Club bid. , Phonea Main S, A-tB. V AitbtRkdvt ' VANDER80N BUNGALOWS Amoner the fir traea of ML Tabor. with a frand view of Mt. Hood. Tlat at and E. SUrk. Take Mt. Tabor car. Alao a two etory I room houaa, 1268 Hancock at, between 4td and 44th ata. Will take rood lot aa flret payment TONY O. ANDERSON. , Builder, '-401 Lewta bld. ' Marahall 126, ; 1100 cash, balance eaay payments, will buy a beautiful bungalow In Roae City Park; rooms, new, modern In every detail, on corner lot; living room, dining room, music room, 1 Bleeping rooms, Dutch kitchen!1""" very handsomely, fln lahed; hardwood floora. fireplace, fur nace: one block from car. Prioe 14100. It will pay you to investigate. McAl lister it Luedilemann, 121 Eleetrlo bldg. Phones Marahall xwi. or A-aszP "i-2 CHOICE EAST rTl!5ECORNEB, 10x10012000 CASH. Improved with a splendid I room houae full cement baaement with floor, good furnace,, gas, electric light very conveniently arranged. Thla la a fine apartment alte and there la room for house left. I will aell this 11000 under the market and give easy terma. Adi dress owner. A-720, Journal. Bungalow and Lot " Only $1500 Corner and 6 room modern home; por celain bath, toilet, "sink, etc. Eleetrlo wired, plastered, tinted. 1 26 J cash, bal ance till per month. It will go quickly. Clone- to Roaa City Park car. James C. Logan, 811 Spalding bldg. , ? Must Sell This Week NT 100 CASH, BAL. 115 MO. ' New S room mooern Dungraiow, cioae In. fine neighborhood, have I57B equity I am forced to aell for best offer. Take lot or anything of value. This Is a snap. See It at once; see owner, 81 10th, near Btark. fiOB HILL RESIDENCE, MODERN1 IN trVVPV BRSPECTi . EIOHT ROOMS Fbn SALE HOUSES . trail pftTrnnntffcP hixtn flT.nuiPtvn PfYRCw. HiRnwnnn fir-nfma. cement basement, fur nace, ! FIREPLACES: FACES BAST; IMffROVEMENTa IN- FBICJS $18,000; TERMS. C V. EVERETT, SPALD INO BUILDINO. Rose City Park Why do you pay rent when you can buy my new beautiful bungalow, lot 60x100, shade trees, lawn 10 feet park ing. Improvements In and paid for: In vestigate this. Call up Main 4144, fore . noons from 10 to 1 . o'clock, also call Notice Read ' ' And than lnreafigate. If raa ara locking for a NEAT, MODERN Flva room bungalow, one that the'own - er will guarantee In every respect, ?hone WT H. Ray, owner, Woodfawn 000. . -' : TT: OH. YOU NEWLYWEDS! A swell little 6 room bungalow, gas .range and heater, full cement floor and tuba In baaement, full lot roues;' 1 block to ear. $2860; easy terma. Fred W. German, 128 Burnaide. M. or A- ipORTLAND HEIGHTS" BUNQALOW ' v 8 rooms, corner lot, 100x100, houae flyaar old, haa full cement baaement horch, In fact, everything that could k. raaaonablv expected for the verv low price of." $6200; -terms. Fred W. Ger man. I2 BumSICW. M. or A-877f, $20 MONTHLY. - HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. . 7 rooms and den, .sleeping porch, fire place, rurnace, gas ana eiectno xixtures, built-in buffet and , bookcases, mirror, etc. Cah $400. ,- v.. NATIONAL REALTX A TRUST CO., 826 'fr wasn et.. room ei. wain hh, 825 DOWN, $12 per month,- buya the best new 6, room bungalow; bath, hot and cold watery 40x100 lot H block from car. Price 11860. . Ed. Miles, own er. 4th house south on Main at, Lents, M-Scott car.' A ONE house and two lota,, on oorner, house recently built, 12x28 brick flue and other Improvements; near Wlnklea' ietore, weat aide. . :v Price $488. : Harvey KaMKA Pal, a. Hl. . , ' - ... ..... . . i , i ,i - , - FOR AL LOTS 10 1660-Comer 60x100 on Flska at Phones " Woodlawn 103, czooav " ' . . IN'H lot in central Albina for aale by owner. Phone B-140L Si t 10 The new iownalte ' of Roohaater la located in the heart of a vaet rich val ley rifht at the Junotlon of three treat fail road a, completed- and running dally tralna. Rocheater la to have a NEW ELECTRIC LINE. Pour rollee of thla line are completed and oar are run nine;. Rallroada and eleetrlo llnea will build up a town Quicker than anything lae-and Roohaater la well eupplled. ' ' . YOUR OPPORTUNITY J ltLBVEL. CLEARED LOTH 121, While they laat we wtU aell laveL cleared lota eloae to etorea. achool. de pot and right at the junction of theaa railroad at only 2B eaan. on eaay terma. Think of It A new town where II peeeenger tralna atop every day and an eleetrlo line building. A town where factory, homea and bualnaaa houeee are ' NOTICE When wa pat thla townalte on the mamet we aet aaioe a number or iota tl be aold at a SPECIAL) OPENING PRICE.