.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY- EVENINO, JUNE .83. 191L Mr Challenge Issued 'to Grapple ' Ut SMaIm MtfJrllAiirAinrit Title of the wona. John Berg, self-etrled middleweight wrestling champion of the world, who haa been playing ono alght stands In small tawna Around Portland . WItn . Btrangler Smith In exhibition matches, t-an get all tho real wrestling ha wanta. it ha haada a chailenga directed hlm yesterday by Peter Buaukoua, manager of iemetraj or twouo, toe champion af the Greeks, who la on tola, way to Portland ana wiu on jnr week. . . Busukoua. wbo ta tha Oreek ohanv Hahtweirhte. -la nan dllng Pam.traro affalra In thla part of tha country and thla . morning atatad that If Bar, who in raallty la a light- weignr, waniea euro . ould get It from Demetral for a aide bat of real money or irons ""; ' Berg, aooordlng to Buaukoua, doeen t m anxioua- to take up Demetral a aihail tAnaraa. . . - 4 lliisrii armies' aMTAfli wentx further ta hia challenge and atatad that If Strangler i.nk exhibition partner to night at Oregon City, and-Thuaday night at Bugeoa, wanted any of.nla . gmma ha oould have It 3uewkoue aays If Smith oan't muster enough aoln for a alda bat ha will wraetle Wm la rl- vata fof tha fun of it. .. t. wait nulla a following la Port- land a oonpla of yaara back, but aoma of hip orlUca aay ha Btwr good man a an opponent, offering as an excuee a twlatad knaa when the nameo of Charley Oleon. Prod Ball and Mh trmt rata wraauara ware mwa- rametral la one of tha beat wrest lero of bla weight In tha world and If nara- mb ha -Induced to meet him It will be a match worth going mllee ta Ma, However, John haa not been active Jn proclaiming hie preeenoa In the city and hi oaeireDUity or a matoo, future aetiona are much alouded In . -doubt. ' Chlmmie's Column Horrora! What la ailing tnoae eav- They hare won one game out of tha laat 11 played. Everything -vae roey unUl Bill Rogere wae put out of the running. - Since than the team haa been ahot ta plecee. Tommy ' Murray arrived In town thla morning with hlo finger bandaged aa though lt .SM oeen-snoi. vn. oumr out Of the game will make a bigger hole In tha teamwork. .. Ho known what other playera 'can't -hit and waa naif of tha ahow for tha Beavera. , , ... , . a a . -a ' Thlnga muet be Tweaking - Terr badly ISan Franclsoo for the Beavera when they hava to nor row Neblnger from 'Sacramento to play second ' base. , Barry muet be ' away off or elee aomethlng la radically wrong .. a a Hera 1a one for. you to. dl'gaat: Did the pillow kla the-aheet Juat to Oom- fortetttM:ahaT8ha did. mil Roaara . haa . been; la , town for three -or f our " day and haa been .ae- cluded from tha public . . v . ' - r The'Ruperta and Greaharn team will taah tint Sunday. morning -f or a -aide bet of $100. Laet Sunday Greeham hung the defeat algn on Red'o bunch and the lattor are hungry for tha re turn of the monay they loat then. - The local , contingent who have bean letting looee on the purae etrlnga an ticipating the Beavere to coma through with a win, hava gone broke. The local aporte. are aoroe plunger and you can aafely figure that eomebody la near broke. Oakland la In flret place with the Seals and Beavera pressing them very cloeely.:' Unless the Beavera taka a bracer aomethlng awful la liable to happen. jr. it The Nicks are ready to taka a flyer at the Seattle aggregation thla after poon and If tha weather, holda out you will aea a good game of baaeball. Kitty Knight will most likely start tha fire works for Seattle with Jensen on tha firing line for tha Nicks. Tomorrow Charlie Fullerton will do the heaving for tha Seattle team. ' ;L , ' J1 It Is worth a few mlnutea of your time to hear tha Nicks talking about .whether or not they ought to lower themselves by playing tha Beavara. Nick .Wllllama sayo "they will hava to get a, reputation." Billy Bloomfleld aays: - -"How can we fall so low?" "RUaalan" lundorff. tha dandy little third aacker of the Nicks, exclaims "It would be a Shame to show 'em up." Doc Akerman aays "the Beavera wouldn't draw mar bles If the Nicks tackled them. We would win In a walk." ,. Bobby Coltrln aays: "I never saw tbam go but they would have to travel some to get a ball out of the Nick's Infield." Jeaa . Stovall pipes: '1 might not get tha 'ground .balls they hit to the outfield, but gee whls how I could hit 'em out to that fence if wa only could get a - whack at those fellows."