The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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mm waves
'-'British S. S. Ethelwolf Arrives
1 In Port Nearly Month Late
Ship Baffled by Storm
, Boiler Springs Leak.
" Nearly month lata, because of bad
weather which Included
, battle for eitstenee again.i ...
.. . K.w.n rudder chain and th
vl.v," , of th starboard boiler
v. ...; ateamer Ethelwolf. Ill
' . RMmn. arrived In
( ions vK- - v
th lool harbor this morning from Van
.', ... n r. and reached her bertl
.... r..- PflulMB mill 10 load lum
; ... n-,.,. ifrlrn DOrta at 10
' . The Ethelwolf brought a full cargo
et eugsr from Ban Fernando. W L. to
tie refineries at tha British Columbia
port, and It waa on thla voye, which
- waa Slew, but exciting, that aha lost
about 10 daya Th paeaaira required 14
dar and wu aald to b on conUnuoua
fight against driving gal and neavy
Ob many ecrailona lees than TO knot
re covered by th tamr. and th
' .-m pun mi 104 knota. Bh
farted on hr long voyeg March 10,
- .-- . ih ftrat bad weather waa
IUa Saooaatara Chaia.
On reaching Cap Rock th atlff
winds freshened to gel and th wave
feeoara mountaJnoua. t
' From that Urn until ah reached th
train of Magellan th atorm puruad
the Ethelwolf and runa of 70. 79, II
and 10 knota par day ara on th log
for that part of th paasage While
floundering 10 mllaa off Punt Arena
th breakdown In th Ethelwolfa bollr
occurred. Two crack that appeared In
. th two furnace of th sUrboerd boiler
"widened Into big gapa, from wnion oig
amount of ateem and water began to
tuna, while tha Chlna engirt room
. mrmm fled to the deck In terror. Steam
. wa shut oft that boiler and the Ethel
1 wolf limped Into Print Arena on on
boiler. Bh left there April 21 and ar-
i rtved at Coronel May 8. Bh waa de
' layed at that port for three day be
cause' ef another steamer ooallng there,
ana ahe nrooeeded on the last leg of
bar voyes May 0.
Bodde Chain Break.
It wee on th flrt leg of th voy-
eg from Port of 8pln to Punta Arenas
that th eerie or adventure reacnea
. a climax. Whan the big atorra on the
' Atlaatle had reached It height a rud-
der chain broke because of th great
, atrain on th ateerlng gear, and the
tramp waa at th mercy of the wave,
. Bh broached to and every wave brok
ever her, and It looked a though she
waa-gone. Th Chines craw became
panto stricken and wer In th way.
' For, three hour the battl to gain con
trol of tha rudder and ahip waa kept up
and at last tha actuation waa eared.
' Th Ethelwolf will load about 8.800,
, 000 feet Of lumber at the Inmen-Poul-en
mills for th L. P. Lee Lumber
company. Th cargo will be dispatched
t Jelagoa Bay, Durban, Eaat London
and Port Elisabeth, la Sooth Africa.
Hirer Vessel Laid Up for oMtnh;
V Soon lh Serrlce Again.
. After being laid up at th Portland
Shipbuilding company's yard for . th
. . last month or more, the steamer Shaver,
, which had her house burned last April
Iwhll lying at th dock of th Shaver
Transportation company, will b
; launched today and brought to the foot
' f Pa vis street, whre the remainder of
her repair will be made. Her owner
'expect to have her In commission and
, ready for th log-towlng eervlce again
.. In about a week.
'Bear Tries Out 8 at) marine Apparat
-, as; Brings 850 Passengers.
, On her last trip up here th eteamer
Bear, Captain Nopander, which arrived
at S o'clock yesterday afternoon from
IO Angeles and Ban Francisco, had an
opportunity to make use of her newly
installed submarine fog signal, and she
heard the signals of both the San Fran
el sco bay light veeael and the Columbia
river light vessel The signals were
beard at a distance of nine mtlea. The
Bear brought ISO passengers and 2200
tons of general freight.
etaoa, Sailed at 1:1 a. nv Bteemer
Riverside, for Grays Harbor. Arrived
Baa Pedro. Arrived at lilt a m.
Bohooaer Irana from Saa Pedro, Out
aid at 11 a, m. Behooner W. Jew
tt from saa Pedro and eteamer Wash
tenaw, from Port Saa Lola
Ban Franclsoo, June II. Arrived at
noon Steamer Oeorge W. Elder, from
Portland. Arrived at midnight Steam-
r Nome City, from Portland.
San Fedro, Jane 17 Arrived Bt earn
ers Ro CI' and Shaata, from Pert
land. AstorU. June IT.- Arrived at 1 and
left 'i at 1:40 p. m. Steamer W. S.
PorVir, from Montry. Arrived at 1 and
left up at p. m.-Jchoonr King
Cyme, from Baa Pedro. Arrived down
at t:Si and aalled at 1:10 p. m. fitram
er Beaver, for Ban Francisco and Ban
feriro. Arrived at 1 and left up at
4 p. m. Steamer Wsshlngton. from
San Franclaeo. Arrived at I 14 and
left up at I p. m. British steamer
K the) wolf, from Victoria. Arrived at
p. m. and left up at midnight
Steamer Tahoe, from Ban Francisco.
San Francisco, June 17. Balled at T
p. rn. Steamer Navajo, for Portland.
Tatooah, June 27. Passed In Steam
er Carloe, from Portland, for Teeome,
Astoria, June 21. Condition at the
mouth of th river at I a. m., smooth;
wind south 14 mllea; weather, light rain.