- Thla number baa been aold and the prlcea will be put where they ought to be, but In order to give our customers a chance to bring la their frlenda and give othera who have ' been reading our ada and haven't had time to Call at our office an opportunity to get aome or tneee level, cleared iota nn( eloae to. depota and railroada.wa will con tinue to aell then at the opening price ror rour more oaya ana JULY FIRST -PRICES WILL RAISE 50 PER CENT Thoee who bur before the oiicea are raieeu are tne onea tnat win maae tne big profit Buy today and let noma one pay yem thla profit. Oet a location that win be In demand. Don't wait until the beet are gone. Call or writ for booklet Wa are owners, not agenta, and we aell on small . oarmenta. Warranty deed and free abstract of title. Office open evenlnaa until I. AMERICAN HOME INV, C0r 1016 Chamber of Commerce On Stark, between Id and 4th. ST- SELL Chance to Double Money I or lota on 1 2d at: atreat aradad city water, two blocks from new ear- line, half block from I atorea: lota acroae theTatreet ar aelling for twice our price. If taken at once $160 per jot. aooui one nair caan, balance eaay paymania. 1011 Chamber of Commerce. Lots, $150 110 DOWN. IK A MfYVTTT Come out at once ahd look over these beautiful lota In Fern Park, Inside city limit a. Bull Run water, ttf car fare. Close to carline; no building reetriotiona, lota all cleared, level and free from atonea. Take MV car to 0th at WIDELL WILSON. 1001 E. Ollsan at. Phono Tabor ITI. SOUTH PORTLAND. Buslneas lots an Macadam atreet at a low price, on your own terma. Merchants Savings & Trust Company MT. TABOR RESIDENCE SITE 80x110 feet on E. Taylor at, near West are., high and sightly; a bargain at the price. $8500. HTp PALMER-JONES CO., - tll-211 Commercial Club, bldg." A Rose City Park Bargain lot for $660. Exceptionally good view and eloae to carline. Terms to suit C. DE YOUNO, 482 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " LAURELHITRST LOTS 100x100 feet, on E. Irving st; facea south; a beautiful home site: price t0WV, ivriiiM. x H. Pz PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club. bldg. r-imnrs main. . A-ZBBI. On Mt. Tabor Car Line, $860 Up.' TERMS $26 DOWN. $10 A MONTH. This la view property and finest of garden soil, no better offering on the narket O. L. Webb Real Estate Co., 414 E. Stark st. $10 Down, $10 Per. Month Fine view lot. matured fruit irua- restricted district near car, cement walka. Bull Run water, fruit eared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade Diag. Aiarsns.ii 471. A-10Z2 $3 Down, $3 a Month Buys fine lots tn Haseldell. Inside city limits, near tn-y car line ana new Mt Hood electric now building right by thla property. Price $166 up. Open Sunday. WEBB, 414 E. Stark. Cor. E. th. $3000 Piedmont $3000 comer Mallory and Alna worth, 100x iv. wain a er avi ueriinger Bldg., $100 FOUR lota." level and cleared. splendid Investment; will sell the four for $100; terms. Owner. 1010 Chamber VEtjomniflrce, tils KACHf "v. art inrn a $6 monthly. Fred W. German, HI Burnslde, M. or A-2776. ft Tot on L oar Una, $621. Muat mail at a uuwlflt.& 1 02 Falling bldg., Id and Washington, FORCED to aell my lot in Weatmore. f! naif block to car line; east Phone Woodlawn 776. $676 60x108 on Blandena at, terms $16 aown, paiance easy payments. Phone Sown, b owner, Woodlav ACREAGB 67 Ten Acres Walnnt annla rharvv anA .u, b ""S" ar "v - j avjas . fine location for chicken ranch; best shot soil, all cleared and in eron: Una fine; well drained; close to station and boat landing: will sell on verv eaav terms; price ssuuv. . owe air. utrr, 11 6th St EXCELLENT condition and finest loca tion in world, for chicken ranch or fruit farm. 10 miles from Portland, $200 caah, balanoe wllLpsy for itself v JGAUJuR WATSON, Main 8611. 610 LewU bldg- i ACRES at Roseburg, 4 year old ap ; plea, Spits and Newtown. $400 per gcr. Call quick. 10 aore tracts at Estacada; 47 aerea in body. Will aell to suit customer. Set to commercial apples. A. L. Stone, wooaiawn zeot. worning ana evening, DON'T miss thia acre, 4 room box house, 6o fare, lovely garden, pota toes and . other truck too numerous to mention. Price $800; $600 cash. Phone Tanor zoo, 1. I, 8 and 10 acre tracts, close in, good electric car service, $108 to 1266 tha acre; big values, easy terms. Call, phone or writ ua NOW. J. W. Heffer- lln Realty Co..- oi cofDett bldg. ONE lot New Astoria, 6 aerea. near ocean beach, mile south Ft Stevens. Value tlioo. Will trade for all or nart Bur. FOR SALE LOTS 07 , Acreage and Small Homes aerea highly wellefeneed. aft . ... . A W . a J ff in .crop, an ainaa oil fruit good I room house with splendid well of w&ter at door, aood woodhouae. 'I wi ehlokanhouae and barn, an A-4 Jersey cow, about 00 chickens ana an rop go with place. Just V4 mile from the achool in a good valley town and cloee to Portland. Thla la the beat home la Oregon today for the price Will only take one arty to thla plane, the first one WlU Buy It . rrlca Itzte; terma, U aerea, joins elty limits of good valley town, all la cultivation, hi acre In bearing orchard, " good variety of fruit, all la orop, good rich aoll, good well, email houae, barn and chicken houae, In a beautiful country. Ira a I fine horn and cheap. Prioe $2201. acres, Jolna Eleetrlo addition an United Railways. This la a beautiful pleoe of land and Ilea fine, all In out tlvatlon, no other Improvements. Owner I oougni tnia ror -a noma out .naa aeen called away and now waata to aell, Price III per