- That shown you how much confidence tha Nicks have In their ability to beat tha Beavera. : l Journal Want Ada bring results. LOCAL TURNERS GET ME MS COVER ' HIGH CLASS RANKING WATER AT FAST CLIP . Log .' AngeUe.' June II. When tha point ware finally figured out for tha wtnnera In tha western turnf est held here last weak and participated la by Oermen aoclaty athletea from ail of tha wast, tha Portland Social Turn Veretn ranked among tha highest. , Tha polnta la the various olaaeea war distributed as follows: OaJee Perry, Conn, June II. Time trials mada by tha Tale and Harvard "Vanity arewa to data favor tha EU'a. Tala la oredlted with covering tha first two mOaa of tha bonrae la 11'. Har vard's baet time for two mllee wag 16:11 .In a .trial over tho four mllea, which waa completed In 10:17, Con sidering tha aama "dope." the Tala : . j freahmaa alght will lead tha Harvard , - .." . .. .. Z, yM rZ freshmen, aa each baby W. O. Krause, Portland, 11.71 Rudolph Uochull, Portland. TI.IJ Saoond class, Intermedlatee William Sohula. SeatUa, IT.tB; Ed Huesa, 8aat Ua.. 11.11: X Gobbler. SeatUa, 15.711 Harry Dyok. Seattle, .4i Prank Lauba, Portland. I4.7: Ernest Schmidt, Port land 11.10: John Rleeoh. Portland. ILK: Herman Schacht, SeatUa, ll.lt i Rudolph erew haa naoed Ita vanity alght in tha trtala. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES At Philadelphia . R. H.E. Boston ......,. Ill Philadelphia 11 Batteiiee Perdue and Xling: Chal Called and mora ana lforan. Caued end af aev- Albrlch, Seattle,-10.10; Jao Zeller, rort-ith inning on account of re! a. Urn land, 7l.li rrlta Mueller; Beanie, i7.i. Iplrea. O'Dey and SmsUa, nrai oiaea. aovtcaa joe itieaon. ron. land. 11.10; Willie Haokmann, Saattla, ll.lli Karl Oswald. Seattle. 11.41: Baumgarten.' Portland. 11.10: Hans Nil- Portland. ll.lt: Cnrta taller, ran- IpltUbura land, ii.7i can Jocn, aeaitie, s.t. Cincinnati AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES At Boston R. H.B. Phlladalnhla T XI 1 Boaton Ill Batterlee Sander and Thomas; wood aad Nunamakar. Umpires S.f aa and Sharldaa. At New Tork. PI rat gamai R. It E. Waahlnrtoa I 11 0 Naw Tork 1 Batteries Johnson and Street; Qulan aad Sweeney. Umpires Connolly and CLoughlln. At New Tork Second game: R.H. a Washington . . ..,... a 14 I New Tork I I 1 Batteriee walker and Henry: Coak ley and blalr, Umplrea O Loughlln and Connolly. At Plttsburgi R.H.E. a.....l I . a ....... .......... a Batter! ea Prom ma and McLean; Cam nta and olbeon. Urnplrea--John stone aad Baaoa. HH.S At St Jula. Plrst gamat Chicago ...... ...I f St. Louis ; 4 a Batteries Brown and Archer, Har- Imon and Breenahan. Umpirea Buem and Din rirat garnet R. H. K. (II III Meyers; At Chleaao! R H K Detroit I 6 0 Chicago .1 10 1 Batteries. Donovan and Btanage: Walsh aad BuUlvan. Umpirea Perrtne and Deaeen. At Brooklym. New Tork.... Brooklyn Batteries Marquard and Scan Ion, Bchardt and Bergen. Umpires RIgler and Plnneraa. At Brooklyn Saoond game-R. H. B. New Tork T 10 I Brooklyn 1 I Batteries Ames and Meyers; Bar re r and Erwtn. Umpirea Plnnermaa and RIgler. BTANDDfO OF THE TEAM3 JVfarahflcld to Oclebrata. Marsh field. Or, June It. A ahoot In g IParram ante Padflo Ooaat League. Won. Lost. OakUnd 41 Ran Franclsoo ...... 