Tides at Astoria Tbursdsy High
water. 1:11 a. m., II feet; 1:11 p, m
71 feeC Low water. 9:10 a nv, 1.4
feet; l:IT p. m, 1.1 feet
Laden with lumber for California
porta, the j(amer Tamalpale la sched
uled to leave down for the aaa from
Preacott today.
To load 100.000 feet of lumber for San
Pedro, the steamer Shna Tak will leave
down from here to Prescott today.
With wool and salmon for New York,
the American-Hawaiian ateamer Falcon,
Captain Be hake. Is scheduled to sail this
evening for Ban Francisco.
in tow of the Tort of Portland tug
On eon La, the German ahlp H. Hackfeld,
towed ud through the bridges to
ths Portland Lumber company's mill
yesterday afternoon. Her topmasts,
which were In slings, cleared the Haw
thorne street bridge by about four feet
For a part oargT- sf lumber for San
Franclsoo the ateamer F. 8. Loop ar
rived up at Rainier thta morning. 8 he
will complete her cargo at the Westport
Th steamer Yellowstone. Captain
Maro, arrived at the Supple dock at 11
o'clock last night and discharged BOO
tons of cement from San Francisco, She
waa scheduled to leave down at noon
for St. Helen to load 200.000 feet of
lumber for San Pedro. She will com
plot her cargo at Raymond.
With IT passenger, 1100 barrels of
asphalt. 100 tons of sugar and to ton
of general merchandise, the steamer
Washington, Captain Winkle, arrived at
Couch street dork from San Franclaco
at t o'clock this morning. She will load
lumber for tha Bay City at Linn ton.
The steamer Coaster arrived up at
St Helens In ballast thla morning to
load a full
The tug Oneonta yesterday towed the
schooner from Astoria to Westport and
the schooner KJng Cyrus to 6t Helens
to load lumber for California She left
up at o'clock In th afternoon
It was announced thle morning that
th steamer Sue H. Elmore will sail at
o'clock Monday afternoon Instead of
on Tuesday, because of th regular sail
lag day coming on July 4.
Weather Observer Drake eays that
th rlvr her at Portland will fall for
the next few days and will reach a
stare of 11.1 feet Thursday, 1T.I feet
Friday and 1T.4 feet Saturday.
One of Largest Meetings Held
In Central Oregon Ex
pectedto Take Place.
The Portland delegation going to
PrlnevlII to attend th first meeting
of th Central Oregon Development
league will leave her tomorrow morn
Ing. Th meeting begin Friday end
will last over Saturday. Among th del
egate wtll be many prominent - men
and railroad officiate. President C It
Qrey of the Oregon trunk will nd In
hi privet car fer th accommodation
of th delegatea
The meeting will draw attendanee
from all parte of th etata William
Hanley, of Harney valley, who will pre
side having written a letter t the
Portland Commercial club stating that
delegatlone are promleed not only from
th vast eectlone of central Oregon, but
from th Med ford and other awctlon In
Western Oregon, too. Eastern Oregon,
It I expected, wtll be well represented.
Mr. Hanley' letter to th Commercial
club says:
"Will b at PrlneviUe with large del
egation and will report to yoa th dele
gations going from Ikavlew, Klamath
Falls, Med ford and other place a soon
as we get th Information. Hop you
com from Portland with th biggest
delegation that ever attended a meeting
outside of th elty, a this I certainly
going to be a great meeting for th
starting of th great progreaalv work
of development' '
"Partle located the demonstrating
farm In Harney county thle week and
like all other after looking over the
country. !! they never thought w
had It"
rxxs wbx
Will Holt Wakefield.
WDli Holt Wakefield, who is reading
song stories at the Orphaum this week 1
Interested In politico. nd whoop-
em-up member of the Insurgent brt
gad. Miss Wakefield thinks Washing
ton city methods of doing thing in th
governments! line are from the prehla
toric era. It all cam about through a
vlelt Mid Wakefield made to Panama
this year.
"We were very glad to pay 10 cent
to ride over the government railroad
from Colon to Panama,' said Mis
Wakefield last night Thn whn w
got ther w were taken to your Uncle
Samuel's own hotel, the Tivoll. and
everything looked lovely. But we wer
mlgnty glsd to soon get away,
"Why, they can't fir a bell boy down
there, or employ a waiter, until a com
mittee sit with much dignity at Wash
ington to paaa on the momentous ques
tion. That is a fair illustration, I think.
of th treatment th weat la ootnplaln- Interested in the equitable distribution
lnr of. Whv should th timber of tb or water rate that tha Installation of
weat be handled, preserved, con serve a
ALL K-mtmbtri of th Portland Paid
aad Volunteer rir Department are
. . ... i n an Thursday.
era! of Our beloved rriena ana prvvuer
fireman. Chief r"vH4tcJ"-mhr11J
H. P. O. ELKS Member of Portland
lodg No, 141. B. P. U Elks. r re
quested t amll in our lodge room
Thursday. June II. at 1 o'clock p. m.
to oonduot the funeral eervlcea of our
lata Brother David Campbell, charter
member of our lodge. The services will
be held at the Kike" Temple, Seventh
nd Stark streets, at 1:10 p. m.' Visit
ing brother ar Invited to attend. By
order of the Kxalted Ruler. . .
11X0 Sown aad SUM Jrt stoats.