arre. Neal Hrowa. too 8 wetland bldg JU and Washington sta. liuLLAbAt PARMA Om i.CaU6B TRACTS. . Holladay aerea are aelling fast In the laat 80 day a over 140 acres have oeen sold in email tracts, nearly ev eryone who eeee these tracts buya, be cause they are the beat valuea of any acreage tract on the market tributary ta Portland. Think fit It, three elaotrie llnea to Portland in the near future, besides river tranaportatton, as wa have a mi la's frontage on a navigable river. On the eleetrlo llnea It will be ona hour to Portland, situated in the moat beauti ful part of Yamhill county, the cream of weatern Oregon. Thouaende of acres of nrofltabl orchards, nardena ana hap py homea In the immediate viotnlty. It fa difficult to find a dissatisfied man la this locality. No elasa of property la advancing wjth such rapid strides as acreage in the vicinity of Portland It will continue to advance. Thla-le positively a ground floor prep osition, uo wita ua ana see inia acre age. Prices only 8110 to 8208 an acre for cleared land, all In cultivation, and on very easy terma. Lumbermen's bldg., Sth and SUrk, "OREGON'S GARDEN SPOT SHORT DISTANCE FROM PORTLAND Theaa $ and 10 acre garden tract aonalat of rtrh black aandv loam aoll. moatly river bottom land, land la cleared ACTtEAGB ana piowea, partly in cultivation, auo- mower, new drill. 2 plows, harness cui Irriaated. excellent drainage; this land tlvatora 1 discs cream aanarator 8 aeU ii ftpermiT pnwuciiYt w wurj, ir- asua. onions, cauliflower, etc $300 to $400 Per Acre SMALL CASH PAYMENT DOWN BALANCE t YEARS AT I PER CENT This la the cheapest good land on Mim IU.M-KVI, uu . " . vw.. - vl need; call and make appointment to tne mantet; aee it ana you n oe con- go out In our automobile. Garden Land Co. 40T-8-8 Merchants Trust bids. Main 84&T " A-28J7. CQOrn . . . . w AVnii7ct,on. J TV?r rTL ?, and road running eaat to Durham ata- tlon on Oregon Electric, both county SVfl A m uabw sink anil naa a I 1 lar f I awat a aXi . r ' j.w.. v...--. choice berry land, half mile from Tual- atln river, 8 mllee from Tlgard atation. improveo iana an arouna, win cut ini s iiiiwiM wra iracia. jtttm. um iv " uu hub vary anairmuin uinca. IHVEHTltBWT tju.. E. Quackenbuah, Prea. lt eiara at. 5 Acres Near Portland won't last; better call early. A. K. VAUUMAW, 604 -Teon Bldg. Phone Marahall I486. For Sale by Owner SIX aerea, good land, 10 minutes walk from Mt Scott carline; In J rowing district; 60 fare; will aell .or $860 an acre; can make ap pointment to aee by calling Tanor 1410, or Main 1T4I. Aak for Barnea. r n r. 1 ; ?c rr rice Right, Terms to Suit m...l.?nM.. iri-.Ho k... i. rich, mellow aoll. easy driving distance -V IT.-r'. .'r.-r-HT; liiwnr .Ii" ?Th iZreSS from Portland, all highly improved , ana In crop, of which buyer gets one third; figure for youraelf what crop la worth; $276 per acre, only 10 per cent caah. balance easy. A. E. VAUGHAN. Marahall I486. 804 Teon Bldg. Small Tract Truck Farms 1, 2, 8, 10 and 20 acres eaeh, eloae in and beet of soil, no rock, gravel or hillsides and accommo dated by 2 carl I nee; $260 to $600 per acre on monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 102 4th at. A-2608. CHICKEN and fruit ranchee near Port- running water" best aoll, ree wood. aim i nt rim I land, walking distance to gooa town, m mm and handy to electric station, achool. "IKthrSiiin STnlsTrnm ohuroh. etc.. all highly Improved and In me ff SFa0' ifi'lSfuffof potato;.. Thla la the very fineet of 2"! ?yVwUE ' VLW. i Zt deep black aoll. We wUl aell It for 8260 .DJi le!.J?r,S ""fi' i us" Ve per acre and retain the crop, or JlOO S.l,?li!fB',Vhis 7. a rlr! bla river and now peaka, 2 aerea $260; fine; good pair of young horses, har I aerea $800; 10 aerea $600; 10 per cent nesa all new machinery, tools, etc.. cash, eaay paymenta. other tracts near chlokena, cows and everythlrig goes for rallwav station 826 to 840 Per acre. FRANK WFARLAND REALTY CO., 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland, FOR SALE FARMS IT 355 Acres, $22 Per Acre lg aa,a mS tha raaW kaall 4Wlr and dairy ranohas In Oregon? There are 866 acres 86 aerea Of creek bottom r MttnM mil I Umber, over lOVo Saw timber. Seven springs, one Pined tn tha house, anomer to tne earn, neau- i -n ttfui 7 room plastered houae. colonial I ...... t--m 7Kvi in nr. nr nuinni n. ins ' everything In first claas khape. Price $22 per acre; $6000 caah, balance to ault or will accept house and lot in jroruana 10 u ov, Just 180 miles south of Portland. Portland to value $8500; balance oasn. I Hargrove & Sons 111 N. 6th C cor. 6th and Ollsan. Main 4881, A-7269. FARM AND CROP. A A HUES. 850 AN ACRE. $0 acres fine red ahot soil In Lane county. 