u THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . WEDNESDAY . EVENINO. JUNE 8, 1911., - ""''''"'"''"'WTrrTti11" ' i 1 1. g n n.-iii.jjg jLATESTT I - I gPOKT M'CARTHY DEFEATS VICTORIOUS CREW IN PQUGHKEEPSIE REGATTA . FORMER NEGRO STAR Ti IMK Field : Diamond SOLONS CAPTURE . OPENING CONTEST j GDI FOURTH ICII N REFEREE 0 BE BIG JM FOR FOURTH SCRAP 1 1 JM , pHimmi' ve-.iaew..-.vifj mtHc,t--mi Hi ."Three Runs in One Inning r4;-. Shove Champions Back .' Into Third. J, , Bacramento. Cel.. June :s. Tin 8ac fimento team irrat.hl the first game ' of the aeries from lit Portland club ''yesterday afternoon. 4 to S. The Roav- er machine, with thr addition of Rlth k , arJ Neblncrr. formerly nf th Boston r ' Red Box. went to pieces for a moment fourth Inning, and whm they down th locale had tied th v. occ Driving Club Will Race Fast Horses in General Sport Program. 'In the settled score by making three rum. The Bcavera tallied on three slont In the second, third and fourth I' Innlnas, hut after that Byram wu In- Vlnctble. The Senators could not do v anything till Uit fourth, when Van '.. Buren beat out a hit. landg wan out and i.ien the blowup waa atarted. Neb 1 Infer muffed Mationey's (rounder and Kuhn dropped Pack'a peg of Heleter"s ' grounder. Van Buren scoring. La Longe atrolled and Lerchen filed out. Byram ' bunted and Koeatner In throwing to ' first hit the pitcher on the ahouldera, i and the ball bounded off and two mora ., tallies were counted up, tying the score Tht game waa even till the laat half of tht ninth, and then, after two were out, Lerohen tingled and Koeatner could not locate the plat and cauaed hit defeat by walking Byram. Bhlnn won tht ganit after Byram waa walked with a dinky alngle over the aecond baat. - Manager McCredle will rely on Benny Hendereon to tare the Beavers from " getting further away from flret place today. The Beavers art now In third J) lace by two points. - Tbe official acore: I PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A.E, Chad bourne, rf ' f heeban. 3b . . i Ryan, cf i Kappa, lb .... ' Krueaar. If . . . I . peckinpaugh. , Kuhn. o . . . . . Neblnger, 2b . Koeatner. p at 1 0 e l 0 i 1 i l I e t i i 0 1 1 0 Total 1 I fit 11 I , SACRAMENTO. AB. R.H. PO.A. E. fhlnn. tb S O'Rourke. 2b ' Van Buren, cf ' Panzig. lb Mahoney. rf .. - Heater. If ' LaLonge, c ... lerchen, at . . Byram, p .... 1 Total 2 1 0 It ..32 6i2 1 1 Ryan hit by batted ball In third, v - tT wo out when winning run out SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 I Hlta 0 1 1 2 1 A 0 0 06 Sacramento ......0 0010000 1 4 Hlta , 00110001 2 S SUMMARY. 2 f Sacrifice hit Mahoney. Sacrifice fly Kuhn. Stolen baeea Rappa. Danrle. Bases on balla Off Koeatner, 4: off Byram. 1. 8truck out By Koeatner, 2; by Byram. $. Double playa Peck Inpaugh to Kappa. Heater to Shlnn to O'Rourke. Kebinger to Peckinpaugh to Rappa. Tim of game 1 hour 10 min utes. Umpire McQreevy. , -- i- - MwMwevMe ' Chicago will send a team of 25 of the beat playera of the Irian hurling -came to tour the Emerald Itle thla summer. They will aail about July 9. Oreaham will be a aport center on Independence liay, when the Greaham Rlveraide Amuaement aeaocletlon holda III flrat program of the aeaaon. One of the chief event will be the opening of the new half mile race track. Horaaa belonging to member: of the Rlvtraida Driving rlub of Portland, will race. Puraea will be hung up, and friendly rivalry haa already cropped out. The membera are training their faat going steppers at the Country club track. awaiting the complete flnlah of the (jreahani track. Th ijreaham track la declared to he on- of Hie beat In theae part a A num uer of prominent horsemen were In Oreaham Sunday Inapectlng the track. and declared thmelvee well aatlafled that faat time would be made. Tbe meet la being given Jointly by the Greaham-RIveralde Amuaement aa aoclatlon and the Oreaham Orange, and they are going to extremea to make the meet a eucceaafu one. An automobile race will alao be ttagtd, four faat cara being entered. Several broncho butting features will alto amuae the crowda during the In tervale between the racing heata. Thlt will do away with the tedlout walta that to many of the race followert dielike. Several other featurea will be pulled off In tht afternoon In conjunc tion with the race meeting. The morning houre will alto he filled with amuaement, a big parade being pulled off. There alao will be running races. Including a fat man's race. The h earl eat men In Oreaham and vicinity have nromlted to enter and thlt will aerve to amuae the crowds. The com mlttee have other plant under consider atlon and they will be announced later. Danclns will be In full sway In the afternoon and evening. The Portland Railway, Light A Power com Dan v will run cars every half hour, and the tralna will be t'l mm . a i a : j m m -r-t i-; mmmmi it - . K ,. - .. . :V ".