. Com and Inveatigai olk, photos,
etc, while the price I low. as ws ean't
guarantee to keep thee long at this
price. Laat week w oouM hav )t you
havt these at 111 10. Nut week we
may b right where th othr people
e re a t lift entere.
vi ovajlawtxb txbsb Mrs ax-
tVTIIiT 0U1AB of stumps and FiaaO-
noai.T.T 1JBVSX ir not aner you
have made a trio, com and get your
money baok with .transportation boti
way a :
. Whftcomb Brothers
FnoBe Mala sex - 104K) Chamber
f Oenuseree, Between Talra aad Femrta
.. Near Ladd Addition- ; '
Modern I' room bungalow, new 1
and well built high, sightly lot,,
and cloae to I canines. . . -, ,
..Price $3000 V"
::: R, EV'Blaco, Owner
2t Board of Trad., Marshall JH.'
too CASH.
Free Rent
W will furnish fine large tent
house free of cost to every lot buyer
for the next 30 rfsys.
Call or Phone
Gregory Investment
418 Corbett Bldf. !
Kfarshsll 5S7 A 2644
baLantk unNTHt V
' r?.T l?r? ,ry snd re
cent ton - hell An Irat Inn. ei.
Wednesdsr evenlns I nUna hmt m- !T
in t. i wrii winoov
CAMP met every
Nob Hill Residence
llth ML
Vlaltora welonma
riAwtH6RNB Lodoe N6T
A 111, A. T, and -A. M. Spe
Ak clal commnnlcatlon thle (Vd
Jni. neaday evening t T:I0. Work
VWln E. A. degree. Visiting
flr Lralhran welcome
Portlend lodge. No. 111. will gtv
entertainment for member and their
famlllee tonight in 8wl hart. Third
and Jefferson et W. M. Oaten, . dlo
Istor. Walter McQovern sec'y.
AN InUrdenomlriatlonal Cent meeting at
llth et and Nehalem av., Sllwood.
Don't fall to hear Rev. Jamea Crook
preach and Donald L. MacPbe sing.
Meeting every evening at I p. m com-
meneing June in.
eat In dining roo
11 mV?fJZl pch kitchen, latticed back porch, lar.f
: " I ' Dnevuieni wun cement rioosa
?T5?tf r. fi ,u.nlrr tray, ate., two rooms an sec?
oni noor and larg sleeping portfh. Lot
rem irooi euxiuu, street asMsnments
all paid, good locality between Thorn p.
on and Rrasee. Onlv 4t00. . See us.
Lumbermen hldg. tth end Btsrk eta
880; DOWN
$16 Per-Month .
Buys new plasUrsd cottar In
neighborhood. SOilOO lot Thla will
make someone a dandy little horn and
414 n Stark at -
$1160, 1110 caah, balanoe tike rant will
euy a oeauurui new a room bungalow
Id and Jefferaon ate. visiting aaoose -k. r:r-.',.-"
. wa ltvr0 tEsr
- i Miwa w vsss i a www I w in tji 1 ri
fContlnued from Pag Ona)
opposed th meter system, the meters
have become fewer in number than at
the olos of Mayor Lan' administra
With Mayor Rushlight favoring th
universal use of water meter and ap
pointing on th water board men who
favor the mtr system. It 1 believed
by. th thouaands of cltlsens who ara
Q OnnUC AVn CT FPmvn Uf.mRF-.RA. at the Eiemnt Firemen's as
I social ion win meet in n
TirTru uionuAnn TTT rfX C I rm i o'rlnelr Thuradav to attend
livn, nAnunuwu i wv.vJ( rl.V Pamnbell.
f J3.00O-TERMS.
or allowed to rot while eastern states
men deliberate? Why should Alaska's
coal remain Idle 'while Washington un
winds and rewind th red tap with
hlch th government is swathed T The
weet and the south, where I com from.
muet keep on Inaurgtng-until the aat
meter will be accomplished In the
early part of th new mayor's administration.
ystem Zs BooaomleaL
Th ordinance under which th water
department operates permits the de
partment to attach meter or to detach
them whenever It chooeea Wests of
en r i mhr iZ n.n taught that these old United State "T mri n UMa J"
cargo of lumber for Ban wiL. v.n.i.i I admitted by the department to be
.mmw vi iiwu lur i ii uww Duu rvun
pipe Una The coat of meters would
be. It is said, only a fraction of coat
for new water aupply equipment Tb
water department official say ths In
come would be too uncertain when
meter are used. They admit that where
mtr ar not attached water users
pay for several time aa much water
as they uea Meter rate also prove
this fact Th small horn owner rare
ly pay more than the minimum of 71
centa, while hi next-door neighbor us
ing no more water paya th summer
flat rat of from 11 to 11 60.
Gasoline Craft Built.
(neeUt Meoetxh to Tee laaraiLI
Marshfleld. Or., June 21. The gaso-
Ilne boat OwL built for use on San
Francisco bay, ha been launched at
the Krus and Bonk shipyard. Th
Tillamook, a gasolln boat 124 feet
long. Is ready to b launched at the
am shlpyarda The Unique, a small I
gasolln boat 14 feet long, and built for
Bert Cox at Eastalda, ha also been
Air Hole Accidentally Sub
merged. Navigator Floats
Into Whirlpool Rapids.
(Continued from Pag Ona)
1 0 Acres
Choice Fruit Land
E N. A.. Oregon Roe camp meets
Tuesday eveamge, Swlas hail, td and
Jefferaon. .
Sellinc-Hlrach bldg- Waahington near
10th. Phone Clerk. Main 1214. A-4i
T. T. B.. Portland lodge No. 109. meet
Wed, nlghta. K. P. hall. Iltn ana Aiaer
Milton. Wvatt Corvallta Or II. and
Lena Merrill, ti.