7 mileswest J"n0" V,"y -KRJltt irvm , v- k t.Vm-VC announce will be completed by January A. IV lata ' OU M;in Ul ' vwfa,vn, ww HfJ ifJB m Va aj8TV A at W wveti eaisj a- a v. a.awav t Yif, l0Zll ; ,X,,.r and machinery ahed. considerable innia and machinery, all go at this I prtel $260 "ah Twill handle fr bal- ..mmiv terms. Lands within I miles I are eeUIng from $160 to $200 1A small IT tracts, ror orcnaras ana gsraena. i n la a rare opportunity to seeure a small I farai at a low price. Let ua ten you more about it ' Lumbermens Bldg.,- 6th and. Stark. FOR SALE 200 aerea with 60 head of cattle. A. uauagner, una, uncoia county. Or. , . . . 17 VYMNLL'fJUIM ' Qna mile south af North Yam k hill, on the best county road la ' the county. TO aerea in cultiva tion; II aerea la erope, wheat . , oata and clover: border on the Yamhill river; fenced and cross ' 'fenced In five different fields; timber ta oak; there aroee with the Slaoe one aora of land and aa -room house with bath room, pantry, and closets la fine condi tion; a good barn, woodhouae. Store house and chicken houeee, 41 bearing fruit treea of beat va rieties; berries of all kinds; cloee to poatoffice; the ana acre la one mile from the farm In tb edge of the towns fine schools, church es. ta; prloe for all 111,100 1 good terma. rter of a nfle from sta tion on Estaoada car line; It aerea la timothy and eleven I acres timber; buildings not much; all fine garden land; price $1400, 1808 cash and beJamoe yearly; in terest per oent m MGE Mi At Irving station on S. P. R. R Lane Co.. all In cultivation and crop; l-8d of crop goes with place If aold by July L 810 per acre, $5000 cash handlea thla place, bal ance) I per cent LEsfEY Room 812 Commercial Blk. Corner Id and Washington. THE RIOHT VALUE ON A FARM 120 aerea, 8 miles eaat of Carlton, Yamhill county. Oregon. 10 aerea In oata. 80 aerea In wheat 10 aerea In vetch and oats, 10 seres young orchard, 100 acres In cleared pasture land. 10 aerea alaahed, 10 aerea timber, aligntly rolling red ahot aoll, balance bottom land. 1 never faillna- anrlnaa. watar I DiDed to houaa and barn, flood l-room 1 bouse, 8 heme, wagon sheds, chicken houae, hog houae and other neceeaary I bulldln n mnA amrk tiorau 1 I colta, f cows, l bull. It hoga, binder. nevy narness, I driving harness, I double buggy, tools. Price. 1 wagon, lota of other includlnc crop, stock ana all Implements and toola. 8120 Will per acre: on eaay terma. Ill take In exchange a small place In Yamhill or Waahlngton county. Thla 1 jg m Ti&ki rexm oargi malat4 po.gMgion la a real farm bargain. Look it up. Im- QOWEN-IDR TRUST CO.. Lumbermens Bldg., 6th and Stark. 77 ACRES. 1 mile from town, small houae and barn. 16 under cultivation, fine apringa, a very fine view of town and Columbia river: will take city prop erty if prloe la right; good terma on balance. 1 A m9m mil,. fMm .M m M nlna water, beat of aoll. 7 In crop. an Ideal building spot overlooking the Columbia river and town. Price fl600. g00 jown ' 1S0 cre" 4Vj mttfm ,, town n . ... a sou, plenty or apringa, zo in oia meaa- ow.H Vrlce 826 per acre. Terma. Th are a few of the many plaoee w have come up and we will prove i to you tnat tnia la tne place you are I looking lOr. w. 8. HARVEY, Waahougal. Wash. OOOD SMALL FARM. 78 H acres, all prairie land, 80 acres home. Take the Shaniko train to Kent. Oregon, get off there and anyone oan tell you where the Jamee S. Shreeve homestead la; look It over; pay ua 810 per acre and take the place. Some terma Tf dealred. D. W. Whitlow. Woodland. Waah. lid ACRE farm, for aale. Northern Clark Co Wash., about 10 miles from Woodland or Yacolt amall houae and barn, about 100 bearing fruit treea; fine large creek through place; considerable bottom land, about 12 acres cleared; much more of It easily cleared; near mills, P. O. and achool. Fine for dairy, hoga or fruit $40 yearly income from right of way. Thia place la eloae to Portland and aa soon aa tne electric l,1B", bis in Talue. $6000 buya it on any reasonable terms; discount ror all oasn further particular aee owner, H. fi McEwen, 128 Front at Well Worth the Price 160 acres on Willamette river near Newberjr. SO acres in cultivation, and all In crop; about half of place bottom land. Place la in nign state 01 culti vation and all A-l aoll; good family orchard, fine 8 room houae and I good barns. There is a fine lot of stock and implementa and all crop goea with the place at the very low price of 2120 per acre. Can give beat of terms, would take house in Portland up to 23600 at cash value. Neal Brown, 708 Bwetland bldg., 6th and Waahlngton st. A Bargain 60 acre ranch, down Columbia river, 81.40 car fare from Portland: all plow land, fine aoll, splendid location, on fine ;T'h , neighbors: k mile to achool: croo looks few daya only at 23200. Claude Cole 730 Chamber of Commerce. 67 aerea near Tualatin atation. Id acres in beautiful growing orchard, bal ance standing timber, will make 1)00 oorda of wood. Terms 82JOO caah, bal ance on terma or trade in Portland prop erty. By owner. L-786, Journal. M ACRES. 8 mile, from Woodland, fin. orcnara or v oeanns; ireee; ju acres cleared. 