-r.. t X. Cornell vanity (tight, which won tbe) rreat race at Poughkeepsle, N. Y., yeaterdajr. r Bow, EMIcott; No. 2, Batw; No. 8, Lnm; No. 4, Kruse; No. 6, Wakely; Ferguton; No. 8, Bowen; stroke and coxiwaln. From left to rlfht they No. 6, Dlstler; No. 7, Ban Fraitefaco, June 21. Tout h, rug' gedneas and weight won for Johnny Mo Carthy in a decision bert ever Rufe Turner, the 'old time negro lightweight. In a four round battle. McCarthy waa alwafa tht aggrestor and before the battle had welt started, he tent Turner to the floor. The decision was the only One that could have been made. Frlta Holland wai given the verdict over Rufus Williams, another negro pugillat, after four rounds of milling. Roy Moore and Kid Barnes broke even In their bout, whhe Ed. Pair oaky beat Jack Drumgoole, of Chicago. Johnny Murphy. Billy Holmes and Soldier Quint won their matcher Delhi Bold to Chicago. Los Angelee. Cat.. June 21. Lee Del hi, malnatay of the pitching staff of line ixt Angeles club, todty it the property ef tht -Chicago White Sox. Although he refuaed to name the fig- lure, Prealdent Berry declared he he- I calved the hlgheat price for Delhi ever paid for a Cot at league pitcher. ; The amount la believed to be around IS000. and In addition Berry Is to get a White box recruit Delhi will not be delivered to Comlakey until after this teaaon. enough to accommodate the crowda. Alao the new Mt Hood Electric compa ny will run a special excursion train out of Portland and also out of Bull Run, so that people from both sides of Ores ham will be accommodated. Poughkeepsle, June 21. Cornell's great eight won the annual Intercolle giate rowing race by two lengtha yes terday with Columbia aecond and topped off tbe afternoon by capturing the varalty fours and ftnlahlng aecond to Columbia in the freahman eights. The big eight race of the afternoon between Cornell and Columbia was the moet ex citing seen In yea re with both In the lead time and again until Cornell spurt ed In tht last quarter of a mile and beat Columbia by two lengths In the faat time of 20:10. Columbia was aec ond, Pennaylvania third, Wlsconaln fourth and Syracuae fifth. After a big epurt by Wisconsin at the start the Badgers were soon left be hind and were never again a factor. Fighting every inch for the victory. Cornell and Columbia noted ahead of each other and time again, until at the last the superior power of the Ithacana told and they captured tbe blua ribbon large I of the Hudson, croaalng the line In 20: 10 4-5. Columbia waa aecond acroaa in 20:16 4-t. Cornell's magnificent effort at the close of the race landed the Ithacana a winner by two lengtha 8o severe waa the pace set by Cor nell that Columbia was utterly rowed out at the finish. Just at the New York ers crossed the line their bow collapsed and In a minute more than half oT the crew were In a state of oomplett ex haustion In the bottom of their ahell. xtodgers Jumped Xato tbe Zjead. When, at the crack of the atarter't platol, the varalty crewa twept past the atartlng line, Wlaconaln for a short time waa in the lead. The Badgers soon fell back, however, and Pennaylvania and Columbia began drawing .away. They held the lead for only a few minutes, however, Cornell soon pasting them. The Ithacana led at the mile, with Columbia second and Pennsylvania third. Cornell and Columbia were fully three lengths ahead at the mile with Wiscon sin slightly ahead of the tall enders. At the two miles Cornell was a scant half length ahead and soon after Colum bia crept Into the lead, with Cornell, Pennaylvania. Wlaconaln and Syracuat following In tht order named. Soon after Columbia, pulling well to gether, hit up the stroke and opened a clear lenrth ahead of the Ithacana. the New Yorkers at that