E. O. Burka (14 Eaat Pin. IS, and
Julia Coleman, It.
this 1 a snap. McAllister 4k Lnedde.
mann, 021 lClectrfo bids. Phone M r
shall 1281, A-1636.
NEW and modern residence In finest Irv
Ington district on B 10th at; I rooms
handsomely finished and very attrac
tively arranged: large living room and
dining room, with beamed celllnss. hard
wood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. I
sleeping rooms, cement naaement. fur
naca Price $4000, 11000 caah. balance
easy. McAllister at Lueddemann, Oil
Electric nldg,
110 monthly buy new cottages eoe
u.- m.r niiM rl II and ner of Penlneular avenu and Hartford
t?i3I7i? if Dial, cat. . ana ptMKtfc Builder there dally. Phon
Ida MlUr. 16. . ... . Main 1144. Owner 4 North flat at
Close to Portland. 40a fare.
timbered. Timber worth more than the
price of land. Purchaser may cut and
ahlp us timber In payment for land. We
pay difference In caah. Thla section Is
especially adapted to raining poultry for
the Portland marketa and being so close
to Portland command best price at
loweat coat for transportation.
soe-s srAxsiva Bua.
1011 Kelly street cottage, t rooms, all
on first floor; I bedrooms, fireplace,
basement cement sidewalk, splendid
view. Price IS0O0, caah $600, balanoe
to suit
Marlon Cron. 1ST Sixth street 41, and
Arllne Mead. II.
va v- eel r. t rkmtti.M 14. and
Partly Charlotte Johnson, 12.
Robert Llndssy, Mist. Or., II. and
Alice Peterson, 22.
Bert Hutschmldt H Lewi building,
21, and Dalay Taylor, 22.
J. H. Gilbert Eugene, Or.. 14, and
Isolln Shaver, II.
Ralph Charleaton, 114 Eaat Twenty
sixth street 22. and Hasel Horman, II.
E. T. Dugan, 110 Lownsdal tret IS,
and Laura -"lienor, 21.
Charles Plscaaey. 115 First atreet 21.
and Clara Stevenaon, 21.
Walter Sluaser. 1211 Cleveland, 12,
and Evelyn Sweetland, 30.
Carl Phllllpp, 490 East Sixteenth
atreet 11. and. Nettle Chambers, II.
SATiifos nnr.
Wedding and visiting card engravers
And monogram statlonera Waahington
Dldfr.iwaaninrton at., net. era ana n
. .
10x100. splendid site for apartment
At present Improved with I room houee
in rinn snaps, t'rice is siooo under the
market, and can be handled for $2000
caah. Let ue show you this property,
Lumbermen bids;., 6th and Star; at.
FIVE room modern cottage, SOxlOO",
completely furnished with mtsalon
furniture, silverware, dishes, bedding,
furniture used S months, fine fnitt,
garden and flowers, all goes for 12700:
I860 cash, balance 116 month. If you
want a neat little home don't fall to see
th I s en a p. Phone Woodlawn 106 g.
FOR SALE By owner, and you will
say this Is a bargain. 7 room strictly
modern bouse, cement floor In bae
ment. Fox furnace, ga and electric fix
ture complete, cao easily be made into
flata. 16 minutes out right on Stiqnystd
line: $4000; some terms. Phone Br
IMPROVE your lot with your rent If,
DaCy River Readings.
United Preee leeetS We.l
Niagara Falls, N. T Jun 28. Bobby
Leach, a navigator of the lover Niagara
river, attempted to make the trip
through th whirlpool rapids thla aft
ernoon in a barrel.
The barrel turned over suddenly aft
er Leach entered It and the airhole was
submerged. In this position it floated
Into the rapids.
All efforts to secure the barrel and
release Leach so far have been frultleaa
a o
(Continued from Page Ona)
Marechal de Castrlea Takes Oat 1,-
283,000 Feet of Lumber.
, The French ship Marechal de Caatrlee,
.which hae completed her cargo of lum
(ber at Ltnnton, la scheduled . to leave
(down for the sea tomorrow morning
land It is not expected that she will be
1 1 cleared before tomorrow morning. She
t has aboard 1,286,000 feet of lumber
I which la being aet afloat by the Pacific
Export Lumber company for Europe.
She will clear for Queenstown for or
' ders. Captain Coturel eajd yesterday
, that he needed but two men as there
bays been no desertions from his ship.
Astoria, June 26. Arrived at 7 and
i left up at :15 a. m. Steamer Break
( water, from Coos Bay. Arrived at 8
1 a. m. Steamer Xehalem, from San Fran-
Wenatchee I 40 15.81 0
Kennewlck 20 18.0 0.8..,.
Lewlston . . 24 10.8 0.6 .08
Rlparia 20 10.90.1
Umatilla . 26 19.3 O.6....
The Dalle 40 11.4 O.9....
Vancouver . . ..... 17 19.2 O.6....
Portland 16 18.6 0.2 .11
Eugene 4.. 10 8.1 0.2 0
Harrlsburg it 0.8 o.4 0
Albany 20 2.4 0.1 0
Salem 20 1.7 0.8 0
Wllsonvllle 17 1.7 0.1 .04
Rlslngi ) Fatting.
.June 11
June lw.
July 6
July 18
Bowels Act Fine
After a Cascaret,
Keeps Millions of Folks Feeling Good
All the Time No Headache, IJil
liousness, Constipation or
$ Bad Stomach.
Due to Aniv.
Str. Bear, San Pedro ,
Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay.