41 Portland 44 Vernon 44 41 tournament to be held by the Marsh- field Oun club Is to ha one of the fea tures of the Fourth of July celebration n ihie elty. Teama of five men from Marahfleld. Coaullle and North Bend will compete for a prise. A two days' race meeting at the local tradr is an other feature which. haa been arranged, and already some of the horsea from other places hava arrived at the track. Los Angeles It 41 North weatrm League. Won. Loat Vancouver Spokane 41 Taooma ..,.. : Portland Seattle ii Victoria H 27 II 21 14 14 II New Pitcher Helpa Angela. Los Anaelee. -Cal.. Jane II. Halla, the Angela new recruit added another Yletorv bv beating the seaie ana out- Dltohinr Harry Sutor In a 12-lnnlng aama. The final acora waa I to 2. Tha acore: n. n. a. 2 7 6 Loa Anaeles I " I Batteries Sutor, Moskiman and Ber ry; Schmidt nana ana .omiin. National League. ' Won. Lost New Tork . Chicago Philadelphia Pittsburg .. Bt Louis .. Cincinnati . Brooklyn . . Boston . . . . ! 81 19 ! .14 21 21 14 21 ii American League. Won. Lost Tanderbflt Horsea Win. Paris. Juna 28. Two horsea belong ing to W. K. Vanderbllt won two races and, secured se50u4 , place In another event at tha s Mai sen Lafltte , meet Colonat won the Prix dea Essarts; Mes aidor III won tha Prix de Hues, and Canadienna finished seoond In the Prix d'Csaaldea Pouliches.' Petrolt Philadelphia New i or . Chicago .... Boston Cleveland . . Washington St. Louis . . . 41 40 14 21 32 27 22 II 21 20 26 if 29 17 41 41 PC. .144 .III .tlT .100 .411 .III PC. P.C. .12) .111 .611 .1 !444 .144 .221 P.C. .672 ,67 .67 .664 .il6 .422 .141 .212 Oaka Forwar to front. Prenoleoe. Juna L Tha Oaks ara leading tha Ooaat league aa tha ra slut of their Uitory over tho ligeru yeaterday by tha score af, I to 4. Tha Ugera batted bard but ' were not aa luoky aa tha Oeka. Three pitohere ware need by th TUUvgara. Tha aoorat. '. , - , ' It It B. Vernon. 4 It OakUnd I 10 I Batterlee Raleigh. : Stan Held .. an4 Olpa, Brown) Christian and Mltsa. ' . i ' , 1 i . Erang Raaks WeU at Golf. ' j Sandwloh, England Jaa llCharlaa Evans, Jr4 or Chicago, In tha aeoond round of tha open golf championship bare, want around tha eoure in. It, making a. total - score of lit. H. H. Hilton, British amateur ehamptoa, of tha Royal Liverpool alnb. leads tha tournament with a total eoore af : 111. . . mm, m a ODl Bnedlgar Breaks Baoord. ' Pittsburg. Juna "1I- OlUe Soadlgar, a member ar.uia nan rraacjeoo uiym. pla club, broke the world's record far Javelin throwing bars by clearing a dlstanee af 117. feet TM laches. The record waavmade, bow ever, la'praetloe work for tha -Ameiiaaa Athletle Union meat, which take plaoe hare friday aad Saturday. - , eBBBaaaBBamannaaBeBaaBawavaaa ' Nary Ouunp to Meet McOoorty. Chicago. Juna II. Phil chioasberg, wha el aims the middleweight, ehamplon ahlp of tha United Statea aavy, will meet Eddie MoOoorty tonight at East Chloago, Indiana, la a Sl-round bout . ENTRYMEN WILL UTILIZE ' EMINENT DOMAIN RIGHTS (Special IMapate as Tka laaraatt ' Band, Or Juna 11 The opinion of Attorney Oenarai Crawford that a pri vate Individual may eiereUe the right af eminent domain la ebtalnlag a right of way for . irrigation dttohee aeroee tha property af another who haa refused to allow euch privilege afreets many deeert an try men herat County Judge K. C Etlla haa Juat reeaived from Mr. Crawford a otatement of the matter, aad atepa will at anea be taken by an trymea here who' bad bean unable ta reclaim their holdings and ware about ta loee them aa aooouat of being w able to show that they had brought the land under the ditch. - Soma Oermea peat whan dried, en taiaa,4f per aant carbon, and baa near ly ana-half tba beating value of eoaL tilany W onderfbl and Marvelous Cures Wise Men and Women Know that moat of the sicknesses of Ufooocos from inactive bowels and from unhealthy condition of the organs of digestion. If jour digestive ivrtcra b not working right, oar food does not nourish too poor blood and weakness follow it your boweli are inscthre I waste matter poiaoni tha whole lyitem.and erlooa ilckncas it 'gore to follow.' To take promptl FDILIL is to gave yourself trouble and ezpenie. Gentle, but quick; safe, but