time being fully 10 e,UD OI lo lengths ahead of Syracuse. For a few seconds Columbia showed great speed Brown WU Referee. ana rennayivania, putting tneir backs Chicago. June 22 Everett C. imp ii. oegaa pulling up on Cornell. I nrMtdent nt tha V.Hnn.l Pncky Offered Fight, Chicago, June 21. Although the match between Packy McFarland and, Tommy Murphy has been called off. Packey need not loaf, for he It today In receipt of a wire stating that he la wanted to go on July 4 with Young Ahern by the Knickerbocker Athletla Brown, seemingly tertouely threatening to head Athletic Union, wllf referee the national the favorltet. I rhamnlnmhln nmea In Plttahur. f.. imc no umciai iima waa laaen or I in and Juiv l wis varauy loura, 11 waa Courtney! Cornell More,athlettt than ever great race, before will be teen at theaa a-amea wonaers were naru Wolgast Asks , for; Welch But , Mason Has Mentioned .' a nm.i.i ' ICnlted rwee Leeaed Wlfe. San Francisco, June II. Selection ef a referee to Arbitrate the Wolgast' Moran bout here July probably will be made late today. A meeting to tat tle the question la to be held aa the' eequel to an abortive, dlecutalon yt terday afternoon. Wolgaat'e managtr. Jones, la holding out strongly for Jack. Welth and while Moran'a manager Har vey, baa mentioned Eddie Smith, Jaek Root, Ben Bellg and others, it Is prob able Welch will be choaen. Ntlthtr Moran nor. Wolgast is ex pected to Bo any boxing today. Moran will eaae off. aa he Is now at 111 pounds ' ana woigast win give nia race a chance to heaL It has been much cut up In hard workouts with hie sparring part- nere, Marty Kane, Hobo Dougherty and . One Round" Hogaa. Yesterday Wolgast went nine full rounds with . the trio. three each, and ahowed fine form. The betting today It still 20 to I. Many fans begin to favor the British short ender, as Moran'a training hat undoubtedly tightened up hit arms and ' body and has done him a great deal ef good. , The advance a eat sale for the bout' hat been ao good that one of the big gest crowds on record la likely to see the fray. America Yacht Wing. Kiel, Germany, June II. The Bibelot. owned by Harry Whitney of the New York Yacht club and R, E. Emmona of. the Eastern Yacht club, won the fourth of the series of International races here for second class yachta. - preesed by Syracuae and succeeded In winning by half a length, Columbia two lengtha behind Syracuae and Penn waa beaten badly, being 20 lengths In ins rear. loiumoia came Into her own In the freahman eight, winning for the flrat time since 1198. Cornell was a close second. Fifty thousand people saw the racea. FANS REGARD SWITCH NICKS CHALLENGE BEAVERS TO JOUST OP TIGERS AS 1 E Detroit. Mich., June 21. Reports that the St. Louie Browne and the Detroit Tigers would switch cities are branded aa a Joke today by the men who would be Involved In the deal, ahould auch a move be made. The. local fans are not alarmed over the possibility of losing their team. Prealdent Navln says there Is nothing he knows about the situation which would warrant taking the Tigers away and Ban Johnson says there Is no foun dation for such a rumor. Owner Hedges or the Brownt laugha at the report. IB The Best on Earth for the Price .They are s' se e annas mow. '. V lime of 00 and up Emm Seliiras' Monrisom at Fonnrtlb Manager Nick Wllllamt of the Port land Nbrthweatern league team, hereby stuet a challenge to Manager Walter McCredle of the Portland Coast leaaue team, to play for the championship of the city of Portland, provided a suita ble date can be named on which to play for the Utle. Williams and hit men are serious in this matter. They think they can trim the Beavers before a home crowd and would like nothing better than a chance at their senior brethren. But just how a game can be arranged has tha fans guessing, unless there It some tpeclsl dispensation on the part of somebody. Abnut the only conven ient date late In the aeaaon la Septem ber 25. which marka the beginning of the laat week of Coast league baseball In Portland and the laat week of the season In the Northwestern league. The Beavers win nave this Monday as a day of rest pending the arrival of San Francisco on Tuesday for the closing series, while the Nicks will be sched uled to open In Spokane. The Northwestern league closes Its season October 1 with