Btr. Bayocean, Tillamook June 29
Btr. sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. .July 1
nir. Anvil, ijanaon July 1
Str. Oeo. W. Elder, San Diego... July 8
Str. Rose City, San Pedro July 2
Str. Golden Gate, Tillamook July 8
eir. Alliance, Hureka
Str. Roanoke, San Pedro . .
Str. Beaver, San Pedro . . .
Due to Depart.
Ptr. Pue H. Elmore. Tillamook June 27
Str. Bayocean, Tillamook June 27
Btr. Roanoke, San Pedro June 28
Ptr. Golden Gate, Tillamook June 29
Str. Breakwater. Coos Bay ....June 30
nir. wreaKwater, t'oos Bay ....June 30
Str. Alliance. Eureka June 30
arr. nose uity. Ban rearo July 2
Ptr. Bear. San Pedro July 2
Str. Anvil Bandon July 8
Str. Geo. W. Elder, San Diego.. July 0
Coaster to Arrive.
. . .San Francisco
. San Francisco
.'San Francisco
ftan Pedro
....San Pedro
.5an Francisco
.San Pedro,
It is a great deal more necessary to
; keep clean on the inside than on the
I Outside. Cascarets are more Important
j than soap. The pores of the skin may
i become clogged with dirt, but they don't
t absorb the lmpurltlea The pores of
; tha bowels do.
Ther ar myriads of pores In the
; "bowels, the duty of which is to absorb
i th nutriment from food. That's how
( w get our nourishment. But If the
bowel are sluggish the food Is delayed.
It decays and forms gases and poisons.
, Then , those pore of the bowels suck
1 poison into the blood. That's how we
; get eur 111.
W urge the habit of cleanllnesa
1 Doa't wait till you need a phyeic. That
f leave too much of the time when you
far nly half well. Keep yourself at
your beat The rlgrht way la to carry
a Je cent box of Caacareta with you.
; , It flU th pocket or purse. Tak one
: Jnat a ooa as you know that you need
It It is gtnU and aura. '
Depatch, Am. str.
J. B. Stetson, Am. str. .
J. A. Chanslor. Am. str.
fihasta. Am. str
Shoshone, Am. str. ....
Rosecrans. Am. str. ...
Westerner, Am. str
Yellowstone. Am. str. .
Miscellaneous Vessels Bnront.
Bannockbum, Br. str. Antwero
arondelet. Am. bee San Francisco
r.uieiwoir, Br. str. Victoria
R-tnet zane. Am. sch San Pedre
Hampton, Br. str San Francisco
Kin Cyrus, Am. sch San Pedro
Koan Maru, Jap. str Honolulu
Louisiana, Am. bge Irondale
bt. David. Am. bge Irondale
nnive ,g, jsor. Btr Antwerp
Tltanla. Nor. str Victoria
a ram Tonnage Enron.
Col de Vlllebola MareulL Fr. bk.
Tiiiu ' v.- v.- Glasgow 1 vjvmiiicB, rr. oa. iNewcaatie onT.
ene, rr. dk. Newcastle, A.
S --V.tKrf- Antwerpi
w..,i,,uce, r. eir Antwerp
St. ROBatlen.Fr. bk. ....... .1 JLondoS
Barmbeic. per. ah. Sla. Rosalia
S, . r' : v Nearatle, A.
BreUgne, Fr. bk Newcastle on T
KlrkcudbrUhtahlre. Br. srN?wSS A.
Klnrossahlre. r?r. bk. .Newcastle oa T. i
vessels la Fort.
S-iSVr' "t'- ,h" Port Lbr. Co.
!-. Arm' ,ch- 8t Johnsj
Sy'i'?.u- o. as Stream
S,.ri" e,wAtl- " North Bank
mnoaey, am. ss.
Suveric, Br. ss
r.- t A, Ainsworth
Johan Poulsen. Am. ss Westport
M-iShliS Gn,t b" Port Lbr. Ca
Marechal d Castrlea Fr. bk....Inatonj
ferred. Th atreet commltte, imme
diately after tha adjournment of the
board, went Into session and considered
these bids, recommending awards to the
lowest bidders. The awards will be
made at the last regular session of th
board next Friday afternoon.
One of the big contracts recommended
for award by the committee wa that
for the paving of Mllwauk I street with
hassam. The Consolidated Contract
company will get the contract it bid
being 2128.219.21.
Another Xarg Contract
Another large contract to be let wtll
go to the Warren Construction Co. It
is for the Improvement of Olenn av
enue with bltulltlilo pavement The
bid of the company wa 166,222.70.
The atreet committee finally recom
mended that the hassam Improvement
on East Twenty-first street between
Powell and Division streets, be accepted
and paid for. The cost will be some
thing like 186,000, and Allen R. Joy.
new councilman from the seventh ward,
announced yesterday on behalf of the
property owners, that they will fight
the assessment in the oourta
East Twenty-first street is the thor
oughfare that had to be torn up for
two blocks and relald on account of
defective cement used in laying the
surface. Since the two blocks wer re
laid other portion of the street have
been patched. It Is said that these
patches are not aa thick aa waa th
original surface of th atreet Chair
man Piatt of the committee listened
to the protest of Mr. Joy and then an
nounced that the remonstrance would
be overruled and the street recommend
ed for acceptance. The other member
of the oommittee are Charles Smith
and H. P. Palmer.
The committee also recommended th
acceptance of Eaat Eleventh etreet
Thle Is another street on which hassam
was laid. There has been a great pro
test against Its acceptance.