thorough, they enable the bowels to carry away waste matter naturally and tone up the whole digettlre system. They will not injure the moat delicate. They help you to get your bowels and jour digestive organs in that condition when the can take. good care. of themselves and of you. Beecham's Pills Do Good Naturally Farfisj ilifcSaaebaas's Wis era ayeriaBy saluMs. Sea tsewaitlaai weft eaanj Baa. Sold Evarywttara in bemaa, 10a. and 23c. Br This Leading Reliable anH Well-Known Chinese Root and Herb Doctor. C: I C Gee 1 Gee Wo ; ; Wo iimli i i ii No Poisons No Knife No Operations Rheumatism, catarrh, gall atonaa, kid ney, liver, stomach, throat and lung troublee cured by eholoeet and rareai medicinal roota, herba, buda and barks. My remedies have vrovea beyond a doubt all I claim for them and mora. OOWBTOVrATXOaT rata. A thousand taatlreealala on ft la. Call and aatiafy youraalf. reopie out or towa wnie ror oonsm tatkm blank and circular. Ineloaa 4 cants in stem pa. The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Ct, l62l2 1st St. Cor. Morrison Foniano, Oregon , ADL00D flEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD The maiorirv of human silments are caused by imDure blood, be cause weak, polluted blood deprives the system of its necessary strength and riisfe-fftsistino- nowers. ChUdren do not develop perfectly, not are they strong and robust unless the blood is pure and strong, while old people are afflicted with Rheumatism and other chronic trouble! because of a weakened circulation. 5.5.5. cures every ailment which comes from impure or diseased blood, it tones up and regulates everj portion of the system and creates an abundant .supply of nourishing properties with which to build up the blood. 5. S. 5. is absolutely fret from harmful drugs and minerals, and is therefore the purest and safest blood medicine for young or old. S.S.S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh. Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Malaria, Blood Poison, and alt other blood disorders. Book on the blood and any medical advice free.,. f Is sold at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- ATLANTA, CA. in. DR.GREEN UAJLAJTTS: MEN cuma Our guarantee- STe money required matfl satisfied la your absolute rroteetloOL Consul at Ion. examine tion and dlagnoata free. Our speciaitv Is AH Aflmeata as What re- want la a our, Come to ua aa get It Hour Sally I to t. sp ellings, 7 to I. Sundays, II to 1 I TO DR. GREEN CO. MS Waahingtom SV 2aUea, Ox. Causes Debility Here Are Facts Backed Up by . a Strong Guarantee. Catarrh causes debility, In our opin ion, moat people Buffering from general debility hava catarrh. Such cases of debility cannot be completely cured by medicine not designed to eradicate catarrh. In every case where our rem edy faila to give entire satisfaction we will not charge a cent for. the medi cine employed during the trial. Now. surely no one should hesitate to be lieve us or to put our claim to a prac tical test under such conditions. We will take all the risk; no one else can lone anything by the transaction. Wa make these statements and thi offer because we know and have time and again proved that Rexall Mufeu Tone rarely falls to do as we claim. It is not a cure-all prescribed to cure every disease that flesh Is .heir to. It is in tended for one purpose, 1. e., to cure catarrh by assailing the diseased con dition in a reasonable, scientific way, which la to employ agents that have been found to have the tonlo and alter ative power to correct faulty tnetabo llsm (tissue change) and to stimulate and help nature overcome the cause or causes of catarrh. This being aone, appetite Increases, nutrition Improves, weight la gained, oomfort of body la attained and life's work taken- up with the seat natural to the perfectly healthy individual. We want you to try Rexall Mucu Tone. Follow directions and take It res-ularlv and consistently for a reason able