Portland at Spo kane. There will be no chance to play October 2, for on that date the Beavers will be aboard the train for Lot Ange lea, where they are scheduled to open up with Vernon Wednesday, October 4. From the looks of thlnga It will be Impossible to gut the two clubs to gether. The Nicks are a bit resentful because somebody with more time than anything else, wrote a challenge on the club house door when the champions were here last and signed it the "Un beatable Beavers." "Nerve," the Nicks snort, and they want to take the con celt out of the dub that humbled the Spokane Northwestern league champi ons laat year. But evidently the tched ule makert forgot about these inter league rivalries and failed to provide loophole for a game. It la out of the question to keep the Nicks together to play a game againat the present Coast champions after the season officially closes. cure the Information. Imagine the tfet torf surprise when their emissary came back with . the information that all Jones would vouchsafe was that Rappt waa as good aa any of them. Nebinger With Boston Team. Neblnger, who ilayed second base for the Beavers yesterday, came out to the coast in the flrat place with the Bos ton Red Sox and was tried at third After Boston had settled on Its Infield he was turned over to Sacramento from wnom he was secured by McCredle. He showed pretty well In the training tour In the games the writer saw in Cali fornia. Tighe Looks Like Seybold. Jack Tlghe, the Seattle manager, when dolled out In his uniform. Is a dead ringer for Socks Seybold, the former Athletic outfielder, according to "Lam my" Lamllne, the Nicks' clever right hander, who It a great friend of Sey bold. "Sam" Kennedy hat discovered that Lamllne resembles his old friend "Red" Ames, the New York Olant All of which reminds one that ball players, like ladles of the chorus, are known by their ahapea. Bloomy Has Beet Curves. But In a discussion of pitchers In the Northwestern league yesterday after noon when the rain was falling hardest. Fielder let out two Interesting tidbits, One waa that Fred Annie, the T a coma southpaw was the best portslde fllnger In the league because he had nice breaks to his balls and knew what be was about when he was In the center of the diamond. The other Is the Information that Billy Bloomfleld has by far the best curves In the league both from a standpoint of width and sharp-breaking tendency. 4th of July Celebration AT PORTLAND FAIR GROUNDS, 2 P. M. Automobile and Motorcycle Races, Horse Races and5 Foot Races, Athletic Games and a revival of old-time FOURTH OF JULY SPORTS 25-Mile Race Between the White Racer Whistling Billy and the 90-Horsepower Thomas Flyer An Afternoon Without a Dull Moment ADMISSION (INCLUDING GRANDSTAND), 50c J. M. Rieg, 506 Gerlinger Building, Manager Old Ball Player Here. Edwin F. Chapler, who used to be a college bail player and a mate 01 Charley Ziegler and Bob Brown at Pen dleton in the old Kastern Oregon league, and who might have become a star In upper class baseball, had a few games with Nick Williams yesterday with the ivory bulbs. Chappie thought be ing a commercial traveler was more prosperous than baseball and stuck .to peddling his wares. Now he Is running a cafe in Montana and doing well. Fielder Jones Cautions. It is only once In a while that Fielder Jones, the former manager of the White Sox, can be Jimmied out of an expression of opinion. . Fielder is one shrewd judge of human nature and a close companion can't find out any thing when he chooses to be close mouthed. Relative to this attribute of Jones, nothing Illustrates It better than an ar gument between two fans as to whether or not Bill Rapps was the best first baseman in the league. It was decided to leave the matter to the judgment of Fielder after a bet had been placed. Neither bettor knew Jones well enough to ask him his opinion outright, but one was acquainted with a very good friend of the man who led Chicago into a world's championship. This person waa approached and volunteered to se- Lobbing Doesn't Go. Ole Olson Isn't making' such a hit In the fielding line with tha Napa, and may be benched until he learns- how to cut loose after fielding the balL Olson has been lobbing the ball over from deep short the same as he used to do out here and faat men have