(United Preee Lraaed Wlrat
Cambridge, Mass., June 28. For th
first time in 73 years Harvard's com
mencement waa held today without th
glory of the National Lancers, whose
scarlet coats and gold lace have been
the feature of similar past eventa
Governor Foes waa resDonsIble for
the omission of the time-honored fea
ture. He declined to appear with th
lancers In the commencement procession
irom --asaacnuaett hall to Bandera
theatre. The governor wale ' escorted
only by five dismounted members of
hi staff. The graduating class 1 th
largest in the history of Harvard.
To Displace Garber.
It is said that prominent Democratic
leaders of Cincinnati and Cleveland will
Join in a movement te displace Harvey
C Garber as the Democratic national
committeeman for Ohio. v '
general cargoes and passengers from
San Francisco to this port and then
reload here with general merchandise as
well a passenger for Port Angeles,
Victoria, Vanoouver, Belllngham, Ever
ett Port Towaaend, Seattle and Taco-
evety IB or 20 daya. and ahould
nougn freight be offered for the smal
ler way porta it 1 proposed to atop at
those placea.
May Benefit Shipper.
Portland, it 1 thought i 0 situated
that dealer can purchase their good aa
cheaply, if not cheaper, here than at
any other place on the Pacific coast and
together with the low freight rate pro
posed the promoters claim that it will
aid th dealers to get their good direct
from a trade center.
"It is estimated." eays Mr. Steelsmlth
in his announcement "that a vessel 'of
this kind operated between these ports
and carrying cargo both way, can
carry general cargo between Portland
and Puget sound ports, also British Co
lumbia, for the aum of 28.60 per ton
weight or measurement at carrier' op
It 1 expected later that the Portland,
San Francisco It Puget Sound Steam
ship company may be extended to In
elude a quicker service by th addi
tion of another ateamer.
Buy Near the. New Railroad
Fine city house and lot 8800. Also
well located lot and good 7 room bouse,
82600. E. C. Dv. 8th and Main streeta
orea-on city, or.
LRK8H suits lor rent all alsea
Tailoring Co.. o Stan; at
CLARKE BROS.. florUta, fin
at J floral designs.
you own your lot w will build you
Unique I a home to suit you. and let yoa pay
ror u at 1-0 per moncn. wny pay rnn 1
when thl opportunity I walunr for
youT Correspondence aollslted. Beaux
Art Building So., 201-2-2 Lumbermen
hide. Phones Marshall 1479. A-2888.
Morrison' at
ANSWERS to classified advertisement
which appeared In The Journal await
those possessing certificates for the fol
lowing numbers:
A 489, 608, ll, 612. 899, 000, 80S. 107.
414, 820. 627. 828. 881. 832. 642, 4S,
kk tit tn ni
B 176. 617. 624, 627. 629, 640. 648. 146, JOHNSON To Mr. and Mra John John
et(. ooi. 00s. oil. en. i en. 1 ann. inni z. a e-iri
C 678, 692. 600, 604. 109. 618. 619. 620, GUTHERT To Mr. and
BRYANT To Mr. and Mra. Ernest
Brvant 286 Glltan atreet June 81, a
AMES To Mr. and Mr. Oua Jem.
173 Eaat Seventh atreet, June 20, a
BANKER To Mr. and Mrs. Kino
Banker, 104 East Thirty-eighth street
June 12, a girl.
BABCOCK To Mr. and Mra Harry
BabcocK, 6-0 Belmont, jun -t, a gir-
Buv of Owner
Rave full commission; special price
for short time; well built modern A
room bungalow, close to 2 carllnes, good
view, Wavertelgh Helghta Inquire 885
E. Kelly at No agents. -
want a home on the eaat eldet
649, 662. 684. 173. . 674,
Albert H. Morris Burled Today.
Colfax, Wash., June 28. Albert H,
Morris, aged 20 years, a son of Daniel
B. Morris, a pioneer resident of Cen
tral la, died at the St Ignatius hospital
at Colfax Sunday of abscess of the head.
Two sisters. Mm. W. M. Moore of 1441
Moody street Portland, and Mr. Jack
Haverman of Beaverton, Or., survive.
Th body was sent to Centralla for
burial. Funeral servloea are being held
there today.
Weds Colorado Jurist.
Bound Brook, N. J., June 28. A large
number of notable guests attended th
wedding her today of Miss Angle 8.
Kuhl, daughter of Commander G. W.
Kline, U. 6. N., and Mrs. Kline, and
Judge Charlea EX Southard of Greeley,
Colo. Th wedding took place at 'The
Mooring," th summer horn of the
bride' parent.
Indiana Luther League.
South Bend, Ind., June 28. South
Bend la entertaining for three daya the
annual convention of the Indiana Luther
league. Delegates and visitor from
nearly every part of the state
ware on hand at the formal opening of
th gathering' today.
Lungs Declared Sound-
Life Insurance Granted
We advertise Eckman's Alterative to
tell those who have tuns' disease what
has been done by lta use.
Gentlemen: "On the evening of May
IS, 1907, I had five hemorrhages from
the right lung. My hemorrhages kept
up for one week I had 28 in alt Septic
pneumonia developed. My doctor told
me my left lung had alao become af
fected. ' I started to take Eckman's the
last - of August, 1907, and Improved
steadily. Since my recovery about a year
ago, I was accepted for lite Insurance,
after two examination by a company
that had prvlouly rejected ma"
(BUrned , Affidavit) CHA3. MORGAN.
ooe j nompwn et rnua.. .pa.