20 more easy to clear, nearly H mile to store and poatoffice Ft. F. D.. '"Jmproved. harness; 2 large and 16 small pips; i iduul iv uiiivbwio. i i j m i v .a, 111 luuih nkM,- nUMtt, fo.m price $3500 and as little aa 81000 will nandle, D. W. Whitlow. Woodland, Waah. jo acres, 8 acres clear, 4 acres timber. enoush timber to pay half of the our chase price: rich soli, new 2 room house and furniture, good neighborhood four chicken houses, 8 dozen chickens, 2 dox. ducks, work house with new tools, wood shed, lara-e barn, good spring water and on a good road, t miles from depot; $76 per acre, cash. Otto Hage, box 16, la colt, Wash. NINE acres, 1 mile courthouse. Hllls boro, 3 aerea beaverdam, fine soil, running stream, main road, 6 room house and 2 room house, young orchard and berries, 8H acres cultivated. In garden, all goes 82750. easy terma. Owner B. Best. Hlllsboro. Or. 8160 CASH BUYS 11 ACRES of good level land, easv to clear, 12 e r a u k. a...MM V.... it - - "ilea from Portland, on. county road. gioa Tor truu. nerries, potatoes, garden ftna pIjlce to VMp chickens; price $1659 1 jkfL M V I1" f 2 - $12.50 Per Acre 10 acres. . 100 acre .tillable, large creek, several apringa. miles from Portland. 288 Waahlngton at Room 19. ; ; r FOR SALE BY OWNER. per ecra uan i, n acres snail:! Mind with exclusive water right for irrl- gation, good farm buildings, good out side range ror stocx. Aaaress box ZJS, Klamath Falls. Or. - COAST hllla for partly Improved farms. Fish and game, wild lands. 87 to $15 per acre. O. G. Dalabs, Elk City, Or. .; ; . FOIl SALjb FAIUIS TUALATIN mW ..nam uio 17 ."7- Realty Bargains ; ',v;. Hargrove & Sons 4 ACRE $1500 This' is a oheice piece of acreage, near Ftrland a tat ton on Mt toott line, alt tn cultivation, fenced and aet to berries; prloe $1800. 1100 down, balance monthly payments,.' Close Jn Corner at a Bargain At corner of Minnesota ave.. end Wil lamette bowtavard, tn walking dlatanoe. with beautiful view of the river and city, we have ane lot 80x100, and I fractional lots making a little better than 100 feet square; , gnod apartment Ite; now resident aaye aell it for $2000; pick thla up. ' " , T Chicken Ranch,1 $1300 This Is a eocv little home. 80 ml lee south of Portland, near Canby; there are aerea, . a acres in cultivation; rair room houae. barn and outbuildings. bearing fro It Personal property: Buggy and harneas. cow and aome ' chickens; price 1800, M cash, balanoe I per cent Hargrove fit bons N. 8th at, cor. $th and Ollean. Main 4881. A-7188. ' Here Is a Bargain 11 acres close to Oregon Elec tric and only 14 miles from heart of Portland. $ aerea under culti vation, partly In crop, 6 arres of standing timber, will out 1200 cords of wood. Good 6 room house, good barn and other out build in s. price 84600. Will trade for houae and lot In Portland. Must be caah price. - to acres close to La Center, Washington. Clarke oounty, to trade for city property. 13 aerea under cultivation, 10 acres more easily cleared, buildings are new, 6 room house and large barn. Thla la a choloe farm; If you are look ing for aomethlag nice you ehould investigate thla. Price 86608. 80 Acres of Fine Land 2S aerea cleared. 10 aorea of bearing apple orchard of good variety, good 6 room houaa, good barn and other out buildings, good team, wagon and all farm im plements go with the plaoe. 8 i mile from railroad towa and only 20 miles from Portland. Price 8(000, to exchange for elty prop erty. Brong-Steele Co, Oround floor, I ye wis building. 287 H Oak at, cor 4th. BARGAINS IN FARMS. We have for aale some of the beet farm bargains obtainable In and around Canby, Or. Prices run from $20 per sore up. Come in and look ever our list We may have Just what you want WhJtmerKnlley Co.. 70 4th st Main 1008;A-1008. WANTED FAJlAiB WANTED A farm from owner, 76 or 80 aerea, 40 or 60 In cultivation. Muat be reasonable for cash. P-78'2, Journal, HAVE buyera for well located farma. C I Bamberger, room 2 Lumbermen bldg. FOR RE XT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 16 acre with houae and barn, crop for aale cheap: 6o car fare. Inquire at Moore's, IPS E. 6th at FRUIT LANDS 40 Put Your Money Where It Will Grow, We are atartlng a fine commercial I orchard and Invite you to become a part owner; you can buy one or mora aerea, paying 860 down on each acre and a small payment each month; no intereat no taxea: we handle croo on percentage baala; you get dividends from tne day you make your first payment; thla la high class; something you can recommena to your inenna in tna eaat. Call or write for full oartleulara. ORCHARD HILL LAND CO., (Owners) 408 uorbett Diag This Is a Snap Only $750 Cash . Burs HOOD RIVER ORCHARD, ,n one ot t1 moat pictureaque apota in the valley; ; sty aerea orcnara, on main In bearing Newtowna and roaa, over Bpltzenbergs; opposite school, near storea and R. R. atation. 8760 will put you In possesalon: baL easy terma. Thla Is the first and laat time you will be able to .get a flrat clasa Hood River orchard at this price and these terras, OREGON-WASHINGTON DEV. CO. 711-12 Couch Bldg. FOR S ALE TIMBER I WILL SELL AT BARGAIN PRICES: 180 acres of sugar and yellow pine timber near Medford, Or. 160 acres near Riddles, Or. 160 acres near Pdee, Or. 80 acre near Sheridan, Or. (cruised about 4.000,000 feet of fir). 