been beating his throws and chalking them up as hits. It Is likely that Ball will, be twitched to short as soon as Lajole gets back in the game aad played regularly there, Ole being compelled to warm the bench. Alvord Would Be limps. Billy Alvord, the former big leaguer, who made hla headquarters In Portland last winter. It now In Los Angeles and Is anxious to hook up with some league as an umpire. Arlett Making Great Record. Here's one from the San Francisco Chronicle relative to a California boy we had with us at the Santa Maria training camp: By his nine consecutive victories Pop" Arlett has again attracted the attention of Manager McCredle, who is seriously thinking of giving the stal wart young pitcher another chance. Arlett continues to conquer them all, and has really made himself a sensa tion in the Central league race. Hope Berry Gets Better Deal. The sale of "Flame" Delhi to the Chinasn White Rot fnr a Klir an another pitcher1 recalls the tale of Wal ter Nagle to Pittsburg for a price and a pitcher. It Is to be hoped that Henry Berry gets a better deal from Comlakey than he did from Dreyfuss. The Pirate magnate turned Couchman over to Ber ry In exchange for Nagle, and he was bitter disappointment. Right here it might be remarked that the Coast league is too faat for a lot of these fellows the majors think of turning over, as in the case of Fanwell. .who performed for a while with Cleveland late last season, but who was knocked galley west every time he started for the , Beavera. Tommy Murray Home. Tommy Murray arrived thlt morning rrom Ban Francisco wgere ne suffered a split band In the game with Oakland early In the "series last week. Bill Rodgers came north several days ahead of Murray and is now here nursing a broken bone In hla ankle. Murray says the cold wind that blew across the bay at San Francisco tightened tha niav- ers up after the warm weather in Los Angeles. Buddy Ryan backed up for one In the center field and before he rinally trapped It the wind had carried It back of shortstop. Tom sava tha pitchers sre In good shape but the In- rieia is snot to pieces. Victoria Trims Tigers. Victoria, B. C, June 28. The locals won from the Tigers yesterday by bunching hits In the fourth Inning, when they scored four runs. The final score waa E to I. - r. h. E. i acoma a 4 Victoria ' I j 4 0 Batteries Gordon and Burnt; Stark ell and Dathwood. BULLETIN JUNE 28TH, 1911 On June 28th. 1778, occurred the battle of Mon mouth, N. J. t . Indiana Easy Winners. Vancouver, B. C. June 38. The locals were badly beaten by the Indians, two of their twlrlers getting the bumps badly. The final score was 9 to 4. www Spokane 11' 1 Vancouver 4 4 Batteries Holm and Hutv:' Rnri Gervals and Lewis. 4 No Sentiment in Baseball. There Is no sentiment In baseball. Tommy Leach, who has given the best years of his life for the Pittsburg club, Is the subject of a request for waivers. Barney Drey fuss, owner of the Bucca neers, requested Manager Clarice to tell Leach -ajbout it Clarke approached his long time friend and as gently as he could broke the news to him. "That's all right, Fred," said Leach, "go anead and ask waivers. I'm retting sick of this thing." Leach Injured bjs leg and was laying off. Barney thought Tommy was "laying down" on him, and wanted him to work anyhow, but Leach re fused. Clarke doesn't say whether he wlU leave the Plratea. To LINCOLN, OMAHA, ST. 101, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS and the SOUTHEAST MISSISSIPPI VALLEY LMITEbl Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Dininp- Carsthose Cmt R; R.LJ Potatoes served and thp best of other food,- Observation-Library-Buffet Cars, entirely devoted to the entertainment of passengers, and with barber, bath arid clothes-pressing service and the latest books arid magazines. t , ALL ELECTRIC LIGHTED NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Via Billings and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. Very Low Excursion Fores to the East On sale for numerous dates to September 7, tickets first class, with liberal time limits and stopover privileges. - - - 1 as tell you more anon on train service and osote you fares aad arrange roar trip, ' A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent " SW XOBBZSOBT ITBZST, COXaTS B THZBO. VOXTXJUn), OU ' : '