Fuller detail of above case on re
quest ,-Vv. ' ' -
. Ec kitten Alterative I for Bronchltla.
Asthma. Hay Fever, Throat and Lung
Anecuons. or saie oy xne uwi urug
Co and other leading druggista Ask
for booklet of cured cases, and write to
Sckman Laboratory,; Philadelphia, Pa
zor aoaiuonai eviofnoe.
Mrs. Oscar
Guthert 766 East Twenty-flret Jun
8. a boy. .
LARSON To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lar
son, Luke atreet, June 23, a girl.
GIBSON T,o Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Gib
son, Ills asi caruuiera aircci, j
7 a girl '
Thorgny Zacharisson, Jun 21, 610
Clay street a flrl. .
TRAVIS To Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Travis, 80 East Sixteenth street,
June 26, a boy. .
627. 641
7 ?R
D 6f4, 691, 604, 611. 618. 126. 649, 178,
676, 678. 680, 688.
B 606. 609.. 6ll. 612. 814, 616. 680. 64T.
674,, 679.
F 5?9, 603, 606, 607, 616. 620, 628. 626,
29J 673, 674.
061)2. 612, 616. 617, 619, 620, 621. 671,
679, 682. 688.
H 616, 611, 627,-628, 647, 170. 671, 173,
676. 676. 677. 679, 687.
J 269, 610, 698. 613. 618, 620, 624, 671,
K 663. 612. 616. 617. 620. 626, 631, 648.
ui eae -71 MTt 7e 7a
ti9-ji-.6X-t& i& ill' U' CAMPBELL In. this city. June
w V,! i.v "-.1 ... David camppeii. ageq
ii wu., wow, nil, vis, u.v, i, w to, wiv,
647. 667. 72, 674.
O 643, 647, 670. 677. 679. 616.
P 696, 618. 627, 630, 632, 644. 670. 6T6,
676, 678, 680, 683. 616. 617. 619.
R 6.0, 621, 627, 680. 644. 645, 646, 148,
678. 679.
S 709. 705. 700, 895, 688, 611, 711. 723,
722, 646, 814, 622, 620. 678, 686, 638,
T 680. 693, 664. 689. 680, 678, 684. 689,
632, 618, 641, 627, 644, 612, 618. 664,
V 678, 671, 627. 628. 115. 122, 672. 688.
W 68f. 622. 682. 625.
Y 689, 686. 623, 621.
it vpara 1
, n - - v
months. 16 daya Funeral services will
be held at the Elks' Temple, corner
Seventh and Stark streets, at 1:80 p.
m., Thursday, June 29. Friends invited.
Interment Rivervlew cemetery.
DYER The funeral of the late Mrs.
Walter E. Dyer will take plac Fri
day. June 80. at 2 p. tn from Holman's
undertaking parlors. Interment at Riv
ervlew cemetery. '
DO you
We have omo beautirui places, cheap
and on easy term in Irvlnpton, Laurei
hurat Rose City Park and other at
tractive districts. McAllister It Luedde
mann. 921 Electric bldg. Phone Mar-
thali izi. or A-azo,
Beautiful Home
Best location Irvlngton; finished la
oak and verv select fir; modern as pos
sible, lot 75x100: also lots all prices.
East 273, C-1S66; no agenta W. H.
Herdman. '
Bungalows, Bungalows,
Anywhere, any price, any terma. See
Holbrook, 603 Swetland bldg.
A SPLENDID home for aale; 5 rooma,
all modern conveniences and then
some; lot 70x80, lawn, flowers and bear
ing fruit trees; 3 car line, clos in esst
side; if interested, phon owner, Sell
wood 134. '
M'Hil.ff Martin McHala 600
wick street, June 26, age 46, heart
disease. ,
BBAMER Hanna Beamer, 488 East
Riimsid street. June 25. age 82, car-
25 681, 686, 688, 682. 687. 677, 622, 648, bollo acid (suicide).
CERTIFICATES of title mad by th
Title Trust company, Lewis Bldg.
4th and Oak.
Victor Land company to Gost
.Tnhnann. Inta IS and 20. block
18. Irvington Park 450
B. M. Lombard and wlf to Anna
C. Olson, lots 1 and 2, block 11,
Railway addition 225
Charle E. De Long, administra
tor, to I. G. Peyton, lota 19
an1 20. hlnrk 7. Ina. Park addi
tion . TOO
Franlt Wolf and wife to Gottlieb
Reherr.tnrer. lots 3ft and 40.
block 9. Lee Bow Park v 600
Nordby-Craven Investment Co. to
Delphi sprague, lot 11, biocK
16, Ladd'a addition
Maria Johnson to Henry C. W.
Brandshagen, lots 3, 4 and 7,
block 36. Portland Cltv Home
stead 900
J. Henry Whltehouse and wife
to B. M. Lombard. 8 acres, in
section 29, township 1 south,
ranare 1 east 2,322
E. A, Ten Eyck and wife to R.
W. Ketchum et al, lot 7, block
13. Woodlawn . . ,yf 1.000
Abijah B. Chaney and wife to
George W. JenKins et al, lot S,
hleck 2. Bernhardt Park ......
The Hawthorne estate to Marga
ret Burreii Biddie, lota 6 and 6,
block 172. Hawthorne Park. . .
Emery Hughey to Robert C
Krenon iota 0. ana s. diock
8 Porter's addition 800
John A. Ditch, to wunarn starkey
1 t Af Ut 4
block 4, First Subd. of Mo
Kinley Park 600
S. B. Okreson to Charles Watts,
lots 9 and 10, block 2, Lacrel '
Park addition .. 400
R. L. Glisan to Jamea W. Morris. '
north 25 feet of lot 8 and
south 25 feet of lot 6, block - .