82 aerea near Forest Grove; good or chard land. J. E. MARTIN, Owner, 78 Flrat St. Portland, Or. FOR SALE TIMBER. 60,000,000 yellow pine at $2.7B per 1000; first clasa timber, in ona body, excellent location for manufacturing, close to railroad. Address box 27S, Klamath Falls, Or. TIMBER mills, machinery bought aold or exenangea ror otner property. Bee Montgomery with M. E. Thompson, cor ner 4th and Oak. Main 6084. EXCHANOE REAL ESTATE 24 Some Good Trades 600 aerea fine orchard land near Roaeburg; over 800 acres In cultiva tion; aome river bottom land; M mile from station on S. P. R. R.; nothing better for a platting proposition; would take half in good Portland property. 160 acres In Washington county, un imnroved best of soli, well watered. some good timber;, trade for home in Portland or sell on small payment with .i , 1 1 .. n . . , terma to ault. 6 acres, highly improved, close to good valley town; good buildings; well fenced; 'fine lot of fruit; all in crop. Price $2500: equity $1500. Trade for gjrocery or confectionery atore. $4000 equity In good 160 acre farm in Clackamaa county, to trade tor good grocery or rooming houae. 160 aerea in Lake county to trade for home in Portland. TJverv. sale and feed stable to trade for well improved small farm: could pay some difference. Neal Brown, -09 Swetland bldg., 5th and Waahlngton ats. -7C A OiJ, D U : 17 miles from Portland, close to elec- ! trio line, 40 ai-res In crops, balance pas- j ture land with lots of running water; ; grk Wrft houSeh0ani kulUln.. fc-t,i nrltm xal.r Sit ed to house THIS IS AN IDEAL SOB BA1X FAIUI9 f ' . " . . . .r . . . .. .... BIG SNAP DON'T PAT RENT. ANYTHING OF VALtE I ST PAY- T 3IENT. . t :' I BALANCix $10. MUN I H -i New 5 room modem bungalow, clone In; must be sold thla week., Pee owner, 88 10th. near Stark. - - WILL exchange Iota for horses. 484 ET Stark t r'.: ' 4 " ,- f ARM FOR HTIHJK. AWU UAIKI. WlU . ,. J :i - 1 . trade for eome good Portland property.j20 ACRfc-S fruit and. Ik land, near C. DE YOUNG., . , 1 Vancouver, to trade 6. room bun- 432 Chamber of Coinmeice bldg:' i galow. J-731. Journal, : , J EXCUAXQE HEAL ESIATB ti ' ' To Exchange - 8 IIIOO 80 acres, I miles from S good town an mala line of N. P. 8 Sand boat landing on the Cowtlt S B river; 16 acres In cultivation; 200 fl H cords Shingle bolts, balanoe piling 8 B and eeonnd growth: t acres bear- 8 S Ing orchard, amall frulta, well and S S spring and creek ; 1 14 etory 6 room 8 8 house, bars. PereonsI property: 8 8 Team, eolt now, 2 heifers, I hoga, S 8 chlokena, . wagon, hack, farm ma- 8 8 ohlnerytand all amall toola, houae- 8 Shield goods. Term. 81100 cash, be)- 8 8 a me 6 yeera. Will exchange for 8 8 Portland property. This place la 8 8 on a good road, near achool and S 8 ohurch. 8 8 8 8 1106 aerea of the beat wheat land 8 8 tn eastern Oregon. 800 acres In S 8 crop and summer fallow, 100 aoree 8 8 good timber, plenty of water; 28 8 8 horses, weight 1200 to 1600 The.; H 8 new engine and aeparator, 2 had- S 8 ers, 8 wagona, all farm machinery, 8 8 8 head of cattle. 14.000 feet of 8 8 lumber, all crops. Price $20 per S S acre, Including all personal prop- S 8 erty, Will exchange for Portland 8 S elty property. This Is a anap, 8 S guaranteed aa advertised. S S 8 8 Fine farm, 26 mllea from Port- 8 S land; 60 aerea in fine etate of cut- 8 8 tlvatlon, 6 aerea orchard, moitly S 8 apple; well In houae; fine 2 story 8 8 10 room houaa. large frame barn; S 8 very best of soil. Price 8160 per 8 S acre. Will exchange for good 8 8 wheat ranch: want about 600 aerea, S nothing but the beat Thla la just 8 aa advertised. 8 S 88600 1(0 acres on Cowllti rlvrr, 8 4 miles from R. R. etatlon and 8 boat landing; 6 acres In eultlva 8 tlon; family orchard; 400 cords 8 cedar bolts, one mile haul: 60 aerea Svlne maple and alder 20 acre fenced; box house 16x20 and 16x18. S barn 22x82: some farm toola. good 8 roada. Term 81000 caah. balance H 6 veara st 8 tie cent. Will ex- 8 changs for Portland property. S S 8 8 184, acres, 1 miles from Esta- 8 8 oada eleetrlo car, 28 -mllee from 8 8 Portland, fine gravel road; 76 aerea 8 B in cultivation, 10 aerea young ap- n 8 pie orchard. 2 acre bearing or- 8 8 chard; new 6 room bungalow, large 8 barn, water piped In house and barn: verv heat of blaek aotl: rood 8 team, several head cattle, aome 8 8 eheen and hoaa. ehlcksna and all 8 farm machinery, all crops. Price 8 B onlr 870 per acre. Ineludlnr every 8 thing. Will exchange for Portland 8 8 property; will eell on good terma 8 8 Inveetlgate this before buying. A 8 8 snap. 8 H 84600160 aerea. t miles from 8 B town on tne cowiits river, r. k. b 8 atation and boat landing, on main 8 S line of N. P.; 20 aerea in culttva- H 8 tlon. 2 aerea bearing orchard, 8 R amall frulta IB acres rjlllnc !00 8 cord cedar holts, well, enrlng and 8 B creek; 70 aerea fenced: 1H atorv 7 t 8 room houae, good barn; thickly 8 S settled, good roada: achool mile; 8 very beat solL Terma. 