length of time. Then, if you are not aatisf led, oome back and teU us and the money yo.u paid . for the treatment will be returned without any argument whatever, -Rexall Mucu-Tone cornea in two alaes, 80c . and 11.00 a bottle. Sold only at Tha Owl, Drug Co., Inc. corner 7th and Washington ota. MEM CILMP S to 1S By DR. LINDSAY, tbe Eminent, - long-isiaDiisnea apecausi WHY PAY WORE! For Inferior treatment wnen you can get tha very beet medical attention at a fea of from ONE FOURTH to ONE HALF that , charged by other specialists with my repu tation T Remember that you are not asked to nay for any experiments or any failures If your case will not yield to my treatment y, I can esoeruun xnai ai mo tion, and will frankly tell you . you advice how- to take care arr grscZAXTXZS ABB arervons UeMUty, Blood Bisoraara, Piles, Tariooae ''etna. Kydro. first examine. ao, and give of yourself. oele, Buptarea, Kidney, Bladder and aU aia. .COME -AND CONSULT US FREE OF ALL CHAROH DR. vLlIMOS 07J BBIOABU SFBOXAXZST Corner Aider and Second atreeta. Entrane. 1114 Second street, Portland, Or, Office hours a. m. to ptja, Sundays ft . a., n. ;to. 1 cv. m. . , BBBBBBWaWaWWsWaWaWaBBBWaBBBaaWBS CiredkOie - THE WONDER OF THE AGE Varicose Veins, Piles, Hydrocele, Blood Poison " Guaranteed Cured in One Treatment Specific Blood Poison Cored In OneTreatment By the German Method ol InJecttonM This discovery is the greatest boon ta sufferers from Speolfle Blood Polaoa ever discovered. It haa been used eueeeesfully in over 10,000 oases. It abso lutely cures In one treatment No matter how long you have been afflicted, it works like magic. Mr experience with It permits me to state positively that It Is the greatest discovery of the age and that all the symptoms of the dreaded disease, -including ulcers, eruptions, sores of all kinds, disappear In an Incredibly short time. I ara the only reliable Specialist on the Coast using this preparation in a scientlflo manner. Consul me Free before going elsewhere and .get cured now. O ne-Half the Fee Charged by Other Specialists I AM FOR MEN FBIC2S ALWAYS BJBASOXAKLB. I will give the poorest man a ohance, aa well aa the rich, to receive a cure from ma at a small cost THERE IS NO MAN TOO POOR TO GET MT BEST OPINION FREE. CaU if in trouble. SEVENTEEN YEARS of SUCCESS IN TREATING IVIEN A thorough uvesugaaoa snotua v maoa py wwrwurptnoi aa to tne specialist he consults. Buty and dee. tiny to sslf and those who depend upon you demand cue neat medieal attention. J have tbe ability and can give yon may so onauto . niumAaltlaflal hava you for a nation, if von f essional basla, aad the Inducements that X off er, whtoh ara my ability, and thirty years' suocessful experience. Time this service, i nave aiwatya caargea a very ronDi ao tamt my aervioea mar be ontainaa ay ai awwuraia ox unnnainessuxa propositions i aetuier ao x aesixe vus service, a wi aw jm ainoerely desires to be on red. X make no misleading i to be particularly independent, and X would Ilka to ha by any man who i propositions i neither do X oasure will com. to me oa a strictly pro. laving Treatment and Guarantee of ours of certain Bis eases. We Cure Nervous . Exhaustion Also known aa Nervous Debility, Nervo-VItal Oeblllty, Nmraathenia, etc If you have any symptoms of this disease, such aa loss of energy or ambition, vitality. easily aeriT or mnuiuun. vjuuifci fatigued, dull, lletlees feeling, nervousness and other symptoms, 1 1 want you to ne sure ana can. i have given thie condition of men special study and I unhesitatingly say that my treatment la not excelled by Other specialist. regaruieBa or wn my may ciajrn. an vere cases letters of endorsement ara on file, and there la no reason to believe that I oannot cure TOU also, RE MEMBER, by oalllng you do not obligate yourself to take treatment We Cure Contracted Disorders burning', Boure. treat. MZB, XT TM TBOTTSXJt CAZA TOBAT. Bewly oontraotad cases quickly eared. AH