"R," Tabor-Jflelght 860
T. O. Hollla and wife to Anna M.
Smith, lot 7, block , Queen . ' '
'Ann addition ................ SAA
John L. Drummond and wife to
Occidental Trust Co.. lot It.
block 8. York
DAVIS Loren Davis, St. Vincent's hos
pital, June 23, age 87. hemorrhage.
SPATH Ernest fcpath, 4204 East Fifty
second treet, June 84, age 64, cancer.
HOLM John Hdlm, Good Samaritan
hospital, June ao. age i, cue iiguw.
MAX M. SMITH, florist 160 6th st.
opp. Meier Frank's Main 7215.
Dunning & McEntee
vrv detail. Tth and Pino. Main 480.
I A-4658. Lady assistant
J, P. Flnley & Son-
Third and Madison.
Lady attendant. Main 9. A-1699.
Undertaker; lady assistant
B-1888. E-781. E. 6th-Aldr.
a ,.'.-
E. R2. B-2526
EAST SIDE funeral directors,
eor to F. H. 1 unnma. inc
EDWARD HOLMAN. undertsker. 220
8J at. Lady assistant Main 607.
ave. : notn pnooes: isoy assisiani.
HEMSTOCK 1687 E. 13th, Sell wood 71;
aiSO Dlwunii, wooqiawn leie.
A Snap
House and lot 2760, will take horse
and cow as part payment, rest terma
Phone Woodlawn S044.
$1200 New 4 room house, full base
ment, electricity, lot 40x100 nesr 2 car
lines, excellent neighborhood, fine view,
easv terms. 989 E. 32d at. N. Phone
Main 7798. : J
IN Piedmont, by owner. 100x100 cor
ner with 6 room attractive houeev
fruit and flowers in yam, alley In rear,
garage; no agents. $7000; terms. V
784. Journal. ,
$30 monthly which includes 7 per cent
Interest, buys 6 room home. Just like
rent Basement bath, gas, electrio
lights, telephone. Corner lot Price
2860. Phone owner, East 2741.
'OR SALE by owner, 6 room modern
house, lot 60x180; various berries and
fruit; nice lawn. Terms. Two bock
to Mt Tabor car. 112 E. 47th. Phon
Tabor 2972,.
' $15 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY. '
Swell, new little 3-room cottage, 'lot
50x100, close to new Mt. Hood elec-;
1 trio. .Fred W. German, 829 Burnslde St
M. or A-2776: ; ".
FOR SALE! A $2600 quity in a 7 room
house and grounds 100x166 on th
1 corner of E. 64th and Burnslde; price
$5500. call at 14 m. eiat ana make mean
offer. ' ; ;-1
FOR SALE by owner. 5room bunga-i
low, in Rose City Park. Would take
lot as part payment. 494 E. 64th st. N
near Thompson. '
NEW modern 6 room cottage, 247 - E. '.
36th et.: j-bou, including an improve
ments; $duu aown, oaiance easy
Owner. 1139 E. Main. Phone B-:
A MODERN 7 room house, electrio
lights, bath, 1 story barn, at Arleta.
Pay down what you s can, balance like
rent. Tabor 868. . . .
GENERAL REAL ESTATE 02 MODERN' 6 room house, lot 40x100, ce-
ment oaeemeni, cement walks, nicety
finished inside, close in, lots of roses,
lawn, etc. 861 E. llth. Phone E. 6023.
LADY must sell; will sacrifice her mod
ern little home near 23d, and Thur
man, for $8900. Haaemann. 601 Rail-
2,660 INCOME oroperty. store and corner lot,
pay -13 per cent; Income $528 an
nually; price $4000: good reason for
selling. Clarke Co., 207 Rothchlld
bldg. Phone Main 2407.
MUST sell at aacrifioe my - $ room
house. Plastered, tinted and fur
nished. Lot 50x100; beautirui shad
trees and lawn. Cloae In. Right on St
John carltne. Price $1100; terms. Lot
is worth the . money. ' See It at once.
1285 Greeley. Woodlawn 1968. -.
way Exchange.
6 room new bungalow, full basement, :
laundry, trays, corner 75x100; snap' at ;
$2600, $250 OV)Wn. 214 Commercial blk. .;
! $76 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. . ,
New 4 room house: bath and toilet
with built-in folding bed. This is a fin,
little place; $1250. i 214 Commercial blk.
fin liwn and roea C. G. Wollett P"Ises. , ' -
841 Mississippi av., Phone Woodlawn BY owner. 6 room houee 8-500, cloee in
1-S'T ' -w : . ,. - on car line. Easy terma. . Phon Kaet
' - SOOT.. Al A - .W , . .. ...
fruit an4 well. Tnniilra nt 1 6 ROO
iou FVank Bullard. 1024 Moiaua av.. Ore-
Lawyers Abstract -.-Trust Co.. capital I ron Cltv. Or..' ' I DANDY
PACIFIC Title Trust Co- th leadlna
aoatraetor, 1 womu, (round rioor
FOR SALE 8 room rooming
Cheap ix ' purcnasea ai one.
4480. -m----: w-V.;.4'-i.-i -vY
MS. new. bargain. $4650. Terma to
1 1 4 , ma itflm ml..l.M T-K m' iftl
. ' 1 T ' f
651 24 et " Main 6780.
easy terma,
Main I NEW 3 room house for sale, Mt Soott
una, int. u-716. journal.