81000 cash, 8 8 balance long time. Will exchange 8 S for Portland property. 8 206 Oerllnger Bldg.. Cor. 2d and 8 8 Alder. Office, Main 8480; Rea. 8 B Eaat 1788. S 8 8888S8888888888B88 CLARKE COUNTT FARMS FOR CITY PROPERTY. EITHER PORTLAND OR OTHER OOOD WILLAMETTE TOWN. 6, 10 and 10 acre farms on railroad (20 mllea from Portland); excellent anil, all under cultivation; center of 1 rich dairying and potato-growing com' munlty. Prices $160 to $160 an aora pay for his place In two seaaons. The beet ana cheapest aoreage within 60 mllea of Portland. Will trade for good elty property euitanie ror renting. Davis aV Sharp Co., 608 Commercial blk. A FINE ORCHARD TRACT. 600 acres of fine orchard land near Roseburg. on south Umpqua river, hi mile from 8. P. R. R. atation, splendid platting proposition, mostly upland, well drained, some river bottom lend; would consider soma Portland property In exchange, the land is A-l and tha price Is right. Call or write for par- tlculars. Neal Brown, 701 Bwetland bldg. I HAVE a ollent who wanta a 8 room modern house up to $4000; will take It aa part pay on a 26 acre fruit farm near Roseburg and will give a good bar gain. He alao has a note for $8000 well secured by real estate mortgage; would take home to 84000 and balance caah. The farm is good value and the note 1 as good ss the gold. Neal Brown, 709 awetiana ning. IN Case you want to buy, sell or exchange, you auto see Otto & Case, 62 6th st. $600 EQUITY in 60x128 lot on macadam street; Ideal for small manufacturing business; double frontage trackage. Will exchange for moat anything of value. E 876, Journal. Rooming House for Farm 86 rooms, close In. I have made enough money in thia houae to build an 84 room apartment and have built it. Now will trade the small house. See my agent at Broedatreeta Exchange, zi Morrison st. Potatoes for Rooming House to, acres, an in, loom rig line, only IV mllea out; will grow 200 sacks to the acre, at the present price would be worth $7000: nuf said; will trade. BROADSTREET'S EXCHANGE. 271 Morrison St, room 81. EXCHANGES. "" Wa have a good Hat of exchanges In both city and acreage. In good district and on good car service. If you want to exchange see us. J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 615 Yeon bid. HAVE more monthly payments than I can handle, so will trade my $1600 equity in five 45 foot lots, payable $25 monthly, for an auto or something of equal value. Phone B-1017. 10 unincumbered lots in heart of thriv ing eastern Orexon town to exchans-a i for Portland property or acreage. C. u. uamoerger, room z, Lumbermen' niqg. $500 EQUITY in 10 acres on Salem elec trlc, adjoining townsite; trade for fur niture, launch or equal value. Phone East 2381. . . FOR farm exchangee, ousinesa chanoea or rooming housss, call on us. North west Realty Co., 617 Board of Trade oiag. ipoR TRADE Improved farm of 20 acres, in fruit and cro op; near sehool. d. Particulars. carline, on coifnty roa Owner. 388 Falling st. To trade 160 acres with ft.- 000.000 feet of yellow fir for house in Fortlanf balance cash or terms. 2S E. 15th st.. city. :.-" " OOOU town IOIS OI WIHW. Uniy . JIO feome ex- 1?J ?nM".'T..-C.; Wttl - M. J3. Thnmnmn I IF you want to act,, any or ir3. 4 7 Shoemaker, 626 and - 627 Henr- hltlc. - wflX". buy,' eI'or' trad V W. 1016 PnarA nf TnH. I.M- WH3( , lima,. S'iVr- S08 Board of Trade hHg. 5u0 TRADZS on our book iT Rt tier iie" ta t'x'HV. 43 Wo-veyter bldir.- l Ol R UfHvU lot $lil) r-arU: v. ii for most anything. Jlanshall JS2H. EXCTIANGB ilEAL 1-ST.W i: 1 16 aerea. ell clear, nit limit if Ferret Q rove, fine eoulh tlope. bt Of soil. Ill cherry trees, 162 apple. i4 peers, 1000 etreeherrlea, all In fine condition, new modern 6 room hnuaa, hot and aold water, bath, elect rUlty. furnaoak cement basement With cement floor, stationary tuhai house alone cost $2604, good barn 24x82, chlckea house, etc. The prettiest and beet 1) acre farm in Waahlnvtoa county. Price 812.008, will sell or exchange for city property. D. M, Baker ; 102 Cornet! bldr. WE have a dandy fruit and berry farm Improved. Hlllsboro; will trade for apartment houae. 141 4th at Marshall 226. A-4718, ' ' TO-"Tha'DE for farm near Portland. modern 6 room house, lot 60x100, fruit. Eat JI'l. K-721, Jeurnal. WAP COLCM ZS FOR EXCHANOE. Mahogany offloe furniture, used t months, at half prloe, will tranafer lease and both phones, flneat building and best location in elty. R-767, Journal. WfLTrffXcTl A7STOnurworitroTTr. dies' or gentlemen's tailoring. H-780, Journal. WANTED UEAL ESTATE St WANTED 7 or 8 room houae. Roae City or Roaamera, good beaoh ' view lot ana 4 room rurniahea cottage as first payment L-788. Journal. A MODERN 6 room cottage (or cash, muat be a snap and close ta carline. R-738. Journal. WANTED 100x160 in Rose City dle trlot; give location and loweat price. G-782, Journal. ROOM3XO HOUSES FOR SALS Oft ROOMINO HOUSE BARGAINS. 