Itching, Inflammation ana Usoharre enecxea in aa Many oases ourad la wi wmIl 'Wi as. a specif lo meat for thla diaaaaa. Many Simple Cases OF AA Cured for . a1. t)J)UU WE CHARGE NOTHING TO PROVE OUR METHODS WILL CURE YOU We Cure Kidney anil Bladder Diseases Sow slight, should be treated by an expert specialist Patent medicines and treatment of Inexperienced doctors cannot be depended upon to cure them, which you no doubt have found out if you have been afflicted for any lenath of time. Too frequent desire, retention of or too profuse, sedi ment or brick dust burning, scalding sensation, highly oojored, pains in the back. dry. pale, waxy skin, etc.. are symptoms that ahould not be neglected for a mo ment If you call I will make a careful, expert chem ical and microscopical . examination an absolute test without charge, and give you information and advloa of value. We Cure Urinary Obstructions and Enlarged Prostate Gland Mr cure for Prostatitis is safe, painless and permanent and free from surgery in any form. Every obstruction to the urethra la forever removed, all discharges soon cease, inflammation ana soreness are allayed, the pros- tate gland and bladder are healed and the entire urinary Dr. Wing Lee Well known Chinese physician, practloei In Oregon and Wash ington 46 years, uses Chinese root medicines exclusive ly. Examines patient tn asaetness and states tba nature and cause of illness, r-nraa all kinds Of. dlseasea. no matter of how long stand inc. It makes no difference what the . i . b a la. Dr. Tin. rm an aura il Treats ana cures .11 fmele diseases as welL Others hava followed hlS instructions ana iuu r a in hia nralaa and efficiency. Be oonvtnced of his akill in the treatment of all diseases. Out of towa people writ for circulars and consultation blanks. ST B. fifth St. Bortlano. Or. Ifc' A Men and Women Cured Our wonderful herb treat ment will coaitlvely cure dls i a or tn inrotL i-ienrx. r.ivor Ltinn. Btomacn. ivia- neys. Asthma, Pneumonia, Consumption, Chronic cough. Piles, Constipation. Dysen tery, weaanees. mervouimeaa, Dlulnsss. Neuralgia Head arha. Liumbaao. Appendi citis, Rheumatism, Malar ial Fever. Catarrh, Ecse- ma. Blood Poison, Leuoorrhea, Urine and Bladder Troubles and U, organic disease. Ulcers. Scrofula, vra.ii ovviw. .i w. - Consultation free. Write for symptom blank. Office hours, io a. m. to a p. m. All day Sundays. iaoy attonaani. ZiBB BOira CBXBBSB BXXB OO. 141 H Seoond st. Portland. Or. MEN AND WOMEN CURED The famous 8. K Chan Chi na a a Medicine Company, with their remedies of barbs and roots cure won derfully. It haa cured many auf-( ferera when oth-l ar remedies have' failed. Sure cure for chronic private ailments, nervousness., blood poison. is, aiai 9 A. G. Smith M. D. Uoadlnff Spvclallsit for Mn . , I am tha only Spedaael la Pert land who usee his tree - name aav photograph la his anuoaaosmoata, Z aee and treat my pat tea ta parson ally, and am sot a "mediae! eoenpany, "medical InaUtutaT ar ft "madlcal system." All man should know who tha doctor la they oonamlt and should carefully eoaauder whathar they dealra to entrust tberr kaalU with a hired doe tor af a aaadtoai eompany. I aaa my pbetoarraph aa that when you aoma ta aea ma per sonally you will reoognlaa aaa. la veatlgata my peraonal standing be. fore aocaptlng treatm.nt froca a Sea. tor of unknown identity ar reputa tion. . Are You .7; Being treated la a satisfactory man car by your present doctor? la he carrying out his promlseat Haa be cured yon In a reasonable tfxva, and lived up ta aia guaraataaaT Ara yoa paying him exorbitant prloea for medicine f Does be employ thoi oughly up-to-date and aclaatlfle methods, wbloh would be approved by the regular family lector! If you cannot answer these aueettOBe favorably ta yourself, noma and have a confidential talk with ma about your aaae. It will ooet ywa nothing. Cured In Five Dayi 'I aura aueh disorders aa Vartooaa Veins, Hydrooala. Plies. Spaolfla Blood Poison, eta, oompletaly aad permanently, often with only a bId gle treatment No aevere operatiena employed, nor detention from busi ness. I especially solicit stubborn and long standing easea that ether doctor have failed to euro. ,. Examination Free , I offer not only FB.EB oonaulta tlon and advloa, bat of every eaaa that cornea to me I will make a care ful examination and diagnosis with out charge. No ailing man ahould neglect thla opportunity to get ex pert opinion about hia trouble. If you cannot call, write for diss noala chart. My office ara open ail day from I A. M. to P. M and sunaaya trom ig to i, Dr. A. G. Smith MM Blorrieea Street. Ooa. Sesead. warnaao, ow. r f lis I publWh my own photograph, per sonally conduct my own office, hava no connection - with any , "medical company," "Institute" or "museum but am a thoroughly reliable, up to data scientlflo specialist la all dis orders of men. No hired aabatttutae to treat you. If Z accept your eaaa for treatment and do net effect a quick and lasting cure, you need not pay one cent of my small fee. Let me prove to you, without oost or obligation, that Z will euro you to stay cured, before paying oat ana penny. : .' S to 57 to S Bally Sunday, 10 to 18 Bramrnstloa 'Sdvtoa 'Braa. Rooms 109-10-11 Merchants Trust bldg, cor. 6th and Washington ata., Portland. Or. . rheumatism, asthma, pneumon throat and lung troubles, cor stomach disorders and other d Idney. r diseases of all kinds. Remedies narmiess. tio op- tt. ha TION. Consultation free. Exam ination for ladles by Mrs. 8. K. Chan. Call or write to The S. B. Chan Chinese Ksdlelae Co, S36H Korruon st, roruana. or. Removed to 165K 3d St., Cor. Morrison BIINCJ CM ON Q CThinase Doctor. His Chinese herbs and root mediolnea cure blood troubles and all dlseasea of the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys. When others have given you up, con sult or write to Bins cnong. Cure Men IS MY FEE Bay When Cured. ' , INJECTION BROU Gives Prompt aad Eflaeroal Relief vitheut incoiiTeaieace, la the MOST OBSTINATE CASES No otKw treaiaMnC required. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. General BebiUty. Weak Berrea. Xa somaia Results- of exposure, overwork and other violations of Bature'a lews. Diseases of Bladder and Xldnera. TarU eosa Veins, quickly and permanently oared at small expense. SFEULajj AitiJa JHiaTB Mewiy eon trgcted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itching and ' inflammation stopped In 14 hours. Cures effected la seven day a Consultation free. If un-' able to call, write for Hat of questions. onice Hours a. m. to p. nv bun- days, 10 a. m. to 1 d, m, only.'.-., - t PAClFr COAST MllICAIj CU. 834 H WASWjrjrGTOB STBBBT, Corner Blxst. Portland, Or. . tract la quickly restored to Ita normal healthy condition. 10 day a Avoid eutting and dilating operations; they leave you In a worm condition, than before, i cure you in from 10 to CONSULT US TODAY FREE YOU CAN PAY FEE WHEN CURED ' . V-' Ixpert ntadlnal eramlnattom free, whathar you taka treatment or not. v ' ELi 1 1 LJ TCP tnr1 Mueiim for Men OnlyIt Shows Plainly - ilj? TCpTCT1 iT iL fr I IP i Health and DiseaseNo Minor. Allowed iT itL IP i tP i WB BBAT ATJi BXSBASBS OOlfKOB TO XCBB. -4f rou cannot call write for our BBBB SZZ-ZXAXXsTATXOB BIABX ABB BOOB. Hours, I A. M. to I P. M.' Ereninga, 7 to S. Sundays. 10 A. M. to II M. only. , , , THE OREGON S1EDICAL mSTITUTE 1SiKKB,K Mil "A a V Is tatareatad and sneeM . knew about the woaaaiiiu aVELWhlrUnfSpriT . new Vtaal errtne-n, f Boil ff""' ""'-"'-"iL II .IM saukuy. Ask yosr arerret for 171 f he oannot eopply tw. u a Rvr.L. accept iiinTtAd hook i aealen. It aires foil naraenlara endaliea. Bona lavaluabU to la41e. auBTUi oo. m aaa m ttm raw Toas. wa ia, Clarke Oa. by Skldiaore : Drea Ce la. Sad Laaa-Sarla Drtif Ca,-e aux. ICHESTErrs t n j aT-aa BBk. -1 flu laauat Atk r-r lr ( hl-.tM XT' !... Piiie la i WotM. M...l t .. Take -. r . 9'rm"-'- ' 11A ..." I i.