64 roome all neatly fumlehed, leaf lease, doing a good business, rent $160. Price $80u0. Twelve rooms, good location, all aut alde roome, rent $60. Thla la extra good. Price $1100. Nine rooms, all houaekeeplng, I year lease, rent $20. Right on car line. Prloe $460. 17 room, furnace heat best of loca tions, rent only $60. Thia la a big snap. $1600. This Is only a few out of war large Hat If you want a good plaoe. coma up and talk to our salesmen and they can show some good buya. - J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 416 TEON BLDG. ROOMING HOUSES. THESE ARE SNAPS. " ' 74 rooms, apartment house, 16 yasf lease, steam heat and water Included In rent; 86600; 82000 will handle thia, or will take some city property, in ex- VIISUifJ, 80 rooms, an housekeeping. I year lease, rent 876: this Is a dandy; 82200 and won't laat long; $500 will handle. , 21 rooms, varr beat of furniture. A.t location, roome always full, cheap rent and I year lease; $1200. You will have to hurry if you want thia. - If you. can't find what you want why, we will find it for you. Coma up and let us show you. mn FOirn tucaltt rn 111 Allaky bldg., cor. Id and Morrison. 11 ROOMS Rent $80: can aet good lease; xurnace neat, eiectno lights. a - . ' . r w. eloae In, west side, well furnished, fine lawn and rosea; clearing $66 monthly. Only $660 eaah required. 9 rooms, rent 841.68. fine weat aide location: furnace heat; iron beds, oak and bird eye maple furniture; you can easily elear $40 month. Owner la leav ing city and will sacrifice for J508. . housekeeping suites, fine yard. Prloe iu- oniy iioo casn room rea. KALirn ACKXJ3X LJLUli UO. 7 1 170 6th st, opposite P. 9- 12 ROOMS, cloeo in, corner building, beautiful vard. hot and cold water in kv en vt!h A with V. M m ,n. IvAfl beda, mahogany and oak furniture, fine carpets; can easy clear $150 month above expenses. Owner sick and must -sell at sacrifice. Price $1100; ft cash. Inquire 88 10th, near Btark. 12 ROOMS, close In. oorner building, W.. ... I ... 1 WA. m A m. A w , - U rooms; furnished with braes and iron beds, mahogany and oak furniture, fine carpets: can easy clear $166 month above expenaee; owner aick and must sell at sacrifice. Price $1100; H caah Inquire 88 10th. near Btark. - THIS 18 A GOOD BUY. 14 rooms furnished as light house- keeplng, extra good furniture and oar-',:, pets, fine location, walking distance west side, good income, lease, good for man and wife, or alngle lady can run it very nicely; terma. Owner. G-714, Jour- , nal. the pacific realty ca . ' Hotels, Rooming and Apartment Houses, REAL ESTATE AINU tAUMAWUt, . Phone Main S560. A-S476. . - ' 112-14 Failing Bldg,. Id and Wash. Sta. : MARY B. l-EMT, . , Portland s Leading hotel Broker. ? See Us, ( If you want to buy. aell or trade your roomlna- houae or apartment R. M. Hood. 604 Lumbermens bldg. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 11 room: rooming house, location tna neat; new, ; modern. Price $826, $300 down and $26 month: clear $70 month. Thla la a snap. Ooddard, 605 Yeon bldg. $50 DOWN and $25 month buys newly furnished 7 room modern flat west aide. Price $246; can clear your ex-, penwea. Ooddard. 505 Yeon bldg. ' HAVE customer for a first class transient and - steadr rooming will surely buy if price la right. God- dwrd, 60S reon oiog. ' . FOR SALfci by owner 1$ room rooming v.. house, clearing about 88) per month, walking distance. 48IM Washington street ' ' - ' " : PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO. 411 Henry Diag. jaarsnau . TTntAla anartment houses, reomlna) ' houeea, bought, sold and exchanged. , 4 room rooming house lor saie cneap. . Aaaress C AStoriao, Airona, vr, rtm pay for itself in one montn. rnr,OBED WOMEN ATTENTION Nice rooming house, location right, . sale chean. G-739 Jmirnal. ' 1 ' ' 20 ROOMS H. K.. aell or trade for acre- age. Berry's Realty Co 248 4th ft Marshall 2818, A-4718. ? ' 81 ROOM houae by owner, '$3000. half cash; money making ; place. 2711s . Morrison. - ' ' 10 ROOMS, $230 down; 1 suites house-: keeping rooms; a snap; no agents. Phone Marshall 1119. " " " ( SMALL rooming houae, cheap. 548 1 Morrison t - ' " ' - I1NIKG STOCKS OS MINING and industrial stocks: tele phone and other bonds, bought, and . sold. C. 8. Fletcher;' 125 Abinxton bldg. ' ' 1 " ' -.- - - ... ULSISKSS CIIANCKS 20 FOR SALE Small restaurant, doing good business, must be sold during 3 weeks, owner goes to Europe, Address mu 3d t - WANTED Small "-barber shop, nmst L reaaonable, ,. subHrba preferreil, Or3''. Jou mal. 'I' "j?'' ' .-V , 500 Business Cards $1 , City Printer-. 3d. ' GOOD -saloon fur sale c'i!p, in i'nt - Rock,. Wali. Inquire, 1'ortland Hrew. lng , -' ' . '" ' , Sar"KEK niip for wile, .lt tt, iit i. long - U'N. aood' location, olf io if r, S -Mtieits. t'a:i 3M,J;'ij'-g m? 1 1 CONiti 'il.CAiiV i-n.1 n:ar f.i 7 aale ren. 1T t" JfTrtTAKK- Tfi r"ll, enst 'l-l t trte rffi". ' pn'-meWooii . a n I , . ilniiig f tne jburlnt , -il !; dlok. fl) Henry bldg. V- .. ? : - - :'!- ' . " " y:';: V,